Brooks v. Personal Protective Services

Filing 26

ORDER Discharging Order to Show Cause, Setting Case Management Conference. Case Management Statement due by 4/2/2014. Case Management Conference set for 4/9/2014 01:30 PM. Signed by Magistrate Judge Donna M. Ryu on 03/19/2014. (dmrlc1, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/19/2014) (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/19/2014: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service) (igS, COURT STAFF).

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1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 7 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 8 9 ORDER DISCHARGING ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE, SETTING CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Plaintiff(s), v. 12 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE SERVICES, 13 Defendant(s). ___________________________________/ 14 15 The court is in receipt of Plaintiff’s March 18, 2014 response to the court’s Order to Show 16 Cause. [Docket No. 25.] The Order to Show Cause is discharged. A Case Management Conference 17 is set for April 9, 2014 at 1:30 p.m., Courtroom 4, 3rd Floor, U.S. District Court, 1301 Clay Street, 18 Oakland, California 94612. The Case Management Statement is due no later than April 2, 2014. 19 Immediately upon receipt of this Order, Plaintiff shall serve Defendant with a copy of this Order and 20 file a proof of service with the court. S 24 M. Ry D nna ge M.oRYU DONNA Jud u ER C RT 26 NO 25 Dated: March 19, 2014 DERED O OR IT IS S United States Magistrate Judge 28 A H 27 R NIA 23 FO IT IS SO ORDERED. LI 22 S DISTRICT TE C TA RT U O 21 UNIT ED For the Northern District of California United States District Court 10 11 No. C-13-03806 DMR KELVIN BROOKS, N F D IS T IC T O R

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