Settgast v. Maine Mineral & Gem Museum et al

Filing 11

CASE MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING ORDER FOR REASSIGNED CIVIL CASES re 9 Order Reassigning Case. Signed by Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong on 3/31/16. Joint Case Management Statement due by 6/22/2016. Initial Telephonic Case Management Conference set for 6/29/2016 02:30 PM. (jebS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/31/2016)

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1 2 3 UNITED STATES D DISTRICT C COURT 4 NORTHERN DISTRIC OF CAL N N CT LIFORNIA 5 OA AKLAND DIVISION N 6 7 TEPHAN SETTGAST S T, ST Plaintiff, C Case No. 1 16-cv-00909 9-SBA 8 v. 9 10 United States District Court Northern District of California 11 MAINE MIN M NERAL & GEM G MUSEUM, et al., M e C CASE MA ANAGEME ENT SCHE EDULING O ORDER FO REASSIGNED C OR CIVIL C CASES ts. Defendant 12 13 This ac ction having been reassigned to th Honorab Saundra Brown Arm g he ble mstrong, 14 IT IS ORDERED that this ac O D ction is assi igned to the Case Man e nagement P Program and d 15 sha be gove all erned by Ci L.R. 16 ivil 6-2. The d dates listed in the Ord Setting Initial Case der e 16 Ma anagement Conferenc remain in effect except tha the initi Case M ce at ial Managemen nt 17 Co onference is reschedule for June 29, 2016, a 2:30 PM via telephone. s ed at M 18 Plaintif counsel is to set up the confer ff's l p rence call w all the parties on the line and with d 19 cal chambers at (510) 879-3550. (No party s ll s ( shall contac chambers directly w ct s without prior 20 aut thorization of the cour rt.) 21 Plaintif ff(s) is dire ected to ser a copy of this Or rve rder at once on all pa e arties to this 22 act tion in acco ordance with the provisions of Ru 5 of the Federal Ru of Civi Procedure h ule ules il e 23 not enrolled in the e-filin program Followin service, t party ca t n ng m. ng the ausing the s service shal ll 24 file a certifica of servic with the Clerk of Co e ate ce C ourt. 25 Da ated: March 31, 2016 h 26 27 28 __ __________ __________ __________ _________ SA AUNDRA BROWN A ARMSTRO ONG U United States District Ju s udge STANDING ORDER - GENERAL 1 Senior U.S. District Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong Effective May 1, 2015 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Conformity to Rules. Parties shall follow the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Civil Local Rules, and the General Orders of the Northern District of California, except as superseded by these Standing Orders. Any failure to comply with any of the rules and orders may be deemed sufficient grounds for monetary sanctions, dismissal, entry of default judgment, or other appropriate sanctions. 2. Scheduling Days. a. Criminal law and Motion calendar is held on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Hearings in criminal matters will take place at the U.S. District Court located at 1301 Clay St., Oakland, California. Please consult the calendar for the assigned courtroom. b. Civil law and motion calendar is held on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Hearings in civil matters will take place at the U.S. District Court located at 1300 Clay St., Courtroom 210, Second Floor, Oakland, California. Please consult the calendar for the assigned courtroom. c. Civil case management conferences are conducted telephonically, and are held on Wednesdays and Thursdays, beginning at 2:30 p.m. d. Trial days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 8 9 10 United States District Court Northern District of California 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. Guilty Pleas: Prior to a plea being entered in a criminal case, a copy of the plea agreement must be submitted to chambers no later than the Friday before the plea is to be taken. All persons pleading guilty must complete an application for permission to enter plea of guilty, which is available on the Court's website at 4. Meet and Confer Requirement. All parties shall meet and confer before filing any motion or other non-stipulated request. Any motion or request shall include a certification, which may be submitted separately or included in the body of the document, that the parties have complied with the meet and confer requirement. The Court may disregard and/or strike any papers submitted that do not comply with this rule. 5. Civil Motion Hearing Dates: The Court does not reserve hearing dates. Parties are directed to review the Court’s calendar at to determine the next available hearing date. Motions may be reset as the Court’s calendar requires, or may be taken under submission without a hearing. Parties are advised to check the Court’s website to confirm whether their matter is on calendar. 6. Page Limits: All noticed civil motions (other than motions for summary judgment) and any opposition thereto, shall not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length, exclusive of the table of contents, table of authorities, exhibits and declarations, if required. Reply briefs may not exceed ten (10) pages in length. Motions for summary judgment are subject to the page limits set forth in Civil Local Rule 7. 7. Summary Judgment Motions: Parties are limited to filing one motion for summary judgment. Any party wishing to exceed this limit must request leave of Court. Separate 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 United States District Court Northern District of California 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 statements of undisputed fa will not be consider u acts red. Joint sta atements of u undisputed f facts are not req quired, but ar helpful if agreed upon re n. 8. Failure to File Opposit F tion: The fa ailure of the opposing pa to file a response to arty any motion or request may be construe as a conse to the gra y r y ed ent anting of the relief sough in the e ht mo otion or requ uest. 9. Non-Comp pliant Paper Any plea rs: ading or brief sought to b filed with the Court be h afte the requir time, in an improper manner or f er red a form, and/or which is no authorized by the ot d Fed deral Rules of Civil Proc o cedure, Loca Rules or o al order of this Court, shall not be recei ived or con nsidered and may be stri d icken. Any attorney in v a violation of s such requirements will b subject to be oth sanctions Civil L.R. 1-4. her s. . 10. Proposed Orders: Eac party filin or opposin a motion shall also se O ch ng ng erve and file a proposed ord which set forth the relief of actio which inc p der ts on cludes that th party requ he uests the Court to adopt, a short state , ement of the rationale of decision in e f ncluding cita ation to autho ority. 11. Case Mana agement Con nference St tatement. T joint case manageme statement The e ent t mu be filed one week in advance of the case man ust o a nagement con nference dat The state te. ement must inc clude all elem ments reques in the “S sted Standing Ord for All J der Judges of the Northern D e District of California – Co ontents of Jo Case Ma oint anagement S Statement.” See Civ. L.R 16-9. In c R. cases inv volving pro se litigants, parties shall attempt to fi a joint sta s p file atement; if a after due dili igence, an agr reement cann be reach the parties may file s not hed, separate case manageme statemen with each e ent nts, h statement not to exceed sev (7) page Unless pr ven es. roceeding pro se, each pa shall be represented o arty d at the case man t nagement co onference by counsel wit full and co th omplete auth hority to add dress all of the matters refe e erred to in (a Federal Ru of Civil Procedure 16(c) and 26 and (b) t a) ules l 6(f) the “St tanding Orde for All Judges of the Northern Di strict of Cali er N ifornia –Con ntents of Join Case nt Ma anagement Statement.” Counsel mus also have f and com S C st full mplete author to enter stipulations rity and made admi d issions. 12. Chambers Copy. A cop of all doc py cuments filed whether e d, electronically or y ma anually, shall be submitte to the Cle l ed erk’s Office in an envelo clearly m ope marked with the case num mber and “S SBA Chambe Copy” no later than t time pres ers o the scribed by C Civil Local R 5Rule 1(e e)(7). Exhibits to declara ations must be tabbed. V b Voluminous exhibits sha be submit in a s all tted tab bbed and indexed binder. . Discovery Motions. All discovery disputes wil be referred to a Magis M ll d strate Judge 13. of this Court. t IT IS SO ORDER S RED. 21 _____ __________ ___________ ________ SAUN NDRA BRO OWN ARMS STRONG Unite States Dis ed strict Judge 22 23 24 Rev 5/1/15 v. 25 26 27 28 3

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