Juno Therapeutics, Inc. v. Juno Biomedical, Inc.

Filing 40

JUDGMENT. ***Civil Case Terminated.*** Signed by Judge Haywood S. Gilliam, Jr. on 4/27/18. (ndrS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/27/2018)

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1 2 3 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 5 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 6 7 JUNO THERAPEUTICS, INC., Case No. 17-cv-04196-HSG Plaintiff, 8 v. JUDGMENT 9 10 JUNO BIOMEDICAL, INC., Defendant. United States District Court Northern District of California 11 12 13 14 Pursuant to Rule 55(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, final default judgment is entered in Plaintiffs’ favor against Defendant Juno Biomedical, Inc. as follows: 15 A. Default judgment is entered against Defendant on all causes of action. 16 B. Defendant, its partners, officers, directors, employees, agents, owners, and 17 representatives and all persons, firms, and corporations in active concert or 18 participation with any of them, are enjoined from: 19 1. using in any manner “JUNO,” “JUNO BIOMEDICAL,” or any trademark, 20 tread name, or domain name including the term JUNO in connection with 21 any goods or service in the fields of medicine or biotechnology; 22 2. using in any manner “JUNO THERAPEUTICS,” or any trademark, trade 23 name, or domain name that is confusingly similar to or a colorable imitation 24 of “JUNO THERAPEUTICS,” in connection with goods or service in the 25 fields of medicine or biotechnology; 26 3. doing any act or thing calculated or likely to cause confusion, mistake or 27 deception in the minds of members of the public as to the source of 28 Defendant’s goods or services, or likely to deceive members of the public 1 into believing th there is so affiliati between Juno Therap hat ome ion peutics and 2 Defe endant or any other entit owned or controlled b or associa with ty by ated 3 Defe endant; 4 4. othe erwise compe eting unfairl with Juno Therapeutic in any ma ly cs anner; and 5 5. assis sting, aiding, or abetting any other p g person or bus siness entity in engaging g 6 in or performing any of the a r g activities ref ferred to in p parts (1) thro ough (4) of 7 this paragraph B. B 8 C. a ons, nd ons rt pation with Defendant and all perso firms an corporatio in concer of particip it, as identif in Parag fied graph B abov are direct to file wi this Cour and serve ve, ted ith rt 10 upon Juno Therapeutics within thirt (30) days after entry o the injunction a report T s ty of t 11 United States District Court Northern District of California 9 in writing under oath se etting forth in detail the m n manner and form in whic ch 12 Defendant has complied with the inj h d njunction and ceased all o d offering or p promoting of f 13 goods or ser rvices in the fields of me edicine and b biotechnolog under the “JUNO” gy e 14 and “JUNO BIOMEDIC CAL” tradem mark, trade n name, and do omain name as set forth e 15 above. 16 17 18 19 20 21 6. The Court awards Plain $56,501 .20 in reason a ntiff nable attorne fees and costs on eys’ d the Lanham Ac claims. e ct IT IS SO ORDER S RED. Da ated: April 27, 2018 2 __________ ___________ __________ ________ ___ Ha aywood S. G Gilliam, Jr. Un nited States D District Judg ge 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

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