Blue Sky Networks, LLC v. Fitbit, Inc.

Filing 49


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1 2 3 4 5 M. ELIZABETH DAY (SBN 177125) MARC BELLOLI (SBN 244290) FEINBERG DAY ALBERTI & THOMPSON LLP 1600 El Camino Real, Suite 280 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: 650.618.4360 Facsimile: 650.618.4368 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CABRACH J. CONNOR Texas Bar No. 24036390 (admitted pro hac vice) JENNIFER TATUM LEE Texas Bar No. 24046950 (admitted pro hac vice) CONNOR KUDLAC LEE PLLC 609 Castle Ridge Road, Suite 450 Austin, TX 78746 Telephone: 512.777.1254 Facsimile: 888.387.1134 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 17 OAKLAND DIVISION BLUE SKY NETWORKS, LLC, 19 20 21 Attorneys for Defendant Fitbit, Inc. Attorneys for Plaintiff Blue Sky Networks, LLC 15 18 Plaintiff, v. FITBIT, INC., Case No. 4:17-cv-06543-YGR STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS *As modified by the Court* 22 Defendant. 23 DURIE TANGRI LLP CLEMENT S. ROBERTS (SBN 209203) TIMOTHY C. SAULSBURY (SBN 281434) EUGENE NOVIKOV (SBN 257849) 217 Leidesdorff Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Telephone: 415-362-6666 Facsimile: 415-236-6300 Ctrm: 1 - 4th Floor Judge: Honorable Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers 24 25 26 27 28 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR 1 1. 2 PURPOSES AND LIMIT A TATIONS Disclosure an discovery activity in this action ar likely to in D nd y t re nvolve prod duction of co onfidential, 3 proprieta or privat informatio for which special prot ary, te on h tection from public discl m losure and fr rom use for 4 any purpose other tha prosecutin this litiga an ng ation may be warranted. Accordingly the parties hereby e y, s 5 stipulate to and petiti the court to enter the following S ion t e Stipulated Pr rotective Ord The par der. rties 6 acknowle edge that thi Order does not confer blanket prot is s tections on a disclosure or respons to all es ses 7 discovery and that th protection it affords fr y he n rom public d disclosure an use extend only to th limited nd ds he 8 informati or items that are enti ion itled to confi fidential treat tment under the applicab legal prin ble nciples. The 9 parties fu urther acknow wledge, as set forth in Section 14.4, below, that this Stipulat Protectiv Order doe s ted ve es 10 0 not entitl them to fil confidenti informati under sea Civil Loc Rule 79-5 sets forth t le le ial ion al; cal 5 the 11 procedur that must be followed and the sta res t d andards that w be appli when a p will ied party seeks p permission 12 2 from the court to file material un nder seal. 13 3 2. 14 4 15 5 DEFINITION D NS 2.1 Challe enging Party a Party or Non-Party t y: that challeng the desig ges gnation of inf formation or r items und this Orde der er. 16 6 2.2 “CON NFIDENTIA Informat AL” tion or Items informatio (regardles of how it i generated, s: on ss is 17 7 stored or maintained) or tangible things that qualify for p r ) e q protection un nder Federal Rule of Civ Procedure l vil e 18 8 26(c). 19 9 2.3 Couns (without qualifier): Outside Coun of Reco and Hous Counsel ( well as sel O nsel ord se (as 20 0 their supp staff). port 21 2.4 Desig gnating Party a Party or Non-Party th designat informati or items that it y: hat tes ion 22 2 produces in disclosur or in resp s res ponses to dis scovery as “C CONFIDEN NTIAL” or “HIGHLY 23 3 CONFID DENTIAL – ATTORNEY EYES ONLY” or “ HIGHLY CONFIDENT YS’ O TIAL – SOU URCE 24 4 CODE”. 25 5 2.5 Disclo osure or Disc covery Mate erial: all item or inform ms mation, regard dless of the m medium or 26 6 manner in which it is generated, stored, or maintained (in s m ncluding, am mong other th hings, testim mony, 27 7 transcript and tangi things), that are prod ts, ible duced or gen nerated in disclosures or responses to discovery o 28 8 in this matter. 2 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 2.6 Exper a person with speciali rt: w ized knowled or exper dge rience in a m matter pertine to the ent 2 litigation who (1) has been retain by a Part or its coun to serve as an exper witness or as a n s ned ty nsel e rt 3 consultan in this acti (2) is no a past or current empl nt ion, ot c loyee of a Pa or of a P arty Party’s comp petitor, and 4 (3) at the time of rete e ention, is not anticipated to become a employee of a Party o of a Party t d an e or y’s 5 competitor. 6 2.7 “HIGH HLY CONF FIDENTIAL – ATTORN NEYS’ EYES ONLY” In nformation o Items: or 7 extremely sensitive “Confidentia Informatio or Items,” disclosure o which to another Part or Nony “ al on ” of ty 8 Party wo ould create a substantial risk of seriou harm that could not b avoided by less restric r us t be y ctive means. 9 2.8 “HIGH HLY CONF FIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” Inf E formation or Items: extr r remely 10 0 sensitive “Confidenti Informati or Items” representin computer code and as ial ion ” ng r ssociated com mments and d 11 revision histories, for h rmulas, engi ineering spec cifications, o schematic that define or otherwis describe in or cs e se i 12 2 detail the algorithms or structure of software or hardware designs, di e e isclosure of w which to ano other Party or o 13 3 Non-Part would cre a substan ty eate ntial risk of serious harm that could not be avoid by less r m ded restrictive 14 4 means. 15 5 16 6 17 7 18 8 19 9 2.9 House Counsel: at e ttorneys who are employ o yees of a par to this ac rty ction. House Counsel does not include Outside Counse of Record or any other outside cou el r unsel. 2.10 Non-P Party: any na atural person partnership corporatio associati n, p, on, ion, or other legal entity not name as a Party to this actio ed y on. 2.11 Outsid Counsel of Record: attorneys who are not em de o o mployees of a party to thi action but is 20 0 are retain to repres or advise a party to this action a have app ned sent t and peared in this action on b s behalf of that t 21 party or are affiliated with a law firm which has appeared on behalf o that party a d h d of y. 22 2 23 3 24 4 25 5 26 6 2.12 Party: any party to this action, including a of its offic : o all cers, directo employees, ors, consultan retained experts, and Outside Co nts, d ounsel of Re ecord (and th support s heir staffs). 2.13 Produ ucing Party: a Party or Non-Party tha produces D at Disclosure o Discovery Material in or y this actio on. 2.14 Profes ssional Vend dors: persons or entities that provide litigation su s e upport servic (e.g., ces 27 7 photocop pying, videot taping, trans slating, prepa aring exhibit or demons ts strations, and organizing storing, or g, r 28 8 retrieving data in any form or me g y edium) and their employ t yees and subc contractors. 3 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 2.15 2.16 Protected Material: an Disclosure or Discove Material that is desig M ny e ery gnated as 2 “CONFID DENTIAL,” “HIGHLY CONFIDEN ” NTIAL – AT TTORNEYS EYES ON S’ NLY.” or as “ “HIGHLY 3 CONFID DENTIAL – SOURCE CODE.” C 4 2.16 5 Party. 6 3. Receiv ving Party: a Party that receives Dis r sclosure or D Discovery M Material from a Producing g 7 SCOPE The protectio conferred by this Stip T ons d pulation and Order cover not only Pr d r rotected Mat terial (as 8 defined above), but also (1) any information copied or ex a a i xtracted from Protected M m Material; (2) all copies, ) 9 excerpts, summaries, or compilat , , tions of Prot tected Mater rial; and (3) a testimon conversa any ny, ations, or 10 0 presentat tions by Part or their Counsel that might revea Protected Material. However, the protections ties C t al 11 conferred by this Stip d pulation and Order do no cover the following in d ot nformation: ( any infor (a) rmation that 12 2 is in the public doma at the tim of disclosu to a Rece p ain me ure eiving Party or becomes part of the public y s 13 3 domain after its discl a losure to a Receiving Pa as a resu of publica R arty ult ation not inv volving a violation of this s 14 4 Order, in ncluding beco oming part of the public record throu trial or o o c ugh otherwise; a (b) any in and nformation 15 5 known to the Receivi Party pri to the dis o ing ior sclosure or o obtained by t Receivin Party after the the ng r 16 6 disclosur from a sou who obt re urce tained the in nformation la awfully and under no ob bligation of 17 7 confident tiality to the Designating Party. Any use of Prot ected Mater at trial sh be gover g y rial hall rned by a 18 8 separate agreement or order. o 19 9 4. 20 0 DURATION D Even after fin dispositio of this liti E nal on igation, the c confidentiali obligations imposed by this Orde ity er 21 shall rem in effect until a Designating Par agrees oth main t rty herwise in w writing or a c court order o otherwise 22 2 directs. Final disposition shall be deemed to be the later o (1) dismis of all cla F e b of ssal aims and defenses in this 23 3 action, with or without prejudice; and (2) final judgment herein after the complet w r tion and exh haustion of all a 24 4 appeals, rehearings, remands, tria or review of this ac r r als, ws ction, includi the time limits for fil ing ling any 25 5 motions or applicatio for exten o ons nsion of time pursuant to applicable law. e o 26 6 5. 27 7 28 8 DESIGNATI D ING PROTE ECTED MAT TERIAL 5.1 Exercise of Restra and Care in Designa aint e ating Materia for Protec al ction. Each P Party or Non- Party tha designates information or items for protection under this O at n r Order must ta care to limit any suc ake ch 4 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 designati to specif material th qualifies under the a ion fic hat s appropriate s standards. To the extent i is practica o it al 2 to do so, the Designa ating Party must designat for protec m te ction only those parts of material, do ocuments, 3 items, or oral or writt commun ten nications that qualify – so that other portions of t material, documents, t o the , , 4 items, or communica ations for wh protectio is not wa hich on arranted are n swept un not njustifiably w within the 5 ambit of this Order. 6 Mass, indiscr M riminate, or routinized de r esignations a prohibite Designat are ed. tions that are shown to be e 7 clearly un njustified or that have be made for an imprope purpose (e r een er e.g., to unne ecessarily en ncumber or 8 retard the case develo e opment proc or to im cess mpose unnece essary expen and burd nses dens on othe parties) er 9 expose th Designati Party to sanctions. he ing s 10 0 If it comes to a Designating Party’s attention that information or items th it designa for f a t n hat ated 11 protection do not qua alify for prot tection at all or do not qu ualify for the level of pro e otection init tially 12 2 asserted, that Designating Party must prompt notify all other partie that it is w m tly l es withdrawing the mistaken n 13 3 designati ion. 14 4 15 5 16 6 17 7 5.2 Mann and Timin of Design ner ng nations. Exc ept as otherw provide in this Or wise ed rder (see, e.g g., second paragraph of section 5.2(a below), or as otherwis stipulated or ordered, Disclosure or Discovery a) r se d , Material that qualifies for protection under this O M r u Order must be clearly so designated b e before the material is disclosed or produced d. 18 8 Designation in conformity with this Order require D i y O es: 19 9 (a for inform a) mation in doc cumentary fo (e.g., pa orm aper or electr ronic docum ments, but exc cluding 20 0 transcript of deposit ts tions or othe pretrial or trial proceed er dings), that t Producin Party affix the legend the ng x 21 “CONFID DENTIAL,” “HIGHLY CONFIDEN ” NTIAL – AT TTORNEYS EYES ON S’ NLY,” or “HI IGHLY 22 2 CONFID DENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” to ea page that contains pr C ach t rotected mate erial. If only a portion or y r 23 3 portions of the mater on a page qualifies fo protection the Produc rial e or n, cing Party al must clea identify lso arly y 24 4 the protected portion (e.g., by making appropriate mar n(s) rkings in the margins) an must spec e nd cify, for each h 25 5 portion, the level of protection be t p eing asserted d. 26 6 A Party or No on-Party that makes orig t ginal docume or mate ents erials availab for inspec ble ction need 27 7 not desig gnate them fo protection until after the inspectin Party has indicated w or n t ng which materia it would al 28 8 like copie and produ ed uced. During the inspect g tion and befo the desig ore gnation, all o the materi made of ial 5 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 available for inspection shall be deemed “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY.” 2 After the inspecting Party has identified the documents it wants copied and produced, the Producing 3 Party must determine which documents, or portions thereof, qualify for protection under this Order. 4 Then, before producing the specified documents, the Producing Party must affix the appropriate legend 5 (“CONFIDENTIAL,” “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY,” or “HIGHLY 6 CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE”) to each page that contains Protected Material. If only a portion 7 or portions of the material on a page qualifies for protection, the Producing Party also must clearly 8 identify the protected portion(s) (e.g., by making appropriate markings in the margins) and must specify, 9 for each portion, the level of protection being asserted. 10 (b) for testimony given in deposition or in other pretrial or trial proceedings, that the Designating 11 Party identify on the record, before the close of the deposition, hearing, or other proceeding, all protected 12 testimony and specify the level of protection being asserted. When it is impractical to identify separately 13 each portion of testimony that is entitled to protection and it appears that substantial portions of the 14 testimony may qualify for protection, the Designating Party may invoke on the record (before the 15 deposition, hearing, or other proceeding is concluded) a right to have up to 14 days to identify the 16 specific portions of the testimony as to which protection is sought and to specify the level of protection 17 being asserted. Only those portions of the testimony that are appropriately designated for protection 18 within the 14 days shall be covered by the provisions of this Stipulated Protective Order. Alternatively, a 19 Designating Party may specify, at the deposition or up to 14 days afterwards if that period is properly 20 invoked, that the entire transcript shall be treated as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 21 – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY.” Portions of the transcript may be designated “HIGHLY 22 CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” if material so designated is discussed in the transcript. 23 Parties shall give the other parties notice if they reasonably expect a deposition, hearing or other 24 proceeding to include Protected Material so that the other parties can ensure that only authorized 25 individuals who have signed the “Acknowledgment and Agreement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A) are present 26 at those proceedings. The use of a document as an exhibit at a deposition shall not in any way affect its 27 designation as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY.” 28 Transcripts containing Protected Material shall have an obvious legend on the title page that the 6 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR 1 transcript contains Pr t rotected Mat terial, and th title page shall be foll he lowed by a li of all pag (including ist ges 2 line numbers as appr ropriate) that have been designated a Protected M t d as Material and the level of protection d 3 being ass serted by the Designating Party. The Designating Party shall inform the court report of these e g e g l ter 4 requirem ments. Any tr ranscript that is prepared before the e t d expiration of a 14-day pe f eriod for des signation 5 shall be treated durin that period as if it had been design t ng d d nated “HIGH HLY CONFI IDENTIAL – 6 ATTORN NEYS’ EYE ONLY” in its entirety unless othe ES n y erwise agreed. After the expiration o that period of d, 7 the transc cript shall be treated only as actually designated e y d. 8 (c for inform c) mation produ uced in some form other t than docume entary and f any other tangible for r 9 items, tha the Producing Party affix in a prom at minent place on the exte e erior of the c container or containers in n 10 0 which the informatio or item is stored the le e on egend “CON NFIDENTIA AL,” “HIGHL CONFID LY DENTIAL – 11 ATTORN NEYS’ EYE ONLY,” or “HIGHLY CONFIDE ES o Y ENTIAL – S SOURCE CO ODE”]. If on a portion nly 12 2 or portion of the inf ns formation or item warran protection the Produc nt n, cing Party, to the extent p o practicable, 13 3 shall iden ntify the protected portio on(s) and spe ecify the lev of protect vel tion being as sserted. 14 4 5.3 Inadvertent Failur to Design res nate. If timel corrected, an inadvert failure to designate ly , tent 15 5 qualified information or items do not, stand d n oes ding alone, w waive the De esignating P Party’s right to secure 16 6 protection under this Order for su material Upon time correction of a design uch l. ely n nation, the R Receiving 17 7 Party mu make reas ust sonable efforts to assure that the mat e terial is treat in accord ted dance with t provision the ns 18 8 of this Or rder. 19 9 6. 20 0 CHALLENG C GING CONFIDENTIALI ITY DESIGN GNATIONS 6.1 Timin of Challen ng nges. Any Pa or Nonarty -Party may c challenge a d designation o of 21 confident tiality at any time. Unles a prompt challenge to a Designati Party’s c y ss o ing confidentiality 22 2 designati is necess ion sary to avoid foreseeable substantial unfairness, unnecessary economic burdens, or a d e, l y 23 3 significan disruption or delay of the litigatio a Party do not waiv its right to challenge a nt n f on, oes ve o 24 4 confident tiality design nation by ele ecting not to mount a ch o hallenge prom mptly after th original d he designation is i 25 5 disclosed d. 26 6 6.2 Meet and Confer. The Challen nging Party shall initiate the dispute resolution p e process by 27 7 providing written not of each designation it is challeng g tice ging and des scribing the basis for eac challenge ch e. 28 8 To avoid ambiguity as to whethe a challenge has been m d a er made, the wr ritten notice must recite t the that 7 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 challenge to confiden e ntiality is being made in accordance with this sp pecific paragr raph of the P Protective 2 Order. Th parties sh attempt to resolve ea challenge in good faith and must begin the p he hall t ach t process by 3 conferrin directly (i voice to vo dialogu other form of comm ng in oice ue; ms munication ar not suffici re ient) within 5 4 days of th date of se he ervice of not tice. In confe erring, the C Challenging P Party must explain the basis for its 5 belief tha the confid at dentiality des signation wa not proper and must gi the Desig as r ive gnating Part an ty 6 opportun to review the designa materia to reconsi nity w ated al, ider the circu umstances, a and, if no cha ange in 7 designati is offered to explain the basis fo the chosen designation A Challen ion d, n or n n. nging Party m proceed may d 8 to the nex stage of th challenge process onl if it has en xt he e ly ngaged in this meet and confer proce first or ess 9 establishes that the Designating Party is unw D P willing to part ticipate in th meet and confer proce in a he ess 10 0 11 timely manner. m 6.3 Judici Interventi ial ion. If the Parties cann resolve a challenge without cou P not urt 12 2 interven ntion, the pa arties shall follow the Court’s Stan f C nding Order in Civil Ca regardi r ases ing 13 3 Discover and Disco ry overy Motio ons. The pa arties may fi a joint le file etter brief r regarding re etaining 14 4 confiden ntiality within 21 days of the initial notice of c hallenge or within 14 d o l days of the p parties 15 5 agreeing that the meet and con process will not res g nfer solve their d dispute, whi ichever is ea arlier. 16 6 Failure by a Designating Party to file such discovery d b y h dispute lette within th applicabl 21 or 14 er he le 17 7 day period (set forth above) with the Cour shall auto h rt omatically w waive the co onfidentialit ty 18 8 designat tion for each challenged designatio If, after submitting a joint letter brief, the Court h d on. g e 19 9 allows th a motion may be fil any such motion m hat n led, must be acco ompanied by a compete y ent 20 0 declaration affirmin that the movant has complied w the mee and confe requirem ng m with et er ments 21 d ceding parag graph. The Court, in it discretion may elect to transfer the e ts n, t r imposed in the prec 22 2 discover matter to a Magistra Judge. ry ate 23 3 In addition, the parties may file a jo letter b n t m oint brief regard ding a challe enge to a con nfidentiality y 24 4 designat tion at any time if there is good cau for doin so, includ t e use ng ding a challe enge to the d designation 25 5 of a depo osition transcript or an portions thereof. If, after subm ny t mitting a join letter brie the Cour nt ef, rt 26 6 allows th a motion may be fil any mot hat n led, tion brough pursuant to this prov ht vision must be 27 7 accompa anied by a competent declaration affirming th the mov c d a hat vant has com mplied with the meet 28 8 and conf requirem fer ments impos by the preceding pa sed p aragraph. T Court, in its discre The etion, may 8 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 elect to refer the dis r scovery mat to a Ma tter agistrate Jud dge. 2 The burden of persuasio in any su challeng proceedin shall be o the Desig T on uch ge ng on gnating 3 Party. Frivolous cha allenges, an those mad for an im nd de mproper pur rpose (e.g., to harass or impose r 4 unnecess sary expens and burd ses dens on othe parties) m expose the Challen er may nging Party to y 5 sanction Unless th Designating Party ha waived th confident ns. he as he tiality desig gnation by fa ailing to file e 6 a letter brief to reta confiden b ain ntiality as de escribed abo all part shall continue to af ove, ties fford the 7 material in question the level of protection to which it is entitled under the P l n n t Producing P Party’s 8 designat tion until the court rule on the cha es allenge. 9 7. 10 0 ACCESS TO AND USE OF PROTECTED MAT A O TERIAL 7.1 Basic Principles. A Receiving Party may u Protecte Material t is disclo g use ed that osed or 11 produced by another Party or by a Non-Party in connecti with this case only fo prosecutin d y ion s for ng, 12 2 defending, or attempting to settle this litigation. Such Pro e otected Mate erial may be disclosed only to the e 13 3 categorie of persons and under the condition described in this Orde When the litigation h been es s t ns d er. e has 14 4 terminate a Receivi Party mu comply with the prov ed, ing ust w visions of se ection 15 bel (FINAL low L 15 5 DISPOSI ITION). 16 6 17 7 18 8 Protected Ma aterial must be stored and maintained by a Recei b d d iving Party a a location and in a at secure manner that en m nsures that access is lim a mited to the p ersons autho orized under this Order. r 7.2 Disclo osure of “CO ONFIDENTI IAL” Inform mation or Item Unless o ms. otherwise or rdered by the e 19 9 court or permitted in writing by the Designat p t ting Party, a Receiving P Party may di isclose any in nformation 20 0 or item designated “C d CONFIDEN NTIAL” only to: y 21 (a the Receiv a) ving Party’s Outside Cou unsel of Rec cord in this a action, as we as employ ell yees of said 22 2 Outside Counsel of Record to wh C R hom it is reasonably nec essary to dis sclose the information fo this or 23 3 litigation and who ha signed th “Acknowledgment an Agreemen to Be Bou n ave he nd nt und” that is a attached 24 4 hereto as Exhibit A; s 25 5 (b the officer directors, and employ b) rs, , yees (includi House C ing Counsel) of th Receiving Party to he g 26 6 whom disclosure is reasonably necessary for this litigatio and who h r r on have signed the “Ackno d owledgment 27 7 and Agre eement to Be Bound” (Exhibit A); e 28 8 (c Experts (a defined in this Order) of the Recei c) as n iving Party t whom dis to sclosure is re easonably 9 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 necessary for this liti y igation and who have sig w gned the “Ac cknowledgm and Agr ment reement to B Bound” Be 2 (Exhibit A) and (3) as to whom the procedures set forth i paragraph 7.4(a)(2), b a in h below, have b been 3 followed d; 4 (d the court and its perso d) a onnel; 5 (e court repo e) orters and the staff; eir 6 (f profession jury or tri consultan mock jur f) nal ial nts, rors, and Pro ofessional V Vendors to wh hom 7 disclosur is reasonab necessar for this lit re bly ry tigation and who have si igned the “A Acknowledgm and ment 8 Agreeme to Be Bou ent und” (Exhib A) or are bound by a c bit b confidentiali agreemen with prote ity nt ections at 9 least as stringent as th hose in this Order; 10 0 (g during the deposition witnesses in the actio to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary g) eir ns, on y 11 and who have signed the “Ackno d owledgment and Agreem to Be B ment Bound” (Exhi A), unle otherwise ibit ess e 12 2 agreed by the Design y nating Party or ordered by the court. Witnesses w are curr employe of the b who rent ees 13 3 producin party need not sign the Acknowled ng d e dgement and Agreement to be Boun to be show the d t nd wn 14 4 producin party’s Pro ng otected Mate erial. Pages of transcrib depositio testimony or exhibits to bed on y 15 5 depositio that reveal Protected Material mu be separa ons ust ately bound by the court reporter and may not be t d e 16 6 disclosed to anyone except as per d e rmitted unde this Stipul er lated Protect Order tive 17 7 18 8 19 9 (h the author or recipient of a docum containi the infor h) r t ment ing rmation or a custodian or other r person who otherwise possessed or knew the information w e n. 7.3 Disclo osure of “HI IGHLY CON NFIDENTIA – ATTOR AL RNEYS’ EY ONLY” and YES ” 20 0 “HIGHLY CONFIDE ENTIAL – SOURCE CO S ODE” Inform mation or Ite ems. Unless otherwise o ordered by th he 21 court or permitted in writing by the Designat p t ting Party, a Receiving P Party may di isclose any in nformation 22 2 or item designated “H d HIGHLY CO ONFIDENTIAL – ATTO ORNEYS’ E EYES ONLY or “HIGH Y” HLY 23 3 CONFID DENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” (subj to the pr C ject rovisions in Section 9 of this Order) only to: f 24 4 (a the Receiv a) ving Party’s Outside Cou unsel of Rec cord in this a action, as we as employ ell yees of said 25 5 Outside Counsel of Record to wh C R hom it is reasonably nec essary to dis sclose the information fo this or 26 6 litigation and who ha signed th “Acknowledgment an Agreemen to Be Bou n ave he nd nt und” that is a attached 27 7 hereto as Exhibit A; s 28 8 (c Experts of the Receivi Party (1) to whom di c) f ing ) isclosure is r reasonably n necessary for this 10 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 litigation (2) who ha signed th “Acknowl n, ave he ledgment an Agreemen to Be Bou nd nt und” (Exhibi A), and (3) it ) 2 as to who the proce om edures set fo in paragr orth raph 7.4(a)(2 below, ha been fol 2), ave llowed; 3 (d the court and its perso d) a onnel; 4 (e court repo e) orters and the staff; eir 5 (f profession jury or tri consultan mock jur f) nal ial nts, rors, and Pro ofessional Ve endors to wh hom 6 disclosur is reasonab necessar for this lit re bly ry tigation and who have si igned the “A Acknowledgm and ment 7 Agreeme to Be Bou ent und” (Exhib A) or are bound by a c bit b confidentiali agreemen with prote ity nt ections at 8 least as stringent as th hose in this Order; 9 (g during the deposition witnesses in the actio to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary g) eir ns, on y 10 0 and who have signed the “Ackno d owledgment and Agreem to Be B ment Bound” (Exhi A), unle otherwise ibit ess e 11 agreed by the Design y nating Party or ordered by the court. Witnesses w are curr employe of the b who rent ees 12 2 producin party need not sign the Acknowled ng d e dgement and Agreement to be Boun to be show the d t nd wn 13 3 producin party’s Pro ng otected Mate erial. Pages of transcrib depositio testimony or exhibits to bed on y 14 4 depositio that reveal Protected Material mu be separa ons ust ately bound by the court reporter and may not be t d e 15 5 disclosed to anyone except as per d e rmitted unde this Stipul er lated Protect Order; a tive and 16 6 17 7 18 8 (g the author or recipient of a docum containi the infor g) r t ment ing rmation or a custodian or other r person who otherwise possessed or knew the information w e n. 7.4 Procedures for Ap pproving or Objecting to Disclosure of “HIGHL CONFIDENTIAL – O o LY 19 9 ATTORN NEYS’ EYE ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDE ES o Y ENTIAL – SO OURCE CO ODE” Inform mation or 20 0 Items to or Experts. 21 a) (a)Unless otherwise ordered by the court or agreed to in writing by the Designa )(1) e r n ating Party, a 22 2 Party tha seeks to di at isclose to an Expert (as defined in th Order) an informatio or item th has been d his ny on hat 23 3 designate “HIGHLY CONFIDE ed Y ENTIAL – ATTORNEY EYES O A YS’ ONLY” or “H HIGHLY 24 4 CONFID DENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” pursu to parag C uant graph 7.3(c) first must m make a writte request to en o 25 5 the Desig gnating Party that (1) ide y entifies the general categ g gories of “HI IGHLY CON NFIDENTIA – AL 26 6 ATTORN NEYS’ EYE ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDE ES o Y ENTIAL – SO OURCE CO ODE” inform mation that th he 27 7 Receivin Party seek permission to disclose to the Expe (2) sets f ng ks n e ert, forth the full name of the Expert and e d 28 8 the city and state of his or her pri a h imary reside ence, (3) atta aches a copy of the Expe ert’s current resume, (4) 11 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 identifies the Expert’s current employer(s), (5) identifies each person or entity from whom the Expert has 2 received compensation or funding for work in his or her areas of expertise or to whom the expert has 3 provided professional services, including in connection with a litigation, at any time during the preceding 4 five years,1 and (6) identifies (by name and number of the case, filing date, and location of court) any 5 litigation in connection with which the Expert has offered expert testimony, including through a 6 declaration, report, or testimony at a deposition or trial, during the preceding five years. 7 (b) A Party that makes a request and provides the information specified in the preceding 8 respective paragraphs may disclose the subject Protected Material to the identified Expert unless, within 9 7 days of delivering the request, the Party receives a written objection from the Designating Party. Any 10 such objection must set forth in detail the grounds on which it is based. 11 (c) A Party that receives a timely written objection must meet and confer with the Designating 12 Party (through direct voice to voice dialogue) to try to resolve the matter by agreement within five days 13 of the written objection. If no agreement is reached, the Party seeking to make the disclosure to the 14 Expert may file a motion as provided in Civil Local Rule 7 (and in compliance with Civil Local Rule 79- 15 5, if applicable) seeking permission from the court to do so. Any such motion must describe the 16 circumstances with specificity, set forth in detail the reasons why the disclosure to the Expert is 17 reasonably necessary, assess the risk of harm that the disclosure would entail, and suggest any additional 18 means that could be used to reduce that risk. In addition, any such motion must be accompanied by a 19 competent declaration describing the parties’ efforts to resolve the matter by agreement (i.e., the extent 20 and the content of the meet and confer discussions) and setting forth the reasons advanced by the 21 Designating Party for its refusal to approve the disclosure. 22 In any such proceeding, the Party opposing disclosure to the Expert shall bear the burden of 23 proving that the risk of harm that the disclosure would entail (under the safeguards proposed) outweighs 24 the Receiving Party’s need to disclose the Protected Material to its Expert. 25 26 1 27 28 If the Expert believes any of this information is subject to a confidentiality obligation to a third-party, then the Expert should provide whatever information the Expert believes can be disclosed without violating any confidentiality agreements, and the Party seeking to disclose to the Expert shall be available to meet and confer with the Designating Party regarding any such engagement. 12 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR 1 8. 2 PROSECUTION BAR Absent written consent from the Producing Party, any individual who receives access to Fitbit’s 3 “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – 4 SOURCE CODE” information shall not be involved in the prosecution of patents or patent applications 5 relating to the functionality, operation, and design of software or hardware relating to the technology 6 disclosed in any of the patents-in-suit or relating to devices containing health, activity or fitness tracking 7 including without limitation the patents asserted in this action and any patent or application claiming 8 priority to or otherwise related to the patents asserted in this action, before any foreign or domestic 9 agency, including the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“the Patent Office”). 10 For purposes of this paragraph, “prosecution” includes directly or indirectly advising on, 11 consulting on, preparing, prosecuting, drafting, editing, and/or amending of applications, specifications, 12 claims, and/or responses to office actions, or otherwise affecting the disclosure in patent applications or 13 specifications or the scope or maintenance of patent claims.2 To avoid any doubt, “prosecution” as used 14 in this paragraph does not include representing a party challenging a patent before a domestic or foreign 15 agency (including, but not limited to, a reissue protest, ex parte reexamination or inter partes 16 reexamination). This Prosecution Bar shall begin when access to “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – 17 ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” information is first 18 received by the affected individual and shall end two (2) years after final termination of this action. 19 9. SOURCE CODE (a) 20 To the extent production of source code becomes necessary in this case, a Producing Party 21 may designate source code as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - SOURCE CODE” if it comprises or 22 includes confidential, proprietary or trade secret source code. (b) 23 Protected Material designated as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE” shall 24 be subject to all of the protections afforded to “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES 25 ONLY” information including the Prosecution Bar set forth in Paragraph 8, and may be disclosed only to 26 the individuals to whom “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” information may 27 28 2 Prosecution includes, for example, original prosecution, reissue and reexamination proceedings. 13 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR 1 2 be disclosed, as set forth in Paragraphs 7.3 and 7.4. (c) Any source code produced in discovery shall be made available for inspection, in a format 3 allowing it to be reasonably reviewed and searched, during normal business hours (9 am to 5:30 pm local 4 time) on weekdays or at other mutually agreeable times, at an office of the Producing Party’s counsel (if 5 Fitbit is the producing party, in the San Francisco Bay Area) or another mutually agreed upon location. 6 The source code shall be made available for inspection on a secured computer in a secured room without 7 Internet access or network access to other computers, and the Receiving Party shall not copy, remove, or 8 otherwise transfer any portion of the source code onto any recordable media or recordable device. The 9 Producing Party may visually monitor (from outside the review room) the activities of the Receiving 10 Party’s representatives during any source code review, but only to ensure that there is no unauthorized 11 recording, copying, or transmission of the source code. No recordable media or recordable devices, 12 including without limitation sound recorders, computers, cellular telephones, peripheral equipment, 13 cameras, CDs, DVDs, USB flashdrives, or drives of any kind, shall be permitted into the Source Code 14 Review Room, except a wireless-disabled, camera-disabled computer provided by the Receiving Party, 15 for notetaking purposes. (d) The Receiving Party shall provide seven days’ notice before any inspection 16 of the persons who will review Source Code on behalf of a Receiving Party and the Source Code to be 17 reviewed, for the first time that such person reviews Source Code. The Producing Party may object in 18 writing within three court days of such notice. The Receiving Party shall provide at least three days’ 19 notice for any subsequent inspections. Any expert or consultant proposed to review the Source Code 20 must have been previously qualified pursuant to paragraph 7.4 of this Order. 21 (d) The Receiving Party may request (by file name and line number) paper copies of limited 22 portions of source code that are reasonably necessary for the preparation of court filings, pleadings, 23 expert reports, or other papers, or for deposition or trial, but shall not request paper copies for the 24 purposes of reviewing the source code other than electronically as set forth in paragraph (c) in the first 25 instance. The Producing Party shall provide all such source code in paper form including bates numbers 26 and the label “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - SOURCE CODE.” The Receiving Party shall be 27 presumptively limited to 500 printed pages of those portions of Source Code that it, in good faith, 28 considers necessary to the preparation of its case. The Receiving Party may not request any printed copy 14 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR 1 of more than 35 consecutive pages (8.5” x 11”, 12-point font) of Source Code without the express 2 consent of the Producing Party or an order from the Court. The Producing Party may challenge the 3 amount of source code requested in hard copy form pursuant to the dispute resolution procedure and 4 timeframes set forth in Paragraph 6 whereby the Producing Party is the “Challenging Party” and the 5 Receiving Party is the “Designating Party” for purposes of dispute resolution. 6 (e) The Receiving Party shall maintain a record of any individual who has inspected any 7 portion of the source code in electronic or paper form. The Receiving Party shall maintain all paper 8 copies of any printed portions of the source code in a secured, locked area. The Receiving Party shall not 9 create any electronic or other images of the paper copies and shall not convert any of the information 10 contained in the paper copies into any electronic format. The Receiving Party shall only make additional 11 paper copies if such additional copies are (1) necessary to prepare court filings, pleadings, or other papers 12 (including a testifying expert’s expert report), (2) necessary for deposition, or (3) otherwise necessary for 13 the preparation of its case. Any paper copies used during a deposition shall be retrieved by the Producing 14 Party at the end of each day and must not be given to or left with a court reporter or any other 15 unauthorized individual. 16 10. PROTECTED MATERIAL SUBPOENAED OR ORDERED PRODUCED IN OTHER LITIGATION 17 If a Party is served with a subpoena or a court order issued in other litigation that compels 18 disclosure of any information or items designated in this action as “CONFIDENTIAL,” “HIGHLY 19 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE 20 CODE” that Party must: 21 (a) promptly notify in writing the Designating Party. Such notification shall include a copy of the 22 subpoena or court order; 23 (b) promptly notify in writing the party who caused the subpoena or order to issue in the other 24 litigation that some or all of the material covered by the subpoena or order is subject to this Protective 25 Order. Such notification shall include a copy of this Stipulated Protective Order; and 26 (c) cooperate with respect to all reasonable procedures sought to be pursued by the Designating 27 Party whose Protected Material may be affected. 28 15 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR 1 If the Designating Party timely seeks a protective order, the Party served with the subpoena or 2 court order shall not produce any information designated in this action as “CONFIDENTIAL” or 3 “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – 4 SOURCE CODE” before a determination by the court from which the subpoena or order issued, unless 5 the Party has obtained the Designating Party’s permission. The Designating Party shall bear the burden 6 and expense of seeking protection in that court of its confidential material – and nothing in these 7 provisions should be construed as authorizing or encouraging a Receiving Party in this action to disobey 8 a lawful directive from another court. 9 11. A NON-PARTY’S PROTECTED MATERIAL SOUGHT TO BE PRODUCED IN THIS LITIGATION 10 (a) The terms of this Order are applicable to information produced by a Non-Party in this 11 action and designated as “CONFIDENTIAL,” “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES 12 ONLY” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – SOURCE CODE”. Such information produced by Non13 Parties in connection with this litigation is protected by the remedies and relief provided by this Order. 14 Nothing in these provisions should be construed as prohibiting a Non-Party from seeking additional 15 protections. 16 (b) In the event that a Party is required, by a valid discovery request, to produce a Non- 17 Party’s confidential information in its possession, and the Party is subject to an agreement with the Non18 Party not to produce the Non-Party’s confidential information, then the Party shall: 19 1. promptly notify in writing the Requesting Party and the Non-Party that some or all of the 20 information requested is subject to a confidentiality agreement with a Non-Party; 21 2. promptly provide the Non-Party with a copy of the Stipulated Protective Order in this 22 litigation, the relevant discovery request(s), and a reasonably specific description of the information 23 requested; and 24 3. make the information requested available for inspection by the Non-Party. (c) If the Non-Party fails to object or seek a protective order from this court within 14 days of 25 26 receiving the notice and accompanying information, the Receiving Party may produce the Non-Party’s 27 confidential information responsive to the discovery request. If the Non-Party timely seeks a protective 28 16 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR 1 order, the Receiving Party shall not produce any informa e n ation in its po ossession or control that is subject to r t o 2 the confidentiality ag greement wit the Non-P th Party before a determina ation by the c court. Absen a court nt 3 order to the contrary, the Non-Pa shall bea the burden and expens of seeking protection in this court t , arty ar n se g t 4 of its Pro otected Mate erial. 5 12. 6 UNAUTHOR U RIZED DISC CLOSURE OF PROTEC O CTED MATERIAL If a Receiving Party learn that, by in f g ns nadvertence o otherwise it has discl or e, losed Protec Material cted l 7 to any pe erson or in an circumsta ny ance not auth horized unde this Stipul er lated Protect Order, t Receiving tive the 8 Party mu immediat (a) notify in writing the Designa ust tely fy ating Party o the unauth of horized disclo osures, (b) 9 use its be efforts to retrieve all unauthorized copies of t Protected Material, ( inform th person or est d the d (c) he 10 0 persons to whom una t authorized disclosures were made of all the term of this Ord and (d) request such w f ms der, h 11 person or persons to execute the “Acknowled r dgment and Agreement t Be Bound that is atta to d” ached hereto o 12 2 as Exhibi A. it 13 3 13. IN NADVERTE ENT PRODU UCTION OF PRIVILEG F GED OR OT THERWISE PROTECTE ED MATERIAL M 14 4 When a Produ W ucing Party gives notice to Receivin Parties tha certain ina ng at advertently p produced 15 5 material is subject to a claim of privilege or other protect p o tion, the obli igations of th Receiving Parties are he e 16 6 those set forth in Fed deral Rule of Civil Proce f edure 26(b)(5 5)(B). This p provision is not intended to modify d 17 7 whatever procedure may be estab r m blished in an e-discovery order that p n y provides for production without prio r or 18 8 privilege review. Pur rsuant to Fed deral Rule of Evidence 5 f 502(d) and (e insofar as the parties reach an e), s 19 9 agreemen on the effe of disclo nt fect osure of a com mmunication or informa n ation covered by the atto d orney-client 20 0 privilege or work pro oduct protect tion, the part may inc ties corporate the agreemen in the stipu eir nt ulated 21 protectiv order subm ve mitted to the court. 22 2 14. MISCELLAN M NEOUS 23 3 14 4.1 Right to Further Relief. Nothi in this O rder abridge the right o any person to seek its R ing es of n 24 4 modifica ation by the court in the future. c f 25 5 14 4.2 Right to Assert Ot ther Objectio By stipu ons. ulating to th entry of th Protective Order no he his e 26 6 Party waives any righ it otherwise would ha to object to disclosin or produci any infor ht ave ng ing rmation or 27 7 item on any ground not addressed in this Stip a n d pulated Prote ective Order Similarly, no Party wa r. aives any 28 8 17 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 right to object on any ground to use in eviden of any of the materia covered by this Protec o y u nce al ctive Order. 2 14 4.3 Filing Protected Material. Wit g M thout written permission from the D n n Designating P Party or a 3 court ord secured after appropr der a riate notice to all interest persons, a Party may not file in t public ted y the 4 record in this action any Protecte Material. A Party that seeks to file under seal any Protecte Material n a ed t e ed 5 must com mply with Ci Local Ru 79-5. Pro ivil ule otected Mate erial may on be filed u nly under seal pu ursuant to a 6 court ord authorizin the sealin of the spe der ng ng ecific Protect Material at issue. Pu ted l ursuant to Civ Local vil 7 Rule 79-5, a sealing order will issue only upo a request establishing that the Pro o on g otected Mate erial at issue 8 is privileged, protecta as a trad secret, or otherwise e able de r entitled to pr rotection und the law. I a der If 9 Receivin Party's req ng quest to file Protected Material under seal pursua to Civil L P M r ant Local Rule 7 79-5(e) is 10 0 denied by the court, then the Rec y t ceiving Party may file th Protected Material in t public re y he the ecord 11 pursuant to Civil Loc Rule 79-5 cal 5(e)(2) unles otherwise instructed b the court. ss e by 12 2 15. 13 3 FINAL DISP POSITION Within 60 day after the final disposit W ys f tion of this a action, as de efined in para agraph 4, ea Receiving ach 14 4 Party mu return all Protected Material to th Producing Party or de ust M he g estroy such m material. De estruction of 15 5 Protected Materials shall be acco d s omplished by a reasonab means sel y ble lected by the Producing Party. As e 16 6 used in th subdivisi “all Prot his ion, tected Mater rial” include all copies, abstracts, co es ompilations, summaries, , 17 7 and any other format reproducing or capturin any of the Protected M o t g ng e Material. Wh hether the Pr rotected 18 8 Material is returned or destroyed the Receiving Party mu submit a written cert o d, ust tification to t the 19 9 ng d, s o ating Party) by the 60-da deadline ay Producin Party (and if not the same person or entity, to the Designa 20 0 that (1) id dentifies (by category, where approp y w priate) all the Protected M e Material tha was returned or at 21 destroyed and (2) aff d firms that the Receiving Party has no retained an copies, ab e ot ny bstracts, com mpilations, 22 2 summaries or any oth format re her eproducing or capturing any of the P o Protected Ma aterial. Notw withstanding 23 3 this provision, Couns are entitle to retain an archival c sel ed a copy of all p pleadings, motion papers trial, s, 24 4 depositio and heari transcrip legal mem on, ing pts, moranda, co orrespondenc depositio and trial e ce, on exhibits, 25 5 expert reports, attorn work pro ney oduct, and co onsultant and expert wor product, e d rk even if such materials 26 6 contain Protected Ma P aterial. Any such archiva copies tha contain or constitute P al at Protected Ma aterial remain n 27 7 subject to this Protec o ctive Order as set forth in Section 4 ( a n (DURATION N). 28 8 18 STI IPULATED PR ROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, H O N G HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENT TIAL INFORM MATION AND D/OR TRADE SECRETS / C CASE NO. 4:17 7-CV-06543-Y YGR 1 IT IS SO STIPULATED, THROUGH COUNSEL OF RECORD. 2 3 DATED: /s/ Marc Belloli Attorneys for Plaintiff DATED: /s/ Eugene Novikov Attorneys for Defendant 4 5 6 7 PURSUANT TO STIPULATION, IT IS SO ORDERED. 8 9 10 11 DATED: ________________________ March 13, 2018 ____________________________________ The Honorable Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers United States District Judge 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR 1 EXHIBIT A 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND 3 I, _____________________________ [print or type full name], of _________________ [print or 4 type full address], declare under penalty of perjury that I have read in its entirety and understand the 5 Stipulated Protective Order that was issued by the United States District Court for the Northern District 6 of California on [date] in the case of ___________ [insert formal name of the case and the number 7 and initials assigned to it by the court]. I agree to comply with and to be bound by all the terms of this 8 Stipulated Protective Order and I understand and acknowledge that failure to so comply could expose me 9 to sanctions and punishment in the nature of contempt. I solemnly promise that I will not disclose in any 10 manner any information or item that is subject to this Stipulated Protective Order to any person or entity 11 except in strict compliance with the provisions of this Order. 12 I further agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern 13 District of California for the purpose of enforcing the terms of this Stipulated Protective Order, even if 14 such enforcement proceedings occur after termination of this action. 15 I hereby appoint __________________________ [print or type full name] of 16 _______________________________________ [print or type full address and telephone number] as my 17 California agent for service of process in connection with this action or any proceedings related to 18 enforcement of this Stipulated Protective Order. 19 20 Date: _________________________________ 21 City and State where sworn and signed: _________________________________ 22 Printed name: ______________________________ [printed name] 23 24 25 Signature: __________________________________ [signature] 26 27 28 20 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER FOR LITIGATION INVOLVING PATENTS, HIGHLY SENSITIVE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR TRADE SECRETS / CASE NO. 4:17-CV-06543-YGR

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