ILWU Warehouse Welfare Trust et al v. Republic Services, Inc.

Filing 22

ORDER RE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 COMPLIANCE HEARING; ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE, re 21 Status Report filed by ILWU Warehouse Welfare Trust, Larry Morrison, James Beard. Order to Show Cause Hearing set for Monday, 10/1/2018 02:01 PM. Show Cause Resp onse due by 9/24/2018. Joint Statement/Status Report due by 9/24/2018. Status Conference re outstanding issues with respect to audit is set for Monday, 10/1/2018 02:01 PM in Oakland, Courtroom 1, 4th Floor before Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers. The Court VACATES the compliance hearing currently scheduled for Friday, September 21, 2018.. Signed by Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers on 9/18/18. (fs, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/18/2018)

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1 2 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 4 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 5 6 7 ILWU WAREHOUSE WELFARE TRUST, ET AL., Plaintiffs, 8 vs. 9 10 CASE NO. 18-cv-02118-YGR ORDER RE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 COMPLIANCE HEARING Re: Dkt. No. 21 REPUBLIC SERVICES, INC., Defendant. United States District Court Northern District of California 11 12 On July 10, 2018, the Court agreed to grant the parties’ joint request to continue the case 13 management conference but required, at a minimum, the filing of a “joint status report on the 14 progress of the audit proceedings” by September 14, 2018. (Dkt. No. 20.) The Court has received 15 an untimely statement by plaintiffs themselves regarding the progress of the audit proceedings 16 underway in this case, filed on September 17, 2018, which left many questions unanswered. (Dkt. 17 No. 21.) 18 First, the Court issues an ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE why defendant should not be 19 sanctioned in the amount of $200.00 for failing to comply with this Court’s order. Plaintiffs are 20 hereby warned to comply with this Court’s orders in a timely fashion. A hearing on this Order to 21 Show Cause will be held on Monday, October 1, 2018 on the Court’s 2:01 a.m. Calendar, in the 22 Federal Courthouse, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, California, in Courtroom 1. 23 By no later than Monday, September 24, 2018, defendant must file a written response to 24 this Order to Show Cause why they should not be sanctioned for their failure to comply with the 25 stated rule. If the Court is satisfied with the defendant’s response, defense counsel need not 26 appear and the hearing will be taken off calendar. Otherwise, lead trial counsel must personally 27 appear at the hearing. Neither a special appearance nor a telephonic appearance will be 28 permitted. Failure to file a joint statement, written response or to appear personally will be 1 deemed an admission that no good cause exists and that the imposition of monetary sanctions is 2 appropriate. Second, the Court hereby sets a conference for Monday, October 1, 2018 at 2:01 p.m. in 3 4 the Federal Courthouse, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, California, in Courtroom 1 to resolve all 5 outstanding issues with respect to the ongoing audit. By no later than Monday, September 24, 6 2018, parties may file a joint statement containing additional information regarding those 7 outstanding issues. If the Court is satisfied that the issues related to the ongoing audit have been 8 resolved, the parties need not appear and the conference will be taken off calendar. The Court VACATES the compliance hearing currently scheduled for Friday, September 21, 9 10 United States District Court Northern District of California 11 2018. IT IS SO ORDERED. 12 13 Dated: September 18, 2018 YVONNE GONZALEZ ROGERS UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

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