Sinha v. State of California

Filing 29

ORDER GRANTING 28 First MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response to 27 Motion to Dismiss. Reset Deadline as to 27 MOTION to Dismiss Amended Complaint : Responses due by 9/20/2024. Signed by Judge Haywood S. Gilliam, Jr. on 8/30/2024. (ndr, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/30/2024)

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 <RXU1DPH RAJESH SINHA  $GGUHVV 38725 LEXINGTON DR, #119 FREMONT, CA 94536  3KRQH1XPEHU 707-228-6943  )D[1XPEHU 309-408-3393  (PDLO$GGUHVV RAJESHSINHA2005@HOTMAIL.COM  3UR6H3ODLQWLII   81,7('67$7(6',675,&7&2857  1257+(51',675,&72)&$/,)251,$  ✔ ✔ 'LYLVLRQ>FKHFNRQH@‫܆‬6DQ)UDQFLVFR‫܆‬2DNODQG‫܆‬6DQ-RVH‫(܆‬XUHND0F.LQOH\YLOOH   RAJESH SINHA   &DVH1XPEHU 3ODLQWLII Y  STATE OF CALIFORNIA  'HIHQGDQW 4:24-cv-00046-HSG $'0,1,675$7,9(027,21$1' 25'(572&+$1*( '($'/,1()25),/,1* -XGJH+RQHaywood S. Gilliam, Jr.      7KH>WLWOHRIGRFXPHQW@ Response to Motion to Dismiss is currently due on 09-06-2024  ,UHVSHFWIXOO\UHTXHVWWKDWWKH&RXUWFKDQJHWKLVGHDGOLQHWR>QHZGDWH@ 09-20-2024    ,KDYH>FKHFNRQH@  ✔ QRWDOUHDG\DVNHGWKH&RXUWWRFKDQJHWKLVGHDGOLQH ‫܆‬  ‫ ܆‬DOUHDG\DVNHGWKH&RXUWWRFKDQJHWKLVGHDGOLQH     027,2172&+$1*('($'/,1()25),/,1* 3$*(B1BB2)B3BB 83'$7('        7KLVFKDQJHLVQHFHVVDU\EHFDXVH>H[SODLQ@ I had COVID last month and left me bedridden for twelve days. Despit DI deduction EDD will not pay for first eight days and 70% for last four days. I need to work extra shifts next two weeks to cope up with bills. I will have very little time to do reserach and respond to the Motion to Dismiss. I am also planning to submit 2nd amended complaint on the same day to take care of deficiencies.  ,EHOLHYHFKDQJLQJWKLVGHDGOLQH>FKHFNRQH@  ‫ ܆‬ZLOOQRWDIIHFWDQ\RWKHUGHDGOLQHV  ✔ PD\DIIHFWWKHVHRWKHUGHDGOLQHVDQGGDWHV>OLVWDQ\WKLQJHOVHWKDWPD\QHHGWREH ‫܆‬ UHVFKHGXOHGVXFKDVDKHDULQJ UHODWHGWRWKHSDSHUV\RXQHHGWRILOH@    This may affect the hearing date which is currently scheduled for 10th of Oct 2024.     7KHRSSRVLQJVLGH>FKHFN RQH DQGH[SODLQ@  ‫ ܆‬KDVDJUHHGWRWKLVFKDQJH  ‫ ܆‬KDVQRWDJUHHG,WULHGWRREWDLQWKHRSSRVLQJSDUW\¶VDJUHHPHQWWRWKLVFKDQJHEXWZDV  XQVXFFHVVIXO>6WDWHZKR\RXWULHGWRUHDFKZKHQDQGWKHSHUVRQ¶VUHVSRQVH@  Defendant mentioned that they will not object to this change of date.  Pls see attached email communications.    ,GHFODUHXQGHUSHQDOW\RISHUMXU\XQGHUWKHODZVRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVWKDWWKHDERYHVWDWHPHQWVDUH  WUXHDQGFRUUHFW 5HVSHFWIXOO\VXEPLWWHG     'DWH 08-29-2024 6LJQ1DPH 3ULQW1DPH RAJESH SINHA  027,2172&+$1*('($'/,1()25),/,1* 3$*(B2BB 2) B3BB 83'$7('   >'RQRWZULWHEHORZWKLVOLQH@     *RRGFDXVHDSSHDULQJWKHPRWLRQLV*5$17('7KHGHDGOLQHIRUILOLQJWKH response to Motion to Dismiss  ,7,66225'(5('      'DWH8/30/2024    LV>GDWH@09-20-2024  >6LJQDWXUH@  >-XGJH¶VQDPH@Haywood S. Gilliam, Jr. 8QLWHG6WDWHV'LVWULFW0DJLVWUDWH-XGJH                     027,2172&+$1*('($'/,1()25),/,1* 3$*(B3BB2)B3BB 83'$7('

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