The Facebook, Inc. v. Connectu, Inc et al

Filing 628

ORDER of USCA as to 611 Notice of Appeal, filed by Tyler Winklevoss, Cameron Winklevoss, Divya Narendra, 582 Notice of Appeal, filed by ConnectU LLC, 615 Notice of Cross Appeal, filed by Mark Zuckerberg, The Facebook, Inc. Defendants MOTION to consolidate cases is GRANTED. Court records do not currently reflect that the district court has issued the certificates of record for case Nos. 08-16745 and 08-16849. The Parties SHALL MONITOR the issuance of the certificates. (cv, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/29/2008)

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The Facebook, Inc. v. Connectu, LLC et al Doc. 628 F IL E D U N IT E D STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT AUG 29 2008 MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK U . S . C O U R T OF APPE A L S T H E FACEBOOK, INC.; et al., Plaintiffs-Appellees/Cross-Appellants, v. C O N N E C T U , INC., fka ConnectU, LLC, et a l., N o s. 08-16745, 08-16849, 08-16873 D .C . No. 5:07-CV-01389-JW N o rth ern District of California, S an Jose ORDER Defendants-Appellants/Cross-Appellees, and P A C IF IC NORTHWEST SOFTWARE, IN C .; et al., Defendants. T h e defendants' motion to consolidate case Nos. 08-16745, 08-16849, and 0 8 -1 6 8 7 3 is granted. T h e motion includes the defendants' notice under Ninth Circuit Rule 28-4 th at the defendants intend to file joint briefs. The defendants' principal brief and e x c er p ts of record are due October 6, 2008; this due date includes the 21-day en larg em en t of time provided for under Ninth Circuit Rule 28-4. The plaintiff's p r in c ip a l and response brief is due November 5, 2008. The defendants' response TAH/Pro Mo a n d reply brief is due December 5, 2008. The plaintiff's optional reply brief is due 1 4 days from service of the response and reply brief. C o u rt records do not currently reflect that the district court has issued the certificates of record for case Nos. 08-16745 and 08-16849. The parties shall m o n ito r the issuance of the certificates. F o r the Court: M O L L Y C. DWYER C le rk of the Court T e re sa A. Haugen, Deputy Clerk 9 th Cir. R. 27-7/Advisory Note to R. 27 an d 9th Cir. R. 27-10 TAH/Pro M o 0 8 -1 6 7 4 5

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