The Facebook, Inc. v. Connectu, Inc et al

Filing 681

USCA Case Number 09-15133 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (cv, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/22/2009)

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The Facebook, Inc. v. Connectu, LLC et al Doc. 681 M o lly C . D w y e r C l e r k of C o u r t O f fic e of the Clerk U n ited States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit 9 5 Seventh Street P o st Office Box 193939 S an Francisco, California 94119-3939 Jan u ary 22, 2009 C A 9 Docket No.: A g en cy Numbers: S h o rt Title: 0 9 - 1 5 1 3 3 ; 09-15021 Cross Appeal 5:07-cv -0 1 3 8 9 - J W , 5:07-cv-01389-JW T h e Facebook, Inc., et al. v. ConnectU, Inc., et al. (415) 355-8000 D ear Counsel: A copy of your notice of appeal/petition has been received in the Clerk's office of th e United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. T h e U.S. Court of Appeals docket number shown above has been assigned to this case. You must indicate this Court of Appeals docket number whenever you c o m m u n ic ate with this court regarding this case. Please furnish this docket n u m b e r immediately to the court reporter if you place an order, or have placed an o r d e r , for portions of the trial transcripts. The court reporter will need this docket n u m b er when communicating with this court. T h e due dates for designating and filing the reporter's transcript, if a p p lica b le, filing the parties' briefs and otherwise perfecting the appeal have b een set by the enclosed "Time Schedule Order," pursuant to applicable F R A P rules. These dates can be extended only by court order. Failure of the a p p ella n t to comply with the time schedule order will result in automatic d ism issa l of the appeal. 9th Cir. R. 42-1. T h e following information is being provided in an attempt to answer the most freq u en tly asked questions regarding the appellate process. Please review this in fo rm atio n very carefully. For convenience, we use the term "Circuit Rules" in stead of "Rules of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit" and "F R A P " instead of "Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure." E n c lo s e d with this letter is an appellate processing schedule along with a case p r o c e ss in g checklist to help you monitor the progress of your case. A p p ella n ts/P etitio n ers who are filing pro se should refer to the accompanying in fo rm a tio n sheet regarding the filing of informal briefs. UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS F O R THE NINTH CIRCUIT F IL E D JAN 22 2009 M O L L Y C . D W YE R , C LE R K O F C O U R T U . S . C O U R T OF APPE A L S T H E FACEBOOK, INC.; MARK ZU CK ERBERG , Plaintiffs - Appellees Cross Appellants, V. C O N N E C T U , INC., FKA ConnectU, L L C ; PACIFIC NORTHWEST S O F T W A R E , INC.; WAYNE CHANG; W IN S T O N WILLIAMS, Defendants, and C A M E R O N WINKLEVOSS; TYLER W I N K L E V O S S ; DIVYA NARENDRA, Defendants - Appellants Cross Appellees. N o . 09-15133; 09-15021 D .C . No. 5:07-cv-01389-JW N o r th e r n District of California, S an Jose T IM E SCHEDULE ORDER T h e parties shall meet the following cross appeal time schedule: M o n ., April 6, 2009 T h e party(s) who filed the first appeal shall file and serv e the first brief on cross-appeal pursuant to FRAP 3 2 and 9th Cir. R. 32-1; T h e party(s) who filed the second appeal shall file an d serve the second brief on cross-appeal pursuant to FRAP 32 and 9th Cir. R. 32-1; T u e., May 5, 2009 Thu., June 4, 2009 T h e third brief on cross-appeal shall be filed and serv ed pursuant to FRAP 32 and 9th Cir. R. 32-1; T h e optional cross appeal reply brief shall be filed and served within fourteen d a y s of service of the third brief on cross appeal, pursuant to FRAP 32 and 9 th Cir. R. 32-1. F a ilu re of the appellant to comply with the Time Schedule Order will result in a u t o m a t ic dismissal of the appeal. 9th Cir. R. 42-1 A p p ella n ts/P etitio n ers without representation of counsel in a prisoner appeal m a y have their case submitted on the briefs and record without oral a rg u m en t, pursuant to FRAP 34(a). Within 10 days of the filing of the a p p ella n t's opening brief, parties may file a statement setting forth the rea so n s why, in the opinion of the parties, oral argument should be heard. F O R THE COURT: M o lly C. Dwyer C le rk of Court R u b e n Talavera D e p u ty Clerk

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