The Facebook, Inc. v. Connectu, Inc et al

Filing 711

USCA Case Number 09-17050 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for 708 Notice of Appeal, filed by Tyler Winklevoss, Cameron Winklevoss, Divya Narendra. (cv, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/21/2009)

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The Facebook, Inc. v. Connectu, LLC et al Doc. 711 Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page1 of 11 U N IT E D STATES COURT OF APPEALS for the NINTH CIRCUIT O f fic e of the Clerk G en era l Information C O U N S E L E D CASES (A P R IL 2009) 1. M a in Office - San Francisco O v e r n ig h t Delivery (F ed E x , UPS, etc.) O f fic e of the Clerk Jam es R. Browning C o u r th o u s e U .S . Court of Appeals 9 5 Seventh Street S an Francisco, CA 9 4 1 0 3 -1 5 2 6 L o c a tio n (S treet Address) O f fic e of the Clerk Jam es R. Browning C o u r th o u s e U .S . Court of Appeals 9 5 Seventh Street S an Francisco, CA 94103 M ailin g Address ( U .S . Postal Service) O f fic e of the Clerk Jam es R. Browning C o u r th o u s e U .S . Court of Appeals P .O . Box 193939 S an Francisco, CA 9 4 1 1 9 -3 9 3 9 2. W e b s it e T h e Court's website at is a tremendous resource. On it, you w ill find copies of the Court's Rules and General Orders, information about E lectro n ic Case Filing, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, directions to the C o u r th o u s e s, forms necessary to gain admission to the Bar of this Court, and an in v ita tio n to join our Pro Bono Program. You will also find links to practice m an u als as well as this Court's Dispositions and recordings of oral arguments. 3. Electronic Case Filing E ffectiv e January 2, 2009, use of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit 's C o u r t's Case Management/ Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) system is mandatory fo r all attorneys filing in this Court, unless they are granted an exemption from u sin g the CM/ECF system. 1 Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page2 of 11 R eg istratio n is required. To register and for all information about CM/ECF, go to th e Court's website at and click on the CM/ECF button. T h e Administrative Order Regarding Electronic Filing in All Ninth Circuit Cases co n tain s all Rules regarding Appellate ECF and tells you what documents can and can n o t be filed electronically. 4. P h o n e Numbers (415) 355-8000 355-8110 355-7800 355-8190 (415) 355-8800 355-7900 355-7890 355-8197 G en eral Information A p p ellate Commissioner A tto rn ey Admissions C alen d ar Unit C ircu it Executive C ircu it Mediators C o m p u ter Operations D eath Penalty D iv isio n al Offices: P asad en a P o r tla n d S e a ttle D o c k e tin g E x ten sio n s of Time/Briefs: W ritten Motions (6 2 6 ) 229-7250 (5 0 3 ) 833-5300 (2 0 6 ) 224-2210 (4 1 5 ) 355-7830 or 7840 355-7860 2 Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page3 of 11 1 4 day Telephone Extension: (Northern & Eastern California; H a w a ii, Guam, Arizona, Nevada) (C en tral & Southern California) (E astern & Western Washington, Idaho, Montana) Ju d icial Misconduct L ib r a r y M o tio n s Attorneys O p eratio n s Assistants (CJA) P erso n n el P ro ced u ral Motions P ro Se Unit R eco rd s Unit T o u rs 5. · A u t h o r it ie s and Resources R u le s of Practice - The Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure (Fed. R. App. P .); the Ninth Circuit Rules of Practice (9th Cir. R.), and the Administrative O r d e r Regarding Electronic Filing in All Ninth Circuit Cases govern p ra ctice before this court. Copies of the rules are available on this court's w eb site at and from the Clerk's offices in San F r an c is co , Pasadena and Seattle. Send a written request together with a selfad d ressed return mailing label. T h e court has prepared a practice videotape which is available through the C lerk 's office in San Francisco for $15.00. Continuing legal education cred it for viewing this videotape is available in most jurisdictions. (415) 355-7853 (626) 229-7261 (206) 224-2210 (415) 355-8099 355-8650 355-8020 355-7920 355-7869 355-7860 355-8040 355-7820 355-7930 · 3 Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page4 of 11 6. · · A d m issio n to the Bar of the Ninth Circuit A ll attorneys practicing before the Court must be admitted to the Bar of the N in th Circuit. Fed. R. App. P. 46(a) and 9th Cir. R. 46-1.2. If you are NOT already admitted, obtain a form from our website or by c allin g the number listed above and submit it to the Clerk's Office in San F ran cisco together with the admission fee of $190.00. The check should be m ad e payable to Clerk, United States Court of Appeals. After your ap p licatio n is processed, you will be mailed a certificate of admission. N o tices of Change of Address C o u n sel who are registered Appellate Electronic Filers must update their street addresses or email addresses via PACER at: h ttp s://p a c e r . p s c . u s c o u r t s . g o v /p s c o /c g i- b in /c m e c f /e a - lo g in .p l C o u n sel who are not registered must file a change of address with the Court. R eco rd Preparation and Briefing Schedule In DIRECT CRIMINAL appeals, the district court sets the schedule. If you d o not receive a schedule within 14 days of the filing of the Notice of A p p eal you should contact this Court. In CIVIL appeals, this court sets the schedule at the time the appeal is d o c k e ted in this court. You should receive your briefing schedule at the sam e time you receive this information. If the appellant files the opening brief earlier than the due date, the due date fo r the appellee's brief does not advance. It remains due on the date reflected in the briefing schedule. 9th Cir. R. 31-2.1. M o tio n s that stay the briefing schedule are listed in Circuit Rule 27-11. E x c e rp t s of Record T h is Court requires excerpts of record instead of an appendix. 9th Cir. R. 3 0 - 1 .1 ( a ) . F iv e (5) separately-bound excerpts of record with WHITE covers shall be filed at the time appellant files or electronically submits the Opening Brief. Each party shall be served with one copy of the excepts. 9th Cir. R. 30-1. 4 7. · · 8. · · · · 9. · · Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page5 of 11 · · · · · P lease review 9th Cir. R. 30-1.3, 30-1.4, 30-1.5, and 30-1.6 to see a list of th e specific contents and format. Also see Rule 4 of the "Administrative O rd er Regarding Electronic Filing," which is available on the Court's C M /E C F webpage. F o r excerpts that exceed 75 pages, the first volume must comply with 9th C ir. R. 30-1.6. I f excerpts exceed 300 pages, you will need to file the excerpts in multiple v o lu m e s. 9th Cir. R. 30-1.6(b). A p p e lle e may file supplemental excerpts and appellant may file further ex cerp ts. 9th Cir. R. 30-1.7 and 30-1.8. If you are an appellee responding to a Pro Se brief that did not come with e x c er p ts , then your excerpts need only include the contents set out at 9th Cir. R . 30-1.6. I f you are involved in an appeal from a district court's review of an agency actio n , your excerpts shall include the items listed at 9th Cir. R. 17-1. M o t io n s Practice G en era l Information 10. A. F e d . R. App. P. 27 and 32(c)(1) and 9th Cir. R. 27 govern motions practice a n d specific types of relief. Some of the basic points include: · · · N eith er a notice of motion nor a proposed order is required. See Fed. R. A p p . P. 27(a)(2)(C)(ii), (iii). M o tio n s may be supported by an affidavit or declaration. 28 U.S.C. §1746. A response to a motion is due 8 business days from the service of the m o tio n . Fed. R. App. P. 27(a)(3)(A). The reply is due 5 business days from serv ice of the response. Fed. R. App. P. 27(a)(4), see also Fed. R. App. P. 2 6 (c). A response requesting affirmative relief and/or relief by a date certain m u s t include that request in the caption. Fed. R. App. R. 27(a)(3)(B). A motion should provide the position of the opposing party. See Advisory C o m m ittee Note to Rule 27-1(5). See also 9th Cir. R. 31-2.2(b)(6) (statem en t regarding the position of opposing party or a statement about why th at information is unavailable required in motions for extensions of time). M o tio n s filed after a case has been scheduled for oral argument, has b een argued, is under submission or that has been decided by a panel, 5 · · Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page6 of 11 m u st include the date of argument, submission or decision. If known, you m u st also include the names of the judges on the panel. 9th Cir. R. 25-4. B. i E m e rg e n c y or Urgent Motions - Circuit Rule 27-3 A ll emergency and urgent motions must conform with the provisions of 9th C ir. R. 27-3. Motions requesting procedural relief do NOT fall within the typ es of matters contemplated by 9th Cir. R. 27-3. P r io r to filing any emergency motion, the moving party MUST contact a n attorney in the Motions Unit in San Francisco at (415) 355-8020. W h e n it is absolutely necessary to notify the court of an emergency req u irin g its attention outside of standard office hours, the movant shall call ( 4 1 5 ) 355-8509. This line is monitored by court staff. Keep in mind that th is line is for true emergencies that cannot wait until the next business day, su ch as emergencies that involve an imminent execution or removal from the U n ited States. M o tio n s for Extensions of Time to File the Trial Transcript T h e court reporter is required to file a motion for an extension of time to file th e transcripts. 9th Cir. R. 11-1.1. If the reporter fails to move for an extension of time, appellant is required to file a Ninth Circuit Rule 11-1.2 notice. M o t io n s for Extensions of Time to File the Briefs i i C. · · D. A party may seek only ONE of either a Written Extension or an Oral Extension: i · W ritten Extension R eq u ests for extensions of more than 14 days will be granted only upon a w ritten motion supported by a showing of diligence and substantial need. This motion should be filed at least seven calendar days before the due date f o r the brief. The motion shall be accompanied by an affidavit or d e c la ra tio n that includes all of the information listed at 9th Cir. R. 31-2.2(b). T h is court will ordinarily make some adjustment to the schedule in response to a motion. See Circuit Advisory Note to Rule 31-2.2. The court expects 6 · Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page7 of 11 th at the brief will be filed within the requested period of time. Id. i · O ral Extension I f good cause is shown, the clerk may grant a SINGLE extension of no more th an 14 days to file an opening, answering or reply brief. 9th Cir. R. 312 .2 (a). You may apply for such an extension by calling the appropriate n u m b er listed below: C en tral/S o u th ern Districts of California D istricts of Alaska, Montana, Idaho, O reg o n & Eastern or Western Washington A ll Other Districts 11. · M ed ia tio n Program C iv il Appeals Docketing Statements are required in all CIVIL C O U N S E L E D cases except: (a) habeas cases (28 U.S.C. §§ 2241, 2254 and 2 2 5 5 ) and (b) petitions for Writs (28 U.S.C. § 1651). You may obtain a C iv il Appeals Docketing Statement form from the district court clerk or the N in th Circuit Website. T h e completed form should be filed together with the Notice of Appeal. Late filed forms should be filed with the Court of Appeals and must include a Ninth Circuit docket number. The docketing statement is used only to assess settlement potential. I f you are interested in requesting a conference with a mediator, you may call the Mediation Unit at (415) 355-7900 or make a written request to the C h ief Circuit Mediator. Requests for mediation will be kept confidential if so requested. C o u r t Calendars H earin g notices for oral argument calendars are distributed approximately f o u r to five weeks before the date for argument. Generally, cases are heard in the administrative unit where they originate. The Court sits monthly in 7 (626) 229-7261 (2 0 6 ) 224-2210 (4 1 5 ) 355-7853 · · 12. · Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page8 of 11 · · S a n Francisco, Pasadena and Seattle. The court sits in Portland every other m o n th , depending on caseload. The Court also hears argument three times a year in Honolulu and once a year in Anchorage. T h ere will only be a change of date or location of oral argument for good cau se. Any request to continue an argument date filed within 14 days of the h e a rin g will ONLY be granted upon a showing of exceptional circu m stan ces. 9th Cir. R. 34-2. O ral argument will be conducted in all cases UNLESS all members of the p an el agree that the decisional process would not be significantly aided by o ral argument. Fed. R. App. P. 34. H y p e rlin ks in Briefs If you submit your brief electronically, the Court encourages you to include h yp erlin k s to the district court record. In stru ctio n s are available on the Court's website at: w w w .c a 9 .u s c o u r ts .g o v /d a ta s to r e /u p lo a d s /c m e c f /d o c - c r o s s - d o c - h y p e r lin k s .p d f 13. · · 8 Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page9 of 11 M o lly C . D w y e r C l e r k of C o u r t O f fic e of the Clerk U n ited States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit 9 5 Seventh Street P o st Office Box 193939 S an Francisco, California 94119-3939 S ep tem b er 18, 2009 C A 9 Docket No.: A g en cy Number: S h o r t Title: 0 9 -1 7 0 5 0 5 :0 7 - c v - 0 1 3 8 9 - J W T y le r Winklevoss, et al v. ConnectU, Inc. (415) 355-8000 D ear Counsel: A copy of your notice of appeal/petition has been received in the Clerk's office of th e United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. T h e U.S. Court of Appeals docket number shown above has been assigned to this case. You must indicate this Court of Appeals docket number whenever you c o m m u n ic ate with this court regarding this case. Please furnish this docket n u m b e r immediately to the court reporter if you place an order, or have placed an o r d e r , for portions of the trial transcripts. The court reporter will need this docket n u m b er when communicating with this court. T h e due dates for designating and filing the reporter's transcript, if a p p lica b le, filing the parties' briefs and otherwise perfecting the appeal have b een set by the enclosed "Time Schedule Order," pursuant to applicable F R A P rules. These dates can be extended only by court order. Failure of the a p p ella n t to comply with the time schedule order will result in automatic d ism issa l of the appeal. 9th Cir. R. 42-1. T h e following information is being provided in an attempt to answer the most freq u en tly asked questions regarding the appellate process. Please review this in fo rm atio n very carefully. For convenience, we use the term "Circuit Rules" in stead of "Rules of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit" and "F R A P " instead of "Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure." E n c lo s e d with this letter is an appellate processing schedule along with a case p r o c e ss in g checklist to help you monitor the progress of your case. A p p ella n ts/P etitio n ers who are filing pro se should refer to the accompanying in fo rm a tio n sheet regarding the filing of informal briefs. Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page10 of 11 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS F O R THE NINTH CIRCUIT F IL E D SEP 18 2009 M O L L Y C . D W YE R , C LE R K O F C O U R T U . S . C O U R T OF APPE A L S T H E FACEBOOK, INC.; MARK ZU CK ERBERG , Plaintiffs, v. C O N N E C T U , INC., FKA ConnectU, LLC, Defendant - Appellee, C A M E R O N WINKLEVOSS; TYLER W I N K L E V O S S ; DIVYA NARENDRA, Defendants - Appellants, and P A C IF IC NORTHWEST SOFTWARE, IN C .; WAYNE CHANG; WINSTON W IL L IA M S , Defendants. N o . 09-17050 D .C . No. 5:07-cv-01389-JW N o r th e r n District of California, S an Jose T IM E SCHEDULE ORDER T h e parties shall meet the following time schedule: T h u ., October 15, 2009 A p p e lla n t/p e titio n e r shall file transcript order form w ith the district court and make payment a rr an g e m e n ts with court reporter, pursuant to 9th Cir. R . 10-3.1; C o u rt reporter shall file transcript in the district court, p u rsu an t to FRAP 11(b) and 9th Cir. R. 11-1.1; M o n ., November 16, 2009 Case5:07-cv-01389-JW Document711 Filed09/21/09 Page11 of 11 Thu., December 31, 2009 A p p ellan t/p etitio n er's opening brief and excerpts of reco rd shall be served and filed pursuant to FRAP 32 an d 9th Cir. R. 32-1; T h e brief of appellee/respondent shall be filed and s er v e d , pursuant to FRAP 32 and 9th Cir. R. 32-1 M o n ., February 1, 2010 T h e optional appellant/petitioner reply brief shall be filed and served within fo u rteen days of service of the appellee/respondent's brief, pursuant to FRAP 3 2 and 9th Cir. R. 32-1. F a ilu re of the appellant to comply with the Time Schedule Order will result in a u t o m a t ic dismissal of the appeal. 9th Cir. R. 42-1 A p p ella n ts/P etitio n ers without representation of counsel in a prisoner appeal m a y have their case submitted on the briefs and record without oral a rg u m en t, pursuant to FRAP 34(a). Within 10 days of the filing of the a p p ella n t's opening brief, parties may file a statement setting forth the rea so n s why, in the opinion of the parties, oral argument should be heard. F O R THE COURT: M o lly C. Dwyer C le rk of Court G e ra ld Rosen D e p u ty Clerk

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