Halo Electronics, Inc. v. Bel Fuse Inc. et al

Filing 242

ORDER re 229 Defendant Elec & Eltek (USA) Corporation's Motion to Seal. Signed by Magistrate Judge Howard R. Lloyd on 6/17/2010. (hrllc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/17/2010)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT FOR CITATION IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN JOSE DIVISION HALO ELECTRONICS, INC., v. Plaintiff, No. C07-06222 RMW (HRL) ORDER RE DEFENDANT E&E USA'S MOTION TO SEAL [Re: Docket No. 229] *E-FILED 06-17-2010* United States District Court 11 For the Northern District of California 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BEL FUSE INC., E & E MAGNETIC PRODUCTS LIMITED, ELEC & ELTEK (USA) CORPORATION, WURTH ELECTRONICS MIDCOM, INC., WURTH ELEKTRONIK GMBH & CO. KG, and XFMRS, INC., Defendants. / Defendant Elec & Eltek (USA) Corporation ("E&E USA") moves to seal Exhibit A to Declaration of Kent Lambert filed in opposition to plaintiff's motion to compel jurisdictional discovery. This court has not, however, received an unredacted copy of Exhibit A, which reportedly is a copy of E&E USA's responses to plaintiff's first set of requests for production. Additionally, E&E USA seeks to justify the seal merely by asserting that the information has been designated "Confidential Attorneys' Eyes Only." This falls far short of the requisite showing. E&E USA must establish that the subject document (or portions of it) is privileged or protectable as a trade secret or otherwise entitled to protection under the law. CIV. L. R. 795(a). Accordingly, no later than June 21, 2010, E&E USA shall (a) deliver an unredacted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 copy of Exhibit A to this court's chambers; and (b) submit declaration(s) from appropriate person(s) showing why sealing is warranted. Absent a satisfactory showing, the motion to seal will be denied. SO ORDERED. Dated: June 17, 2010 HOWARD R. LLOYD UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE United States District Court 11 For the Northern District of California 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5:07-cv-06222-RMW Notice has been electronically mailed to: A. Neal Seth nseth@bakerlaw.com, nseth@bakerlaw.com anemiroff@cozen.com, jcipriani@cozen.com, rbrenner@cozen.com todd.norris@bullivant.com, sanfranciscodocketing@bullivant.com Andrew P. Nemiroff Christopher Todd Norris David Moorman Emily Rita Frank Harold C. Moore drmoorman@maginot.com efrank@bakerlaw.com hcmoore@maginot.com jca@fr.com, mla@fr.com John Cameron Adkisson Joshua L. Raskin Juanita R. Brooks JRaskin@WOLFBLOCK.com brooks@fr.com, gonzales@fr.com, srodriguez@fr.com United States District Court 11 For the Northern District of California 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Kent Andrew Lambert klambert@bakerdonelson.com, lhunter@bakerdonelson.com, psigmon@bakerdonelson.com Limin Zheng zheng@fr.com, horsley@fr.com Martin C. Fliesler mcf@fdml.com, cakinselledge@fdml.com, etf@fdml.com, jgeringson@fdml.com, mme@fdml.com Martin G. Raskin Michael J Kane Michael J. Pape mraskin@cozen.com, jcipriani@cozen.com, rbrenner@cozen.com kane@fr.com, skarboe@fr.com, stenen@fr.com pape@fr.com, mla@fr.com mpowell@bakerdonelson.com, pburks@bakerdonelson.com Michael Joseph Powell Rex Hwang rhwang@fdml.com, cakinselledge@fdml.com smiller@bakerdonelson.com skcasey@bakerdonelson.com Samuel F Miller Sarah Katherine Casey Terry John Mollica William R. Woodford tjm@cmlawoffices.com woodford@fr.com, skarboe@fr.com, stenen@fr.com Counsel are responsible for distributing copies of this document to co-counsel who have not registered for e-filing under the court's CM/ECF program. 3

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