Query v. Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. et al

Filing 146

ORDER ORDER REGARDING FILING OF DEFENDANTS' RESPONSES TO CONSOLIDATED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT re 144 Proposed Order. Deadline to File Amended Consolidated Class Action Complaint by 1/30/09, Opposition deadline by 3/16/09, Reply deadline by 4/15/09. Signed by Judge James Ware on 12/16/2008. (ecg, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/16/2008)

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D 2 C C I 2 3 4 5 UNIT ED GREGORY D . HULL (Bar No . 57367) WEIL, GOTSHAL & MANGES LLP 201 Redwood Shores Parkwa y Redwood Shores, California 94065 Telephone : (650) 802-3000 Facsimile : (650) 802-310 0 S S DISTRICT TE C TA 7 8 9 10 II ER UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT I S T R I C T NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN JOSE DIVISION ----------------------------------------------------------- x N D OF 12 13 14 15 In re MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS , INC . SECURITIES LITIGATION ase No. C-08-00832-J W ----------------------------------------------------------- x 6 17 18 [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING FILING OF DEFENDANTS' RESPONSES TO CONSOLIDATED CLASS ACTION COMPLAIN T IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT : 1. efendants Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., John F. Gifford, Carl W . 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Jasper and Timothy Ruehle (collectively, "Defendants") shall answer, move against or otherwise respond to the Consolidated Class Action Complaint (the "Complaint") by January 30, 2009 ; and 2. In the event Defendants (or any of them) move against the Complaint, Lead Plaintiffs shall have until March 16, 2009 to file their opposition(s) to such motion(s) and Defendants shall have until April 15, 2009 to file their repl(ies) . DATED : December 16, 2008 008 THE HONORABLE JAMES S . WARE UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE (PROPOSED) ORDER ase No . C-08-00832-JW A C LI FO Attorneys for Defendant Maxim Integrated Products, Inc . mes Wa Judge Ja re R NIA O OR IT IS S DERED RT U O NO RT H

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