Elan Microelectronics Corporation v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 88

Declaration of Sean P. DeBruine in Support Elan Microelectronics Corporation's Opening Claim Construction Brief (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L) filed by Elan Microelectronics Corporation. (DeBruine, Sean) (Filed on 5/7/2010) Modified on 5/10/2010 (bw, COURT STAFF).

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EXHIBIT E l il]t ilililil ilt uil uil illilflt il]t tilil ilil ]ilt tililil]t til il] us00727 435382 (10) (45) (rr) United States Patent Chiu et al. TOUCHPÄD INTTGRÄIED Patent No.: Date of Patent: us 7,274,353B.2 Sep.25,2007 (54) .CAPACITN'E WITE (75) KEY AND EANDWRITING FUNCTIONS lnrreotor", Yen{hang Chíu, Taipei (TW); Ting-Hao Yeh, Tainan (TW); Yung-Lieh Chien, Tãoy,uan (IW); Shih-Chi Lin, Madou Township, Taìnan County (T'ir') (73) Assigtee: E¡an Microclectronics Corporâtion, Hsin-Chu (TW) Subject to aDy disclaimer, the temr (*) Notice: patent is efended o¡ adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 425 days. ofthis (21) Appl. No.: 10t668,352 (22) Filed: Sep. 24, 2003 (65) (30) Apl Prior Publication Datâ \JS 2004/01962'10 A1 Oct. .t,2OO4 4,885,s74 A lZt989 Nesishi et â1. .............34s/1j4 5,402,151 A 3/1995 Duwâe¡ ...-..._.............. 345/t73 5,543,589 A 8/1996 Buchanâ et at. ......... 178/18.03 5,790,114 A 8i/1998 ceaghâl et ¿t. ............ 1tS/763 5,469,791 A 211999 ¡/onîE ..................... nAnO.Ot 6,002,389 A lZl999 Kâlser ....................... 345^j3 6,088,022 À 7/2000 Râkoski ...................... 34Stßa 6,340,588 l/2002 Nov¿ et al. ..............435/287.t 6,41?,846 7/2002 Lee ........-................... 34s^t3 6,459,424 Bt l012002 Resman ...................... 345/ t 73 6.642,857 Bl II/200J Scbed;*y L å1. ............ J4tDO 6,850.229 82 22005 Casebotr er ¿j. ............ 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Cl. bnt Ex a m iner-P tabodh Dhâ¡ia Q4) Aîoûey, Àgent, or F,rr-Rose¡rberg, Kleill & Lee (s7) 17 ABsrRÀcr 4; 345/178;345/t'Ì9 of Classification Search ........ 3451156-159, '709/205; 178/18.01-18.06\ 3451163-169, 173 179, 173; 379/9O.O7; 340/'7 11 438/67 See âpplicatio¡r file ; 34f20\ 364t188; 4: 365/49; 361/524; 435t287.l for coúplete search history. (56) 4,'745,543 References Cifed U.S. PAIENT DOCUMENTS -frrnctiolls is providcd lor operarion i¡ kcy. handwriring anã mouse modes. Severâl regions are defi¡ãd on the paÃl oI the touchpad and have several panems printed tbeãon for 0re oper¿tion modes rhereby. ln rhe key ûode, the key pattems among the printed paftems simu¡ate a kevboal¿l. In dre^banJwriling mode, the bandwriring region ãmong rhe defi¡ed regions serves to ¡ünd$riring input. In tle m-ouse mode. rhe defined regions provide a cursor movi¡g region ând a horizoÌrtal arìd vertical sqoll bâÌs for input opõratiãns- A capacitive touc¡pâd integr¿ted with key and hândwdtjng A* 5/1988 Miche¡er et ¿t 700/83 12 Claims, 4 DraÌvirg Shefs \ ". \ *- 1 I )i/ ,,./ lE=f=iïr nIìt'É,:" - lr !r¡¡ ll 16 rr r ,)-$ ., ffJ_._ltrl'&1,. *E@E-' '-l \i't't''-l-i.l1i*"ll iil,Lr r" as U.S. PAIENT 2o0s/0o24341 2005/0099403 2005/0129199 7,274,353 B2 Page 2 DOCUMEM'S 345/t't3 2005/0ls6s8l 200710087564 Ali Al4 AI* 2/2005 ci¡espie er â1. ............ 5/2005 Kåus et â1. ................ 345/l?3 6/2005 Abc .-.-.................... 379190.0r * cited by examiner At+ it2lls -trcnt et a1. .................34sn5,7 AJ* 4n00'1 speâlcna-o ........ . . 438/674 U.S. Patent as 7,274,353 B2 <----.----> Verical Sc¡oll Ba¡ gìù{ E n : ,' c c.) EI 2ll g I 'l' sl F z F I U.S. Patent Sep. 2s,2007 Sheet 2 of 4 as 7,274,353 B2 (f a\ c{ þ tr-+ U.S. Patent sep.2s,,2oo7 as 7,274,353 B2 ,/ --> /--- \ /-, -> -> --> -+ --> r --) iri s o \--> --> A ,/ ca o fr{ U.S. Patent Sep. 25,2007 \o Sheet 4 of 4 as 7,274,353 B2 rf) r¡..) \J TT t2 CÀ?WCITIVE TOUCEPÀD A . ITH us 1,2'74,353 B2 SUMMARY OF THE ]N\ENIION An objcct of thc presellt iûvention is to propose a capaci- INTEGRATED KEY AND E,A.NDWRITING FUNCTIONS tive touchpad irtegrated wiú key aûd hardwdting furic- FIELD OF THE I}T\¡ENTION According to the pÌeselt inveÍion, a cap¿citive touclpad The present invention relates generally to a cåpacitive integrated with key and handwdting funclions ca¡l Provide touchpa4 and, more particularly, to a c-apacitive tõucbpad multþle oPentioû modes, such as keypâd, hândwriling âld mouse. The pa.nel of the prese¡ìt touchPâd is defined jnto integ;ted wjt¡ key a;d hardwriring füncìioDs. 10 seveÉl regioûs with pleùty of patrenìs printed tltereoù for ¡ePresenting the intefaces conesponding to the oper¿tion BACKGROLTÌ.ID OF THE IIMNTION modes- In the key mode, the key pattems amoDg the printed . nanems simulate a kevboard. Ìn the hândwrit¡nÞ mode.lhe __ -_--, loùcDpao ,s well KnowD âno wtoety ùseo ln vanous : ., ì_- , handwrit¡¡e repJoù amoDg tbe defi¡ed regioos serves to eleclronlc producls. louchpad provroes a srmDle, eâsv âno ls handwririnp inour. ln the ¡nouse mode, lhe defined regions ' cneap poútlng oevtce- sùcll âs rnosc rn raprop compurer sysþms tor mouse ruBcûoD. r¡ú, 5 snows a scnemaÍc , -, - : :-- _-_ scroll bârs lor inDur operarions. cuagram ol ule consrùcÍotr or a toucnpâo ânG r¡e opemtional principle thereof, in which an insularor plâre lnot BruEF DESCRIPTIoN oF THE DRAWINGS shown) is aÍajrged on re top ol the funclioDal sl¿ck to consisiing ofa giound plate 36, a lav* :l,tïî:_ of them *.". and otber objects, features a¡rar advantages of rhe '--:-.---:-Y-âxiç. â lâver .'l rrâceç 40 âlonu X-ãxis. all 1s" il:ï ''-." ','.:" .' lo lhose skjlied io r¡ve¡llron will Drcsent 'co¡¡ected to a co¡trol circu iL 46 aparl lrom thc oanel 12. A¡ :'-'-ì 'ùpo¡-- -': , become opparenl descriplion oI rhe te âr co¡sideralion of rhe lollowing eo,i\,ârenr cânâcir.ânce 42 -*.,r* b"r**ii;" Ëli;iîáä ,, prelerÏeq emÞocllme¡Ls ol tue preseDl mveBllon taße¡l m r'-'.-'-: -"'-:, : -38 ãndthe srouììd Dlate -36. ând ân eouivalent cabacitârre 44 ,{ conlullcllon ìrrrn rne âccompanyLDg olåw[rgs, m wÌlrco: '', -' presenls between the X-axis trace 40 and lhe s.round otrt" " -'_;--;'l' o,agmm ol a c¿pacrlrve louclìpao i6. once finger or conducror rouching tbe pãnel t.z. the -- l]Ï,-'^ 1"^ilt"-it"l¡c iûvention and ils key' handwriting accordi¡g lo the Presenf tã co'tror cìrcuir 46 determines ¡* a*n"ä fiogerorcooducLorby sensing the chalge in "åi¡T"-ãi ol capacita'ces .., '"o",i":t:- T:::i , -*a.., eaib corresponding i8 *d 4õ and iespoods ø. .^"'1".^'-iÌ,Îl"",.-:,Î"^:i:]tt t' rbe prese¡r rnve'rroo âpp rred t *iïo"'r'ßäil""åüX'"*agram of a capacilire rouchpad or ^ There are dùee tJ?es of touclìpâds, i.e.. resist¡ve. electe prcsent invention with; backlight illuminatioD; tromagretic âlld capâcitive. The capacjtive tonchpad w¿s FiG. 4 is â schematic diagram ofã capacitive touchpad of applied lor touchirg Ílode modtors such as those in pùblic the present iovenrion witl ã frontlight ì umination; ånd lntemet pho[es and grriding systeús. However. the capaci- ¡s FiG. 5 sho*" , .c¡ematic diagrair oft¡e coostruction of TlÌe resistìvc Íì'tber process. tive louchpad lacks of handwriting imction. a touchpad and the operational frinciple thereoi touclìpadhas been used for touching modc monilors such as tlæ applicatiors in pe¡sonal digital assistalts (PDA) and DETAILED DESCRIpTION OF THE electlonic dictioraies. UDfortunatelf the resistive loùchpad IN\ENIION ca¡rot be iûputted by light touching of users'fingers. Cu¡- 40 rentlf the modules available for hâûdì/',riting recognitiols FlG. 1 is an embodiment of tlìe pÌescDt invcntion. A and keypads on lablet PCs â|d electronjc books a¡e all buchpad 10 coùp¡ises a pa[el 12 for ilgers or conductors iúplemeDted widr resistive or elect¡oùagnetic touchpads. to tou'ch thereto fir iDput, a mode switclipattem 14 o¡r the TlÌe resistive toucLpad is opemted oDly by focused-poj t pârel 12 ro switch tie-capacitive toucirpad 10 to key, pressing oD ìts panel, ard the electromag¡etic toucltpad is +s irandwriting or mouse modeì by touching the¡eoû, viÍu;l opemted by a battered input pen key regioni 16, 18 ard 20 defiried on thJ panel 12, and a h conside¡atioD of fti[ctiooaljty and cost. dre capacitive liquid crystai display (l-CD) 22 ro display the inpù data touchpad is obviously prelèrred over the rcsistive and from said virtual key regions 16, 18 and 20. Those skilled in tromagnetic fouchpåds. Tlìe opemtioùâl principle of the art of the capâcilive touchpad ùndersta.nd that the concâpacilive touchpâd employs tlÈ iNtant electric chaùge 50 struction ofthe pâûel 12 maiûly co¡nprises aû iûsulator plâte produced by capacilive efect ill lesponse 1o a user's otr tlìe top surface and a bo11om substrale formed widl a o¡conductor's touch orìto the parel ofthe toììclÐâd to condùctor wiring thereorì. TlÌe conductor wiring cân be ihe positioD dre fi[ger or corìductor is toùching. Unlike mâde ofûetal o¡ other conductive rnaterìals, such as indium elect¡o agnetic toùclpad, ihe capâcitìve touchpad is easy tin oxide (ITO), alld the sùbstuãte câ-n be â pdnted circuit inte¡face fo¡ use¡s aûd needs l1o1 â poì¡¡e¡-consumed i¡put 55 board @CB), a membrale, or a trånspareDt substlate. The electhe fiager detect the to pen. C)n the other hand, interfacing olrto the capacitjve lìardware structurc of the colll]entio¡lal parlel is not the louchpad requires uo focused presscd pojDl âs thal to the -leaLul.e of tite preselt invention, ¿md a conveùtional p¿ì¡rel ¡esistive touchpâd âltd lhus gives the capacitive touchpad a can be modified to be the ha¡dwa¡e fo¡ ihe inve¡ted touchlonger lifetime. Moreovel the câpacitive toùchpad has pad. simple coßt¡uction, fewer compoleDts, atd highe¡ pÌoduc- 60 When the touclìpad 10 js switched to the key mode, Lhe tion yield, and as a result, lower cost is achieved lòr mass [umbers, ..#', arld '.*" key pattems olr tlÉ virtual key regiou production thereby. 16, the "Dial", "Corect" and ùp/dowli futclioû key paftems By the âforemertioned illustratioD, obviously, dre capaci- on the key region 18, âùd the "Resure", "Redial" atd "Resen e" furclion keys pattems on d1e virtual key region tive louchpad has more âdvanlâges thaû tlle other two. Ifthe capacìtive touclìpad is modjned to be inlegr¿ted with more 65 20 a¡e shown as [ume¡ic rcfercl:ce 24- Ïre aÍângemeDt iDpüt Íìnctions, such as keyboard and hândwriti[g, a low- referred by 24 serves as a¡ input device or ìûterface of â telephoÂe, and users can input tbe telephone numbe¡ fo¡ cost ând easy{o-use iúpui interlàce could be provided. us 7,274,353 B2 a â sùbslmte selected ftoû the group consisti[g ofPCB, mode, membmne and trâDsparent plate; the virtual key Ìegions 16 aûd 20 becone a handwriting s region 25, coryor¿ting .¡r'ith the "Input", "Co¡rect", "Font" â corductor wi¡ing on said substrale; a¡d and "Choose" î.¡nction pattems o¡1 the virtuâl key region 18, an irlsulato¡ covercd on said conductor wiring. as showûbyruùber 26. This ar¡angement prcvides users for 2. A capacitive touchpad oI claim 1, wherein said conhardwiting inpìrt. Users write on thir iDpul d¿ta or draw- ductor wiring comprises an ITO. irgs by filgen or coùductors in the handwdt;rg regio¡. l0 3. A capaãitive touchpad of claim 1, whereh sâid io"ùARer recognized by soflwãre or hårdware. e.g.. recogoition lator is tra¡soa¡ent module, the handwriti[g iDpul, such as tráces. words. â0d 4. A mobil'e telephone char¿cterized in a capacitive louchsl,mbols, aÌe sÌlown on the LCD 22 pad included thereon, said capacitive touchpãd comp¡ising: By switching the toìchpad 10 to the m¡u. se mod-e. the ' a panel for touch inputting; virtual key region 16 becomes a cußor m:li".q panel-for representiûg a _ ry._19i ,, ; ill;;;;;;.aid users lo cootrol lle cursor movemen¡ by touchinÊ. on this :" swllc saro loucbpao Þetween a Key mode switch '-::':-':. mooe ano â vituâl key region 18 båomes u region. Purthermore. rhe :o 'b handwriting mode; veîical scroll uar, and th" virt"a Éy .egion 2ì beco;es a a plüâlity of regions defined on said panel; and 1i¡ horizontal scroll bar, a, by .lïe veficâl ând horizontâÌ sc¡ollnirm"Ëur ii Èlc.-r. a Flur¿liry of second Pattems on sâid plurality oflegions "hor., ba¡s provided by the for operaliou ià said key and handwriting modcs; vi¡tual key regioûs 18 ând 20 simulâte thL funcrion ihar a 20 wherejn sajd pânel co¡npdses: mouse scrolsã lviûdov¡ verticâlly and ho¡izonlally, as those a substrate selected ûom the group colsisting ofPCB, iìl Microsoft Offce word processing sollware. Þunhe¡ e meûbmne aùd traDspalent plate; judgment modùle can be firrthel added to detennine tlìe a conductot wiriùg on said substr¿te; and number of fingers toucliùg o)t the paûet 12, aùd thereby an iûsulator covercd on said coûductor \¡/iring. difereût ¡rstructio¡s can be performed according to the 25 numbe¡ of the fingers. For exâ¡nple, a touching of two 5. A mobile telephoùe of claim 4, wherein sâid colductor lìngers rep¡eseÀts a left click on a mouse, and a louchilrg o-[ wiring comprises an ITO. tb¡ee fngers represents a right click on a ¡ûouse. 6. A mobile telephoùe of claim 4, wherein said insulâtor I¡ olher embodimenrs. t¡e arrâ¡gemeûr ol lbe viÍual key is lmDspareot. ¡egiots of the pa¡rcl 12 irÌ tlæ key mode can be a coÌ¡puler :o 7. A iapacitive touchpad integrated with key ¿¡nd mouse keyboard 30. as shown i¡ FIC. 2. tuncrions- cum'risinu: Ligbt soùrce c¿Iì be flrnleÌ Fovided for tbe parcl 12. a panel for ràuch inputting; FIG. 3 shows å case whe¡e the pùel 12-of-rhe_,c,apacitive c ârst pettern on saidpanel'iorrepresenting a mode switch touchpad is tla¡sparent, sûclì as glâss, âfld a ba:Slight 3:-ls ro sïitch said touchpad betreen a kãy mode and a provided for tbe paDel 12 from rlle backside of úe pânel 12 ], --.r." -"ã", . :-':.---;to improve the words ordrawings djsplâyed lhermn.ln Flc. tenneo on sa¡o paner: ano 4, it is provided a lrontligbt :ì for rhe panel 12 from lbe ' !li-1]y ":l:gtt"t a plurality of second pattems on said pluralitv of regions paneÌ 12 to en¡an"e rle iä¡ãs ;; ;åî;ni; frofiside of rùe for opemtion in said key and mouse modes; display. wl¡e¡ein said palrel comp¡ises: dialing by foùching the corresponding key pâttems. The irputted telephone numbe¡ is shown on the LCD 22 afte¡ prccessiûg the toùched signals by software or hardwale. plur¿lity of secoûd patlems on said plüality ofrcgions for operation in said key and haDdwriting modes; whereiD said panel compriscs: If the touclìpad 10 js switclìed to the bâodwdting membrâne aûd trânsparent platei a conduclor wiring on sai¿l subsLrâ1e; â¡d an insulatol covered on said conductor wiriDg. 8 A capacilive touchpad of claim 7, whereiD said conApplication for inpùt device o¡ iùte¡fâce ofany such ãs mobile phòne, public Intemet plú¡e, õó'oputet +s ductor wiriìg comprises an ITO 9. A capacjtive toùchpad of clain 7, whe¡ein saìd ißukeyboard, PDA, iûfoÍnarion appliarce (IA) ând dictionary, the âdvâùtages ofthe present inveDtion become lator is transparenl. I0. A capâcitive toùchpad iùtegruted with rnouse and much clearly. Especially usjng on cellùlâr phones, the function of the phoùes câ¡ be incrcâsed eromrously handwrifilg Íluctio¡s, comprjsing: decreased thickness, and the cost is cheape¡ coÈrpa¡ed to the â pâllel fo¡touch iDputtjng; keJpad module in conventionâl cellùlãr a first pattem o¡r said panel for representing a mode swilch \ Tile the p¡ese[t inve[tion has been descnbed in to switch said touchpad betweer a moùse mode ând a junction with prefeÍed elllbodimeilts dre¡eof. it is ha4dwriting mode; ihat many alte¡natjve.s, ùodificatioìÌs arld vffiations will a pluraliry of-regions ¿lefined on sai¿l pânel; ând is appareûl to those skjlled in the âlt. Àccordjxgly. a plu.atiry of seãold panems où said pluraliry ofrcgions 'for intended to emb¡ace all such altematives, modjficålions opámrion iù said mouse aùd haldwriting moães; variatiorìs Ìal fall witlin rhe spirit and sconp lherenl lìs sel forth iù the appended cìaims. g.oup consisting or rce, memhrane ånd tr¿nsparcnt plate; \4hat is cÌarmed 1. -4. capacirive rouchpad inreemred wirh key and rrandåÏ,:u"å"'::'1u":lïåiiT,iiorn", w¡itìng functioDs, 11- A capacitive touchpâd of claim 10, rvñe¡eir said a panel fo¡ touch irlputtiÌrg; conductor wiring comprises an ITO a irst pattem oll sâid paDel for representìûg a mode 12. A câpâcitive toùchpad of clairn 10, rvhereit said to switch said touchpad betweeù a key üode and â 65 insulato¡ is traûspaael1t. handwriting mode; a plurality ofregions defined orr sâid pânelì and usúally. rhe key. word lurd symbol pâflerns to represenr noy ou-t!, or frlction keys ár" p.ltt"J ão tri" i.l"rãi* "o püte on the top of the paireÌ 12, ^However, variatiorN o¡ inodifications aie possiblã withiû the scope of lhe pÌese[t a substrâte selected from the group consisting of PcB, inveltio¡, ^ appùatus. elecfonic inpùt with 50 phones. co¡evideDt be it 55 änd ' i"'rï.ïl:"ti::,äiätrTr,e :""ü1Ì:ff is: 60 comp¡isiùg: switch

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