Solis et al v. Opt, Inc et al

Filing 58

Order by Hon. Lucy H. Koh granting 57 Stipulation By Petition Hilda L. Solis and Defendants Opt, Inc. and Joyce Olszewski to Appoint Independent Fiduciary.(lhklc3, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/7/2013)

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1 2 3 4 SUSAN E. BISHOP, CA STATE BARNO. 187253 BERLINER COHEN TEN ALMADEN BOULEYARD ELEVENTH FLOOR SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95113-2233 TELEPHONE: (408) 286-5800 FACSIMILE: (408) 998-5388 susan. 5 6 ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS OPT, INC. AND JOYCE OLSZEWSKI, AS EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF ANTHONY OLSZEWSKI 7 8 9 10 11 JOSEPH MICHAEL LAKE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR 90 7TH STREET SUITE 3-700 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 TELEPHONE: (415) 625-7758 FACSIMILE: (415) 625-7772 12 13 ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER HILDA SOLIS, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 16 17 HILDA L. SOLIS, Secretary of Labor, United States Department of Labor, · 18 Petitioner, 19 v. 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. 10-CV-04363 JW STIPULATION BY PETITIONER HILDA L. SOLIS AND DEFENDANTS OPT, INC. AND JOYCE OLSZEWSKI TO APPOINT INDEPENDENT FIDUCIARY AND PROPOSED ORDER OPT, INC., a corporation; JOYCE OLSZEWSKI, THE EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF ANTHONY OLSZEWSKI, a deceased individual; JOYCEL YN TRAN, an individual; JONATHAN JONES, an individual; and the OPT, INC. 401(k) PROFIT SHARING PLAN, an employee pension benefit plan; Defendants. 26 27 28 CASE No. 10-CV-04363 JW SBISHOP\1136930.1 112413-21088001 -1- STIPULATION AND PROPOSED ORDER TO APPOINT FIDUCIARY 1 2 SUMMARY OF FACTS 1. On September 28, 2010, the Secretary filed her Complaint for violations of the 3 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), 29 U.S.C. §1001-1191c, in this 4 Court, against Defendants Opt, Inc., a California corporation and Joyce Olszewski, as Executor 5 of the Estate Of Anthony Olszewski, a deceased individual and Joycelyn Tran, an individual; 6 Jonathan Jones, an individual; and the OPT, Inc. 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan, (hereinafter 7 collectively referred to as "Defendants"). (See Doc. 1 (Complaint).) 8 9 10 2. A default Judgment was taken against Joycelyn Tran and Jonathan Jones on May 2, 2011 (See Doc.40 (Default Judgment).) 3. A Consent Judgment was entered into as to Defendants Opt, Inc. and Joyce 11 Olszewski, the Executor ofthe Estate of Anthony Olszewski on May 14, 2012 (See Doc. 54 12 (Consent Judgment).) 13 4. The Consent Judgment specifically provides for the appointment of an 14 Independent Fiduciary, who shall have full discretionary authority over the administration and 15 management of the Plan. 16 provides that: 17 a. (Doc. 54, ,-r6(a-i).) Among other things, the Consent Judgment said Independent Fiduciary shall be responsible for collecting, 18 marshalling, paying out, and administering all of the Plan's assets and taking further action with 19 respect to the Plan as appropriate, establishing a trust account to receive those funds, and 20 terminating the Plan when all of its assets are distributed to all eligible participants and 21 beneficiaries (Id. ,-r 6(a)&(b)); 22 b. said Independent Fiduciary shall have his or her reasonable costs and fees 23 paid by Defendant Joyce Olszewski, as Executor of the Estate of Anthony Olszewski. Should 24 there be insufficient funds in the Estate of Estate of Anthony Olszewski to pay the costs of the 25 Independent Fiduciary, in accordance with the governing Plan documents, the Plan shall bear 26 such costs, to be reimbursed to the Plan by all Defendants upon motion by the Secretary of Labor 27 setting forth the sum of such costs for this Court to enter judgment against all Defendants for 28 same. (Id. ,-r 6(i)); CASE No. 10-CV-04363 JW SBISHOP\1136930.1 112413-21088001 -2- STIPULATION AND PROPOSED ORDER TO APPOINT FIDUCIARY c. 1 2 5. OPT, Inc., shall be removed as fiduciary and trustee to the Plan (Id. ~ 3). Petitioner and Counsel for OPT, Inc. and Joyce Olszewski, the Executor of the 3 Estate of Anthony Olszewski have met and conferred about an appropriate fiduciary and matter 4 and the Secretary has no objection to the appointment of M. Larry Lefoldt, CPA. Attached as 5 Exhibit A is a copy of Mr. Lefoldt's Curriculum Vitae and Retirement Plan Experience. M. 6 Larry Lefoldt, CPA has agreed to act as the fiduciary. 7 WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED THAT: 8 1. 9 10 OPT, Inc. and Joyce Olszewski, the Executor of the Estate of Anthony Olszewski shall removed as fiduciary and trustee to the Plan; 2. M. Larry Lefoldt, CPA of Lefoldt & Co., P.A., 690 Towne Center Blvd., P.O. 11 Box 2848, Ridgeland, MS 39158-2848, (601) 956-2374, shall be appointed as the Independent 12 Fiduciary, who: 13 a. Shall be responsible for collecting, marshalling, paying out, and 14 administering all of the Plan's assets and taking further action with respect to the Plan as 15 appropriate, establishing a trust account to receive those funds, and terminating the Plan when all 16 of its assets are distributed to all eligible participants and; 17 b. Pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Employee Benefits Security 18 Administration's Field Assistance Bulletin 2004-02, shall exercise reasonable care and diligence 19 to identify and locate each Plan participant and beneficiary who is eligible to receive a 20 distribution under the terms of the Plan to the extent the Plan has distributable assets; 21 22 23 c. Has all the rights, duties, discretion and responsibilities of a trustee, fiduciary and Plan Administrator under ERISA, including filing a final Form 5500; d. Has the authority to delegate or assign fiduciary duties as appropriate and 24 allowed under the law and may retain assistance as he may require including attorneys, 25 accountants, actuaries and other service providers; 26 e. Shall have full access to all data, information and calculations in the 27 Plan's possession and under its control, including information and records maintained by the 28 Plan's custodial trustee or service provider; CASE No. 10-CV-04363 JW SBISHOP\1136930.1 112413-21088001 -3- STIPULATION AND PROPOSED ORDER TO APPOINT FIDUCIARY 1 2 f. Shall have the authority to give instructions respecting the disposition of assets of the Plan, including the authority to amend the Plan document, as necessary; 3 g. Shall be authorized to receive up to $3,721.15 in reasonable costs and fees 4 paid by Defendant Joyce Olszewski, as Executor of the Estate of Anthony Olszewski. Should 5 there be insufficient funds in the Estate of Estate of Anthony Olszewski to pay the costs of the 6 Independent Fiduciary, in accordance with the governing Plan documents, the Plan shall bear 7 such costs, to be reimbursed to the Plan by all Defendants upon motion by the Secretary of Labor 8 setting forth the sum of such costs for this Court to enter judgment against all Defendants for 9 same. 10 h. Shall comply with all applicable rules and law. 11 12 DATED: MARCH_, 2013 BERLINER COHEN 13 BY: //SUSAN E. BISHOP// SUSAN E. BISHOP ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS OPT, INC. AND JOYCE OLSZEWSKI, AS EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF ANTHONY OLSZEWSKI 14 15 16 17 DATED: MARCH_, 2013 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 18 BY: //JOSEPH MICHAEL LAKE// JOSEPH MICHAEL LAKE ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER HILDA SOLIS, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 19 20 21 22 IT IS SO ORDERED. 23 DATED: MARCH_,2013 24 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT April 7, 2013 BY: 25 JUDGE LUCY KOH 26 27 28 CASE No. 10-CV-04363 JW SBISHOP\1136930.1 112413-21088001 -4- STIPULATION AND PROPOSED ORDER TO APPOINT FIDUCIARY

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