Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 1314

NOTICE by Samsung Electronics America, Inc.(a New York corporation), Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC(a Delaware limited liability company) re 1269 Order on Administrative Motion to File Under Seal,,, Order on Motion to Remove Incorrectly Filed Document, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, Unredacted Declaration of Mark Tung in Support of Samsung's Conditional Motion for Relief (Dkt. No. 953) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 3, # 2 Exhibit 4, # 3 Exhibit 5, # 4 Exhibit 6, # 5 Exhibit 7, # 6 Exhibit 8, # 7 Exhibit 9, # 8 Exhibit 11, # 9 Exhibit 12, # 10 Exhibit 13, # 11 Exhibit 14, # 12 Exhibit 15)(Maroulis, Victoria) (Filed on 7/24/2012)

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EXHIBIT 9 FILED UNDER SEAL Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 1 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN JOSE DIVISION 2 3 4 5 APPLE INC., a California corporation, 6 Plaintiff, 7 vs. CASE NO. 11-cv-01846-LHK 8 9 10 11 12 13 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD., a Korean business entity; SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AMERICA,INC., a New York corporation; SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNICATIONS AMERICA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Defendants. ____________________________/ 14 15 16 17 H I G H L Y C O N F I D E N T I A L A T T O R N E Y S' E Y E S O N L Y 18 19 20 21 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF JEFFREY JOHNSON, Ph.D. REDWOOD SHORES, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, April 26, 2012 22 23 24 25 BY: ANDREA M. IGNACIO HOWARD, CSR, RPR, CCRR, CLR CSR LICENSE NO. 9830 JOB NO. 49051 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 5 1 2 MR. TUNG: Mark Tung from Quinn Emanuel for Samsung, and with me is Aileen Kim. 09:16 09:16 3 4 JEFFREY JOHNSON, 5 having been sworn as a witness 6 by the Certified Shorthand Reporter, 7 testified as follows: 8 9 EXAMINATION BY MR. AHN 10 MR. AHN: 11 THE WITNESS: 12 MR. AHN: 09:17 Good morning, Dr. Johnson. 09:17 Good morning. 09:17 We've already met off the record, 09:17 13 but I just want to introduce myself again. 14 Matthew Ahn. 15 representing Apple in this action. 16 ask you a few questions -- actually, probably more 09:17 17 than a few questions -- about the expert report that 09:17 18 you submitted for this case. 09:17 19 20 Q My name is 09:17 I'm an attorney for Morrison & Foerster, 09:17 I'm just going to 09:17 I believe you were previously deposed in this 09:17 action approximately eight months ago; is that right? 09:17 21 A In October. 22 Q In October. 23 A Uh-huh. 09:17 24 Q Okay. 09:17 25 apply. 09:17 About six months ago? 09:17 So the same basic rules are going to I'm going to ask you some questions. TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Your 09:17 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 53 1 MR. AHN: Q. Did you discuss the contacts 10:33 2 application for any specific device or just in 10:33 3 general? 10:33 4 A Just in general. 10:33 5 Q Did you think it was necessary to discuss it 10:33 6 in the context of specific devices? 7 MR. TUNG: 8 THE WITNESS: 9 10 10:33 Objection; vague. 10:34 There were some questions about 10:34 what versions of the Android software corresponded to 10:34 what behaviors. 10:34 11 MR. AHN: 12 MR. TUNG: 13 THE WITNESS: Q. Can you expand on that. Objection; vague. 10:34 10:34 Well, first of all, Mr. Kho 10:34 14 implemented the list functionality. 15 implementer of the contacts application. The contacts 10:34 16 application is built on the list control. And so he 10:34 17 was the implementer of the list control that the 10:34 18 contact application uses. 10:34 19 He was not the So he -- he could answer questions about how 10:34 10:35 20 the list functionality behaves but not about how -- 10:35 21 there were -- there were specific questions about the 10:35 22 contact application itself that he was not able to 10:35 23 answer. 10:35 24 25 MR. AHN: Q. What types of questions were you asking him about the contacts application itself? TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 10:35 10:35 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 54 1 MR. TUNG: 2 THE WITNESS: Objection; vague. 10:35 I was -- I was asking him 10:35 3 functions about -- questions about the list 10:35 4 functionality because that's what he implemented, and 10:35 5 we were asking questions about the behavior of the 10:35 6 lists under certain -- you know, which -- which -- 10:35 7 which versions of the software the list functionality 10:35 8 did exhibit certain behaviors. 10:35 9 MR. AHN: Q. What were the specific issues 10:36 10 that you wanted to discuss with Mr. Kho? 11 the general operation of the contacts list, or were 10:36 12 there any specific cases or examples that you wanted 10:36 13 to discuss with him? 10:36 14 MR. TUNG: 15 THE WITNESS: Was it just Objection; vague. It was the general behavior, 10:36 10:36 10:36 16 the overall behavior of the list control that's used 10:36 17 in the contacts application. 10:36 18 There were also questions about the -- 10:36 19 certain features, such as, for example, the -- the 10:36 20 blue glow and how that -- how that worked, and how the 10:36 21 implementation -- how -- how the implementation -- how 10:37 22 the implementation went or how -- how -- what -- what 10:37 23 it took in order to implement the blue glow, for 10:37 24 example. 10:37 25 MR. AHN: Q. What is blue glow? TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 10:37 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 55 1 A Blue glow is a means of showing the -- the 10:37 2 user that they've reached the end of the document 10:37 3 that's an alternative to revealing the area beyond the 10:37 4 end of the document and then bouncing back. 10:37 5 blue glow is a -- is a blueish-shaded glow that 10:37 6 appears at the edge of the document that the user has 10:37 7 reached. 10:37 Q 10:38 8 9 So the In your opinion, that's an alternative to what I'm going to refer to as the '381's functionality 10:38 10 of showing an area beyond the edge and then snapping 10:38 11 back? 10:38 12 A Yes. 10:38 13 Q Do you think it's a good alternative? 10:38 14 MR. TUNG: 10:38 15 THE WITNESS: Objection; vague. I think that it's -- I -- I 10:38 16 think that it's -- it's a workable alternative. 17 and with my user interface designer hat on, it's -- 10:38 18 it's probably not as intuitive as the -- the bounce, 10:38 19 but it's certainly better than some other 10:38 20 alternatives. 10:38 21 22 MR. AHN: Q. Why is it not as intuitive as the bounce? 10:38 10:38 10:38 23 MR. TUNG: 24 THE WITNESS: 25 I -- Objection; vague. Well, because the user would have to learn what the blue glow means. TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 10:38 10:38 10:38 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 56 1 MR. AHN: Dr. Balakrishnan referred to some 10:39 2 user commentary that he had seen on the Internet 10:39 3 regarding the blue glow functionality, and I believe 10:39 4 he stated that many users were frustrated by it and 10:39 5 felt that it wasn't as good as the bounce or the snap 10:39 6 back functionality. 10:39 7 Q Do you agree with Dr. Balakrishnan? 10:39 8 A Well, I haven't seen -- I didn't -- I -- I -- 10:39 9 I guess I don't dis -- agree or disagree with his -- 10:39 10 his conclusion because I haven't seen that Internet -- 10:39 11 those Internet discussions. 10:39 12 discussions about the -- the device. 13 Q I'm not aware of Internet 10:39 For the blue glow, you had mentioned that you 10:39 14 had discussed with Mr. Kho the implementation of that 10:39 15 feature; is that correct? 10:40 16 A Yes. 10:40 17 Q Can you tell me what he told you in that 10:40 18 regard. 19 how long it took him to develop that functionality? Did he discuss just how it's implemented or 10:40 10:40 20 A He did discuss those things. 10:40 21 Q Okay. 10:40 22 23 24 25 Let's take them in order. Can you tell me about how it's implemented inside of the contacts application. A What he said was that the -- that it wasn't -- once they decided on what it -- what the TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 57 1 behavior should -- sorry. 2 Let me start over. Once they decided what the behavior should 10:40 10:40 3 be -- that is, the blue glow -- implementing it was 10:40 4 not that difficult because what they decided to do was 10:40 5 to have the blue glow extend out from the edge the 10:40 6 same distance that the document would have pulled away 10:41 7 from the edge. 10:41 8 complex calculation, they didn't have to redo that 10:41 9 calculation because it was already done. 10:41 10 Q And so although that calculation is a Why is that a complex calculation? 10:41 11 MR. TUNG: 10:41 12 THE WITNESS: Objection; vague. I don't actually know why it's 10:41 13 a complex calculation, but he said that it was a 10:41 14 complex calculation. 10:41 15 function that's related to the distance that the user 10:41 16 has pulled his finger across the -- across the screen. 10:41 17 And in order to -- the document doesn't -- doesn't 10:41 18 follow necessarily the finger that -- that full -- 10:42 19 that full distance. 10:42 20 He -- apparently, there's some And so -- and so the blue glow -- similarly, 10:42 21 the amount that it -- that it extends out from the 10:42 22 edge of the document is based on this complex 10:42 23 function, but he didn't explain to me what the complex 10:42 24 function is. 10:42 25 MR. AHN: Q. When you see the blue glow TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 10:42 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 58 1 itself, is that something that's overlaid on top of 10:42 2 the image? 10:42 3 MR. TUNG: 4 THE WITNESS: Yes. 10:42 5 MR. AHN: How do you know that? 10:42 Objection; vague. Q. 10:42 6 A Because I saw it. 10:42 7 Q So it's not something that's, for lack of a 10:42 8 better way of describing it, becoming part of the 10:42 9 image, but it's just some type of layer that's over 10:42 the image? 10:42 10 11 MR. TUNG: 12 THE WITNESS: Objection; vague. Again, all I know is that the 10:42 10:42 13 blue glow appears in the image. I don't know whether 10:43 14 it's implemented with layers because I didn't discuss 10:43 15 that with Mr. Kho. 10:43 16 17 MR. AHN: Q. Have you ever seen any source code for the blue glow functionality? 10:43 10:43 18 A No. 10:43 19 Q You mentioned that the blue glow itself 10:43 20 appears from the edge of the photograph; is that 10:43 21 right? Strike that. 10:43 You mentioned that the blue glow itself would 10:43 22 23 appear from the edge of, for example, the contacts 10:43 24 list inside the contacts application; is that right? 10:43 25 MR. TUNG: Objection; mischaracterizes TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 10:43 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 59 1 testimony. 2 10:43 THE WITNESS: It would -- it would -- it 10:43 3 would appear from either the top or the bottom of the 10:43 4 list, depending on which -- if you reached the top, it 10:43 5 would appear from the top edge. 10:43 6 bottom, it would appear from the bottom edge. 7 MR. AHN: Q. If you reached the When you see the blue glow, are 10:44 10:44 8 you seeing something that's beyond the edge of the 10:44 9 contacts list? 10:44 10 A No. 10:44 11 Q What are you looking at, then? 10:44 12 A You're looking at the edge of the document or 10:44 13 the edge of the contact list in this case, and you're 10:44 14 looking at a blue glow that is superimposed over 10:44 15 the -- the document edge. 10:44 16 Q You mentioned that Mr. Kho stated that it was 10:44 17 not that difficult to implement the blue glow 10:44 18 functionality. 10:44 19 20 21 22 Did he give you a time frame for how long it took them to design that functionality? A 10:44 10:44 No, he did not give me a time frame. 10:44 What he said was that deciding -- given the 10:44 23 fact that there was a team of people working together 10:45 24 on -- on this, deciding what the behavior should be is 10:45 25 what took time. 10:45 And then once they decided, TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 60 1 implementing it did not take much time at all. 10:45 2 Q But he -- 10:45 3 A So there were difference -- there were 10:45 4 differences of opinion on the team as to what the 10:45 5 desired behavior should be. 10:45 6 7 Q Did he tell you about any of those 10:45 differences of opinion? 10:45 8 A No. 10:45 9 Q And he didn't give you a specific time frame 10:45 10 for how long -- long it took to actually implement the 10:45 11 functionality; is that correct? 10:45 12 13 14 A Correct. He just said once they decided what it should do, it was pretty easy to do. Q 10:45 10:45 Do you agree with him on that? 10:45 15 MR. TUNG: 10:45 16 THE WITNESS: Objection; vague. I have no way of judging 10:45 17 whether he -- I just have to go by what he said. 18 don't -- I don't -- I didn't look at the source code. 10:46 19 I mean, he -- what he said was the blue glow extends 10:46 20 out the same distance that the document would have 10:46 21 pulled away from the edge. 10:46 22 sense that that wouldn't be difficult. 23 24 25 MR. AHN: Q. I And so to me, it makes Is there anything else that you discussed with Mr. Kho? A Yes. 10:46 10:46 10:46 I remember asking him questions about TSG Reporting - Worldwide 10:46 877-702-9580 10:46 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 61 1 whether there were any situations in which the 10:46 2 contacts list moves in a two-dimensional way. 10:46 3 Q What was his response? 10:46 4 A Well, he said several times during the course 10:46 5 of the conversation that he did not implement the 10:47 6 contacts application. 10:47 7 functionality, which has built into it a number of 10:47 8 different possible behaviors. 10:47 9 application doesn't make use of everything that the 10:47 list functionality can do. 10:47 10 He only implemented the list But the contacts 11 One thing that we had noted before we talked 10:47 12 to him was that it is possible to take specific list 10:47 13 items -- in certain versions of the software, it's 10:47 14 possible to take specific list items and move them 10:47 15 left to right, but the list as a whole only moves up 10:47 16 and down. 10:47 17 So we were asking him about other possible 10:47 18 situations in which there could be two-dimensional 10:47 19 motion. 10:47 20 Q Based on your own examination of the Samsung 10:47 21 products, were there any instances in which you could 10:47 22 have the contacts list move in two dimensions? 10:47 23 24 25 A The list as a whole -- no. 10:48 As I said, we did notice situations in which 10:48 specific items could be moved left or right. TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 10:48 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 68 1 person who is using the device to make that decision? 2 MR. TUNG: 10:57 Objection; mischaracterizes 10:57 3 testimony; beyond the scope; vague; incomplete 10:58 4 hypothetical. 10:58 5 6 THE WITNESS: I think it would depend on the designer of the application. 7 8 No. MR. AHN: Q. 10:58 10:58 Can you explain what you mean by that. 10:58 9 10:58 MR. TUNG: 10 Same objections. THE WITNESS: 10:58 The -- the -- the application 10:58 11 is designed so that -- so that its contents can be 10:58 12 organized in certain ways. 10:58 13 computer systems we have folders, and we can put 10:58 14 folders inside folders. 10:58 15 MR. AHN: Q. So, for example, in most So let's try it this way: If 10:58 16 you had a folder inside the gallery that said "photos 10:59 17 from college," and then there was another folder that 10:59 18 said "photos from law school," you would consider 10:59 19 those to be separate electronic documents; is that 10:59 20 correct? 10:59 21 MR. TUNG: 22 THE WITNESS: Same -- same objections. I would consider the folders to 10:59 10:59 23 be electronic documents, just as the photographs are 10:59 24 electronic documents. 10:59 25 MR. AHN: Q. And if you simply had an entire TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 10:59 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 69 1 gallery full of images, and you looked at the first 10:59 2 column of that and said, "Well, the first column is 10:59 3 going to be my law school photographs; I consider that 10:59 4 to be a separate electronic document," would that make 10:59 5 sense to you? 10:59 6 7 8 9 MR. TUNG: Objection; incomplete hypothetical; beyond the scope; vague. THE WITNESS: Yeah, I -- I don't know. 10:59 10:59 10:59 That's a hard question to answer because -- because 10:59 10 regardless of what -- regardless of what the designer 10:59 11 does, sometimes the users have to make up -- they have 11:00 12 to use the device in such a way that allows them to do 11:00 13 things that the designer may not have thought of. 11:00 14 And so -- so, for example, I know from my own 11:00 15 case, when I'm putting together a slide show for my 11:00 16 friends, I'll make sure that I'll allot pictures for 11:00 17 certain -- certain subjects are first, and then other 11:00 18 ones follow. 11:00 19 So whether -- whether the photographs, let's 11:00 20 say, that describe the departure on my vacation are a 11:00 21 separate document from the photographs that describe 11:00 22 the -- that depict the return from my vacation are -- 11:00 23 are separate documents, is sort of in the mind of me, 11:00 24 the user. 11:01 25 MR. AHN: Q. Did you discuss the blue glow TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 11:01 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 70 1 2 functionality in the gallery with Mr. Nam? A Probably. I'm not sure -- I'm not sure I 11:01 11:01 3 remember whether we discussed blue glow with Mr. Nam. 11:01 4 The main person I remember discussing it with 11:01 5 6 was Mr. Kho, but I'm not -- I'm not sure. Q Do you know if the blue glow is implemented 11:01 11:01 7 the same way in the contacts application as it is in 11:01 8 the gallery application? 11:01 9 A I don't know. 11:01 10 Q And you don't recall if you had that specific 11:01 11 discussion with Mr. Nam regarding blue glow and the 11:01 12 gallery; correct? 11:01 13 A Correct. 11:01 14 Q Was there anything else that you remember 11:01 15 discussing with Mr. Nam? 11:02 16 A Hold still. 11:02 17 Q What do you mean by that? 11:02 18 A The behavior of the gallery in which, when 11:02 19 you drag an image -- when -- first of all, you have to 11:02 20 go into zoomed-in mode. 11:02 21 looking at a picture magnified. 22 So you're in zoomed-in mode, 11:02 And when you move your finger slowly and pan 11:02 23 the picture and the edge of the document is -- the 11:02 24 edge of the photograph is reached and you let go, it 11:02 25 does not bounce back necessarily to the -- so that 11:02 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 71 1 the -- the area beyond the edge is -- is no longer 11:02 2 displayed. It doesn't necessarily bounce back. 11:03 It -- if you are moving your finger slowly 11:03 3 4 enough and you let go, it just stays where -- exactly 11:03 5 where it is. 11:03 6 Q You just said that it does not bounce back 7 necessarily. 8 instances it would and in some instances it wouldn't? 9 10 11 A Does that mean in some instances -- You have to be moving your finger very slowly and then let go for it not to bounce back. 11:03 11:03 11:03 11:03 What do you think of that functionality? 11:03 12 MR. TUNG: 11:03 13 MR. AHN: 14 Q 11:03 Objection; vague. And by "that functionality," I'm referring to the hold still functionality. 15 MR. TUNG: 16 THE WITNESS: 17 18 It's still -- still vague. I -- what I thought of it was that it -- let's see. 11:03 11:03 11:03 11:03 11:03 It's hard to -- it's hard to make it happen. 11:03 19 So my -- my feeling was that it would -- it has a 11:04 20 certain -- it has a certain purpose. 11:04 21 certain purpose behind it, but one would have to know 11:04 22 that purpose in order to -- to do it because if you 11:04 23 move your finger too fast, it does bounce back. 11:04 24 25 MR. AHN: Q. There's a What is the purpose of having that functionality? TSG Reporting - Worldwide 11:04 11:04 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 131 1 to the electronic document in order to be beyond its 13:39 2 edge. 13:39 3 4 MR. TUNG: Objection; mischaracterizes testimony. 5 13:39 13:39 THE WITNESS: The -- the elements of Claim 1 13:39 6 of the patent say that in response to an edge of the 13:39 7 screen -- the edge of the document being reached, an 13:39 8 area beyond the edge of the document is displayed. 13:39 9 So what that means to me is at the time in 13:40 10 which some -- the area -- the edge of the document is 13:40 11 reached, something -- some software does something to 13:40 12 display something. 13:40 13 And what the software is doing is moving the 13:40 14 document aside and letting -- allowing the -- in the 13:40 15 Samsung phones, the -- the Samsung devices, it's 13:40 16 moving the -- the document aside and allowing the 13:40 17 background to be seen. 13:40 18 And that background was set up at the 13:40 19 beginning of the application, not in -- in response to 13:40 20 reaching the edge of the document. 13:40 21 22 23 MR. AHN: Q. Is the background being displayed when you can't see it? A 13:40 It's not being -- it's not being -- it's not 24 visible to the user. 25 not being displayed. It's -- so in that sense, it's TSG Reporting - Worldwide 13:40 13:41 13:41 13:41 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 132 1 2 3 Q Is there anything else you recall about your discussion with Sun Young Kim from ThinkFree? A 13:41 I think I just mentioned two things. 13:41 One is 13:41 4 that -- no. 5 remembered with my conversation with him is we just 13:41 6 discussed backgrounds. 13:41 Well, all I can remember -- all I 13:41 7 And the other thing that I remembered was 13:41 8 that I have seen source code for that -- for that 13:41 9 application, which I wasn't sure I had seen before. 13:41 10 11 12 Q Is that listed in the materials considered in your expert report? A 13 13:41 13:41 Well, let's see. Whoops. Wrong document. I don't see it listed here. I think that it 13:41 13:42 14 mentions in -- in the report that I viewed source 13:42 15 code. Let's see. 13:42 16 here. Materials considered. 17 ThinkFree Office. Let me just look 13:43 Right now, I'm not finding where it -- it 13:43 18 mentions in here that I considered some soft -- some 13:43 19 of the source code for ThinkFree Office. 13:43 20 Q Okay. Let me ask you a little bit more about 13:43 21 the blue glow design-around that we previously 13:43 22 discussed. 13:44 23 A Uh-huh. 13:44 24 Q Do you know when that functionality was 13:44 25 implemented in Samsung's devices? TSG Reporting - Worldwide 13:44 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 133 1 A Well, based on my conversations with the 13:44 2 Samsung engineers, it was implemented sometime in -- I 13:44 3 believe they said it was sometime in 2011, but I -- 13:44 4 I'm not -- I'm not really sure. 13:44 5 mention a specific date. 6 sort of time of the year. 7 I don't -- I'm not actually positive about that. 8 9 Q I -- they didn't They just talked about the I think it was early 2011. You yourself have not seen the source code for that functionality; is that correct? 13:44 13:44 13:44 13:44 13:44 10 A That's correct. 13:45 11 Q You also offered the opinion that this is not 13:45 12 a particularly complicated design-around, that it was 13:45 13 fairly easy to implement; do you recall that? 13:45 14 A Yes. 13:45 15 Q Would implementing that type of functionality 13:45 16 be something that was well known by people in the 13:45 17 field? 13:45 18 MR. TUNG: 19 THE WITNESS: 20 MR. AHN: 21 Objection; vague. People in what field? In the field of user interfaces, human/computer interaction. 22 MR. TUNG: 23 THE WITNESS: 13:45 13:45 13:45 13:45 Objection; vague. Well, as I said, the Samsung 13:45 13:45 24 engineers told me that it took them a while to figure 13:45 25 out on -- among their team what the -- what the design 13:45 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 134 1 should be. 2 that out, then they -- implementing it was not hard. 3 And then once they designed -- figured I don't think there was any -- from that, 13:45 13:46 13:46 4 I -- I am saying that I am -- I'm getting that 13:46 5 there's -- there wasn't sort of a preconceived idea of 13:46 6 what the design should be. 13:46 7 experience before, I haven't seen that kind of a way 13:46 8 of indicating that you've reached the edge of a 13:46 9 document. 13:46 10 11 12 MR. AHN: And certainly, in my Let me turn now to the '381 patent itself. 13:46 You previously testified that you had a 13:46 13 general understanding what the patent was about, and I 13:46 14 think you said that it offered visual feedback 13:46 15 regarding reaching the end of an electronic document; 13:46 16 is that accurate? 13:46 17 Q 13:46 A Yes. It's a patent about displaying -- yes. 13:46 18 It's giving users visual feedback when they reach the 13:47 19 edge of a -- edge of a document. 13:47 20 21 Q Do you know what problem the '381 patent was trying to solve? 13:47 13:47 22 MR. TUNG: 23 THE WITNESS: Objection; vague. Well, it says in the 13:47 13:47 24 specification it was trying to solve -- or in the -- 13:47 25 in the -- in the beginning of the patent, in the 13:47 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 135 1 introduction, it says that it's trying to solve the 13:47 2 problem of the user knowing that they received -- 13:47 3 reached the end of the document. 13:47 4 5 MR. AHN: Q. Do you think that was an issue prior to the '381 patent? 13:47 13:47 6 A Yes. 13:47 7 Q Why? 13:47 8 A Because users would reach ends of documents 13:47 9 10 11 and need some feedback that they reached the end. Q Do you recall what types of feedback or lack of feedback that existed prior to the '381 patent? 12 13 13:47 MR. TUNG: 13:47 Objection; vague and beyond the 13:47 scope. 14 13:47 13:47 THE WITNESS: Well, prior to the '381 patent, 13:47 I mean, prior to bounce, there were -- 13:48 15 I'm not sure. 16 there was -- there were user interfaces that did 13:48 17 nothing, that basically did a hard stop. 13:48 18 There -- I don't know what other -- you know, 13:48 19 typically in a word processor, let's say Microsoft 13:48 20 Word, when you reach the end of the document, it 13:48 21 stops. 13:48 22 But you weren't scrolling by dragging your 13:48 23 finger. 24 the side of the screen, and that was usually in the 13:48 25 opposite direction that the document was moving. 13:48 You were scrolling by pulling a scroll bar on TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 So 13:48 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 202 1 A An edge that is at the extreme -- or a 16:00 2 scrollable edge is actually at the -- at the edge of 16:00 3 an electronic document in the -- that's -- I guess the 16:00 4 edge is perpendicular to the direction of movement of 16:00 5 the -- of the document, you know. 16:00 6 case, it's perpendicular to the edge. 7 is -- can move in an unconstrained way, then some of 16:00 8 the -- then all of the edges are scrollable edges, 16:00 9 really. 16:00 10 MR. AHN: 11 In the constrained If the document marked as Exhibit No. 4. 12 13 I'm going to hand you what I've for identification.) THE WITNESS: 15 MR. AHN: 16 No. 16:01 16:01 So are we through with this? 16:01 You can leave that open in 16:01 front of you. 16:01 17 THE WITNESS: 18 MR. AHN: 19 Exhibit 4 is just a screen capture from the 20 16:01 16:01 (Document marked J. Johnson Exhibit 4 14 16:00 Okay. 16:01 I'll come back to it. New York Times homepage from yesterday. 16:01 16:01 16:01 21 THE WITNESS: Okay. 16:01 22 MR. AHN: Can you tell me in Exhibit 4 16:01 23 24 25 Q. what you would consider to be the scrollable edges. MR. TUNG: 16:01 So I'll object that this is a -- a 16:01 printout on a piece of paper, and you're asking about 16:01 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 203 1 edges in the context of the '381 document -- 16:01 2 '381 patent. 16:01 3 4 MR. AHN: Q Let me give you some context. 16:01 This is just a screen capture of Internet 16:01 5 Explorer showing the New York Times homepage. 6 curious as to, if you were looking at this on the 16:02 7 screen of a computer, what you would consider to be a 16:02 8 scrollable edge? 16:02 9 10 11 MR. TUNG: And I'm So I'll still make the same objection. 16:01 16:02 16:02 THE WITNESS: Yeah, it would be -- it would 16:02 12 be nicer if this picture had -- had the browser also 16:02 13 shown in it so that I could see something about 16:02 14 where -- you know, how the browser is. 16:02 15 But assuming that the browser is oriented 16:02 16 vertically on the page the same way that this is, then 16:02 17 I would consider scrollable edges to be the top and 16:02 18 the bottom because we are viewing the entire width of 16:02 19 the page. 16:02 20 And, therefore, the -- when -- the way the 16:02 21 browser operates is that it's constrained when you're 16:02 22 looking at the -- when you're zoomed out, to me. 16:02 23 24 25 And so the scrollable edges are the top and the bottom. MR. AHN: 16:02 16:02 And, in fact, if this were being TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 16:02 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 204 1 displayed on one of the accused Samsung products with 16:03 2 blue glow in it, if you tried to go up and down, you 16:03 3 would actually see the blue glow appear from the top 16:03 4 or the bottom, depending on the direction of the 16:03 5 scroll; is that correct? 16:03 MR. TUNG: Objection; incomplete 16:03 I'll just say same objections. 16:03 6 7 hypothetical. 8 9 THE WITNESS: If you are scrolling the page 16:03 down and you reach the top, then the blue glow would 16:03 10 appear from the top edge. If you're scrolling up and 16:03 11 you reach the bottom, then the blue glow would appear 16:03 12 from the bottom edge. 16:03 13 MR. AHN: Q. What about the photograph 14 towards the center of the page? 15 that an electronic document? Would you consider 16:03 16:03 16:03 16 A That's a document inside a document, yes. 16:03 17 Q So in this example, would you consider the 16:03 18 overall New York Times page as the electronic 16:03 19 document, with other electronic documents embedded in 16:03 20 it? 16:03 21 A Well, I -- I suppose so. Yes, I would. 16:03 22 Balakrishnan has said in his statement that a photo -- 16:04 23 photographs are electronic documents, so -- and I 16:04 24 agree with him. 16:04 25 Q Would you consider the edges of the TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 16:04 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 205 1 photograph to be scrollable edges in this example? 2 MR. TUNG: 3 THE WITNESS: Same -- same objection. Well, this sort of depends 16:04 16:04 16:04 4 on -- on the application because in some applications, 16:04 5 as we've seen, there is -- there is snap in between 16:04 6 documents in a -- an electronic -- in documents that 16:04 7 are contained in an electronic document; that is to 16:04 8 say, the subordinate documents. 16:04 9 between them, and in other applications there isn't 16:05 any such snap. 16:05 10 There is snap in 11 So, for example, in ThinkFree Office, if it's 16:05 12 in the vertical mode, there is no snap in between any 16:05 13 pages. 16:05 14 is snap in ThinkFree Office. 15 But if it's in the horizontal mode, then there 16:05 And similarly, in this browser, there -- 16:05 16 there isn't -- there isn't -- there isn't snap between 16:05 17 the sub -- subdocuments of the main document. 16:05 18 Now, first of all, I will say that even if 16:05 19 there were snap between subordinate documents in a 16:05 20 browser, I wouldn't expect that snap to ever appear or 16:05 21 to be noticeable unless I were to zoom that -- that -- 16:06 22 zoom the document display up such that the photograph 16:06 23 filled the entire display. 16:06 24 25 You know, I have seen other applications in which if I -- if I zoomed up so the page was looking TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 16:06 16:06 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 251 1 THE WITNESS: 2 shares some characteristics. 3 form factor is for the Apple phone. 4 Well, it -- like I said, it I don't know what the 17:28 17:28 17:28 For example, the iPhone -- I don't know if 17:28 5 they're wider than this is, you know. 6 there's a certain aspect ratio here. I don't know if 17:28 7 the iPhone is the same aspect ratio. But it does 17:29 8 share some characteristics of an iPhone, yes. 9 MR. AHN: In other words, You can go ahead and power it on. 17:28 17:29 17:29 10 And if you want to go ahead and examine the build 17:29 11 information, that's fine. 17:29 12 THE WITNESS: It is hardware version i500.04. 13 Mode No. SCH-i500. 14 2.1. 15 Kernel version 2.6.29, and Build No. SCH-i500.DJ20. Update 1. 16 MR. AHN: Formula Version Firmware Version Baseband version S:I500.04K.DJ20. Q. I just want to direct your 17:29 17:29 17:29 17:30 17:30 17 attention to page 22 of your report. 18 the top, in row number 12, it states the Galaxy S 17:30 19 Showcase i500, and then it states Android Version 17:30 20 2.3.5; do you see that? 17:30 At the table at 17:30 21 A I see that. 17:30 22 Q That's a different version than the Galaxy S 17:30 23 Showcase that's been marked as Exhibit 8; correct? 17:30 24 A Correct. 17:30 25 Q The opinions that you've expressed about the 17:30 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 252 1 Galaxy S Showcase that you examined are not 17:30 2 necessarily applicable to the Galaxy S Showcase that 17:31 3 is Exhibit 8; correct? 17:31 4 A That's correct. 17:31 5 Q Go ahead and open up the Gallery application 17:31 6 on that phone. 7 document around. 8 And go ahead and try moving the 17:31 17:31 Do you see the blue glow functionality? 17:31 9 A No. 17:31 10 Q Taking a look at your report again, on 17:31 11 page 22, the box that is checked is the fourth 17:31 12 non-infringement position, and looking at page 23 of 17:31 13 your report, the fourth non-infringement position is 17:31 14 blue glow; is that right? 17:32 15 A Correct. 17:32 16 Q So even if your opinion regarding 17:32 17 non-infringement on the Galaxy S Showcase phone that 17:32 18 you examined was based on the fact that it had the 17:32 19 blue glow functionality, that opinion does not apply 17:32 20 to the Galaxy S Showcase phone that is Exhibit 8; 17:32 21 correct? 17:32 22 A Correct. 17:32 23 Q You can go ahead and set that aside. 17:32 Why don't we take a quick break. 17:32 24 25 I think I'm just about finished TSG Reporting - Worldwide 17:32 877-702-9580 Highly Confidential - Attorneys' Eyes Only Page 253 1 2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is 5:33 p.m., and we are off the record. 17:32 3 (Recess taken.) 4 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: 5 7 17:32 The time is 5:43 p.m., and we are on the record. 6 MR. AHN: Q. 17:32 17:42 17:42 Dr. Johnson, have you been 17:42 asked to testify at the trial of this case? 17:42 8 A Not yet. 17:42 9 Q Is it your understanding that you intend to 17:42 10 11 12 13 14 testify at trial in this case? A I don't know. 17:42 That -- I guess it's a 17:43 possibility, but I don't really know. MR. AHN: 17:43 Thank you for your time today. I have no further questions. 17:43 15 17:43 16 17 17:43 EXAMINATION BY MR. TUNG MR. TUNG: 17:43 So I have a couple of questions, 18 and if it's okay, I'll just proceed. 19 were on Exhibit 8. So I think we 17:43 17:43 17:43 20 Can you mark this as Exhibit 9. 17:43 21 THE WITNESS: It's the expert report. 17:43 22 (Document marked J. Johnson Exhibit 9 17:43 23 24 25 for identification.) MR. TUNG: 17:43 And then mark this one as Exhibit 10. 17:43 17:43 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580

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