Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 559

Declaration of Deok Keun Matthew Ahn in Support of #558 Response ( Non Motion ), filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1.01, #2 Exhibit 1.02, #3 Exhibit 1.03, #4 Exhibit 1.04, #5 Exhibit 1.05, #6 Exhibit 1.06, #7 Exhibit 1.07, #8 Exhibit 1.08, #9 Exhibit 1.09, #10 Exhibit 1.10, #11 Exhibit 1.11, #12 Exhibit 1.12, #13 Exhibit 1.13)(Related document(s) #558 ) (Jacobs, Michael) (Filed on 12/29/2011)

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EXHIBIT 1.11 Application/Control Number: 08/821,004 Page 15 Art Unit: 2773 Washington, D.C. 20231. If applicant d, A. , to fax a response, (703) 308-9051 may be used for formal communications or (703) 305-9724 for informal or draft communications. Please label "PROPOSED" or "DRAFT" for informal facsimile communications. For after final responses, please label "AFTER FINAL" or "EXPEDITED PROCEDURE" on the document. -delivered responses should be brought to Crystal Park II, 2121 Crystal Drive, Arlington. VA., Sixth Floor (Receptionist). Inquiries 14. Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to Crescelle dela Torre whose telephone number is (703) 305-9782. The examiner can normally be reached on Mondays-Thursdays from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, and on alternating Fridays from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's supervisor, Matthew Kim, can be reached at (703) 305-3821. Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application or proceeding should be directed to the Group receptionist whose telephone number is (703) 305-3800. Crescelle dela Torre Patent Examiner 2773 Art Unit 2773 September 11, 1998 Matthew M. Kim Supervisory Pr.tont Examiner - Technology c: ñ:er 2700 APLNDC00024535 Application No. 08/821,004 Notice of References Cited Applicant(s) Christensen = Examiner Group Art Unit Crescelle Delatorre 2773 Page 1 of 1 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS DOCUMENT NO. NAME CLASS 4,862,389 8/1989 Takagi 345 85+ 3¶ 4,885,704 12/1989 Takagi et al. 345 166 4,931,957 6/1990 Takagi et al. 345 113 yp 5,091,866 2/1992 Takagi 345 84& 603 5,640,498 6/1997 Chew 345 4-39-apo 5,678,034 10/1997 Chew 345 M4-gy 5,757,371 F DATE SUBCLASS 5/1998 Oran et al. 345 H L M FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS DOCUMENT NO. DATE COUNTRY NAME CLASS SUBCLASS N s T NON-PATENT DOCUMENTS DOCUMENT (including Author. Title, Source, and Perdnent Pages DATE u V w x S. Patent and Trademark Office PTO-892 (Rev. 9-95) Notice of References Cited Part of Paper No. 23 APLNDC00024536 United . States Patent (19] [11] Patent Number: Takagi (45] (54] INFORMATION PRO· - --· ·R WITH MULTI-WINDOW DISPLAY FUNCITON [75] Inventor: Shiro Takagi, Yokohama, Japan [73] Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba, Kawasaki, Japan [21] Appl. No.: 100,884 [22] Filed: Sep. 25, 1987 [30] Foreign Application Priority Data Dec. 26, 1986 [JP) Japan .............................. G1-315331 5 Int. Cl.4 GO6F 15/626; HO1R 1/06 [52] U.S. Cl. ....... .......... 364/521; 340/721 [58] Field of Search ............... 364/521, 300, 518, 522; 340/721, 711, 747, 750 [56] References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,555,775 4,653,020 4,694,288 4,725,830 11/1985 3/1987 9/1987 2/1988 Pike ..............................,.. Cheselka et aL ............... Harada ............................ Kawai et al. .................. 340/747 X 340/721 X 340/747 X 340/711 X DRÉO Of ŸRtent: 4,8 ,389 Aug. 29, 1989 14imary Examiner-A. D. "-" Assistant Examiner-A. Jonathan Wysocki Attorney, Agent or Firm-Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner [57] . ABSTRACT When a function change key on a keyboard is operated, a key check section .detects its ooeration and sends a function change key cogto a function-key-use right cuangmg umt. Iil response to this code, the unit calouliliiEihe niiidow number of a window different from the window currently having the function-key-use right, and notifies a function key notifier that the calculated window is a new window having the functionkey-use right. The same unit directs a CRT controllei to display a marking frame around the function area of the new window. Upon depression of a function key, the key check section inputs a function key code to the function key identifier. The function key identifier notifies the task operating in the window having the function-key-use right of the input function code. 31 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets WINDOW A WINDOW B A F i F2 BihEX PRE APLNDC00024537 U.S. Patent Aug. 29, 1989 Sheet 1 of 6 4, 62,3 CPU 13 MAIN MEMORY PAGE 14 BUrre.n COMPRESSOR/ EXPANDER 15 PATTERN GENERATOR 16 DISPLAY INTERFACE 17 220 210 \ KEYBOARD CONTROt 11 MAGNETIC DA PARATUS 29 m ] o 24 - CRT CONTROLLER Cuss i nOi i cm KI,CI -- TWODIMENSIONAL SCANNER A 22 -- RECORDING APPARATUS 25 , DISPLAY OPT1CAL DlSK APPARATUS 20 27 - • COMMUNICATION - CONTROLLER 25 I 26 F 1 G. 1 APLNDC00024538 U.S. Patent Aug. 29, 1989 Sheet 2 of 6 4, 6 41 IFC KEY E -43 loc KEYF -44 000000000 sy ¡ i g; gg 42^-! ' CJ· i t !!*l! ·O ~21 51 KEY CHECK SECTION 21ax TO CORRESPONDING TASK TO CORRESPONDING TASK CRT CONTROLLER I CRT DISPLAY APPARATUS 220 22 FlG. 2 APLNDC00024539 U.S. Patent Aug. 29, 1989 Sheet 3 of 6 4,Ê6 93 Û wlNDOW A WINDOW B -A B F i I F2 EXPIRED I | -Al I Bi F F I G. 3 A WINDOW A WINDOW B -A B Fl F2 RED Al FIG.3B APLNDC00024540 U.S. Patent Aug. 29, 1989 Sheet 4 of 6 4,Ê6 DIRECT CRT CON· - · · - TO REMOVE MARKING FRAME OF WINDOW . CURRENTLY HAVING FKUR STl CALCULATE WINDOW NUMBER OF WINDOW SUC· -·lNG TO WINDOW CURRENTLY HAVING FKUR ST2 NOTI FY FUNCTION KEY NOTI FIER OF WINDOW NUMBER CALCULATED IN ST2 AS WINDOW NUMBER OF WINDOW HAVING FKUR ANEW ST3 DI RECT CRT Cvn mus.LER TO DISPLAY MARKING FRAME TO NEW WINDOW HAVING FKUR ST4 ( END ) F I G. 4 APLNDC00024541 U.S. Patent Aug.°29, 1989 Sheet 5 of 6 4,Ê62 WINDOW A WINDOW 8 8 Wn WIN F i B NEX F2 PRE FE FIG.5A WINDOW A WINDOW B A B wn WIN Fl A EXP F2 RED F I G. 5B APLNDC00024542 L.>. Patent Aug. 29, 1989 Sheet 6 of 6 WINDOW A WINDOW B 4, 6 ,389 \(§ l A FIF2 RED B JE'X F FIG. 6A WINDOW A WINDOW B I -I -A F i F2 D( ED -F FIG. 6B APLNDC00024543 1 4,862,389 INFORMATION PROCESSOR WITH MULTI-WINDOW DISPLAY FUNCITON 2 give the right of the function keys use to another window, the order of that window must be set to the top. To change the window order, many CRT screens must be updated, and this updating takes much time. Thus, in "*"GROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 order to display .the next information, every time the first function key is to be input to the first window, the This invention relates to an information processor first window must become the top window. To see the having a multi-window display function and capable of information image in the second window, the operator executing various types of controls by function keys must again ----L the chang,re the second and the like. As is well known, various types of information pro- 10 window to the top window. This is time consuming and troublesome work. cessors based on multi-task and multi-window display systems have been developed. The multi-window sysSUMMARY OF THE INVENTION tem is discussed in "News Preliminary Technical.Overview", Oct. 1986, by Sun Microsystems Inc., and by Accordingly, with the view of overcoming the probGettys J.,."Problems Implementing Window Systems in 15 lem due to the fact that it is impossible to change only UNIX", 1986 Winter v.,v r Technical Conference the directions to the processing information correProceedings,-Jan. 1986. sponding to the plurality of windows, this invention has When the multi-window display is performed using an object to provide an information processor in wlüch this type of information processor, a plurality of winthe directable processing .information is changeable dows are often displayed, overlapping each other. Also 20 without changing the window order of the window, in this case, the right to use the keyboard is given to the and hence various processings can be performed in a uppermost (top) window of those overlapping windows simple and quick manner. on the CRT screen. Information entered from the keyAccording to one aspect of this invention, there is board is input to the top window..To enter information into windows other than the top window, the overly 25 ping order (hereinafter referred to simply as the "or der") of the windows must be changed so that the win , dow to be keyed-in the information is located at the top m the CRT screen. In other words, some operation to give the right of the keyboard-use to the desired win. 30 do bid rmati m ti tas fonction provided an information processing apparatus comprising: means for displaying a plurality of a partially overlapping fashion, each of the windows displaying the processing information provided for each wiridow, the .processing information containing a plurality of processing commands, means for selecting the processing informatiòn displayed corresponding to one window, of those processirig information displayed for pro en gd a cr ydh c operation, a plurality of windows displayed frequently 35 window, means for designating one processing comi overlap each other, because of the limited sir.e of the mand of the intensitively displayed processmg mformaCRT screen. don, and means for processmg according to the processTo enter inforniation into each window, the processing command as designated by the designatirig means. ing information of the task associated with the window According to another aspect ofthis invention, there is is keyed in by function keys on the keyboard. Accord- 40 ptovided an information processmg apparatus comprisingly, the window displays the processing information ing means for displaying a plurality of windows, and assigned to the function keys. processing mformation corresponding to one window In some situations, an operator may desire to enter of said windows, the processing information containing, processing information by the function keys to a win. a plurality of processing commands, means for selecting dow which is not the top window, and without chang- 45 the window in which the processing information is to be ing its order. For example, in an information ýrocessor displayed, means for changing and displaying the proof the type in which information is retrieved from an , cessing information corresponding to the selected winoptical disk apparatus, and the retrieved information is dow on the display means, means for designating one to be displayed, the information that the operator de. processing command of the displayed processing inforsires is retrieved from the optical disk apparatus by so mation, and means for processing according to the proaccessing functions in -the first window, and the re. cessing command as designated by the designating means. trieved information is then displayed in the second winAccording to a further aspect of this invention, there dow, which may be displayed above (on) or below is provided an information processing apparatus com(under) the first window. In order that the second window successiyely displays the plural pieces of informa- 55 pasmg means for keying in information, means for displaying a plurality of windows, each of the windows tion which are retrieved by accessing functions in the displaying the processing information provided for each first window, the first or second function key, for examwindow, one of the windows displaying an identifier to ple, must be used for entering the information to the indicate that key-iri by said key-in means is accepiable, first window. "The first function key in the first window" functions to display the information succeeding 60 the processing information containing a plurality of processing commands, means for selecting the processthe information being currently displayed in the second ing information displayed corresponding to one winwindow. "The second function key" functions to disdow, of those processing information displayed for each play the information preceding the currently displayed window, the selecting means being contained in the information. In the conventional information processor, only the 65 key-in means, means for intensitively displaying the processing information corresponding to the selected top window has the right to use keyboard keys including the function keys, and the right to use only the window, means for designating one processing comfunction keys cannot be applied to other windows. To mand of the intensitively displayed processing informa- APLNDC00024544 3 4,862,389 tion, and means for processing according to the process- 4 ing command as designated by the designating means. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS information, for example, and supplies the image retrieval request signal and the retrieval information, as sent to it, to main controller 11. Mouse 27, as an operat- ing means, is for moving the cursor on the screen of FIG. 1 shows a block diagram.of a configuration of 5 CRT display apparatus 22. Mouse 27 is provided with a an information processor according to one embodiment click button 28 as an input means. Mouse 27 is coupled with mouse controller 29, which produces cursor posiof this invention; FIG. 2 shows a view illustrating a major portion of tion signal KI on the CRT screen and operation signal the information processor of FIG. 1; CI representing operation states of click button 28. FIGS. 3A and 3B show views of examples of displays 10 These signals output from mouse controller 29 are supplied to display controller 30 (and to main controller useful in explaining the operation of the FIG. 1 informa- 11). tion processor; FIG. 4 shows a flow chart illustrating the operation FIG. 2 shows a configuration of the major portion of the information processor according to this invention. of the FIG. 1 information processor; FIGS. 5A and 5B show views of examples of displays 15 Keyboard 21 contains function keys 41, and normal keys 42 such as kana (Japanese phonetic symbols) keys containing other display contents; and FIGS. dA and 6B show views of examples of displays and alphanumeric keys. The keyboard further contains containing additional display contents. function change (FC) key 43 for changing the window having the function-key-use right, and order change DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF TEIE 20 (OC) key 44 for changing a window order. PREFERRED mv,vDvun,e Keyboard controller 21a contains key check section 51. This section checks which.of function keys 41, FC FIG, 1 shows a configuration of an embodiment of key 43, OC key 44,.and normal keys 42, the key code infprmation processor according to this invention. input from keyboard 21 belongs to. When, as the result , Main controller 11 is made up of CPU12, main memory 13, page buffer 14, compressor/expandor 15, pat- 25 of the check, the key code corresponds to function keys 41, key check section 51 supplies the key code to funetern generator 16, and display interface 17. CPU 12 can tion key notifier 52. When the key code corresponds to perform multi-task operations for various types of conFC key 43, it is supplied to function-key-use right trols. Main memory 13 stores the control programs for (FKUR) changing unii 53, from keyboard 21. When the CPU 12. Page buffer 14 has a memory capacity of 512 kb (= 128 blocks), for example. Compressor/expandor 30 key code corresponds to OC key 44, key check section 15 compresses the image information (reduces. the re51supplies the key code to window-orderchanging unit dundancy of the information) and expands the same 54. Similarly, when the key code corresponds to normal key 42, it is transferred to normal key notifier SS. (restores the redundancy of the information). Pattern Function key notifter 52 notifies the task operating in generator 16 stores the pattern information of characters, symbols, etc. 35 the window having the right to use function keys 41, of As a reader, two-dimensional scanner 19 two-dimenthe input function key code. In this case, the notifier 52 sionally scans the document image (not shown) with a has received, the notification of this window from laser beam, for example, to obtain electrical signals FKUR changing unit 53. According to the supýly of the key code from key correspondinE to the document image. Optical disk apparatus 20 sequentially records the image information 40 check section 81, unit S3 deprives the window ourrently and, which are read out by scanner 19 and owning the right of function keys use of the right, and transferred through main controller 11, on an optical gives it to another window. Then, it informs function disk (not shown). Keyboard 21 keys-in the retrieval key notifier 52 and CRT contröller 22e of the window information relating to the image information, and comnow having the function-key-use right. In this case, unit mands for various types of operations. The output sig- 45 53 has stored the number of windows currently being nal of keyboard 211s supplied to CPU 21 via keyboard displayed and the window number of the window curcontroller 21d. . Cathode ray tube display apparatus rently having the ihaction-key-ase right under control (CRT displayapparatus) 22 as a display is for displaying of CPU 11 In response to the operation by FC key 43, the image information which has been read out by the raur changing unit 53 updates the number of the scanner 19 and supplied through main controller 11, or 50 window currently having. the function-key-use right. information which has been read.out from the optical When the window number exceeds the number of win(lisk by optical disk apparatus 20 and supplied through dows, it is set to "1". If the number of windows is "2", the same route. CRT display apparatus 22 is controlled the window updated "1", "2", "1", "2", . . . in by CRT display controller 22a. The controller 22a has response to the operation of FC key 43. FKUR changadditional functions to control the display windows, 55 ing unit 53 notifies function key notifier 52 of this winand the display of the cursor moved by the mouse. dow number. According to this window: number, it Recording apparatus 23, such as printer, prints out further notifies CRT controller22a ofthe new owner of the image information, which has been read out by the function-key-use right. two-dimensional scanner 19 and supplied through main According-to the window number from the raux controller 11, or information which has been read out 60 changing unit 53, CRT controller 22a intensifies the from the optical disk and supplied through the same display of the window, as the present owner of the route. Magnetic disk apparatus 24 stores, on a magnetic function-key-use right, of those windows on the CRT disk (not shown), a title table containing retrieval titles -- Window-order. changing unit 54 changes the corresponding to the image information as the retrieval order ofthe window according to the supply ofthe key information, which has been entered by keyboard 21, 65 code from key.check section.51, viz., the operation of for example. Communication controller 25, coupled OC key 44. Further, it informa normal key notifier 55 with an external apparatus via communication line 26, and CRT controller 22a of the window having owned transmits an image retrieval request signal and retrieval the right. CRT controller 22a causes CRT display appa- APLNDC00024545 4,862,389 6 ratus 22 to update the images according to the signal Here, function key "F1" functions to display the information following the information now being displayed from window-order changing unit 54. Normal key notifier 55 notifies the task operating in the window as the in the window A. Function key "F2" functions to distop window of the normal key code, in response to the play the preceding information. To expand, for examsignal supplied from window-order changing unit 54. 5 ple, the image information displayed in window A, only The operation of the information processor thus artwo steps of key operation are required; FC key 43 is ranged will be described. FIGS. 3A and 3B show examoperated and function key "F1" is operated. It is noted ples of the displays by CRT display apparatus 22. In this that the function keys 41 are effective for entering the information in window A, without changing the order example, window A of window number "1" and window B of window number "2" are displayed partially 10 of the windows. Thus, the window order change is not overlapping each other. Function areas A1 and B1 are required for switching the top window, i.e., having the used in each of windows A and B. These function areas function-key-use right, to another window. Therefore, A1 and B1 have displays of command names of comthere is no need for the image up-dating for window mands which will be executed when function keys 41 order change, thus expediting the information processare operated. In FIGS. 3A and 3B, command name 15 1¤8. FIGS. 5A and 5B show examples of other displays on "EXP" means "expansion", "RED" means "reducthe screen of CRT display apparatus 22. tion", "NEX" means "next", and "PRE" means "previWhile windows A and B hayg function areas A1 and ous". In window A, for example, when first function key "F1" is operated, the image in the window A is m, respectively, in the FIGS. 3A and 3B case, a single expanded. When second function key "F2" is operated, 20 Imaction area Fu is provideg in the bottom part of the the image in the window A is reduced. In window B, screen contaming windows A ag . The window name for example, when first function key "F1" is operated, Wn of the window having the right tg use function keys window B displays the information following to the 41 and the names of the commands of function keys 41, information being currently displayed in window A. When second function key "F2" is operated, window B 25 ker area PE. In this case, the au v changing unit 53 displays the information preceding the currently disoperates as follows: played information in the window A. (1) To calculate the window number ("1") of the The function area ofthe window having the functionwindow following to the window of window number key-use area is placed in the intensitive display, viz., ("2") (window B in FIG. 5A) currently having the right surrounded by marking frame F, for example. From this 30 to use the function keys 41. (2) To notify function key notgier 52 of the window marking frame F, the operator can see what kind of command is executed when he operates one of function (A) of "1" as the new window having the function-keykeys 41. The intensitive display may be composed of an use right. inverted display, the flickering display, and thelike, in (3) To direct CRT controller 22a to display "WIN addition to the marking frame. 35 A" as the window name Na corresponding to the numFIG. 4 shows a flowchartillustrating the operation of ber "1" of the new window (A) and the command name FKUR changing unit 53, When FC key 43 is operated, as wellin function area PE. As the result of such operafunction change key code is supplied to - - changtions, the display as shown in FIG. SB is obtained. ing unit 53, from key check section 51. Upon receipt of In the display state shown in FIG. 5A, the window B this, -- - changing unit 53, in step ST1, directs CRT 40 has the right to use function keys 41. Under this condicontroller 22a so as to remove the function area marktion, if FC key 43 is operated, the display on the funcing frame F in the window currently having the function area FE is changed as shown in FIG. 5B and the tion-key-use right (window B in FIG. 3A). In step ST2, command for window A can be designated by function FKUR changing unit 53 calculates the window number keys 41. ("1" in FIG. 3A) of a window different from the win- 45 Further examples of displays on the screen of CRT dow currently having the function-key-use right display 22 are illustrated in FIGS. 6A and 6B. In these examples, the function areas A1 and B1 are (whose number is "2" in FIG. 3A). Then, in step ST3, it informs function key notifier 52 that the new window provided in windows A and B, as in the case of FIGS. having the function-key-use right is window (A) of "1". 3A to 3B, but these windows are not overlapped. In In step ST4, it directs CRT controRer 22a to apply 50 these examples, since the windows are not overlapped, marking frame F to the function area (A1) of the new it is necessary to discriminate the top window front window (A). In turn, the display as shown in FIG. 3B is another window. To this end, identifier Iis displayed in obtained. the window having function-key-use right in order to identify the window. The operation of the FKUR The display of FIG. 3A is for the case that the window B has the right to use function keys 41. Under this 55 changing unit 53 is as indicated by the flowchart of condition, ifFC key 43 is operated, the function area A1 PIG. 4. of window A is surrounded by marking frame F, as In this instance, only the function-key-use right can shown in FIG. 3B. The designationof the command for be switched from one window to another window. window A by function key 41 is acceptable. Therefore, when the function-key-use right is switched, The display thus configured is very useful for the 60 there is no need for changing the window order, and information processor of the type in which information hence for updating the images. In this respect, the inforis retrieved from an optical disk and displays the remation processing speed is improved. trieved information. For example, an operator retrieves It should be noted that this invention is not limited to some types of information necessary for the processing the above-mentioned specific embodiments, but may in the window B, from the optical disk, and successively 65 variously be changed within the scope of the invention. displays the images of the retrieved information in win. As seen from the foregoing, only the processing indow A. In this case, the operator must operate function formation which can be designated, can be changed key "F1" or "F2", for example, for the window B. without changing the display states of the window. The APLNDC00024546 7 4,862,389 information processor according to this invention is simple in operation and quick in processing. What is claimed is: . 8 ated, without changing a display condition of the windows; changing/displaying means for changing and display- 1. An information processing apparatus comprising: ing the function commands in the function area display means for displaying a plurality of windows, 5 corresponding to the window selected by the seordered by a display priority, each of the windows lecting means; and having a processing area that displays information processing means for performing, when one of the to be processed and a function area that displays a function keys is operated, a processing operation plurality of function commands; according to the function command that. is disdesignating means, having a plurality of function 10 tinctly displayed on the display means and that keys, for designating one function command by corresponds to the function key operated. operation of one of the function keys, each of the 7. The information processing apparatus according to function commands displayed in the function area claim 6, wherein the display means displays the winof the each window indicating a processing opera" dows in a partially overlapping order representative of tion that corresponds to each function key of the 15 the display priority of the windows. designating means; 8. The information processing apparatus according to selecting means for selecting the window that conclaim 6, wherein the function area includes a region for tains the function command corresponding to the displaying an indicative display representing the winfunction key of the designating means that is oper" dow selected by the selecting means. ated, without changing a display condition of the 20 windows; distinguishing means for indicating on the display . mheans th unction andof the window selected by s g means, processing means for performing, when one of the 25 f tion ke s is opebrat a et tinctly displayed on the display means and that corresponds to the function key operated. 2. The information processing apparatus according to 30 claim 1, wherein the display means displays the windows in a partially overlapping order representative of. the asplay priority of the windows. 3. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the distinguishins means displays a 35 marking frame on the display means around the func. tion area ofthe windowselected by the selecting means. 4. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the selecting means comprises a key switched in the designating means, and in response to 40 the operation of the key switch, the distinguishing means indicates on the display means one of the func. tion areas. S. The information processing apparatus according to claim 1, further comprising: 45 means for checking that the selecting means and the function keys are operated; means, when the selecting means is operated, for operaung the distinguishing means; and means, when any one ofthe function keys is operated, so for operating the processing means. . 6. An information processing apparatus comprising. display means for displaying a plurality of windows, ordered by a display priority, the display means having a window display area that displays mation to be processed, and a function area that displays a plurality of function commands each corresponding to one window; designating means, having a plurality of function keys, for designating one function command by 60 operation of one of the function keys, each of the function commands displayed in the function area of the display means indicating a processing operation that corresponds to each function key of the 9. The information processing apparatus according to claim 6, wherein the selecting means comprises a key switch in the designating means, and in response to the operation of the key switch, the changing/displaying means changes the function commands displayed in the function area to other function commands corresponding to the window, selected by the selecting means. 10. The information,processing apparatus according to claim 6, wherein the function area includes a region for displaying an indicativé display representing the window said selecting means, and in response to the operation of said key switch, the changing/displáying means includes means for changing the indicative display representing the window selected by the selecting means. 11. The information processing apparatus according to claim 6, further comprising: means for checking that the selecting means and the function keys are operated; means, when the selecting means is operated, f operating the changing/displaying means; and means, when any one ofthe function keys is operated, for operating the processing means. 12. An information processing apparatus comprising: means for keying m information; display means for displaying a plurality of windows, each of the windows having a processing area that displays information to be processed and a function area that displays a plurality of function commands; designating means, having a plurality of function keys, for designating one function command by operation of one of the function keys, each of the function commands displayed in the function area of the each window indicating a processing operation that corresponds. to each function key of the designating means, one of the windows displaying an identifier to indicate that, by operating the function.keys of the designating means, a designation of the function command is acceptable; selecting means for selecting the window that contains the function command corresponding to the function key of the designating means that is oper; ated, without changing a display condition of the designating means; 65 windows; selecting means for selecting.the -window that condistinguishing means for indicating on the display tains the function command corresponding to the means the function area of the window selected by , function key of the designating means that is operthe selecting means; and APLNDC00024547 9 4,862,389 processing means for performing, when one of the 10 overlapping order representative of the display priority function keys is operated, a processing operation of the windows. according to the function command that is dis19. The information processing apparatus according tinctly displayed by the display means and that to claim 17, wherein the distinguishing display means corresponds to the function key operated. 5 includes means for displaying a marking frame around 13. The information processing apparatus according the function area of the window represented by the to claim 12, wherein the distinguishing means displays a window number stored in the storing means. marking frame on the display means around the func20. The information processing apparatus according tion area of the windowselected by the selecting means. to claim 17, wherein the distinguishing display means 14. The information processing apparatus according 10 includes means for distinctly and successively displayto claim 12, wherein the selecting means comprises a ing one of the function areas onto the display means in key switch in the designating means, and in response to response to the key-input by the function change key of the operation of said key switch, the distinguishing the input means. means indicates on the display means one of the func21. The information processing apparatus according tion areas. 15 to claim 16, further comprising: 15. The information processing apparatus according means for checking that the key-input by the function to claim 14, further comprising: keys and the function change key is performed; means for operating, when the key-input by the funcmeans for checking that the selecting means and the tion change key is performed, the window number function keys are operated; means, when the selecting means is operated, for 20 changing means; and operating the distinguishing display means; and means for operating, when the key-input by the funcmeans, when any one of the function keys is operated, tion keys is performed, the processing means. for operating the processing means. 22. The information processing apparatus according 16. An information processing apparatus comprising. 25 to claim 16, wherein the window display means ininput means for performing a key-input, the input cludes displaying means for displaying the windows means having a plurality of function keys and a with a display priority that orders the windows, the function change key; displaying means having a window display area for window display means for displaying a plurality of displaying the windows and a function area that diswindows, each of the windows having an area that 3 plays the plurality of function commands, the function displays information to be processed; enmuuma display means includes function command means for storing a window number representing the displaying means for displaying, in the function area of window that corresponds to the key-input function the displaying means, the function commands for the of the input means; window represented by the window number stored in function command display means for displaying onto 35 the storing means, and the processing means includes the window display means a plurality of function . processor means forperforming the processing accordcommands for the window that is represented by ing to the function command that corresponds to the the window number stored in the storing means, key-input by the function key ofthe function commands each of the function commands indicating a proin the function area. cessing operation that corresponds to each function 4 23. The function processing apparatus according to key of that input means; claim 22, wherein the window display means includes means for changing the window number stored in the means for displaying the windows in a partially overlapstoring means in response to the key-input by the ping order representative of the display priority of the function change key of the input means, without windows. changing a display condition of the windows; and 49 24. The information processing apparatus according processing means for performing, when the key-input to claim 22, wherein the function area includes a region by one of the functionkeys is performed, a processfor displaying an indicative display for indicating-the ing according to the function command .that is window that à represented by the window number displayed on the window display means and that stored in the storing means. corresponds to the key-input by the fimction key• 50 25. The information processing apparatus according 17. The information processing apparatus according to claim 16, wherein the window display means includes displaying means for displaying the windows with a display priority that orders the windows, each of the windows having a processing area in which infor- ss mation to be processed is displayed and a function area in which a plurality offunction commands is displayed, the function command display means includes distinguishing display means for distinctly displaying onto the window display means the function area of the win- 60 dow that is represented by the window number stored in the storing means, and the processing means includes processor means for performing the processing according to the function command that corresponds to the key-input by the function key. 65 18. The information processing apparatus according to claim 16, wherein the. window display means includes means for displaying the windows in a partially to claim 22, wherein the function command display means includes means for changing the function comutands displayed in the function area, in response to the key-input by the function change key, to other function commands for the other window. 26. The information processing apparatus according to ofaim 25, wherein the function area includes.a region for displaying an indicative display indicating the window represented by the window number stored in the storing means, and the displaying means includes means for changing the indicative display displayed in the function area to other indicative display indicating the other window in response to the key-input by the function change key. 27. The information processing apparatus according. to claim 22, further comprising: means for checking that the key-input by the function keys and the function change key is performed; APLNDC00024548 11 4,862,389 means, when the key-input by the function change key is performed, for operating the window number changing means, and means, when the key-input by the function keys is 5 performed, for operating the processing ---28. The information processing apparatus according to claim 16, wherein each of the windows displayed on the window display means has a processing area that displays information to be processed and a function area 10 that displays a plurality of function commands, the window display means includes means for displaying an identifier to indicate that the key-input by the function key to the window represented by the window number stored in said storing means is acceptable, the function 15 command display means includes distinguishing display means for distinctly -displaying onto the displaying means the function area of the window, that is represented by the window number stored in the storinB 20 means, and the processing means includes processor means for performing the processing according to the function command in the function area distinctly dis- played on the displaying means that corresponds to the key-input by the function key. 29. The information processing apparatus according to claim 28, wherein the distinguishing display means includes means for displaying a marking frame around the function area of the window represented by the window number. 30. The information processing apparatus according to claim 28, wherein the distinguishing display means includes means for distinctly and successively displaying one of the function areas onto the display means, in response to the key-input by the function change key of the input means. 31. The information processing apparatus according to claim 28, further comprising: means for checking that the key-input by the function keys and the function change key is performed; means, when the key-input by the function change key is performed, for operating the window number chansing means; and means, when the key-input by the function keys is performed, for operating the processor means. ***** 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 APLNDC00024549 United States Patent (19] Takagi et al. (11] [45] [54] 4,755,808 7/1988 Bullock et al. r ONIC DOCUMENT --- --G APPARATUS WITH ICON SELECTION [75] Inventors: Shiro Takagi, Yokohama; Minoru Sato, Tokyo; Koji Izawa, Yokohama, all of Japan [73] Assignee: Kabashiki Kaisha Toshiba, Kawasaki, Japan [21] Appl. No.: 99,902 [22] Filed: Sep, 22, 1987 [30| Foreign Application Priority Data Jan. 12, 1987 [JP) Jan. 31, 1987 [JP] Japan ..... Japan 624741 62-21030 [51} Int. CI.4 [52] U.S. CI. .... GO9G 1/06 .................. 364/521; 364/518; 364/200; 382/41; 340/710 [58] Field of Search ........ 364/521, 518, 200 MS File; 382/41; 358/21 R, 280; 340/709, 710, 711 [56j References ed U.S. PA arm a DO UMENTS 4,399,502 8/1983 MacDo et al. 364/189 4,604,690 8/1986 Crabtree et al. 364/200 4,665,555 5/1987 Alker et al. ........................... 382/41 Patent Number: Date of Patent: 4,885,704 Dec. 5, 1989 ...... 340/709 4,772,882 9/1988 Mical ................................... 340/709 OTHER -•-•CATIONS Ralston, Anthony ed., Encyclopedia ofComputerScience and Engineering, 2nd edition, 1983, pp. 779-789. Mry Examiner-A. D. Pellinen Asristant Examiner-David Osborn Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Finnegan, Henderson, Parabow, Garrett and Dunner [57] ABSTRACT A data processing apparatus includes a scanner for scanning a document, a display device for displaying the picture information, and a file device for filing the picture information. The disclav device can disclav the picture information and selection marks, i.e., icons or commmmkTofšèlgflië r display¾ceand viceTTiië marks are designated by a mouse to select ttle ---, ttle d lay device and file device. upon ttle compt(tigof des) foi of the marks, the scanner, disjlaý device and file device are operated in the orderþ¾¾¾sälection mãñsge beengesignaged by the -y24 Claims, 23 Drawing Sheets (a) I d) e) E SCAlmER S DISPUWS W TNE -....i WINDOW APLNDC00024550 L.>. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 14 Sheet 1 of 23 15 ITWO- C PU ¯1DIMENSIONAL I GENERATOR 17 I - Ï ( 16 ' I TWO- CPU MEMORY 18 1 DIMENSIONAL ..i ADDRESS GENERATOR CD 9 - .a = Z - IMAGE ourren i MEMORY Es om O DISPLAY 7 DISPLAY MEMORY MOUSE KEYBOARD 4,885,704 m I VERTICAL/ I 1HOppN UUNVt.NDIUN I |cincuir so 3 2= 1. I I J - ---- 8 - -· - . I NG/ EDUC I NG CIRCUIT 3 6 , - 11 -- CHARACTER Gi-NERAIOR I <t ...- .I SCANNER o I onlNTrn ÍÑÏE - -I o S 4 SCANNER V2 I 5 À0E <t - - o z I S . -i- II III -- o 2 I coluntunrn' II -- ' F I G. 1 PRINTER ( - oPTICAL I DISK | APLNDC00024551 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 2 of 23 4,885,704 203 DEC.23, 1986 OTHERS DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY EDIT DB MODE FUNCTION FUNCTION 201 FINAL ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L Fl :3CANNER F2 F3 F4 INTER DISPLAY FILE F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 Flo CANCEL 202 Fl G. 2 APLNDC00024552 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 DOCUMENT FlLING APPARATUS DISPLAY EDIT MODE Sheet 3 of 23 4,885,704 DEC. 23, 1986 DB OTHERS FUNCTION FUNCTION 2 FINAL ENLARGE REDUCE RUTATE B ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE B RONTE L ROTATE L 4 ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L- Ft F2 F3 F4 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY FILE F5 ENLARGE REDUCEROTATE F ROTATEL F6 F7 FS F9 FiO CANCEL APLNDC00024553 U.S. Patent nee. 5, 1989 Sheet 4 of 23 DOCUMENT FIL ING APPARATUS DI= ^Y EDIT DB MODE 4,885,704 DEC. 23, 1986 OTHERS FUNCTION FUNCTION FINAL ENLARGE REDUCE 901ATE R ROTATE L 3 F3 DIS 4 ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE F ROTATE i Fi F2 SfmNEP PRIN ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L ENLARGE REDUCE rw m: ER F4 FILE F5 ROTATE L F6 F7 FS F9 FlO CEL FIG.3B APLNDC00024554 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 5 of a DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY EDIT DB MODE FUNCTION FUNCTION 4,885,704 DEC. 23, 1986 OTHERS FINAL ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R SCANNER PROPERTY SIZE : ( , A4 , AS , 84 , 85) DENSITY : (DARK , SLIGHTLY DARK , RMAL , SLIGHTLY Ll GHT, LIGHT ) RESOLUTION : ( INORMALI, FINE ) FEED MODE : ( (gouy_l , ADF ) READ : ( ICHg_AC_TE_R.I , PHOTOGRAPH) DESIGNATION PHuivoRAPH : (PHOTOGRAPH FINE, STANDARD/ , MODE CHARACTER CLEAR) ADD-ON : ( YES ,, NO ) DESIGNATION DOCUMENT : ( IVERTICAL I , HORIZONTAL ) DIRECTION F9 FiO CONFIR CANCEL =Fi SCANN F2 F3 PRINTER DiSPL F4 F ILE F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FIO CANCEL FIG.4 APLNDC00024555 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 6 of a DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY lED IT |DB MODE |FUNCTION I FUNCTIONj 4,885,704 DEC. 23, 1986 [ OTHERS \ FINAL ENLARGE PRINTER PROPERTY NUMBER OF COPY ADD-ON DESIGNATION : ( [I]) : (I NO l , YES ) CASSETTE S I ZE REDUCTION A3 PRINT A4 84: B5 : , 100% , , T41, , A4 , A5 , B4 , B5) 71% 82% 86% A4 , 84 ) A5 , B5 B5 , A4 ) A5 ) F9 CONFIR Fi = E F3 F4 BCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F I LE F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FIO CANCEL FlO CANCEL F I G. 5 APLNDC00024556 U.S. Paterit Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 7 of a DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY EDIT IDB MODE FUNCTION|FUNCTION 4,885,704 DEC.23, 1986 OTHERS FINAL ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L DISPLAY PROPero v DISPLAY TIME .NO TIME SETTING DISPLAY TIME : i SEC. F9 NFlR Fi F2 SCANNER PRINT F3 F4 F ILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FlO ANCEL FlO CANCEL F I G. 6 APLNDC00024557 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 8 oD3 4,885,704 DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY EDIT DB MODE FUNCTION FUNCTION DEC. 23 ,1986 OTHERS FINAL FILE PROPERTY BINDER NAME : EITIlllTlTII] FILE : FILE I . - CONDITIONS PAGE E O REVISED i READ OUT MODE I SUCCESS IVE I , BATCH (PAGE) BATCH (DOCUMENT) READ ORDER 2 PAGING unnr VED ASCEND i , DESCEND ) : NO PAGE PROCESSING) PAGE ADDITION TOTAL NUMBER OF ADDITIONAL PAGES ( ) PAGE INSERTION TOTAL NUMBER OF INSERTED PAGES ( ) REVISED EDITION ( ) 3 INDEX NAME F9 \ FiO CONFlRM CANCEL Fi F2 F3 filiF45 i F5 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY =¾ FS F7 FS F9 FlO CANCEL Fl G. 7 APLNDC00024558 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 9 of 23 4,885,704 (a ) SC NERIPR N2mR DIF3 FF4Œ FS F6 F7 FS FB FiO Fi F2 F3 F4 INTER DISPLAY FILE FS F6 F7 FS F9 FiO CANC Fi F2 INTER F4 FILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FIO NC F4 FS FSF7FSF9FlO (c) 1 i (d) '/F i F2 rF3/ PRINTERgDISPLAY FILE THE DOCUMEN¯ READ IN BY THE SCANNER IS DISPLAYED IN THE DOCUMENT WIFDOW F6 S F7 NEXT FS F9 PAGE , , PRINTER DISPLAY FILE FlO DANCEL (f) I i SC NER PR NWR DISF3LAY FF4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 CAFN F I G. 8 APLNDC00024559 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 10 of 23 4,885,704 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FB F9 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY FILE FiO CANCEL (b) S PR DI YF F5 F6 F7 FS FS CAF L (C) FlO F F2 F3 F4 DISPLAY FILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FIO CANCEL F2 SCANNERIPRI FS F4 DISPLAf FILE FS F6 F7 FS F9 FiO (d) THE DOC JMENT READ 10 BY THE SCANNER I 9 PRiblTED OUT F3 F4 RIN S DISPLA FILE FS F2 F3 F4 F6 F7 FB FS NEXT ggg FiO CANCEL (f) Fi SCANNER¡PRINTER OfS F5 F6 FILE F7 FS F9 Flo I CANC F I G. 9 APLNDC00024560 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 11 of a 4,885,704 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY FILE FlO CANCEL (b) I Fi F2 F3 F4 PRINTER DISPLAr FILE F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FIO NCEL Fi F2 F3 PRINTER D1SPLAY F4 FILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FlO CANCEL F/17 F2 F3 F SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY-/FILE F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 I FlO (C) I I (d) THE DOCOMENT READ B ' THE SCANNER IS RECORDED INTO THE OPT1CAL DISV ) F F2 FS F F5 F6 Í NEXT F8 F9 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY FlO CANCEL (f) FI F2 F3 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLA F4 F5 Fe FILE F7 FS F9 Flo I CANCEL FIG.iO APLNDC00024561 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 12 of 23 4,885,704 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 FB F6 FT FS F9 SCAl ER PRINFER'DISFLAY FILE Flo CANCEL (b) FIO Fl F2 F3 N F5 Fe F7 FS F9 NNER PRINTER DISPLAY FILE FAO CANCEL (c) Fl F2 F3 F4 ISPLAY FILE F5 F6 F7 FS FO FIO NCEL FS ER F7 FS FB . FlO (d) ONE DOCLMENT ric.ihlEVED FROM THE OPTICAL DISK S OR (e) \../ DISP..AYED IN "HE DOCL MENT WlADOW Fi F2 ' F3 3CANNER' RINTERIDISPLAY 4 FS FS FS PREV. F9 PAGE 11£ F7 NEXT PAGE F7 FS F9 F10 3ANCEL (f) i FI F2 NER PRI F3 F4 ISPLAY F5 F6 FILE FiO i . NCEL F I G. 1 i APLNDC00024562 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 13 of 23 4,885,704 (a) F1 F2 FS F4 F5 FS F7 FS F9 SCANNER PRINTERIDISPLAY FILE Fl0 CANCEL (b) i Fi SCANN I Fi SCANN F2 PRI F3 F4 DISPLAY FILE F2 F3 RINTER DI F4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 i FIO N F5 F6 F7 FB F9 FlO FILE L (d) F6 SC DIF5P36 FF4 F7 FS F9 FlO F5 THE 30CUMENT REnlEVED FROM THE OPTlCAL DISK IS PRINTED OUT OR F6 SCANNER F7 FS NEXT PAGE NTER¡OISPLAY FILE' PREV. PAGE F7 FS F9 F10 CANCEL (f) t Fi SCANNER F2 I F3 DISPLAY F4 FILE FS F6 F9 FIO NCEL i / FIG.12 APLNDC00024563 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 14 of 23 4,885,704 (a) Fi SCAN F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 PRINTER DISPLAY FILE FlO DANCEL (b) Fl0 Fi F2 F3 BCANNER PRINTER F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FILE NCELý Fi F2 FS F4 BCANNER PRIÑTER DISPLO . FILE FS Fi 27 F3 SCANNEREPRINTER DISPLAY \ F5 F4 FI LE FIO \ F6 F7 FS F9 \ I FIO CE F6 F7 ' F8 F9 FlO THE DOCUMENT BEING DISPLAYED IN THE WINDOW IS PRlNTED OUT Fi F2 ICANNER PRIN F3 F4 F5 DISPLAY - F6 FILE F7 F8 F9 Flo CANCEL i . F I G. 13 APLNDC00024564 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 15 oD3 4,885,704 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY FILE Fl0 CANCEL (b) Fi F2 F3 F4 F5 Fe F7 Fa Fe Flo \ NCEL| F4 FILE FS F6 F7 FS F9 Flo \ |CANCEL F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FiO PRINTER DISPLM FILE Fi NER F2 FS INTER DISPL Fi F2 (c) FlO (d) F SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY ,FILE/ THE DOCUMENT BEING DISPLAYED IN THE WINDOW IS RECORDED INTO THE OPT) CAL -DISK (e) Fi F2 IN F3 DIS F4 F5 FS FILE F7 FS F9 FlO . . NCEL. F I G. 14 APLNDC00024565 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 16 om 4,885,704 (a) Fi F2 F3 FS F6 FS F1 SCANNEihPRINTER DISPt F4 F7 FS F9 F6 FT FS F9 F10 CANCEL FS F6 F7 F8 F9 FiO FS F6 F7 FS F9 FILE I FiO / CANCEL (b) Fi F2 F3 F4 PRINTER DISPLAY FILE (C) F2W (d) F2 FS F4 PRINTER ISPLM FILE FlO CANCEL (e) F4 FS P6 F7 FS F9 FIO I THE DOCUMENT FROM THE SCANNER IS DI ' ^YED IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW (f ) W¿E?& "E PR F7 ) I F4 THE w vMENT IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW IS PRINTED OUT FS FO F7 FS FO FILE Ff0 I CANN (h) I I Ft F2 PRI F3 F4 DISPLAY F5 FS FILE FT FS FS F FIO i CANCEL FIG.15 APLNDC00024566 LN. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 17 of23 4,885,704 (a) Fi F2 Fi F2 PRI F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FIO FO F6 F7 FB F9 FiO CANCEL (b) t FS F4 DISPLAYg FILE I i (c) 1 IUl.".li " l " I " I '° \ ' l."- i (d) Fi F2 SCANNEE PRINTER FB F4 FILE FS FS F7 PS F9 FtO CANCEL F FS F6 F7 FS F9 F10 (e) F2 THË DOCUMENT FROM THE SCANNER IS DISPLAYED IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW f) F2 4 FS Fi FE FB SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY t RECMD C EL THE DOCUMENT IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW IS RECORDED INTO THE OPTICAL DISK g) \ F6 Fi F2 F3 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F4 FS F6 FILE F4 F7 FS gg ; FS FS F7 FILE FO ¡ FB FIO ¡CANCEL F9 FIO i CANCEL FIG.16 APLNDC00024567 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 18 of23 4,885,704 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 SCAISER PRINTER DISPLM FILE FiO CANCEL (b) 1 l Fi F2 F3 PRINTER DISPLAY F4 F5 F6 F7 FB FO FILE FlO i CANCEL (c) 1 I Fi F2 PRINTER FS F4 SPLAY FS F6 F7 FB F9 FILE Flo I CANCEL (d) Fi F2 SCANNER F3 SPLAY FS F6 F7 FS F9 FILE FiO CANCEL (e) I ( FU F6 F7 FU FS FiO i A vmvMENT FROM THE OPTICAL DISK IS DISPLAYED IN THE • DOCUMENT WINDOW ) Fi F3 PRI FS F6 FS FS F9 FIO PRINT FILE F7 NEXT PAGE PREV. PAGE OR F9 CANCEL THE DOCUMENT IN THE OF7 DOCUMENT WINDOW IS XM"| "D c (h) i Fi F2 SCANNER PRINTER FS F4 ISPLAY FS F6 F7 FILE FS F9 FIO i CANCEL FlG.17 APLNDC00024568 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 19 om 4,885,704 (a) F1 F2 F3 F4 FS FB F7 FB F9 ALE FIO CANCEL (b) I - (c) I (d) F5 F6 FT FS F9 (e) PR P rmr->T THE FOLLOWING TO DISPLAY IT IN THE STEPS DOCUMEN¯ WINDOW ( f ) · TO -- - A DOCUMENT · TO RECORD THE DOCUMENT I N 1 BY THE SCANNER AND THE DOCUMENT WINDOW Fi F2 F3 PRINTER DISPLAY F4 FILE FS FS F7 FS F9 FtO . CANCEL F I G. i 8 APLNDC00024569 U.S. Piltent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 20 of 23 4,885,704 ( START ) S1 • ENTER FX (X= 1 TO 10) 32 FX = F i TO F4 NO NO YES S3 SII NO FX =FIO FX =LAST FUNCTION NO. ? YES YES NO ARE.3 FUNC¯IONS YES g7 FX RECORDED IN TRANSFER TABLE ? S8 rm u?DED SG 85 ERASE I MARKING FRAME 89 NO C TABLE(G) a ERASE MARKING FRAME RECORD ¯ ' FUNGTlúN NO. ON TABLE(0) S OlSPLAY CUTE DOCUMENT |DATA TRANSFER I S10 CLEAR TABLE (0 ) FIG.19 APLNDC00024570 03. Paterit Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 21 of 23 4,885,704 (0) DESI GNATION TABLE NUMBER OF DESIGNATED iST ICONS 2ND (b) TRANSFER TABLE NUMBER OF NO DESIGNATED i ST 2ND ICONS 1 2 2 SCANNER PRIFN2TER 3 2 S 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 3 9 3 10 3 3RD SCANNER DISF3LAY 2 3RD N FILE DISPLAY F4 F3 F ILE PRINTER F4 F2 DISPLAY PRim F3 F2 DISFPLAY FILE SCANNER DISPLAY PRINTER Fl F3 F2 SCANNER DISPLAY FILE Fl F3 F4 FILE DISPLAY PRINTER F4 F3 F2 F I G. 20 APLNDC00024571 U.S. Patent Dec. 5, 1989 Sheet 22 of 23 4,885,704 START ) S20 IS "STOP" DESIGNATED YES S24 NO S21 CONTINUATION ENTER Fx(x= 1 TO 10) ARE I DOCUMENTS IN NO _ CANCEL) FIRST DEVICE YES EXECUTE A SEQUENCE OF DOCUMENT DATA TRANSFER S25 FUNCTION SELECT F1 F4 CHANGE PROPERTY ON PROPERTY SHEET OF EACH DEV ICE SS (END) FIG.21 APLNDC00024572 U.S. Patent "- 5, 1989 Sheet 3 of a 4,885,704 (a) FI F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FS SCANNER PRINTERDISPLAY FILE F9 FIO EXCO. WICEL (b) I Fi SCANNER F2 F3 INTER DISPL i F4 FILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FIO EXCU. CANCEL F2 FS F4 FRINTER DISPLAY FILE FO FS FT FS F9 EXCU. Fl0 ANCEL FS FS F7 FS F9 FIO (c) 1 F1 I (d) F2 SCANN F3 RINTER DIS FI THE DOCUMENT READ BY THE SCANNER IS F:ECOF DED INTO THE OPT CAL DISK Fl F2 F3 SCgeg PRINTERIDISPLA F4 LE FB F4 FS F6 F7 GE FS F7 FS F9 FIO CANCEL (f) i Fi NER F2 FS INTER IS FS FILE F9 FIO i ANC Fl G. 22 APLNDC00024573 1 4,885,704 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS WITH ICON SELECITON BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 2 the designation of the selection marks. A drive unit drives the memory unit and the display unit in the order in which the marks have been designated, in response to the detection signal of the second detector. BRIEF DESv « eON OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of a document filing apparatus according to one embodiment of this invention; FIG. 2 shows a display including a single document lar thereto. • 10 window on the display screen; In recent times, several electronic document filing FIGS. 3A and 3B show displays each containing four apparatuses have been developed and put to practical display windows; use. A document filing apparatus converts the informaFIG. *shows a display containing ............. properties; tion, including character and pictorial information, printed on documents, into electronic document image 15 FIG. 5 shows a display containing printer properties; data, and files the data in a recording median of large FIG. 6 shows a display containing display properties; This invention relates to a data processing apparatus for executing data processing according to the menu displayed on a display screen and, more particularly, to a document filing apparatus performing operations simi- memory capacity, such as an optical disk or magnetic FIG. 7 shows a display containing file properties; tape. FIGS. 8 to 18 diagrammatically show transient phaWhile conventional paper filing requires the availses of various document data transfer modes; ability ofa large amount ofdocument storage space, the 20 FIG. 19 shows a flowchart illustrating a flow of docelectronic filing apparatus requires very little space for ument data transfer operation; storing optical disks or magnetic tapes. The electronic FIG. 20 shows a designation table (a) and a transfer filing apparatus can edit the document image data castable (b); ily, by categorizing or classifying the data into groups, FIG. 21 shows a flowchart illustrating a flow of docand assigning a key word to each group. In addition, it 25 ument data transfer when a continuous document readcan record and retrieve° a number of items of data out mode is used; and quickly and easily. The prior art document filing apparatus can perform a variety of operations such as data retrieval, data registration or recording, data deletion. To operate the apparatus, an operator designates or selects one of the above operations, as desired, whereupon the apparatus performs the desired operation. For example, when the operator designates "data retrieval", the apparatus then operates in the data retrieval mode and, having retrieved the desired document data from the recording medium, displays and/or print it. When the data record mode is designated, the filing apparatus scans a document or documents, reads out the document data, and records it into a recording medium. Each operation mode of the filing apparatus is composed of many hierarchy sub-modes, which implies that in any of the operation modes, a given task can be accomplished only after the sub-modes have been performed. In addition, in the prior art filing apparatus, a given task can be accomplished only by use of a specific designated operation mode. Because of this, when the apparatus completes every operation, it must set in the initig mode. Consequently, the apparatus cannot continuously operate in different modes, and its operating speed as a whole is rather low. 30 35 40 45 FIG. 22 shows a transient phase of document data transfer operations, using a function area with a function for starting document data transfer processings. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS In a document filing apparatus shown in PIG. 1, scanner 1 and printer 5 are connected to scanner/printer interface 2. This interface 2 is connected to image data buses (I) and (II), and control buses (I)' and (II)'. These buses (I) and (II), and (I)' and (II)' are coupled with image-emlarging/reducing circuit 6, character generator 11, and compander 12. Compander 12, coupled with optical disk 13, appropriately compresses and expands the document image data recorded and reproduced to and from optical disk 13. Image buses (I) and (II), and control buses (I)' and (II)' are connected through image bus select controller 3 to memory data buses (I) and (II). Memory data buses (I) and (II), and control buses (I)' and control buses (I) and (II) are coupled with image buffer memory 4, display memory 7, display controller 8, vertical/ horizon- 50 tal conversion circuit 10 and two-dimensional address generators 15 and 16. These generators 15 and 16 are connected through address (ADRS) bus (1) to image buffer memory 4, and through address (ADRS) bus (II) to display memory 7. Display memory 7 is coupled with 55 display controller 8 for controlling display 9. Scanner printer interface 2, image bus 6, display controller 8, vertical/horizontal conversion circuit 10, character generator 11, compander 12, and two-dimen- SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of this invention to provide a document filing apparatus capable of executing a plurality of processing operations, such as data retrieval and data recording, with a few key operations. A data processing device according to this invention sional address generators 15 and 16 are coupled via the comprises a mcmory unit for storing data to be recorded, a display unit for displaying the data stored in 60 CPU bus to CPU 14. The CPU bus is connected to CPU memory 17, interface 18, monse 19 and keyboard 20. the memory unit, and a designation unit for designating In the apparatus shown in FIG. 1, the document selection marks also called "icons" or "commands") for image data read out by scanner 1 is loaded into the selecting at least the memory unit and the display unit. apparatus through interface 2, and stored via bus select When the memory unit and the display unit are operated, the display unit displays the selection marks. A 65 controller 3 into image memory 4. first detector detects that the selection marks have been The document image data stored in image memory 4 designated, in selective sequence, by the designating is subjected to enlarging or reducing by the circuit 6, unit, and a second detector detects the completion of and stored into display memory 7, and is displayed by APLNDC00024574 4,885,704 3 4 display 9 under control of display controller 8. When it (6) Display (F3)/printer (F2); Mode M6 Print out the is not necessary to enlarge or reduce the document image data, image-enlarging/reducingcircuit 6 does not documentdatawithindocumentwindow201byprinter 5. perform its operation, as a matter of -- The docu(7) Display (F3)/file (F4); Mode M7 To record the ment image data is transferred from display memory 7 5 document data within document window 201on optical to image memory 4 in a similar way. disk 13. FIG. 2 shows an initial display on the screen of dis. (8) Scanner (F1)/display (F3)/printer (F2); Mode MB play 9 in the document filing apparatus according to the To enter the document data from scanner 1, and present invention. As shown, document window 201for display it on document window 201, and check and displaying document images including characters à 10 print it by printer 5. substantially centered in the display screen. Icons (also (9) Scanner (P1)/display (F3)/file (F4); Mode M9 To called "selection marks" or "commands") are arrayed enter the document data from scanner 1, display it on in the right portion of the document window 201, and document window 201, and check and record it on give an operator various necessary indications, such as optical disk 13. imaße-enlarging and reducing, and rotation and scrog 15 (10) File (F4)/display (F3)/printer (F2); Mode M10 of the displayed image. These indications by the icons To retrieve the document data from optical disk 13, are designated by a mouse or related keys on the key, display it om document window 201, and check and board. Por example, ifthe "Enlarge" icon is des print it by printer.5. the document displayed within the document windowis As seem from the above descriptions, most of the 20 retrieving and recording processings of those filing The display further contains a function area 202 proprocessings can be made by transferring the document vided in connection with function keys F1 to F10. The data among those devices such as the scanner, printer, function area contains icons F1 to P10 indicating varidisplay and file. ous devices for inputting and outputting documents Actually, optical disk 13 is used for the file. Before on fh tco t F , and file. The func- 25 the pc p to (10)La e, it is to oppen Scanner (F1): To enter the doca at data from scan- formed in the DB function in menu har area 203 shown Prà tk nLM transferred from another device, by printer 5. Display (F3): To display the document data transferred from another device by display 9, and to store it into internal image memory 4. Further, this indicates that the document data is read out from 35 internal image memory 4 and transferred to an~ other device. File (F4): To record the document data tunsferd from another device on the optical disk, and to read out the document data from the optical disk, and to 40 transfer it to another device• Many types of processings can be done by appropriately combining the above four devices represented by F1 to F4, and transferring the document data between devices. For example, if the document data is trans- 45 ferred from the scanner (F1) to the printer (F2), a hard copy of the document can be obtained• The document filing apparatus according to the PM ent invention can execute ten types of document data transfers, or ten types of document data transfer modes 50 as given below, by appropriately combining the scanner y mode: Changes the number of document windows 201 displayed by display 9 between 1 and 4, as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. Edition function: To apply to the document image displayed on document window 201 some editions, for example, composing, layout, text input, etc. DB function: To format, open and close optical disk 13, and to arrange all of the documents recorded on optical disk 13 under predetermined conditions, and to save the arranged document data into the fde or to delete the doomnent meeting predetermined conditions. The scanner, printer, display and file have their own respective properties concerning the document transfers. Property sheets for changing or checking the properties or mese nevsees öää lie BisjifaÿëŒ&¶dipTaÿ 9. FIGS. 4 to 7 show dispÏays with these properties. These properties can be displayed by operating the function keys corresponding to function select keys on keyboard 20. The properties can also be displayed by using mouse 19. In this case, a mouse cursor is moved to a desired icon, and the right button of mouse 19 is pushed and (F1), the printer (F2), the display (F3) and the file (PA). released from its pushed state (clicked). To erase the (1) Scanner (F1)/Display (F3); Mode 1 property sheet, key F9 or FIO à pushed on the keyTo enter the document data from 1 and to board. When using mouse 19 for property sheet erasure, display it on document window 201· 55 the mouse cursor is set to the icon of F9 (confirmation) (2) Scanner (F1)/printer (F2); Mode 2 To enter the or F10 (___ ), and the left button of the mouse is document data from ............ 1 and to print it by printer clicked. 5. The property sheet of the scanner is used for setting (3) Scanner (F1)/file (F4); Mode 3 To enter the docuproperties such as the size of an input document, document data from scanner 1 and to record it on optical 60 ment density, read-out resolution, and feed mode (book disk 13. or ADF (automatic document feed) mode), also called (4) File (F4)/display (F3); Mode M4 To retrieve the batch mode. The book mode enters the image data of document data from optical disk 13 and to display it on one sheet of document. The ADF mode successively document window enters the image data ofthe documents contained in the 201. 65 ADF holder. (5) File (F4)/printer (F2); Mode MS To retrieve the The property sheet of the printer is used for setting document data from optical disk 13 and print it by the property of the number of printings, for example. printer 5. The display property sheet is used for setting a display APLNDC00024575 4,885,704 step. When icon F10 of "Cancel" is designated, the document transfer operation can be stopped at any time point. The operation to display the property sheets of the printer, display and file, and to check and change the properties, is possible also at any time point. Modes 9 and 10 8 In the display-printer document transfer, i.e., the mode M6, the document displayed on the document window 201 with the "Final" icon, is printed out. Of those document windows, only one icon can have the 5 "Final" icon. Every time the space key onto the keyboard is depressed, this icon is shifted from one window FIGS. 16 and 17, respectively, show a sequence of document data transfer operations of modes 9 and 10. Mode 9 transfers document data among scanner (F1), to another window. With depression of space key, the "Final" icon is cyclically shifted among those four document windows. This allows the operator to display a display (F3), and file (F4). Mode 10 transfers document 10 maximum of four documents in desired document windows 201, and further to print the document in a desired data among file (F4), display (F3) and printer (F2). document window 201 or to record it into optical disk In the operation modes as mentioned above, the prop13. The icon indicated by "Final" can be represented by crties of,,,.......,.. 1 and file cach indicates the book mode a black mark, white mark, or stripe mark, etc. and the successive read-out mode. Every time one docIn the display of PIG. 3(a), the document window ument is transferred, the step to check the displayed 15 201 marked "1" in the upper left on the screen is the document is needed. This step corresponds to the steps input/output document window. In the FIG. 3(b) dis(f) and (g) in FIG. 16. play, the document window with "2" in the right upper The operation of the document filing apparatus when is the input/output document window. the property of scanner 1 is the ADF mode, will be described. The same thing is true for the operation 20 The operations of the FIG. 1 circuit relating to the document data transfer operations as illustrated in when the file is in the batch read-out mode. FIG. 18 FIGS. 8 to 18, will be described referring to a flowdiagrammatically shows a sequence of document data chart of FIG. 19. Tables to be used in the description of transfer among the scanner (F1), display (F3) and file (F4) when the scanner is in the ADF mode. In this 25 the operations are inustrated in PIG. 20. A designation table (a) holds the number of icons as designated by the operation sequence, the steps (a) to (e) are for directing operator, and the order of function numbers correthe document transfer. This mode is different from the sponding to the icons. A transfer table (b) holds the above-mentioned one in that, in step (c), "Stop" is disnumber of icons for the document transfer processings played on icon F6. Unless the "Stop" icon is designated by the mouse cursor 19 in step (e), scanner 1 scans and y which can be made by the document filing apparatus, and the order of function numbers. These tables are reads out the document data of all of the documents referred to during the document data transfer processcontained in the ADF holder of the scanner. Each of ings. These tables (a) and (b) are stored in CPU memory these documents is displayed for a predetermined period of time on the document window, and then these 17. In operation, when the power supply is turned on, the document data are •"--velystored into optical disk 35 initial states at the respective portions of the document 13. filing apparatus are set up according to a program The display time of document in the document winstored in CPU memory 17. At this time, display 9 disdow is set by the display property. When arr oþerator plays document window 201, function area 202, and designates the icon "Stop" in step (e), the document menu bar area 203, as shown in FIG. 2. This display transfer is temporarily stopped, and function area 202 4 pattern data is the data as transferred from the CPU gives the display shown in step (g). Under this condimemory or an external floppy disk to the display memtion, if "Reenter" (FS) is designated, scanner reads out ory 7. Under this condition, the data corresponding to the document data. any of icons F1 to F10 is designated and entered by When the stop of document transfer is removed, and means of the keyboard or the mouse 19 (81). The enthe document transfer is started again, icon (F6) of 45 tered data is checked by CPU 14 to determine whether "Continue" is designated, and the operation returns to it coincides with one of icons F1 to F4 (S2). If the anstep (e). When the data transfer of the holder contained swer is YES, CPU 14 checks if the function number documents is completed, or when icon "Cancel" (F10) corresponding to the input or entered data coincides is designated, the document transfer is completed, the with the last function number in the designation table operation goes to step (f)• 50 (a) of FIG. 20 (S3). If NO, CPU 14 checks if the funcAs described above, when using the document filing tion numbers of three or more have been recorded on system according to this invention, the directions for the designation table (S4). If the answer is NO, the retrieval, record or registration, and the like can be number of icons in the designation table is increased by executed by merely designating three to four icons one, and the function number as designated and entered representing devices55 is written into the designation table. The marking frame If the display mode in mena bar area 203 shown in is displayed on the icon corresponding to the function FIGS. 2 and 3 is designated, one and four document number recorded anew (S5). After this, the operation windows 201 can be alternately displayed. Four docureturns to step SL ment image buffers corresponding to the four windows If more than three function numbers are stored in the are provided in the device represented by "Display" 60 designation table, viz., the answer is YES, the designa(F3). tion table (a) is cleared, and the marking frame of icon In the scanner-display document data transfer, i.e., in is erased (S6). If the designated and entered function the mode M1, when one document window is used as number coincides with the last function number in the shown in FIG. 2, the document is displayed on the designation table, the order (e.g., F1-F3) of the function document window 201. When four document windows 65 numbers in the designation table (a) is compared with 201 are used as shown in FIG. 3, the document is diseach of the orders (F1-F3, F1-F2, F1-F4, . . .) of funcplayed on the document window 201 containing the tion numbers in the transfer table (b) (57). If the same "Final" icon located at the top in the menu bar area. order is found, the marking frame in the icon is erased APLNDC00024576 9 4,885,704 (S8) and the document transfer processing is started in the order shown in the designation table (a) (89). For example, when the function numbers are stored in the designation table in the order of F1-F3, the document is read out by scanner 1, and the document data is trans. 5 ferred to the image data bus, through scanner printer interface 2. The document data in display memory 7 is read out by display controller 8, and input to display 9, and displayed as a document image. Thus, the document data transfer from .........- 1 to display 9 is auto. 10 matically performed. Upon completion of the document data transfer, the designation table (a) is cleared (SIO), and the operation returns to step S1. If the order in the designation table (a) is not registered in the transfer table (b) (57), the 15 designation table (a) is cleared and the marking frame of the icon is erased (86), and the operation returns to step S1. If the designated and entered data is F10 (S11), the designation table (a) is cleared, and the marking frame of the icon is erased (S6), and the operation returns to step SL If the designation table (a) stores the function numbers in the order of F1-F3-P4 corresponding to the document data transfer operation of FIG. 16, the document is read out by scanner 1, and the document data is transferred to the image data bus via scanner printer interface 2. The document data on the Image data bus is transferred through image bus select controller 3 to image buffer memory 4 and display memory 7. The document data in display memory 7 is read out by dis. play controller 8, and input display 9, and displayed in the form of a document image. The document data in image buffer memory 4 is read out, and input to compander 12 via image bus select controller 3 and the 35 image data bus. The document data is subjected to the companding processing in compander 12, and is input to and stored in optical disk 13 as the file. In this way, the document data 1 is transferred to display 9 and optical disk 13, from .. .. 1• 40 The operation of the document filing apparatus to be described referring to FIO. 21 is the operation of FIG. 18 in which the mode of the first device in the document data transfer contains the ADF mode automatically feeding documents. 4s When the document data transfer processing stfrts, the CPU checks the readout mode of the first device (the first device in the designation table (a)), for example, scanner 1, in the document data transfer. When this mode is the batch read-out mode such as the ADF 50 mode, the following operation procedure will be performed. The CPU checks if the "Stop" icon is desig- nated (820). If the answer is NO, the CPU checks whether the document to be transferred to woner 1 is present or not (821). If YES, a sequence of document 55 data transfer processings are executcd uninterruptedly (823). For example, when the designation for the scanner, display and printer is made, the document data enter, the document display, and the document print are successively executed in connection with the first se- 60 quence of document data transfer processings. After completion of the first sequence of the document data transfer processings, the CPU returns to the control flow to check the designation and entering of the "Stop" icon (820). The second and subsequent se- 65 quences of document data transfer processings will be continued uninterraptedly until the "Stop" icon a designated or the transferred documents in the first device 10 run out. As the documents in the first device run out, the document data transfer processing ends. When the "Stop" icon is designated (820), the document data transfer operation icon is stopped till the next designation and entering of data. When the "Continue" à designated (824), the CPU returns to the control flow to check whether or not the document to be transferred is contained in the first device, and enters the control loop for the sequence of document data transfer pro- cessmgs. In step S24 for designation and entering of data, the function select and F1 to F4 are designated and entered, the property sheets of the devices corresponding to F1 to F4 are displayed and the properties of these devices are checked and, if necessary, changed (S25). The control returns to step 824. In the above-mentioned embodiment, at the start of doomnent data transfer, the icon corresponding to the finally designated device is designated two times. An alternative measure to start the document data transfer is illustrated in FIG. 22. In the measure, the icon F9 in function area 202 displays "Execution" for executing the data transfer. This icon F9 is designated by a mark cursor or related corresponding function keys on the keyboard. More specifically, in FIG. 22, to start the execution of the mode M3 of the scanner-file document transfer, the icons are designated in the order of F1 (scanner), F4 (file) and F9 (execution). After the start of data transfer processing, the "Execution" disappears in icon F9. As described above, the document data transfer processing can be repeatedly executed unintermptedly by setting the first device in the continuous read-out mode. It is evident that this invention is applicable to other data processors such as CD-ROMs, word processors, and personal computers, in addition to the document filing apparatus. When it is applied to CD-ROMs, scanner 1 for document data entering is not required. As described above, the number of steps for many operations, for example, document data retrieval, is reduced, and the operation shifts can be made smoothly. What is claimed is: 1. A data processing apparatus comprising: filing means for filing data; display means for displaying the data filed in said filing means and a plurality of commands including at least a display command for displaying the data from said filing means, and a file command for filing the data displayed on said displaying means; means for sequentially, manually designating the enmmawk displayed on said display means; first detection means, for detecting the commands in the order in which the commands have been designated by said designating means; second detection means, for detecting the completion ofthe designation of the commands, and outputting a signal representing the completion of the designation; and means for driving at least one ofsaid filing means and said display means, in the order in which the commands have been designated by said designating means, in response to the signal output from said second detection means. 2. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said display means has means for superimposing a marking frame on each ofthe commands designated by said designating means. APLNDC00024577 11 4,885,704 3. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said second detection means includes means for detecting that said designating means has designated 12 "stop" command is designated by said designating means, and outputs the signal indicating the end of processing, and wherein said setting means releases the batch mode in response to the stop signal. one of said commands at least two times, and for trans12. The data processing apparatus according to claim ferring to said driving means a command initiating exe- 5 cution of processing. 10, wherein said second detection means has means for 4. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said driving means includes means for driving, in the designated order, said filing means and said display means, in response to the signal from said sec- 10 ond detection means. 5. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said display means includes means for displaying an execution command representing execution ofprocessing, and wherein said second detection means 15 includes means for detecting that the execution comand has been designated by said designating means, and for transferring to said driving means a signal initiating execution of processing. 6. The data processing apparatus according to claim 20 5, wherein said display means includes means for erasing the execution command, in response to the receipt of the signal from said second detection means. 7. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said data processing apparatus further com- 25 prises scanning means including a -•- scanning for a document to produce image data of the document. 8. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said filing means includes an optical disk device for recording the data. 30 9. The data processing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said designating means incIndes a mouse for controlling a cursor displayed on the display means for selectively designating the commands displayed on said display means. 35 10. A data processing apparatus comprising: means for scanning a document to obtain picture information; means for storing picture information; means for displaying the picture information in said 40 storing means, and for displaying a plurality of commands representing said storing means, said scanning means, and said display means; means for sequentiaHy, manually designating the command representing said display means and at 45 least one of the commands representing said storing means and said scanning means; first detection means, for detecting the commands in the order in which the commands have been designated by said designating means; 50 detecting that said continuous processing has been com- second detection means, for detecting the completion of the designation of the commands, and for out- putting a signal representing the completion of the designation; means for setting a batch mode for the command first 55 designated by the designating means to continuously process data; and means for continuously driving said display means and at least one of said storing means and said scanning means, in the order in which the com- 60 mands have been designated by said designating means, in response to the signal output from said second detection means when said batch mode is set for said first designated command. 11. The data processing apparatus according to claim 65 10, wherein said display means displays a "stop" command for instructing the stopping of processing, and wherein said second detection means detects that the pleted, and said setting means releases the batch mode in response to the detection of completion of said continu- ons processing. 13. The data processing apparatus according to claim 10, wherein said display means includes means for superimposing a marking frame on the commands designated by said designating means. 14. The data processing apparatus according to claim 10, whereinsaid second detection means includes means for detecting that said riminnatingmeans has designated one of the commands at least two times, and for transferring to said drive means, the signal representing the completion of the designation. 15. The data processing apparatus according to claim 10, wherein said display means displays an "execution" commamt representing execution of processing, and wherein said second detection means detects that the "execution" command has been designated by said designating meam, and for transferring to said drive means the signal representing completion of the designation. 16. The data processing apparatus according to claim 10, wherein said designating means designates, in a selective sequence, said scanning means, said storing means, and said display means. 17. The data processing apparatus according to claim 16, wherein said storing means is an optical disk device for recording the image data. 18. The data processing apparatus according to claim 10, furtherincludingmeans for printing the information, and wherein said designating means includes means for designating, in a selective sequence, said display means, said printing means and said storing --19. A data processing apparatus comprising: display means for displaying image information to be processed, and a plurality ofcommands including a display command and a file command; selecting means for sequentially, manually selecting two of the plurality of commands displayed on said display means; and optical memory means for storing the image information displayed on the display means, in response to the display command and the file command sequentially selected by said selecting means. 20. A data processing apparatus comprising: means for displaying data, and a plurality of commands including an input command, a.file command, and a display enmment; means for sequentially, manually selecting at least two of the plurality of commands displayed on said display means; means for inputting data in response to only the input command and at least one of the display commanri and the file command, which commands are sequentially selected by said selection means; and means for storing the data input by said inputting means, in response to only the input command followed by at least one of the file command and a command group sequentially including the display command and the file command; and wherein said display means displays the data from one of said inputting means and said storing means, APLNDC00024578 13 4,885,704 14 selecting, in a desired order, the commands displayed in response to one of the input commands, the file on said display; and command, and the display command, which comexecuting the selected commands, in the order in mands are sequentially selected by said selecting which the commands have been selected, wherein means. the data input according to a first command is 21. In a data processing apparatus including a scanner output by subsequent commands. 22. The method according to claim 21, wherein said for scanning data, a file device for filing the data, a selecting step comprises a step of selecting the scanner display for displaying the data, and a printer for printing command first, the display command second, and the the data, a method for processing the data comprising printing command third. the steps of: 23. The method according to claim 21, wherein said displaying, on the display, at least two of a scanner selecting step comprises a step for selecting the scanner command first, the display command second, and the command for instructing the inputting ofdata from file command third. the scanner, a file command for instructing the filing of the data either for input or output, a dis- 15 24. The method according to claim 2, wherein said selecting step comprises a step for selecting the file play command for instructing the displaying of command first, the display command second, and the data either for input or output, and a printing com- printing command third. mand for instructing the printing ofdata for output; ***** 20 15 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 APLNDC00024579 United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: Takagi et al. [45] [54] IMAGE INFORMATION PROCESSING APPARATUS [75] Inventors: Shiro Takagi, Yokohama; Minoru Salo, Tachikawa, both of Japan [73] Assignee: Eabushiki Reinh•Toshiba, Kanagawa, Japan [21] Appl. No.: 141,710 [22] Filed: Jan.11,.1988 [30] Pereign AppHcation Priority Data 4,772,882 9/1988 Mical Jan. 12, 1987 (JP) Japan .... .. Jun. 5, 1990 .. 340/712 X Primary Examiner-Gary V. Harkcom Assistant Examiner-H. R. Herndon Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett and Dunner [57] ABSTRACI' An image information processing apparatus for storing and retrieving image information on and from an optical memory means, which has a selecting means for sequentially manually selecting a plurality ofimage processing commmmin, a scanning means for inputting image information from an original image, a display means for display the image information and a designation means. The display means has at least two display areas and displays the image information from one ofthe scanning means and the optical memory means in only one of the two dis¡ilay areas in response to the selection of the . 62-4743 (sil Int. cl.s [52] U.S. CI. .. cosa s/os; Go6F 15/20 ....... . 364/521; 340/710; 3407/21; 340/747; 364/518; 364/523 [58] Field of Search ....... 364/518-522, 364/523; 340/710, 711, 723, 712, 724, 721, 747 [56] Date of Patent: 4,931,957 selection means The deitgnation means manually designates the one of the display areas to display the image information. References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,665,555 5/1987 Alkerd at 340/724 X 4,755,808 7/1988 BuRock et al. ................ 340/711 X i 11 Claims, 23 Drawing Sheets UI CHAR CTER GENERATOR APLNDC00024580 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 - Sheet i of Two- -~¯¯¯ DIMENSIONAL ADDRESS ¯¯ GENERATOR CPU 7 TWO----¯ DIMENSIONAL ADDRESS GENERATOR |CPU IMEMORY 18 \ FACE INTER- 4,931,957 . 16 g 8 DISPLAY CONTROllER -- ---- DISPLAY ¯¯ DISPLAY MEMORY MOUSE , - - IMA E BU MEMORY KEY. BOARD o VERTICAL/ ->-2m HORIZONTAL CONVERSION CIRCUIT 2 10 -Eg 2 - IMAGE BUS SELECT : - R UC I NG J ---- CIRCUIT I o - -D ---- CHARACTER m li GENERATOR -- SCANNER . SCANNER ----- PRINTER 5 --- lay a :-.nFACE PRINTER ------- 12 13 COMPANDER - - OPTICAL F I G. APLNDC00024581 U.S. Patellt Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 2 of 23 4,931,957 203 DEC.23, 1986 OTHERS DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY EDIT DB MODE FUNCTION FUNCTION 201 FINAL ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L Fi SCAN F2 I F3 ISPL F4 FILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 ' F10 CANCEL 202 F I G. 2 APLNDC00024582 L.N. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 3 of 23 DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS 'DISPLAY EDIT 08 MODE FUNCTION FUNCTION 4,931,957 DEC. 23, 1986 OTHERS 2 FINAL ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L 3 ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE N ROTATE L Fi SCANNER 4 ENLARGE REDUCE F2 F3 F4 INTER DISPLAY FILE FS - -R ROTATEL F6 F7 FS F9 Fl0 CANCEL F I G. 3 A id APLNDC00024583 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 4 of 23 OOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY EDIT DB MODE FUNCTION FUNCTION 4,931,957 DEC. 23, 1986 OTHERS ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L 3 4 ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L Fi F2 F3 SCANNER PRINTER DISP ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L F4 F i LE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FlO CEL F I G. 3 B APLNDC00024584 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 5 of 23 4,931,957 DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY lEDIT IDS MODE |FUNCTIŒlLFUNCTION DEC. 23, 1986 OTHERS FINAL ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R SCANNER ' PROPERTY SIZE : ( As I, A4 , A5 , 84 , 85) DENSITY : (DARK , SLIGHTLY DARK , NORMAQ, RESOLUTION SLIGHTLY LIGHT, LIGHT) : ( NORMA../, FINE ) FEED MODE : ( isooK I , ADF ) READ : ( CHARACTER , PHOTOGRAPH ) DES IGNATION PHOTOGRAPH : (PHOTOGRAPH FINE , STANDARD , MODE CHARACTER CLEAR) ADD-ON : ( YES f, NO ) DESIGNATION DOCUMENT DIRECTION : ( VERT CAL / , HORIZONTAL ) F9 FiO CONFIR CANCEL E F2 SCANNER PRI F3 DIS F4 F ILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 Flo CANCEL FIG.4 APLNDC00024585 U.S. Paterrt Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 6 om OOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS 4,931,957 DEC. 23, 1986 DISPLAY lEDIT IDS \ MODE jFUNCTION j¶UNCTIONj OTHERS FINAL ENLARGE PR INTER PROPERTY NUMBER :( ) OF COPY ADO-ON : ( NO , YES ) waams se : ( DESIGNATION , A4, A5, 84 , B5) S IZE 100% 71% 82% 86% REDUCTION A3: ( A3(, A4 , 84) PRINT ' A4: ( A41, A5 , 85 ) 84: ( W, as , A4 ) 85 : ( 85 , ) AS F9 NF I Fi SEK=E= F3 F4 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F i LE F5 FS F7 FS F9 F10 CANCEL FIO CANCEL F I G. 5 APLNDC00024586 U.S. Paterit Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 7 of 23 4,931,957 DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS DISPLAY .EDIT |DB MODE FUNǶON FUNÇTION DEC. 23, 1986 OTHERS FINAL I ENLARGE REDUCE ROTATE R ROTATE L DISPLAY PROPern I DISPLAY T IME : NO TIME -'- · · I NG / DISPLAY TIME SEC. F9 FiO CONFIR CANCEL Fi F2 SCANNER PRIN IS F4 F ILE FS F6 F7 FS F9 F10 NCEL F I G. 6 APLNDC00024587 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 8 of 23 DOCUMENT FILING APPARATUS 4,931,957 DEC. 23 , 1986 DISPLAY EDIT DB MODE FUNCTION FUNCTION OTHERS FINAL FILE PROPERTY BINDER NAME : FILE CONDITIONS C11TJILTÏTil] : FILE ELED/O¯CO PAGE EECO/EEED REV ISED ED/ED i READ QUT MODE :( SUCCESS VE / , BATCH (PAGË) BATCH (DOCUMENT) READ ORDER ( ASCEND , DESCEND 2 PAGING MODE : NO PAGE PROCESSING PAGE ADD IT lON TOTAL NUMBER OF ADDITloNAL PAGES ( ) PAGE INSERTION TOTAL NUMBER OF INSERTED PAGES ( ) REVISED EDITION ( ) 3 INDEX NAME FS FiO NFIRM CANCEL Fi F2 F3 g~= F5 SCANNER PRINT.ER ISPLAY - F6 F7 FB F9 Flo CANCEL F I G. 7 APLNDC00024588 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 9 of 13 4,931,957 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 SCANNER*PRINTER DISPLA FILE FS F6 F7 Fa FS Flo CANCEL FS F6 F7 FS F9 FlO CANCEL F5 F6 F7 FS . F9 FIO (b) Fi F2 F3 F4 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F ILE (C) Fi F2 F3 F4 NTER SPLM FILE : F EL (d) i F2 PRIN F3 O F4 FILE FS /Fi F7 FS F9 I FIO : rue. DOCUmein i READ I N BY I ne. SCANNER IS. DISPLAYED IN :nc. DOCUMENT WINDOW e) F7 F6 F2 PRIN 3 Di F4 FS F6 F7 NEXT PAGE FB FS FiO FS F6 F7 FB F9 FiO FILE i (f) S Fi CAN F2 F3 PRINTER DISP F4 FILE i ANCEL F I G. 8 APLNDC00024589 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 10 oD3 4,931,957 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 SCANNER*PRINTER DISPLAY FILE F10 CANCEL (b) FiO Fi F2 F3 F4 NER PRINTER OISPLAY FILE FS F6 F5 Fe FS F6 F7 FS FS FIO CANCEL F7 FS FG FN F7 FS FS F10 (c) 01F3 F4Œ (d) I i SCANN F2 N FS F4 DISPLM FILE THE DOCUMENT READ IN BY THE SCANNER IS PRINTED ouT e) F i - Fi / , , , 1 F3 ,i, , DIS F4 FS F6 FILE F7 NEXT pggg FB F9 FIO i CAN (f) I FI F2 F3 INTER Di F4 FILE FS PG F7 FB F9 FIO CAN I F I G. 9 APLNDC00024590 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 11 of 23 4,931,957 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 SCANNER PRINÏER DISPLAY FILE FiO CANCEL (b) FiO Fi F2 F3 F4 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F ILE Fi (d) I F5 F6 F7 FS F9 Fl0 ANCEL F4 FILE FS F6 F7 FS F9 FIO NCEL F2 F3 INTER DISPLAY FILE FS F6 F7 F8 F9 Flo F2 FS PRINTER DISPLAY . Ai I THE DOCUMENT READ BY THE SCANNER IS RECORDED INTO THE OPTICAL DISK e) F2 F3 , , PRINTER DIS F FS F6 FILE F7 NEXT PAGE FS F7 FS F9 FIO ANCEL (f) I MFI F2 F3 ER PRINTER 01 F4 FILE FS F6 F9 ' Flo N F I G. lO APLNDC00024591 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 12 of 23 4,931,957 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY FILE FiO CANCEL (b) Fi Fi F2 F3 F4 CANNER PRINTER ISPLAY FILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 Flo NCEL F2 F3 F4 INTER DISPLAY FILE FS F6 F7 FS F9 F10 ANCEL F2 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 Flo (C) i i Fi CANNER (d) Fl Fil SCANNER PRINTER OISPLA F4 I FILE ONE D· · ··MENT RETRIEVED OR FROM THE OPTICAL DISK IS DISPLAYED IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW (e) F6 F7 NEXT PAGE FO PREV. PAGE F9 F7 FS F9 , F10 ANCEL (f) Fi F2 F3 SCANNER PRINTER OISPI.AY F4 F5 F6 FI LE Flo I CANCEL F I G. i i APLNDC00024592 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 13 of 23 . 4,931,957 (a) Fl F2 F3 F4 FS F6 F7 F8 F9 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY, FILE FiO CANCEL (b) Flo Fl F2 SCANNER PRI F3 DISPLAY F4 FILE FS F6 F7 FO F9 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 FS. F9 FIO CANCE (C) Fi F2 SCANNEFjPRINTER OISPLAY FILE FIO ANCEL (d) i F i 2 i F7 OR F8 , F3 DISPL F5 S Fi CMINER , FY FS F9 Flo ITHE DOCUMENT RETRIEVED FROM THE OPTICAL D I SK IS PRINTED OUT (e) i F6 Ly F2 F3 F5 FB , , DISPt.AY FI F7 NEXT PAGE FS PREV. PAGE F9 F7 FS F9 Fio CEL (f) i Fi F2 F3 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F4 FILE . F5 F6 FIO CANCEL I FIG.12 APLNDC00024593 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 14 of 23 4,931,957 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 FS F6 F7 .FS F9 FlO SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY FILE CANCEL (b) FlO Fi F2 F3 CANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F4 FILE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FiO CANCEL F4 FILE F5 F6 F7 FO F9 FIO CANCE F4 FII.E F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FlO (c) FiO Fl F2 F3 CANNER PRINTER Di (d) Fi 2 F3 SCANNER RINTER DISPLAY THE DOCUMENT BEING DISPLAYED IN THE WINDOW IS PRINTED OUT I FN4HR PR N2TER 015 Y F L4E S F6 F7 FS FS C ŒL F I G. i 3 APLNDC00024594 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 15 of 23 4,931,957 (a) FI F2 F3 | F4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY FILE FiO CANCEL (b) i FlO F i F2 F3 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F4 FILE F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 Fl0 CANCEL F2 FS IfffER DISPLAY F4 FitE F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FlO CANCEL F2 F4 FS F6 F7 FO F9 FiO (c) Fi SCANNER : Fl0 (d) Fi F SCANNER RINTER DISPLAY ,FILE/ THE DOCUMENT BElNG DISPLAYED IN ire. WINDOW IS RECORDED INTO THE OPTICAL (e) I DISK Fi SCANNER F2 FS INTER DIS F4 FS F6 . F7 FILE FS F9 Flo ANCEL I F I G. 14 APLNDC00024595 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 16 of 23 4,931,957 (a) F1 F2 F3 V4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY, FILE FIO CANCEL (b) Fi F2 F3 F4 FS F6 F7 FB F9 INTER OISPLAY F1LE FIO CANCEL (c) FE F4 FO F6 F7 F8 F9 (d) PRtNTER DISPLM FILE CANCEL (e) FS F6 F7 FB F9 FIO THE DOCUMENT FROM THE SCANNER IS DISPLAYED IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW FS F F'S F6 FB PRINT Fil.g FT F9 TER , FIO CANCEL THE DOCUMENT IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW IS PRINTED QUT FS F4 FS F6 F3 F4 FS F6 OISPLAY FILg FB F9 F F6 F9 F Fl0 (h) I FI F2 PRI F7 I CANCEL FIG.15 APLNDC00024596 U.S. Patent (a) Fi - F2 Jun. 5, 1990 - F3 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY Sheet 17 of a 4,931,957 ------F4 FS PS F7 FS F9 FILE I FiO CANCEL (b) Fi F2 N F3 PRINTER OISPtAY F4 FO F6 F7 FS F9 FILE FIO (CANCEL (C) I FI F2 FS PRINTER DISPLAY F4 FO FS F7 FS F9 I FiÕ FILE 10 L (d) I Fi F2 F3 3CANNER PRINER DISPLAY F4 FS FO F7 FS F9 FILE I FlO FIO CANCEL (e) F2 F FB F7 FS F9 I FiO i rir DOCUMENT FROM THE SCANNER IS DISPLAYED IN g THE DOCUMENT WINDOW FS ( f) THE DOCUMENT IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW IS RECORDED INTO THE OPTICAL DISK g) I F6 Fi F2 F3 PRINTER DISPLAY F4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 NEKT PAGE FILE FIO I MNCO (h) i Ft F2 F3 SCANNER PRINTER DISPLAY F4 FS F6 F7 FILE FB FS FIO i CANCEL F I G. 1 6 APLNDC00024597 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 18 of a 4,931,957 (a) Fi F2 F3 F4 SCMINER PRINTER OISPLAY F5 F6 FT F8 F9 FlO FILE CANCEL (b) I Fi F2 F3 PRINTER OISPLAY F4 FS F6 F7 F8 F9 i F10 FILE -me (c) I Fi SC F2 P3 PRINTER F4 FS F6 F7 FB F9 I FIO FILE CANCEL (d) Fi F2 SCANNER PRINTER F3 ISPLM F4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 FiO FILE "mcEt (e ) 1 F6 F7 FU FS I.___I ... I FIO .! A DOCUMENT FROM THE wisCAL DISK IS OR DISPLAYED IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW I F6 F7 F6 F9 FIO ( f) PRINT NRKT AltGE PREV. PAGE CANCEL THE DOCUMENT IN THE DOCUMENT WINDOW IS PRINTED OUT F6 ISCAI lER PRtWTERIOISPLAffFILE F7 FU NEXT PAGE F9 FIO PREV. PAGE CANCEL F6 F7 FS F9 \ I (h) I Fi F2 F3 SCANNER PRINTER OISPLAY F4 FS FI FIO CANCEL i • Fl G. i 7 APLNDC00024598 U.S. Patent Jun. 5, 1990 Sheet 19 of 23 4,931,957 (a) Fi F2 F3 SCANNERIPRINTER DISPLAY (b) I Fi SCAN (C) I Fi SCAN F2 F3 PRINTER DISPLAY F2 F3 PRiißER DISPLAY (d) i Fi F2 SCANNER PRINTER (e) I Fi F2 FS -' PRINTERh. F4 F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FILE F4 FS F6 F7 FS F9 FILE F4 FIO CANCEL IFIO FIO CANCEL F5 F6 F7 FS F9 FILE FiO i O CANCEL F4 Fit.E Fo F6 F7 FS F9 FiO CANCEL F4 FS FS F7 FO F9 i FlO FlO FILE STOP REPEAT THE c·ns a nwlNG TO DISPLAY IT IN THE >: LYS· . DOCUMENT WINDOW ·TO READ A DOCUMENT ·TO RECORD THE DOCUMENT IN SY THE SCANNER AND THE DOCUMENT WINDOW Fi SCANN F2 F3 PRINTER DISPLAY F4 Fit.E FS F6 F7 F6 F9 . FiO EL C F6 F7 8 F9 Flo FIG.18 APLNDC00024599

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