Microsoft Corporation v. TIVO Inc

Filing 1

COMPLAINT For Patent Infringement against defendant(s) TIVO Inc. (Receipt # 0981-2310118), filed by Microsoft Corp.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Civil Cover Sheet, # 6 Report on Patents and Trademarks (AO Form120), # 7 Summons)(Harrigan, Arthur)

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EXHIBIT D U ~250456 .~ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Patent and Trademark Office July 27, 2010 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ANNEXED HERETO IS A TRUE COPY FROM THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE OF: U.S. PATENT: 5,758,258 ISSUE DATE: May 26, 1998 By Authority of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office T. LAWRENCE Certifying Officer I/IIIINIIIIB/III US0057582.qKA United States Patent (t9] [54] SELECTIVE DELIVERY O1~ PROGRAMMING FOR INTER~CTIYE ~EO SYSTEM [21] Appl. No.: SlT, l~ [22] Piled: Aug. 21, [51] Int. O." H~4N 7/1~ H04H [52] U~. CL ................ 4SS/S.1; 348/~; 348/1~ 348/12; 4.q.q/~.2 Patent Number: $,758,2,58 5~3,610 11/1991 Alwudish. 5,583576 12/1996 Pedman et d ............... 348/g0~ ACT The preseat invention includes a method ~ selectively delivering prosxammin8 to a viewer ration m an interactive televisim ~ televideo (IT) system. Determinations as to identifies ~ ~s of the aveilable proassigned a persaeal pro~rammi~ se:vk~ level. The per- 348/12. 1~, 7. 906. 461, 4~9. 47"3, 476-479; 7114. 7/16. 71173 Reterenm Cited US. P~fl’/~’T ~S 4,081,~4 3/I97J ladaen. 4,225,884 9/1~0 l~eck et aL. 4,228,543 10/1980 Jaclmea. X(D8,211 8/1991 HaUenbeek. aad inaplrepi~ programming f~ the viewe~. The IT pre~ammi~ availal/e at a ~ime wilh the appmpdate pro- s~vke level. 16 C]sInw, 4 ~ Sheets VIEWERS ASSIGNED [ IDENTIFIERS AND SERVICE LEVELS SERVICE RETRIEVE SERVICE LEVELS AND IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE SERVICE LEVEL COMPARE PROGRAMMING DATA WITH APPROPRIATE SERVICE LEVEL AND IDI~ITIFY APPROPRIATE PROGRAMMING COMPARE PROGRAMMING DATA WITH DEFAULT SERVICE LEVEL AND IDENTIFY ~ t"~’l~ DELIVER APPROPRIATE PROGRAMMING TO VIEWER STATION Copy provided by USPTO from the PIRB Imago Dntabaeo on 0702/2010 /.-20 . FIG, 1 .~,~ \ CON’I’ROLLER I-"1 CONTROLLER[- -- /.-12 , ~ VIDEO FEED b 214 _1 WAN ’ i DIGITAL ~ ’ ~ ’1~ ~r--I II ’ II I ..... ~2o2~ I i--SERV’CE IH SERVERS III ~ CONTROLLER ~ F~ CO~ROLLER~ N~ORK I’"~"1 I CONTINUOUS ~ II MED=A ~ I ~REC~IVE~ I " I SYSTEM h218 6~ I ~ 10 II U FIG. 2 (,-.-62 ANALOG DEMODULATOR 60 DIGITAL DECODER 66 --.- 62+1 SUBSYSTEM "62bl GRAPHICSI 74 NETWORK INTERFACE VIDEO PROCESSOR SUBSYSTEM COMMUNICATION INTERPRETATION SYSTEM 70 INFRARED INPUT ¯ AND DECODER FIG. 3 91 ~(~ ~90 92 Copy provided by USPTO from the PIRS Image Database on 07/22Q.010 ~-68 MEMORY SYSTEM 76 / MIXER U.S. Patent FIG. 4 ~~~ s~,e 3 o~ 4 5,758,258 (..~-102 VIEWERS ASSIGNED IDENTIFIERS AND SERVICE LEVELS F STORE PROGRAMMINGIDATA iACTIVATE DISPLAY SET ] 108 VIEWER IDENTIFIED ? NO RETRIEVE SERVICE LEVELS AND IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE SERVICE LEVEL COMPARE PROGRAMMING DATA WITH APPROPRIATE SERVICE LEVEL AND IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE PROGRAMMING OBTAIN DEFAULT SERVICE LEVEL COMPARE PROGRAMMING DATA WITH DEFAULT SERVICE LEVEL AND IDENTIFY DELIVER APPROPRIATE PROGRAMMING TO VIEWER STATION Copy provided by ~,G~u from the PIRS Image Database on 07/22/2010 U.S. Patent ~ ~ z~ ~ 4 or 4 5,758~58 FIG. 5 114b ~ Watch Any =1 114a ~ Watch R, not NR 116 ~ [ Program 1, PG ~ Program 2, G I Pmgram3, R Jl18 120 Program 1 Program 2 Program 3 Program 5 Viewer Content Filter I 4, NR Program 5, G FIG. 6 124,~ j126 i Viewer 1, PG not NR ~ [ Viewer 2, R not NR ~ I Viewer 3, Any I Viewer 4, Any Setup DCF 128 Default Viewer can view: G, PQ, and not NR Programming Copy provided by USPTO from the PIR$ Image Database on 07/’~d’~010 5358,258 1 2 ~ DELIVr.RY OF PROGP, AMMING BOlt INTERACTIVE TELL’VIDEO SYSTEM The Ia’eseat Invention Includes a method of sele~vdy dellverin8 iroamnmins to n viewer ration en an intera~ve ~ present invex~ion mintcs to intn’active televb~ cr telcvidco systems and. in pmicukr, to a m~thod o~ lXOVidins to a subsaiber a selective level of teinvideo pregrmumine suitable for vicw~s th~ ~re ~mcisled with the subscriber msd receive the lxosrmnminB. n central control node that delive~ proanmming to mnltiple subscrt’bas er vi~w~s, Hach vlcwc~ has a video dispiny set (e.g.. a tcl~.sion reMver) and 8n assockted ineractive ce~rolle~ that is z~nsive to Input from the viewer for Conventional cable and satellite televisim uansmiuion is evolving into interactive television ~ t~ideo 0T) p/s- ts able to ~ accesslbte by n viewe~ lX~ramming, including video ~ and ~ lregsammin8 is expected to include ¯ wide variety ef rather It~ mlely the channel ~ netw~k eatwin8 the With reference to content-brined delivery of pammb&~dusnatively.thcadnltsinnbomeboldmaywbh ~o ~ at n sek=tcd vinw~ ~ b assJjnnd n pc,onal neatly by not including it in the services subscribed. A teisphon~) to actlvato the chtnneJ, u in the cas~ ~pey-pervlcw teJ~vislon puerammi~ A cuavmtion~ ~m recdvez can be fitted wilh a fl~-besed lockout s3~em that jrevents operelon ~ the Whenever no vinwer at a viewer staion is ident~ed. ~he controlling programming reception suffer from remictivee~thepenonalpmamnmingsetvicelevebofllte hundreds ef cbsnnds, such chaan~-by-dmmd ~qmnins- service invd. if no viewer is ~ The IT sytmn M~eove~, channd blockisj is indiscdmim~ m to the wah __lr,~.t-~_ ~.,*d dmacta/s~ that onfcun to the Iro~zmminsactuall~cazrind(machunn~andmlx~vent m aplrqrinteviewersetvicelevele~thedefmdtpmpannninj Copy provided by USPTO from the PIR8 Image Database on 07/22/2010 5,758,258 3 4 pciate fro" all ldanlified viewm’s at a vie~. ~ statioa. Identl- 8ral with video d/splay set IS. Mm~over. any viewer station dmanels, a v/ewer is spared a siguiftcaat eff~t in determla- s from central comlrol mode 12 sad control the associated pmnmiog aplrolrhte /tr all viewm nsseclated with a Ceatrell~ video d/splay set 18 of a eonventio~ analog viewer station may be delivered aut~at/eally evea tn the type may Include. f~ example, delivering an analog video absence of specific ldent/flcatioa of viewm, alsnat d/rectty tovideo d/splay m 18 f~r d/Jp~. onvmtlog The fm’egoing sad other features sad advantages of to a d/gitolvideosijnsltoa suilableanalog f©rmfegd/splay. FrefemM mml~Iimeats of the Im~eat iaventloa witl be nmt, e ar ~x~uting a amtlmter application ~ includes displays aplmreat born the following detailed description. on dbplay set 18, whid~ proceeds w~ referemce to the accompany/us drawInteractLve ~t~on mntmllers M transmit disital infenna~ tion to and receive cUsltal infunuatim from cemral matml node 12, The di~i~ Infcrmatlon ~deally relatm to appli~ DESCR1PIION OF THR DRAWINGS 1~3. 1 is a block diagram of an interactive tdevision system used f~ the preferred embodiment ef this invention. ]~3. 2 is a block diogram of an inmaaive ration tion. I~3. 3 is a plan diagram of a viewer cemtrol unit fog Irovid/n8 viewer inlmt to tire lnmactive statieu commaer of PIG. 2. l~O. 4 is a flow d/a~na of a m~hod of seleclivdy lag to the irment iaveatioa. !~3. S Is a functional block diqrm repn~ntiog identification of apirOlZi~ propamnda8 in accordance with the method of Fl13. 4. F/G. 6/s a functieaal block diagram relresentfag deterthe ra~ted of FIG, & detafl. lets ~0 and cenlrd onlrol node 12 can be cazried by trollers 20 seed inf~mat~ to ceatral mntrol mede 12 on a termsa.lal, m~,a,,,,, n u~,~ ~ ~s, mq~m~ emlx~hnm~ of ~lritl cmnU’ol n(~le 12 h dnsa~Lb~d ~ ~ru~te~ ~il bdm~, d/splay set 18 and canmmnk.ating with cenlral eontrol node 12. Ststioa ona~tler ~0 includes an iaput (,~ tlmt ~ eommunic~on e~ infm~d/ea frem cantrd omrel aerie 12 video decider ~ alld It ~ nL’t’wol’k Demodulat~ f~a funaimm as a onventimal televidou video dgnals rceeived frem eantnd ontrei merle L1 at lsput wah re/~.nce to widely avs/lable systems and standards. iadud/ag eonveatioaal analog ~ ~ and portents of IT system 1O nmy be Implemeated w/th a variety laveat3.em beyo~ standard televisioa-besed systmas. As two A cmlrM Im~essl~ urn# (C~U) ~ ht onjunslion with a televideo (11") system 10 baviog a central oatrol nede 12 ~hat toummlts progmmmimg over a nstwerk 14 to multiple viewer stations (e.&, be~s) 1~. The prepu~og may indudemnd~mdogv/deo~sts(e.8.1~’YSC.PAL e0 infamati~ framceatrdcxmtr~ node 1Z ompt~-exemted applt~om. ~ ca video ~ ~et 18. A video pece~t sub- set 18 (e.&. a Wlevidon receive~) and u interactive statlen ~ the ~ of video tmat~, iscladiag deeom~nsiug Copy pmvidod by USPTO from tho PIR8 Imago DMalmee on 07/’~.~010 $ 5,758,258 6 A mixer 7~ ~.mives a v/deo dbi~y sipsl f~xa video Channel. for exaatple. Pt’emfum 2 services may include pocesse~ subsysteat 74 and ~ image sigmls from pay-per-view ~ ct ether zeslltcted access se/ected viewer stadoa two adult im~nts, a teenage miner child, ud a~ Refining to 1~3. 3. viewer eontrel unit ?1 Includes an infrared traesmitt~ window 8~ tbroush which control unit xo 71 emits htfi’ered signals to Jnfxared input 70 of station controller :~O. A dimctlond control keypad ~0 allows a TABLB I rosy initi~e cr ~ttv~ se/ectioas ~ dClS~SinZ ms sctioa ts c~s~n key ~1 msd m~ em~ munatc vslues wl~ numeric k~7 psd. sm~ clmm I~3. 4 Is a flew diagram ~ewin~ a melhed e~ dcliverlng ~ t~ a paOJeular viewe~ station I~ pm~mmmt~ havlng pc- ce~o~ izegmnmin8 refers to maldag it available to m" access~le by a viewer, The pmdetmaiaed chsrsct~stics may gelate to the cow Table 1 shows 8hat ~he difre~nt viewers ef ~he selected viewer mttea 1~ have dil~uud personal popanming service levels rei~tn8 to the classes 8rid centent.~lreSram. with a selectai viewer station 1~ is assigned a viewer x5 foaowing descrlpdm is directed to using Ihe difru~ ~ypes ideadfler such as. for exaznpie, a permnal identification ef pmond I~Opmmnin8 saviee levels together, but would stered by IF system 10 in. fe~ exmnide, a service level dentty. 4o based proem1 pregramming service levels. The teeas~ chad is sssiped a cement-based persoad prosramming sesvice kvel ef Rmd ~t lqR. which aUows the teenage dn’ld tn receive lm~mmming tint is reed R ~ m~ stmton 15 Is 8ssJped a persmd prosrmnmin8 sen, ice level. The personal lropamming service level ~ each viewer ts to receive Iresramnd~ star is ratut PO ~r m~e mu~ tively (Le.. (3). Neither chad is tttowed to receive umated lrommm~ns (L~. ~ Process block IM indicates 8bat l~jramming dart rep- scheduled f~r transmission over IT system 10 Js stored in used. ss spmdln~ to flms~ aasip~ m ~l~ vlmm~ AIt~nafl~ ~ Association of ~ (Le.. G. PG. 1q3-13. R. NC-17. ~r X. rains pdde (re’O) dmtme ~t cairn1 eoeroloode ~ Pmeess block 106 lndiestes dmt eae ef the viewers at ~he nny include ea~ended me4ion l~cture ~S e~ the to 8ssum that the identifl~tion e~ the vlewe~ eoatinues to Copy prodded by USPTO Irom Ihe PIR8 Inuqle Datebaee on 07~3f2010 5,758,258 any viewe~ associated with the selected viewer station 16 Ires beea identified by IT system 10.1T .ystem lOideatl~es aviewe~whenever his~ber PINls ceteredinto Interactive viewe~ service level of a viewer assodated with the selected viewer station 16. 1~3. 6 is a functional Idock ~ mpreseatln~ the tess block lie wheneve~ one cw mcre viewer identifiers ~we based personal ~q savlce level,, and the viewers the iclcntified vicwm ar by mine other ommon ~-l,,tin-,hl.n level azn:q)onds to the prnonal pm~amming service level between the prnmal lXOgrammi~ service leveb of t~ ~s e( vlewa" L tho lxe-tcenage ddld. cealralconU~node 12 or by intematve station eonWoller ~0 defitult view~ sczvke level as allowing G and PG zated An appmpflate l~O~amming se~i.ce leveJ Is ldeutffied as default eoatent viewer level ~ to tbe mint restrle. vlewm are iden~l ~ indicate they are no lonser receiv- ~n tire of the personal programming service levels. in~ the lm~ramm~ (e.8.. log-~ acaxding to a selec~t lZecedure. An ~ pmpmmin8 service lever arm may be determined periodically if less than all the identi~ed vlewen reenten their PINs when invited te do so. Pmceas block ll~ ind/catas eat IT system 10 cempares mine with the default ~8 ~svice level to identi/~ Process block D:I indicates that the ddiverable program. describedw/threfercece topmcen blockleJmayalmaa- 3s custemer service appi/catiom by which a viewe~ a~ ~e as real-lime pro~tmmi~ data. The cmnlmison step e~ programming provided by IT system 10. It wm be 1~. S b e lane/me1 block disjram repeseml~ the tiondblockl14anq3msentstheRralingf~randtheadu- ~o ststion 16(e.&.houselmid).AGeaendviewer would typi- Eanaioul block lt4b represents the unlimited ratiq ~ e~e ef the adult imnmts. PUnctimal bled~s 116 n~etent ~be puietmained ctaractedstics ~ ~ available pregrams I, ~. & 4. and S Functional block 118 represents the d__,~,.~dn~ vtewer to ceatml the mbm:rptioa e~ bili~ ~ umebted wah t~e ~Jeeted vtewa" ~tioa 16. define l~mOul p’o~.’mmla8 re’vice leveh for all viewm asm- pugrmnmin~ Funaional block L~O rela’ese~ the ideatlfl- mse, lated amibutes er services. The Subsca’ber muld aece~" calion of the appupdse pmpannsd~ as ~ 1. 2. & and lntmtct wah such applications with viewer conU~ unit aad S. Pmsmm 4 ts not aplZelZlate lZ~’anm~q beaune It 71 in ceepa~at wah dbplsys ratdaed ea v/deo dfq~lay Is umated and does net oafunn to the permul lZOgramset 18 by interactive statioa ceaWdler 20. P~ersbly, only Copy provided by USt- to from lhe PIR8 Imago Databaee on 0"//22/2010 respeme to explicit infmateoa requests from ~e view~ A multiplexing system 212 receives and mixes the freIn an alternative embodiment, a vieweg could reqnest quency modulated dfoitsl infoanattoe fnxn modulator sysf~om IT system 10 progmmmi~ data of the type described tem 210 and standml analog video slpnls obtgned from with re~erenc¢ to FIG. 4 and process block 104. The viewer standard analog video feed 214 and deliven an rF~ (e.g.. a parent) ceuld request infematlea about the class cr siptal to intamive netwmk 14. Analog video feed may be content of a specific lZopam (e.&. a lresram that b ~0 e~ include a uteUite dowalink, a ealte receiver, cr say available at a futu~ time) ~ eouldmluest f~ a specifletlme locmLly ~a~ml~! pro~amnd~ A xuvc~ dm~l receiv~ a tisti~ of Im~rmmlag e~a specified clau ~ wah speci- synl~ 218 fete/yes amd demoduls~ ~ ommumicaaed content. 5ud~ ~ dm requests in IT systan 10 could be made independently af requests ~ ir~rmnnmde through 8 viewer lntezfaee geaentted by an eleetroak televisiea aetwerks. Refeai~ to F]~. 1 eeatnd eoa~ol node 12 includes a frmn indivLdual hua~ frames and brief video clips to ~0 viewerlncludes detecting an absence o~any viewer idcntl. full-lea~h moltoa idctur~, tier lndicstin8 etat no viewa b ldemffled as ensased with Savas 2~ ,’,~,~,,~,-,~_~ with station contmllen 12 vh the selectnd viewer statiou and retrieving a default vicwer noustzusf~gmode(,~M) sw/tch.l~r~fmm 4. The melhod ~ dsim 3 in which plural vkwcr# sesves~ ~ to station eontrollers 20. netum~ ommnnica- ~s allocated w~h ~he selected viewer station, eaeh of the liea switch ~08 ~ disUal lnfonmtioa receLved from viewers hsvin~ usisz~d to t~ one or at lens1 ant ~ 2e2 in s stmsdm’d Iddkectioul ~ commuaic~ second ~ lrO~’~unming scrvic~ Icvcls. the Copy provided by U$1~I’O h’om the PIR$ Imago Databaso on 07~PO0!0 5,758,258 12 11 ated wi/h a selected view~ stalio~ a memory associated a permml ~,~g ~ ~ s~ ~ ~e beiag auiSaed to lhe selected viewe~ $. The melhod of claim 1 la which Ihe iwosxammiag s mlion.each~’lheviewcnhavlng aulgnedtothemenec~ 8ramming service levels st~ed in Ihe me, nax’y leg the ~. The meetod ef claim I in which ~he lm~tenalaed ~. In an intermive televideo system havin~ a central L~ ThememcgY °fdahn 1O ftml~ ~PreBram- l& In an/nteractive te/evideo system havi~ a central viewer stalions that include video display set, ope~bly :tO viewer stations that/uclude video dlsplty sets operably interactive station onU,~"__.en. a method of selectively del/v- plural viewer stations and receivi,~ inf’ermation from the ~iag~toa~edviewer mtioa.~: ~ ~’mmiag iafozm~ea to a selected viewer ratios. orn,i identifying a puktambzd ctmactais,ic ~ IroPam- pris~: ideal/f~g a default profrmmnins sendce level assigned 8ramming available fzom Ihe interactive televideo ompadaS ~he lxedeematmd dmacted~ ef ,he avail- :qxesented by m.ltJple classes; vice level auisaed to Ihe selected viewer stst/oa; request ~Jating to -t least a class sad Ihe pro~ammins miagwithleedetm~eddmmedslktlmcoMm’mto ~ lrovidingthevieweralxopamminsduractaizstioaof 14. The method e~ daim 13 in which the peo~mmmJng S. The melhod e{ latm 7 in whkh l/mzl vlewen aze assochted with Ihe se.lec~ v/ewer sin/on, each of the . ~requeatfndudesarequestf~r~ soad lresrmmin8 mice level ~es~ctras access to prosesvke level msipted to ~he selected viewer ststtoa is the teat dmactahacs e~ ate availd)le lxostamndn8 with the 4s tedstics onfa’m to the specified elm. ~. The methed ef claim 7 ht which pimal viewegs ~e from Ihe v/b-wet a spedaed l~mBrammias lime. oa~dag viewess having mdgned to Ihem a v4.ewcr identlfle~ the the available Iregrmnming at the speclaed thne with the viewe~ statioa, 1~. la ,m iate~active ~ syat, mn havin~ a cemral mtaed ceateat clm’mt~sti~ eom’~t to ~te specified class. l& The melhod o~ cbim 1~ ht wkich the pm~mmala~ viewer stsdoas Ibat fltclnde v/deo dfsplay sets opentbly pizal viewer statiom 8rid t~dvinj lnf~m~lm from ~he lnlmmivestationconUoUnz.pluzalviewenbel~moci- Ss PreSmmm~S that is avaflal~ at a specdlled tlme and ~te * * * * * Copy pmvidecl by LISt, ,~J from the Pi~ Imago Database on 07/22/2010 - --- i

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