Campbell et al v. Facebook Inc.

Filing 187

OBJECTIONS to re 185 Errata, Plaintiffs' Objections to Facebook's Errata to Evidence Filed in Support of Facebook's Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification by Matthew Campbell, Michael Hurley. (Sobol, Michael) (Filed on 5/12/2016)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Michael W. Sobol (State Bar No. 194857) David T. Rudolph (State Bar No. 233457) Melissa Gardner (State Bar No. 289096) LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP 275 Battery Street, 29th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-3339 Telephone: 415.956.1000 Facsimile: 415.956.1008 12 Hank Bates (State Bar No. 167688) Allen Carney David Slade CARNEY BATES & PULLIAM, PLLC 2800 Cantrell Road, Suite 510 Little Rock, AR 72202 Telephone: 501.312.8500 Facsimile: 501.312.8505 13 Attorneys for Plaintiffs and the Proposed Class 8 9 10 11 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 16 17 18 19 MATTHEW CAMPBELL and MICHAEL HURLEY, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, Plaintiff, 20 21 v. 22 Case No. C 13-05996 PJH (MEJ) PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO FACEBOOK’S ERRATA TO EVIDENCE FILED IN SUPPORT OF FACEBOOK’S OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION FACEBOOK, INC., 23 Defendant. 24 25 26 27 28 PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO ERRATA CASE NO. 13-CV-05996-PJH (MEJ) 1 I. INTRODUCTION 2 Plaintiffs object to Facebook’s filing of supplemental evidence and production of 3 documents after the briefing on class certification has been completed, the hearing held, and the 4 matter submitted. See Dkt. 185. Facebook’s “Errata” reveals that it provided inaccurate 5 representations to the Court and incorrect testimony from its key witness Alex Himel concerning 6 “facts” Facebook heavily relied upon in its opposition to class certification. The Errata itself is 7 based on a self-serving, partial disclosure of a relevant category of information about which 8 Facebook continues to refuse to produce documents and data, and is the subject of one of four 9 pending discovery disputes which the parties have met and conferred upon and which are the 10 subject of a Request for Telephonic Conference before Magistrate Judge James. As for the 11 document Facebook produces with its Errata, it appears to be a recently fashioned excerpt, 12 strategically tailored specifically for this litigation, and therefore does not even comprise a 13 reliable record of the company. Accordingly, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court strike 14 Facebook’s improper Errata and accompanying declaration. 15 II. 16 ARGUMENT A. Facebook’s “Errata” is Based on a Document It Has Cherry Picked From a Category of Documents It Has Refused to Produce. 17 18 It is an elementary principle of discovery that a party cannot withhold an entire category 19 of documents from production, but then selectively cherry-pick information from that withheld 20 category to produce. That is precisely what Facebook has done here: it refuses to produce 21 “configuration tables,” i.e., the information showing how Facebook stores and configures Private 22 Message content after it successfully intercepts it, yet it offers self-serving testimony about them. 23 It also offers a document which does not appear to be a document kept in the ordinary course of 24 business, and appears to reflect Facebook’s lawyer’s editing to address a contested issue presently 25 before the Court. See Declaration of David Rudolph in Support of Plaintiffs’ Request for 26 Telephonic Conference, filed May 12, 2016, ¶ 18 (metadata associated with document purporting 27 to demonstrate deletion of “share_stats” table indicates document was created on May 10, 2016). 28 Facebook’s inaccurate representations to the Court on this issue (which it now -1- PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO ERRATA CASE NO. 13-CV-05996-PJH (MEJ) 1 acknowledges) highlight the importance of fulsome discovery in order to test the credibility and 2 veracity of witness statements.1 The configuration tables from which Facebook cherry-picked this 3 document go to the heart of the parties’ dispute regarding the ongoing wrongful interception of 4 users’ Private Message content during the proposed class period. As described in Plaintiffs’ class 5 certification reply briefing expert report and in their reply to Facebook’s improper “objection to 6 reply evidence,” Plaintiffs contend that Facebook has continued to log Private Message content 7 via the “scribeh_share_stats” functionality.2 While Facebook contended (as it now admits, 8 incorrectly), that the “share_stats” Hive table was deleted prior to the class certification period, it 9 has produced no evidence suggesting that the “scribeh_share_stats” functionality does not log 10 data into a different Hive table. Facebook’s selective production of a single entry from a 11 configuration table which purports to show that the “share_stats” table was deleted (and which in 12 any event has not been the subject of expert analysis or witness testimony) only highlights the 13 necessity of Facebook producing all of the Hive configuration data. Plaintiffs should have the 14 ability to obtain this entire category of documents, which they have been seeking for several 15 months. 16 B. 17 18 Facebook Continues to Withhold the Very Documents From Which it Now Cherry-Picks Data for Production. Incredibly, Facebook continues to withhold production of the very data sources upon 19 which it now relies in its Errata. There is simply no excuse for this and Facebook’s continued 20 refusal to produce such documents and data constitutes discovery misconduct. As Plaintiffs have 21 explained, Mr. Himel’s assertion that the “share_stats” table was deleted prior to the class period 22 was a bald statement unsupported by any documentary evidence.3 During his deposition, Mr. 23 1 24 25 26 27 28 Apparently, Facebook’s counsel’s exhortation to the Court at the class certification hearing “to carefully check the citations to the record that are provided if the Court’s crediting anything in [Plaintiffs’] briefing,” would have been more productively directed at themselves. March 16, 2016 Hrg. Tr. at 101:1-15. Cf. Facebook’s counsel statement at 87:16-20 (“And they spent a lot of time on the share stats table. That was deleted in 2011 before the class period. So I don't even know why we're talking about it. It was deleted before. It had nothing to do with this case. It was deleted beforehand.”). 2 See, e.g., Dkt. 178-5, at 6-7. 3 See Dkt. 172, at 7. -2- PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO ERRATA CASE NO. 13-CV-05996-PJH (MEJ)) 1 Himel revealed that he consulted requested but unproduced configuration data as the basis for 2 this (false) assertion.4 Following his deposition, Facebook agreed to produce this narrow sliver of 3 data—the data upon which Mr. Himel purported to rely—but refused to produce the larger data 4 set from which this sliver would be drawn. Plaintiffs rejected this proposal, and instead properly 5 insisted on Facebook producing the full data set from which this data was allegedly cherry- 6 picked. However, even this newly-produced entry from a larger table does not support Mr. 7 Himel’s former assertions as to the date of the deletion of the table, and there is simply no 8 legitimate dispute regarding whether Facebook should be required to produce the actual 9 documents and data from which this information was drawn. But not only does Facebook refuse 10 to produce this data, as described in Plaintiffs’ concurrently-filed Request for Telephonic 11 Conference, it is seeking to actively block Plaintiffs from even requesting that the Court compel 12 the production of this data. 13 C. 14 Throughout the course of this case, Facebook has repeatedly taken the position that the Facebook’s Conduct is Emblematic of The Discovery Issues in This Case. 15 production of key data, such as Facebook’s source code, was unnecessary, or that the production 16 of key witnesses and evidence was “impossible,” only to be eventually forced to do so by the 17 Court. Plaintiffs’ analysis of the source code that Facebook initially refused to produce as 18 “unnecessary” has revealed significant further information regarding Facebook’s interception and 19 use of Private Message content. Facebook’s position that the small subset of documents it has 20 chosen to produce, in addition to its employees’ self-serving (but in this case false) “sworn 21 testimony,” is sufficient disclosure can no longer be credited, and Facebook must produce the 22 documents and data needed to test the veracity of those assertions. Only then can the factual 23 disputes common to the class be resolved. 24 III. CONCLUSION 25 For the foregoing reasons, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court strike Facebook’s 26 improper Errata and accompanying declaration. Facebook’s conduct and admission demonstrate 27 that there are material facts in dispute which are common to the class and make certification 28 4 See Himel Dep. Vol. 1, at 203:7-204:1. -3- PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO ERRATA CASE NO. 13-CV-05996-PJH (MEJ)) 1 appropriate, and that further discovery is necessary to determine the full extent of Facebook’s 2 interception and use of Private Message content during the proposed class period. 3 Dated: May 12, 2016 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 By: /s/ Michael W. Sobol Michael W. Sobol Michael W. Sobol (State Bar No. 194857) David T. Rudolph (State Bar No. 233457) Melissa Gardner (State Bar No. 289096) LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP 275 Battery Street, 29th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-3339 Telephone: 415.956.1000 Facsimile: 415.956.1008 Rachel Geman Nicholas Diamand LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN, LLP 250 Hudson Street, 8th Floor New York, NY 10013-1413 Telephone: 212.355.9500 Facsimile: 212.355.9592 Hank Bates (State Bar No. 167688) Allen Carney David Slade CARNEY BATES & PULLIAM, PLLC 2800 Cantrell Road, Suite 510 Little Rock, AR 72202 Telephone: 501.312.8500 Facsimile: 501.312.8505 Attorneys for Plaintiffs and the Proposed Class 23 24 25 26 27 28 -4- PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO ERRATA CASE NO. 13-CV-05996-PJH (MEJ))

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