Dillahunty v. Precept Builders, Inc.
STIPULATED CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER, approved by parties during the settlement conference held on 1/7/10 and signed by Magistrate Judge Craig B. Shaffer on 1/8/10. (cbssec)
To expeditethe flow of discoverymaterial,facilitate the prompt resolutionof discovery disputes,andprotectthe confidentiality of documents producedor information disclosed, the productionof which could harm a party's competitivestandingor otherwiseimproperly annoy, embarrassoppress causeundueburdenor expense any party, witness,or personproviding , or to discoveryin this case,the Plaintiff Gary L. Dillahunty and DefendantPreceptBuilders, Inc. stipulateasfollows: The partieswill follow the procedures forth in this StipulatedConfidentiality set Agreementand ProtectiveOrder (the "ProtectiveOrder" or "Confidentiality Stipulation") with respectto disclosureof information,documents, things in this litigation: or I. This ProtectiveOrdershall apply to all documents, materials,and information,
including without limitation, documents produced, answers interrogatories, to responses to requests admission,depositiontestimony,and other information disclosedpursuantto the for disclosureor discoverydutiescreatedby the FederalRulesof Civil Procedure.
As usedin this ProtectiveOrder,"document"is definedasprovided in
Fed.R.Civ.P.34(a).A draft or non-identicalcopy is a separate documentwithin the meaningof this term. 3. Information designated "CONFIDENTIAL" shall be information that the
designating party believesin good faith is confidentialand implicatescommonlaw or statutory privacy interests(including confidentialcommercialinformation asreferenced Fed.R. Civ. P. in 26(c)(1)(G))of: (a) the partiesto this matter;(b) currentor former officers, owners,employees, contractors, consultants the parties;or (c) predecessors, or to parents,subsidiaries, affiliates, or any successors the parties. CONFIDENTIAL information shall not be disclosedor usedfor to any purposeexceptthe preparationandtrial of this case. 4. CONFIDENTIAL documents, materials,and/orinformation (collectively
"CONFIDENTIAL information") shall not, without the consentof the party producingit or further Orderof the Court, be disclosedexceptthat suchinformation may be disclosedto: (a) (b) attorneysactively working on this case; persons regularly employedor associated with the attorneysactively working on
the casewhoseassistance requiredby saidattorneys; is (c) (d) (e) (f) the parties(including the employees, owners,and officers thereof); expertwitnesses consultants and retainedin connectionwith this case; the Court and its employees ("Court Personnel"); stenographic reporterswho are engaged proceedings in necessarily incidentto the
conductof this action; (g) deponents, witnesses, potentialwitnesses; or and
(h) 5.
other persons written agreement the parties. by of Prior to disclosingany CONFIDENTIAL information to any personlisted above
(otherthan a personlisted in Paragraphs 4(a), (b), (c), (e) and/or(f)), counselshall provide such personwith a copy of this ProtectiveOrderand obtain from suchpersona written acknowledgmenstatingthat he or shehasreadthis ProtectiveOrder and agrees be boundby t to its provisions. All suchacknowledgments shall be retainedby counseland shall be subjectto
reviewby theCourtif good cause reviewis demonstrated opposing for by counsel.
6. Documents designated CONFIDENTIAL by placing or affixing on them are as
(in a mannerthat will not interferewith their legibility) the following or other appropriate notice: "CONFIDENTIAL." In the caseof CONFIDENTIAL information in a non-paper medium,e.g., video or audiotape,computerdiscs,CD-ROMs,DVDs, etc., a party may designate all informationthereinasCONFIDENTIAL by affixing a legendstatingthe sameto the outsideof the mediumor container. 7. Whenevera depositioninvolvesthe disclosureof CONFIDENTIAL information,
the depositionor portionsthereofshall be designated CONFIDENTIAL and shall be subjectto as the provisionsof this ProtectiveOrder. Suchdesignation shall be madeon the recordduring the depositionwheneverpossible,but a party may designate portionsof depositionsas CONFIDENTIAL after transcription,providedwritten notice of the designationis promptly given to all counselof recordwithin thirty (30) daysafter notice by the court reporterof the completionof the transcript. 8. If any documentcontainingCONFIDENTIAL information producedin this
litigation is to be filed as an exhibit to any court recordor pleading,or otherwiseplacedamong
the court papersin this litigation, the party filing the materialshall submit the document containingCONFIDENTIAL information undersealin accordance with D.C.COLO.LCivR 7.3.
A party may object to the designation particular CONFIDENTIAL information of
by giving written notice to the party designating disputedinformation. The written notice the shall identify the information to which the objectionis made. If the partiescannotresolvethe objectionwithin ten (10) business daysafter the time the notice is received,it shall be the obligation of the party designating information as CONFIDENTIAL to file an appropriate the motion requesting that the Court determine whetherthe disputedinformation shouldbe subject to the termsof this ProtectiveOrder. If sucha motion is timely filed, the disputedinformation shall be treatedas CONFIDENTIAL underthe termsof this ProtectiveOrderuntil the Court rules on the motion. If the designating party fails to file sucha motion within the prescribed time, the disputedinformation shall lose its designation CONFIDENTIAL and shall not as thereafterbe treatedas CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with this ProtectiveOrder. In connectionwith a motion filed underthis provision,the party designating information as the CONFIDENTIAL shall bearthe burdenof establishing that goodcauseexistsfor the disputed information to be treatedasCONFIDENTIAL. 10. At the conclusionof this case,including any appeal,unlessother arrangements
are agreedupon,eachdocumentand all copiesthereofwhich havebeendesignated as CONFIDENTIAL shall be returnedto the party that designated CONFIDENTIAL, or the it partiesmay electto destroyCONFIDENTIAL documents. Wherethe partiesagreeto destroy CONFIDENTIAL documents, destroyingparty shall provide all partieswith an affidavit the confirming the destruction.
The disclosureof CONFIDENTIAL information pursuantto discoveryor the
procedures forth in this Confidentiality Order shall not constitutea waiver of any tradesecret set or any intellectualproperty,proprietary,or otherrights to or in suchinformation. 12. This ProtectiveOrdermay be modified by the Court at any time for goodcause
shownfollowing notice to all partiesand an opportunityfor them to be heard. DATED: Agreed: BruceAlan Danford The Law Firm of Bruce A. Danford,LLC 11971Quay Street Broomfield, CO 80020 Telephone (303) 410-2900 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF sf SarahE. Benjes J. David Arkell (#4337) Geri K. House(#34198) SarahE. Benjes(#39270) Faegre& BensonLLP 3200Wells FargoCenter,1700Lincoln Street Denver,CO 80203-4532 Telephone:(303) 607-3500 Facsimile: (303) 607-3600 E-mail: DArkell@faegre.com GHouse@faegre.com SBenjes@faegre.com ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT PRECEPT BUILDERS, INC. THE FOREGOINGSTIPULATION IS HEREBY MADE AN ORDER OF COURT ,2010.
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