Xerox Corporation v. Google Inc. et al

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Xerox Corporation v. Google Inc. et al Doc. 143 Att. 1 EXHIBIT 1 RANDOM HOUSE UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY Second Edition Dedicated to the memory of Jess Stein COPYRIGHT © 1993, 1987, BY RANDOM HOUSE, INC. First Edition: Copyright() 1983, 1981, 1979, 1973, 1971, 1970, 1969, 1967, 1966, by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to Reference Department, Random House, Inc., 201 E. 50th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022. Published in the United States by Random House, Inc., and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Thronto The Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, is a revised and updated edition of The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition, Unabridged. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, and the abbreviations RHD, RHDEL, RHD-I, and RHD-II are trademarks of Random House, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Random House unabridged dictionary (Random House dictionaries) 1. English language--Dictionaries. I. Flexner, Stuart Berg. II. Series. 93-84591 PE1625.R3 1987 423 ISBN 0-679-42917-4; 0-679-42441-5 (with CD-ROM) A number of entered words which we have reason to believe constitute trademarks have been designated as such. However, no attempt has been made to designate as trademarks or service marks all words or terms in which proprietary rights may exist. The inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express a judgment on, the validity or legal status of the word or term as a trademark, service mark, or other proprietary term. The Concise French Dictionary, edited by Francesca L. V. Langbaum, Copyright © 1983, 1954, by Random House, Inc. The Concise German Dictionary, edited by Jenni Karding Moulton, Copyright © 1983, 1959, by Random House, Inc. The Concise Italian Dictionary, edited by Robert A. Hall, Jr., Copyright CD 1983, 1957, by Random House, Inc. The Concise Spanish Dictionary, edited by Donald F. Sold, Copyright © 1983, 1954, by Random House, Inc. International Phonetic Alphabet, courtesy International Phonetic Association. Manufactured in the United States of America d.s./sn New York Toronto London Sydney Auckland DEVELOPMENT OF MAJUSCULE NORTH SEMITIC GREEK ETR LATIN MODERN GOTHIC ITAUC ROMAN ROMAN CURSIVE ROMAN UNCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF MINUSCULE CAROL MIN. GOTHIC ' MODERN ITAUC ROMAN L The twelfth letter of the English alphabet derives from North Semitic lamed. with its shape exh biting consistent development. It assumed its present form as a right angle (Li in Classical Latin. The minuscule (I) is a cursive variant of the capital. L's or Ls. l's or Is. 1. the 12th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant. 2. any spoken sound represented by the letter L or I, as in let, dull, cradle. 3. something having the shape of an L. 4. a written or printed representation of the letter L or 1. 5. a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter L or I. L (el), n., pl. L's or Ls. Informal, an elevated railroad. L (el), n., pl. L's or Ls. ell'. L, 1. lambert; lamberts. 2. language. 3. large. 4. Latin. 5. left. 6. length. 7. Brit. pound; pounds. [ < L libra] 8. long: denoting a size longer than regular, esp_ for suits and coats made for tall men: 40L. 9. longitude. 10. Theat. stage left. L, Symbol. 1. the 12th in order or in a series, or, if I is omitted, the 11th. 2. (sometimes Lc.) the Roman numeral for 50. Cf. Roman numerals. 3. Elect. inductance. 4. Physics. See kinetic potential. 5. Biochern. leucine. 6. Econ. a broad measure of total U.S. liquid assets, issued periodically by the Federal Reserve Board. Cf. M. I, 1. large. 2. liter; liters. Symbol, Optics, Chem., Biochem. levorotatory; levo(distinguished from d-). Cf. L-. L-, Symbol, Biochem. (of a molecule) having a configuration resembling the levorotatory isomer of glyceraldehyde: always printed as a small capital, roman character (distinguished from ro-). Cf. I-. 1. Chem. levo-. 2. U.S. MiL (in designations of light aircraft) liaison: L-15. L., 1. Lady. 2. Lake. 3. large. 4. Latin. 5. latitude. 6. law. 7. left. 8. lempira; lernpiras. 9. leu; lei. 10lev; leva. 11. book. [ < L liber) 12. Liberal. 13. (in Italy) lira; lire. 14. place. [ < L locus) 15. Lord. 16. Low. 17. lumen. 18. Theat. stage left. 1.1arge. 2. latitude. 3. law. 4.1eaf. 5.1eague. 6. left. 7. length. 8. pl. IL, line. 9. link. 10. (in Italy) bra; lire. 1 1. liter; liters. 12. long. U., Ling. first language; native language. 1_2, Ling. second language. la' (Ia), rt., Music. 1. the syllable used for the sixth tone of a diatonic scale. 2. (in the fixed system of solmizalion) the tone A. Cf. sot-fa (def. 1). [1350-1400; ME; see GAMUT] la' OD, L, I (el), n.. pL space, dynamics, and tempo for all kinds of movement: used to record and reconstruct forms of dance and movement. Also called (18/ba nO ta/shan, W.). [after dance theorist Rudolf Laban (1879-1958), born in Slovakia, who devised it] lab-a.rum (labler am), n., pl. -a-ra (-ar a). 1. an ecclesiastical standard or banner, as for carrying in procession. 2. the military standard of Constantine the Great and later Christian emperors of Rome, bearing Christian symbols. [1650-60; < LL, of obscure orig.] lab.cla.num (lab/da nam), n. a resinous juice that exudes from various rockroses of the genus Cistus: used in perfumery, fumigating substances, etc. Also, ladanum. [1350-1400; ME labdanum, lapdanum < ML, for L làdanum < Gk Mdanon, akin to Won rockrose < Sem] (15/be), n. Czech name of the Elbe. latoe.fac-tion (lab/a fak/shan), n. a shaking or weakening; overthrow or downfall. [1610-20; a. 1.1, labefactiOn- (s. of labefactiO), equiv. to labefact(us) (ptp. of labefacere to loosen) + -ion- -ION] (15/bal), n., v., -bele!), or (esp. Brit.) -belled, -661-ling. -n. 1. a slip of paper, cloth, or other material, marked or inscribed, for attachment to something to indicate its manufacturer, nature, ownership, destination, etc. 2. a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc. 3. a word or phrase indicating that what follows belongs in a particular category or classification: The following definition has the label "Archit." 4. Archit. a molding or dripstone over a door or window, esp. one that extends horizontally across the top of the opening and vertically downward for a certain distance at the sides. 5. a brand or trademark, esp. of a manufacturer of phonograph records, tape cassettes, etc.: She records under a new label. 6. the manufacturer using such a label: a major label that has produced some of the best recordings of the year. 7. Heraldry, a narrow horizontal strip with a number of downward extensions of rectangular or dovetail form, usually placed in chief as the cadency mark of an eldest son. 8. Obs. a strip or narrow piece of anything. -c.t. 9. to affix a label to; mark with a label. 10. to designate or describe by or on a label: The bottle was labeled poison. 11. to put in a certain class; classify. 12. Also, radiolabel. Chem. to incorporate a radioactive or heavy isotope into (a molecule) in order to make traceable. [1275-1325; ME < MF: ribbon, perh. < Gmc. See LAP'] n. la/ beIed brackteting, Ling. a representation of the constituent structure of a string, as a word or sentence, comparable to a tree diagram, in which each constituent is shown in brackets and given a subscript grammatical label, with each bracketed item corresponding to a node in a tree dia am·al.ize (WU a lie), vt.. -ized. Pkonet, to give a labial character to (a sound), for example, to round (a vowel). Also, esp. Brit., laftvi·al.ise/. [1865-70; LABIAL -F -me] -Ia/bi·al·i·zaftion, n. (Ia/be a lizd/), adj. Phonet. pronounced with secondary labial articulation. [1865-70; LABIALIZE -ED') interj. Archaic or Dial. (used as an exclamation of wonder, surprise, etc.): La, sir, how you do go on! [bef. 1150; ME, OE; weak var. of 10 ma] LA, Louisiana (approved esp. for use with zip code). La, Symbol, Chem. lanthanum. La.. Louisiana. LA., 1. Latin America. 2. Law Agent. 3. Library As- La Belle Dame Sans Mer-ci Fr. 1_A _e. SON hld men se/), a ballad 0819) by Keats. sociation. 4. Local Agent. 5. Los Angeles. laa.ger (1a/gar), South African. -n. 1. a camp or en- la.bel.lum (la bel/am), n., pl. (-bel/a). Bat, the petal of an orchid that differs more or less markedly campment, esp. within a protective circle of wagons. from the other petals, often forming the most conspicutr.i. 2. to arrange or encamp in a laager. Also, lager. [1840-50; < Afrik laer, earlier lager; c. G Lager ous part; the lip. [1820-30; < L, dim, of labrum lip; for camp. See LAIR'] formation see CASTELLUM] -la-belfloid. adj. Laa.1and (lol/and; Dan. le/Ian), n. an island in SE (Ia bet/a 151/, -1o1/), n. Pharm. an alphaDenmark, S of Zealand. 81,760; 495 sq. mi. (1280 sq. km ). and beta-adrenergic blocking agent. used in Also, Lolland. the treatment of hypertension. (prob. 01-, inversion of cii[pho) + beta -F -I- of uncert, deriv. lab (lab), n. laboratory. [by shortening) la-bi.a (10/be a), n, pl, of labiurn. Lab (lab), n. Informal. See Labrador retriever. (by short ening] (10/be all, adj. 1. of. pertaining to, or resembling a labium. 2. of or pertaining to the lips. 3. PhoLab., i , Laborite, 2. Labrador. net, involving lip articulation, as p, 5. in, in. or a rounded lab.. 1. labor. 2. laboratory. 3. laborer. vowel. 4. Music, having the tones produced by the impact of a stream of air on a sharp liplike edge, as in a La Baie (10 1301; Fr, la be/), n. a town in S Quebec. in flute or the flue pipes of an organ. -n. Phonet. 5. any E Canada, near Chicoutimi. 20,935. labial consonant, esp. a bilabial. 6. any labial sound. La.ban (la/ban), n. the father of Leah and Rachel and D585-95; < ML labidlis. See LABIUM, -AL') the father-in-law of Jacob. Gen. 24:29; 29:16-30. ty. n. adv. Lalban dance/ nota/tion sys , tem qii/ban. .ism (la/be a beam), n. a tendency, sometimes a system of movement notation, using symbols on a staff, habitual, to make sounds labial, as in pronOuncing the I that records the parts of a dancer's laody, direction in in love as a w-like sound. (1880-85; LABIAL + -ram) ma·jo·ra (la/be a ma jor/a, -jOrla), sing. am ma/jas). Anat, the outer folds of skin of the external female genitalia. [1870-75; < NL: greater lips] mi·no·ra (lalbe a mi ner/a, -norta), sing. la·bi , urn mi.nus (latbe am mi/nas). Anat. the inner folds of skin of the external female genitalia. [1830-40; < NL: lesser lips] (la/be it, - ay), adj. 1. having parts that are shaped or arranged like lips; lipped. 2. Bot, a. belonging to the plant family Labiatae (or Lamiaceae). Cf. mint family. b. two-lipped; bilabiate: said of a gamopetalous corolla or gamosepalous calyx. -n. 3. a labiate plant. [1700-10; < NL labiatus. See LABIUM, -ATE') zhen/ msLa.biche (IA besht), rt. Etpgane Rare), 1815-88, French dramatist. Ia.bile (Ialbal, -bil), adj. 1. apt or likely to change. 2. Chem. (of a compound) capable of changing state or becoming inactive when subjected to heat or radiation. [1400-50; late ME labyl < LL lobilis, equiv. to L lab(i) to slip + -ilis -ILE] .-la.bil.1-ty (la bil/i te, 10.-), n. (Ia/ba liz/), v.t., -lized. -living. to cause to become labile. Also, esp. Brit., lat'bi.liset. [1900-05; LAn. BILE ± -12E] fable- , a combining form meaning "lip," used in the formation of compound words: labiodental. [comb. form repr. L labium] (la/be 0 den/tI), Phonet. -adj. 1. articulated with the lower lip touching the upper front teeth, as f or v, or, rarely, with the upper lip touching the lower front teeth. 2. a labiodental speech sound. [1660-70; LABIO- 4- DENTAL) (la/be 0 gresh/an), n. Dentistry. location of the anterior teeth forward of their natural position. ['Arno- + L gress(us) (ptp. of gradi to step, walk, go) + -iort] 1. ar(Ia/be 0 nalzal), Phonet. ticulated with the lips and given resonance in the nasal cavity, as m. -n. 2. a labionasal sound. [LABIOurn magus NASAL') (lalbe 0 veflar), Phonet. -adj. 1. pronounced with simultaneous bilabial and velar articulations, as in. -n. 2. a lablovelar speech sound. [189095: LABIO- ± VELAR] -ized. (1A , b'e o ve/la Phonet. to make or become labiovelar. Also, esp. -IZE] Brit., la/bi·o·veflar·ise/. [1935-40; LABIOVELAR n. (Ia/be am), n., pl. -bi.a (-be a). 1. a lip or liplike part. 2. Anat, a. a lip or lip-shaped structure or part. b. any of the folds of skin bordering the vulva. 3. Bat, the lower lip of a bilabiate corolla. 4. Entornol. the posterior, unpaired member of the mouthparts of an insect, formed by the united second maxillae. [1590-1600; a L: lip, akin to lam bere to lick, LAP° . See LABRUM Lin) n. See hyacinth bean. 11815-25; IA Ar lablob] La Bo.hème (la' bo ern/; Fr. (1896) by Giacomo Puccini. CONCISE PRONUNCIATION REY: ho ern/), an opera act. cape, dory. part Set, equal; if, ice; oat Seer. Order, oil. belik. Wit. out: up. Ow: child: sing; shoe; thin, thot zh as in treasure. a = a as in alone, a as in systern, i as in easilv, a as in gallop, u as in circus: ' as in fire ifi'r), hour (oleo. I ana n can serve as syllabic consonants, as in cradle IkrOd 1 0, and button (butts). See the full key inside the front cover, Ia-bel u., -beled, -bel-ing or (esp. Brit.) --n. 1. a slip of paper, cloth, or other material, marked or inscribed, for attachment to something to indicate its manufacturer, nature, ownership, destination, etc. 2. a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc. 3. a word or phrase indicating that what follows belongs in a particular category or classification: The following definition has the label "Archit." 4. Archit. a molding or dripstone over a door or window, esp. one that extends horizontally across the top of the opening and vertically downward for a certain distance at the sides. 5. a brand or trademark, esp. of a manufacturer of phonograph records, tape cassettes, etc.: She records under a new label. 6. the manufacturer using such a label: a major label that has produced some of the best recordings of the year. 7. Heraldry. a narrow horizontal strip with a number of downward extensions of rectangular or dovetail form, usually placed in chief as the cadency mark of an eldest son. 8. Obs. a strip or narrow piece of anything. 9. to affix a label to; mark with a label. 10. to designate or describe by or on a label: The bottle was labeled poison. 11. to put in a certain class; classify. 12. Also, radiolabel. Chem. to incorporate a radioactive or heavy isotope into (a molecule) in order to make traceable_ [1275-1325; ME < MF: ribbon, perh. < Gmc. See LAP I } --la/ bel-er, n. (1Afbal), n., -belled, -bel-ling. EXHIBIT 2 AUTHORITATIVE · TRUSTWORTHY · CURRENT · COMPREHENSIVE The AMERICAN HERITAGE® dic tion.ary of THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE \ 4.) \ NEW ic Richly Illustrated in Full Color UPDATED EDITION 6/ fourth edition The American Heritage®Dictionary of the English Language FOURTH EDITION HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT Boston New York Restoril I retained object ,,wive. 3. 'lb put (someone) back in a former position: restore the empads. (Middle English restorers, from Old French restorer, from Latin raraurare. See sta- in Appendix I.) -reastorter tr. Re5to 1ril (restta-ril') A trademark used for the drug temazepam. restrain (rl-stran/) tr.v. -strained, -strain* ing, -strains 1 a. To ho ld back or keep in check; control: couldn't restrain the tears. b. To hold (a person) back; prevent restrained them from going. 2. 'lb deprive of hacdom or liberty. 3. To limit or restrict. [Middle English restreinen, fon Old French restraindre, restreign-, from Latin restringere, to bind had, See RESTRICT.] --reastrainfaeble adj. --reestrainfedaly i .arentd-la) adv. ---re·strainfer n. synonyms restrain, curb, check, bridle, inhibit These verbs mean to hold back or keep under control. Restrain implies restriction or limitaon, as on one's freedom of action: "a wise and frugal governmene which shall restrain men from injuring one another" (Thomas Jefferson). To curb is to restrain as if with reins: "You might curb your magnanimity' (John Keats), Check implies arresting or stopping, often suddenly or forcibly: "alight to guide, a rod/To check the erring" (William Wordsworth). To bride is often to hold in or govern one's emotions or passions: I bridled my resentment Inhibit usually connotes a check on one's actions, thoughts, or emotions: A fear of strangers inhibited his ability to traveL yeastealint (tif-strantf) n. 1. The act of restraining or the condition of being restrained. 2. Loss or abridgment of freedom. 3. An influence that inhibits or restrains; a limitation. 4. An instrument or a means of restraining. 5. Control or repression of feelings; constraint. (Middle English restreinte, from Old French restrainte, from feminine past participle of restraindre, to restrain. See REsritaiti.) restraint of trade n., pL restraints of trade An action or condition that tends to prevent free competition in business, as the creation of a monopoly or the limiting of a market. yeastrItt (ri-strllcti) tr.v. -strict·ed, -strictaing, -stricts To keep or confine within limits. See synonyms at limit (Latin restringere, restrict- : re., re- + stringere, to draw tight; see streig- in Appenclix I.) -reystricttor, reestrictter a. re·strict·ed (rl-strikfild) adj. 1. Kept within certain limits; limited: ou a restricted diet. 2. Excluding or unavailable to certain groups: a restricted area. 3. Of, relating to, or being information aiailable only to authorized persons, --reastrkeedaly adv. re.stric·tion (d-stilktshan) n. la. The act of restricting. b. The state of being restricted. 2. Something that restricts; a regulation or limitation. restriction enzyme n. Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of DNA at specific sites to produce discrete fragments, used especially in genetic engineering. Also called restriction endonuclease. reestric·tion·ism (ri-stilltIsha-nleam) n. A viewpoint or policy approving the imposing of restrictions, as on immigration or trade. re·stricrtionfist n. re·stric·tive (rl-strikrtiv) adj. la. Of or relating to restriction. b. Tending or serving to restrict limiting. 2. Grammar Of, relating to, or being a subordinate clause or phrase that identifies the noun, phrase, or clause it modifies and limits or restricts its meaning, as the clause who live in glass houses in People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. re·stricttive·ly adv. --re·striative·ness a. reostrike (restrik0 n. A coin or medal freshly minted from an original die at a time after the first issue. relstrikei v. rest·room (r6stfrtibm', -rare) tr. A room equipped with toilets and lavatories for public use. - p oor to the throne. 4. To make restitution of; give back: restore the stolen re·struc·ture (re - strekkhar) - tured, -turaing, -tures - tr. 1. To alter the makeup or pattern of: "serious efforts to restructure third world debt' (Felix Rohatyn). 2. To make a basic change in (an organization or a system, for example). -intr. To alter the structure of something. rest stop /1. See rest area. re·sult intr.v. -sult·ed, -sult·ing, -sults 1. To come about as a consequence. See synonyms at follow. 2. To end in a particular way: Their profligate lifestyle resulted in bankruptcy. On. la. The-consequence of a particular action, operation, or course; an outcome. See synonyms at effect. b. A favorable or concrete outcome or effect. Often used in the plural: started studying and got immediate results: 2. Mathematics The quantity or expression obtained by calculation. [Middle English resulten, from Medieval Latin resultare, from Latin, to leap back, frequentative of ?tare : re-, re- + sere to leap; see sal- in Appendix I.] -reostileful adj. re·sultiful·ness n. --re·sulttless adj. reesuPstant (d-zlilltant) adj. Issuing or following as a consequence or result 0 n. 1. An outcome. 2. Mathematics A single vector that is the equivalent of a set of vectors. -reesuirtantely adv. re·sume (rl- rami) v. -sumed, -sumeing, -sumes - tr. 1. To begin or take up again after interruption: resumed our dinner. 2. To assume, take, or occupy again: The dog resumed its post by the door. 3. To take on or take back again: resumed my original name. -intr. To begin again or continue alter interruption. (Middle English resumen, from Old French resumer., from Latin resamere : re-, re- + same% to take; see emin Appendix I.) re·sumPa·ble adj. -re·surnier a. retsu·me or re·su·me or ré·suemé (ratilb-me, reedb-mat) a. 1 . A brief account of one's professional or work experience and qualifications, often submitted with an employment application. 2. A summary: a resumi of the facts of the case. [French, from past participle of Mourner, to summarize, from Old French resumer, to resume. See RESUME.] re·sump·tion (d-zilmptshan) a. The act or an instance of resuming; a beginning again: resumption of negotiations. [Middle English, from - ret (rat) v. reteted, ret·ting, rets -tr. To moisten or soak (flax, for example) in order to soften and separate the fibers by partial rotting. -intr. To become so moistened or soaked. [Middle English reten, probably from Middle Dutch reeten.] rot. abbr. 1. retired 2. return reetasble (retebal, At's-) n. A structure forming the back of an altar, especially: a. An overhanging shelf for lights and ornaments. b. A frame enclosing painted panels. [French, from Spanish retablo, from alteration of Catalan retaule, from earlier reataula, from Medieval Latin retrotabulum 'Latin retra-, retro- + Latin tabula, tablet, board.] restali (retail) n. The sale of goods or commodities in small quantities directly to consumers. 0 adj. Of, relating to, or engaged in the sale of goods or commodities at retail. 0 adv. 1. In retail quantities. 2. At a retail price. 0 v. tailed, tail·ing, tails -tr. 1. To sell in small quantities directly to consumers. 2. (also rl-tali) To tell or repeat (gossip or stories, for example) to others. -intr. To sell at retail. [Middle English, from Anglo-Norman, variant of Old French, piece cut off, from retaillier, to cut up : re-, re- + tallier, to cut; see TAILOR.] reltaiVer n. reotail·ing (retelIng) n. The functions and activities involved in the selling of commodities directly to consumers. restain (d- tanr) try. tained, tain·ing, tains 1. To maintain possession of. See synonyms at keep. 2. To keep or hold in a particular place, condition, or position. 3. To keep in mind; remember. 4. lb hire (an attorney, for example) by the payment of a fee. 5. To keep in one's service or pay. [Middle English retainen, from Old French retenir, from Latin retinere re-, re- + tenere, to hold; see ten- in Appendix I.] -re· tain'aebillioty a. -re·tainfaeble adj. re·tainlment n. regained earnings (r1-tancii) pLn, The accumulated net income retained for reinvestment in a business, rather than being paid out in dividends to stockholders. retained object n. An object in a passive construction that is identical to the object in the corresponding active construction, as story in Susan was told the story by John. - -OLQ Old French, from Late Latin resfimptid, resamptiOn-, recovery, from Latin resamptus, past participle of resamere, to resume. See Ristaa.] re·su·pienate (rl-siiro/pa-nat', -nit) adj. Biology Inverted or seemingly turned upside down, as the flowers of most orchids. [Latin resupindtus, past participle of resupindre, to bend back : re-, re- + supinus, supine; see SUPINE.] re·surpi·nattion n. re·suspine (ras' a-pint) adj. Lying on the back; supine. [Latin resupinus : re-, re- + supinus, supine; see SUPINE.] re·sup·ply (resit -ph') mv. plied, ply·ing, plies To provide with fresh supplies, as of weapons and ammunition. -reisup.plyf n. re·sur·face (re - sCaffas) v. faced, fac·ing, fac·es -tr. To cover with a new surface: resurfacing a road; resurfaced the floor. -intr. To come to the surface again; reappear: The rumor has resurfaced. -re* surffac·er n. re·surge (d- sary) intr. v. -surged, -surgeing, -surgees 1. To rise again; experience resurgence. 2. To sweep or surge back again. [Latin resurgere : re-, re- + surgere, to rise; see SURGE. Sense 2, RE- + SURGE.] ressur·gence (11-s(tilans) n. 1. A continuing after interruption; a renewal. 2. A restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor; a revival: a postwar resurgence of patriotism. re·sur·gent (fi-sfatjant) adj. t Experiencing or tending to bring about renewal or revival. 2. Sweeping or surging back again. res·ur·rect(rez 1a rfktf) v. rect·ed, rect·ing, rects tr. 1. 'lb bring back to life; raise from the dead. 2. To bring back into practice, notice, or use. -intr. To rise from the dead; return to life. [Back-formation from RESURRECITON.] -restur·tecttor ti. reseur·recetion (raz'a-rtittshan) n. 1. The act of rising from the dead or returning to life. 2. The state of one who has returned to life, 3. The act of bringing back to practice, notice, or use; revivaL 4. Resurrection Christianity a. The rising again of Jesus on the third day after the Crucifixion. b. The rising again of the dead at the Last Judgment. [Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin resurrectib, resurric:ion-, from Latin resurractus, past participle of resurgere, to rise again. See RESURGE.] -.4eS'UP·reCttiOn·ai adj. resurrection fern n. An epiphytic, creeping American fern (Polypodium polypodioides) of warm regions, having fronds that curl up and appear dead in prolonged dry weather and expand under moist conditions. ressur·rec·tion·ist (rez'a-rékisho-nIst) n. 1. One who steals bodies from graves in order to sell them for dissection; a body snatcher. 2. One who brings something back into use or notice again. resurrection plant n. See rose of Jericho. reosur·vey (resar-ve, ra - sfleva) try. -veyed, -vey·ing, -veys To survey or study anew. * a. (ra - strIvi) A new survey or study. ressus·cistate (rl-siistl - tat') v. tat·ed, tat·ing, -tates - tr. To restore consciousness, vigor, or life to. See synonyms at revive. -intr. To regain consciousness. [Latin resuscitare, resuscitat- :re-, re- + suscitare, to stir up (sus-, sub-, sub- + citiire, to move violently, frequentative of titre, to set in motion; see kei-2 in Appendix I).] re·susici·ta·ble (-ta-bal) adj. re·sus'ci·taftion rt. -re·suslci·tattive adj. re·sus·ci·ta·tor (r1-3601-tetar) n. One that resuscitates, as an apparatus that forces oxygen or a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide into the lungs of a person who has undergone partial asphyxiation. res·ver·a·trol (rez-virrf-tribl', -tr6P, -trig') tr. A natural compound found in grapes, mulberries, peanuts, and other plants or food products, especially red wine, that may protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease by acting as an antioxidant, antimutagen, and anti-inflammatory. Dias(oacttior.) + New Latin Vardtrum, hellebore genus; see VERATRINE - retabie a pat pay Er care father 1 pet e be Ipit I pie tr pler 6 pot 6 toe 0 paw oi boy ou out db took db boot cut Or urge th thin th this hw which Zlt vision a about, item *regionalism Stress marker I (primary); ' (secondary), as in dictionary (cIlkisha-ner'e) 1487 EXHIBIT 3 Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary a 74.emealm amecia® MERRIAM-WEBSTER INC., Publishers Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 1006 restraining orderis reticently rneuweltiptor \ ri=sas-o..,tat-ork, n (ca. ,184,7) : one that reseschst m veilf : an apparatus used M restore the respiration, of ',pettedly Stinted person .. .. · _._, . . , ..i, · , , . . , . · - : ret IreA vb ret4edkret.ting[lkfkreten4r. ,MP1 xt:LAIckit Lioak i 'fl tolooten the libel' from the WbodY dune r''' Pf i to into re:to:61i Vre-,tgbal, 'ret-o-bal ti.[Kfr: .§p retd¢lo, derC Of 1.· retro.. i tetrO. + tabula bdard, tablet] (ca. 1823) : a raised shelf abOve at al.,: . for the altar cross, the altar lights, and flowers ,_ , , · · r7 tre.tall Vre,t111, esp ,,Torl also ri-411(1)1k vb [ME retallen, fr. MF rendigif to out back, divide into pieces, fr. cm, fr,,re-.+ taller to cut ..-. igek ai talLoa] lit (I5c) 1 : to sell in 'small quantities directiy to the allies* COnSumer 2 : TELL, RETELL . 4 Vi.« tosell,e1 cetall,·7=re·tailler a ke4a11 \ 're-.011\ n (15o) i"the sale bf conupeodjties' or goodit la . litap ttiiriLto ultimate contuMert -4,at retail I : at' a retailer's iti li' LLio Vte-:,,tlilk adj (1601) : _of, Slating tif.;Or Miltaiipti iii the' cornmodities at retail (--, trede) restraining order n (ca. 1876).; a preliminary legal order sometimes issued tO keez a tituatien Unchanged pending 00 aiSMUpon aPoltmllion for an in MictiOn . re.stralat trlint\ ,ri,[10, fr r restraiity, fr. restraindrej (15O) '1 : an 'act of restraining :., the' tate of being restrained *b (I) :. a 034 pevite rharrs sftliC: tu. ti>1:ementaei·Itilw.c do ec°itr hrit e e r ' in itif f rr it i ifegf 2 : Ili 'con trot OVer the clpteasiOn Of tine'l emotions Or thOUghts ' re.strict ViJstrikt \ vs EL restrictua -pp, of.. terttirigeral: (1535) . . 1' t to confine Within bounds : tiksritylkt : to place underrintrichnos as to· "icor dittribution syn tee LIMIT re·strict:ed ad) (ca. 1828) ,··· SUbjebt or sUbjeCted to restrictihni es a het general:, titirrho <the decision bad a ····· effect): b available to the Use Of particular groups pr specif. excluding tithes, (a ··· s· neighbor. hood) c : adt intended for general circulation or release <a." , doe* . ment) -- re-strict-eddy adv re-stric-tion VWstrile.thatik n f ME resitiCeilojni,, fr. 1,1;restriedon-, re-; strietto, fr. restrict us, pp.] (15c) 1 : something that restriCtst as a regulation that ratricta or reatiains (-.4 for hunters) 'b Ihnititiion on the use or enjoyment of property or a facility 2 : an,iset 'of restrictirig ; the condition of being restricted ' restriction enzyme n (1965): any Of various enzymet ihit,tiFeak doUblei stranded DNA, into fragmenteat specIfic 'site* in theinteribr . · the · . molecule -- called also restriction endonuclease re·BITIOTIOnam n (1937). r a policy:Or philosoPhy favor: ing rest:Mae' (as Of trade) -- restric.tiOndst \-sh(o-)nostVcidjoris riksttirotite ri-'strik-tiskirdji(1579) '1 a : of or relating to restriction b s serving or tending to restriCt regulations) 2 limiting the reference cif a modifiW word or phrase , 3 : prohibitingfurther negotiation n re:stile:tire-1Y adv--reistrltqlvecesa is &ictive chase n (ca. 1904) : a descriptive claute that is ;meatier to ins the definiteness of the word it modifies (as "that yow ordered"in "the . · . bdok thateou orderee:1 is out of print") re·strike reAtrik, re-, n (ca. 1899): a coin or Medalstruck fro& an original die at some time aftertheoriipnal issue " rest r6om n (1899) : a room or suite of:rooms ptoviding toilets and laVatories re.shruc·ture Ore-estrak-char\ vt (1942) : to changelhe makeup, Organization,,or pattern·of vi: to restructure something restudy \(Ore-Ntod-ek vt (1811) :. to study again or anew : make a new appraisal or evaluation of -- reStudy n +result Vi-Szolt1, ,vi [ME resullth. fr...1 s41.1 resultare. ft. I., to rebound, fr. re- + sahare to leap -- more at SALTATION] ( I Se) 1 a to prOCeed Or !arise as a consequence, effect,or conclusion (death fved from the clis.east) . b : to haye an issue or result (the disease ,yed in death) 2 : REVERT 2 rresult n (1647) 1 s something that results as a consequence, issue, or COnclUsion; also benefiCial or tangible effect , : FRUIT 2 -.something obtained by calculation tir investigation <showed its the :N. ,,of the-calm. batons) syn sec EFFECT-- re·sult-ful Vfol\ adj tu.sulbless \-las raj tre-sul-tant yiJzalt-'ntk ad.! (1639) : derived from or resulting from toMething e se --,,remd.tanbly ad, lresulhint 11115) tomething that renults ; 'Olirrboam: sPeclfk:the single vector that lathe tun' of a_givenset of vectors re.sume vb renamed: re.sum·Ing {ME resuinen, fr. MF or le; h1p. resumer, fr.,L resurnerpli. re- + sumere to take up. take --,more atsonspaut .y 1 : toassumeortaki again ahocctirv <resumed ec) his seat by e --Thomas Hardy) '1 : to return to or begin again after interruption (resumed }tar work) 3 : to take ,back to. onmeif 4 : to pick up again 5 : REITERATE, SUMMARIZE ^,0 vl : to begin'again something interrupted re.simne or re4u-me or re:sm_me.rez-P-mii, areZ-4-' also !Vile- or .,rizA, n restimk fr, pp. ot iesumer to resume, summarize, fr. MF regumed (1804):. stuastsnie M'aif · a short account Of One's career and qualifiCatils4cpsiepd tYitalf& att.allioliot for a Te tf°° te;suin n NiVzsio )-s tn.\ n13,4 fr..61F or , · MF resomption, fr. ,14...,resuMptton.;, .resumptlo, fr. 4.'resurnstus, pp. of resurnera] (15c,,) 1 ;.an act Or instance& resbming REcostMENtamENT 2 : a return to pá ymtnt in specie ' renn.phinite r.Vsit-pu,n/it adj renipinatua pp. of tempi/caret° hind back to a supine` position, fr. re- + Supra's supine] (I7,76) 1 : inkterted iii position 2 : having br being a ,fruiting body lying 'flat on the tab, 'grate 'With the hymemum at the' perinhery or over the whole tilrface (·-·-·,fungi) sporophores) . re:sup:ply V1-to:):11` vt (1636) : to supply agehi : provide anew with aupplies, resugply n. re.sur·face 'Orb- sor4S \ 41 (1580 : to rtProvide kvith a. new or fresh stirface vt :" to come again to the su ace (as of the watet); birrall4r , 't to.apPearor show upagani , reitinge \rPsarj \ re·borg roW11,n01 EL resurrel (1606) : to undergo a resurgerim re·suriteace n- sar-jan(t)s (18611 rising again .info life, activity, . . or pep:I:menet RENAScENCC · Tel:urgent AjantVddl [1. re:m*4f,, retarget's prp. of relurgerej (11,108) 'Undergoing or tending to produce resurgence· tismr:rect vt [back-forMation fr, iveurrection] (1772) . .. tp raise from the dead 2 to briag to View', attention, or ut,eagam resMr:reretion ,Vez-o-'rek-shoh` ti NE, fi. LL'resurrectlon-, resurVedlo set Of rising from the- dedd, fr resurreCtus;:pp;Pf renprie td. rite froln the dead, fr. I.,to rise again, fr. re- surpre to rise,-- may EiT SURGE] (13c) 1 'a cap : the rising of Chnst-from the . died b often cap: 'the rising again to life of all the human dead before the fing.judgment ' c : the state or one 'risen faun' the- dead, -2'i Restmotimp.'auivrrar. 3 Christian Science : irspiritualizaticin of thought r materiel belietthat yields tdIpiritual understanding -- , telour:rdc.tion-id N-shnol, -shon-'1\ adj res4usrec4iori.131 Vsh(c:)424:\ (17.76)" 1 13015Y iNA TCHER · -2 t one who resurreets ' ' rbaus·cl-tate Vi=sus-o-Alt\ vb -tat-edr 406Ing [L resuscitatus, lip. of musette:tr. lit., to stir. up again, fr. resuscitare to stir utofr, sut sus- Ali + 'there to put in motion, stir -- more at still; arg yr (153 r'to revilfelrom apparent death or bum unconsciousness:4a t REVITALIZE Vi COME TO, REvivE _ rectus·cbta1lon Vi-Ass-a-la7stion, n adj re-tall-lag `,.'re,t11-1bA n (14c) : the activities involveCin ;the adliig of goods to ultimate consumers for personal or houSehold cOnsumption·· re4ala \ ii=tlin \ vt pg reteinen, 'Oaken, fr. MF relent.. Tr,' Lresinlrgle hold hack, keep, restrain. fr: re- +; -tenare to hbld -7-more ,M, MINI (156),;,, 1' · : 'to keep' in posaession ot Use b : tO keen in bail my ps . sorrtm.: iPocif s to emPlOY bY jwiymg a retainer c : ta IceePie mind memory : REMEMBER 2 : to niantsecure'or intact (lead ···kt beal) .see KEEP retained Objeet it (ca. 1904): an Object in a'peasiie 'construction As book wen given me mid book in I wet given,a book Sic ielf#10d cib tre-fajmer kri-'tkiaark ti(1;4()) I : one oat retains ., 2 a : a attached or oWing service tO a housebold:Ao : seavattrb : sairLOYg 3 : any of various devices used for belding something ketalner ri [ME Weiner act of withhulding, fr. reteinem+ AF -er(ulli Weyver WilVer)] (17711) 1 : the act bf a clieurby Which he engagm fin aerviees of a lawyer, counselor, or adviser. '2i it fee paid toti Wafer dr professional adviser fok advice 'or serlices or fOr a Claim oh hit, services ,. . .... in case of. need treitake \ Ore-Itilk` vt -tocik \-4111N,:..hilt.itit \ 2411-ktiiV, Oki 1 · to take or receive again 2; REOP1VRE :3e' tod'phOlOgraph:again · iie-take Vrfr,tillc` n,(1914i a second p)iotOgraphing or tecordinigaLic . . .. .,,: an instanceof this re-tall-ate 1,ri-'14-1-,gt VIO 41,4t1; -aiding [LL'retaliania ,pp. of re:alien. fr, A; ivi; + talk. legal retaliation] sr 06,11)..f to repay Ws en injury) la kind ^-, yi : · tkieturn like'fcir like; .asp t tnIet revenge,. am see itbdaTE --..relt5l446tion \ ri-ita14-'11-shan, .r5A h. --'' rataidotii . 'teialit-ivN dig-- restaila.to0 Vtal:ya-,b5r:6,.:4a1-54., ·:,tdr-,` Art-·tiirdk vb [ME retargen, Ir. mg:or 14,K f ,ratardet ti, :. · re! Ire: ta are, fr. re- + sardus,alowlyt (15c) 1 :Ili 'slowly esp.' by ing ,or hindering' adVarice or acerimplishMeny.11MEDE 2 t o idademic progress birfaihire tO proinote,".i'il:lo'underg0 retards , , ay:tape DELAY .., n sre-tard n11788), l'Ari-Nard \ : a hOldiag . haelF, or 'slowing down :at ' T.kittiaTioN 2 ·16, ...tardvi RETARDATE re.tar.dent Vi- tlfrd=11: \( ad/ (1642), : .iprvi'a$ or tending lo . titanl ...... ' (flinio.retardant fabtics `--retarnanct: re-tar:date \ -'filid..,iit,,at · n (ca. 1915):. a'niesitallk retarded person S( re.tar-da-tIon k,,r6- tiliJc15:thin rt.\ n (15.0) . 1 't iln · Set ;ar. nstance;_, retarding 2 : the extent to which something is rdhaldeil 3 3 31--._....1 3"Wei , suspension; speclf..: one.that tetolyes . upWard: , 4 . a A in: amour, Slowness Of thought dt actipn; also ; Jess than nortnil intelleethal tempetanee MM. characterized by an IQ of less then, 70 b . : slOwinif in development or progress re:tattled Nrilkirci-ad\ adj (1895) .1 slOyt pr limited Iii intellOgual ." emotional devellinent or academMixTigraa Ketch Wech, 'up rit 'rEclA vb Bitssilmeq ME recked: o Olt, teteliar. OE hrican to s it, heat; akin to I. Crenate 65 tattle -- more at rarMI vi.(ca. 1798) i ' to make an effort tO vomit ' ,..4 vt i'Voatit .;,.. Oita ti . :: · re:te'Vret-5, 'ratA ;Cpl . re-tii Viet-5,-": .!ratA [NLar: L, act '--. intiesd: RETINA] (1541) I,: . a netWork esp.-of blood vessels or nerves. i in,lOttb 2 : an anatomieal part retembling or incinding anetwork ' re·tell \Wre-'0:1\ vt 40Id k-151c1V ..tell·ing (1594 I : to tell again, , another form 2: id count again ,,,, .. re4all·Ing n (1883)1' a nevi version'of ii story .(a · s,, of a'.dreek I re-tene \'reNten, 'ret-,5M, a Kik rhitira rem] (1867) ei'CrYst ior dirocarboo,q,,His isolated esp. from pine Tar Rad bassi(' testes ofAr. ·,.`r·,,,, ' · Patediirti fi cially - ' oi re4emtion \ri-len.C.iion \. ri [ME- relenefoun: fr.; LI:marten-. retelot g reteritus, p.p.. of retinere. to retain,-- More at'hgritt0 .(1 5C) ,1. a · of retabilligs the state Of being retained ·hl . a nonnal aci a fluid Or accretion tti -a body cavity 2 ' 'a : Power of letaining TENTIVENEss b : an ability to retaia,things in mind; 'owl!: a licicof the aftereffecti of esperiencl'and . learning that Makes sa!, 1, -' . recogriitioniaossible 3: aomething _retained 1 . .., _,., · ' . reetemtive \ .stent.iv` aditMEretentt&,fl..M.14 Flom.; MF, tr. Ma. thus, fr. L retvitus: pii. 14c) :' hay:4 the kwer,PrOpertY·or:r a of retaining (soils ····., o moisture); Asp :,renuningimowledilb...: ... . ' , · teisid Widen:We:1Y tidy --,re·tai.titeMesan re4eri.tivil.ty \,re..tein-'dy rat-6, ki-V riXfgiti) 'I, the POWet sped/ : the capacity for tetaining magnitts .03 alto. thi.actian FL magnetizing force haic ceased , re·teat \proVtestivt 1863): vo teseagain , . .,, sre.taist \ reNtest, v)r.S. nS1887) : alepeated test re.tainic VIrg.'thigk` v -thought \ -1h0,N.-thhig· 111/1 Pt tt ivw.i about again : aacoWntheit, .-· VI : M cagage in reconsigerso l . Mak Vre-,think =think\ Is -- re·thIploer it ' ' or ret·kence Vret4san(t)s \ n (1403) :T . : 'the qUility _ , . state nit ,. reticent : RESERVE, RESTRAINT 2 : ari 'instance:of' being retw -- · . : RELUCTANCE ret·hcen·cy vsamatn.'1;17-clat (1617): itEnaiks 11. rel·kent Vsant\ -ad II. reticent-, itikent, prp. bf ritielfre to.,keS i fr. re- + taare to eilakt --: more at TAmfi (1834) 1 .3 .} Inditr psilent or uncommunicative in 'pee& · RESERVED: 1 cres1_.:... . %the romp has iin 0113,* expression, ptesentatiOn, 'or iip dignity --A.' N. Whitehead) , s' hrlucratir 'Wu see stLnirr -tmut-ly eilv 4rcotall Vre-,fillk adv (1714), in small quantities s ;from a retailer EXHIBIT 4 Webster's Third New International Dictionary OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNABRIDGED meinkum-atee-sa REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than one hundred years of Merriam-Webster dictionaries EDITOR IN CHIEF PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE, Ph.D. AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF MERRIAM-WEBSTER INC., Publishers SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. A GENUINE MERRIAM-WEBSTER The name Webster alone is no guarantee of excellence. It is used by a number of publishers and may serve mainly to mislead an unwary buyer. Merriam-WebsterP4 is the name you should look for when you consider the purchase of dictionaries or other fine reference books. ft carries the reputation of a company that has been publishing since 1831 and is your assurance of quality and authority. COPYRIGHT © 2002 BY MERRIAM - WEBSTER, INCORPORATED WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY PRINCIPAL COPYRIGHT 1961 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged: a Merriam-Webster/editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-87779-201-7 (buckram) ISBN-10: 0-87779-201-1 (buckram) 1. English language--Dictionaries. I. Gove, Philip Babcock, 1902-1972. II. Merriam-Webster, Inc. PE1625.W36 1993 423-dc20 All rights reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means--graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems--without written permission of the publisher. MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 5455QKY0605 is formed by the second pair of maxillae united in the middle line and variously modified in different insects but consists typically of a submenturn. mentunn, and ligula and bears two labial palpi b : the coalescent pedipalpi of some mites C 1 a liplike part of a neuropudium in a polychaete wortll d I the metastoma of a crust:it:Can e : the columellar part of the aperture of a gastropod shell I : the movable sclerite forming the ventral watt of the head of a spider lab·lab Vla,blinh \ n -S [Ar fabirrh] : any of several sines of the genus Dolichos Or related genera: speck/ : tryacivrii BEAN lab-lab \ " \ n -5 [Tag, lit.. quagmire, marsh] Philippines : a mass of microscopic algire chiefly of the Mysoplryceae found on the mud in fishponds and used as food by the fry na-bor Vlnia41\ n - S see -or in Explan Notes INIE labour, labor, f r. OF. fr. L labor drudgery. hardship, work; prob. akin to 1 labi to slip, slide -- more at SLEEP] la : TOIL, wORK, (I) : expenditure of physical or mental effort esp. when fatiguing, difficult, or compulsory (with I excavated a pit --W.H. Hudson ;1922) <with enormous --a- he made himself into a poptiLtr writer -.Carl van Doren .., <Sentenced to six months at hard ·-· ) I human activity Mat produces the goods or pros isles the sersices in clenrand in an econonly : the Sets ices performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits <each entrepreneur is eager to buy all the kinds of specific -- he needs --Ludwig Von Mises> b (I) : the physical activities inv ohed in parturition consisting essentially of a prolonged series of involuntary contractions of the uterine musculature together with both reflex and voluntary contractions of the abdominal wall <drugs that induce (the record of her previOus pregnancies after a fall r2L : the period of time and labels pl of LABEL, pees 3d sing of Latici_ during which such labor takes pia, -.a 12-hour c : Ineavy pitching and rolling of a ship under way 2 : an act or process label stop n : a finishing boss at either end of a label, sill, or sill course requiring labor : Task (translation is a that must be done -labes pl of - LABE afresh for each succeeding age --J.C.Swaim) 3 : a product of labia pl of LABIUM labor (triniddv. waters had swept inland ....submerging in one implacable tide the of years -- William Beebe) cinspecting·al VInibfal \ adj [ML labialis, fr. L labium lip + -alis -al CAMP his completed --a with a critical eye) 4 a : an economic group -- more at Lig] 1 : of or relating to the lips or labia <a laag-te \ \ n -s [Afrik, fr. laag low; akin to ON Mgr low gland) <a scale) 2 : giving its tones from impact of an air comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages <the -- more at Low] Africa : a usu, relatively wide and level valley current on a lip or liplike edge <a native is a floating population --Geog. Jour.): workingmen instrument like the flute) in the veld as an economic or political f orce has the right to assemble, 3 : produced with the participation of one or both lips -- used laap rue of LERP of consonants (as \ f \ , \ v \ , p , \ \ ) and of rounded vowels to bargain collectively, and to strike --Curtis Bob) <win the laa·ven·ite Vlava,nit \ nbso lav-en-ite Vlav-\ n - s [Norm (as \ \ ) and semivowels (as w ) -- compare BILABIAL, vote of in the coming elections) b : workers employed in an Idrenit, fr. Ldren, island in the Langesund fiord, Norway + establishment or available for employment : hired help <the .A131, DENTAL Norw -it -ite] : a mineral consisting of a complex silicate of nabial \ " \ n -s 1:FLUE PIPE 2 Ia labial consonant 3 : one injection of ourselves and all our against bubonic plague -- zirconium, calcium, manganese, and sometimes other elements Think): MANPOWER <a plentiful supply of cheap-- from across of the small scales that border the lips of most snakes and occurring in prismatic crystals many other reptiles the border> c : the organizations or officials (as unions or nab Vlab, -aa(a)b \ n -S [ME labbe, fr. labben to blab] archaic labial gland rt 1: one of the small tubular mucous and serous union leadership) representing groups of workers organized : 'BLAB labor <those in ---- who advocate profit sharing by emPlcYees> glands lying beneath the mucous membrane of thc lips 2 : one nab V. \ in -C [by shortening] : LABORATORY <a conlerence between and management) 5 usu labour of the glands opening at the base of the labium of insects usu, lab abbe labor usu cap a : the Labour party of the United Kingdom (when functioning as salivary glands but in some groups producing lab-a-dism Vlabo,dizam \ er -S usu cap [F labadisme, fr. Jean de Labour is in a position to form a government, the sovereign silk or some other substance Labadie /1674 Fr. religious reformer + F -istne -ism] I the ... calls the leader as prime minister --R.T.McKenzie) \ n -ES I the quality or state of being doctrines and practices of Labadists b the Labour party in another nation of the British Commontlab-a·dist \ \ n -s usu cap [Jean de Labadie f1674 + E la-bi·al-iza-tion \ AbEaldIzashan \ n -s [+labial + -ization] wealth (as Australia or New Zealand) <Labour won its first -isr]: a member of a communistic sect of radical Pietists of the signal political triumph in the New South Wales elections -- : the action or result of labializing ROUNDING 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing spiritual rebirth and the la-bi-al-ize \ exan er Brady> syn see 55011h [ Habits/ 4: dze] : to \ rr inner illumination of the Holy Spirit as religious necessities make labial: a :ROUND lc(2) b to replace with a sound that nabar \ \ rb labored; labored; laboring \-bialrin\ labors alabadist \ " \ any, usu cap : of or relating to Labadists or to is labial <in Spanish auto, from Latin rictus, a velar stop has see -or in Explan Notes [ME labouren, laboren, fr. MF labourer, their doctrines and practices been fr. OF laborer, labourer, fr. L laborare to suffer, toil, work, fr. -z la Samba \ \ n -s often cap L&B "[AmerSp, the bamba] la-bi-al-ly VlabFale, \ etch, : in a labial manner : with or by labor, n.] ci 1 : to exert one's powers of body or mind esp, : /SAMBA with painful or strenuous effort : to perform labor : WORK, means of the lips la·ban system VII-ban- \ n, usu cap L [after Rudolf Laban labial palp n : a palp of a bivalve mollusk STRIVE <,--ed to pull their wagons along the slushy road -- /1958 Swiss dancing instructor] : a method of recording labial palpus n [part trans. of NL palpus labialis] : either of F.V.W.Mason) <when a writer long over a single passage} bodily movement (as in a dance) on a staff by means of direc<began to on the creation of a treaty system --D.J.Dallin the jointed appendages on the front of the mentum of an tion and other symbols that can be aligned with musical accominsect -- see INSECT illustration <,--,ed as a miner> (--a for the restoration of normal conditions paniment -- See ICOSAHEDRON 2 : to move with great effort (as against opposition or under a labial stop n : a pipe-organ stop composed of labial pipes la-ba-ria \ logo:U.6a \ also la-bar-ri \ -re \ or la-bar-ria or labial teeth d pl the incisor and canine teeth burden) <the boat upriver --Sherwood Anderson) <the \-rRa\ n -s [AmerSp labaria] : a So. American la-bia ma-jo-ra VINbe.amaIrdra, -kora\ n Is! [NL, lit., larger ponderous woman --,ed puffingly up one flight of stairs --J.B. venomous snake variously identified as a coral snake or any of Benefield) <I had ---ed through the Prometheus with a Greek lips] : the outer fatty folds bounding the vulva several pit vipers dictionary --H.J.Laski) 3 Ito be in or enter into labor in the labia mi-no-ra \ -mO'noira, -nOra \ n pl [NL, lit., smaller lips] la-bar-raque's solution Vlaba:rak(s)- \ n, usu cap L [after bearing of a child or young 4 : to suffer from some dis: the inner highly vascular largely connective-tissue folds Antoine G. Labarraque f1850 Fr. chemist and pharmacist] advantage or distress -- usu, used with under (,--ed under the bounding the vulva : lAVELLE WATER b \ ,1566'8,t8 \ et pl [NL, fr. fem. pl. of labiatus handicap of arthritis) <^-, under a delusion) 5 of a ship to lab-a·rum Vlabaram \ n -5 ILL] 1 : an imperial standard of pitch or roll heavily <--·ed heavily in a chopping sea --J.L. labiate] cap : a family of mostly aromatic herbs, shrubs, or the later Roman emperors resembling the vexillum; esp I the rarely trees (order Polemoniales) distinguished esp. by the Motley) yr 1 dial Brit : TILL, CULTIVATE <the cultivated standard adopted by Constantine after his conversion to by some 65,000 farmers --.1.M.Mogey) area ... is four-lobed ovary which becomes four one-seeded nutlets in Christianity consisting of a purple silk banner hanging from a 2 : BURDEN. TIRE, DISTRESS <the details ... are endless and I fruit -- see MINT crosspiece on a pike and surmounted by a golden crown na·bi-ate won't -- yoo with them Hortwe Sutton) : Make laborious labiarris. fr. L \ adi [NL beating the chi - rho 2 : any symbolical Standard or banner , ,anN(czy ... troubled and -- et! her roans, work --Sara H. labium lip - anis - ate - more at LIP] 1 : ha, ing IHss :1.1ppt.D lab-ba Vlaba \ n -s [of Arawakan origin; akin to Arawak Hay) 3 archaic a : to spend labor on or produce by labor a I having the limb of a tubular corolla or calyx divided into labba paca] : PACA (anvils e--ed by the Cyclops' hands --John Dryden) b to two unequal parts projecting one over the other like the lips of lab-ber Vlabo(r) \ rb -ED/-1No/-s [perh, of imit. origin] dial a mouth (as in the snapdragon. sage, catnip) b anar : having strive to effect or achieve : work for <earnestly ---ed that Erie : SPLASH. wrr reunion --Edmund Burke ., 4 : to treat or work out in often thickened fleshy margins 2 belonging no the Labititae lab-da-num Vlabdonam \ or lad-a-nuin \-ad mn- \ n -s [ML 31a-hi-ate \ 'INUE,at \ n -s [NL Labiatae] I a plant 01 the laborious detail I develop fully : ELABORATE <no need to the lapdasurn, fr. L ladanum, ledanum, fr. Gk ladanon, ledanon. obvious --Bernard DeVoto) 5 obs : to use one's influence or Labiatae Ir. ledon rockrose, of Sem origin] : a soft blackish 'brown to tabiate bear et [prob. trans. of NL (Jesus labiatus; fr. its favor with or forl URGE <the Devil all he can to bring greenish oleoresin that is obtained from various rockroses them into the same pit --Robert Burton) 6 : to cause to labor prominent lips] : SLOTH BEAR (as Cirrus ladanum, C. cretictes), has a fragrant odor and bitter la-bi·at-ed Vtalaa-d-dd \ adj : LABIATE <poets e--ing their wits on tasks like these --Gilbert Highet) taste, and is used in perfumes esp. as a fixative tile 7 abs :BEAT. POI:refs, gun <take the white of an egg and lab-i-dog-na·tha \JabaMilgnatho \ [NL, fr. Ok (Odd-, labis -tube \ ,ldb sometimes ,lah or Jaa(a,b \ n comb form -s [ME, fr. sante -- Book of St. Albans) <the ass ... if he be --ed with a handle, forceps + NL -vicuna] .nmnnnmf ARAN:Ear mr.HAE IMF, fr. ML -labium, fr. LGk -labion, dim, of Gk -labos (fr. la-bi-el-la \ faloe'ela \ n, p labiel-lae \ -e(,)18 \ [NL, dim. of L cudgel --Richard Carew) 8 obs : to bring by labor or lambanein to take)-- more at LEMMA]: instrument :implement endeavor to a specified position or state <.---ed him out of his labium lip] : HYPOPHARYNX <cosmolabe) la-bile Vlàbal, also \ adj [ME labyl, fr. IMF labile, house --Robert Crowley) lab-e-lac-lion \Jabefakshan \ n -S [LL labefaction-, babefr. LL fubilia fleeting, transient, apt to slip, fr. L lain to shp. 31abor \ " \ adj, see -or in Explan Notes (+labor) 1 a : of or factio, fr. L labefactus (past part. of labefacere to cause to fall + -ilis -ile -- more at SLEEP] 1 obs : prone tO Slip, err, Or relating to labor costs) <an ample supply) legislatotter, shake, fr. laban to totter + face, to make) + -ion-, -ia lapse 2 [F, fr. MF] : characterized by a ready tendency tMn) b : of, representing the views or interests of, or domi-ion] a weakening or impairment esp. of moral principles or nated by organized labor <- political acticity> <editorials in toward or capability for change : CHAN 6 raM·r, f'f'sa , nr- f <at' civil order : DOWNFALL. Out RTHRom. leader · .Idistricts that are tratiltionail) a Lice ill, the preS,.> emotionally s - patient> : ADAPT:am - has s 0 na.bel VISbol \ n -5 of ten attrib [ME fr. ME, fr. OF label some of her scenes ... rock with emotion - -Manny Farberi liberal and --NewRepublic) c : affecting labor and manageribbon, fringe. label in heraldry, prob. of Gmc origin; akin to ment <a --- contract) 2 usu cap of. relating to. or constituted 3 : readily or continually undergoing chemical or physical or OH ti lappa flap. lappet -- metre at LAp] 1 archaic : a narrow of a by a political party that claims urn represent the interests of biological change or bretikdown (as in the piesence piece (ar of cloth) : sant tr, RIBBos, Largri ; : one working men and women or that is characterized hy a memspecified factor) <heat-labile and hear - mable antigens, ·The attoched to a document to hold an appended seal 2 ohs : a gernnnative plasma of the eggs is producing under time inbership in which organized labor groups predominate: as a of, relating no, or constiluted by one of several minor politrider or appendix orig. appended to a document on an atfluence of various conditions of nourishment different results tached strip 3 : a heraldic charge consisting of a narrow bar ical parties usu, having a brief period of activity in the U.S. --Auguste Lameere) diabetes) : fluctuating widely with usu. three pendants and used esp. as a cadency mark to during the late 19th and 20th centuries -- usu. used in comblood pressure in hypertensives>: as a : readily undergoing distinguish an eldest or only son during his father's life -- bination ithe Farmer-Labor party of Minnesota? /the Americleavage or molecular rearrangement or other chemical modificalled also file 4 : a representation (as in medieval art) of a can Labor party in New York state ... constituted an imcation <one of the chlorine atoms is readily restored as hyband or scroll containing an inscription 5 a : a slip (as of portant political bloc --11.S.Gilherison; b nnrnn labour (I) drogen chloride and is termed --, or hydrolyzable chhwine paper. parchment, cloth, leather. metal. that is inscribed and : ot, relating to, or constituted by a major political party of the 8: Ruth L. Bushey) <acid-labile phosphate,, -affixed to something for identification, direction, or descripUnited Kingdom in the 20th century associated Snith compare UNSTABLE b characterized by slid tine tion :1AG, STIcEto <write ;Our name on the -- and tie it to the mnd , Rs the nati,,,raiz.ti,,, of baste industries· ias of component material, without abler:U(0n in kind b,,,.k et -.books with gilt - lettered red morocco - s: b written, OreaniraIi.ri in emiimihihnnsnn of a fluid> c psychol lending to dmscharge haracteri,ed printed. or graphic matter attached to or accompanying an predominant selection of a Labour candidate to the 1 ,urumn ont than to retain affect d grol : unstable inediaraeail) or ciscalamid!, or inscribed On its contanier or wrapper identifying Ilse COCCI:, COMIC ii: Labour rinajosimm in dm House of Cornically <stable and .--. minerals: , <a stratum:, contents or giving other appropriate irif ormafian party unuinns · 2- I of. relating to. mm Conslitsted Ilse la-bil-i-ty \ \ n ow : the quality or si a I of being lahile destination of it parcel. the use ot a medicine. the title of a ,heliesc that ut jall in population lem el ... 711., is tou. enhao. anodwi narion of thss Brutish Common , book .. read the tin the bottle-. C: a sirs:Molise, classifying, es Olutionary & C.11.Southwick similar mut membership to the L a bour p a rty of th e t.'nii e d or ident dying word or phrase: as ti ' · f NMI Kingdom ,ille power of tbe Labour irimicus IC A uslralia the terns la·bi-li·za-tion \ gloolashon \ n - S : the action or proce, stream of consciousness ... is already established as a literary I.. d' , I irvi 1.nuirsmne o,mmesnm nme nn·--, Robert Humphrey ;acquired the .-.. of - playboy" which I a-bi-lizi \ Ubo,liz \ 11 -ria./-isma. -s [labile + -izr] : TO render . ala-bor \ 1·, 'F,Tar, -Mtn, \ n -s [AlesSp, fr sr. farming, seemed To stick --Brian C.rozier: <hanging the Stshversive labile (as inn chemical structure , · tilling. work. fr . L, work] : an old Texas unit of land area on their , srsb liberal clergy --Ralph Winnett t 2 , : a word or 1 abio- road, farm [L labium lin -- more at I to] 1 : the lips - equal to about lc? acres phrase used with but not as part Of a dictionary definition (labiograph5 (habioplasty) 2 : labial and chthi.manal.. I via hes, r ,:tHrel. -Ns,- \ unill 1 of, utilieing, or liSu. in abbres iated lornt and distitsctise ts pe to pros ide res0n1hIlre a labor:1101v -- lab·o-ra·to-ri·al·ly \ - Z-' , 1:- \ mit , fable% elar, foinlatiOn hmotion or .tred or Ics el of usage, I la-bio-dental VI3bi:If.,,12- s- \ adj [bd.,- -,. den: dll : pi odu,,i : lab·o-ra ,.to-ri-an \ ,".,., '.ne \ . -, : a labor ,Itor wotkcr . insect that ronsn apa, cam t in cool and Polish farm) 2 : 50 -- see NUMBER table 3 : a printer's type, a stamp, or some other instrument for reproducing the letter f 4 : someone or something arbitrarily or conveniently designated 1 esp. as the II th or when j is used for the 10th the 12th in order or class 5 :something having the shape of the capital letter I.: as a : zELL 2 b : ZELL 3 6 : ELEVATED RAILROAD (riding on the L.) <an L train) 21 abbr. of ten cap 1 lady 2 lake 3 lambert 4 land 5 landing 6 landplane 7 large 8 lat 9 late 10 Latin 11 latitude 12 launch 13 law 14 leaf 15 league 16 learner 17 leather 18 leaie 19 left 20 legitimate 21 lernpira 22 length 23 letter 24 leu 25 lev 26 lewisite 27 [L lex] law 28 liaison 29 [L liberl book 30 Liberal 31 IL libral pound 32 licentiate 33 lift 34 light 35 lightning 36 line 37 liner 38 link 39 liquid 40 lira 41 lit 42 liter 43 IL loco] in the place: IL locus] place 44 lodge 45 long 46 longitude 47 lord 48 lost 49 low 50 lumen 31.i.rinbol, tap 1 ital inductance 2 ital kinetic potential 1- \in sense I :le( wi5 or ;el, in sense 2 ;e1\ prefix [ISai. fr. ler-] 1 : levorotatory -- usu, printed in italic 0-tartaric acid); compare LEv - 2 : having a similar configuration at a selected carbon atom in an optically active molecule to the configuration of levorolatory glyceraldehyde -- usu. printed as a small capital <L-fructose> ila Via \ n -s [ME, fr. ML, fr. L labii lip's, a word sung to this note in a medieval hymn to St. John the Baptist] 1 : the sixth tone of the diatonic scale in sohnization 2 : the tone A in the fixed-do system 21a Vlo, \ interj [ME (northern dial.), fr. OE la] 1 none chief ly dial -- used for emphasis <indeed, 'tis a noble child --Shak.> <^! Yes, I've heard tell about that old mortar -- Ford Times) 2 now chief tr dial -- used to express surprise how very smirking --Charles Dickens) 3Ia adj, urn rap [F. fem. of le, def. art., the, fr. L ille that one, that -- more at LARIAT]: THE used with the family name of a woman <shrugged elaborately -- a crib from La Dietrich --Nicholas Monsarrat) la abbr last LA abbe 1 landing account 2 law agent 3 leading aircraftsman 4 legislative assembly 5 letter of authority 6 library association 7 lighter than air 8 lightning arrester 9 local agent 10 local authority 11 low altitude La symbol lanthanum LAA abbe light antiaircraft laad \ Scot var of Lao Ilaa-ger Vlaga(r) \ n -s lobs. Afrik lager (now, /ace), fr. G, camp, couch, lair, fr. OHO legar couch, lair -- more at Lma) Africa : CAMP; esp a travelers' encampment protected by a 1 circle of wagons 2 : a military encampment or defensive position protected by a ring of armored vehicles naager \ " \ -ro. -s : to form or camp in a laager : EN- notification of postage due) other than postage 8 :PANEL 310) 9 : a labeled atom in a molecule 10 a II) : a brand of commercial recordings issued under a usu. trademarked name <there are now available to record buyers more than 10,000 different --Joel Turner) <from the Decca group we have, on the parent Liszt's "Faust' . Symphony --Thomas Heinitz> : one of the commercial recordings so issued <issue ... compositions first on classical -- y and then aS "pops - singles -- ('urrent Biog.) STAMP b : a stamp issued for some purpose revenue, , nabionasal" -+ \adj USN% labip- + velar] : both labial and na-bio-velar \ "he sucond \ m \ namoyelar \ \ n a la biovelar sound la-bio-ve-lar-iza-tion \ ,lgiberi,vrelarYzIshan \ n -s : the action la-bio-ve-lar-ize la-bite velar <the -- sound \ ' or result of labiovefarizine I make lahiorelar \ cc ['labiorelar + -ice] : to under one or more brand names <spent practically then entire recording careers with one ---J.S.Wilson b. 1913, /most of the recordings made by these jazzmen were f or small s --Bill Simon) Mabel \..\ rt labeled or labelled; labeled or labelled: labeling or labelling \ -Nadia \ labels 1 : to gis c a bs`.1 to: a : to affix 0 label to : mark with a label < a bottle:b : to describe or designate with a label <subdiu ides his discussions ... by sections ---ed with numerals and letters -Robert Halsband) <many girls .-- ed "bad" turned out to he ... mentally ill --Marjorie Rittwagen> 2 a : ma distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions or biological processes <the distribution of phosphorus (radiophosphorus) in a moth larva --E.O.Law . renee b : to chsungursh (as a compound or rnoleculen esp. by introducing a labeled atom <glycine .--ed with carbon 14 in the carboxyl group) label clause or labels clause Pi : a clause in marine insurance limiting the liability of the assurer when only labels. capsules, or wrappers are damaged to the cost of reconditioning to an amount not exceeding the insured value of the goods la-bel-er or la-bel-ler \-b(alla(r) \ ii -s : one that labels: esp : one who labels (as a product) by hand or by machine la-bet-late \ lo'bejlt \ adj [NL labellurn + F. -ate] :having a labellum la·bel-loid \ -1Oid \ ad) [NI. labellum + E -old] : resembling a labellum la·bel-lum \ lo'hel \ n, of labella [ N 1.. hr. I.. small lip. dim. of lahrum lip -- more at Ltp] 1 : tine median membrane ol the corolla of an orchid often differing markedly from the other two petals in shape and size, occasionally spurred, and while morphologically inner becoming by torsion of the ovary the outer or lower member 2 a : a prolongation of the lahrum of various beetles and true bugs that covers the basal part of the rostrum b : either of a pair of sensitive fleshy lobes in two-winged flies that terminate the proboscis sheath and consist of the expanded end of the elongated labium b 1 a company issuing commercial recordings ; la·bi·urn \ '15blani \ n. pl labia \ \ [NI_ fr. L. lip-- more at Lig] 1 a im ., of the folds at the Margin ol the ruha compare NtAroita. LABIA Ansolia 2 a : Ilse lower lip of a labiate corolia -- compare DALFA b I the liplike lower margin of the iiDeOL3 ru plams of the genus born, 3 a : he lower lip of an MeSi s 05 , 011,,14,0 consisting of hydrous basic silicate of magnesium n -5 [1SV lab. i fr. Labs river, the Caucasus, -ire: Orig. fornled as RUSS habit] : a mineral Vlabal\ n -S often attrib [ME fr. MF, fr. OF label ribbon, fringe, label in heraldry, prob. of Gmc origin; akin to OH G lappa flap, lappet -- more at LAP] 1 archaic : a narrow piece (as of cloth) : STRIP, RIBBON, LAPPET; specif : one attached to a document to hold an appended seal 2 obs a rider or appendix orig. appended to a document on an attached strip 3 : a heraldic charge consisting of a narrow bar with usu. three pendants and used esp. as a cadency mark to distinguish an eldest or only son during his father's life -- called also file 4 : a representation (as in medieval art) of a band or scroll containing an inscription 5 a : a slip (as of paper, parchment, cloth, leather, metal) that is inscribed and affixed to something for identification, direction, or description : TAG, STICKER <write your name on the and tie it to the basket> <books with gilt-lettered red morocco ---s> b : written, pripted, or graphic matter attached to or accompanying an article or inscribed on its container or wrapper identifying the contents or giving other appropriate information (as the destination of a parcel, the use of a medicine, the title of a book) <read the ---on the bottle> c a descriptive, classifying, or identifying word or phrase: as (1) : EPITHET <the term stream of consciousness .. is already established as a literary --Robert Humphrey> <acquired the -- of "Playboy" which seemed to stick --Brian Crozier> <hanging the subversive -- on their own liberal clergy --Ralph Winnett) (2) : a word or phrase used wph but not as part of a dictionary definition , usu. in abbreviated form and distinctive type to provide information (as grammatical function or area or level of usage) obsolete is abbreviated ohs> about the word defined <the (3) : a newspaper headline merely identifying the subject 6: a matter of an article rather than summarizing action projecting molding by the side, and the top of an opening; specij : a dripstone of square form characteristic of late Gothic work in England 7 : an adhesive stamp: a : POSTAGE STAMP b : a stamp issued for some purpose (as revenue, notification of postage due) other than postage 8 : PANEL 3f(3) 9 : a labeled atom in a molecule 10 a (1) a brand of commercial recordings issued under a usu. trademarked name <there are now available to record buyers more than 10,000 --Joel Turner> <from the Decca group we haye, different Liszt's "Faust" Symphony --Thomas Heinon the parent itz> (2) : one of the commercial recordings so issued (issue . . . compositions first on classical --s and then as "pops" singles -- Current Biog.) b : a company issuing commercial recordings under one or more brand names <spent practically their entire recording careers with one --J.S.Wilson b. 1913> <most of the recordings made by these jazzmen were for small --13111 Simon> 2 1abel \"\ vt labeled or labelled; labeled or labelled; labeling or labelling \-b(a)lin\ labels 1 : to give a label to: a : to affix a label to : mark with a label <-- a 1Jottle> b to describe or designate with a label <subdivides his discussions . . . by sections --ed with numerals and letters -- Robert Halsband> <many girls ---,ed "bad" turned out to .be · .. mentally ill --Marjorie Rittwagen> 2 a : to distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions or biological processes <the distribution of --ed phosphorus [radiophosphorusj in a moth larva --E.O.Lawrence> b : to distinguish (as a compound or molecule) esp. by .introclucing a labeled atom <glycine --ed with carbon 14 in the carboxyl group) 1 1a.bel 2gelen- or seleni- or seleno- comb form [Sw. fr NL selenium] 1: selenium (sefenic> Cseleniferous) ..relenobismilthite> 2 usu (past part. of seligere to select) + -ion-, -in -ion] 1 : the act seleno- : containing bivalent selenlum usu. in place of oxygen Gelenocyanic)-- compare THIor process of selecting : the state of being selected <the of before milling the school lie should attend --Sidney Lovett> (pilot in this selena - or selen- comb form [ 1St', fr. NL selenium] : containise·la·chi·an \s5151(ean \ n -s [NL Selachii + E -an (rt. suffix)] ing, selenium in place of carbon or regarded as in place of country ... is not perfect --H.G.Armstrong) <friends apa fish (as a shark or ray) of the group Selachii carbon usu in place of the methylene group +CH z -- (selplauding his as president> 2 a :one that is selected : CHOICE enacyclopentadiene) crefenazole> -- compare Ova - . TWAroelachiall \ " \ adj [NL Selachii + E -an (ad). suffix)] : of or <each has been a -- of one of the major book clubs --Current relating to the Selachii \ sr, cap [NL, fr. 'relent- + Biog.> <discussed with some of his cabinet the ways of sel.en.arc.tos \ ,selan'Srktas, se-la.chii \ \ n pl, cap (NL, irreg. fr . selachas cartilaginincreasing pressure --Nation's Business> b : a composition Gk arktos bear -- more at Agfa : 3 genus of mammals ous fish; akin to Gk selas light, brightness -- more at SELEN - ] (family Ursidae) that includes the Asiatic black bear and is or passage selected for reading or presentation <included in sonic classifications : a variously delimited group of musical comedy --Current Biog.) <culled and copied of ten regarded as indistinguishable from trraus clasmobranch fishes: a : a primary division of Pisces that suitable for coming obituaries --Agnes S. Turnbull> <^-s from sel·e-nate Vsels,nrit \ n -5 [Sw selenaL fr selen sclenic ifr. includes all the elasmobranchs and is equivalent to Chondrich51 lenium I + -at -ate] : a salt or ester of selenic acid the best writers of the era> c : a horse, dog, or other conthyes b : a class or subclass that includes all the elasmotestant selected usu. by a specialist for betting purposes <the \ adj ['selen- + -an] : of, relating to, or \ branchs except the chimaeras c : a subclass or order that intrackman's often run in the money) 3 a : a natural or cludes the existing sharks and rays as distinguished from the \ \ n -5 [ Sw seicniat, fr. saes/. (fr. NL artificial biological process that results or tends to result in extinct Pleuropterygii and lchthyotomi d : a suborder that preventing some individuals or groups of organisms from sefeniurre: + -at -ate] : SELENATE includes the existing sharks as distinguished from the rays and surviving and propagating and in allowing others to do so lsie t n e m s o Icnik, .len- \ adj p selen- 4 -ir]: of, relating to, or l k·ele h ic\o e,',, is equivalent to Pleurotremata with the result that particular traits of the latter are given tsel·a·choid Vsela,kOid \ adj [NL Selachoidei): of or relating pronounced expression -- compare DARwINISNI, NATURAL agetenic \ " \ adj Sw selen selenic (fr. N1 selenium) + E -ic] to the Pleurotreinata : of, relating to. or coinaining selenium -- used esp: of comSELECTION h : the removal at relatively short intervals of maZselachoid \ " \ n -s : one of the Pleurotremata pounds in which this element has a higher valence than in ture timber so that continuous natural reproduction of a sel.a.choi·dei \ ,sela'kdidE,I \ [NL, fr. Selac)tii + -oidei] syn forest is encouraged and a stand of uneven age maintained -- sclenious compounds Of PLFUROTREMATA compare SUSTAINED YIELD 4 a : the act of selecting land selenic acid 71 : a strong acid li a Se0 that is crystalline when sel.a·cho.le.ic acid Vselo(,) kONEilt\ n [selachopure. that resembles sulfuric acid but is a more powerful b : a piece of land taken up in Australian processes of land leic fr. (i I< selachos cartilaginous fish + oleic; fr. its being oxidizing agent since in hot concentrated form it oxidizes settlement on which ... women and children helped to found in some fish.liver oils]: NERvONIC ACID grub the land --E.H.Collis) 5 : the process by which an hydrcgen chloride and attacks gold and platinum. and that is sel·a·cho·stome Vselaka,stErn, sa'lak- \ n -s [NL Selachomade by oxidation usu. of selentous acid or selenium dioxide insurance company accepts or rejects risks syn see CHOICE stand] · PADDLEFISH selection coefficient n : a measure of the survival value of a ·cereus \ sallna± \ 11, cap I NL, fr. rselen- + Cereurs] sel·a·cos·to·mi \ ,sela'10sta,rrii \ it Pl, cap [NL. fr. Gk h. : a genus of mostly epiphytic climbing cacti ranging from given gene or mutation by comparison of the growth rate of selachos cartilaginous fish + NL -storni] in some clacsifiralions southern Texas to Argentina and having ribbed or angled and the experimental form with that of the wild type an order of ganoid fishes comprising the paddlefishes not very sMny stems and immense white night-blooming selection forest n a forest in which trees of all age classes sel·a-chos·to·mous Vsela:kistamas \ adj [NL sek,chos romi are represented flowers that are much prized in northern greenhouses + E -nits] : of or relating to the Selachostomi [ISV rselen- + -irk] : a \ n se·lec·tion·ism \ -sha,nizam \ n -s [1SV selection + -ism] : a sel·e·nide Vsels,nid. sel·a-chyl alcohol Vselo,kil. \ rt [selach) I Isy selach- (fr. NL binary compound of selenium usu. with a more electropositive system or theory based on the doctrine of natural, artificial, Selachii) + -yl] : a liquid unsaturated alcohol C i a1-15 5 or social selection element or radical CH(OH)CHOH found in the unsaponifiable portion of fish se·lec·tion·ist \ -sh(a)nst \ n -s : one who considers natural sel·e·nif·er·ous Vsela:nif(a)rs \ adj USN' rselen- + *rams] oils (as shark-liver oil); glycerol x-9-octa-decen-yl ether vegetation) selection a fundamental factor in evolution : containing or yielding selenium se·la·dang or sa-la.dang \ \ or sla·clang \ n selection pressure n : the effect of selection on the relative seleniferous plant n : a plant that absorbs large quantities of -s [Malay seladang] the gaur of the Malay archipelago selenium from the soil and retains it within the plant tissues frequency of one or more genes within a population seladon green var of cELADON GREEN selection rule n : a rule that states which of all the conceivable sel.e·nin·ic acid \ :sela:ninik- \ n EISV rselen- + -in + -ic] se·lag·i·na·ce·ae \ sd,laja'nase,f \ [NL, fr. Selagin-, Selago changes in the state of a quantized system (atoms, nuclei, or : any of a series of organic acids having the general formula + -aceae] syn of SCROPHULARIACEAE related entities) are physically possible under specified circumRSeC0-1 analogous to the sulfinic acids and obtainable by se·lag·i·nel·la \ sa,laja'nela\ ri [NL, fr. L selago, a stances usu, in terms of the possible numerical changes in the oxidizing diselenides with nitric acid plant resembling the savin + -ella] 1 cap : the type and usu. quantum numbers that characterize the system -- compare .ous \ saTenEas \ also sele.nous \ sagenas, 'selan- \ adj sole genus of the family Selaginellaceae -- compare ISOETES ALLOWED, FORBIDDEN (Isv rselen- + -ions or -ous): of, relating to, or containing 2 -s : any plant of the genus Selaginella selection value n : the presumed value of a trait or characterselenium -- used esp. of compounds in which this element has se·lag·i·nel·la·ce·ae \ \ n PI, caP [NL, fr. istic for the effective operation of the processes of natural a lower valence than in selenic compounds Selaginclla, type genus + -aceae] : a family of terrestrial selecdon selenious acid n : a poisonous hygroscopic crystalline acid chiefly tropical plants (order Lycopodiales) that resemble se·lec·tive \ salektiv, -tree also -fay\ adj EL selectus (past part. HzSe0i that is a weaker acid than sulfurous acid, that is an mosses, have branching stems and scalelike leaves whkh are of seligere to select) + E -ice -- more at SELECT] 1 ·· of, oxidizing agent yielding selenium as it is reduced and that is many-ranked and uniform or 4-ranked and of 2 kinds spreadmade by oxidizing selenium with nitric acid or by dissolving relating to, or characterized by selection : selecting or tending ing in 2 planes, and produce I-celled sporangia which contain to select <buyers for retail stores have become more and more selenium dioxide in water both megaspores and microspores -- see SELAG1NELLA -- -- --Glenn Fowler> <some dyes were highly -- in their action se-le·ni·pe·di·um \ sa,lena'pedeam \ n, cap [NL, fr. iselen- + se-lag·i-nel-la·ceous \ \ adj --S.F.Mason) <monetary controls may be either general or Gk pedion plain, flat surface -- more at ryotoN] : a genus of se·lag·i·nel·la·les \ =,== \ n pi, cap [NL, fr. Selagi--Jules Backman) <an exceptionally quick and -- reader large reedlike tropical American orchids that is closely related nella + -ales] : an ordir of lower vascular plants (subclass --John Mason Brown> 2 : of, relating to, or constituting the to Cypripedium and includes forms with pods used locally as a Lycopodineae) that are sometimes included among the Lyability of an electrical circuit or apparatus to respond to a substitute for vanilla copodiales from which they differ chiefly in having ligulate specific frequency without interference Isel·e·nite Vselo,nit \ n -s [L selenites, fr. Gk sellnites (lithos), leaves, four-sided strobiles, and heterosporous reproduction selective absorption n: the absorption by a substance of only lit.. (stone, of the moon, fr, seleniti,s of the moon (fr, selene and that are all placed in the single recent genus Selaginella certain wavelengths of radiation with the coincident exclusion moon + -lie) + lithos stone: fr. the belief that it waxed se·lag-i-nel·Ii·tes \ -Tid·(,)Ez \ it, cap [NL, fr. Selaginella + or transmtssion of others <selective absorption of green> and waned with the moon -- more at SELEN - ] : a variety of - Iles): a form genus of Paleozoic heterosporous herbaceous selective assembly n : the selection from two or more stocks I gypsum occurring in transparent crystals or crystalline masses plants that suggest and are probably closely related to mem2gelenite \ \ n -s [ISV setenious + -ite] : a salt or ester of the particular parts of a mechanism that will fit with the debers of the genus Selaginella sired degree of clearance when assembled of selenious acid·go \ sa .15(,)g7, \ n, rap [NL, fr. L, a plant resembling the selective cutting or selective logging n : the cutting out of \ :sela:nid.ik \ also sel·e-nit-i·cal \ -d·Mcal \ adi savin] a genus of low African shrubs (family Scrophulariatrees that arc mature or defective or of inferior kinds to en['selenite ± -ic or -ical] : of resembling or containing selenite ceae) resembling the heath and having spicate flowers with a courage the growth of the remaining trees in a forest or wood 2selenitic \ " \ adj [Ok seleneurs of the moon + E -1c) : of, nearly regular corolla, four didynamous stamens, a two-celled selective flotation n : the form of flotation in which only one relating to, or influenced by the moon ovary, and drupaceous or capsular fruit fr. the mineral is floated from an ore pulp containing two or more se·le-ni·um \ saWneam \ n -5 [NI_ fr. 'arks- + selald-- used 71 times in se·lati VsEla, sa'la \ hired floatable minerals fact that it is related [cyan element the name of which (telluthe Psalms and 1 times in Habakkuk probably as an exclama- se·lec·tive·ly \ -tavIE, \ adv : in a selective manner : by rium) derives from the Latin word for the planet earth (tellus)] tion (as amen or hallelujah) or possibly as a direction to temple selection : a nonmetallic Toxic element that is related to sulfur and tellumusicians or chorus to lift up music or voices <God will ... se-lec·tive-ness \ -tivnis, -tEv- also -tav-\ n - ES : the act or rium and resembles them chemically, that occurs in allotropic uproot you from the land of the living. Selah --Ps 52:5 (RSV)) process of being selective forms including an amorphous red powder or black vitreous selas pl of sELA selective radiation n the radiation emitted by a surface form, a red crystalline form, and a stable gray metallike form sel·couth Vsel,kLith \ adi [ME, fr. OE seldcath, fr. seld- (fr. whose emissivity is distinctly varied for different wavelengths conducting electricity much more readily in the light than in seldan seldom) + corn familiar, known -- more at COUTH] selective reflection n the reflection emitted by a surface the dark, that is found to a small extent in native sulfur and archaic : UNUSUAL, STRANGE, MARVELOUS <this -- girl, so that reflects waves of different lengths with varying intensity combined in native sulfides, in a few . selenides (as clausthalite), rarely fashioned in mind and body --Llewelyn Powys> selective service n : a system by which men between specified and in various soils and plants, that is obtained usu. as a by= seld Vseld \ adv (or adj) [ME selde, back-formation fr. seldere ages are registered, classified, and called up for military service product in the electrolytic refining of copper, and that is used (compar. of selden seldom) & seldeste (superl. of selden sel: DRAFT chiefly in photoelectric cells, rectifiers, and other electronic dom), fr. OE seldor (compar. of seldan seldom) & seldost (su- selective transmission n : a transmission for automobiles devices, in decolorizing glass, and as a pigment esp. for ruby peel. of seldan seldom)] archaic : SELDOM and similar powered vehicles by which the gear can be changed glass and ceramic glazes and enamels -- symbol Se; see ELE1nel-dont Vseldam \ ad v (ME selden, seldom, fr. OE seldan, directly from one speed to any other by a single lever MENT table akin to OFris selden seldom, OHG seltan, ON seldon, seldun; \ -vatE, -i also (,)se,1- \ at - ES selenium cell n : an insulated strip of selenium suitably sjaldan, Goth silda-; akin to L sed, se without, onus one's own 1 : the quality or state of being selective (circulation policy mounted with electrodes, designed for use as a photocon-- more at SUICIDE) : in few instances :RARELY, INFREQUENTLY ductive element, and commonly used in photometric work which stressed -- ai opposed to mass sales --Current Biog.) -- opposed to of ten <he -- changed a conclusion he had formed <the of students in the technical institute --C.V.Newsom> selenium dioxide n : a poisonous white crystalline compound --A.H.Tuttle> (newer insecticides ... are tending toward a high degree of -SeOz that sublimes to a yellow-green vapor, that is made by 2 geldom \ " \ adj [ME, fr. seldom, adv..] : RARE, INFREQUENT oxidation of selenium with nitric acid or air or by dehydration --Industrial & Engineering Chemistry) 2 a : the state of (silence was such a thing --R.O.Bowen> <one of those "-of selenious acid, and that is used chiefly as a catalyst and an possessing or exhibiting selective reflection b : a quantitative people whom you can love unashamedly --Loudie Claar> oxidizing agent in organic chemistry (as for oxidizing a methylor qualitative measurement of the degree to which an electrical <with her small smile --Ethel Wilson) circuit or apparatus responds to a desired stgnal and rejects ene group next to a carbonyl group to a second carbonyl sel - doln·ly adv [eseldont + -Iy] archaic : SELDOM others group) sel·dom·ness n : INFREQUENCY, RARENESS se.lect·ly \ sa·lektlE, -tli \ adv ['select + : in a select man- selenium oxychloride n a vesicant liquid compound Se0Cla \ n [ME, fr. OE sad happiness, good fortune, usle VsE(0)1, that is made usu. bv reaction of selenium dioxide and hydrogen ner : with selectivity sele-- more at sirLy] 1 dial chiefly Brit : good fortune-- usu. se-lect·man \ sYlek(t),man, -maata)n, (c,)·:: also chloride or by clilorination of a mixture of selenium and used in greetings and proverbial expressions 2 dial chiefly (z) . ,man; 'sE,lek(t),man, - l6k-, -maa(a)n, sometimes selenium dioxide, that has a high dielectric COnstan , , and that Brit : TIME , OCCASION -- used esp. of opportune Or favorable \ n, pl select·men or or 'se(,) ,,,, or is used chiefly as a solvent times \ -men for -man or - maa(a)n in singular, -man for -man hi selenium rectifier n : a rectifier employing the asymmetrical lse-lect \selekt \ ad] IL selectus, past part, of seligere to singular\ ['select + man] :a person chosen to exercise special conductivity characteristic of selenium separate by jaicking out, select, fr. sed-, se- apart (fr. sed, so powers in a system of government; esp : one of a board of selenium red n : CADNIIUM RED I without) ± legere to gather, select -- more at IDIOT, LEGEND] officers chosen usu. in staggered three-year terms in towns sel·e·nized \ 'sela,nizd \ adj Pselen- + -ize + -ed] : containing 3. : chosen from a number or group by fitness or preference selenium plants from seleniferous soil> (a ·-·., animal of all the New England states except Rhode Island to trans<the valuable bibliography covers 30 pages --R.L.Morton> act and administer the general public business of the town affected by selenosis> <with the Bible and Shakespeare in the" , library to be taken to select meeting n : a meeting of ministers and elders in the lseleno- -- see , SELENthe proverbial desert island --.I.K.M.Rothenstein> 2 a : of Society of Friends aseleno - -- see i 5ELEN. signal value or excellence : SUPERIOR, CHOICE <a workshop for select mortality table n : a mortality table based on medically sgl arif .r tetlii te ,.\ m 1,tan d0,cis . in1). 8 se la ( 11 5 : a os a', 1 illi sn iu a -- group of young players --Current Biog.) (a alu m + company of 4 \ 1;o th asefean kn. an d selected lives blue-chip shares --Paul Heffernan) <a group of 30 voices se·lect·ness \sa'lek(t)nas \ n - ES : the quality or state of being bismuth which sings for ... services --Bull. of Bates Coll.) b : exselect sele.nmcentric \ \ adj [ISV , seten- + -centric] : of or clusively or fastidiously chosen often with regard to social, relating to the center of the moon : referred to the moon as a se·lec·tor \ -kla(r) \ n -5 [LL, fr. L selectits (past part, of economic, or cultural characteristics <formed literary, charitae le.yanate te scligere to select) + -or]: one that selects: aS a : a person who sc en. nr ble, and social clubs with memberships --Oscar Handlin> n [ISV selenoryan- (in selenoeyanic selects of All-America teams --Current Biog.) <the (whoso has passed the system, then, is ... one of a close knows good-looking merchandise --Ifismen's Wear Daily) acid) + -ate]: a salt or ester of selenocyanic acid corporation, of a -- and individual few --O.D.Brown> (edited by an expert librarian --- --Saturday Rev.) b (I) a sele·no·cyanic acid \ "±...- \ n [ISV rselen- + cyanic] : an 3 Judicious or restrictive in choice : DISCRIMINATING (pleased containing selenium analogous to thiocyanic acid person who selects Australian public land TO settle on (2) : a acid 1-ISeCN with the -- appreciation of his books --Osbert Sitwell) <unismall farmer of Australia c a mechanical or electrical device Ise·len·odont \ salena,d5nt, -len- \ adj [ISV tsele + -odont] versity had its beginnings in a pioneer school --Alfred Univ. : of, relating to, characteristic of, or being molar teeth with for automatically selecting predetermined shapes, sizes, or Cat.) <a change in emphasis ... from being exclusive and ...-- crescentic ridges on the crown (-- artiodactyls) materials or choen or actuated for starting or stopping (as to seeking for all means of outreach --Janet Whitney> 4 of an elevator) d (I) : the element in a transmission gearshift of ugetenodont \ \ n -s : a mammal with selenodont teeth lumber a of a generally clear grain : of a quality suitable for se.len·odon.ta \ \ n pl, cap [NL, fr. Lselen- + an automotive vehicle that is guided by the gearshift lever so natural or paint finish b : having a large proportion of its -odontal in some clas,ilicatians : a group of artiodactvls comthat the desired gearshift bar is actuated (2) : the lever in an area or volume suitable for use in manufacture prising mammals with selcnodont teeth and including the automatic gearshift operated by the driver to select the desired 2gelect \ \ n -5 1 : one that is select -- often used in pl. speed e a converter with horizontal tuyeres to produce Tylopoda and Pecora <quality lumber, notably the and clear grades --N.C. bottoms and a purified copper in one operation I an electric se.len·odon·ty \ \ a - ES ['eden- + -odonty] : the Brown5 (it is possible to buy ware that is composed wholly of switch mechanism designed to move over a number of terminals quality or state of being selenodont --Sally Taylor> <of the oysters he chooses only the --s> and to select a particular one or group in accordance with the sel·e·nog·ra·pher \ ,selx'Migrxfa(r) \ n -s [selenography + -er] 2 archaic : a select class or group <had his of friends and sIgnal received g STATION SELICTOR Is : an apparatus for : a specialist in selettograph, acquaintance --Roger North operating either or an) of two or more railroad signals by a \ alas \ aselect \ " \ vb - ED - INC. ' - S EL selectus, past part, of seligere to of or relating to -ic or -ical) \ aka! \ adj [selenography single lever so as automatically to connect the particular signal select] vt : to choose froin a number or group usu. bY fitness, selenography -- selenographically adv controlling the route or track for which a switch has been set excellence, or other distinguishing feature (the difficult task a rnsp representing the surface of the selector coil s :an electric coil that when energized will attract selenographic chart of ^- ing a presidential candidate --11.D.Jordan) <farmers and hold in place art armature TO permit a predetermined moveo their own tracts of ground --Amer. Guide Series: Fla.> <connog-ra.phy \ ,selx'MfgrafT, \ n - ES Pselen- + -grapItY] ment of a mechanism tent to know only those r-, ed out for him to meet --H.J.Laski) selector switch n : an electric switch that selects a particular 1: the science of the physical features of the moon <attention , to choose something from a number or group to make of astronomers ass directed to other fields, and -- ... made no circuit or group of circuits (as on a telephone switchboard) a selection <has ^-ed and edited well --Alan Devoe> (whatever selects pl cf SELFCT, pres 3d sing of SELECT' further progress --R.13.Baldwin) 2 : the physical geographY the basis, with care and foresight> of the moon !the first major treatise on descriptive to select school n : a privately supported and administered Se.lecl.ance \ elementary or secondary school whose student body is selecappear in English for a quarter-century --Joseph Ashbrook) \ n - S [ 'select + -ance] : the selectivity or discrimination in response to signals of slightly tively chosen usu. on a sectarian, social, or economic basis se··lite \ \ n -s[rselen- + -Wel:a mineral SeOz different frequency (as in radio reception) <the business of instruction in our universities, colleges, acadconsisting of native selenium dioxide sacred enclosure or inner sanctuary of an Egyptian temple military service under selective service : DRAFTEE sel Vsel \ chiefly Scot var of SELF set abbr 1 select 2 selected 3 selection 4 selector se·la VsEla \ n -S [native name in Burma] : rice that is heated Se·lec·tion \ sagekshan \ n -s EL selection-, selectio, fr. select. sye lse-lect \sYlekt \ adj L selectus, past part. of seligere to separate by picking out, select, fr. sed , se apart (fr. sed, se without) + legere to gather, select -- more at IDIOT, LEGEND] 1 : chosen from a number or group by fitness or preference <the valuable bibliography covers 30 pages --R.L.Morton) <with the Bible and Shakespeare in the library to be taken to the proverbial desert island --J.K.M.Rothenstein> 2 a of signal value or excellence : SUPERIOR, CHOICE <a workshop for a group of young players Current Biog.) <a company of blue-chip shares --Paul Heffernan> <a -- group of 30 voices which sings for . . . services Bull. of Bates Coll.> b exclusively or fastidiously chosen often with regard to social, economic, or cultural characteristics <formed literary, charitable, and social clubs with memberships --Oscar Handlin> (whoso has passed the system, then, is . . . one of a close corporation, of a and individual few --G.D.Brown) 3 : Judicious or restrictive in choice : DISCRIMINATING <pleased with the appreciation of his books --Osbert Sitwell> <uniAlfred Univ. versity had its beginnings in a pioneer school Cat.> <a change in emphasis . . . from being exclusive and to seeking for all means of outreach --Janet Whitney> 4 of lumber a : of a generally clear grain : of a quality suitable for natural or paint finish b having a large proportion of its area or volume suitable for use in manufacture 2select \"\ n -s 1 : one that is select -- often used in pl. <quality lumber, notably the and clear grades --N.C. Brown> <it is possible to buy ware that is composed wholly of --s --Sally Taylor> <of the oysters he chooses only the --s> 2 archaic : a select class or group <had his of friends and acquaintance --Roger North> [L selectus, past part. of seligere to 3 select \"\ vb select] vt : to choose from a number or group usu. by fitness, excellence, or other distinguishing feature (the difficult task of ing a presidential candidate --H.D.Jordan) <farmers their own tracts of ground Amer. Guide Series: Fla.> (content to know only those f. ed out for him to meet --H.J.Laski) vi: to choose something from a number or group : to make a selection <has " ed and edited well --Alan Devoe> <whatever the basis, with care and foresight> -- -- -- -- -- -- -

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