Xerox Corporation v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 163

CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ANSWERING BRIEF re 141 Claim Construction Opening Brief filed by Xerox Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11)(Day, John)

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1H;'iTHAININti OHDER -·ly lldv see . restraining order n : a preliminary legal. order. S?meUffitlS issucJ to kl:cp a SitUillH>11 um:hanged pendmg decIsIOn upon an application for an injunction. Ie-straint \r;'l'SITant, fC'S-\ ret 1937 restrainingly iog- : designed to restrain (as from a course of action) - . n -s [ME, fr. MF res.traUlJt>. fr. fern. of reHraillf. past part. of rt!,~tr:(lZ"dn' t.o res.lram -_. n~ore at It PiY/(A IN ] 1 a : an act of Testr.tlllIng, hlllJalllg:. chc.::kmB, or holding ba~k {rom '>ome activity or expression (to act upon his own choice and judgment free from """'$ • • • unposed by the arhitrarv will of other human beings -John DcwC'.y) b: a means, force. or agency that restrains. ch.cck~ frc.c activity. Of otherwise controls (if a woman has 110 IIh:lln,\l1On lo do what is wr\Hlg. being sc(:ured from it is n~ ....... 10 ry~r -Jamcs Boswell) (the "'-'S of an acadernl(: habit -Irwtl1 Edman) C: the conJilioll of being restrained. checked, or (:,?ntrollc.d : tkprh".I1ion of liberty: C.ONfINL\tl::-Ir <absolute liberty IS aoscncc of "'-' -Henry Adams) <fa.:illlies (or the :t(:wmmoda~ Bon and '....... of so hlrgc a number of fr~nlled PJ.t.ICllts -,(·9· H ... i,\cr) 2: a chc..:k on frec C,)mfllt.:rClal or buslIlcss activity : ".MIlAIHjO (production beinK hindered by governmental ",:"s') 3 : a che..:k or control over trce, C..lSY, or unruly exprcsslon : CON,>TR.\INT : reservcd exprcssion avoiding cxtravaf;an~e or excess: Sliffne\s and lack of casy naturalness and hvellOess (a .--. which kept Ihem mutuatly silent 011 the subject --Jane Austen) (so mu..:h ....... of fceling, so much impersonality. so 2restrin~ent \ .. \ n ~s archaic: something (as a word or a medication) with restringent properties rest room f/ (lrest] : a room or suite of rooms in a public or semipublk building or a business establishment prOVIded with lavatory, toilet. and other facilities for clients', visitors'. or employees' rest or comfort . re.structllre \(')r;:+ \ ~,t [re- + structure]: to glvc a new structure lJr orgal\izatioll to rests pi oj REST, pres 3d sing of REST r~·~1~~k~Ya ~(~~~a~)~r~fsile~r ~\':ljll'I(~'i1~ ~f <:.:~l~' t~g~l~h~r ~\~~~ pr0l,;r.lm 1I1 terms of recent.developmenls III te~hl1lque> re.stuff \" ... \ ,·t [rt'~ + SfIIJj] : to provide with a new stuffing <-I'd the old cushions) rest up vi (2resi] : to get a complete rest: rest oneself thor~ OlllJhly rest.ward \'rl'slw;l(r)d\ also rest·wards \-dz\ adt' (1resr + ~w{lrd] : toward reSt or <l r.:sling place res.ty \'resti:\ adj ~ER:~Esr [:titer. of ",-sriI'd 1 : SLU£i(i1SII, INDOLENT 2 chidly dial: REsnVE \('Irc+ \ -vt [n'~ 'r style] : nUASIlION: a: to make in a new slvle b: to design or sci a new style f\)r re.SUbject \:rc+\ )'/ [re- + SUhjL'Cf] : to bring again into subjection - re.subjection \" +- \ n re.sublime \" + \ V/ (re~ + sublime] : to ~lIblime a~uin <rt'.HlbUfllt'd iodine) re.submission \"+\ n (re- + submi.~siQIf] : an act of resub~ mitting re.submit \" + \ I'r [n'~ + suhmit] : 10 offer (as a question for see HlI<CE . popular vole) again or anew restraint ot marriage : a conu!t!on :lII:h:hed ~o a gift or hcquesl or ill a contract that nullifies the grant If the .do.nee re.sue \r.'l'sU\ I't ~tJ)/-INti/-S [origin unknown] : to mine (a or grantee marries and is usu. void if general and unlumted ~~~ th~~n;~m~~~i~l\;~hefi~~~ stoping the rock wall on one side in'icope lre·sult \r;')'L~It. r~'z~\ I'i ~EO/~IW'!-S [ME resultt'", fr. ML restraint of princes archaic: EMnARnn resllitarl'. fro L, to le:lp ba... k. spring bao:k, fr. rc- + ~s/lltar.· (fr_ restraint o( trade: an attempt or inlc;nt to eliminate or stifle sal/are to leap) - morc at S.\I.TANT] 1 : to proceed. spring, fl~i:~n~~il:~~n~)(\~er~~,~~~tt;) 1~~r~l~~~I~r t~b~~I~~~a~h/~~~~s~r~f or ,I rise as a consequence, efft·(:t, or conclusion: come out or havc an issue : TER~t1NATE, END - used with from or in (Ihis trad..: and commerce as it would be if left to the control of measure will "'-' in good) (an iniury ,-".,.·illg from a fall) 2 ar~ O:ltllral and el.'onolllic forl.'cs chllk : to leap or spring back: REunUND, RECOIL 3 law rc.strengthen \,'rrc+\ 1'/ [r('~ +- :\/r('ngtll('n]: to make strong a : REVERT <the estate will "'-' to him) b archaic: DEVOLVE:l~ain (as by rcauiting or reinforcing I : impart new strength to used with to re.stress \" + \ 1'/ (re~ + streHl : to subiect to phonetic Slress (as a form or vowel thai origlnaled by loss of slress\ 2reSlllt \ .,\ n ~s 1 : a decision or resolution of a dcliber:ltive or legisl:ltive body 2: something that results as a conse~ and in so doing produce a stressed form difh:rcnt from the quence, cffel.'t. issue. or conclusion (suffer from the "'-'S of original stressed form <\;frllm\ from yielded \Jr~un\. which war) <the causes and "'-'S of sleeping sickness); sometimes by -. iI/I>: yields \;fr"rn\) : b~ncficial or tangihlc effect: FRUIT (an inquiry without "'-') re.strict \r,i'strikt. rc's~\ I't ~ED/~IN(j/~s [L re~trictlls, past (get "'-'S from a new trcatment) 3: something obtaincd, part. of rl'~trillKl're to. ri?strain, rC'\lric~ --: more at Rr~'>THAIN] achievcd, or brought ahollt by calculation. invcstigation. or 1 : to s..:t bounds or 1I1111ts to : hold wllhlll hounds: as a: to similar activity (as an answcr to :l problem or knowledge check frec activity, motioll. progress. or dep::uture of : RE~ Rained bv scientific inquiry) (he added the long column of ~'Ij(AIN "intdlcctu;1! snobbery whi..:h h:J.s tended to "'-' figures ;lJ1d offered the -- > <his thesis was the ,-".,.. of his sludy) llIen <lnd women (rom <ill und..:rstllnding o( religion --A.H. ('llIllPlllll;'; al\'o : HAMPER. DIMINI'iH b: to ~he.:k, hound, or 4 results pI: a synoptic publication of the outcomc of related competitive cvents <lhe race "'-'S arc on the back page) (have d\.·Crt.·,I"1.." Ihe range, scope, or in.:idence of : set what ~s. to be indmkd ~)r \'mhra\.-~d oy : bar or cardully govern addition or you seen the fool ball "'-'s> syn see EffEcr - in result ad!': as inaemellt (() \countries. where was largely '-""'ed 10 a result <the dam broke and in result the land was flooded) Iii.: upper d.lsses -HcI..:n Sulllv,w) 2: to place (1:lndi re.sult.ance \Mt;onV)S, ~t~n~\ also \~IlS~\ n. pi resultanccs also resultancies [Irt'sult + ~ance. -ancy] lobs LInder r,,:slriLlions as to use (as by Loning ordinan..:es) syn sec : a comoined resull : A(j{iItEGATE, GIST 2 obs : EMANATION. tl\lIr REFLECTION 3 obs : the facl or character of being resultant restricted adj [fr. past p:Ht. of r,'~trict] : subkcl or sllbje..:ted tn rc'\tri":liun: as a: limited to Ihe use of parti..-ular classes of 4 : RE'iutT. nUT('OME penplc or :-p..:..:ifi..:.llly others las mcmbe,rs of a class Ire.suIt.ant \Mnt\ adj [l\fL r('sultanr-. rcsultan.f, pres. part. of or eilullc group kit to be mlcflon ·:a ,-".,. le'iIJentlal are:I) (-resul/arL' to [(:sult] : being derived from or consequent upon h\)tels) b: nor given a sc..:urity c!:l$siii..· ation but not for something else: h,lving the character of a result or conse M quell..::e: RE'iULTIN{j <a "'-' for..:e) ("'-' measures) gCl\l.."r:tl ..:ircul.ltion l)f rl'kase (a ...... pubh"::<ltionl -- used oHkially hy Ihe US. pri\lr h) No~·. 1953; se..: RC\lRtcrED 2resultant \"\ IT ~s [partl~.. fr. Ir('Sllltmlt, panly fr. F r,lsulta/l(e. 1l.\T.~ ._.. re.strict· {{(!I' - - re.strict·ed·ness !l ~E'i fro fem. of ,csuluUlt resultant (adj.), fro ML r/'.mltant~, rt'.wft,JIIs] : s~lmething that results or constilUtcs a result: a resulting r~~~ft~~I~~d ~re~:~~u~ll~ ::;f~<;J~::~it;VI~~\~f~:~ar~'nf::;o;~~~\ail; qualitv, char:l..:ter, condilion, or product : ourCOME: as a (I) :" a mathcmatical vector sum (21: the single vCO:lOr that is authoril.l'J : an off limils area equivalent to a givcn set of vectors {as of forccs or veloL'illes) restricted data" pi: all d.1t.1 concerning the design. manufacanJ is usu. the sum of these vectors (3! : £L1~1JNANr b (I) : C()~t­ ~~l~~'iall~~lcll~~~~zl::lt~~~~I~)I~(~~{~II~l;cll:~c~:r~~~~i;lll~lJcI~~~I%~~(~~ri~i IJINATION rONE (2) a/so resultant bass : ACOU~TlC OASS c: an in the proJu\.,tilHl of ~nergy bUl not including data declassified effective for....e that results from the coOper.1tlOn and antago~ h) the proper lawful authOi it)' nism o~ varied illdividu~1 forces : a p'ro~lu..::t or mean <?f rc.stric.holl \-ksh:lfl\ I/~" r ME r/'~rricdOlm, fro L1. resrriction~. conflktltlg and cooperalln~ cle':l1ellts (\tfc In a delnll..::ral·Y IS rl'\lrirri·, limitalillll, fr. L reHriclus (polSt part. of rt:Hrillg.-r<'.1O ... the""" of millions of Ifldivldual del.:isions -A.A.Herle) re~lri..,tl -I- ~hl/l~. ~iLl ~ion .- more at Rl\TRAIN] 1: sOllletlung <so....ial adjuslment of an individual is Ihe "-' of two com pi eM that rcslrkts: Q\)AUH('ArlIlN: as a: a regulation that I'estrkts mentarv flln:cs -L.E. Rosenzwcig) d: a substance formed in a ch·emi..::al rcaclion : PIH)DUCT ._~ opposed to reactant or restrains <new ,...·s for hUllicrs) b: a limitation pla..:ed Oil the u~c or enjoyment of real or other property; ('SP : an adv [lr£'sllltant + ~l)']: so as to be resultant: in cn.:umbrann:= on lanJ rcstri,:ting thc uses to which it may be Ihc manner of a rcsult.;tnt put c : .1 limitation Ihat i.s imposed upon a class or ethnic re.sult.ative \Mlt;'ld.iv\ adj ['rl',wlt + ~athd : RESULTANT; group and lhat cx..:llldcs its rnemlx:rs from a fairly competilive r~:~Jlt~f;ls\i~t~t ~1\rC;{I]t [~~'~~lra~ ('~jl~lf';" ~~;~lri;gV~~)fulI of u~c and enjoyment of th..: f.1..:ilities of a \.'oll\munlly (as homing. t'lllploymelll, or edul.':ltil)Jl} d: limit;ltion of the results: FRllJrFUL <a - in\'esti~ation) (passed "'-' hours in the openillJ-,: 1\\'0 or three moves in a game of ..: heckers to one libr.lry) - \~f~li3\ adv st.·ries dlt)st'll by lot fr,m1 an :t..:cepted list 2: an al.'t of reo stlll·ting or thc conditilln of being restricteJ : confinement ~~;~lNI;li:f;:rst~~':[;l;~I~/;t~;l~,,-/~'] :n atsh~ ~~~~~tOled intentions widlin huunds <undue .... of children} 3: a tacit or cxpressed of the parties as inferred from air the circumst:tn~·cs that the qll.difi..: ,l1inn: tU::SEItV,\TION (a mental ....... ) 4: TH.;UnNINtJ, one holding legal title to trust property holds it for the benefit of the other - compare (:(}NSrHUCltV[ TRUST. rXPRl'SS TRIIST n'~',rltll'rhlN rc.stric.tioll.ary \-sh,"l,neri3\ adj [restriction + ~ary] : HEM resulting use!l : a usc raised in a COllrt of equity in f:lVor of a grantor or dOllor tr:lIlsferring property to uses when failing '>lHlCll\[ re.stric.tion·lsm \-,ni'~Ill\ II -\ (rc~lricrion f-- ~i~11I]: a policy co dedare thc usc for a parti..-ular person or when a lISC dc~ or phih>Stlphy :ujYo..·.lling rt.:stri.:tion 0r restrictions. as a: a c1;ucd has ..:ome to an cnd or t:anno[ possibly vest and no other pulicy or pra..,tice of trade restr:lints (as hy inlernal restrictive perSOll is designatcd to enjoy it . [Zre.wlt + ~lcss] : r(Y:]li~~"ll~~li...l~~·o}IYJ)l~~~ ;~~~i~i~'I\i~~l~l~ l~le~h~\\I;~~~t~~~s~i~lll:~;:~: re.sUIt.less \~ltl;')s\ adj adv productive of no result: tNEFFECTIVE - rr.-sull.less~ nl.ltioll bas.:d on a de~ir..:: lO Illl.'rt.:.Jse the number of av:lilable ness Il ~ES M of RESULT ~~~:;.s\<)(l~l~lL'{1~~ljl~b 11s~tt~~:~~i;lg the imhvidual worker's out results pres 3d sinf( oj RESlllT, piadj: capable of being resumed re.sum.ablc \r:'l'zUmab~l, re'z~\ tre.strie, \-Shl;)III;\St\ fI ~s [restriction + Misr] : an : fit to bc resumed ;.uh\lcal~ uf restriclIun or re'iln.... tionhm lre.sume \~m\ I·b ~ED/-tN(i!~S [ME resumen, fr. MF or L: 2restrichonist \"\ a,lj : of, r~laling to. or concerned with MF USUtncr fro l r('Sllnlf'f(' to take up again, take bal.'k, rcsume. re'\lri.. . Hullhlll or restri.:tioni:-;ts \ ...... opinions) \a "'-' polky) fr. r('~ + sumt'r,' to take up, take. fro sub~ under, up -4 efllere to lre.stric·tivc \r.1'striktl\·. re's~. Mkt~\ alw ~kt~ .. \ wlj [ME. fro lake - m0re at SUiI-. REDEEM] \'t 1: to USSUl11e or tak e again MI· rl'ltnctil. serving to rl,"stri.. . t, astringe.nt, fro L reHrictlH : put on aneW: REOCCUPY (don't"'-' the habit) <""' her place (p.l .. t p;lrl. 01 fl'.I'tr;llgerc 10 restrh:t/ + Mr· -u ~ive -- more at in so..:iety) (rcswllt'd our coalS and hats) 2: to enter upon IH:S'11lAI'~] 1 Llhs: A\TIUN<it.ST. IIINDIS(i, ~T),I'TtC 2: serving or be~in again : take up after interruption <sat down and or h:ndilll,: to reslrh.'t : C\ll1\'e~'illg: rcstrictions <a ..... t.ariff) rnu",7·.1 her work> ( ...... reading where you left off) 3: to <... f .... ;!.lll.l·ttonS\ <:.I . . . r.Jllr,)ad slgn.ll> 3: expressing a.lrlllllatake ba..:k to onesdf <on dcf~lult thc gr:lntor docs not aulOli'1I1 01 the tcfcren.:e 01 thc term qualified ,'a ...... adjeclhe) mati.:ally ....., title) 4: to take or pick up again: £0 back to (''-. phrase",i --~ec.I(i:'iTHJCII\.'l: CLAti,>E' 4: prohibiling furth . . . r using 5: 10 muke repellfJon of (as a sentence): al\'O : RF.flegoli.ltl')[l or giVing authOrity 10 deal wilh an instrument as ITEHATE. SUMMARIZE, fl'lnl~IIZF --- I'i 1 : to t:tke posses:.iotl din:..:ted but not to trJmfcr own ...·r:-.hip <a "'-' endorsement of a ag:lin 2: h) rc..::ommen.... t:' something (ns n dis~'ourse, work, ne~olj.lblc in ... trulllClll> re.stric· \-t:>\'le. -Ii\ adl' business) illterrupted : go 011 ag.ain afcer an interruption - - -re.stne.tive.llcss \-tim;\s, ~tcvM also -t~v-\ n ME:..$ or or \:relL]~:ma also ;I'al or 2restnctive \"\ 11 ~s: a re",tril"ti\e lerm or expression !(,Iii:ma .;onh'tillh·S lzh:\ 11 MS (F. fr. past part. of r£:slU/lt'r to restrictive clause 11 : all :tdJectivc cl.\llse so closely attached rccapitul.lte, sum up, fr. ?\.IF. to resullle] : a summing up : a III it,> 11llUll as to be cssl.."lllial to (he definitenl,"ss of the noun's L"onu..:nsed statemcnt : ABRIlKiMf:NT, SUMMARY; Spt'cij : a brief mcanini,: la... II'ho slIrct!t'.J,'d in "the hoy who succeeded had aC';:l)Unt of one's education and professional experience \\Ork<.:J hard") cali..:d abo d.'raminaritt' clause 3resul11e \ .. \ 1'r MED/~INI; '-s : SUMMARI.{E restrictive covenant n : an ,Ign:ement generally running with re· \r.'l'WITI;l(r), ri:'l~\ 11 ~s : one that resumes ~~~~J~:~I~~;,a~~dt~e~~~~t~l~l~l~~eb;:~~e~~~e~~~lt~ ~~~t~~uf~~t~~I~~i~ re·summon \\,')rc+ \ l·t [re- + summon] : 10 summon again or anew g!<HJpJ re.summons \"+\ 11 [ME rcsommons. fr. AF rcwmons. fro restrictive endorsement fl : all endorsement transferring Cl')m~ past part. of r('soll/o1Jdrt', rc's('molldrc to resummon. fro OF paper for a parti\.·ul.ll' pllrpl)SC (as for Jcposit or coller.:· rl'~ -+ S""lOlIdrc to summon _.- more at SU\j ..IlIN]: a SUllllllons ti\lll ~lr P:l~rHl'lll to a n.uneJ per:;,)n only) ther..:by lndic~lting (() a pany or witness already once summonsed : another nC!.:()II:lhtlity i~ to ~easc -- cumpare SPlClAL E:-.lOORSEMENT Slllll1110nS issued in a C,lse after the ongin.ll rest nets pr,'\ .U .l-/!/).i <If Hl~tl{I(T re.sump.tiou \r.i'L;)m(plsh,"ln. rc'~ sometimes ~'s~-\ !l -s [ME tre.stnke \I')r~r\ I'b (Irt'_ + strike] l'r: to strike agalll or fro :\-IF or lL; MF rcsomptiol! a..:t of resuming. fr. LL rnun/p.llll·"\ - Ii : h'l stnk.: a~.lin or iI!lew /Iil/l~, rC,Wnlflfio, fro L rC5l1mplllS (p:t<;t p:trt. of r{''>IImN(' to 2re.strike \'rl: I ,-, ",'~\ ~'! 1:.1 .'\)il1 or tneJ.d slru.:k from ,Ill re.stllllel + ~jol/-. -/0 -ion] 1 a: the taking again by the crown orr;;\ll,tl die :tl :.,)Ille lime ,Iller the Orq; is.~lIl· :lnd lISlL e:.p. or Other authorllY of lands or tenements previlwsly grant..:d for u,lk..:t(lf::. 2: an lmprcssion m.llie ir,lm .\ <;llrfil~-e 1l'.1! h,b {~:ti~~ \~~e.:t~~I;~c~~·~~;s~f~Z~~~~:~~~(;r~::I~cl~sl;r~r~~cnbu:pt~~ .tlrc.l.r~ he<:!! prlrll..::J ir\Hu: fI1Ji"'l!lr : a lle\~ pl'lllt 1l:.lde frOIll an old W~h)J.:U:. lltll<),;r:lpl".... swn..::, or met.d ~ngra\lilg 3: a lost (:1 ..... of p,)wer by Ih.: opp,')sltion) 2 a : the aCl or lact of ..·0111 ~lruL'k on .1lHlIher ':OHI takIng up again: ItFC< 1\1~lrNCH.ll:--r1' (the .... of her dlllil.."s ;\ftcr re,string \;',r<: .. \ I·t (r,'- T" string] : W fit (as a dulin, a the hoIIJ:l\') b: a return 10 -'.IV/llent in specie <,-".,.. Seems untL'lllll'; r.khet, \~Lth !lew sltin,.:,s likdy III Iflc U. S. under rreS~Il-1 ~-onJitiClfl5) re,stnllgc \r,'\";[riI1J\ n ~Ill'-IS·, '·5 [L rcstfll1>!l'rl' to draw re.sllmp·tive .\-m(pHiv\ ,Idj [l. r,',Ulltprtls + E ~ird 1 : conhad, ti,;ht, r"::~ln-:I nhJ1'e at HI"lH.l.,l~;] 1 0/15 : 10 S1H\lllllg a resume: ';l'"-.\\I,\lun...-" 2 : 1\.'ndil1!l tow:lrd or ll\JI-:ativ..: ,.>f rCSUlllpllon -- \-l:'lde\ adl' l.'<l)li\c: Ill',l) 2 lif, hall· : n'''-i i·,I. HL"rJUt r re.strin· \-l1pnsi'\!1 -ES (Ir<,.ltrJlIgc'll r -cy] : the qualily res uni. tao tis \ 'ra,::.tlll:\.vers;'l't;ld•.~s, 're,lUn."l, v,"lrs~­ or :.t:ltl' 01 hl'ing rc~trtllg.:nt 'tad·- \ 1/ pi (L] : thil1gs bdonging under Roman or ci\ll law Ire.striJl>gcnt \-,,"lllt\ a,li (L r,'\'rrpJl!,'f/[', rC\triflgl'II., pre.:>. tc) :t soci..:=!y, ~·orpor.llioll. university, or o!her o:ommunity or p.ltL of r,',frlll::,'r,' h) Jr.'\'. h,IL't: tidn, r~'stll,t ~- more ilt public or priv:uc group for the use of the group and not the lu-Sr't"'I~] archaic: UI1'oUI:-"J, ":'IrRj:-'qF.!"t~r, Sr'il'flC "::Oll:l{ltlh:nt mcmbers Ihereof ~~~~~~~~tl)'\~~~~sof~~~~~rtL~~Al~~~.SI(;~fJc~;~i~;.:D~i~tl~~u~ re.supinate also re.supinated \(')re+ \ adj [L resupinatus, past part. of resllpinare to bcnd hack to a supine position, fro T('- -I- sllpiflUS supinc] 1 : inverted in po:.ition : appearing by a twist of the axis to be upside down or reversed <many orchids have "'-' flowers) 2: having or being a fruitinl,; body that fOfl)lS a hyphal mat Oil the sllbslratc with the hymenium at the periphery or over the whole surface (a ..... funp-us) re.supination \<:}rc ,. \ 11 [l. rt'.Hlflillatus + E ~iOfl] 1 : the n..:t of lying on tilt' hack or Ihe posilion of one so lying 2.: a turning nr twisling (as or a flower) to an inverted or apparently upside-duwn position; aho : a resupinate condition re.supine \ .. -+ \ ud; [L r,·supimH. (r. r(-'.Hlpinart'] : StJPlr-.;F. \;rc I· \ ~'f [rc- + supply]: to sllpply a~ain: provide anew with supplies; csp : to providc (a military for..:e III action) with replacemcnt or supplellH:ncary m:\tcnc! ;~~:~Ffalrie\'(\;h~:\IlI~c[~~S_tS~~~;~jl;/.Y~·~lI;~~;i~~Il\'idC wilh a new or fresh surfal'e: as a: III dreSS the surf:Il.'e of ane ..... I ..... a tool) b: 10 renew the surface pa\elllCllt of (-.- :t slrl.'et I :..... I'i, f~i a wbmarillt' : to come ag.\in to thc surface of the ~~ ater lre.surge \r.'\'s;)rj, rc's~\ ~'j [1. rCS/lr~l'Tt' - more at Ilt:SUltRlTM TlnN] : .to risc again: become resurrecteJ (Ihe resurging of nat:l)J}:tllsm) 2re.surge \(')re+ \ ~'i (re~ + surge] : to surge back or to and fro (:IS the b:lttle .....'s\ re-sur.gel1ce \r,1's;lrj,1n(th, riS's~, ~s5j-.-s;'lij-\ n -s [fro Zrt'Sllrf:t'lll. <.lfter such pairs as E c:~:c('Ilt'/I(: ('XCCUCflCc]: a risilll; again Into life, activity, or prominence <a·...., of religious feeling) re.sur.gell-cy \~nsc,~nsi\ 11 -rs (In'slIr;:I'llt + ~cJ'] : the quality or state of being resurgcnt : REStiR(jEN('E lre.sur.geut \~nt\ 1/ -s [ l r"sllrgell(~, rCSllrgl'ns. pres. part. of rcsllrt:c'r"] : one that experiences resurgencc 2resurgent \ "\ adj [L re.wr;:Cllt-. resurge"s, pres. part. of rt'SlIrgt'rc to rise a~ain -- more at RFSURRITTION] 1 : rislIlg again froJ!l an inferio~ state (?-s de;uh. torpor, decadcn~e) to a supenor stale ,"'-' !tfc of sprtng --W.P.Smlth) 2: tendlllg ttl produ... c resurgen..::e (nation:liisOl is a powerful. even a '"""-' for~-e --Nt'\\' Rc'pllhlk) resurgent water" : water that having once been at the surface ~:a~:~~l ~~~thagl~i\~ r~~l~h~Je~:~~ s~~~glo:~nb~?~~~~:i~i~nin molten \:rcL:'l;rekt\ \'b ~tO '~IN'-i;~S (ba.:k~forlllalion fro Tt'sl"rectio,,] ,./ 1 a : to raisc from the de:ld : fl'store to lire b : to bring to vicw again (somcthing forgotten or lost) 2 : to disinter or exhume (a hod,,) in the churacter of ;\ resurre.:tionist 3: to bring ~I~ain (a feature buried beneath sedimentary deposits) to tht' surface by erosion <"'-'cd penepluin) --- I'i : to become risen again from the dead 'res.ur.rec.tion \.rel.~'reksh;)ll\11 ~s [ME, fr. lL r,',wrr('ctioll-. resuTrt'crio act of rising from the dead. Easter festival. fro r('SllrrJ'ctlls (past part. of rt'SlIrguc' to rise from the dead. fr. L. to rise again. fr. rt'~ + sur~cr,· to rist:') + L ~iOfl-, -io ~ion - more at SllRCiE] 1 a usu cap: a service or festival (as Easter) commemorating the rising of Jeslls Christ from cbe dead (ReSllrT('ctiOlI serviccs at the cathedral) b oftt'll cap: the rising again to life of all thc human dead before the final judgment that is predicleJ in Christian religions <thcrc will be a '"""-' of both Ihe just and the unjust --Acls 24:15 (RSVI) c ; the stale of one risc:n fr\lm the ~Ie:ld (for in the ...... they neither marry nor arc gIven til marriage --Mt 22:30 (RSV1) d USIl cap: a representation of Christ's resurredioll (as in art or drama) 2: the al't or fael of rising again from an inferior state (as de:lIh, dccay, disust:1 into a superior: IO,SI,I(;ENCF.. REVIVAL 3: all agent. cause, or exemplar of a rising of the dead (I am the'-"'" and the tife ---In II :25 (RSV1) 4 Chrt.\tiwi t~ci~~frit~l;ri~~~~~~~~:~~i~l~)fthought: material belief yidding 2resnrrection \;"":""'\ ~,t ~toD/~INCi,'~S ['resurrectioll] : RESURRH-r res·ur·rec·tion·al \:rez~:reksh~n"l.Mshn~l\ adj: of ()r relating to rcsurre..::tion res.ur.rec.tioll·ary \,re7;t';),nerc\ wlj [ircslJrr,'{'tirm + -aryl : constituting resurrcclion; also: of or relating 10 rcsurre\.·tionisl11 resurrection body If : lllan's body as restored hy resurrection \,re:l~'reksh(~)ll;)(r)\11 ~s [Zrt'.:wrrcctioll + ~a] : RfSURRF,CnCINIST I resurrection fern 11 [lrc,Slirrl·C/ion] : liRA)' POL )'PODY res.ur.rec.!ioll.ism \,l'cl;t'rl.."kslp,ni7.:llu\ n ~S [Iri'.wrrectiotl + Mitm] : the pra':lice of h0t1y !onatchers \~Sh\."l)ll;'l:-;t\ /I ·s [\rt'$/Irr,'c(i'llf + -ist] 1 : a ste:ller of dead bodies: IItlDY SNATClIEH 2: one who resurrecls (as hy reSlOrinl:!, rt.:\'iving, or reelllpl()yin~) 3: one who believes in lhe rcsurreclion of the body res.ur.rec.tion.ize \-sha,niz\ 1'/ -E{)/~INi'/MS (In'.wrrccriotl + ~i.;:d : REStJHRECT resurrection man II ['resllrrectioll] : 1I00Y SNATCIIFR resurrection plant 11 1 : any of se ....eral club mosses of the genus Sl'1fJgi1lelia (:IS S. ell/II'O/Il!a and S. 1,'Pir!0flhyllll) that close up when dry nut exp;llld again when mobtened 2 : RIISE OF JF.HKtlO 3 : :t fig. mafll!uld (Mcsemhryal//!u'mllnl tripoUum) resurrection woman n : a body snatcher who is a wnmun r~:;I~~r;f::;,c;~i~i~e\;~~~~:[I~~lj~~J;d~l( ~~h:/~r~~~~~r;::~~::;~E~~ TtclN] : of, rcl:ning to, or causing resurrcction res.ur.rec.tor \~I;l(r)\ " -s [resurNct + ~or] : one that resurre.:ts (a ,...., of things past) resurrects pres 3d sing 01 RESURlliTT re.surrender \:rc+ \ \'l (Tt'~ + surrender] : to yield anew lre.survey \(;lrc+ \ 1'( [reo + .Hlney] : to sur\'e)' again or anew; t'SP: to rcche.. k the boundarics of by sun·eying 1resurvey \"+ \ 11 [u'~ + survey] : a se~'ond or fresh survey (made:l .....' of 151h ('entury Irish writings)·ta.ble \r;'l's;)S~!.k1b,"l1. ri:'s~\ adj (L rC'sllscir"re to revi\'e + E ~ahl(']: capable of resuscitalion -·ta.bly \~blc.-bli\ adv \~'s~s;t,tat, IISII ~fld,+V\ I'b ~EDl~INn/~s (L rl'sllscitlltll.~. past part., of rcsuscitare to stir up ag'lin. rcvi \'e, (r. Tt'~ + SlIscitart' to sur up, rouse-, fro Sl/S~ up (vnr. of .o;ub~) + citart' 10 put in motion, stir ._.. more at SUB-. CITE] I·t 1: to re~ vivc from apparcnl dealh or from UflCOfls.:iollsness <try to "'-' a ne;lrly Jrowned person by artifici:ll respiration) 2: to reslore from a Slate of desuetude or de..· ay (withered plants rt'Sllscitated by rain> (plans to,-".,. thc liben.\l party) --- I';: to comc to : re-gain vhwr M vitality: nr:VI\·E·ta·tion \r.\s,"ls.'l't:lsh.:m. C.)rc,s~\ n·.<; [Ll rcsuscitati()1/~. r('slJscitatio, fr. L re.Hls/'ita/liS + ~infl-. -io -ion] : an act of resuscitating or the state of being resus.. itat ...d : HE."ll)HA~ nON, RE\'IVAI. HENEWAL <,-".,.. by means of artificial respiralion or C:Hdial.' m.lssage) \",' .. ""tad.iv\ acJj [rnu~cita/e + ~it·c] : tending to resuscitate : HI \'1\'1"'0. R[\'IVIFi'IN0 (lifeguards wcre taught the b;\sic ,..." methods) \~ad.:>(f)\ II ~s [rcsflscita(1' + -or] : one that resuscitates; sp"cij : an apr:tratus that delivers oxygen or a ~~~.t:~~r~fO/e~,i~~~~l\ai~d 11~~r;)~~II:~~i~~/~J to and induces a rere.swear \(')rc+ \ ,.t [r<~. + sll'('ar] : to swear to or C:luse to s\~e;lr anew or ,Igain re-symbolization V:)rc t' \ fl [re~ + sylllho/i.;:atiofl] : :.ymbo!tLatioll ,H~:lin or anew; spaif : a mcntal Ir.l11sformation either for belter or for worse cOll:,islin!-: in the finding llf new meanings and new forms of expression for one's thoughts and dC,>ir::s Ie· symbolize \(')r~ t' \ rt [rc- + symf}c)U.;:c] : to provide with new symbols: symb'llil.e anew re.synthesis \" '1' \ II r r/'- + synthf'sis] : a reunitlnl! u...u in a new coruhlllath)n of lUI IS or clements that havc beell s..:p~ ar:l1cd (as by prior an,l!~ ~is I re.synthesize \ .. + \ r/ rn'.~ -4 \ynrh,'s;.;:c] : \1'1 synthesize ag:,lin : subject III rC~YllthcSl" : pra,·li..·e resYl1t!Jc.. is upon lret \'Iet. /I.W ~ed.·t-V\ l'/) retted; reUed. retting; rets [ME f\:t? ~,~tl~l~ll;~; j :':')tt~I:~I:~" l~~n\~r~;~r \ ; ~~~~;:l:~~/[h~X\:~:~~e~'i~~l~)f th..: fiher from the woody tis,>ue by ba..:ll'riai .Iction; also: to trc,lt .... hemically for looselllng of thl.' libcr from the woody tis'>uc 2: I() rot or injure by exposure 10 llh)j:-ture --- I'i : 10 bl.."l.'ome relIed : ulld..:r~o \()()sening of the fiher from the woody tissue aftt'r !>o.lking <it iin:llly" <; • •Jnd the bl:tck :nner fiber, call be gathered up and b.::Ied - Thomas Barbour>

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