John Hopkins University v. 454 Life Sciences Corporation
MEMORANDUM OPINION re bench trial decision. Signed by Judge Leonard P. Stark on 1/26/17. (ntl)
C.A.No. 13-:-1'853-LPS
Wilmington, DE
RobertF. Altherr,Jr.,Joseph M. Skerpon, Christopher B.~Roth, BANNER& WITCOFF, LTD.,
.Was~ington, DC
.Attorneys Jor .PlaintiffJohns Hopkins University.
Kelly E. Farnan, Selena E. 'Molina, RICHARDS, .LAYTON & FINGER, P.A., Wilmington, DE
R. Danny Huntington, Sharon E. Crane, C. Nichol~ Gifford, :Seth E. ·Cockrum, ROTHWELL,
'FIGG, ERNST.& MANBECK P.C., Washington, DC
·Attorneys for Defendant 454 .Life ·Sciences ·Corporation.
January 26, 2017
Wilmington, Delaware
On November 6, 2013., Johns Hopkins University ("JHU" or "Plaintiff') filed this :action
pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 146, seeking review of the DeCision and Final Judgmentofthe Board of
Patent Appeals and Interferences ("the Board") in Interference No. 105,857 ("the Interference.,') .. ·
(See D.I. 1 at l, 8; Statement of Admitted Facts ("SAF") D.I. 102-1 ··if 1) The interfering
applications are JHU's U.S. Patent Application No. 12/361,690 (D.I . .39 Ex. 1) (JHU's "'690
application") and U.S. Patent Application No. 13/33,240 (D.I. 39 Ex. 5) (454's "'240
application"), which was filed by Defendant 454 Life Sciences Corporation ('·'454" or
"Defendant"). The Illterference involves a single .count ("Count"),1 with the interfering subject
matter represented by claim 1 ·ofJHU's '690 application and claim 52 of 454's '240 application.
(See D.I. 44 at l; D.I. 45at1)
·Claim 1 ofJHU' s '690 application recites the following four-step method:.
A method for analyzing nucleic acid sequel}ces comprising:
(a} generating a plurality_of molecules of a fragment
of deoxyribonucleic acid;
(b) delivering the plurality of molecules of the
fragment of deoxyribonueleic _acid into aqueous.
microreactors in a water-in-oil emulsion such that a
plurality of aqueous microreactors comprise a single
molecule of the fragment of deoxyribonucleic acid,
·a single· bead capable of hybridizing the fragment of
deoxyribonucleic acid, and reagents necessaryto
perform deo~yribonucleic acid amplification;
In an interference, "[t]he applicant mustidentify at least one patentable claim from every
application or patent that interferes for each count. A count is just a description of the interfering
subject matter, which the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences uses to determine what
evidence may be used to prove priority under 35 U.S.C. § 102(g)(l)." Manual of Patent
Examining Procedure ("MPEP") § 2304.02(b).
· (c) amplifying the fragment of deoxyribonucleic .
acid in the microreactors to form amplified .copies
of said fragment .ofdeoxyribonudeic acid bound':to
beads in the niicroreactors; '[and]
( d].detetmining presence of amplified copies of said
fragment. of deo~yribonudeic acid ·bound to a bead.
·(DJ. 44 at 2-3)2
The Courtbdd a claim constructionhearing onJune 9,2015~andissued.amemorandum
opiriion on.daim,construction on August 24, 2015. (D.I. 56) Thereafter, the parties filed
. summary judgment motions. On ·May2, 2016, the Court denied all SU1:Umacyjudgment motions, ·
with the exception of JHU' s motion for partial summaryjudgment that.JHU' s priority date with
respect to the Count is no later than.June :5, 2003, which the Court granted. (See generally D.I.
97, 98)
The Court held a bench trial on all remaining ·issues· in. June 2016. (See Transcript, D .I.
J 12, 113, 114 ("Tr.")) The parties later briefing (D.I. 108, 110, 1l5,118).
and proposed findings
of fact (D.I.109, 111, 116,.117).
. . .
Pursuant to FederaLRule .of Civil Procedure52(a), and after having considered the·entire · ·
record in this case and the applicable law, the Court concludes that: (1) JHU has failedto prove
that it is entitled to priority ofinvention, and (2).JHU has
to prove that 454's '240'
' application is invalid.
The Court's findings of fact and conclusions of law are set forth in detail below.
All pending claims of the '690 application (claims 1, 2, 5-17) and the. '240 application
(claims 52-66) correspond to the single Count in the Interference.
This section contains. the,:Court's fmdings .of fact for issues raised qy the parties during
trial ··Certain findings of factare also .provided in .connection with .ihe, Court'-s conclusions· of
·Patent Applications :at ]ssue
·.Plamtiff.JHU' s '690 application, entitled "Method and Compositions for
Detection and Enumeration of Genetic V aiiations," was filed on January 29, .2009.. · (D .I. 22-1
·Document .1) · The named inventors are Devin Dressman, Hai Yan, Kenneth W. K.iniler, arid Bert .
Vogelstein. (Id.)
Defendant454's ''240 application, entitled "Bead Emulsion Nucleic Acid··
Amplification," was filed-onFebruary23, 2011. (ATX 1001)3 The named inventors are Gary
· Sarkis, Jan Berka,.JOhn Leamon, Kenton Lohman, ·Maithreyan Srinivasan, Yi-Ju Chen, Vinod
Makhijatii, Jonathan R9thberg, Steve Lefkowitz, and Michael Weiner. (Id.). The '240
application issued as U.S. Patent No. 8,748,102 ("'102 patenf') on.June_ 10,2014 .. (DTX 12)4
The '240 application is.a continuation ofU~-s. Patent Application No. 11/982,095,
filed on October31, 2007(ATX1005), which is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No.
10/767,899 ('"899 application"), filed on January 28, 2004(ATX1007). The '899 application
-claims a number of provisional applications, including u~s. Provisional Patent
The Court admitted exhibits from the Interference into evidence (ATX) .. (See D.I. 21-32)
The _parties submitted a list correlating exhibit ni.unbers to document descriptions in their joint
proposed pretrial order. (DJ. 102 Ex. 8Al)
Exhibits submitted by Plaintiff (PTX) and Defendant (DTX) that are cited herein were
admitted into evidence.
Application No. 60/476,592, filed June 6,2003 ('"592 provisional" or."'592 application") (ATX ·
1013), and U.S.; Provisional Patent ApplicationNo .. 60/465;071, filed April 23., 2003 ("'071.
·provisional" or"'071.applicatiori") (ATX 1015).
The contents of the '071 and ·'592 provisional applications are incorporated by
reference in 1heir .entirefy into the "'240 :application. C240 application at 1 :3-6)
The '240 application also facorporates by reference co-pendingU.S. -Patent
Application No.10/767,779
which' U.S ..PatentNo.
('"305 patent") on January 29, 2008. (ATX 1001; DTX 12; DTX 13) The '305 patent contains
the entire disdosure ofthe ·'592 provisional. (Id.)
· .'Procedural History in ;the Patent Office
· The Board initially accorded JHU a priority date of Ju:~y-S, 2003 and 454 a priority ·
date ·of June 6, 2003 (the filing date ofthe '592 provisional), making JHU thejunior party and
454 the senior party in the Interference. (See ATX 236 at :3: 16-26)
.In the Interference, JHU filed a motion attacking 454's claim to
the '592 .
provisional's filing date. (D.I. 23-4 at 7.:6-13) The Board denied JHU's motion, ruling that)HU
had failed ·to show that the '5 92 provisional did not diselose a reduction to practice within the
· scope of the Count. (Id.)
In the Interference,.454 filed amotionto obtain the benefit of the '071
application. (ATX 236 at 8:11-16) The Board denied 454.'s motiOn, finding that 454 had failed
. to establish adequate written description support in the '071 application. (Id. at 1?:24-26) .
.Specifically, the Board found that "454 ha[ d] not established (e.g., by citing to data or expert
testimony)" that use oftestriction enzymes recited in the '071 application "would generate two or
. ·more molecules ofa specific DNA tr8:gin.ent, or more specifically, that an· ordinary artisan would
understand thatto bethe case;":as required to.practice step (a) ofthe Count. (Id. at 14:13"'"18)
9. ·
During .the priori~y ·stage, JHU submitted evidence of priority from theJ anuary to
May 2003 time frame; (ATX 3 70 at 5 n.1) .However, the Board found thatthe "evidence cited
by JHU does not sufficiently.establish thatJHU .conceived ofthe subjectmatter of:Count 1 in the
Januaryto May2003 time frame:". (Id.) Specifica1ly,the Board found that the evidence ''[did]
not adequately show .JHU ccmceived of elements (a) and (b)" of the Count during that time
frame. (Id.) The Board also found that "JHU offer[ed] insufficient non-inventor evidence
(testimony or otherwise) to corroborate conception by the JHU inventors at that time." .(Id.) As
.a result, the Board accorded JHU .a June 5., 2003 conception date. (Id. at 7: 16"'.22) The Board
found that JHU reduced the-invention to practice one month 1atet, ·on July 5," 2003. (Id.)
With respect to 454, the Board concluded that a preponderance of the evidence
showed.and corroborated the fact that the 454 inventors conceived of all elements of the Count
before June 2003. (ATX 370 at 17:1-23:9) In particular, the Board found the combination of
page 16 of the notebook ofDr. Jan Berka (one of the 454 inventors) (ATX 1094), evidence.
regarding experiments conducted between August and December 2002, evidence of experiments
conducted in January and February 2003, a "Best Practices" document from February 2003 (ATX
.1102; ATX 1103), and an invention disclosure form (ATX 1106,at 107-12), taken as a whole,.
established that the 454 inventors .conceived the subject matter of the-Count before JHU's earliest.
accorded date; (ATX 370 at 21 :7-23 :2) ·
·_The Board held that "as long as the invenfots conceived ofperforming.[step] (a),·
i.e., generating .a plurality of molecules ofa particular fragment .of DNA, along with. [steps] (b)
through (d), it [did] not matter whether the inventors failed 'to appreciate the vallle of step (a)'
·beyond its use to generate .a control used in the method [as alleged .by JHU] ." (ATX 3 70 at
18:20-19:3) The Board further held that the "evidence establishe[ d] that the inventors
appreciated that [step] (a) took place, regardless ofits 'value' in relation to benefits of the
protocol in amplifying genomic template DNA." (Id. at 19:3-5)
The Board awarded priority of invention to 454, finding that 454 conceived of the
invention of the Count before JHU' s conception and was also first to reduce the invention to
practice. (ATX 370 at 23:8-9)
The Court's -Claim Constructions 5
The Court construed the term "generating a plurality of molecules of a fragment
of deoxyribonucleic acid" in step (a) to mean "generating two or more of the same DNA
fragment, not merely generating a plurality of DNA fragments overall." (D.I. 57 at 2) The
Court's construction of step (a) does not require any particular method of generating_two or more
copies of the same DNA fragment (Levy Tr. at 367:9-19) 6 However, the fragment formed in
step (a) is a sequence that is ultimately amplified in the emulsion and sequenced. (Id. at
• The Court determined that the following term required no further construction:
In this Opinion, the Court applies the broadest reasonable interpretation of the various
terms of representative claim 1 ·of the· '690 application in light of the "originating disclosure."
See ULF Bamberg v. Dalvey, 815 F.3d 793, 796 (Fed. Cir. 2016). The Court previously
determined that the "originating disclosure" in this case is JHU' s '690 application and its
prosecution history, which includes-references to some of 454's patent applications. (See D.l. 56
at 8)
The Court refers to testimony given at trial by a particular witness in the following
format: "([Witness Last Name] Tr. at [page:line(s)])."
"delivering the plurality of molecules of the fragment of deoxyribonucleic acid into _aqueous
m.icroreactors in a water-in-oil-emulsion such that a plurality ofaqueous microreactors comprise
a single molecule ,of the fragment .of deo~yribonucleic acid, .a single bead capable ofhybridiiing
- to the f!agment .of deoxyribonucleic acid, .and regents necessary to ,perform· deoxyribonudeic ·acid
amplification." (D.I . .57 at2) There is·no significant distinction between delivering to a
microreactor double-stranded DNA s~parately from a bead versus delivering single-stranded
DNA pre-hybridized to a. bead. (Levy Tr. .at 405:8-24, 470:14-19; see also Tyagi Tr. at
' 116:13-15}
The Court construed the terms "deoxyribonucleic acid" and "DNA"to mean "a
nudeic acid molecule comprising deoxyribonucleotides." (D.L 57 at 2) · Single~stranded DNA is
-a nucleic .acid molecule comprising deoxyribonucleotides. (Levy Tr. at 404:3-9)
The 'Court construed the term "a single bead capable of hybridizing to the
fragment"to mean "a single bead capable of binding to the fragment of deoxyribonucleicacid~"
(D.I. 57 at2) The Court's construction of"a single bead capable of hybridizing to the fragment"
only requires that a bead be capable of hybridizing to the DNA fragment. (LevyTr. at
390:16-391:14) A bead that has bound to the fragment is capable of binding, and.a bead that has
not bound to a fragment may also be capable of binding. (Id.)
. 17.
·.The Count may be satisfied-.even ~f the fragment from step (a) is pre-hybridizecl to
a bead before deliveryto a.microreactor. (Id. at505:18-506:1) The sequence of the fragment
formed in step (a) remains intact regardless ofwhetherit is hybridized to the bead. (Id. at
391:24-393:14) Moreover, when the fragment of DNA hybridizes to the bead, it does not create
a new molecule. (Id.) . The DNA fragment and the beadretain their individual identity, even ·_
while hybridiz~.q. (Id. .at 393: 10-14, 459:19-460:4)
Hybridization of the DNA fragment :to the bead is through hydrogen bonding,
which 'is a non-covalent, electrostatic interaction. . (Id. :at 392 :16-393 :9) Hydrogen bonding can
be thought oflike a sock ~ticking to a sweater when it is pulled out of a dryer. (Id.) Justbecause
a·sockis.stuckto.a.sweater·does not mean.anew entity.has formed. (Id.) Similarly,just.because
a DNA fragment-has hybridized to a bead .does not mean a ·new molecu1e has formed. (Id.)
. D.
. .Person of Ordinary Skill1n the Art
One of ordinary skill in the art at the-pertinent time would have had around four
years of research.experience, .a Master's degree or Ph.D. in molecular-biology or other relate~
fields such as .genetics or biochemistry, .and would have been familiar with polymerase chain
. reaction ("PCR"). (Tyagi Tr. at 45:15-46:7; Lery Tr. at 353:7-354:4) A person of ordinary skill
·in the art would have been aware of emulsion PCR as a general concept. (LeryTr.. at 353:25354:4.(statingthat attime ofinvention "there were.a.couple ofve·ry high profile papers·that ·
describe[d] using.emulsions to either do PCR, in the case of the Hollinger paper, or to use
emulsions to.encapsulate other things"); ATX 1099; ATX 1097 af4)
. ·K.
JHU calledjust_a"single witness to testify live at trial. Dr. Sanjay Tyagi obtained a
B.S. from the University ofRajasthan in India, two M.S. degrees in biology from the Jawaharlal
. Nehru University in NewDelhi, and a Ph.D. from the-University of Maryland. (Tyagi Tr. at
. 42:16-21; PTX 001)
'Since 1987, Dr.. Tyagi has worked at the Public Health Associate Institute, which
. currently is a part of Rutgers University, initially as Associate Professor and currently as a full ·
Professor.. (Id. at 42:24-43:2) Dr. T:yagi has 29 years of postdoctoral experience in the field of ·
nucleic aCids, molecu1ar:biology, ·and. cell .biology research. (Id. at43 :5-44:7)
.JHU .called ·several .other witnesses to Teading. some. or all of the
dec1aration(s) these witnesses submitted as part ofthe Interference proceedings. (See Tr. at
164.:21-175:3; ATX 2024, 2034, 2051, 2079, 2080)
JHU presented testimony from six witnesses by declaration:
Dr. BertVogelsteinjs a professor of oncology at Johns Hopkins University
School ofMedicine, Baltimore, ·MD, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator. (ATX
2034·if 2) Dr. Vogelstein supervised the work of Dr. Devin Dressman as a post-doctoral fellow
in his and Dr.Kenneth Kiniler's laboratory beginning·at the end.of.January2003.and continuing
beyond: July 5, 2003. (ld.'if 3)
Dr. Devin Dressman currentlyworks in research and development for Life
Technologies· Corporation in Beverly, MA. (ATX2051 'if2) He is in the "fon Torrent" division
at.Life Technologies, which deals with a _sequencing system that .utilizes bead emulsion
amplification.for sequencing sample preparation. (Id.) Dr. Dressman worked as a post-doctoral.
fellow inthe·laboratory ofDrs. Kenneth Kinzlerand Bert Vogelsteinat _Johns.Hopkins
University beginriing at the end of January 2003 and continuing beyond JulyS, 2003. (Id.· if 3)
c. ·
Dr. Hai Yan worked with Dr. Dressman between January2003 and.Juiys,
2003 on.bead emulsion amplification projects. (Id.)
Di. Kenneth Kinzler. ran a laboratory with Dr. Vogelstein at Johns
Hopkins University, as discussed above. (ATX 2034 if 3}
Ms. Leslie Meszler held the position of Core Manager at the CeJl Imaging
Core at:J ohns Hopkins University in 2003 ~ (ATX 2029 if 1) She was responsible for managing
thed~y-to-day operations ofthe-Cellimaging-Core during2003. (Id.) One ofherresponsibilities
included tracking scientists·' use -of a f1owcytometer. -(Id. ifif 3-:5) She testified
~y declaration)
that the flow.cytometer was used byDr. Dressman during the week of April 20, 2003. (Id. ·ir 6)
-Mr. Jason· Briody is an Assoeiate at Jones Dykstra & Associates, a
- specialized services .company that _provides .computer forensics, electronic data discovery,
litigation support;-training, and ·computer security services for commercial and governmental
clients. (ATX2081 at 6) ·Mr. Briody is primarilyresponsible_forplanningandtechnically
executing electronic discovery projects and performing computer forensic analysis. (Id.) Mr.
_Briody analyzed files given to him by Johns Hopkins Universit,y for authentication purposes
related to this litigation. (Id.: at 4-5)
Dr. Matthew Leyytestified live at trial.· The Court found him to be credible and
on everymaterialpoint.
Dr. Levy earned a B. S. in-biochemistry and a M. S. in chemistry, both from the
· University of California San Diego, ~d a Ph.D. -in molecular -biology from the University of
Texas. (DTX.32; Levy Tr. at.347:18-348:7) Dr. Levy is an Associate Professor ofbiochemistry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. (DTX 32; Levy Tr. at 348: 10-17) Dr. Levy teaches a
variety of classes, including biochemistry, immunology, and chemical biology. (Levy Tr. at
348:19-21) Amajorfocus of his research is developingnlJ.cleic acid-based therapeutics and
diagnostics. (Id. at 349:3-7) He is familiar with genomic DNA isolation, DNA sequencing, and
emulsion PCR. (Id. at 349:14-350:1) Dr. Levy has personally conducted emulsion PCR and has
experience making.emulsions for.emulsion PCR. (Id. at 349.:18-21)
Dr. GaryJ. Sarkis is one ofthe454 inventors. Dr. -Sarkis received a RS. in
microbiology .and :an M.S. in biochemistry .and molecular genetics, both from the University-of
Pittsburgh. He also received :a Ph.D. in molecular, cellular, and developmentalbiology from the
University-ofPittsbu:rgh in 1997. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at Yale Universityfrom
1997 to 2002 and was
~mployed at 454 :as a_research
scientist, section leader (sample
preparation), training manager, and customer support manager from 2002 to 2006. (Sarkis Tr. at
177:11:..15, 178.:5-179.:4) Hetestified live at trial
Janna Lariza Thompson received a B.S. in biology from the University of
Vermont and a M.S. in cell artd molecular biology from Central Connecticut State University.
She was a research associate from 2001to2006. (Lanza Tr. at 278:3-279:2)
She testified live at trial.
Dr.Alex de WinterreceivedaB.A. in chemistry from Amherst College and a
Ph.D . .in chemistry from.Stanford Univer~ity. He was employed at 454 .as a research scientist
from 2001 to.2004. (de Winter Tr. at.322:22-324:9) He testified live at trial.
Dr. Jan Berka is one of the-454 inventors. He received a B.S~ and M.S. in
molecular biology and genetics and a Ph.D. in molecular biology and gen_etics, all from Masaryk
.University, Brno, Czech Republic. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Barnett Institute ·
. at Northeastern University in Boston from ~1992 to 1996. ·Dr. Berka was employed at 454 as a
senior scientist and director from 2000-2006 .. (ATX 1113 ·irir 2-3) Dr. Berka testified by ·
Dr. Maithreyan Srinivasan is one of the 454 inventors. Dr. Srinivasan has a Ph.D.
in biochemistry: He was .employed at 454 as a prqjectJeader in the Protein :Sciences group from .
(ATX 1116 if~ 2-3} Hetestified by dedaration.
·Mr. Keith :McDade .received .a B.S. in molecular .biology froni the University of
Connecticut and a M.S. in computer science from the University of New Haven. He was·
employed at 454 ·~s a.research associate from 2000 to 2006. (ATX 1124'~~2-3) Hetestified b,y
Dr. John.Leamonis one ofthe 454 inventors. Dr. Leamon received aB.A. in
zoology and a Ph~D~ in physiology from the University of Connecticut. He was a postdoctoral·
research fellow at the Yale School of Medicine from
·Dr. Leamon was employed .at
· 454 in various positions ranging froni"research scientist to group leader from 2001~2007. (ATX
1114 -~~ 2-3) He testified by .declaration.
Dr. Louis ~Ferland received a B.S. in biochemistry from Universite Laval and a
. Ph.D. in experimental medicine from McGill University. I-Je was a postdoctoral fellow ·
.·at the Salk Institute, RegUlatory Biology Department from 1986-1989;. and at the Institut Pasteur,
. Departement de Genetique Moleculaire du Developpement from 1989.:1991. He was employed
at 454 in ·various positions ranging from technical :writer to manager of documentation from
· .34.
(ATX 1118 if~ 2-3) He testified by declaration.
Mr. William Altman received a B.S. in biology from Guilford College. He was
employed at454 from 2001·102013, holding several positions ranging from research assistantt~
senior customer support speCialist. (ATX
· 35.
2-3) He testified by declaration.
454's Conception ofthe Invention by December 2002
Dr. Sarkis testified at trial, and previously submitted a deClaration to the Board;
indicating th~the recalls discussing the idea for .a method for .analyzing nucleic acid sequences
using bead PCR emulsion .amplification With Dr. Berka - which :is ·.reflected in Dr. Berka' s
.laboratorynotebookdated June 7.,2002. (Sarkis Tr. .at 180:8-183:5:; ATX 1115if16; ATX .1094
at 16; ATX 1113·'if 18)
·On June 7., 2002, Dr. Berka recorded in his lab notebook the notes ofa
conversation with Dr. Sarkis .about the idea ofPCR in water droplets in oil (water-in-oil
emulsion) as individual microreactors that would contain a si!1=gle effective copy of a sequence of
DNA, a capture.bead, and enoll;gh PCRreaction solution to produce amplified amounts of
individual DNA fragments for massively parallel sequencing. (Sarkis
at 180:8:..183:5; ATX
1115 'if 17.; ATX 1094at16; ATX 1113 'if .18)
.. 37..
That same page·ofDr'. Berka's notebook (page 16) also . contains a drawing that
depicts the concept ofaPCR reaction occurring from a single head.and a single starting DNA
fragment withinthe individualmicroreactors. ·(Sarkis Tr. at 182:7-23; ATX 1115'ifif 17-20; ATX
· 1094 .at 16; ATX 11 ll·if 19). The drawing also shows the single-stranded DNA fragment
attached to a primer on the capture bead· and the resulting double-stranded DNA that would be ·
present after the amplification process begun. (ATX 1094at16) To the right ofthe-drawing
of the microreactor, Dr. Berka noted that "isolated bead bound primer extension" would occur
· "inside ofthe 'ind1vidual bead reactors." (Sarkis Tr. at.184:4-13; ATX1115'if 19; ATX 1094 at
16; ATX 1113.if 20)
3 8.
Dr. ·Maithreyan Srinivasan testified by declaration that he recalled discussing the
idea for a method of analyzing nucleic .acid sequences using bead emulsion amplification with
Dr. Berka. (Srinivasan Tr. .at 267:25-268:13; ATX 1116 ·irir 9-15) This idea, also recorded on
page 16 of Dr. Berka's notebook (A.TX 1094), was contemporaneously witnessed and signed by
Dr. Srinivasan on the _same day it was written downby Dr. Berka: June·7, 2002. (Id.)
3 9.
Dr.· Leamon testified ·bydeclarafion about experiments he performed in August
2002 to improve the stabilization of emulsions for bead emulsion PCR. Although Dr. Leamon
was able to successfully form the emulsions, after a number ofcyeles the .emulsions were·
breaking down or·"crashing:" (Leamon Tr. at 307:2~308:24; ATX 1096at]10-12, 123.; ATX
1114 irir 21-24)
On December Tl, ~.2002, Dr. "Leamon proposed the use ofrestriction endonuclease
enzymes," known as "4-cutters;":instead of DNaseI, to digest DNA fragments. (Leamon Tr. at
308:25~309:1_7;ATX 1097at1;ATX1l14·ifif25-26)
The '592 provisional specifically discloses
using Sau31, Mspl, and Taql, which are4-cutters. (Lery Tr. at 368:24-369:10; ATX 1013 at
11:24-26) · Dr. Leamon recognized using 4-cutters would make DNA template with at least two ..
copies ofa fragment of DNA. (ATX J 114 if 25) Dr. Leamon ~uggested using as many 4~cutters
as prudent, perhaps 4 or 5, ligating adaptors onto .each pool, and then hybridizing the DNA
template onto the beads. (Id.)
. 41.
On December 19,2002, Drs. Leamon, Sarkis, and Berka attended alectureat Yale
University given by.Jennifer Ong. (Sarkis Tr. at 186:18-187:22; ATX 1105 at 93; Leamon Tr. at
309:18-25; ATX.1095 af69; ATX 1114"iif 27; Berka Tr. at 303:.1-4; ATX.1113 if 23) Dr.·Ong is
one of the co-authors of a well-known journal article entitled, "Directed evolution of polymerase ·
function by compartmentalized seif-replication;" attributed to Ghadessy-et al., and published in
the journal of Proc~edings of the National Academy ofSciences ("PNAS") on April 10, 2001
• ("Ghadessy"). (ATX 1099; Sarkis Tr. at 187:23-188:13; DTX.33) Also on December 19, 2002,
·Dr. -8arkis sequenced test fragments that 454 used as controls and obtained good sequencing.
results. (Sarkis 192:19-193:2; ATX 94).
Drs ..Sarkis, Leamon, and Betka referenced ihe seminar givell'.at Yale by Dr. Ong
in their notebooks. (Sarkis Tr.·at 186:18-187:22; ATX 1105 at 93:; Berka Tr. at 303:1-4; ATX
1095 at 69; ATX l113.if23; Leamon Tr. at309:18-310:8;ATX ll14ifif 27-28) Dr. Leamon
:ineluded an excerpt of the Ghadessy ·paper in his lab notebook and noted his beliefthat the
emulsion information discussed by Dr. Ong could be used for emu1sion PCR using .a sepharose
bead. (Sarkis Tr. at .188:3-l90:l; Leamon Tr..at309:18-310:8;.ATX 1097 at 2-3; ATX 1114.
'ifif 27-28)
Dr. Leamon also noted·that·"Andrew Griffith's group has used emulsion based.bead
. PCR ·bead capture for translation studies which suggests that the beads maintain their discrete·
micelle identity~" an.d included an excerpt from an article b.y Armin Sepp, D'an Tawfik, and.
·Andrew Griffiths ("Sepp"), regarding formation of emulsions, on the next page ofhis notebook
onDecember19, 2002. (ATX1097.at3-4) The Sepp article is entitled "Microbead display by
vitro compartmentalization s_election for binding using flow cytometry," and was published in
Federation ofEuropean Biochemical Societies Letters ("FEBS") in November 2002. (ATX
On December 20, 2002, the day after attending the lecture .at Yale and reviewing
·the Ghadessy and Sepp references, Dr. Leamon performed an experiment and· successfully
prepar.ed beads in a water-in-oil.emulsion. (Sarkis Tr. at 190:2-16; ATX 1097 at5-6; Leamon
Tr. at 310:9-il; ATX 1114'if 29; Levy Tr. at446:24-447:17) Dr. Leamon included pictri.res l.n
his notebook that demonstrate that some of the micelles were suitably-sized for the sepharose
beads. (ATX 1114.if 29) .
Also .on December 20, 2002, againthe day after attendingthelecture at Yale, Dr.
Sarkis performed ;an :emulsion PCR experiment with ··PCR-generated test fragments TF l, TF2, TF3., TF4, TF5., TF6,.F6., aridN7, and$uccessfully.amplifiedthe test fragments. (Sarkis Tr. at
193·:22-195:7; ATX 1105 at 95-96; Levy Tr. at446:24~447::17) Dr.·Sarkis's December 20, 2002
experiment evidenced conception ofthe invention of the· Count, as further explained below.
Dr. Sarkis testified that the test fragments· used by 454 originally canie from
Curagen Corporation, a sister company to 454. (Sarkis Tr. at 193:3-21) The fragments were
1abe1ed by the well number that they .came from on the microtiter plates; and 454 knew the_
sequence of all of these test fragments.
The sequence of the F6 test fragment is recorded in
Dr. Sarkis' s -lab notebook many times and was used for comparison each time the test fragment
· was sequenced in a reaction. (Id.).
The F6 test fragment was .PCR amplified by Mr. Altman, a 454 research assistant,
who declaration about making .theF6 test fragments. (Altman Tr. at 271:25-27~:20;
ATX 1120·'ifif 6-1 O; ATX 1108; ATX 1109) As recorded in his ·notebook, Mr. Altman _ ..
successfully sequenced the F6test fragments on July 22, 2002. (Id.;ATX 1109at13)
47. ·
Ms. Lanza (now Ms~ Thompson) testified that she recorded the sequence of the F6
test fragment, whichwas a PCR~generated fragment commonlyused at 454, in her notebook on
· January23, 2003. (Lanza.Tr. at 280:1-20; ATX 1132 at 134; ATX 1126·if ll) The sequence of
F6 is identified on page 134 of her notebook, i.e., ATX 1132 at 134 ..
Dr. de Wintertestified that all.ofthe test fragments that were used as controls by
· the454 scientists were PCR-generated fragments. (de Winter Tr. at 331:16-18) JHU's expert,
_Dr. Tyagi, testified that the test fragments, e.g., F6, would satisfy step (a) of the Count if they
were generated ~y PCR. (Tyagi Tr. at 90:5~19)
· Dr. de Winter testified thafhe prepared adenovirus DNA libraries for use in the
emulsion PCR project and testified about the process. or standard operating procedure that be
. used to prepare the libraries. (de Winter Tr. at 324:6-9, 326::2-327:23.,330: 17-331:4; A.TX 1122
.at 51-52, 65., 69,
75-76, 78; ATX 1123 'iii! 10-11) The typical process forpreparingthe
library would be to fragment the adenovirus, polish the ends of the fragments. with polymerases
or dNTPs, ligate adaptors to the ends of the polished fragments, purify the ·ligation products,
capture on streptavidin-coated beads, and then elute the single-stranded DNA fragments. (ATX
1123 ·:ir J 0)
Dr. de Winter included in his notebook a detailed sample preparation protocol that
he used forpreparingadenovirus templatelibraries for emulsion PCR. (de Winter Tr. at
327:1~23, 330:1-11; ATX 1122 at 60) For this particular protocol, he usually used DNase i to
·fragment the adenovirus. (de Winter Tr. at329:2-15,J30:5:.16; ATX 1122 at59)
Dr. de Winter testified that there are a number of ways to fragment DNA,
· including using restriction enzymes that recognize particular 4...:base sequences. ·(de Winter Tr. at
331 :24~332:6)
Restriction enz;yme digestion can be used to generate overlapping genomic·
sequences for sequencing because they-will eµ.ch cut at a different site. (Tyagi Tr. at 125:15-19;
. Levy Tr. at 388:9-25) As a result, if a genome is cut with one enzyme it will generate a particular
set of fragments, and if it is then cut with .a different enzyme, it will generate a different set of
overlapping frigments. (Tyagi Tr: at 125:20-127:3; Levy Tr. at 388:15-25)
Both Dr. de Winter and Dr. Sarkis testified that, depend1ng on the experiment,
they would sometimes perform emulsion PCR of the test fragments alone, and other times they
would mix test fragments together with adenovirus fragments. (Sarkis Tr. at 195:19-.196:1; d_e
Winter Tr. at 332:7-333-:7)
Dr. Sarkis testified at trial that the 454 inventors wanted clonal amplification, so
they designed their experiments with the goal of having a single effective copy per-bead. (Sarkis
Tr. at 182:24-183:21) Clonal amplification means amplifying a single DNA fragment in
isolation from all others. (Sarkis Tr.
After December 2002, 454 scientists continued to perform experiments to
optimize the conditions and develop a product that could be easily used by their customers.
(Sarkis Tr. at 195: 8-18)
The Poisson Distribution
The "Poisson distribution" is a statistical tool that can be used to predict the
number of times that a given event occurs within a certain interval or physical space and is
and widely accepted. (Levy Tr. at 358:2-15) 454's expert, Dr. Tyagi, testified that
the "Poisson distribution is [a] statistical distribution, basically, that scientists use when they
want to deliver single cells into a well or single molecules in a reactor and so on." (Tyagi Tr. at
98:17-24) Using the Poisson distribution, it is possible to estimate the number ofbeads in a
population that will be attached to more than one DNA fragment, to a single DNA fragment, and
to no DNA.fragments. (See Levy Tr. at 358:11-15)
· 57.
The Poisson distribution has been repeatedly validated through empirical testing
and experimental verification. (Id. at 361:4-15; 1Yagi Tr. at 133:9-23) Dr. Tyagi explained:
"The Poisson distribution stands on its own. It's always true," and "Poisson statistics are always
true, nobody is denying thaC' (l;yagi Tr. at 137::2-3, 138:25-139:1) The Poisson distributionis
reliable . evidence· ofwhat :actuaHy transpired during the. experiments performed by 454's
scientists. (Lery Tr. at 361:16-22, 498:13-24) The number ofcompartments .present in a 454
emulsion .PCR reaction can be .calculated by :kn_owing the diameter of the compartments and the
volume ofthe aqueous solution. (Id. at .365:11-22) Knowing the number of compartments
allows·oneto]mow if enough compartments.have been,generatedto encapsulate all of the beads
and all oftheDNAfragments in the experimenta1 setup. (Id.)
The Poisson distribution can be used to predict whetherthe emulsion PCR
·experiments performed b.y 454. contained some population of beads that ·had on~y-a ·single DNA·
fragment attached . .(Id. at 358:9-15) .The December 20, 2002 experiment and each subsequent
emulsion PCRexperiment discussed hereinafter would he expected to conform· to the Poisson
distribution. (Jd; at 359:23-360:11) Therefore, based on 454's experimental setups and the
Poisson distribution, one can reliably conclude that those experiments included more 'than one
microreactor with a single bead and the same single DNA fragment. (Id. at 365:4-366: 15)
. 59.
The sequencing data obtained from the 454 experiments further supports the
finding that the Poisson distribution applies to those experiments. ( 479:20~480:20,
481:24-482:6, 487 :5-18, 490: 18~24, 496:3-12) The 454 emulsion PCR experiments produced
clear sequencing data showing individual sequencing reads were obtained. (Id at 361 :23-362:13,
363:5-:-13; see also ATX 110~ at 11) This means there must have.been apopu1ation o.femulsions
in the experimentthat had a single DNAfragment and a single bead. (Levy Tr. at360:18-361:3,
361:23~--362:13,490:25-4.91:10) Drs. Sarkis and de Winter testified that their experiments
produced multiple microreactors containing one bead with a single unique copy of the DNA ·
fragment, because clear sequencing results would not have been obtained if the microreactors.
contained multiple different fragments. (Sarkis Tr. :at 240: 10-24.1::24, 248:9~249:1; de Winter Tr.
at .332:1~333::7., .345.:13-19) :-.Clear-sequencing tesrilts were foundin the .experiments performed
after Dec_ember 20, 2002, induding experiments that mixed test fragments with adenov1rus
fragments. (See, e;g.~·:Sarkis Tr. .at 195:19-196:17.,212:12-213:11)
If there was more than :a·-single fragment on a bead, then the sequencing data
would not be dear--'- it would be mll4dled and would not map to a known -sequence. (Lev,y Tr. at
362:14-20) If one can obtairi sequencing data, that means there was only one sequence onthe
. bead. (Tyagi Tr. at 546:6-8) Sequencing data also would not be produced if there were more
than one bead per compartment. (Levy Tr. at490:25-491:10)
-454 ·Experiments :W.ere ·Reductions to '.Practice
61. ·
454 scientists performed a number of experiments betweefl: January and March of
2003; each of which qualifies as a reduction to practice, as explained.below.
OnJanuary 14-15, 2003~ Dr. Sarkis ·setup emulsion PCR reactions using a
combination ofadenovirus DNA.and test fragments (TF4, TF6, TF7, and F6)·with an input of
600,000 beads and 1.2 million molecules of DNA (two copies per bead) and successfully
obtained sequencing-results-for the F6 test fragment from emulsio:ri-PCR-generated beads.
(Sarkis Tr. at 199:8~2Q0:22; ATX 1105at112-13) Using this setup, based on a Poisson
distribution, at leasttwo niicroreactors would have contained a bead and a copy of t~e same F6
fragment. (Sarkis Tr. at 200: 15-22; see also Levy Tr. at 359:23.J60: 11} .
_On January 22-23, 2003, Dr. Sarkis set up multiple emulsion amplification
experiments on test fragments with a goal of creating microreactors containing one copy of DNA
fragment per head. (See "Sarkis Tr. at202:l5-203 :13.; ATX 1105 at 118) After January 23, 2003,
his team generally used two. copies per bead as input. {Sarkis Tr. at 204:7-.10) 0ne of the
J anua:cy 23 .experiments· 'Showed ·successful amplification us~g-:emu1sion PCR on a mixture of
severaldifferent test fragments (TFl, TF2, TF3, tF4, TFS., TF6, TF7 and N7). (Id. at
· 203.:14-204:18; ATX 1105at119) At least two microreactors in this experiment would have·
:contained a single bead and a single copy oftest fragment. ·(ATX 1105 at 119.; see also Levy Tr.
at359:23-J60:11) Dr. Sarkis testified that, with respect to this experiment, it was likely that.·"not
only two, but thousands" of the microreactors would have: contained a single'bead and a single
copy of the same DNA fragment, based on the Poisson distribution. (Sarkis Tr. at 204 at 12-18)
On January 28-31,2003, Dr. Sarkis set up emulsion PCRreactions using a
combination of adenovirus _DNA .and ·p6 test fragments with an input of 0.1, 2, and 10 .copies per ·
bead and successfully obtained sequencing results for the F6 test fragment from
,generated beads. (Sarkis Tr.,at 207:13-20.8:14; ATX 1105at141-42) Using this setup, and
based on a Poisson.distribution, at least twomicroreactors would have contained a single.bead
.and a single copy of the same F6 fragment. (ATX 1l15-if29; see also Levy Tr. at
359:23-360: 11) These experiments were corroborated by another 454 scientist, Ms.
referred to this experiment in her notebook on January 30, 2003 and included in .it a copy ofthe.
same library distribution map found on page 143 ofDr. Sarkis.'s lab notebook. (Sarkis Tr. at
208:4~209:15; Lanz~Tr. at285:4-286:12; A.TX 1105 at 143; ATX 1125 at 9; ATX 1126if13)
Ori. February5, 2003, Dr. Sarkis performed emulsion PCR and obtained positive
sequencing results from samples made by mixing 600,000beads and 1,200,000 fragments of
adenovirus DNA with linkers (an input ratio of two copies per bead). (Sarkis .Tr. at
. 21
· 209:24-210:25; ATX 1106at1-2)_ The sample also contained F6 test fragments as a control.
(ATX 1106 at l-2;·LevyTr.~at358:16-359:12) Based.on:a.Poisson.distribution, at1easttwo
microreactors would have contained a single bead and a -sir~g1e copy ofthe -sam·e fragment.
_(Sarkis Tr. at 210.:19-25) Dr. Levy testified that, the Poisson distribution, about
27% of the microreactors :in this experiment would have had
asingle copy of the same DNA
fragment attached .to a single·bead. (Levy Tr. at 358:16-359:22; see also Sarkis Tr. at 210:19-25)
On February 6, 2003, Dr. Sarkis performed emulsion PCRand obtained positive
sequencing results from samples containing adenovirus DNA library mixed with TF6 test
·fragments.· (Sarkis Tr. at 211:1-212:11; ATX 1106 at 11-J2) ·Based on a Poisson distribution
and the setup of this experiment, .at least two microreactors would have contained a single bead
.and a single copy of the same fragment. (Id.·; see also
~evy Tr. at
359:23-360:11) · ·
On February 7, 2003, Dr. Sarkis performed two.emulsion PCR reactions and
obtained positive sequenCing results from samples containing beads mixed with adenovirus DNA
library mixed with TF6 test fragments at a ratio of two .copies per bead. (Sarkis Tr. at
212:12-214:8; ATX 1106 at 13-14, 19-20). Based on a Poisson distribution, at least two
·microreactors would have contained a single bead and a single copy of the same fragment in
these experiments. (Sarkis Tr. at 213.:5-11, 214:3-8; see also Levy Tr. at359:23-360:11).
.On February 10, 2003., Dr. Berka recorded in his lab notebook the notes from a
meeting called by Kent Lohman, at which_ information on the progress of emulsion PCR was
presented. (Berka Tr~ at304:11-17; ATX 1095 at 107; ATX 1113 ·ir 26) Dr. Berka·noted that
emulsion PCRyields about 10 million copies per bead and indicated "IT IS A GO!" (ATX 1095
at _107)
At this point, Dr. Sarkis believed he'had optimized conditions
for bead emulsion
PCR and began preparing a documentrelating to "Best Practices" for "Pol.ymerase Emulsion
:Chain Reaction." (Sarkis Tr. at 214:9-216::13;.ATX 1102;ATX 1103; ATX 1115 ·~~35-38) The
purpose of the Best Practices document was to standardize methods at.454 for emu1sion PCR.
'(ATX 111-S '~ 35) Dr.. Sarkis prepared the first draft w:lth Dr. Ferland, who edited it on _February
12-13, 2003.. (Id.:; Ferland Tr; at 268: 14-271:22; ATX 1118 ·ifif 2-5, 11~15; ATX 1102; ATX
The -"Summary" section of the Best Practices document describes, inter alia, the
.six main steps_ofbead.emulsion PCR: (l)template quality control, (2) PCR solution preparation,
(3) binding of the item fragments to the DNA capture beads, (4) emulsion preparation,
(5) amplification, and (6).recovery of the DNA template carrying beads from the emulsion. ·
. (Sarkis Tr. at 216:14~217:23; ATX 1102; ATX 1103) The summary further notes that "the
·emulsion format ensures the physical separation of the beads into 100 to 200 µm 'microreactors'
-within this single tube, tlms allowing for clonal amplification of the template fragments." (ATX
· 1102 at 2)
The "Purpose" section ofthe Best Practices document repeats the concept of
clonal amplification wherein ''[ sJingle copies of the template species are hybridized to DNA
capture beads, resuspended into complete PCR Amplification solution, and emulsified into
microreactors (100 to·200 µmin.diameter), after which PCRamplification ·generates 107--fold
amplification of the inttialtemplate spedes." (Sarkis Tr. at217:24_;219:8; ATX 1102; ATX.
On February 19, 2003, Dt. Sarkis performed two emulsion PCR experiments, and
obtained positive sequencing results from samples containing-beads mixed with adenovinis DNA
library fragments :and PCR-:generated test fragments TF6 :and -F6 at .an :input ratio· of one copy per
bead. (Sarkis Tr..at219:9-220:10, 220:21-221:14; ATXJ 106 at79, 84-'85) ·Based onaPoisson
distribution, at Ieast two 1riicroreactors would have contained a single :bead and a single copy of
the same fragment during these experiments. (Sarkis Tr. at219:24-220:4, 221:10-14; see.also
Levy Tr. at 359:23-360:11)
On February 27, 2003, Dr. Sarkis inserted into .his notebook an invention
diselosure document entitled "Clonal DNA amplification and immobilization on .emulsified
niicroparticles." (Sarkis Tr. at 222:24-225:3; ATX 1106 at 107-12) The invention diselosure
Dr. Berka's notf'.book (ATX 16) as the conception of the invention on June 7,
· 2002, and references reductions to practice based on, inter alia, documents dated December
19:--20, 2002(ATX1097 at 2-6); December31,2002 (ATX 7-9); January14, 2003 (ATX
1105 at.112); February-4-8, 2003 (ATX1105 at 147, 151-52; ATX 1106at1-45); and the· ·
February 12, 2003 Best Practices document (ATX 1102). The "Prior Art" section of the
invention disclosure also identifies the Ghades~y and Sepp papers. (ATX 111)
On March 7, 2003, Dr. Sarkis obtained successful results from emulsion PCR ·
conducted on samples of mixed test fragments and single test fragments. (Sarkis ..
221: 15-222:23.; ATX 1106 at 148-50) These experiments were set up at varying input ratios of
0.1, 0.5; 1, and 2 copies per bead. (ATX 1106 at 148) Based on a Poisson distribution, at least
two microreactors would have contained a single bead and a single copy of the same fragment.
(Sarkis Tr. at 222:16.,.23; see alsoLevy Tr. at 359:23-360:11)
On March 28, 2003, Dr. de Winter performed emulsion PCR and obtained
positive sequencing results from samples containing _only a m1xture oftest fragments TF3, TF4,
- TF5, and TF7 .at input ratios of O.Ql., 0.1, and 1 copies per bead. (Sarkis Tr. at 225;4-227:6; de
Winter Tr. .at .3.34:16-19, 335:2-337:13:; ATX 1122 a~ 84~85) Based on .a Poisson distribution, at
least two rilicroreactors would have contained .a single bead and a single copy of the same
fntgment. (Sarkis Tr. at226:25-227:6; de Winter Tr. .at337:5-13-; see also Levy Tr. at
to -Practice
;Corroboration ofthe Above-Described Reductions
Drs. Sarkis, Leamon, Berka and the othet'inventors worked collaboratively with
each other and With other454 emplqyees ~on
Ms. Lanza, Dr. de Winter, and Mr. McDade
bead emulsionPCR. (Sarkis 179:5-9, 180:20-181:17, 185.:6-186:8, 205:14~206:9, ·
: 208:4-209:15, 225:4-226:4; Lanza Tr. at278:25-279:6, 280:21-288.:9; see also ATX 1117, 1118,
1119, 1120, 1121, 1123, 1124, 1126)
· 77.
Mr. McDade testified via declaration that he recalled discussing with Drs. Berka,
Sarkis, and Leamon their idea Jor a method for analyzing nucleic acid sequences using bead
emuision PCR. (McDade 264:14-267:2; ATX 1124·'ifif 10-13) Mr. McDade corroborated
Dr. Sarkis's testimony, as well as the testimony ofDrs. Berka and Leamon(via declaration),
regarding the discussion recorded on page 16 of Dr. Berka's notebook (ATX 1094) onJune 7,
2002. (ATX 1124 ifif 10-13)
Mr. McDade also corroborated experiments conducted by Dr. Leamon from
August to December 2002, and specifically recalled that Dr. Sarkis performed a bead emulsion
PCR experiment that resulted in template amplification and sequenceable product just before .
Christmas in December 2002. (McDade Tr. at267:3;..267:18; ATX 1124.'ifif 14-15) Mr. McDade . ·
a1so corroborated experiments conducted by Dr. Sarkis from January to February 2003 and
recalled Dr. Sarkis creating the Best Practices document for bead .emulsion _PCR around .that
time. (McDade Tr. at267:19"'."24; ATXJ 124ifif16.:17)
Dr. Berka testified by dedaration that in the 2002 to 2003 periodjt was ·coinmon
practice in the ,group tO conduct fonnal and informal meetings to discuss various aspects of the
projects that were ongoing; it was his practice to keep brief notes of the topics discussed at the
meetings. (Berka Tr. at 302:16-20; ATX 1113··if22) Dr. Berka testified about severa1 meetings
that occurred in January and February 2003 relating to the emulsion PCR project and identified
the peop1e in the _group from ·various sections who would have attended such meetings. (Berka
Tr. at303:5"".306:16; ATX 1113'ifif24-30; ATX 1095 at 85, 90, 107~08)
Dr. Sarkis testified thafbefore the 454 inventors came up with the idea for·
emulsionPCR, 454 was working on an alternative approach called PT-PCR ("pico-titer
poiymerase chain reaction"), in which m_icroreactors were formed inside tiny wells on glass
pico-titer plates rather than using water-in-oil emulsions. (Sarkis Tr. at 185:6-186:2; Lanza Tr. at
280:21-281: 11) Ms. Lanza was working on PT-PCR amplification, and - because the two
technologies had a lot of commonalities - she and Dr. Sarkis often collaborated. (Sarkis Tr. at
185:6-186:2) As Dr. Sarkis explained, he and Ms. Lanza were "sort ofracing to find the·right
solution." (Sarkis Tr. atJ86:1-2)
.Ms. Lanza testified at trial regarding the almost daily collaboration she had with
Dr.· Sarkis and others about the emulsion PCR project in the J an11ary to February 2003 period. .
· (Lanza Tr~ at 280:21-288:9) Because they were comparing results; Ms. Lanza was aware of Dr.
Sarkis' s experiments, and in particular that he was performing emulsion PCR using adenovirus
libranes and F6 test fragments using low input ratios. (Id. af288: 10-289:1, 282: 17-283:1)
·Ms. Lanza testified thcit, ~y February 2003, everyone at 454 was.generally .aware
-of the _success of emulsion PCR.. (Id. at 288:10~289: 16) Ms. Lanza noted that an .experiment she .
was conducting on february 14, 2003 might have been her final PT:..PCR run. (Id.:; ATX 1125 at
37) Ten .days 1ater, on February 24, 2003, Ms. Lanza included a summary statement in .her
·notebook indicating that -'~given [the] recent. success of EPCR and PTPCR' s contamination ·
issues,. all efforts Will be on EPCR from now on." (ATX 1125 at 70)
Ms. Lanza 'began conducting .experiments in March 2003 using the recipes for the
emulsion oil and PCR mix from the EPCR Best Practices document prepared by Dr. Sarkis,
which she pasted into her notebook. (Lanza Tr. at 289:17-290:15; ATX 1125 at 108-13, 116-17)
. Dr. de Winter also ran emulsion PCR experiments using the procedure provided
in the Best Practices document. (de Winter Tr. at 333:8-334:3; ATX 1122 at 74; ATX 1.103) On
February 18, 2003, Dr. de Winter inserted a graph in his notebook showing the ainount of
adenovirus sequenced with various samples, comparing Dr. de Winter;s conditions, Dr. Sarkis's
conditions, and Karrie Tartaro's (another 454 emplqyee) conditions. (ATX 1122 at 74) The
graph on page 74 of Dr. de Winter's notebook (ATX 1122) is the same a~ the graph on page 64
of.Dr. Sarkis's notebook (ATX 1106) because Dr. Sarkis and Dr. de Winter were sharing.
-information. (Id.)
The testimony of Dr. Ferland (ATXl 118), who worked on the Best Practices
document; corroborates the testimony of Dr. Sarkisthat he had conceived and reduced the
·fuvention to practice prior to February 12, 2003. ·. (ATX 1102; ATX 1103)
The Invention Disclosure document and the documents referenced therein
·corroborate a complete and clear conception andreductionto practice of the invention of the
Count. ,(ATX 1097 at.2-6; ATX 1102;.-A.TX 1103.; ATX 1105 .at 112, 118-34, 147, 151-52; ATX
- 1106 at1-45; ATX 1131)
454 demonstrated diligence .at least from January 15, 2003 through 454's
construcfive reduction to practice ori June 6, .2003. (ATX 252, 1 113, 1114, 1115, 1116., 111 7,
1118, 1-119, 1120, 1121, 1123., 1126)
The '.592 Application Describes .and Emibles 1he ·Method of the Count
The ·'592 provisional .application describes and enables at least a single
.embodiment that falls within the scope of the Count. (Levy Tr. at 394:2-10)
The '592 provisional discloses the preamble of the Courit. (ATX .1013.at1 :14-19)
The '.592 Provisional Describes .and Enables Step (a)
Use of a Type II restriction em;yme will generate two or more. copies of the same
fragment when used to digestmtiltiple copies of aDNA target. .. (Tyagi Tr. at 82:14-83:2,
1iS:l1-16; Levy Tr. .at.368:17~369:10) Notably, the '592 provisional states:
Suitable methods include ... digestion with-one or more
restriction endonucleases (RE) to generate fragments of a desired
· range of lengths from an initial population of nucleic acid ,
molecules~ Preferably, one or more of the restriction enzymes have
distinct four-base recognition sequences. Examples of such
e~ymes. include, e.g., Sau3Al, MspJ, and Taql. . . . In other
embodiments, the restriction enzyme is used with a type IIS
.restriction enzyme~
(ATX 1013 at 11 :20-12:2)
· 91.
A person of ordinary skill in the art would know that Type II restriction enzym~s
will produce the same set each time they are used to digest DNA. (Levy Tr. at
369:23~371 :12;DTX 1at48 ("When a DNA sample is treated with one ofthese fl)pe II]
-enzymes, the same set offragments is always produced,.assuming that all oftherecognition sites
are cleaved.")) Dr. Tyagitestified that when a Type Il restriction enzyme is used io conduct a ·
complete .digestion, the same set of fragments will always be obtained. (Tyagi Tr.. at 123 :18-25)
When using restriction endonuc1eases for DNA :digestion, standardpractice in the
field is to conduct a:complete digestion, so that all ofthe available restriction .endonudease
recognition sites have been cleaved. (Levy Tr. at371:17-372:10) Dr. Tyagiagrees the default
use for restriction enzymes is to do a complete digestion. ('T.yagi Tr. at ·123.:2-4) Thus, when a
reference calls for a restriction .endonuclease digestion, a person of ordinary .skill would have
understood that the DNA target should be digested to .completion. (Levy Tr. at 3 72:7-10)
The-'592 provisional does not.contain any.statements.that suggest a partial
digestion, i.e., a digestion that is not to completion, should be conducted. (Levy Tr. at
372:11-20) Dr. Tyagi agrees that nothing in the454 applications says to do 9nly a partial
digestion with a Type II enzyme. (Tyagi Tr. at 125:11-14)
Given their common use in the field, a person of ordinary skill in the art would
have understood how to use restriction enzymes to digest genomic DNA even without expliCit
guidance as to the protocol. (Levy Tr. at 371 :9-16) Moreover, Dr. Tyagi agrees Type II
restriction enzymes come with instructions explaining their use. (Tyagi Tr. at 122:6-14)
· A person of ordinary skill in the art would not have used the conditions in
Example l of the '592 provisional with a restriction enzyme. (Levy Tr. at 383:19-384:11) A
person of ordinary skill would have known that restriction enzymes and DN ase I are very
different enzymes that require different conditions. (Id.)
The "'592 provisionalis-Clearthatthe.templatenucleiC acid can be constnicted
from anysource.ofnucleic.acid,·inc1udingtissue. ·(LevyTr. at371:3-10;ATX 1013at11:20-21
("The template nucleic .acid can be .constructed from .~y .source. of nucleic acid, ~.g.; any cell,
tissue, or· organism .... ")) A person· of ordinary· skill would have known that tissue is composed
of more than one cell, which means it contains more than one copy of.a genome. (Levy
373:17-19) Ifrestriction digestion was conducted on DNA isolated from a single diploid cell,
.which contains two copies of every gene, then two copies of the same DNA fragment would also
·be generated. (Id. at 381:15-25)
The '5.92provisional also explains.that the DNA can.originate from a ·
. single"".celled organism like a bacteria or virus. (Id. at 373:20-374:19; ATX 1013 at 8:12-13
("DNA may be derived from any source, including .... bacteria or [a] virus.")) A person of ·
ordinary skill would have known that it is common laboratory practice to isolate bacterial or viral
genomic DNA from a cell culture .. (Levy Tr. at 374:20-377:7; DTX 18) Indeed, commonly
available laboratory protocols isolate bacterial DNA ·from a culture of cells. (Id.) Those cultures
contain trillions of cells (DTX 18 at2.4.5 (stating 100 mL culture will have 108 to 109 cells/mL)),
which means there will be trillions of copies of the.genome available for isolation, and
subsequent ·restriction digestion. (Levy Tr. at 3? 6: 13-3 77.:2) ·
The '592 provisional states: "Template libraries can be made by generating a
complementary DNA(cDNA) library from RNA, e.g., messenger RNA (mRNA)." (ATX 1013
at 12:3-4) Dr. Tyagit~stifiedthat converting mRNA to cDNAwill result in the formation of
multiple copies of the cDNA if multiple copies of the mRNA are present. (Tyagi Tr. at
127:4~ 7)
Itiswell-known to those of ordinary skill in the art that most mRNAs in a cell
exisfinmultiple copies. (Levy 378:10- 379:5; DTX 11 at 107 ("Thousands of RNA
transcripts -can 'be ·made from. the same DNA segment during each .cell .generation:")) Each
mRNA-.can :ser\re as -a template for reverse.transcription, which converts RNA into-DNA. (Levy
Tr. at 378:17-24, 381:2-4) The result is that multiple copies of an identical DNA m~y-be
_generated, even when DNA is isolatedfroma single cell. (Id. -at 378:2-9., 381:2-14) ·
In .addition, cDNA libraries are typical~y _generated b.y using R T..:PcR. (Id. at
378:17-379:5) The'.592 provis_ional describes the use ofRT-PCR to convert RNAtoDNA. (Id.
_at.380:11-23; ATX 1013 .at 64:6-8 ("While DNA is the preferred template, RNA and PNA may
·be converted to DNA by known techniques such as random primed PCR, rever~e transcription,
RT-PCR, or a combination ofthese techniques~")) RT-PCR is a process· where reverse
transcription is coupled to a PCR amplification step, which will result in the formation of
millions of copies of the DNA. (Lery Tr. at 380:24-381 :8) ·Using this process, even if there is
only a singlemR1'-fApresent ina cell, millions of copies of DNA would be generated. (Id. at
.381:9-14) Dr. T:yagi testified that use ofRT-PCR will generate multiple copies of a.cDNAfrom
a singlemRNA. (Tyagi Tr. at127:8-14)
10 l.
PCR or RT-PCR amplification of DNA is a method of fragmenting permitted by
step (a) of the Count. (Levy Tr. at .503 :1-21) Indeed, that is the method of fragmenting disclosed
.in the '690 application._ (Id.) Moreover, ifthe PCR or RT-PCR amplification products are
subsequently fragmented with restriction enzymes; this would generate two or more copies ·of the
· same DNA fragment. (Id 465:11-466:1)
· 2. .
The.'592-Provisional Describes.and Enables Step (b)
The '592provisional explains that the capture of beads andDNA in
microemulsions will follow the .Poisson distribution, and result in a subset of emulsions with
.single beads hybridized to single DNA fragments. (Levy Tr. at 389:25-390:15; ATX 1013 at·
The .,592 provisionaLc~ntains an extensive discussion on how:to make and use
emulsions. (ATX 1013 at29:28-31:4, 85:25-86:18)
· 104.
A person of ordinary skill in the art would have understood the '592 _provisiona1 to
teach that DNA can be harvested from almost any source, and would not ·be limited to only a
single cell. (Levy Tr 372:21-373:16) Dr. 1yagi' s opiriion that the '592 provisionalteaches
that only·"a cell" would be-used as a starting source of materia1 for step (a) ofthe CounOgnores
that the same quoted sentence from the '592 provisional teaches that a template can be. harveste4
from tissue or organisms. (Tyagi Tr. at 75:_16-76:8;Levy Tr. at 377:14-378:1}
· 105.
The '592 Provisional Describes and Enables Steps (c) and (d) ·
The '592 provisional discloses the. amplification step covered py step (c). (See,
A'TX 1013 at30:8-13, 31:6-29)
The '592 provisional discloses detecting amplified copies, as described in step. (d).
(See, e.g., id. at 32:15-27)
The ·'071 Application Describes and Enables the Method ofthe· Count
The '071 provisional describes and enables an embodiment withinthe scope of
the Count. (Levy Tr. at 407:3~10)
J 08.
. The ·'071 provisional satisfies the preamble of the Count by describing methods of
sequencing. (Id. at 407: 11-408:3; ATX 1015 .at 3 8 (pyrophosphate sequencing))
, 1.
The '071 Provisional Describes and Enables Step '(a)
A person of ordinary skill would have understood that the -, 071 provisional
describes and enables step (a) of the Count. (Levy Tr. at 409:5-19) In particular, the '071
provisional states at page 40: "DNA isolation prior to sequencing is performed by any of several
commercially available methods. Fragmentation can be performed by one of many methods,
including physical and sonic shearing, DNA restriction endonuclease digestion, and nuclease
treatment." (ATX 1015 at 40)
Dr. Tyagi agreed that the language on page 40 of the '071 provisional could
describe step (a). (Tyagi Tr. at 531:3-11)
All commercially available kits for DNA isolation at_ the time the '071 provisional
was filed were designed to isolate DNA from bulk samples, e.g., tissue samples or cell cultures.
(Levy Tr. at 409:20-410:10; Tyagi Tr. at 553:11-21; DTX 16; DTX 20; DTX21) There were no
well-known, commercially available kits for the isolation of DNA from a single cell at the time
the '071 provisional was filed. (Levy Tr. at 413:25-414:4) Thus, a person of ordinary skill
would have understood that the '071 provisional describes preparing DNA samples with multiple
copies of a given genome. (Id. at 418: 11-20)
The '071 provisional does not disclose any methods or techniques for isolating
DNA from a single cell. (Id. at 414:5-8) A person of ordinary skill would not have understood
from the '071 provisional that DNA should be isolated from a single cell. (Id. at 414:9-13)
Indeed, because it teaches the use of commercially available kits, the '071 provisional suggests
the opposite. (Id.)
Isolating DNA from a single cell has disadvantages associated with it. (Id. at
414:14-415:2} For example, becausethere were then no commerciallyav.ailable kits to do it, one
would ·have to design .a protocol to isolate the DNA. (Id.) In :addition, there is on1y one copy of
the.genesc:ribes and Enables 'St~ps (c) .and (d)
126.. · Step (c) oftheCountrequires amplifying the fragment of step (a) in the
microreactor. (Id. .at 433:15-20) The "'071 provisional describes step (c)ofthe Countbecause it
·describes emtilsionPCR. (Id. at 433:12-25; ATX 1015 .at 46-47)
12 7..
The '071 provisional describes _step {d) because it describes pifophosphate
sequencing. (Levy Tr. at434:1-16; ATX 1015 at38) In order for pyrophosphate sequencingto
work, the DNA has to havebeen amplified. (Levy Tr. at 434:6-9).
·The '071 provisional contains no indication that a partial digestion should be
performed, as opposed to a complete digestion. (ATX 1015 at 40) .
The '240 Application :Describes :and Enables the Full Scope ·of the . Count
The '240 application describes and enables the full scope of step (a) of the Count
. because it describes and enables making genomic DNA libraries. or.cDNA libraries derived from
anypopu1ation of nucleic acids.· (Levy Tr. at394:11-395:7; ATX 1001at3:25-28) A person of
ordinary skill in the -art would have understood that methods of generating those libraries involve
. the formation of more than one copy ofa particular DNA fragment. (Levy Tr. at 395:8-1.5) .
The '240 application also incorporates by reference the '071 and '592
provisionals. 7 (Id. .at396:6-15; ATX 1001 at 1:3-6) It also incorpor~tes by reference U.S. Patent
No. 7,323,305, which Gontains the entire disclosure of the '"592 provisional. (Levy Tr. at 396:16398:12,400:11-20; ATXlOOl; DTX 12; DTX 13)
Given that the '071 and '592 applications describe and enable the preamble, the '240
application does as well because it incorporates these disclosures by reference.
The '240 .application describes delivery of single~stranded and double-stranded .
DNA to the microreactors by describing pre-hybridizing beads via oligonuc1eotide primers
attached to the beads. (Levy Tr. .at404:10.:.1s; 7:16-8:31, 25::6~26:30) The '':592
and ~071 provisional applications _also describe .delivery of DNA pre~hybridized to-.a-bead, so
those app~ications also describe the delivery of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA to the
-microreactor. ,,(ATX 1013 at21:1~10; ATX1015 at 46-47) When theDNAfragmentis
pre-hybridized to the bead via that primer, it forms a short region of double-stranded DNA.
(Levy Tr. -at 404:16-22) The other portion of the fragment is single-stranded. _(Id. at 404:23-24)
Thus, a partially single-stranded and partially double-stranded· DNA fragment is delivered to the
microreactor. (Id. at 404:25-405:3)
The only difference between delivery of a single-stranded DNA fragment
pre-hybridized to .a b~ad and.a double-stranded DNA fragme11t-tiot pre-4ybridized is the omission
of the-pre-hybridization step. (1Yagi Tr. at 139:5-10; Levy Tr. at405:17-22) The components·
are still delivered-the same way. (Levy Tr. at 405:17-22, 406:16~20, 475:10-24)
Very little, ifany, experimentation would be required to deliverthe
double-stranded DNA, as opposed to the single-strandedDNAfragment. (Levy Tr. at
405:25-406:20, 437:15-21) Dr. Tyagi's speculation that 'delivering double-stranded DNA
_separately from a bead would be different from delivering DNA pre-hybridized to .a bead is notbased on any actual experimental evidence. (Tyagi Tr. at 547: l 6~548 :5)
Dr. Levy explained that modification- of the parameters necessary to successfully
form a microemulsion could be done in a day. (Levy Tr. at 456:4-14) Dr. Levy further opined
that modification of those parameters is "extremely simple," and would "absolutely not"_ require
undue experimentation. (Id. at :501: 17-502: 1)
Dr. Tyagi testified that .delivery of one DNA frel:gment and one bead into each ofa
,plurality ,of microreactors could be confirmed using "statistical probabilities."". (Tyagi
60:12-15) The ''240 application uses statistical probabilities to confirm deljvery of DNA and
beads to themicroreactors. (ATX 1001at16:12-17:27)
.JHU is Not ·Entitled .to .a ,Priority .Date Earlier than .June 5, 2003
None of the priority evidence JHUprovides demonstrates that JHU had .conceived
of all the elements of the Count prior to June 5, 2003, induding: (1) delivering a plurality of ·
molecules ofthe ~ame fragment ofDNA "into microreactors; (2) any type of emulsion; (3) any
microreactor; (4) _having a single head in a microreactot; and (5) having a single molecule of a
DNA fragmentin·a microreactor.
·13 7. .·JHU .cites isolated testimony and documents relating to PCR pre~amplificatiort
outside of an emulsion, or optimizati0ration of conception and reduction to practice, JHU-has failed tO carry its burden of .
proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, an eatlierpriority date. See Marteki, 579 F3d at
:Conclusion as to .:Priority
. 454 fois proven.(1) conception by .at least December .2002; (2) actual reduction to practice
}Jy .at least January 15, 2003; :and :(3} constructive reductions to practice of the Count ::Qy April 23.,
·2003.,·the tiling date of the '071 application, and June 6, 2003,·the filing date-ofthe ''592
application~ As ·previously determined bythe -Court, JHU has proven :a conception .date o{June
.5, 2003 and :a reduction to practice date ofJrily.5~ 2003., with diligence .during the interveriing
time period suffiCient to support a June .5., 2003 priority date. (D :I. 97 .at 12, 16) Accordingly,
. the Court is compelled to hold that454 prevaikonthe parties·' _priority dispute, as454 has
proven that it was the first to conceive of the invention ·and the first to reduce it to practice.
Legal Standards
'W-ritten Description
Paragraph 1 of 35 U.S.C .. § 112 .states in pertinent part:
The specification shall contain a written .description of the
invention and of the manner
process of making and using it~ in
such full, clear, concise .and exact terms as to enable any person
. ·skilled in the art to which it pertains, or with which it is most ·
.nearly .connected, to make and use the same ... :· . [13 ]
The statute Sets out separate requirements for written description and enablement. ·see Ariad.
Pharm., Inc. v. Eli Lilly & Co., 598 F.3d 1336, 1344 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (holdingthat·written
description and enablement requirements are separate).. Yet these requirements "often rise and
The patent statute was amended in September 2011 by the America Invents Act
("AIA"), Pub. L. No. ·112.;.29, 125 Stat.284, 300-01 (2011). The pre~AIA version of§ 112
· applies in this case._ The post-AIA version of this portion of the statute(§ "112(a)) is identical to
the pre-AIA verison.
fall togeth~r.~' .Id. at 1352. The parties agree that, in .a case brought under § 146 .arising from an
interference, ·invalidityunder .§ 112 mustbe proved ~ya preponderai;ice of.the _evidence. (See Tr.
at 31-32, 45) The·Court :~grees that .a.preponderance -of the evidence standard '1PPlies. .See
Bruning v. Hirose, 1998 WL 690851, .at *3-5 (Fed. ·Cir. Sept. 29, 1998).
Whether a specification satisfies the written .description requirement is .a question offact.
See GlaxoSmithKline LLC v.. Banner Pharmacaps, Inc .., 744 F.3d 725, 729
(Fed~ ,Cir. 2014);
also Alcon, Inc. ·v. Teva Pharms. USA, Inc., 664 F. ·Supp. 2d 443, 468 (D. Del. 2009)
("Satisfaction of the written description requirement is a fact..:based:inqriicy, depending on 'the
nature of the claimed invention and the knowledge of one skilled in the
art .at the time '.an
invention is made and a patent .application is filed."') (quoting Carnegie Mellon Un.iv. v.
Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc.~ 541 F.3d "1115, 1122 (Fed ..Cir. 2008)).
To comply with-the written description requirement, a patent's specification ·"must clearly
allow persons of ordinary skill in ihe art to recogriize that the inventor invented what is Claimed."
Ariad, 598 F.3d .at 1351 (internal brackets .and quotatio)J_ marks omitted). "[T]he test for·.
.sufficien~y is whetherthe disclosure of the application relied upon reasonably conveys to those_·
skilled in the art that fhe inventor ·had_ possession of the claimed subject matter as of the filing
date..... [T]he test requires an objective inquiry into the four comers of the specification from
the perspective of.a person of ordinary skill in the
Id. "[T]he written description
requirement does not demand either examples or .an actual reduction to practice; a constructive
reduction to practice that in a definite way identifies the claimed invention can satisfy the Written
description requirement." Id. at 1352. However, "a descriptionthatmerelyrenders the invention
obvious does not satisfy the requirement." Id.
"Enablement is a question oflaw ~based on underzying factual findings:" MagSil Corp. v.
Hitachi-Glob ..Storage Techs., Inc .., 687 F..3d 1377, 1380 .(Fed. -Cir. 2012).· ·"'To he .enabling, the
specification of a patent .must teach those skilled in the art how to make ~and use the fu11 scope of
the .claimed invention Without undue .experimentation_~.,,,- Id~ (quoting Genentech, Inc. v .. Novo
Nordisk, AIS, 108.F~3d1361, 1365 (Fed ..Cir. 1997)) (internal.quotation marks omitted).
"Enablement serves the dual function in the patent
of .ensuring .adequate- diselosure ofthe
claimed invention.and of preventing claims broaderthan the disclosed invention.:" Id. at
13 80-81.
a patentee chooses broad claim language at the peril of losing ar~y claim that
cannot-be enabled across its full scope of coverage."" Id. .at 1381. ·"The ·scope ofthe claims must
be less .than or .equal to the scope ·ofthe enahlement to ensure that the public knowledge is .
enriched by the patent a degree .at least commensurate with the scope of the
claims." Id. (internal quotation marks omitted).
''Whether undue experimentation is needed is not a single, simple factual determination,
but rather is a conclusion reached by weighing many factual considerations." In re Wands, 858
F.2d 731, 737 (Fed. Cir.1988). These factors include: "(1) the quantity of experimentation
necessary, (2) the amount of direction or guidance presented, (3) the presence or absence of
working examples, (4) the nature of the invention, (5) the state of the prior art, (6). the relative
skill o~ those in the art, (7) the predictability or ilnpredictability of the art, and (8) ·the.breadth of
the claims." 1d. Although "a specification need not disclose what is·well knownfo the art;"
"[t]ossing out the mere germ of an idea does not constitute enabling disclosure." Genentech, 108
F .3d at 1366. A patent "cannot simply rely on the knowledge of a person of ordinary skill to ·
serve as a substitute for the missing information in the specification:" ALZA Corp. v. Andrx
Pharm., LLC, ·603 E3d 935, 941 (Fed. Cir. 2010) .
"A patent is invalid for anticipation if a single prior art reference discloses each and every
limitation ofthe claimed invention.-" Schering Corp. v. Geneva Pharm., Inc., 339 F.3d 1373,
1377 (Fed. Cir. 2003); see also In re Donohue, 766 F.2d 531, .534: (Fed. Cir. 1985) (stating patent
is invalid for anticipation where "each limitation of a claim [can] be found in a single reference,
practice, or device"). A "printed ·publication in this or a foreign country" is anticipatory prior art
ifit discloses the claimed subject matter "before the invention thereof by the applicant for
patent." 35 U.S.C. § 102(a). 14 "The dispositive question regarding anticipation is whether one
skilled inthe art would reasonably understand or infer from the reference's teaching that
every claim limitation was disclosed in _that single reference." Akamai Techs., Inc. v. Cable &
Wireless Internet Servs., Inc., 344 F.3d 1186, 1192 (Fed. Cir. 2003). Whether a claim is
anticipated is a question of fact. See Eli Lilly & Co. v. Zenith Goldfine Pharm., Inc., 471 F.3d
1369, 1375 (Fed. Cir. 2006).
In this case, which arises from an interference, anticipation must be proved by a
preponderance of the evidence. See Bruning v. Hirose, 161F.3d681, 685-86 (Fed. Cir. 1998)
("During an interference involving a patent issued from an application that was co-pending with
the interfering_ application, the appropriate standard of prooffor validity challenges is the
preponderance ofthe evidence standard.").
The Court again refers to the pre-AJA version of the patent st_atute, which governs in
this case.
"A showing that. a patent was conceived at an- earlier date [than the date of a prior art
reference] .and reduced to practice With reasonable diligence is called an effort to swear behind" .a
prior art reference. Inc. v. Endicia, Inc., 437 F. App'x 897~ 907 (Fed. Cir. 2011 ); see
also Moll v. Northern Telecom, Inc .. , 1995 WL 676420, .at *4 n.1 (E.D. Pa. Nov. 8, 1995) {"[B]y
pemiitting.apatent applicant to 'swear behind' the prior reference under 37 C.F.R. § 1.131., .a
patent examiner effectively removes the prior a bar to patentability."). "The requirement
for the corroboration ofinventortestimony applies to efforts to swear behind a prior art
reference:" Stamps, 43TF. App'x .at 908.
·whether the '240 Application Meets the
Written Description and Enablement Requirements
The Court has already determined that the '071 and '592 applications disclose the full
scope of the invention, for reasons explained above. Specifically, the Court concluded that the
'071 application's disclosure of hybridized DNA to beads discloses both single- and doublestranded DNA and that the -'071 applieation's disclosure of the pre-hybridized embodiment
provides written description and enablement support for a non_;pre-hybridized embodiment.
(Levy Tr. at404:10-22, 405:8-406:20) The '240 application incorporates the '071 and '592
applications by reference. (ATX 1001 at 3-8) Thus, the '240 application also adequately
describes and enables the full scope of the invention.· See Harari v. Lee, 656 F.3d 1331, 1338
_(Fed. Cir. 2011) (holding that patent application incorporated by reference could supply written
description support).
Thus, while JHU-is correct that 454 must satisfy§ 112's written descriptio!l and
enablement requirements for the full scope of the claims it seeks to retain (i.e., the claims of the
·'305 patent, which is the issued·patent that isthe progeny of the '240 application), see
Falko~Gunter, 448
F.. 3d at 1362, 454 has met this burden ~by the requisite preponderance .of :the
·whether '240 Application is Anticipated .by the Dressman Reference
JHU argues that the '240 applicati~n is antiCipated by the Dressman reference. (D.I. 110
· at l-2) The Court disagrees. The date of the Dressman reference is July 22, 2003. (Id.) The
Court.has determined, as discussed above, that 454 is entitled to claim priority to the '071 and
'592 .applications for written description and enablement of the full scope of the ·Count. The
priority dates of these applications antedate the Dressman reference. Therefore, the Court agrees
with 454 that the Dressman-reference is not prior artto .the '240. application and cannot anticipate
102. (See D.I.118 at 7-10) 15
··Conclusion :as to Validity
For the foregoingreasons, the Court concludes that JHU has failed to prove that the '240
application is invalid under either of§§ 112or102.
Plaintiffs prove by a preponderance of the evidence that they are entitled to
. .
priority. Plaintiffs have also-failed to prove by a_preponderance of the evidence that the '240
application is invalid.
An .appropriate Order will be entered.
Forthis-reason, JHU's;reliance on Chiron Corp. v. Genentech, Inc., 363F.3d1247 (Fed ..
Cir. 2004), is unavailing. Moreover, Chiron is distinguishable, as argued by 454 (D.I. 118 at
8-9), because the separate delivery of beads and fragments o'f either· single- or double-stranded
.DNA irito microreactors was not unpredictable, nascent technologylike the technology at issue in
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