Chinook Licensing DE LLC v. Facebook Inc.

Filing 1

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Facebook Inc. - Magistrate Consent Notice to Pltf. ( Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 311-1444250.) - filed by Chinook Licensing DE LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(dmp, )

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Exhibit A US007047482B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: Odom (54) (45) Date of Patent: AUTOMATIC DIRECTORY 6,584,468 B1 SUPPLEMENTATION 2001/0039563 A1* 2003/0195877 A1* (76) Inventor: Gary Odom, 15505 SW. Bulrush La., Tigard, OR (Us) 97223 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 623 days. (22) Filed: Tian ......................... .. 709/202 Ford et a1. ................... .. 707/3 (Aug. 2001).* (200601) (200601) Uncertain and Changing Data” (Jun. 24-28, 2001).* US. Cl. ............................. .. 715/500; 707/5; 707/3 Grasso, Antonietta et a1“ GROUP 99 in phoenix’ Arizona; 0f Classi?cation Search ........... .. “Augmenting Recommender Systems 715/500; 707/3, 5; 709/202 See application ?le fOr complete Search hiSIOI'Y(56) 6/2003 Gabriel 11/2001 10/2003 Balabanovic, Marko et al., Communications of the ACM, vol. 30, No. 3; “Content-Based, Collaborative Recommen dation” Mar. 1997).* Geisler, Gary et al., JCDL ’01 in Roanoke, Virginia; “Devel oping Recommendation Services for a Digital Library With Feb- 28: 2001 (51) Int‘ Cl‘ G06F 7/76 G06F 17/21 May 16, 2006 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Maglio, Paul et al., Communications of the ACM, vol. 43, No. 8; “Intermediaries Personalize Information Streams” (Aug. 2000).* Lieberman, Henry et al., Communications of the ACM, vol. 44, No. 8; “Exploring the Web With Reconnaissance Agents” (21) Appl. No.: 09/796,235 (52) US 7,047,482 B1 Inter faces into Practices” (1999).* Voss, Angi et al., GROUP 99 in Phoenix, Arizona; “Concept Indexing” (1999).* References Cited * cited by examiner U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,535,382 5,598,557 5,680,511 5,893,092 6,100,890 6,122,647 6,138,157 6,182,133 6,184,886 6,480,853 6,493,702 A A A A * A * Primary ExamineriDoug Hutton 7/1996 Ogawa 1/1997 Doner 10/1997 Baker (57) 4/1999 Driscoll ....................... .. 707/5 8/2000 Bates et a1. .. 715/826 A A B1 B1 9/2000 10/2000 1/2001 Horvitz 2/2001 Bates .... .. B1 * B1 * 11/2002 12/2002 Adar et a1 Horowitz Welter Jain . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ABSTRACT The present invention is computer software that automati cally ?nds, saves, and displays links to documents topically 707/513 related to document links residing in a directory Without a user having to search. 709/224 709/223 .. 345/357 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................. .. 707/5 20 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets 707/3 10 ENABLE DIREcToRY SUPPLEMENTATION 10l SET BREADTH LEVEL + 1 1 COLLATE KEYWORDS 9 DERIvE KEYwoRI:>(s) l 1 1 COMPA RE DOCUMENT KEYwoRDs 1 2 SEARCH 120 Fmo NEW PAGES Ill 86 CULL DISCARDED INKS 9 DERIVE KEYwoRD(s) I 121 COMPARE KEYwoRDS 122 RANK NEw PAGES + 6 SUPPLEMENT DIRECTORY 66 SIGNIFY LINK 88 DIREcToRY KEYWORDS U.S. Patent May 16, 2006 US 7,047,482 B1 Sheet 1 0f 5 50 COMPUTER 51 CPU 52 STORAGE 53 MEMORY 54 RETENTION DEvIcEs(s) 60 NETWORK COMPUTER 55 DISPLAY DEVICE 61 CPU 56 INPUT DEvICE(s) 62 STORAGE 57 POINTINO DEVICE (E.G. MOUSE) 63 MEMORY 68 NETWORK (CONNECTION) 58 KEYBOARD 64 RETENTION DEvICEs(s) 59 NETWORK CONNECTION DEVICE 69 NETWORK CONNECTION DEVICE FIGURE 1 U.S. Patent May 16, 2006 Sheet 2 0f 5 US 7,047,482 B1 5 DIRECTORY TITLE 3 DIRECTORY 2A DOCUMENT 2B DOCUMENT FIGURE 2 U.S. Patent May 16, 2006 Sheet 3 0f 5 2 DOCUMENT US 7,047,482 B1 20D DOCUMENT TITLE 20 TITLE — 2GP PAGE PROPERTIES 21 HEADING TITLE 22 BODY TEXT — 21 A HEADING 23 MEDIA TEXT 23T MEDIA TITLE 22A BODY TEXT 23c MEDIA CAPTION FIGURE 3 9 DERIvE KEYwORD(s) 9D DISCERN KEYwORD(s) 9P RANK KEYWORDS FIGURE 4 U.S. Patent May 16, 2006 Sheet 4 0f 5 US 7,047,482 B1 10 ENABLE DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENTATION 101 SET BREADTH LEVEL 1 11 COLLATE KEYWORDS 9 DERIvE KEYWORD(S) 110 DERIvE + TITLE KEYWORDS 111 COMPARE DOCUMENT KEYWORDS 112 RANK KEYWORDS 12 SEARCH 120 FIND NEW PAGES r 86 CULL DISCARDED w LINKS 9 DERIvE KEYWoRD(s) + 121 COMPARE KEYWORDS V 4— 88 DIRECTORY 122 RANK NEW PAGES 6 SUPPLEMENT DIRECTORY | 66 SIGNIFYLINK \ FIGURE 5 U.S. Patent May 16, 2006 KING CRIMSON Q Sheet 5 0f 5 US 7,047,482 B1 3K DIRECTORY MUSIC GUIDE — KING CRIMSON 1K KNOWN LINKS 6 DISCIPLINE GLOBAL MOBILE 13 OBSOLETE LINK /® ~I’i-RUBTBQGNG-GRIMSON /\® KING CRIMSON DISCOGRAPHY 6K DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENTATION 66 SIGNIPY LINK BY \_/\® ELEPHANT TALK 33 RELEVANCE \//@ KING CRIMSON LIvE! FIGURE 6 / 1P FOUND LINKs US 7,047,482 B1 1 2 AUTOMATIC DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENTATION phological analysis reduces verbs and nouns to their base form, providing a basis for direct Word matching. At least TECHNICAL FIELD one commercial product, LinguistX® from Inxight Soft Ware, provides advanced natural language text analysis. In spite of softWare sophistication, as every experienced The present invention relates generally to information retrieval systems, and more particularly, to automatically ?nding and displaying related document links Without user Web user knoWs, user-initiated keyWord search can be initiated searching. example, thinking time pieces, and you’ll likely end up With vexing: searches commonly return a plethora of pages, many unrelated to the desired topic. Search for ‘Watch’, for a bushel of pages about voyeurism. Careful application of search terms yields more relevant links, but the process and results are problematic: beyond searching for “this ‘and’ BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The Internet has become the World’ s information retrieval intranet) documents is the use of embedded document links. that”, search Boolean logic is not exactly intuitive; different search engines have different syntaxes for search Boolean logic, and different Ways to apply it, making that bit of Such a link is a portion of a source document that links to a target document: another document, or a different section of the same document. The other document may be on any business even less amenable; a bit of search pruning still leaves an abundance of junk, While a search result leaving out the chaff probably leaves out a good bit of Wheat too. system. One of the distinguishing features of Internet (and computer system on a netWork supporting the appropriate communication protocols. Selecting a link navigates from The technology of document linking, search, and soft 20 the source document to the target document. A Web site is a collection of linked documents accessible through the World Wide Web, a part of the Internet. Such documents are commonly called Web pages. Typically a Web site has a “home page” that is the entry document into the site. The World Wide Web is commonly referred to as “the Web”. Web pages commonly use a description language such as HTML (hypertext markup language) or XML (extensible markup language) to embed links and provide document Ware-based linguistic analysis are Well established. Recent advances enhance utility in locating desired information. For example, the subject of US. Pat. No. 6,122,647 is dynami cally linguistically analyZing the text of a user-selected portion of a target document and generating neW links to 25 related documents. The subject ofU.S. Pat. No. 6,184,886 is alloWing a user to generate and maintain a list of prioritized bookmarks (links) that alloW later access to selected sites (documents). The subject of US. Pat. No. 6,182,133 is pre-fetching pages for later vieWing, thus saving a user time 30 retrieving documents. formatting. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A link on a Web page is by convention expressed as a uniform resource locator (URL). A link is often associated With a Word or phrase in a source document, hence the common nomenclature: hypertext link. But a link may also The present invention automatically ?nds, saves, and 35 be associated With images, or controls such as buttons, menus, and the like. A Web broWser is a program for displaying Web pages. displays links to documents topically related to a set of documents Without a user having to search or specify search terms. An incidental aspect of the invention is automatically signifying links by their status. Examples of popular Web broWsers include Microsoft Inter net Explorer and Netscape Navigator. 40 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Web broWsers alloW users to create and maintain direc FIG. 1 is a block diagram of computers suitable for tories of Web page links. Such directories are commonly represented as folders or, sometimes, tabs. NeW Web pages or Web sites are commonly found by links in knoWn documents, or by keyWord search. Users typically practicing the invention. 45 topically group links to related documents in self-titled directories, the directory title being the common topic of links Within it. FIG. 5 depicts the directory supplementation process. FIG. 6 depicts an example of directory supplementation. Web sites are often extensive enough (so many pages) that a site typically offers a search facility for the site; commer cial Web sites almost alWays offer site search. Search refers to inquiry based upon one or more keyWords (search terms). Search engines that search a multitude of sites abound on the Web. A good search engine provides a commercial advan tage. Some search engines, and some commercial products, such as Copemic® from Copemic Technologies, tap into 50 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 55 meaning of Words by examining Word relationships. Mor FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a computer 50 connected to a netWork computer 60 through a netWork 68. A computer 50 comprises at least a CPU 51; storage 52, Which comprises multiple search engines to conglomerate searches. Based upon keyWords, quality search engines glean the most probably related pages using a con?uence of linguistic analysis methods. Word location analysis is based upon the assumption that the topic of a document is speci?ed in the title, headings, or the early paragraphs of text. Word fre quency analysis counts the number of times search terms appear in a document. Syntactic analysis processes the grammatical structure of a document, serving to indicate nouns and verbs. Semantic analysis interprets the contextual FIG. 2 depicts a directory of links. FIG. 3 depicts a document. FIG. 4 depicts the process to derive keyWords from a document. memory 53 and optionally one or more devices With reten tion medium(s) 54 such as hard disks, diskettes, compact disks, or tape; an optional display device 55; and optionally 60 one or more input devices 56, examples of Which include but are not exclusive to, a keyboard 58, and/or one or more pointing devices 57, such as a mouse. A computer 50 also optionally includes a device for connection to a netWork 59. AnetWork computer 60 comprises at least a CPU 51; storage 65 52, Which comprises memory 53 and optionally one or more devices With retention medium(s) 64 such as hard disks, diskettes, compact disks, or tape; and a device for connec US 7,047,482 B1 3 4 tion to a network 59. In one embodiment, a computer 50 is a client to a network computer 60 that is a server. A client-server environment is a setup whereupon one or more a web page 2. In such an instance, software linguistic analysis of the noti?cation can determine document 2 removal. clients 50 are connected to one or more servers 60 through Titles 20, including document title 20D, and associated page properties title for web pages 20P, media object titles 23T, and headings (section titles) 21 are prime fodder for a network 68. A client 50 in a client-server environment primarily receives data. A server 60 primarily transmits data to be received by one or more clients 50. A peer-to-peer network is a setup whereupon one or more computers 50 are keywords. For a document 2 with a link 1, the link title 7 should also be considered for keyword derivation 9. Titles may be considered highly indicative of document topics/ keywords 8. Likewise document headings 21, which can be connected to one another 60 with or without a server on the network 68. A computer 50 in a peer-to-peer environment shares data with other computers 60. A network 68 may be identi?ed by location, possibly font formatting, and isolation any means by which one or more computers 50 are con from body text 22; headings 21 in HTML documents are nected to one or more other computers 60 for data transfer. most always distinguished by font formatting, hence, easily As depicted in FIG. 2, a directory 3, if not empty, identi?ed. Body text 22 may provide the bulk of information upon which keywords 8 are derived 9. A common technique is to comprises a set of documents 2, or a set of links 1 to documents 2, or a combination of documents 2 and links 1. A link 1 is a reference to a document 2. A user-determined highly regard the ?rst paragraph of body text 22 (and the directory title 5 may provide concise topic indication. body text 22 immediately following headings 21) for key FIG. 3 depicts a document 2 to which a link 1 may refer, and document 2 components. A document 2 comprises at word derivation 9, as the topic of a document 2 or section is 20 least a passage of text 22, and may optionally include one or typically revealed in the ?rst paragraph (academically more titles 20, section headings 21, or adjunctive text such known as the “topic paragraph”). Once a document 2 has been analyZed and keywords as media titles 23T or captions 23c. A document 2 may discerned 9D, document 2 keywords 8 can be rated or ranked comprise other components besides text, such as media objects. A media object is a non-text software entity, examples of which include a picture, video, or sound. Text 25 ondarily in headings 21; prominence and frequency in topic related to a media object is media text 23. paragraphs and media text 23. Otherwise, word frequency may be a primary keyword 8 indicator. A suggested method FIG. 4 depicts keyword derivation 9. A keyword 8 is one or more words used as an indication of the contents of a document. A keyword 8 may be a combination of words: for example, the Grateful Dead are signi?cantly different than being either grateful or dead. Various linguistic analysis methods may be applied to documents 2 for keyword 8 derivation: lexical, word fre quency, word placement, syntactic, semantic, or morpho to rank keywords 9P is to use a point system to weigh relative 30 quency one-third. Keyword 8 relevancy rating schemes 9P are known to those skilled in the art. 35 FIG. 5 depicts the directory supplementation 6 process. Directory supplementation 6 must be enabled 10. Directory supplementation 6 may be enabled 10 by default, by soft ware-determined protocol, or by user determination. Auto link 1 of a found document 2 without a user having to manually add a link 1 to a directory 3. matically supplementing a directory 6 refers to adding links 1 or documents 2 to a directory 3 without a user having to 40 search 12 or manually add links 1 to that directory 3. Optionally, a breadth threshold level may be set 101. A breadth threshold level is intended as user-determined set ting that possibly adjusts the number and potential relevance 45 discovered link 1, or an obsolete link 13. Attempting to retrieve a document 2 from a link 1 sometimes reveals that the link 1 is no longer valid: the document 2 is gone, having been moved or removed. In this instance, the link 1 should be signi?ed 66 as obsolete 13 if its document 2 has certainly been removed, or, if a link 1 to a moved document 2 can be ascertained, the stored link 1 should be updated to re?ect the new document’s 2 location. Pages 2 or sites that have moved often temporarily leave a notice behind telling where the site or page 2 has moved to. prominence and frequency, where, for example, prominence may comprise two-thirds of a keyword’s 8 score and fre logical. Such methods are known to those skilled in the art. Automatically displaying a link 1 refers to displaying a Signifying a link 66 refers to visibly indicating the current status of a link 1. Examples of visible indication include color coding or other visible distinction of link 1 text, such a font style; or striking icon 4: either the usual icon 4 color coded, or icons 4 indicating status. Examples of status include a newly found link 1, a level of relevance for a newly 9P. Factors esteeming a keyword 8 include the following: prominence and frequency primarily in titles 20 and sec of accepted documents 2. Greater breadth casts a wider net: more links 1 or documents 2 are retained, and vice versa. If a user desires closely related documents 2 as a product of directory supplementation 6, set a low breadth level 101. A relation threshold level would the mirror image equiva 50 lent to a breadth threshold level 101: a higher setting would be indication to limit directory supplementation 6 to closely related documents 2, and vice versa. Level indication 101 may be ordinal or numeric, such as percentage. In an embodiment where breadth level setting 101 is 55 employed, the setting 101 may be applied before and/ or after In such an instance, software linguistic analysis of the search 12. A search 12 may use a broader setting 101 than noti?cation can glean the new link 1. the user speci?ed. If then directory supplementation 6 pre Document 2 inaccessibility does not necessarily mean link obsolescence 13: other possible causes exist, such as, for example, temporary server problems at the document’s 2 home site. A link 1 should be signi?ed 66 obsolete 13 only sents sparse results, a user may want to adjust to a broader setting 101: if broader documents 2 have already been 60 retrieved, the outcome of a broadened search may appear to the user immediately (with presentation of additional links if document 2 removal can be veri?ed: inaccessibility over 1). a prolonged period of time would be indicative. For Documents 2 in a directory 3 are analyZed 9 for keywords 8. Derived keywords 8 and attendant data may be stored to avoid repetition of the process 9. Attendant keyword data 8 example, by keeping track of attempted access times, link obsolescence 13 may be concluded given document 2 inac cessibility at different times of the day for over a period of a week or so. Sometimes, document 2 removal is noted on 65 may include keyword 8 rating data, such as keyword fre quency and prominence in a document 2. US 7,047,482 B1 6 5 a user had speci?ed via breadth level setting 101 only displaying links 1 level 2 or better, the “King Crimson Live!” link 1F Would not be displayed. The invention claimed is: 1. A computer-implemented method for augmenting a Though titles are necessarily terse, that very terseness makes directory 5 and link titles 7 an esteemed source of keywords 8. If directories 3 are hierarchical, topical infor mation regarding a nested (loWer level) directory 3 may be gleaned 110 by looking up the directory title 5 hierarchy. Title-derived 110 keyWords 8 may be given the highest directory Without contemporaneous user input comprising: regard. The ?nal step in keyWord collation 11 is ranking 112 the gleaned sets of keyWords 8 from directory 3 documents 2 by cumulating and collating keyWords 11. This is, in essence, a Way of comparing documents via their derived keyWords 8. If a document’s 2 keyWords 8 vary markedly from other documents 2 in its directory 3, that document’s 2 keyWords accessing at least a ?rst document via a ?rst directory Without contemporaneous user selection of said ?rst document, said ?rst document comprising at least in 10 deriving at least one keyWord indicative of at least one topical content from said ?rst document; searching as a background operation a plurality of docu 8 may be disregarded. The outcome is a set of directory ments in storage in at least one computer Without contemporaneous user input of a search location, such keyWords 88 Which may retained, along With attendant data or intermediate results, to avoid unnecessary repetition of that said search comprises searching for documents the directory keyWord collation process 11. related by said at least one keyWord to said ?rst A Boolean logic search 12 for relevant documents 2 throughout all or part of a computer’s or netWork storage (52, 62) proceeds based upon directory keyWords 88. Can document, thereby accessing a second document; 20 didate documents 2 may be found using cursory search 120 directory. 2. The method according to claim 1, Wherein at least part of said storage is on a different computer than the computer 25 played). Culling discarded links 86, though optional, is highly recommended, as not doing so degrades utility: 30 making a user discard the same links 3 repeatedly Would annoy the user. compared 121 to directory keyWords 88. Unlike keyWord collation 11, Where keyWords 8 may be incorporated (albeit 7. The method according to claim 1, With the additional step of comparing the relevance of said second document to evaluation Which provides the basis for ranking candidate documents 122 for directory supplementation 6. A variety of a preset threshold. 40 step of displaying said results directory. a single link 1. This may be done after analyZing the pages 2 to determine the page 2 most closely related 33 to the desired information. As a result, the selected link 1 for supplementation 6 may be the site’s home page 2, the top-most page 2 for that topical aspect of the site, or the particular page 2 With the most relevant information. A 10. The method according to claim 1, further comprising recognizing a precondition for autonomously augmenting said results directory, prior to accessing said ?rst document. 11. A computer-implemented method for augmenting a directory comprising: autonomously initiating operation based upon a stored standout page 2 should not be hidden: in the instance of a 50 precondition; accessing at least a ?rst document Without contempora is to use both. neous user selection, Wherein said ?rst document com Finally, in the preferred embodiment, the target directory prises at least in part topical textual content; 3 is supplemented 6 With links 1, concomitant to breadth deriving at least one keyWord indicative of at least one level setting 101 if employed. Optionally, visibly signify 55 ment, the target directory 3 is supplemented 6 With neWly topical content Within said ?rst document; as a background operation, searching in storage in at least one computer for documents related by said at least one keyWord to said ?rst document, Wherein at least some of said searched documents are independent and not organiZed in relation to one another; determining relevance of a search-accessed second docu found documents 2 in a manner similar to the preferred embodiment. FIG. 6 depicts an example directory 3K of links relating to the musical group King Crimson. The top section of the directory 3K shoWs existing links 1K. During the process of checking knoWn linked documents 2 to derive 9 keyWords 8, the “Krusty King Crimson” link is found obsolete 13, and visibly signi?ed as such. The bottom section of the directory 3K illustrates directory supplementation 6K. In the depicted example, three neWly discovered links 1F are displayed, along With indication 66 of their respective relevance 33. If 8. The method according to claim 1, Wherein said results directory is said ?rst directory. 9. The method according to claim 1, With the additional Links 1 to pages 2 on the same site may be collated into links 66 to indicate relevance 33. In an alternate embodi 3. The method according to claim 1, further comprising deriving a plurality of keyWords. 4. The method according to claim 3, further comprising ranking at least tWo of said plurality of keyWords. 5. The method according to claim 1, further comprising accessing a plurality of documents in said ?rst directory. directory. on a prioritized basis), candidate document keyWord com parison 121 to directory keyWords 88 is a critical ?tness fairly relevant site With a spot-on page 2, the smart choice storing said ?rst directory. 6. The method according to claim 1, With the additional step of signifying the relevance of said second document to documents in the ?rst directory When displaying said results Candidate document 2 keyWords 8 are derived 9, then methods for rating found documents 122 for relevance 33 to target keyWords 88 are knoWn to those skilled in the art. determining relevance of said second document to said at least one keyWord; and adding a reference to said second document in a results techniques, as WinnoWing may occur after documents 2 are found. Once candidate documents 2 are found 120, links 1 to pages 2 or sites previously eliminated from the target directory 3 may be culled 86. The obvious implication is that to perform this function, previously deleted links 1 from a directory 3 must be remembered (though no longer dis part topical textual content; ment to said at least one keyWord; and adding a reference to said second document in a results directory. 65 12. The method according to claim 11, Wherein said storage is on a plurality of computers connected to at least one netWork. US 7,047,482 B1 8 7 13. The method according to claim 11, further compris searching as a background operation storage in at least one computer for documents related to said plurality of 1ng: stored keyWords; deriving a plurality of keywords; and determining relevance of said second document to said determining relevance of a found second document to said plurality of keyWords. plurality of stored keyWords; 14. The method according to claim 11, further comprising conditionally adding a reference to said second document in a results directory. 17. The method according to claim 16, With the additional step of comparing the relevance of said second document to comparing the relevance of said second document to a preset threshold. 15. The method according to claim 11, further comprising conditionally adding said reference to said second document depending upon Whether said reference to said second document already exists in said results directory. 16. A computer-implemented method for augmenting a a preset threshold. 18. The method according to claim 16, Wherein said storage is on a plurality of computers connected to at least one netWork. directory comprising: accessing a plurality of grouped documents Without con temporaneous user selection initiating said access; deriving a plurality of keyWords indicative of an aggre 19. The method according to claim 16, Wherein adding a duplicate reference in said results directory is avoided. 20. The method according to claim 16, Wherein adding a gate content of said grouped documents; prioritizing a relative relevance of said keyWords; reference that Was previously deleted from said results storing said plurality of keyWords With regard to said relevance; directory is avoided. 20

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