Filing 718

REPLY in Support of Motion re [] Defendant Microsoft Corporation's Memorandum in Support of the Association for Competitive Technology's Conditional Motion to Participate in the Tunney Acr Hearing filed by MICROSOFT CORPORATION. (Warden, John)

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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA et al v. MICROSOFT CORPORATION Doc. 718 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff, vs. MICROSOFT CORPORATION, Defendant. Civil Action No. 98-1232 (CKK) Next Court Deadline: March 6, 2002 DEFENDANT MICROSOFT CORPORATION'S MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR COMPETITIVE TECHNOLOGY'S CONDITIONAL MOTION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TUNNEY ACT HEARING The Association for Competitive Technology ("ACT") has conditionally moved to participate in the Tunney Act proceedings. Microsoft Corporation submits that the Court should grant ACT's motion for the reasons stated and to the extent that participation was granted by the Court in its orders to grant the American Antitrust Institute, Inc., the Computer & Communications Industry Association, the Project to Promote Competition & Innovation in the Digital Age, SBC Communications Inc., and the Software & Information Industry Association Dockets.Justia.com limited rights to participate in the Tunney Act proceedings. Dated: March 1, 2002 Respectfully submitted, William H. Neukom Thomas W. Burt David A. Heiner, Jr. Diane D'Arcangelo Christopher J. Meyers (Bar No. 456586) MICROSOFT CORPORATION One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052 (425) 936-8080 Dan K. Webb Bruce R. Braun WINSTON & STRAWN 35 West Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601 (312) 558-5600 Charles F. Rule (Bar No. 370818) FRIED, FRANK, HARRIS, SHRIVER & JACOBSON 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20004 (202) 639-7300 ___________________________ John L. Warden (Bar No. 222083) James H. Carter, Jr. Richard J. Urowsky Steven L. Holley Michael Lacovara Richard C. Pepperman, II Stephanie G. Wheeler Ronald J. Colombo Kate Usdrowski SULLIVAN & CROMWELL 125 Broad Street New York, New York 10004 (212) 558-4000 Bradley P. Smith (Bar No. 468060) SULLIVAN & CROMWELL 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 956-7500 Counsel for Defendant Microsoft Corporation -2-

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