Filing 30

Attachment 9
SURREPLY to in Support of its Proposed Claim Construction filed by ABLAISE LTD., GENERAL INVENTORS INSTITUTE A, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Seth A. Northrop in Support of Ablaise LTD. and General Inventions Institute A, Inc.'s Markman Sur-Reply Brief in Support of its Proposed Claim Construction# 2 Exhibit Exhibit A to Declaration of Seth Northrop# 3 Exhibit Exhibit B, Declaration of Seth A. Northrop# 4 Exhibit Exhibit C to Declaration of Seth Northrop# 5 Exhibit Exhibit D to Declaration of Seth Northrop# 6 Exhibit Exhibit E to Declaration of Seth Northrop# 7 Exhibit Exhibit F to Declaration of Seth Northrop# 8 Exhibit Exhibit G to Declaration of Seth Northrop# 9 Exhibit Exhibit H to Declaration of Seth Northrop# 10 Exhibit Exhibit I to Declaration of Seth Northrop# 11 Affidavit Second Affidavit of Christian B. Hicks Regarding Claim Construction)(Downey, Jeffrey)

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DOW JONES REUTERS BUSINESS INTERACTIVE, LLC v. ABLAISE LTD. et al 05/30/2007 Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed Page 1 of 10 Doc. 30 Att. 9 EXHIBIT H Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 2 of 10 Canard: A Framework for Community Messaging Pascal R. Chesnais MIT Media Laboratory Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Email: * Abstract A portable and extensible framework f o r community messugirig is desciibed. It integrates off-the-shelf cornmunicutions devices and protocols bv converting them into a uniform message representation. Using personul databases, the relevancy of u message is evaluated and appropriate delivery channels selected. This frurnework is being tested with a group of forty students in a living group at MIT. They have been equipped with two-way pagers which can be carried at all times and work in concert with this communication framework. T h e framework's ability t o autonomously manage communications, makes it u jlezible model f o r the weurable community[l] where communications reliability is an issue. 1 Motivation Caiiard is an on-going experin-lent. at tlie MIT Media Laboratory examining the applicatioii of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work[2] (CSCW) and User Modeling [3] technologies in a social context. At the core of this project is a modular, extensible corninunications frainework that creates a uniform message representation for off-the-shelf and custom built (e.g., wearable computers) technologies (see figure 2). It is intended to furictiori a cornniuiiications bridge between people, eveii when they are uiiable to handle the communications themselves. Interpersonal and inter-application communications caii be quickly developed using this framework. It can exist as a suite of isolated applications, or work in concert with other applications aiid people where automated cooperation is permitzted. Its opeiiriess allows a "constructionalist" [4] approach to developing communications solutions. This model is well suited for people with wearable computers who wish to siiriplify comnlunicatioris with other people through tlie use of inany coniinunications channels. 'This project is part of the ongoing News in the Future research consortium a t t,hc Media Laboratory directed by U'alter Bender and is iiiadc possible with an equipment grant from Motorola. Figurp 1: Canard allows for simplified. media rich communication between people. The user need only know the persoii with whom he is communicating, and not the method of transport. Canard negotiates the most economic channel for the message - which for the wearable computer user determines the use of a syiichronous. expensive, wireless channel, or the use of a deferred land-line channel. An on-campus living group of forty students is participating in this experimental framework. This group Iias intersecting demographics and needs that extend beyond the physical boundaries of their residence. Although they have a number of digital coniniuiiication streams available (e.g., telephone, electronic mail (email)?etc.), it is not an integrated system that ericourages group collaboratioi~,nor do all the data streams generally travel with tlieiii (e.g., they are not, wearable). Monitoring these digital commuiiications, on behalf of tlie user and group Canard offers the ability to inake inferences about member activities aiid whereabouts. For example, if a group ineriiber originates a message from a two-way pager, and no other recent observations were made, the system might infer that the person is away from on-campus communications. In the long run, wearable and eiiviroriiiieiital devices capable of making direct observations about their users will add strength to the user models we are building, Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 3 of 10 Source Transcoding Message Evaluation Message Transport Figure 2: Canard messaging model is a three layer approach: representation, evaluation, and transport. First, source material is analyzed and converted into a uniform represeiitat,ion. Next, at the evaluation layer, one or more programs caii be used to analyze the message using personal databases to evaluate its importance. arid ultimately, its delivery niechanism. Finally, at tlie transport layer; a message is transcoded for delivery on a particular charinel - strippirig the message of unusable material (i.e.. stripping video data to a text only device and instead sending a textual description, if available, of the footage). 2 Design Issues Mitcliellk City of Bits [ I outlines the urban planS ning issues of a society in a digital world. Canard's focus is on the coniinunications infrastructure of a group space that st.raddles both a physical and an electronic environment. New cominunications protocols and devices, both syrichrorious and asynchronous, need t.o be easily integrated. Messages need to be transcoded effectively from one coriimunication medium to another. servations, through the use of personal coriiniunication sensors. in order to present group activities and whereabouts. Doriath [7] suggests a way to tailor the manifestation of group activities and whereabouts to capabilities of available conimunications devices. 2.1 Computer-supported Work Cooperative The field of CSCW provides some insight t,o the structure needed for the Canard system. Gavers [6] desaibes how "shared work involves tlie fluid transitions among focussed collaboration: division of labour, serendipitous coinniunication, and general awareness". The transitions from awareness, communications and collaboration increases in formality and pla.niiiiig required to cooperate oil a tnsk. Serendipitous Communications Rather than burdeli group members with explicitly choosing which comrnuiiicatioii channels to einploy, Canard offers a sirrtplified representation of correspondents. such that the individual needs only to iiidicate the destination aiid urgency of tlie message. The negotiatioii of a coniniunication channel is a function of the sender/recipieiit relationship and message urgency. Focussed Collaboration Canard provides a structure for group members to offer services in thc form of programs that are executed through kiiown protocols and that may reside oii foreign inach iries. Group Awareness The Canard system makes ob- Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 4 of 10 2.2 Communication Space Considerations Device dependency Aliases exist in the Canard systen1 to handle the limitation of the source communications device. For example, it is extremely difficult to compose a message with thc six buttons on a two-way pager. Using single letter aliases speeds up message composition time. In a group environment, there are shared cornmunicatioiis spaces. Using them for meaningful personal communications, without; sacrificing privacy is a challenge for the system. Take, for example, a bulletin board: private messages are traditionally not left in a public space, however an indication of how iniportant a message is may be left (i.e., "call your motlier") without fully disclosing its nature. Group members use the Canard messaging system in three distinct spatial settings: Urgency and confidentiality In addressing a message. some level of urgency or confidentiality can be associated with the message a t the time of composition. This could signal the use of a particular comniunicatioii channel. In the case of two-way pagers, wc niight use punctuation in conjunction with the address to indicate level of urgericy (i.e., "pascal!" to mark an urgent message for "pascal"). Private comrnuriication takes place without tlie presence of other members (e.g., using a telephone within the privacy of one's dormitory room). Serni-Public other group members niay be present, but not necessarily aware of tlie members communications activity (e.g., using a pager in tlie dormitory's lounge area). External directories Available external directory databases are used whenever possible. For example. the address lookup sequence for a message sent from a two-way pager is: 0 Public anyone can be present arid potentially disrupt the conirnunicatioiis activity (e.g., a cellular telephone in the lobby of a building a t MIT). The physical scale of the comrnunicatioris interface is an iniportant design issue. Weiser describes three interface scales in his Scientific American article on Ubiquitous Computing [Ifrom which parallels can be S drawn to comniunications devices used by Canard. Pager specific alias Address book niclcname entry Address book formal name A person listed in the MIT on-line directory 0 Tabs a palm-sized display, can easily fit, in one's pocket (Le., a pager). This kind of device may be limited in display capability, but is one that would be carried almost anywhere. It is not intended to be shared with others. The project's goal is to add as much descriptive information as possible about tlie message that is independent of the conimunication cliannels used. This allows for decisions about delivery methods to be adapted to the recipient's current environment. 3 Communications Framework Pads a letter-sized display (i.e.! computer monitor). This device has a richer display capability? but is not likely to be carried with the user. It can be shared with a small group. Boards a bulletin-board sized display (Le., electronic whiteboard plus projection). This type of device is intended for a rich information display and is not likely to be easily transportable. It can be shared with a large group. 2.3 Automatic Message Addressing A major concern in the Canard project is the ability for an individual to be relieved of the burden of deciding which communications chaiinel to use to deliver a message. The actual message transport is negotiated between computers, acting on behalf of t,he sender and recipient as a function of their relationship, the recipient's activities, and tlie perceived urgency of the niessage. The Caiiard framework is inspired by ,Jef Poskanzer's Extended Portable Bitrriap Toolkit[D) (PBM). In the PBM library. images in different file formats (Le.. GIF. `I'IFF, 'I`ARGA, etc.) are first. converted to ari intermediate representation. Successive image transformations are performed (e.g.; gamma correct,ion, rotation, scaling, etc.) on tlie image in its intermediate representation. Finally, the transformed image is h-aiiscoded to its final file format. This allows developers to write image transformation functions that only need t o know about tlie coinmon representa.tion, rather than all possible file formats. New image formats can be incorporated by writing file converters to encode to and decode from the source representation. The Canard system applies a similar philosophy to messaging: New formats are adapted by writ,ing transcoding functions which convert from a source representation to a common format. Once in the comnion format a message's importance is evaluated against Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 5 of 10 1 I (("isa" "message")("source""noc") ("not" (("refid" "47072,ref" N"nocfrom" "4306"))) Destination address is expanded from the Canard user's address book. appropriate delivery methods are determined. In this example the message will be sent via pager (noc) and zephyr. ("to" (("isa'' "address/person")("person" "bbartley" ) ("name" "Brad Bartley" ) ("phone" "253-0360" ) (%mail* "" ) ("zephyr" "bbartley@ATHENA.MIT.EDU" ) ("nocalias" 'me" ) ("method" ("noc" "zephyr" ) ) ) ) ("uniqueid"" ) ("unixlime" 847989730 ) ) Figure 3: In this example, a message from a Motorola Tango two-way pager (on the left) is converted to a message object (on the riglit). Salient features from the original inessage are preserved. Delivery mechanisms are computed by consulting personal databases (in this case, the address-book). personal databases. At delivery time, the message is converted into tlie format needed for delivery through a specified cliarinel. Figure 3 is an example message to illustrate how messages are handled by the Canard system. looks like: (("isa" "message") ( 'I source It 'I noc " ) ("noc" (("ref id" "47072. " ) ref ("nocfrom" l'4306"))) ("from" "bbartley" ) ( "to " " bbar t ley" 1 ("body" ' I . ad-spiegel") ) 3.1 Source Transcoding Layer Messages entering the systcm come in different formats. The goal is to extract as many of the salient features of the message, while preserving the richness of the original format. In tlie case of Internet mail format, t~liesender information, message subject and body is extracted while storing tlie original headers for later use. Similar features car1 be extracted from other caller identification (caller-ID) from instreams (i.c.> corning phone calls.) Figure 3 is an example of a message originating from a two-way pager. The message received by the Canard system is "me <4306> .ad-spiegel"7 which once in the system, is expanded into a message object. The first feature of the message is "ine": which is the destination of the message. The second feature is "4306", which is the pager identification number. The third feature! ".ad-spiegel" , is the message body composed by the user. The pager number is used to look up the owner of the pager. which will determine the personal database to use. The destination is looked up in the pager owner's address-book. In this example, "me" is a pager alias for the owner. Prior to message evaluation, the common message object for this message 3.2 Message Evaluation Layer Once a message is in a common form? it can be processed by one or more filters. These filt,ers are much like the PROCX/IAIL[10]electronic mail filtering package, except, rather than solely operating on electronic mail messages, they evaluate anything in any field in the message object, and can leverage off of personal databases. This evaluation processing determines which delivery mechanisms to use. In the example in figure 3 , the message body starts with a ' ~ ' indicating an embedded service request. , Embedded services are structured messages [ 111 that are handled by external processes. In this case. ".aif indicates an address lookup. Following the conirnand are arguments to be passed t.o the address lookup program (in this case t.lie name "d-spiegel" is loolted up in the MIT online directory and is used to fill the body of tlie message). This embedded service model is particularly useful for consulting databases that exist outside Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 6 of 10 of the system. I11 addition to the address lookup, direction assistaiice is offered, wl-iicli will give directions from one street address to another. Certain assumptions can be made a t this point: The starting address may be omitted and the starting point can be inferred as the recipient's current location. <!--GLUE: ( i f ("==" ( s e t invalid 1))) PERSON NULL) --> 3.3 Message Transport Layer Determined at this stage are the message elements to deliver and their form. For example, a phone message has a number of elements - caller-ID and directory intorma.tion, a. sound file, and a descript,ioii of the sound file (length and time recorded). To deliver this message to a text pager, the sound file is omitted, arid iiistead the message: "Dana left a 36 second voice message" is delivered. Tlie parser is also used for rendering data according to a "style sheet" (see figure 4). This allows the s y s tein to adapt to the viewing context by selecting an appropriate style sheet (pagers may offer a different view of an object than a World Wide Web (WWW) page). As seen in the examples, there are a iiuniber of special objectr environrnents defined in the Canard framework: source the name of the application that created this object. 4 4.1 Implementation Dtypes isa the type of object( which will allow for object validatioii to be performed). Dtypes [12] provide an extremely flexible, platformindependent representation for complex data structures: integers, floating point numbers, strings and lists. Dtypes have an external ASCII representation which allows them to be used inter-operably betweeii a variety of systems and networked environments. For t,his reason Dtypes are widely used within the Media Laboratory. Dtypes are at the core of the F'ramerD (131 knowledge representation system and have been used to build a number of distributed servers as well[14] [15]. Dtype implementations exist in C, C++: Scheme, LISP, Java, arid Per1 on a wide variety of platforms. Dtypes were used extensively for the fish'llitap personalized news system 1161 [17]. A modular system, witki Dtypes a5 the interface, was used to link independently developed user modeling, knowledge representation and database servers. With Dtypes, structured database objects are easy t o define. Simple database associations can be created, and fundamental manipulations can be performed. All Dtype implementatioris have an evaluator which allows platform-independent manipulations. In tlie case of fishwrap, a parser was developed that allowed a text file to be applied against a contextual Dtype. This facility allowed presentation of data to be encoded outside the core software. For example, you could extract the headline from an article object and render it in a different style based on who is reading it. The fishwrap parscr can validate Canard database objects witA text from docuineritatiori text file. Dtypc evaluator commands in the example below are enclosed within "<!-GLUE: ->!' separators: <li><b>person</b> is a r e q u i r e d environment <!--Check t o s e e i f t h e r e i s one --> owner the e-mail address of the person who created the object (This allows us t o notify the person when an object fails to be validated). unixtime tlie time which the object was created expressed in seconds since 00:OO:OO GMT. January 1, 1970. uniqueid a unique string identifier for the object. 4.2 Canard Objects A iiumber of fundanierital objects within tlie comniunications framework are implemented using Dtypes. Sensor This object keeps track of observations made about the iridividual. For example, the system can record when a two-way pager was used to originate a message and infer that the person is away frorii the office. Sensors provide a mechanisni for the system to learn about an individual's activities by observing their communication devices. In the long run, wearable computers will provide richer observations about the user's situation for Canard sensor objects to use. Message Message objects provide a uniform representation so that evaluation modules can be developed independently. A message object typically has i'to", "from", "subject", and "body" associations that will determine how the message is processed and delivered. Address An address object has the inforniation needed t.o deliver a message. It may be as simple as a. string which represents a. server (to consult. on how to deliver the message), or a complex Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 7 of 10 cTR BGCOLOR="#DDDDDD'> cE>Durallon <IB>O--GLUE (print duration)--> mtnutescBR> <E>Lead lime c/B><l--GLUE (print leadtlme)--> mlnutes __ </I u> Thu, Mar 20 Description: Cali Jim Page Duration: 15 minutes Lead time: 5 minutes I Off ice <TD> ... Type of event phone call DBI~~~TNS Even! I EdH Thw EVE# 1 I Figure 4: On the left is an excerpt from the style sheet used to render caleiidar event objects. On the right side is tlie resulting WWW hypertext presentation. Dtype evaluator cornniands are embedded within "<!-GLUE: ->" mark-up tags. This allows for WWW browsers to ignore the eiiibedded commands. Dtype with all the informat,iori needed by a transport meclianisni to deliver the message. Address objects currently represent a person, a group, or a service. Timer this structure encodes temporal attributes. In the case of the message object, it is used to defer evaluation and/or delivery of a message. Event the event structure 1181 allows us to coinmunicate when a particular activity is occurring. It may result in the automatic creation of a message object at a given time. 4.3 Communications Devices Telephones are probably the most ubiquitous coinrriuiiication devices available. A touch-tone based interface with a synthesized speech unit similar to Schrmndt's PhoneShell 1191 is available to the subjects.. Through this interface, the rnernber uses the touch tone keypad to coinpose a message, as well as a speech synthesizer to read back text messages. In addition, MIT's telephone system provides us with callerID. This is important since the system can infer the caller's location if they are calling from a phone in a fixed 1oca.tion (as opposed to a cellular phone). Building a database with telephone locations is a simple and powerful addition to message analysis. The World Wide Web provides participants a cowsisteiit, interface across tlie many computer platforms available to them. Given this rich cnvironinent, a WWW interface for the subjects to use to manage their coinniunications was specifically crafted. This interface allows them to read and cornpose messages, as well as consult and edit their calendars and address books. At the time of this writing, a number of devices have been integrated into this framework and the irnplementation of others is being worked on. All of these interfaces are off-the-shelf technologies, albeit some more expensive than others. Motorola Tango two-way pagers have been provided to the experimental subjects. These pagers have the capability of originating free form messages. The pager's discrete form factor makes it extremely portable and likely to accorripany the subjects almost everywhere. It is usually safe to assume that the owner is the only oiie using the pager, and as such, the system can make some inferences about its use. Mainly, if the pager is being used t o originate messages, the person is away from desktop coniniunicatioris access. Pagers send an acknowledgment back to the system, allowing us to know if tlie message has been successfully delivered. Future pagers will have the abi1it.y to do simple processing of messages on the pagers themselves, allowing us to know whether or not the message was actually read. As the local processing power of pagers increases, they will assume some of the roles of wearable computers. Froin the very beginning, the desire was to integrate the Canard system into the public space of the residence. An electronic whiteboard! capable of digitizing t.he markings on its surface, is being investigated as a replacement to traditional bulletin boards. Coupled with a projection system, this interface makes an ideal connection to the group. Material captured on the whiteboard can be sent to the group's WWW page as an image file. or sent to handwriting recognition software to be transcribed to text form. The projection system can place configurable templates on the surface for formatted entry. In the lorig term future, a digital camera on the whiteboard will be able to take a snapshot of the person when they press the "publish" button, and using face recognition software [a01 [21]! Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 8 of 10 attribute whiteboard data to the author. In addition, low cost scrolling LED displays C a l i be placed in other public locations around the residence. Public displays pose an interesting problem in ternis of presenting persorial information without sacrificing privacy. Ttic use of bitmaps to reflect personal information xtivity is being explored. For example, "Joe" may be in the lounge watching T V with his peers wlieii he sees on the LED display his name followed by e-mail icon in red. This would tell hini that an important message is waiting. based calendars contain schedules of activities. Having a unified representation allows us to create soilware capable of negotiating appointments automatically. 4.4 Integrated Applications Dtypes are used to represent myriad objects in the Canard system. Common routines can be created for manipulation. Viewing objects becomes a simple matter of specifying a desired database and matching it with an appropriate style sheet for presentation (see fig. 4). A number of Dtype manipulation programs have been implemented for the subjects use. This framework allows for the integration of messaging systems. MIT's Zephyr [22] systeni has been incorporated. Zephyr is a distributed window-gram messaging system commonly used at MIT for rnessaging other users on the Atheria computer system witliout knowing at which machine the recipient is located. Zephyr can be used to find individuals on the system as well. Electronic mail is another rich source of information when coupled with structure multimedia message formats like the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) [23]. Today, merely the text portioii of e-mail is moved into the Canard system, but multimedia messages will be integrat,ed in the future. These rnessage bodies niay be represented using Dtypes as follows: ( (isa "message/mime") (mime-version "1. O s s ) 4.5 External Services Iinportant is the ability for participants to author collaborative services. Rather than limit the participant's creativity by imposing a single algorithmic language to author services, an interface with which they specify an address book entry for others to use is provided. Using known protocols, such a the hypertext s transfer protocol (http), the service is accessed as if it were just another message being delivered (in this case to tlic particular service). The differcrice is that a reply is irrimediat.ely composed by the service, and, depending on the situation, is sent as either part of the body of a message to another destinat.ion (in the case of an embedded service), or as a complete message sent back to the person who made the request. 5 Security and Privacy Issues (mime-type multi alternative) (body(multi/alternative ( (text/ascii "Hello World! " ) (image/@ (4947 3846 6139 . . . 1 ) ) A unified address book database is critical to the usability of the system. It provides a mechanism for the simple addressing of messages, which is independent of the communications channels. It provides pointers t,o other address servers that can authoritatively disclose how t o communicate with someone. Calendars can be rich in context - who we will be with! what we will be doing, and where we will be. Calendar information conies from many streams: E-mail is routinely used to communicate meetings and WWW This paper describes the representation and evaluation on a "trusted system." The processing can reside on a centralized system, as it does in the current implementation, or can be distributed at the fringe of a network. The use of "secure" transport layers to deliver the messages is not. affected by where the computai,ion takes place. For the WWW interface, we use a Secure Socket Laver [24] http server which provides a secure interface that is widely available in current browsers. As iiew encryption technology emerges, it can be folded into the framework of this project. Public keys can be maintained within the address book database and used to assure secure channels with other correspondents. The plan is to leverage off of available authentication services wherever possible (Le.,Kerberos[25]). Messages that are received in encrypted form using public keys are not automatically decrypted. This does not mean that they are ignored, since niany of the features for evaluating the message are present in clear text forin. In fact, the use of eiicryption can be a feature to infer the urgency of the message. 6 Conclusion The Canard framework allows for rapid development of collaborative communications projects for wearable computing community. Its open architecture allows components to be developed independently in the programming language familiar to the developer. Its autonomous management of comrnunicatioiis makes it an ideal server environment for wearable computing, where reliability is an issue. Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 9 of 10 It is too early to determine how the residents are using the system (while it is being developed), but initial interviews with the subjects indicates that they are receptive to this approach. The experimental group has a diverse background: Some are more technically savvy than ot,hers. It is unclear whether this frainework is simple enough to encourage all the residents to be authors of collaborative services. Focus group studies and individual interviews with the participants will be held to evaluate t,he effectiveness of this approach. The residents will be questioned about the types of services that they authored using this frainework, and the processing rules they used to filter communications. Future work will focus on: transcoding of conimunications from one stream to another; the tracking of people in the community; and a security model for personal access control. (61 William W. Gaver, "Sound support for collaboration," in Proceedings of the Second European Conference o n Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1991. [7] Judith S. Donath, Inhabiting the virtual city: T h e design of social environments f o r electronic communities! Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996. 1 1 Mark Weiser, "Tlie computer for the 21st cen8 tury." Scientific American, vol. 265, no. 3 , pp. 94-104) 1991. 1 1 Jef Posliarizer, Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit, 9 December 1991. 7 Acknowledgment The author wishes to thank Walter Bender for his support, of this project as part of the News in the Future research consortium at the Media Laboratory. The author also wishes to thank Jini Page and David Morgan of Motorola. Dana Spiegel, Matthew Mucklo, David Laniacchia arid Dan Gruhl contributed to the design and iinplemeiitation of the system. Jonathan Sheena and Nathan Abramson developed Dtype library and utilities which this system is built upon. Canard has a publicly accessible WWW page 10cated at lnttp:// [lo] Steplien R. van den Berg, Procmail - Mail processing Package, RWTH-Aachen, Germany, October 1994, Sources as are available at pub/packages/procmail/procmail. tar.gz. 1111 Thomas U'.blalone, Kenneth R. Grant, Kuin- Yew Lai, Rao Rao, Ramana, arid David Rosenblitt, "Semistructured messages are surprisingly useful for computer-supported coordination," In Greif [2]: chapter 12, pp. 311-331. References [l] Thad Starner, Steve blann, Bradley Rhodes, and Jeffrey Levin, "Augmentzedrealitg lhotigh wearable computing," Tech. Rep. 397, MIT Media Laboratory Perceptual Computing Section, Carnbridge, MA, 1997. ~ [12] Nathan S. Abramson, "The dtype library or: how to write a server in less time than it takes to read this manual," Tech. Rep., MIT Media Laborat,ory Electronic Publishing Group, Carnridge, MA. 1992. [13] Kenneth IIaase, "Framerd: Representing knowlvol. 35, edge in the large.`` I B M Systerris Jour-r~al. no. 3&4, pp. 381-397, 1996. 1141 Alan Blount, "Bettyserver: More news than you can beat with a stick," Tech. Rep., hlIT Media Laboratory Electronic Publishing Group, Camridge, MA, 1991. [15] Andrew Lippman and Roger Kermode, "Media banks: Entertainment and the internet," I B M Systems J o i ~ m a l vol. 35, no. 3&4, pp. 272-291, , 1996. [2] Irene Greif, Ed. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings? hiorgan Kaufmann, 1988. [3] Jon Orwant, "For want of a bit the user was lost: Cheap user modeling," I B M Systems Journal, vol. 35, no. 3&4, pp. 398-416, 1996. (1 Mitch Resnick, R e d Martin: Randy Sargeiit! arid 4 Bria.n Silverinan, "Programmable bricks: Toys t.o think with," I B M Systems Journal, vol. 35, no. 3&4, pp. 443-452, 1996. [5] William J. Mitchell, City of Bits: Space, Place, and the Irifobahir: MIT Press, Cambridge: MA, 1995. [l6] Pascal Cliesnais, Matthew Mucklo. and Jonathan Sheena, ` T h e fishwrap personalized news system." in Proceedmgs of the 1995 2nd Internatzonal Workshop o n Community Networkzng, Princeton, NJ, June 1995. pp. 275-282. Case 1:06-cv-01015-JR Document 30-10 Filed 05/30/2007 Page 10 of 10 Walter Bender, Pascal Chesnais, Sara Elo, Alan Shaw, and Michelle Shaw, "Enriching comiriunities: Harbingers of news in the future," IBM Svstems Journal, vol. 35, no. 3&4, pp. 369-380, 1996. Irene Greif and Suriil Sarin, "Data sharing in group work," In Greif [2], chapter 17! pp. 477.508. Christopher M. Schmandt, "Phorieshell: the telephone as computer terminal," in Proceedings A C M Multimedia 93, New York, 1993, ACM, pp. 373-382. Matthew Turk arid Alex Pentland, "Eigenfaces for recognition," in Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1991, vol. 3, pp. 71-86. B. Moghaddam and A. Pentland, "Probabalistic visual learning for object detection!" in IEEE Int '1 Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge! MA, 1995, pp. 786-793. C. Anthony DelloFera, Mark W. Eichen; Robert S. French, David C. Jedlinsky, John T. Kohl, and William E. Sommerfeld, "The zephyr notification system," in USENIX Proceedings, 1988. Ned Freed and Nathaniel S. Borenstein, "Multipurpose internet mail extensions (mime) part one: Format of internet message bodies," Network Working Group Request for Comments, t no. 2045, November 1996. Alan 0. Freier, Philip Karlton, and Paul C. Kocher, "The ssl protocol version 3.0," Tech. Rep.! Netscape Comniunications Corporation, March 1996. Jennifer G. Steiner, Clifford Newman, and Jeffrey I. Schiller, "Kerberos: An aut.hentication service for open networli systems," in USENIX Proceedings, 1988. FishWrap. Pascal Chesnais is a Ph.D. candidate a t the MIT Media Laboratory. He is a MIT/Motorola Fellow. Mr. Chesnais received the B.S. degree from Hofstra University i r i 1985. He spent two years at t h e Centre Mondial Inforniatique et Rcssourcc Humaine in Paris, France. A4r. Chcsrrais received the in visual studies from M I T in 1988. A member of the Laboratory's Electronic Publishing group, Mr. Chesriais is t h e publislicr of

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