Filing 1347


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IN RE: GUANTANAMO BAY DETAINEE LITIGATION Doc. 1347 UNITED STA TES DISTRI CT COUR T FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ___________________________________ : IN RE: : : GUANTANAM O BAY : DETAINEE LITIGATION : : : ____________________________________: Mis c. No. 08-442 (TFH) Civil Acti on No. 08-cv-1828 (RMU) PETITIONER MULLAH N ORULLA H NOORI'S S TATUS REPORT Petit ioner Mullah Norullah Noori (" Petit ioner") in the above-captioned action, by and through his undersigned counsel, respectfully submits this Status Report in response to the Court's December 12, 2008 Order. 1. Petit ioner is an Afghani c ivilian who remains incarcerated in the unlawful custody of Respondents at Guantanamo and has been wrongly c lassified as an " enemy combatant." 2. A petit ion for re lief w as filed on September 5, 2007 under the Detainee Treatment Act in the United States Court of Appeals for the D istrict of Columbia C ircu it, an act ion which remains pending as No. 07-1358. 3. A Petit ion for Writ of Habeas Corpus on his behalf was filed in this Court on October 24, 2008. 4. The above-capt ioned case for Petit ioner was assigned to Judge Ricardo M. Urb ina. On December 12, 2008, Judge Urbina s igned an Order transferring Pet it ioner's case to Judge Thomas F. Hogan for coordination and management. 5. By subsequent Minute Order dated December 12, 2008, Judge Hogan ordered that " the Protective Order And Procedures For Counsel Access To Deta inees At The Un ited States PRV 990241.1 Nava l Base In Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, first entered on September 11, 2008, in 08-mc-442 (docket #409) applies in this case." Addit ionally, by the same Order, the Court " directs counsel to the Court's orders in 08-mc-0442 that apply to all cases consolidated thereunder. . . ." 6. Th is Court's December 12, 2008 M inute Order further requires the filing of a signed authorization by February 12, 2009. Due to the fact that until December 12, 2008, no Protective Order had been entered so as to permit a vis it by counsel, as of this date, undersigned counsel has not vis ited with Pet it ioner, nor secured a direct authorization from him. 1 Undersigned counsel intends to request an extension of time within wh ich to secure direct authorization to ensure there is adequate time to visit w ith Pet it ioner. 7. No factual return and no other information has ever been provided by the Government in connection with either the habeas Petit ion or the DTA Petit ion. 8. 9. There are no motions pending before this Court. Petit ioner hereby gives notice to Respondents and to the Court that he requests thirty days' prior notice of transfer pursuant to the Court's order of July 10, 2008 (D kt. 52-2, Civil Act ion No. 08-mc-442). 1 We have thus far proceede d on the authorization granted by Mr. Sa mi Al Hajj, Ne xt Friend. PRV 990241.1 -2- /s/ Patric ia A. Sullivan Deming E. Sherman (#1138) Patricia A. Sullivan (#2120) EDWARDS ANGELL PALMER & DODGE LLP 2800 Financial Plaza Providence, RI 02903 Tel: (401) 274-9200 Fax: (401) 276-6611 Jared A. Goldstein ROGER WILLIAMS UN IVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Ten Met acom Avenue Bristol, RI 02809 Te l: (401) 254-4594 Michael Ratner Shayana Kadidal J. Wells Dixon CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS 666 Broadway, 7th Floor New York, New York 10012 Tel: (212) 614-6464 Fax: (212) 614-6499 Couns el for Petitioner PRV 990241.1 -3- CERTIFICA TE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on the 18th day of December, 2008, a t rue copy of the foregoing document was served upon each attorney of record in C.A. No. 08-cv-1828 (RM U) listed below by electronic filing, via ECF, of this document with the United States D istrict Court for the District of Columbia : Te rry M. Henry Att orneys for Respondent s I hereby certify that on the 18th day of December, 2008, I e lectronica lly filed the foregoing document in Misc. No. 08-442 (TFH ) w ith the Clerk of the Court using the ECF system, which will send notificat ion of such filings to a ll counsel of record. /s/ Patric ia A. Sullivan Patric ia A. Su llivan Email: te PRV 990241.1 -4-

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