Civil Statement (Notice of Petitioners' Request for 30-Days Notice of Transfer) from Kristine A. Huskey and Shayana D. Kadidal, Counsel for Petitioner Dokhan (08-cv-987). (Huskey, Kristine)
Doc. 63
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Misc. No. 08-442 (TFH) Civ. Action Nos. 04-CV-1164, 04-CV-2022, 04-CV-2046, 05-CV-0392, 05-CV-0492, 05-CV-0748, 05-CV-0763, 05-CV-0994, 05-CV-0998, 05-CV-1124, 05-CV-1189, 05-CV-1234, 05-CV-1347, 05-CV-1487, 05-CV-1555, 05-CV-1601, 05-CV-1623, 05-CV-1646, 05-CV-1704, 05-CV-1983, 05-CV-2185, 05-CV-2186, 05-CV-2199, 05-CV-2349, 05-CV-2379, 05-CV-2385, 05-CV-2386, 06-CV-0618, 06-CV-1690, 07-CV-1710, 08-CV-0987, 08-CV-1104, 08-CV-1153, 08-CV-1185
NOTICE OF PETITIONERS' REQUEST FOR 30-DAYS NOTICE OF TRANSFER Pursuant to Judge Hogan's Order dated July 10, 2008 and entered on July 11, 2008, requiring that "in cases in which the petitioner requests such notice, the government shall file notice with the Court 30 days prior to any transfer of a petitioner from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba," counsel for petitioners are hereby providing notice to the Court that they have requested 30 days notice of any transfer of a petitioner, by transmitting such request to counsel for Respondents,1 in the following cases: Gherebi v. Bush, (No. 04-cv-1164); Paracha v. Bush, (04-cv-2022);
Petitioners have either filed with this Court a Motion for 30-days Notice of Removal or Transfer of Petitioner or requested such 30-days notice via email to counsel for Respondents (Terry Henry, Andrew Warden or Judry Subar), or both.
Zemiri v. Bush, (No. 04-cv-2046); Ameziane v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-0392); Aziz v. Bush, (No. 05cv-0492); Petitioners Mohsen Abdrub Aboassy, Mohammed Saeed Bin Salman and Sameer Najy Hasan Mukbel in Aboassy v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-0748); Hamlily v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-0763); Tohirjanovich v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-0994); Al Karim v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-0998); Petitioner Wali Mohammed in Mousovi v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1124); Khalifh v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1189); Ahmed v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1234); Mohammed v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1347); Sadkhan v. Bush, (No. 05-cv1487); Idris v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1555); Petitioner Hamid Al Razak, aka Hamidullah, in Al Razak v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1601); Abdulzaher v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1623; also listed incorrectly as 05cv-1236); Zaid v. Bush (No. 05 cv-1646); Kabir v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1704); Alkhemisi v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-1983); Al-Mudafari v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2185); Al-Mithali v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2186); Alhag v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2199); Petitioner Ahmed Belbacha in Bacha v. Bush, (No. 05-cv2349); Awad v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2379); Petitioner Muhammed Saad Iqbal Madni in Al Halmandy v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2385); Petitioner Jabbarov Oybek Jamolivich in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2386); Petitioners Walid Ibrahim Mustafa Abu Hijazi, a/k/a Mohammed Al Palestini, and Maasoum Abdah Mouhammad, a/k/a Bilal LNU, in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05CV-2386); Petitioner Abd Al Zaher in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-CV-2386); Petitioner Abdul Aziz Naji in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2386); Petitioner Sayf Bin Abdallaj in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2386); Petitioner Mohammed Abdullah Taha Mattan in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2386); Petitioner Sanad Al-Kazimi in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2386); Petitioner Sayf Bin Abdullah in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2386); Petitioners Abdul Ghaffar and Adel Noori in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2386); Petitioner Ahmed Adnan Ahjam, a/k/a Abu Rawda, in Mohammon v. Bush, (No. 05-cv-2386); Abdelli v. Bush, (No. 06-cv0618); Khan v. Bush, (No. 06-cv-1690); Nasser v. Bush, (No. 07-cv-1710); Dokhan v. Bush (No. -2-
08-cv-0987); Ghalaab v. Bush, (No. 08-cv-1104); Barre v. Bush, (No. 08-cv-1153); and Al Qadir v. Bush, (No. 08-cv-1185).
Dated: July 15, 2008
Respectfully submitted, Counsel for Petitioner Dokhan (08-cv-987) /s/ Kristine A. Huskey Kristine A. Huskey D.C. Bar #462979 National Security & Human Rights Clinic University of Texas School of Law 727 East Dean Keeton St. Austin, TX 78705 Tel: 512-232-3657 Fax: 512-232-0800 Shayana D. Kadidal D.C. Bar ID #454248 Center for Constitutional Rights 666 Broadway, 7th Floor New York, New York 10012 Tel: 212-614-6438 Fax: 212-614-6499
Counsel for Petitioner Galaab (08-cv-1104) /s/ Murray Fogler Texas State Bar No. 07207300 One Houston Center 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 4500 Houston, Texas 77010-2010 713.951.3700 713.951.3720 (Fax) OF COUNSEL: Russell S. Post Texas State Bar No. 00797258 BECK, REDDEN & SECREST, LLP One Houston Center 1221 McKinney Street, Suite 4500 Houston, Texas 77010-2010 713.951.3700 713.951.3720 (Fax) Counsel for Petitioner Jamolivich (05-cv-2386) /s/ Michael E. Mone, Jr. (MA BBO No. 634607) ESDAILE, BARRETT & ESDAILE 75 Federal Street Boston, MA 02110 (617) 482-0333 (617) 426-2978 (fax)
Counsel for Petitioner Abdulzaher (05-cv-1236) /s/ Robert A. Gensburg P.O. Box 248 364 Railroad Street St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 phone (802) 748 5338 fax (802) 748 1673 email Counsel for Petitioner Madni (05-cv-2385) DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP /s/ Richard L. Cys (D.C. Bar No. 87536) Lisa B. Zycherman (D.C. Bar No. 495277) 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20006-3402 Telephone: (202) 973-4217 Facsimile: (202) 973-4499 Email: Email: James P. Walsh (D.C. Bar No. 930115) Suite 800 505 Montgomery Street San Francisco, CA 94111-6533 Telephone: (415) 276-6500 Facsimile: (415) 276-6599 Email:
Counsel for Petitioner Alhag (05-cv-2199) /John C. Snodgrass/ John C. Snodgrass DICKSTEIN SHAPIRO LLP 1825 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006 (202) 420-2200 (voice) (202) 420-2201 (fax) Counsel for Petitioner Hamlily (05-cv-763) RICHARDS KIBBE & ORBE LLP /s/ Paul A. Leder (D.C. No. 358597) Portrait Building 701 8th Street NW Washington, D.C. 20001 Tel: (202) 261-2960 Fax: (202) 261-2999 Marcellene E. Hearn R. Zachary Gelber One World Financial Center New York, New York 10281 Tel: (212) 530-1800 Fax: (212) 530-1801 SPEARS & IMES LLP Christopher W. Dysard 51 Madison Avenue New York, New York 10010 Tel: (212) 213-6833 Fax: (212) 213-0849
Counsel for Petitioner Alkhemisi (05-cv-1983 ) /s/ Wesley R. Powell HUNTON & WILLIAMS LLP 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 Telephone: (212) 309-1000 Facsimile: (212) 309-1100 Karma B. Brown HUNTON & WILLIAMS LLP 1900 K Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006-1109 Telephone: (202) 955-1500 Facsimile: (202) 778-2201 Counsel for Petitioner Zemiri (04-cv- 2046) /s/ James E. Dorsey (MN # 137893) John W. Lundquist (MN # 65286) Nicole M. Moen (MN # 329435) Debra A. Schneider (MN # 313105) FREDRIKSON & BYRON, P.A. 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Tel: (612) 492-7000 Fax: (612) 492-7077
Counsel for Petitioner Kabir (05-cv-1704) /s/ Elizabeth P. Gilson Attorney at Law 383 Orange Street New Haven, CT 06511 Phone: 203 777-4050 Fax: 203 787-3259 Counsel for Petitioner Sadkhan (05-cv-1487) /s/ JENNER & BLOCK LLP Jeffrey D. Colman Sapna G. Lalmalani Sarah E. Crane 330 N. Wabash Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 T: (312) 222-9350 F: (312) 527-0484 LAW OFFICES OF WILLIAM A. WERTHEIMER, JR. William A. Wertheimer, Jr. 30515 Timberbrook Lane Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025 T: (248) 644-9200 F: (248) 593-5128
Counsel for Petitioners Hijazi (a/k/a Mohammed Al Palestini) and Mouhammad (a/k/a Bilal LNU) (05-cv-2386) /s/ Lowell E. Sachnoff Matthew J. O'Hara Adam R. Chiss Each Pursuant to LCvR 83.2(g) Brian C. Lewis (D.C. Bar No. 476851) REED SMITH LLP 10 South Wacker Drive Chicago, Illinois 60606 (312) 207-1000
Counsel for Petitioner Naji (05-cv-2386) /s/ Ellen Lubell Doris Tennant TENNANT LUBELL, LLC 288 Walnut St., Suite 500 Newton, MA 02460 Tel: (617) 969-9610
Counsel for Petitioner Mohammed (05-cv-1124) and Petitioner Razak (aka Hamidullah) (05-cv-1601) /s/ Peter M. Ryan Dechert LLP Cira Centre, 2929 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-2808 +1 215 994 2449 direct +1 215 655 2449 fax Daniel C. Malone Dechert LLP 1095 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-6797 +1 212 698 3861 Direct +1 212 698 3599 Fax
Counsel for Petitioner Ahmed (05-cv-1234) /s/ Richard Coughlin Federal Public Defender District of New Jersey 800-840 Cooper Street Suite 350 Camden, NJ 08102 856-757-5341 Counsel for Petitioners Abdelli (06-cv-618) and Tohirjanovich (05-cv-994) /s/ Billy H. Nolas Billy H. Nolas (DC 399275; PA 83177) Assistant Federal Defender Maureen Rowley (PA 33020) Chief Federal Defender David McColgin (PA 42963) Supervising Appellate Assistant Federal Defender Cristi Charpentier (PA 62055) Shawn Nolan (PA 56535) Mark Wilson (PA 26887) Assistant Federal Defenders Federal Community Defender Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania 601 Walnut Street, Suite 545 West Philadelphia, PA 19106 (215) 928-0520; (215) 928-1100
Counsel for Petitioner Gherebi (04-cv-1164) and Petitioner Zaher (05-cv-2386) /s/ Prof. Richard J. Wilson American University Washington College of Law 4801 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20016-8184 Ph: 202-274-4147 Fax: 202-274-0659
Counsel for Petitioners Mohammed (05-cv-1347) and Al Qadir (08-cv-1185) /s/ Jerry Cohen Burns & Levinson LLP 25 Summer Street Boston MA 02110 617-345-3000 ph 617-345-3299 fax Stewart Eisenberg WEINBERG & GARBER, P.C. 71 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel: 413-582-6886 Fax:413-582-6881 Shayana Kadidal (D.C. Bar No. 454248) CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS 666 Broadway, 7th Floor New York, New York 10012 Tel: (212) 614-6438 Fax: (212) 614-6499 Zachary Katznelson Legal Director, Reprieve P.O. Box 52742 London EC4P 4WS United Kingdom +44 (0) 207 353 4640 (tel) +44 (0) 207 353 4641 (fax)
Counsel for Petitioners Ameziane (05-cv-392), Khan (06-cv-1690), and Barre (08-cv-1153) /s/ Shayana Kadidal (D.C. Bar No. 454248) Jonathan Wells Dixon (Pursuant to LCvR 83.2(g)) Gitanjali S. Gutierrez (Pursuant to LCvR 83.2(g)) Pardiss Kebriaei Emilou MacLean CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS 666 Broadway, 7th Floor New York, New York 10012 Tel: (212) 614-6438 Fax: (212) 614-6499 Counsel for Petitioner Abdallah (05-cv-2386) /s/ Joe Berman Looney & Grossman, LLP 101 Arch Street Boston, MA 02110 617-951-2800
Counsel for Petitioner Mattan (05-cv-2386) By: /s/ Gordon S. Woodward (Admission No. 50164) Elizabeth K. Ainslie SCHNADER HARRISON SEGAL & LEWIS LLP 2001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20006-1825 Telephone: 202-419-4215 Facsimile: 202-419-4253 Sozi P. Tulante HANGLEY ARONCHICK SEGAL & PUDLIN One Logan Square, 27th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103-6933 Telephone: 215-568-6200 Facsimile: 215-568-0300 J. Wells Dixon Pardiss Kabriel CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS 666 Broadway, 7th Floor New York, NY 10012 Telephone: 212-614-6439 Facsimile: 212-614-6499 Counsel for Petitioner Al Karim (05-cv-998) /s/ W. Matthew Dodge Federal Defender Program, Inc. Suite 1700, The Equitable Building 100 Peachtree St., NW Atlanta, GA 30303 Telephone 404.688.7530 Facsimile 404.688.0768
Counsel for Petitioner Al-Kazimi (05-cv-2386) /s/ Martha Rayner (NY-MR-1423) LINCOLN SQUARE LEGAL SERVICES Fordham University School of Law 33 West 60th Street, 3d Floor New York, New York 10023 Telephone: (212) 636-6934 Counsel for Petitioners Idris (05-cv-1555), Al-Mudafari (05-cv-2185), and Al-Mithali (05-cv-2186) /s/ Jennifer R. Cowan DEBEVOISE & PLIMPTON LLP 919 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 Tel: (212) 909-6000 Fax: (212) 909-6836 John B. Missing (Bar No. 425469) DEBEVOISE & PLIMPTON LLP 555 13th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20004-1169 Tel: (202) 383-8000 Fax: (202) 383-8118 Counsel for Petitioners Abdullah (05-cv-2386) and Belbacha (05-cv-2349) /s/ Zachary Katznelson (California Bar No. 209489) Reprieve / PO Box 52742 London EC4P 4WS United Kingdom 011 44 207 353 4640 (tel) 011 44 207 353 4641 (fax) -9-
Counsel for Petitioner Aziz (05-cv-492) /s/ Agnieszka Fryszman (DC 459208) Avi S. Garbow (DC 445399) Matthew K. Handley (DC 489946) Matthew B. Kaplan (DC 484760) COHEN MILSTEIN HAUSFELD & TOLL 1100 New York Ave, NW, Suite 500W Washington, DC 20005 Telephone: (202) 408-4600 Facsimile: (202) 408-4699 John Holland (CO 5246) Anna Cayton-Holland (CO 35811) LAW OFFICES OF JOHN HOLLAND 1437 High Denver, CO 80218 Telephone: (303) 860-1331 Facsimile: (303) 832-6506 Clive A. Stafford Smith, pro hac vice JUSTICE IN EXILE P.O. Box 52742 London, EC4P 4WS England Counsel for Petitioner Nasser (07-cv-1710) /s/ Brent N. Rushforth Brent N. Rushforth (DC 331074) Kit A. Pierson (DC 398123) HELLER EHRMAN LLP 1717 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (202) 912-2000 Fax: (202) 912-2020
Counsel for Petitioner Khalifh (05-cv- 1189) By: /s/ Edmund Burke Edmund Burke BURKE McPHEETERS BORDNER & ESTES 737 Bishop Street, Suite 3100 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Telephone: (808) 523-9833 Facsimile: (808) 528-1656 Counsel for Petitioner Awad (05-cv-2379) ORRICK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE LLP /s/ Catherine Y. Lui 405 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 773-5700 (Telephone) (415) 773-5759 (Facsimile) Of Counsel: Glenn K. Jones Rene Kathawala Diana Rutowski Ahmed Ghappour Counsel for Petitioner Paracha (04-cv-02022) /s/ Gaillard T. Hunt (D.C. Bar number 89375) 10705 Tenbrook Drive Silver Spring, Maryland 20901 301-530-2807
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Counsel for Petitioners Aboassy, Salman and Mukbel (05-cv-0748) /s/ Joseph E. O'Neil Lavin, O'Neil, Ricci, Cedrone & DiSipio 190 North Independence Mall West Suite 500 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 (215) 351-7901 CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS 666 Broadway, 7th Floor New York, NY 10012 Tel: (212) 614-6485 Counsel for Petitioners Ghaffar and Noori (05-cv-2386) /s/ Eric A. Tirschwell (Pursuant to LCvR 83.2(g)) Michael J. Sternhell (Pursuant to LCvR 83.2(g)) Darren LaVerne (Pursuant to LCvR 83.2(g)) Seema Saifee (Pursuant to LCvR 83.2(g)) 1177 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10036 Telephone: (212) 715-9100 Facsimile: (212) 715-8000
Counsel to Petitioner Zaid (05-cv-1646) /s/ Judith Brown Chomsky Law Office of Judith Brown Chomsky 8120 New Second St. Elkins Park, PA 19027 (215) 782-8367 (215) 782-8368 (fax) Counsel for Petitioner Ahjam, aka Abu Rawda (05-cv-2386) /s/ David S. Marshall Washington State Bar No. 11716 1001 Fourth Avenue, 44th Floor Seattle, WA 98154-1192 206.826.1400 Fax 206.389.1708
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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Eddie Maraboto, hereby certify that I today caused a true and accurate copy of the NOTICE OF PETITIONERS' REQUEST FOR 30-DAYS NOTICE OF TRANSFER to be served electronically via the Court's Electronic Case Filing system, which will send notification of such filings to all counsel of record.
/s/ Eddie Maraboto Eddie Maraboto Dated: July 15, 2008
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