Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 200

Unopposed MOTION for attorney fees Third Interim Motion for Order Awarding Fees, Costs, and Reimbursement of Costs to Receiver and his Professionals by Burton W. Wiand. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Standardized Fund Accounting Report, #2 Exhibit B - Receiver's Third Interim Report, #3 Exhibit C - Receiver - Receivership invoice, #4 Exhibit D - Receiver - Home Front Homes v. Bishop invoice, #5 Exhibit E - Receiver - Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy invoice, #6 Exhibit F - Receiver - Recovery from Investors invoice, #7 Exhibit G - Receiver - Recovery from Moodys invoice, #8 Exhibit H - Receiver - Recovery of Commissions invoice, #9 Exhibit I - Fowler White - Categorization and summary of costs, #10 Exhibit J - Fowler White - Fee schedule, #11 Exhibit K - Fowler White - Receivership invoice (part 1 of 2), #12 Exhibit K - Fowler White - Receivership invoice (part 2 of 2), #13 Exhibit L - Fowler White - Home Front Homes v. Bishop invoice, #14 Exhibit M - Fowler White - Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy invoice, #15 Exhibit N - Fowler White - Recovery from Investors invoice, #16 Exhibit O - Fowler White - Recovery from Moodys invoice, #17 Exhibit P - Fowler White - Recovery of Commissions invoice, #18 Exhibit Q - PDR invoice, #19 Exhibit R - Riverside Financial Group invoice, #20 Exhibit S - E-Hounds invoice, #21 Exhibit T - Proposed Order)(Nelson, Carl)

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Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al Doc. 200 Att. 16 EXHIBIT l o FOWLER(§ AltOrn"~:;"I~~i'; WHITE BOGGS Burton W. Wiand Fowler White Boggs P.A. 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1700 Tampa, Florida 33602 August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Tax # 59-1280172 Page 1 BWW1l091072 Re: 1091072 Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody Professional Services Through 06/30/09 Asset Analysis and Recovery 05/06/09 Telephone conference with Sharon of PDR regarding obtaining Excel spreadsheets of the Moodys' transfers (.1); review and analyze Excel spreadsheets received from PDR (.1); prepare spreadsheets of transfers to Chris Moody and Neil Moody (2.7). ASSET DMM 2.90 hrs. 05/12/09 factual research regarding Moodys' trading and receipt offunds (.2); legal research regarding (1) Receiver's authority to bring Moodys into receivership and/or to file summary action and (2) whether the court can Brief freeze the Moodys' assets (4.7). ASSET 05/12/09 ABT 4.90 hrs. Received and reviewed Motion for Garnishment in Paolino action (.3); conferred with Burt Wiand regarding Paolino action (.5). ASSET CRN 0.80 hrs. 05/12/09 Conduct inquiries on relating to the management structure of the Valhalla and Viking funds (.7); review internal spreadsheets relating to the same in preparation for drafting a complaint against Neil and Chris Moody (.7). DH ASSET Begin drafting the outline of a Complaint against Neil and Chris Moody FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS · TALLAHASSEE . JACKSONVILLE . FORT LAUDERDALE 501 EAST KENNEDY BLVD., SUITE 1700 . TAMPA, FLORIDA 33602 · P.O. Box 1438 . TAMPA, FL 33601 1.40 hrs. 05/13/09 TELEPHONE (813) 228-7411 · FAX (813) 229-8313 · WW.FOWLERWHITE.COM EXPENSES ARE BILLED AT ACTUAL COSTS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ABA GUIDELINES Burton W. Wi and Rc: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Page 2 BWW1l091072 for Fraudulent Transfer and Unjust Enrchment (2.0); review and analyze documents organizing the Valhalla and Viking entities and related Private Placement Memorandums in preparation of drafting a Complaint against Neil and Chris Moody (3.1). DH ASSET 05114/09 5.10 hrs. Legal research regarding whether receiver can obtain asset freeze of Moodys, as non-parties (4.5); preparation of memorandum summarizing research and analyzing receiver's options (1.2). ASSET ABT ASSET DMM ASSET ABT 5.70 hrs. 05/15/09 Correspondence regarding obtaining certified copies of Delaware corporate filings and Delaware corporate information on Valhalla Investment Partners, L.P. (.2); conduct research regarding same (.2). 0.40 hrs. 05/18/09 Legal research regarding freezing Moodys' assets and preparation of memorandum regarding same. 4.50 hrs. 05/18/09 Analyze Fla. Stat. Section 726-- Fraudulent Transfers-- in connection with drafting the Complaint against Chris and Neil Moody for fraudulent transfer and unjust enrichment (.6); offce conference with G. Morello to discuss the contents of the Complaint against Chris and Neil Moody and the allegations in support of the fraudulent transfer claims (.6); continue drafting the Complaint against Neil and Chrs Moody for fraudulent transfer and unjust enrchment (2.5). ASSET DH ASSET ABT 3.70 hrs. 05/19/09 Legal research of and preparation of memorandum regarding obtaining, via summary proceedings, assets of non-party to SEC enforcement action. 4.30 hrs. 05/19/09 Continue drafting the Complaint against Chris and Neil Moody for fraudulent transfer and unjust enrchment. ASSET DH 3.70 hrs. FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS · TALLAHASSEE . JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Buiion W. Wiand Rc: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chrs and Neil Moody August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Page 3 BWW/1091072 05120/09 Legal research regarding receiver's authority to initiate summary proceedings against nonparties in SEC enforcement action and preparation of memorandum regarding same. ASSET ABT 5.50 hrs. OS/20/09 Analyze exhibits attached to the SEC's emergency motion for TRO to assist the drafting of the Complaint against Chrs and Neil Moody for fraudulent transfer and unjust enrchment (.4); continue drafting the Complaint against Neil and Chrs Moody for fraudulent transfer and unjust enrichment (4.4). ASSET OS/20/09 DH 4.80 hrs. Drafted a chart of the partnerships to attach to the Complaint. ASSET MEG ABT 1.50 hrs. OS/21/09 Finalize and distribute memorandum regarding receiver's options for bringing Chris and Neil Moody into the SEC action and legal research in support thereof. ASSET OS/21/09 1.90 hrs. Considered options regarding Moodys (.3); e-mail from Bentley Morgan regarding Moodys (.4). ASSET OS/21/09 CRN 0.70 hrs. Continue drafting and revising the Complaint against Neil and Chris Moody for fraudulent transfer and unjust enrichment. ASSET DH 8.00 hrs. OS/22/09 Office conference with G. Morello to discuss research needed regarding how to state a claim under Florida's Fraudulent Transfers statute when the debtor is not the transferor (.3); conduct legal research regarding whether a debtor under Florida's fraudulent transfer statute must be the transferor the complaint for fraudulent (1.0); proofread and revise the first draft of transfer and unjust enrichment against Chrs and Neil Moody and forward to G. Morello for review (1.3); review legal research regarding whether a FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS · TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Buiion W. Wiand Rc: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Page 4 BWW1l091072 debtor under Florida's fraudulent transfer statute must be the transferor (1.5). ASSET OS/26/09 DH 4.10 hrs. Office conference with G. Morello to discuss legal research findings and how to state the creditor/debtor relationship in the complaint against Chris and Neil Moody for fraudulent transfer (.3); conduct legal research regarding the interpretation of "assets of a debtor" under Uniform Fraudulent Transfer statutes (3.0); review and analyze legal research regarding the interpretation of "assets of a debtor" under Uniform Fraudulent Transfer statutes (4.6). ASSET DH 7.90 hrs. OS/27/09 Conduct legal research regarding the application of the adverse interest exception (.5); conduct legal research regarding a receiver's standing to bring certain tort claims against defendants on behalf of the receivership entities (.2); conduct legal research regarding whether a receivership entity may be a debtor under Florida's fraudulent transfer statute (.4); continue to review and analyze legal research regarding the interpretation of" assets of a debtor" under Uniform Fraudulent Transfer statutes (4.9). DH ASSET 6.00 hrs. OS/28/09 Begin reviewing legal research regarding the "adverse interest exception" in connection with stating a cause of action against Chrs and Neil Moody. . ASSET 06/01/09 DH 0.80 hrs. Draft a checklist of pleading requirements for the second draft of the complaint against Chris and Neil Moody for fraudulent transfers and unjust enrichment (.7); continue to review legal research regarding whether a receivership entity may be a creditor and another receivership entity the debtor under Florida's Fraudulent Transfer statute (3.0); continue to review legal research regarding the application of the adverse interest exception in fraudulent transfer cases (.7). ASSET DH 4.40 hrs. 06/01/09 Research and pull dockets and documents for similar Receiver cases in FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chrs and Neil Moody August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Page 5 BWW1l091072 Florida's Southern District for Attorney Dominique Pearlman, regarding fiing a claim against the Moodys. ASSET LJ 0.40 hrs. 06/03/09 Call from Hill Ward regarding Chrstopher Moody's unfinished house (.3); worked on subpoena for documents to the Moodys (2.7). ASSET CRN ASSET CRN 3.00 hrs. 06/04/09 E-mail exchange with Bob Fulton regarding Chris Moody's partially completed house (.4); further work on subpoena to Moodys (.8); conferred with Burt Wiand regarding Moody's house (1.2). 2.40 hrs. 06/05/09 Draft and revise the second draft of the Complaint for fraudulent transfers and unjust enrichment against Chrs and Neil Moody. ASSET DH ASSET DH ASSET DH 5.60 hrs. 06/07/09 Begin to review and analyze legal research regarding excessive compensation causes of action (Grasso cases) in support of the complaint for fraudulent transfer against Chrs and Neil Moody. 1.10 hrs. 06/09/09 Revise the specific allegation sections of the complaint for fraudulent transfer and unjust enrichment against Chrs and Neil Moody and submit the fully revised complaint to B. Wiand and G. Morello for review. 2.00 hrs. 06/11/09 Revision of the Partnership Chart for the complaint. ASSET Preparation of MEG 0.30 hrs. 06/15/09 subpoenas to Chrs and Neil Moody (financial documents). ASSET ABT 0.50 hrs. 06/15/09 E-mail to David Knight regarding discovery (.2); edited subpoenas to Moody's (.7). FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Buiion W. Wi and Re: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chrs and Neil Moody August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Page 6 BWW /1 091 072 ASSET 06/16/09 CRN 0.90 hrs. Communicate with Ms. Trehan regarding correspondence to Ms. Merrtt at SeaGate and review of proposed correspondence. ASSET JCR ASSET ABT 0.20 hrs. 06/17/09 Preparation of subpoenas to Chrs and Neil Moody (regarding financial information). 0.20 hrs. 06/17/09 E-mail exchanges with Mark Donzi and David Knight regarding Moodys. ASSET CRN ASSET ABT eRN 0.30 hrs. 06/18/09 Receive confinnation of service of subopenas on Moodys via attorney David Knight and update discovery spreadsheet regarding same. 0.10 hrs. 06/18/09 Meeting with David Knight and Burt Wiand. ASSET 0.30 hrs. 06/18/09 Communicate with Mr. Jernigan and Ms. Trehan regarding information on aircraft of Chris Moody. ASSET 06/19/09 Letter to Landmark regarding recovery of with Burt Wiand regarding recovery of JCR 0.20 hrs. ASSET CRN debt (.8); conferred Moody assets (1.7). 2.50 hrs. 06/19/09 Review of materials related to Chrs Moody's certificate pledge to Landmark bank per conferences with Mr. Nelson. ASSET JCR 0.40 hrs. 06/22/09 Review of correspondence and ledger report from Bill Price at PDR regarding Moody's investments in Quest (.2); receipt and review of memo from Mr. Liu to regarding status of request for information FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P.A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS . TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Buiion W. Wiand Rc: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chrs and Neil Moody August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Page 7 BWWIl 091 072 (.1 ). ASSET 06/24/09 JCR 0.30 hrs. Reviewed Landmark Bank loan documents (.8); attended interview of Chris Moody (1.8). ASSET 06/24/09 CRN 2.60 hrs. Review of deposition transcript of Chrs Moody per conference with Receiver in preparation for meeting (.3); meeting with Chris Moody, David Knight, Esq., Receiver and Mr. Nelson regarding assets and interests of Chrs Moody (2.5). ASSET 06/26/09 JCR 2.80 hrs. Review of materials from Chrs Moody's office folders found by Ms. Jones. JCR ASSET 0.20 hrs. 06/29/09 Telephone conference with Lance Curry regarding production of documents. ASSET 06/30/09 eRN 0.20 hrs. Worked on affidavit regarding jewelry (.3); e-mail exchange with Moodys' attorney regarding production (.4). ASSET CRN $22,703.70 0.70 hrs. 110.20 hrs. TOTAL Asset Analysis and Recovery Case Administration 06/05/09 Conferences with Ms. Jones, Mr. Nelson and Ms. Salo regarding documentation provided by Moodys in response to FWB Subpoenas. CASE JCR 0.20 hrs. TOTAL Case Administration $28.00 0.20 hrs. FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS. TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE Burton W. Wiand Rc: Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Page 8 BWWIl091072 Summary of Fees Carl R Nelson Mary Gura Hours 14.40 1.80 Dione M Mitchell Linda Jones Ashley Bruce Trehan Dominique Pearlman Jeffrey C Rizzo 3.30 0.40 27.60 58.60 4.30 Rate/Hr 325.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 193.50 193.50 140.00 Dollars 4,680.00 252.00 462.00 56.00 5,340.60 11,339.10 602.00 TOTAL 110.40 22,731.70 Disbursements Through 06/30/09 05/31/09 05/31/09 06/30/09 Fees for Professional Services Rendered....................................................... $ 22,731.70 Westlaw Online Research - May 2009 Westlaw Online Research - May 2009 0.00 0.00 0.00 $ Westlaw online research June 2009 Total Disbursements... .... .... ...... .... ........ ..... ....... .... .................... .... .... ........ ...... ....... .......... 0.00 TOT ALS FOR THIS INVOICE Fees for Professional Services............................................................................................... Disbursenients ....................................................................................................................... l'O'lAL DUE FOR THIS INVOICE................................................................................. $ 22,731.70 0.00 22,731.70 FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA. FORT MYERS. TALLAHASSEE · JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE FOWLER(§ AltomCt"Sar Law ",VÃ B ÉnI9.i3 wHITE OGGS Burton W. Wi and Fowler White Boggs P.A. 501 East Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1700 Tampa, Florida 33602 August 28, 2009 Invoice 723017 Tax # 59-1280172 BWW/1091072 Re: 1091072 Scoop Legal Team - Recovery of Assets from Chris and Neil Moody ***REMITTANCE ADVICE*** Payment is due upon receipt. Please remit this page with your payment. Fees Due This Invoice 22,731.70 0.00 Disbursements Due This Invoice 'lOTAL DUE FOR THIS MATTER......................................................................................... $ 22,731.70 FOWLER WHITE BOGGS P .A. TAMPA · FORT MYERS · TALLAHASSEE . JACKSONVILLE · FORT LAUDERDALE 501 EAST KENNEDY BLVD., SUITE 1700 . TAMPA, FLORIDA 33602 · P.O. Box 1438 · TAMPA, FL 33601 TELEPHONE (813) 228-7411. FAX (813) 229-8313 .WW.FOWLERWHITE.COM EXPENSES ARE BILLED AT ACTUAL COSTS DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ABA GUIDELINES

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