Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 452

ORDER ATTACHED granting #450 Receiver's Motion to Approve Settlement with Anton Bruehl, individually and as Trustee of the Bruehl Family Trust. Signed by Judge Richard A. Lazzara on 8/4/2010. (CCB)

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Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al Doc. 452 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT M I D D L E DISTRICT OF FLORIDA T A M P A DIVISION S E C U R IT IE S AND EXCHANGE C O M M IS S IO N , P la in tif f , v. A R T H U R NADEL; SCOOP CAPITAL, LLC; a n d SCOOP MANAGEMENT, INC., D e f e n d a n ts, S C O O P REAL ESTATE, L.P.; VALHALLA IN V E S T M E N T PARTNERS, L.P.; VALHALLA M A N A G E M E N T , INC.; VICTORY IRA FUND, L T D .; VICTORY FUND, LTD; VIKING IRA F U N D , LLC; VIKING FUND, LLC; and V IK IN G MANAGEMENT, LLC, R e lie f Defendants. / C A S E NO: 8:09-cv-87-T-26TBM ORDER U P O N DUE CONSIDERATION, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the R e c e iv e r's Motion to Approve Settlement (Dkt. 450) is granted. The Court specifically a p p ro v e s the written settlement agreement attached to the motion entered into between th e Receiver and Anton Bruehl, individually and as Trustee of the Bruehl Family Trust w ith regard to the return of what the Receiver describes as "false profits," in the amount o f and within the time period provided for in the agreement. DONE AND ORDERED at Tampa, Florida, on August 4, 2010. s/Richard A. Lazzara RICHARD A. LAZZARA U N I T E D STATES DISTRICT JUDGE COPIES FURNISHED TO: C o u n s e l of Record -2 -

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