Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 690

RESPONSE in opposition re #675 Unopposed MOTION for miscellaneous relief, specifically to (1) Approve Determination And Priority Of Claims, (2) Pool Receivership Assets And Liabilities, (3) Approve Plan Of Distribution, And (4) Establish Objection ProcedureUnopposed MOTION for miscellaneous relief, specifically to (1) Approve Determination And Priority Of Claims, (2) Pool Receivership Assets And Liabilities, (3) Approve Plan Of Distribution, And (4) Establish Objection ProcedureUnopposed MOTION for miscellaneous relief, specifically to (1) Approve Determination And Priority Of Claims, (2) Pool Receivership Assets And Liabilities, (3) Approve Plan Of Distribution, And (4) Establish Objection ProcedureUnopposed MOTION for miscellaneous relief, specifically to (1) Approve Determination And Priority Of Claims, (2) Pool Receivership Assets And Liabilities, (3) Approve Plan Of Distribution, And (4) Establish Objection Procedure Objection and Opposition to Receiver's Motion to Approve Determination and Priority of Claims and Supporting Memorandum of Law filed by TRSTE, Inc., Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as successor by merger to Wachovia Bank, N.A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Declaration of TRSTE, Inc. records custodian, #2 Exhibit Receiver's February 6, 2009 letter, #3 Exhibit Declaration of Mayda Nahhas, #4 Exhibit SDNY Preliminary Order of Forfeiture/Final Order of Forfeiture, #5 Exhibit SDNY Indictment, #6 Exhibit Declaration of W. Samuel Woodard, Esq.)(Barnett, Ana)

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EXHIBIT A DECLARATION PURSUANT TO 28 USC I, Ctu'istopher Q 1746 Ferguson, make this deolaration on personal knowledge and declare as follows: 1. I am over the age of l8 years old, I am the custodian of the records for TRSTE, INC., NoÉh Carolina. 2. I am the Více President for TRSTE, INC., a Vírginia corporation registered to do business in North Carolina, 3' TRSTE, INC. is the Tlustee, holding legal title to cerfain real property located in Buncombe and McDowell cotnties, North Carolina, under a Deed of Trust made May The Deed of Trust is appended to this Declaration as Exhibit 4. 2,200g. l. The real property conveyed in the Deed of Trrrst is also known as "Laurel Mountain." It is more particularly identified ín Exhibit A to the Deed of Trust. 5. I have searched the rccords of TRSTE, INC, and state that as of the date of this Declaration, TRSTE, lnc. has not received service of any Order, Claim Notice, or a judicial pleading of any kind regarding the "Laurel Mountain" property, nor has TRSTE, Inc. received any coüespondence, via electronic means or otherwise froru the Receiver or any other person claiming an interest in the "Laurel Mountain" property. In accordance with 28 U.S.C. 51746,I declare under penalty of perjur.y that the foregoing is true and conect. Date: lZ-Zl'Zell Vice President fl1101829 v6 EXHIBIT 1 .: : : ¡Jorkftop ¡sr. 2008002980 gH|.:i""8öXffiE$5eoo p^Tp,hr^o gg.l 244¿ír-r,5ó WV liltilililtflflilttH, Ig:. P99 9?99!99e9016 typo; cnp aecDÌìrrsdr øítgel?øøg at ii:ø2i42 AH 2:ro: 1 4 p M 5åirîihrsål¿88uã's" !rGierG t or 16 EY PATÞ,CTAAÂEEL nE@stE ofDEÉDGt BK: CRp 961 Ur gt E:= f\t Euoconbe *456ø *779-794 countv. ttc Otto Y. DeBruhl-Beolctar of PG:854{69 Oesds el co F{ u, r{ DEED OF TRUSTAND ASSTGN¡t4ENÌ OF RENIS N. F ðo s FOT EANK USE ON[Y: sqtis'eor:n i"ii,Åiiìn! brþ o ríons secured by lhe wifhÍn :åI,ji'ntI'P, .i',ili, o ""n t'::; Deed of ïrusf hos been Signed: :l El=t**8*.rÁ.rÀeviftø,NL rsbt ¡ RFTURN TO: aiteen¡. Akermon Senterfilt D;;; Eglr Jockson Street Í0.1 Ju¡te 1700 Iompo, Ftorido 33ó02 :i_: {ii,ö Fi fj"'J TÌ: ü ?ôårl? ryy E" T o F R ENTS r h ere .þor, o' er re re'ed ro os åi*ìlffrilï,,ËÍüiii,r' ç;îîï+ffiïftïiïåfi iii'i of o nolder Þron m,l{tå¡,::"iï#rll:Tffi :å:î*'*;'}î=,i*_ili$ååä?,'å":" rrusre e ore rhe e rh creik ;r . ;;.'o sron r ees À ;;"; "; j Jì:??,iJå;,,ir.liil"rËïi WIINESSETH: * o,. lin å :i,'å 5a5Þa lÊey 22 o, Ji'î"ï !" :î o"?':,å: " :? g ,_rn9.r i:ifl;fi :, rn o promissory lhe omounf of ,"*^#iijäffi F\44'ou ( cRP 961 855 $1,900,000'00, mode by Grontor poyoble lo Bonk, ony presenl or fulure Lelters of Credil íssued by Bonk for fhe occounl of Gronlor, olher loon documenls os defined În lhe Note (the "Loon Documenls'J, ond swcrp ogreements [os defined in U.S.C- S l0l, os in effecl from time lo lime). oll other ¡ndebledness of ll rÐ ùft Pl ^¡ io Fl LU F-¡ þ" f.l io o Gronlor lo Bonk whenever bonowed or incuned, whelher or nol reosonobly contemploled by lhe porlies hereio os of lhe dote hereof, ond ony renewols, exïensions' novolions. or modificolions of lhe foregoing "Oblígotions"), ond in considerolíon of lhese prãmises lcolleâilvely the ond for other considerqtion- Gronlor does gronl ond convey urito Truslee, qs fruslee for ond Bonk's offilioles in fee simple, oll of Grontor's right. li¡e ond ínlerest Qonk now owned or hereofler ocquired in qnd lo eoch of the following 'Bun.o,' "Properly"): (i) oll those cerloin trocts of lond in the County ãf {collectively, lhe ond McDowell. Stote of Norlh Corolino described in EXHIBIT e ohoched hereto ond mode port hereof {the "Lond"}; {ii) oll buildings ond improvements now or hereofler erecled on ihe Lond; (iíi) oll fixtures ollqched lo lhe Lond or ony buildings or improvements situoted thereon; ond (iv) olt esloles, rights, lenemenls, hereditoments, privileges, renls, issues, profils eosements, ond oppurtenonces of ony kind benefiling the Lond; oll meons of occess lo ond from lhe Lond. whether public or privote; ond oltwoter ond minerolrighls. ln lhe event thol Gronlor is lhe owner of o leosehold eslole wiîh respect to ony portíon of the Properly ond Gronfor obloins o fee eslote in such portions of lhe Property, then. such lee eslole sholl oulomotícolly, ond withàul furlher oclion of ony kind on lhe port of the Gronlor, be ond become subjecl lo lhe security tille ond líen of this Agreemenl. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Properly ond oll lhe esfole, righf. tílle ond inlerest, in low qnd in equily. of Gronlor's in ond to the properly unJo Trustee, ils successors ond ossigns, in fee simple, forever. IN TRUST, HOWEVER, TO THAT EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, thot if oll oblîgolions ore limery poid ond performed ond eoch ond every represenlolion, worronly, ogreemenl, ond condition of lhis Deed of Trusl, lhe other Loon Documenfs. ond ony swop ogreemenis [os defined in I I u.s.c. S l0l. os in effecl from lime to lime) ore complied with ond obided by, this of Trusl ond the eslole hereby creoted sholl ceose ond be null, voíd.Deed ond conceled of record of lhe requesl ond expense of Gronlor, ond if Defoull {os hereinqfter defíned) occurs, rruslee is oulhorized to foreclose ond selt the Properfy under powgl of sole or by iudiciol proceeding occording fo opplicobte low ond os provided herein. Gronlor WARRANTS AND REPRESENTS thot Grontor is towfuily seized of the Property. in fee simple, obsolufe, lhol Gronlor hos lhe legol ríghf io convey ond encumber lhe some. ond lhoT the Properfy is free ond cleor of oll liens ond à \ GRP 961 856 encumbronces. Gronlor furlher wononls ond will forever defend oll ond singulor the l{?p9rty ond title thereio lo Trustee, Bonk ond Bonk's successors ond ossigns, ogoinsl lhe lowfulcloims of oil persons whomsoever. protecl the security of this Deed of Trust, Gronlor fur:ther represents ond ogrees wilh Iruslee ond Bonk os follows: To UI r{ Pl Òo F¡ Poymenl of Obligotions. Thol the ObligoÌions shoil be timely poid ond 'performed. UJ -l t\ F{ co Ð Fulure Advqnces. This Deed of Trusl is given to secure nol only exisling oblígolions, bul olso future qdvonces. including obligoliont unoê¡. ,*oõ ogreemenls {os defined in I I U.S.C. $ ì0.l, os in effeêt from t¡me lo lime) mode, ond fulure swop ogreemenls (os defined in I I U.S.C. S l0l, os in àffecÌ from time lo lime) entered into with Bonk or ony of its offiliofãs, within llvão6 of the dole of this Deed of Trusl to lhe some exlenl os if such fulure odúonces ond swop ogreefüenls (os defined in I I U.S.C. 5 l0l, os in effecl from lime to time) ore mode on lhe dole of the execulion of lhis Deed of Trusl. The principoi omounl lhot moy be so secured moy decreose or increose from lime to time. but the lolol omounl so secured ol ony one lime sholl not exceed plus oll inleresl, cosls, reimbursemenls, fees ond expenses due 93.g00,000.00, under ln¡s Oeèã of Trusl ond secured hereby. Grontor sholl nol execule ony documenl lhol impoirs or olherwise impocls lhe priority of ony exisiing or flture- ôotigotions secured by thís Deed of Trust. The omount of preseñl Obligotions secured hereby is g l,900.000.00. Nofhing herein obligoles Bonk to provide credit in excess of lhe Obligolions. Leoses' Subleosei ond Eosemenls. Gronlor sholl moinloín. enforce ond couse to be performed oll of lhe lerms ond condílions under ony leose, subleose or eosemenl which moy constilute o portion of the property. Gronlor sholl not, wilhoul lhe consenl of Bonk (which consenl sholl nol be unieosonobly withheld or deloyed), enler inlo ony new leose of oll or ony porlion of lhe Properly, ogree to lhe concellotion or surrender under ony leose of oll portion of lhe Property, ogree lo prepoyment of rents, ísrues or profitsor ony (olná lhon rent poid of fhe signing of o leose or subleose). modífy ony rr.h leose so to shorten the ierm, decreose the rent. occeferole lhe poyment of renl, os or chonge lhe terms of ony renewor opríon; ond ony such purported new reose. concellotion. sunender. prepoyment or modificotion mode wilhoul the consenl of Bonk shollbe void os ogoinsl Bqnk. Required lnsuronce. Grontor sholl moínloin wiih respect lo lhe properly: (i) during conslruciion of ony improvemenls on lhe Property. "oll-risk,,builders insuronce which musi include windslorm, hoildomoge, fire ond vondolism risk {non- cRP 961 857 {o Uì f\l ñl ço YI TIJ .d N FI 00 0 reporl¡ng Compleled Vqlue with Speciol Couse of Loss form), in on omount less lhon lhe cornpleled replocement volue of lhe ¡mprouemànts nol under conslruclion, nomíng Bonk os morlgogee ond loss poyee; {ii) upon complelion of conslruclion. Yqon occuponcv õf õny improvemenls. ond ol oll olher limes. insuronce ogoÍnsl loss or domoge by firä ond otn"r cqsuollies ond hozords by insuronce wrilten on on 'bll risks" bosii, including molicious mischíef on omounl nol less thon the replocemenl cosl Thereof, including Loveroge, in coveroge for loss of renrs or busíness interruption if oppticobre. noming Bonk ;;f";;"yee ond mortgogee; (iii) if the Property is required lo be insured pursuont to lhe Nolionol Flood Reform Act of t994, ond lhe regulolions promulgoted lhereunder, flood insuronce ís required in lhe qmount etuol to the lesser of lhe loon moximum ovoiloble under fhe Nolionol Flood lnsuronce progrom, omounl or but in no evenl should the omounl of coveroge be less lhon lhe volue ãt ¡,r improved structure. noming Bg.?k os mortgogee ond ross poyee. rf, ofier crosíng. the Property (or ony port fhereof) is remopped ond íf lhe verticot improvements ore delermined to be locqled in o specíoi flood hozord oreCI, Grontor musl obÌoin ond mointoin o flood insuronce policy. tf, within forty-fíve i+s¡ I()y; oi receipl of nolificolion from Bonk thot the eropeity hos been recrossifieo ov Êe,r¿e locoted in o speciol flood hozord oreo, Gronlor hos nol provided os being sufficieni evidence of flood insuronce. Bonk is mondoted under teoeräl lo* to purchose flood insuronce on þeholf of Grontor, ond Bonk will odd the ossocioled costs to the principol bolonce of fhe Nole. lf lhe lond or ony porlion thereof is locoted in o speciol flood hozord oreo, this Agreemenf 6u terminoled bt Bonk oî its -oy sole oplion; livl os opplicoble, insuronce which complies wilh the workers, compensofion ond employers' liobility lows of oll stotes in which Grontor sholl be required lo mointoin such insuronce; ond (ul liobility insuronce províding coveroge in such omouni os Bonk -oy reqlire bul in no evenl less thon $ì,000.000.00 combined single limil, noming Bonr os on odditionol insured; ond (vi) such olher insuronce os Bonk moy reguiie from time to líme. All properly polícies sholl conloin on endorsement or ogreemenl by lhe -insuronce insurer in form sotisfoclory lo Bonk lhot ony losi poyoble in qccordonce wilh lhe lerms of suc-n policy nolwithstqnding sholl be ony oct or neglígence of Gionlor ond the further ogreemení 1*ilr,in o";;l;; property ond liobility policies) of the ínsurer woivíng -rights of subrogotion ogã¡nst Bonk. ond righls of set-off, counlercloim or oeouãt¡oñs ogoinsl Grontor. All insuronce polícies sholl be ín form, provide coveroges. be issued by componies ond be ín omounls solístoclory lo Bonk. At leosl sõ Oovs prior to the expirolíon of eoch policy, Gronlor sholl furnish Bonk with evidence ¡uch solísfocfory to Bonk thof such policy hos been renewed or reploced or is no longer reguired hereunder- All such policies sholl provide rnot the;;lr;y will not be conceled or moteríolly omended wilhoul ol leosl 30 doys prior lo Bonk. ln fhe event Grontor foils ro provide. mointoin, keep written notice in force, ond U\ GRP 961 858 0 LN A¡ furnish lo Bonk lhe policies of insurqnce required by fhis porogroph, Bonk moy procure such ínsuronce or single-inleresl insuronce in such õmóunts, ql such premium, for such risks ond by such meons os Bonk chooses, ol Grontor,s expense; provided however, Bonk sholl hove no responsibility to obloin ony insuronce. but if Bonk does obtoin ínsuronce. Bonk sholi hove nó rriponsibility lo ossure fhol the insuronce obtoined shqll be odequote or provide ony protection lo Gronior. Êl co rc iU F{ t\ FI co Ð lnsuronce Proceeds. After occurence of ony loss lo ony of the property, Grontor shollgive prompt written nolice thereof lo Bonk. ln lhe evenÌ of such loss oll ínsuronce proceeds. including uneorned premiums, sholl be poyoble lo Bonk, ond Grontor hereby outhorizeiond ony offecled insuronce compony ro moke poyment of such pro.6d, directs direclly to Bonk ond not lo Bonk ond Grontor jointly. Bonk is hereby outhorized Gronlor lo moke proof of loss if nol promptty mode by Gronlor,'sel1e, odjusl by cornpromise ony cloims for loss or domoge under ony policy or policies or insuronce ond Grontor oppoinfs Bonk os -ils ollorne¡in-focl to receive of endorse ony insurqnce ploceeds fo Bonk, which oppoiniment is coupled ond with on inlerest ond sholl be irrevocoble os long os ony obligolions rernoin unsolisfied. Gronlor sholl poy lhe cosls of colleðfion. inciuding ãitorneys, fees. of insuronce proceeds poyoble on occounl of such domog"e ãrãestruclion. Grontor sholl hove no cloim ogoinsl lhe ínsuronce proceeds, or be entiiled lo ony porlion thereof, ond oll ríghts lo lhe insuronce proceeds ore hereby ossigned to Bonk os security for poymenl of lhe obligotions. ln the evenl of ony domoge lo or deslruclion of lhe property, Bonk hove lhe option of opplying or poying ollor porl of ihe insuron.. pró."eds shqll to (i) lhe obligotions in such order os Bonk mqy determine. lì¡l restorolion. replocemeni or repoir of lhe Property in occordonce with Bonk,s sfondord conslruclion loon disbursemenl condilíons ond requiremenrr. ãr iii) Gronlor. Nothing herein sholl be deemed lo excuse Grontor from restoríng, repoiring ond moinloining the Property os required hereín. lmpositions; Escrow Deposit. Gronlor will poy oll foxes, levies, ossessmenfs ond olher fees ond chorges imposed upon or which moy become o lien upon the Properly under ony low or ordinonce (oll of lhe'foregoing colleclively "lmposilions") before they become delinquenl ond in ony fhe colendor yeor in which lhey first become due. upon requesf of Bonk. some "-u"nii., Grontor sholl odd to eoch periodic poymenl required under lhe Note the eslimoted by Bonk lo be sufficíenl to enoble Bonk to pqy, os lhey come omount due, oll lmposilions ond insuronce premiums which Grontor ís requíred to hereunder. Poymenls requesled under this provísion sholl be supplemenledboy or odjusled os requíred by Bonk from lime to lime. Such funds moy be commingled wilh lhe ) cRP 961 8s9 generol funds of Bonk ond sholl not eqrn inleresl. Upon lhe occurrence of o Defoull. Bonk moy opply such funds to poy ony of tne bbligotions. ö {s (\l e.l Êo *l u, F{ ¡\ rd 00 Ð Use of Property. Grontor sholl use ond operote, ond require its lessees or licensees lo use ond operote. the Properly in complionce w¡in qlt opplicoble lows {including, for exomple. the Americqns with Dísobilities Act ond lhe Housing Act) ond ordinonces. covenonts. ond restriclions, ond with Foir opplicoble requÍrements of ony leose or subleose now or hereoffer offecting -oll Properly' Grontor sholl not permil ony unlowful use of lhe property or ony in" thot moy give rise lo o cloim of forfeiture of ony of the properiv. ôronlor use sholl nçl ollow chonges in the stoled use of Properly from thol disclosed to Bonk ot lhe iime of execulion hereof. Grontor sholl nol iníliole or ocquiesce to o zoning chonge of the Properly wilhout prior nolice lo, ond wriilen .onr"ni ãf, gonk. Moinlenonce, Repoirs ond Alterolions. Gronlor sholt keep ond moinloin lhe ProperÌy in good condilion ond repoir ond fully prolecled from lhe elemenls lo lhe sotísfqclion of Bonk. Grontor will not r.-oue, demolish or slrucÌurolly oller ony of the buildings or oiher improvements on lhe properly fexcepr such qllerolions os moy be required by lows, ordinonces or regulotioni¡ without lne prior writlen consenl of Bonk. Gronlor sholl promptly nolify Bonk in writing of ony moleriol loss, domoge or odverse condilion offecting lhe Þroperty. Eminenl Domoin. Should the Property or ony inleresi therein be token or domoged by reoson of ony public use or improvement or condemnolion proceeding ("Condemnotion"J. or should Gronlor receive ony nolice or ínformolion regording such Condemnolion; Gronlor sholl give prompf olher wrilten notice lhereof to Bqnk- Bqnk sholl be enlilled lo oll compensqlion, owords olher poyments or relief gronted in conneclíon wilh such Condemnotion ond ol ils oplion. moy commence, oppeor in ond prosecule in Íts own nomeond, ony oclion or proceedings reloling thereto. Bonk sholl be en¡lfed to moke ony compromise or seltlement in connection wilh such foking or domoge. All compensotion. owords, ond domoges oworded to Gronlor reloled lo ony condemnolion (the "proceeds") ore hereby ossigned lo Bonk ond Gronfor ogrees lo execute such furlher ossignmenls of lhe Proceeds os Bonk moy require' Bonk sholl hove lhe oplion of opplying or poying lhe proceeds in the some monner os insuronce proceeds os provided herein. Gronlor oppoinls Bonk os ils ollorney-in-foct fo receive ond endorse the proceeds to Bonk, whích oppoinlmenl is coupfed wiih on ínlerest ond sholl be írrevocoble os long os ony Obligotions remoin unsotisfied. Environmenlol Condilion of Properfy ond lndemnity. Gronror worronls ond represents to Bonk, excepl os reporled by Gronfor to áonk in wriling, thoÌ: (í) Grontor hos inspecled <¡nd is forniliqr with the envíronmentol condition of Properfy; (ii) lhe Property ond Gronfor, ond ony occuponts of lhe property, lhe ore t cRP 961 860 in complionce wilh ond sholl continue io be in complionce with oll opplicoble federol, slote ond locol lows ond reguloiions inlended lo protecl the environment ond public heollh ond sofety os lhe some moy be omended from tíme_lo lime ("Environmeniol Lows"); {iii) lhe Properly is nol ond hos never been lo generote, hqndle, lreot, store or dispoie of, in ony quonlity, oil. peiroleum producls, hozordous or toxic subsloncäs, hozordous *ãste, reguloled subslonces or hozordous oir pollulonts ["Hozordous Moleriols") in viololioñof ony Environrnenlql Lows; (iv| no Hozordous Mqteriots fincluding'osbestãs, mold or leod point in ony form) ore locoled on or under the propeity or emonote from the Property; {v) there ore n9 unregislered underground sloroge lqnks on lhe Properly lhol ore subject lo ony underground storoge tonk regìstrofíon lows or regulolions; (vi) no notice hos been received wilh regord lo ony Hozordous Moleriol on the Properly; {vii} no oclion, invesligotion or proceeding is pending or lo Gronlor's knowledge lhreolened which seeks lo enforc" ãny right or remedy ogoinsl Gronfor or the properly under ony Environmenlol Low; qnfl (yiii¡ oll licenses, permits ond olher governmenlol or regulolory octions necessory for lhe Properly lo comply wilh Environmentol tõws sholl be obloined ond mointoined ond Gronlor sholl ossure complionce therewifh. used Fl {0 a{ -l 4 {o rt r"{ h. É{ éo ü Furlher, Gronlor represents to Bonk lhol no portion of the properly is o prolecled wellond. Gronlor ogrees lo nolify Bonk immediotely upon receipt of ony cifolions, wornings, orders, notices, consent ogreemenls, process or cloims ollegíng or relotíng to viololions of ony Envíónmentol Lows or lo lhe environmenlol condilion of lhe Property ond sholl conducl ond complele investigolions ond oil creonup octions necessory to compry wilh oll the Environmentol Lows ond lo remove, in occordonce with EnviroÅmentol Lows, ony Hozordous Moleriol from the properly. Gronlor shollindemnify, hold hqrmless, ond defend Bonk ond Truslee from ond ogoinst ony qnd oll domoges, penolties, fines, cloims, suits. liobililies, cosls, iudgmenls ond expenses, including oltorneys'. consullonfs' or experfs' fees of every kind ond nolure incurred. suffered by or osserled ogoinsl gónk or Trusiee os o direcl or indirecl resull of: (i) represenlolions mode by Gronlor in lhis Seclion beíng or becoming unlrue in ony moleriol respecl; (ii) Gronlor,s violotion of or foilure lo rneet lhe requiremenls of ony EnvironmenÌol Lows; or {¡¡i) Hozordous Moleriqls which. while lhe Properly is subjecl lo this Deed of Trusl, exísf on lhe Properly. Bonk shqll hove lhe right to ononge for or conduct environmenlol inspecÌions of fhe Property from lime lo time {iñcludinj the loking of soil. woter, oir or moleriol somples). The cost of such inspeclions-mode offer Defoull (os hereínofler defined) or which ore required by lows or regulotions opplicoble lo Bonk sholl be borne o-y Gronlor. úo*euer, Grqntor,s indemnily sholl nol opply lo ony negligenl or inlenlionol ocl of Bonk which lokes ploce ofler foreclosure or sotisfoclion of this Deed of Trust- Ihese indemnificolion obligolíons ore in odditíon lo Generol lndemnificolion provisíons sel forÌh !( 1 cRP 961 861 hereofler- Grontor's obligotions under lhis seclíon sholl conlinue, survive qnd rernoin in full force ond effecl notwithstonding lhe repoymenl N r0 AJ el 00 ãl tu Êl il d to Ð of the Obligotions, o foreclosure of or exercise of power of sole under this ínslrument, o delivsry of o deed in lieu of foreclosure, o êonceltotion or terminolion of record of this ínslrumenl ond the ironsfer of the property. Approisols. Gronlor ogrees thol Bonk moy obloin on opproisol ol lhe Properly when required by lhe regulolions of the iederol Reserve Boord or lhe office of rhe comprroiler of rhe cunency, or ony other regurotory ogency or ot such other limes os Bonk moy reosonobly require. such oppio¡sãr sholl be performed by on índependenl lhird porly opproiser selecled by Bonk. The cosl of such opproisols sholl be borne by Gronlor. 'tf regrrsled by Bonk. Gronlor sholl execute on engogemenl letler qddressed to the opproiser selected by Bonk. Gronlor's fqilure orrefusol lo sign such on engogemenl leller, however, sholl not ímpoir Bonk's right to oblqin such on opproisãl, Grontor ogrees poy the cosi lo of such opproisol within l0 doys ofter receiving on ínvoice tór rr.n oópro¡sol. lnspections'. Bonk, or ils representolives or ogenls. ore oulhorized lo enler of ony reosonoble rime upon ony port of rhe Þroperry for the purpose of inspecting lhe Properly ond for lhe purpose of perforrning ony of the octs il oulhorized to perform under lhe ferms of lhÍs Deed of Trusl. is llens ond subrogolion. Gronlor sholl poy ond promplly dischorge oll líens, cloims ond encumbronces upon the Property. Gronlor sholl hove tñe ríghl to conlesl in good foith. the volidily of ony such lien. cloim provided: liJ such conlesl suspends the colleclion thereof o, "n.r.bronce, or fhere is of the Properly being sold or forfeiled while such conlesi is pending; no donger {ii) Gronfor firsl deposils with Bonk o bond or other securiiy sotisfocläry to ãonr in sucn omounls os Bonk sholl reosonobly requíre: ono liii¡ Gronlor proceeds to couse such lien. cloím or encumóron." lhereofler dilígen¡y lo be removed ond dischorged. Bonk sholl be subrogoted fo ony liens, cloims ond encumbronces Gronlor or lhe properly thof ore poid or dischorged lhrough poyment ogoínsl by Bonk or with loon proceeds' notwithslonding the recðrd concellolion or solisfoclion lhereof. woiver of Gronlor's Rights. To fhe fullesl extent permítted woÍves lhe benefil of qll lows now exisling or thof hereofter by low, Gronfor -oy u, enocled providing for {i) ony opproisement before sote or ony portion of lhe property, (ii) in ony woy exlending the lime for the enforcemeni of lhe colleclion of the Note or onv.oilhe orher oblísoríont. onJ onv ríshis lo i:i9^:*l^:'11"1:"1 heoring prior to the exercise by Bonk of ony ríghf. ñ;;;,;;'r;;åã, i"ä; provided lo Bonk. ll-?t \ q GRP 961 862 To the full exlenl Gronlor.moy do so, Gronlor ogrees fhol Gronlor wiil 14 ú (\¡ Fl {o ç{ ru Êl ¡\ "4 {o t ol ony lime insist upon, pleod, cloim or seek to loke lhá benefit or odvonfogenol of ony low now or hereofler in force providing for ony exemptíon (inclùoing homesleod exemplion),'opproisemenf, voluolion,' stoy,' exlens¡on or redempiion' ond Grontor for lhemselves ond lheir respeclive heirs, devísees, representolives, successors ond ossigns, qnd for ony ond oll persons cloiming ony interesl in lhe Property, lo the exlenl permitted by low, håreby woive ond releose oll righls of voluotion. opproisemenl, redemplion, stoy of eiecution, the benefil of oll exemplíon lows, nolice of eleclion to moture or declore due lhe whole of the secured indebtedness ond morshotling in ihe evenl of forectosure of the liens hereby creoted. Gronlor furlher vJo¡ves ony ond áll not¡ces including, without limitolion, nolice of inlenlion to occeterote ond of occelerolion oT the Obligolions. Poyments by Bonk. ln the ev_eni of Defoult fos hereinofter defined] limely poymenl or performonce of ony-of the o'bligolions. Bonk, ot ils in the option ond wilhoul ony duty on its porl To deÌermine lhe ,rãtiOity o, n"..rrify lhereof, moy poy the sums for which Grontor ís obligoted. Furlher, Bonk moy poy such sums os Bonk deems oppropriole for the prolecfion ond mointenonce of ihe Properly including. wilhoul limìlqlion. sums lo poy lmposilions ond olher levies. ossessmenls or liens, moinioin insuronce, moke repoírs. secure lhe property. mointoin utility service, inlervene in ony condemnotion ond poy qnd olher febs ond cosls lo enforce fhis Deed of Trust or proi"cl oltorneys, fees lhe lien hereof fincludlng foreclosure) or collect the Obligolions. wilhout limitolíon, including lhose incurred in ony proceeding íncluding bonkruplcy or orbitroiion. omounfs so poid sholl beor interest ot the defoult rote stoled ín lhe Note Any ond sholl be secured by lhis Deed of Trusl. lndemnificolion- Grontor sholl protect. indemnífy ond sove horrnless Bonk from ond ogoinst ott losses, liobililies, obligotions, clolms, oo.ogei. penoltíes. fínes. couses of oclion. costs ond expãnses {including. wilhout limilotion, reosonoþle oltorneys' fees ond expenses) (collectively, ,;Do-oges,') imposed uÞon, incurred by or osserfed or ossessed ogoinsl Bonk on ocðounl of or in connection with (i) the Loon Documenls or ony foilure or olleged foílure of Grontor lo comply with ony of fhe terms of, or the inoccurocy or breoch of ony represenlotion in, the Loon Documents; (¡il the Colloferol or ony cloim domoge lo lhe Property or ony injury or cloim of injury to. or deothof loss or of, ony person or properly thol moy be occosioned by ony couse wholsoever perloining lo lhe Properly or the use. occuponcy or operolion thereof. {iíí} ony foilure or olleged foilure of Gronlor to comply with ony low, rule or regulolion opplicoble to il or to lhe Property or the use. occuponcy or operolion the Properly (including, withoul limilofion. the foilure fo poy ony loxes, fees of or other chorges), fívl ony Domoges whotsoever by r"or'on of ony olleged ocfion, ti cRP 961 863 \ rs ^l Fl Èo r{ rU ?t }\ F.l co o obligotÍon or underloking of Bonk reloting in ony woy lo or ony motter conlemplqted by the Loon Documents, lv) oñy cloim for biokeroge fees or such other commissíons reloting lo the Properly or ony other Obligoilõns. or (vi) ony ond oll liobilily orising from ony leoses reloled to lhe p-roperty. Nothing conloined herein sholl require Gronlor fo indemnify Bonk t"i âni Domoges resullíng from Bonk's gross negligence or its willful ond wrongful ocls, ond such indemnily sholl be effeciive only lo lhe extenl of ony oomoges thol moy be susloined by Bonk in excess of ony net proceeds receiueo oy it from ony insuronce of Gronlor (olher thon setf-insuroncet wiih respect lo such Dornoges. The indemnity provided for herein sholl survive poymeni of lhe Obligofions ond sholl extend to lhe officers, directors, employees ond duly outhorizeã ogents of Bonk- ln lhe event the Bonk íncurs ony Domoges orîsing out of or in ony woy reloling lo the tronsoclion conlemploled by lhe Loon Doãuments {incluoing ony of the mollers refened Ìo in this seclion), lhe omounls of such Domog*, sholl odded to the Oblígolions, sholl beor inlerest, to lhe exlenl permitteã by tow, be lhe inleresl role borne by lhe obligolions from lhe dote inèurred until poid ot ond sholl be poyoble on demond. Assignmenl of Renls. Gronlor hereby obsolulely ossigns ond lronsfers lo Bonk oll the leoses, rents, issues ond profíls of the Properly (éolleclively "Rents,.!. Allhough lhis ossignmenl is effeclive immediotely, so long os no Defóult exisls, Eonk gives lo ond confers upon Gronlor lhe privilege under o revocoble license lo collect os they become due, but nor prior rõ occruor, rhe Rents ond ro demond. receive qnd enforce poymenl. give receípls, releoses ond solisfoclions, ond sue in fhe nome of Gronloi for oll such RenlsGronlor represenls lhere hos been no prior ossignmenl of leoses or Rents, ond ogrees nol lo furlher ossign such leoses or Rents. Upon ony occuu"n.r or oãioult, lhe license gronted lo Gronlor hereín sholl be outomslicolly revoked wilhout further nolice to or demqnd upon Gronlor, ond Bonk shon hove lhe righf, in ifs discrelion. wilhoul notice. by ogenl or by o receiver oppointed by o ãourr, ond without regord to the odequocy of ony securily for ihe Obligolionr, to enler f¡) upon ond toke possessíon of lhe Properly, {ii} notify tenonts. sublenonti ono ony property monqger lo poy Renls to Eonk or its desígnee. ond upon receípl of such nolice such persons ore oulhorized ond díreðteo to mok'e poyment os specified in lhe nolice ond disregord ony controry direclion or inslrúction by Grontor, ond {íii) in its own nome, sue for or olherwíse coltect Renls. Íncluding fhose posl due, ond oppry Renrs, less cosls ond expenses of operotion ond colleclion. includíng oltorneys' fees. to lhe Obligolíons in such order ond monner os Bonk moy delermine or os olherwise provided for hereín. Bonk's exercise of ony one or more of lhe foregoing rights sholl nol cure or woive oñy Defoulf or nolice of Defoult hereunder. Due on Sole or Further Encumbronce or Tronsfer of on lnleresl in Gronfor. wilhoul lhe prior wrilten consent of Bonk in eoch inslonce, Gronfor sholl nol (í) tÒ \.. \\ cRP 961 864 UI rs ^t Fl +Ò Fl UJ .-l ñt Ff co Ð sell, convey, lronsfer or encumber lhe Properly, or ony port ihereof or Ínlerest therein, whelher legol or equitoble, (ii) couse or permit ony lronsfer of lhe Properly or ony porl thereof, whelher voluntorily. involuntorily or by operolion of low. or (iii) enter inlo ony ogreemenl or trqnsoction to lronsfer, ol' o.äomplish in form or subslonce o tronsfer, of lhe Property. A "tronsfe/' of the property includes: (o) the direct or indirect sole. tronsfer or conveyonce of lhe property or ony porlion lhereof or interest lherein: tb) the execution of on inslollmenl sole conlrocl or similor instrument offecting oll or ony portion of the properly; tcl if Gronlor or qny generol portner or rnember of Grontor, is o cbrporotion. porlnership, limited.liobility compony, frust or olher business eniity, ¡re tronsfer, pledge, ossignmeni or encumbronce {whelher in one ironsoction or o series of lronsoclions) of .ony slock, porÌnership. límited liobilily compony or olher ownership inlerests in such corporolîon, portnership, limiled liobility.b-pony o¡. entity including, without limitqlion, chonges in slockholders, portn'ers, members. monogers, trustees, benefíciories, or their respecfive inferests; whether direclly Índireclly; ld) ¡f Grqnlor, or ony generol porlner or member of Grontor, is or o corporofion, lhe creolion or issuonce of new slock by which qn oggregote of more lhon lO% of such corporolíon's slock sholt be vesled in o poriy-or poriies who qre nol now stockholders; ond (e| on ogreemeni by Grontoi l.oiing qll or o substontiol port of the Property for olher thon ocluol occuponcy by o spoce lenonl thereunder or o sole, ossignmenl or olher lronsfer oi or the gront of o securily interest in ond lo ony Leoses. Bonk's consent lo ony conveyonce or encumbronce mqy be condilioned upon on increose ín lhe interesf roie specÍfied in lhe Note lor oiher Obligotions), on exlension or curloilment of lhe moiurily of lhe Obligotions. or other modificotion of lhe Note or lhis inslrumenl. Remedies of Bqnk on Defoult. Foilure of Gronlor or ony other person liqble to fimely poy or perform ony of lhe Obligotíons or o viotolion of th'e preceding seclion ís o defoull {"Defoult"J under this Deed of Trusl. Upon the occlrrence of Defoull ihe following remedies ore ovoiloble, withoul limitotion, lo Bonk: (í) Bonk moy exercise ony or qll of Bonk's remedies under lhis Deed of Trusl or other Loon Documents including, wilhout límitotion, occelerolion of lhe moturíty of oll poymenls ond Obligotions, other fhon Obligolions under ony swop ogreements (os defined ín I I U.S.C. g l0l, os in effect from time to lime)-w¡ttr gonf or ony of its offiliotes. which sholl be due in occordonce with onã gouurned by lhe provisions of soid swop ogreemenls (os defined in ìl U.S.C. lOl. os in effecl $ from lime lo lime); (ii| Bonk moy loke immediole possession of lhe properly or ony porl fhereof (which Grontor ogrees lo surrender to Bonk) ond monoge. control or leose lhe some to such persons ond oi such rentol os il moy deem proper ond collecl ond opply Rents io Ihe poymenl of: (o) the obligolions, fogether wíth oll cosls ond oltorneys' fees; (b) oll lmposifions ond ony other levies, ossessmenls or liens which moy be prior in lien or poyment to tt.,. lt i .i cRP (¡ 0 f\¡ Ff to d TU ç{ N e{ to € 96t \" 865 Obligotions, ond premiums for insuronce, wilh inleresl on oll such ilems; ond (c) lhe cosl of ollollerolions. repoirs, replocements ond expenses ìncident to toking ond retoining possession of lhe Properly ond the mqnogement qnd operofion lhereof; oll in such order or priority os Bonk in ils sole discrelion moy determÍne. The toking of possession sholl not prevenl concunenl or loter procu.'dings for the foreclosure sole of lhe Property; {iii} Bonk moy opply lo ony courl of competent jurisdiciion for lhe oppointment of o receiver for qll purposes including, wilhout limitolion, lo monoge ond operole the properly or ony porl lhereof, ond lo opply lhe Rents therefrom os hereinobove provided. ln the evenl of such opplicotíon, Grontor consenls lo lhe oppoinlmenl of o receiver, ond ogrees lhot o receiver moy be oppointed wilhoul nolice lo Gronlor, wiihoul regord to whelher Grqntor hqs commílted wosie or permilled deteriorolion of the Property, wilhout regord lo the odequocy of ony securihi for lhe Obligolions. ond without regord lo the solvency of Gronlor or ony other person. firm or corporolion who or which moy be lioble for the poymenl of the Obligotions; (iv) Upon opplicotion of Bonk, Truslee sholl sell the Properly ond poy lhã proceeds of sqle occording to the following lerms ond condilions: ' (o) Trustee sholl foreclose upon this Deed of Trusr ond sell lhe properly, or qny pqrt of lhe Property, o1 public sole conducted occording lo opplicoble low (refened to os 'Trustee's Sole"); (bl Trustee sholl provide such nolice ond sholl odvertise o Ïrustee's Sole in The monner required by opplìcoble low; (c) Truslee sholl conducl odditionol Trustee's Soles os moy be required unfil oll of the properly is sold or the Obligotions ore sotisfied; (d) Trustee moy receive bids of Truslee's Sole from lhe Bonk ond moy occepl from Bonk os successful bídder, credil ogoinsl lhe Obligolions os poyment of ony porlion of the purchose príce; (e) Trusfee moy receive o reosonoble fee for Truslee's services hereunder, noÌ io exceed lhe rnoximum fee ollowed by gpplicoble low; ond (f) Truslee sholl opply lhe proceeds of Truslee's Sole, firsl lo 'ony permitted Truslee's fee. second to expenses of foreclosure ond sole. third to fhe Obligolions, ond ony remoining proceeds os required by low; ond {v} With respect lo ony portíon of the property governed by lhe UCC, Bonk sholl hove olt of the righis ond remedies of o secured porty thereunder. Bonk moy elect lo foreclose upon ony property thot is fixlures under low opplicoble lo foreclosure of inleresls in reol estote or low opplícoble lo personol properly. Substilule Truslee. Bonk moy, ot ony time ond from lime to lime. withoul notíce, of lhe Bonk's discrelion. remove Truslee ond oppoint o subslitule truslee {"Subslilute Trustee") by filing in fhe records where this Deed of Ïrusl is recorded on ínstrument offecting such removol ond oppoÍnfmenl. A Substitute Truslee sholl be vested with title lo ihe Properly ond wilh oll rights. powers, ond dufies of the originol Trustee herein ond oll provisions hereof perloíning lo the Trusiee sholl srmilorly offect ony Subslitute Trusiee. Any oolh or bond by the Truslee is hereby woived- I ( I cRP 961 866 I ¡ Miscelloneous Provisions. Grontor ogrees lo lhe following: [i] All remedies F. {o l\¡ -{ to Fl lU '-¡ h. 4 ao Ð ovoiloble lo Bonk wílh respecl lo lhis Deed of Trust or ovoiloble of tow or in equily sholl be cumulolive ond moy be pursued concunently or successively. No deloy þy Bonk ín exercising ony remedy sholl operote os o woiver of lhot remedy or of ony Defoull. Any poyment by Bonk or occeplonce by Bonk of ony portiol poymenl shollnot conslilule o woiver by Bonk of ony Defoult; (ii) Grontor represenls lhol Gronlor {o} is ll} on odull individuol ond is sui iuris, or 12} o corporolion, generol porlnership. limited porlnership. limited liobilily compony or olher legol enlity. duly orgonized, vqlidly exísling ond in good slonding un'd.t lhe lows of ils slole of orgonizotion, ond is oulhorized lo do business in eoch other iurisdiclion wherein ils ownership of properly or conducl of business legolly reguires such orgonizolion f b) hos the power ond oulhorily lo own ¡ts propert¡ei ond qssets ond lo corry on its business os now being conducled ond os now contemploled; ond lc) hos the power ond outhorily lo execute, deliver ond perform, ond by oll necessory oction hos oulhorized lhe executíon. delivery ond performonce oi. ollof ils obligolíons under lhis Deed of Trusl ond ony olher Loon Document lo which il is o porly. {iä) The provisions hereof sholl be binding upon Qnd inure lo lhe benefit of Gronfor. its heírs, personol represenlolives, successors ond ossigns including, wilhoul limilolion. subsequent owners of lhe properiy or ony porl thereof, ond sholl be binding upon ond inure to lhe benefil of Bqnk, its successors ond ossigns ond ony fulure holder of lhe Nole or other Obligotions; (iv) Any notices, demonds or requests sholl be sufficiently given Grontor if in wriling ond moiled or delivered lo lhe oddress of Grontor shown obove or to onolher oddress os provided hereín ond lo Bonk if in writing ond moíled or delivered lo wochovio Bonk, Nolionol Associolion, Moil code velri.a, p. o. Box 13327. Roonoke, VA 24040 or Wochovio Bonk, Notíonol Associolion. Moil Code vA7628' l0 Soufh Jefferson Slreel. Roqnoke, VA 2401 I. or such olher oddress os Bonk moy specify from lime io lime ond in lhe event lhot Gronîor chonges Gronlor's oddress ot ony lime prior lo lhe dote the Obligotions ore poid in iu¡, thol porly sholl promplly gíve wrillen notice of such Chonge of oddress by registered or cerlifíed moil, return receípl requested, oll ãhorges prepoid. Nolices lo Bonk must include the moil code. (v) All poyrnenls shsll-be moiled lo Commerciol Loon Services, P. O. Box 740502. Allonto. GA 30324-0502; or such olher oddress os provided by Bonk ín wriling. (vi) This Deed of Trust moy be lermínoted or modified only by on ínstrument in wríling signed by the Bonk ond Gronlor ond moy be modified withoul lhe Truslee joining or signing such instrument; {vii} All references lo "Bonk" sholl meon lo "Bonk lfor ilself ond ils offiliole)"; (viii) The copfions or heqdings ol lhe beginning of eoch porogroph hereof ore for lhe convenience of lhe porties ond ore nol o porl of lhís Deed of Trusl; {ix) lf lhe lien of lhís Deed of Trusl is involid or unenforceoble os lo ony pori of lhe Obfigotions, lhe unsecured porlíon of the Oblígofions sholl be compleiely poid {ond oll poymenls mode sholl be deemed lo hove fírst been opplied fo povment of the unsecured porlion of the Obligotíons) príor lo poyment of lhe secured porlion of the Obligolions ond if ony clouse. provision or obligolíon t3 \ cRP 961 867 hereunder is determined involid or unenforceoble lhe remoinder of lhis Deed of be construed ond enforced os if such clouse, provision or obligotion hod nol been contoined herein; (x) This Deed of Trusl snoll oe goveined by ond conslrued under the lows of lhe jurisdiction where lhis Deed of trusl is recorded; [xi] Grontor by executìon ond Bonk by occeplonce of lhis Deed of Trust ogree to be bound by the terms ond provisions hereof. FÌnol AgreemenÌ. This Agreemenl ond lhe olher Loon Documenls represenl lhe finol ogreemenl Trust sholl co ro AJ +{ {o Fl UJ between lhe porlies ond moy not be controdicted by evidencJ of prior, confemporoneous or subsequenl ogreements of the porties. There ore no unwrillen ogreements belween the porties. Fl s\ F{ {o Ð MinÍmum Sfondords. ln oddilion to the requiremenls sel forlh in lhe Loon Documents, oll surveys, insuronce, litle policies, conslruclion documenls. environmenlol reporls, poymenf qnd performonce bonds, ond ony other due dilígence or odditionol documenls required in connection wilh lhis Loon, sholl comply wilh Bonk's minimum stqndords in ptoce from lime lo lime for such documents. which sholl be provided in writing by Bonk to Bonower upon requesl. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Gronlor hos duly signed ond seoled this insfrument os ol the doy ond yeor first obove wrilten. Signed, Seoled ond Delivered in the Presence of: GRANTOR IAURET PRESERVE, L[C, A Norlh Corolino Limiled Liobility Compony As its Monqger {Wílness 2 - Printed-Nome) tq i cRP 961 868 Slole of Norlh Corolino Counly ol k,"a, *.À.e- L t- C. Acknowledgmenl o {S N r*{ @ -l tu d N ¡-l l, Loro#tt-K ù I,L Ur¡-Kr- . Notory Public of lhe County ond Slole oforesoid, certify lhqt Arthur Nodel either being personolly known Ìo me or proven by solisloclory evidence (soíd evidence beíng pØfø¡tt,rtn.'-raf, who is the Monoger of LAUREL PRESERVE, LLc, personoily opþeored-d;iàre;e rhis doy ond ocknowledged lhol he/she is Member of IAUREL PRESERVE. u.c. o limited liobitity Gompony. ond thot he/she. os Member being oulhorized to do so, voluntorily execuled the foregoing on beholf of the compony for the purposes sloled fherein. ço C) WITNESS my hond ond officiolseql. mis r.l n4 doy of Officiol Signolure of Notorypublic Prinled Nome: L- rr,'l*¿-P- Drø'K. My commissíon expires: oY="o-lO Clerk's Certificote The forgoing certificote(s) of cerlified to be correcl. This instrumenl ond lhis certificot" *" OulV regislered ol lhe dofe ond time ond in the book ond poge shown on lhe tirst páge-hereof. REGISTER COUNTY OF DEEDS FOR By Depuly/Assislo nl-Register of Deeds V.\,cDovir\wochov¡o\CUÊNIS\Louretprererve\Mortgoge.doc r5 \< ( GRP 961 869 EXHIBIT'A'' Leqal pescription c) FAJ Fl co Fl r"U rf t{ {o fJ Lying and being in Buncombe Count¡ North Carolina, and McDowell County, North Carolin4 and nrore parlicularly described as follows: Lyrng in Broad River -l-ownsirip of Buncombe County and Crooked Creek Township of MeDowell County, being Lors 3 tnroulh t7, inclusive, of PHASE I ol'LAUREL MOLTNTAIN PRESERVE, as showrr on thc plat thJreot'recorded in Bunconrbe County Plat B_ook 96, plar Book t l, at page 1t page 177, and in McDowelt County 13. and Lo¡s l8 through 25, inclusive, of PHASE tl of LAUREL MOUÑTAIN pRESERV-E ãs show¡¡ on the plat recorded in Buncombe County Plat Book 98, ar page 55, anrt in McDowelt County Plat Book I l, at page 13. v

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