Cargill v. Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest

Filing 20

ORDER ATTACHED denying without prejudice 19 Motion to Quash. Signed by Judge Richard A. Lazzara on 11/24/2010. (CCB)

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Cargill v. Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest Doc. 20 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT M I D D L E DISTRICT OF FLORIDA T A M P A DIVISION E T H E L CARGILL, P la in tif f , v. H A R T F O R D INSURANCE COMPANY O F THE MIDWEST, D e f e n d a n t. / C A S E NO: 8:10-cv-807-T-26TGW ORDER Upon due consideration, it is ordered and adjudged as follows: 1) Defendant's Motion to Quash (Dkt. 19) is denied without prejudice subject to the following conditions. 2) The return of the subpoena, which the Court notes is Thanksgiving Day, is delayed until further order of the Court.1 3) Counsel for the parties shall confer personally within seven (7) days of this order in a good faith effort to resolve the issues raised in the motion. 4) In the event counsel cannot resolve this matter, Defendant may refile the motion, following which the Court will direct an expedited response and schedule an expedited hearing. This delay will not prejudice Plaintiff inasmuch as the discovery deadline does not end until July 29, 2011, pursuant to this Court's Case Management and Scheduling Order entered June 16, 2010, at docket 16. 1 5) Defendant's counsel, notwithstanding his contention that the motion was timely filed, is cautioned regarding filing motions to quash the day before a subpoena is returnable. DONE AND ORDERED at Tampa, Florida, on November 24, 2010. s/Richard A. Lazzara RICHARD A. LAZZARA U N I T E D STATES DISTRICT JUDGE COPIES FURNISHED TO: C o u n s e l of Record -2-

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