Screen v. Clean Image of Miami, Inc. et al

Filing 74

ORDER on Emails to the Court. Signed by Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman on 4/6/2012. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A (Part 1), # 2 Exhibit A (Part 2), # 3 Exhibit B) (dkc)

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Spencer., Raymond c(tlled me 10 tell me that Puja would be drivillg the chi ldren li'o\1l the park to Dr. Bodan's oCfice. Th is is not her call. Under my w'[l tch, I will not allow my dml gil tcr to drive on 836 unfil 1 fecI comfo ·tab le that she is ca pable Oil a highway. r cannot prevent the mother Ii'oln c~posing her to dange r, as she has in the past, but under my 'MItch, ( will take {hem or Raymund willlllake other ann nge mcnts. If Raym ond demand s 1 let )J uj a ta ke them against my d i ~:ud i 11 and tatllerly .Judgment then she wi U denw ll el so ill email <Inc! \vritin g, Tbis way if something happens to them ill [ru nt 0 f my eyes, I won't feel guilty becal1se of an egotistical GA L. CEO CL EA.N I M AGE CORPORATION o Please see nllr website at: WWIV.clccx pe r icil ce .cnlll " We have been servillg Sonth Plorirla's most prestigious facillties in South Florida for over 18 years .. • 01lr eli ell ts who ge t rater! by Press G<lllICY <llld G<lllllp po lis have been surveyed consistently over the 95% percentile thl'es[lnld ill cleanlilless each iluartel". " ~ Ou l' h IlsillCSS services inc! ude, hut not limited to, j.J.ll i tori<ll, ells tocli;J1. Illilintcnance and :;ra((jug . ., 2 /~:: ......... . / '"'b ::~ (:: - ....:;,.. Bir l 1 rl ~ r f'. 6 m 1 l CJ~ n 1 ~.1nc c:c. :.:: '11 ;:' -1 StJH .? 1J50 13 t..o 'ldo " r .."A On. ''/-It)S9­ /I. gus t 17, 2011 I , nE I'JI· $ T 4::; I L L - OO~X,!()~ I N\ 3nd ir8. Rudr a 1032'1 '3 W ': 4 0t l, s; , i\;11 3Il1 i . FI _ J3 'I 76 : ::2 : 1 .,.ICVL U I)ei:if I I '66~38Q4b j , I :vla ndira Rudui: ' paY I.~ , iilehlP:,an he payrne n: i nf orma t,iO,I} ,. eg.3~~jil'tg the P r e -,A,lJthO I' ized o~ ~our p oll Cl! has cl1 ange a. If you CllO not. Illl llai r:: a ch sn ge re q u e~t, you m a~ & e r ece IYJr\g: this nc tl ce as a resull of a pr em iu m change on yo ur po l ic y a n I I/e r r~ ry date" '1 Please r efer ence y our po lic y co nir act fo r m o r e info rm ati on. I ' I I:- ;I I ' , :l Depos iior Narn e: i\!landira Rudf2. Ban i<, Name : SR,I\NCH BANKIN G AND TRUST C , !! I) I TranSi t Numbe r: 2631 9 1387 Account Numbel : 0000240032678 TotAl Or afl Amount : S100,OO Drafl Dale : 27th of each mo nth II ~ ir II III j ' preenJ~i )nOd er!add itio nal Please uote ih8t II your po licy is I\ ot paid to Ihe current pr emiums may be draft ed' fro en your ac coun1. These dr'3rts yo ur select ed dr8fl date. m ~J.'l no! cofdc id~ I~l ' ; with .,j j~'~ st at~ If you have any question s' o r w is h to ch ai1ge all Y of the infor m<jl al:love pl ea se contacl us at 1- 800- 732-5543. Our represe nt alives are all abl e i}l1 onday to a Fri day 8:00 A.lvl. 10 7:00 P. M. Eastern Ti ll1e. II ': !.! ': Sin ce rely, ji :1 I! ,!, B ill ing Te am J ohn Hancoc k ~ I i· I ' , , I! In~urancc prcduct~ H e i~ZllCCl D',': .J ell') HJnco ck Li fe In su rance Comp~"y (U.S.A ,) ' n} JoM Ha ,'e n,,!.; Ll r" Ins urance CClmp,lI)'1 cor ~eYI Yar i(. Valt)", lla , tlY 10595 a mi Jol)l1 Hi (.(l lleC<!"l).ly I l;lerrea t,) ':5 JO I\ n Hancock . R EM~;-----'- . '\ i' II IN! ~e\', ~'ork), BaSion, M f):! 1 ',G; r, ute s..: 1-i e ~ I 'h Ins urance COln pany , I'll!;re'll il:,/lse(J iOSi< " ----1 - --- l m~ .."c~~ .~ th, 'ut,,, i, i-·.. --.. . , ~.) Service Office: Life New Business 197 Clarenoor) Streel Boston r..1A 02116-5010 YO~ Temporary Life Insurance Receipt and Agreeme nt iii John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.) o John Hancock Variable Ufe Insurance Company o John Hancock Life Insurance Company ( he relnJ~e( referred to a9 TM Company) Prirl! ar.duse bl2ck ink. RECEIPI T,'le CompZrlY acknowledges receipt 0"'15 tr"Yl o( $ ~__ .._ __ _ __ ~1 paid in connecUon with the (;/"' , tDg' ­)_ Appllcatioll for life Insurance date ~..-L-+------j,-! C"/' mo. on 1. PROPOSED UF~ iNSURED (U~ ONE) ;~ame _.rY\C4~.&_._J:(y.ct~.. . .. F""t ~/k!dl~ ___-£~ • / ,t!~r . PROPOSEDLIFE INSUREDA IFE TWO) 2. Name .aru.\---'cJ~lL(lv<-1_____.____.__ First '-...::1 i/iJii; Lasl :;~lo;)h L-~bL~~~jwta,-.------.--.-.-.-.~lh o~) SignatlKe ot "9.n\IR~gfster~d Rcp""9f1laU'~ TEMPORARY LIFE INSURANCE AGREEMENT This Temporary Ufe Insurance Agreement is hereby entered into as follows: ALL PREMIUM CHECKS MUST BE MADE PAY ABLE TO THE COMPANY AND SENT TO THE SERVICE OFFiCE ADDRESS. DO NOT MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE AGEfllT OR LEAVE THE PAYEE BLANK. pay a death benefit to the beneficiary named in the application if the Proposed Life Insured, or the Surviving Proposed Life Insured under a survivorship plan, dies while this Agreement is in effect, subject to the terms and conditions set oul below. 1. WHEN AGREEMEN.T APPLIES. No coverage will be pro\~ded under this Agreement if any of the lallowing apply: (a) any of the Questions in the TemporalY life Insurance Agreeme nt Applicalion are answered 'Yes· or left blank; or. (b) any Proposed life Insured is under age 20 or over age 70 (nearest b1rthday) ;is o{ (he dale that this Temporary Life Insurance Receipt and Agreement Is Signed bl'the AgenVRegistered Representative rUle Effective Dale"): ai'\d, (e) Ihe amount applied (or under the above referenced Application for Life Insurance is more than $10,000,000 of irdividual coverage or .$15,000,000 of sUNivorship coverage. 2. LIMITED AMOUNT OF INSURANCE. The amount of Temporary lite Insurance coverage provided by The Compat1y will be the lesser of: (a) the amount of insurance applied (or including supplemenlary benefits and accidental death benem; or. (b) $1.000,000 for individual coverage 0( $5,000,000 (or sLlrvivorship coverage . This maximum amount of coverage app~es 10 Ihe total amount under Ulis Agreement and any olher Temporary Ufe Insurance Agreemenl with The Company covering !he Proposed life Insured. If Ihere are Iwo or more parsons proposed for insurnnce, this maximum amount appl!es \0 the 101.:31 coverage. 3. ACCIDENTAL DEATH BENEFIT LIMITATION . If ihe benefits applied lor include arl accidental d(~a t h benefit, no such benefit will be paid in respect 01 a dealh caused by: (3) volunlarily laking or absorbing 01 any drug. medicine, sedative or poison (except in connection With any Propossd Lile Insured's employmenl) unless prescribed by a licensed doctor other than the Proposed Life Insured; or, (b) travel in any aircraft oUler than as a passenger. 4. DATE INSURANCE BEGINS. Insurance under this Agre ement will begin on the Effective Dale if The Company's application for life insuranco has been compleled and a payment has been received by The Company for at least ol1e-t"'-Iellih of the annual premium {or the base plan and any supplementary berleflls requested in the applicution. If payrnen! IS made by check or draft, no insurance will be provided by this Agreement unless the check or draft Is honored when first presented for paymerll. 5. TeRMINATION AND REFUND OF PREMIUM. In~uranGe under thi~ Temporary Life Insurance Agreement will end on !he earliesl of: (a) the 90th day after the date of (his Agreement (b) the day before the dale insurance I.:3kes effect under the policy applied for, (c} the dale The Company malls noUce to Ihe applicanl either declining to offer insurance 10 the applicant or offerii'\g insurance on a basis other than as applied for. Upon lerminatioo of Illis Tempornl)' life Insurance Agreement, The Company's only liability will be 10 refund !he premium paid without interesL 6. SUICIDE. If any person proposed (or insurance, whether sane or insane, commits suicide, The Company's only liability ViiI! bato refund the premium paid without interest 7. MISREPRESENTATION. If there Is any material misrepresenlation in the Tempor.3.IY Life Insurance Agreeme.t11 Application. The Company's only liability will be fa refund the premium paid without interest. 8. OTHER CONDITIONS . No one Is authOrized to change or waive any provision of this Agreement. The Company vii!1 Give Ihls page to the Owner NB60IY.US (1212001) / VERSION (1WC07) : J ;.1'~J! ; ~/ l' I) )tilt(~Ol'!llt f\ )f.1 Qd '.17/01 /11 t!w, ,, :rh 07/,, 111 \ "j) J' I'i\ ..,.\ I; () :'; tldus\ lf C$ 0 l\Gro ~ lIl l.. NtlTlll.I(!1' - - -_ __._. - - - _._-_._.... .... i5nrc-'- -""'--- .-_. ._- ._... _--- ... _- ... . . . -- - - ;-;0i)'O ~ ! 1 1 7 :1:11') [b il k .-,,- _ ._-_.... :"o,stcd i<;.f) Leg» l 2:< .___ U"s:Il GG S I)G~j5 0:3 lD: Iwln:Cte:ll1 'fIU1:ijO Of Mi:l[11l 1 c,) lD:~iJJ.J, F p;r i )'7/05 C )L~ r: {!Ir;~\Jl Jr(!age D';:-..;:'f'l' :J n..~lt:,!, !n i.ln:Ck'll) T J r" \ f"':~ 1).1 ~.'l j :.rJll 1 )"i/ll '7 f.D:C1r::e m:u)~)t};LG3'i l G r) (> '\ n/o'{ C j~ ~ (""I. CIC:'~ ' J1 i ~~··J :. t g o ) .JI~ ~l:~ I'i'.\n,'Sfl'i.' l TJ: C~ ic(', r r;dn:Clt~.·-tll Irnag{2. f)f ~JIL.'llj:i I C ) iD :l'J~j051G37L (~ '~ d (, :1/IJi Ci <;r:, '? e:111 Tma,:;c IJ?f~ :'~:r cl l'!,~;r;, ;' ) n<:]il:!.;]":.w .ml.'1~;:2 OJ }: j);.ln1\ I Ci,;,'. Clr:l:3 fm:,h;l; D<?s :!\g ':' rl C! .11 7'2 .1-') '. F~:C ~~ " .,,,. 1.\ 1) U.J:h:~I)! ) I)';·-"/1 . / ),: ,'\ L Jl n:(~l/:~),n .[IT!~l~C~ (){ J D:Ciu; i\;li: u-[ll 1 e n TD:J GF> ~H) l S37 ! C":d , .i lldn: Ddl ji!: R. l.lIh '~l i" . ~\J i Li li'\j .:. t. [\: rJi{, r)!:~!·;:I~l~f; P'lljj(. I r~ :39:SU.~19~~(~· : J '~·t.~ i v ·c,, ) lD::~5()1)24 7 '77.~ 1\01 U·l:-:-: :) c: ~;:U ,>;Jt. ;1X PYI...!t LO.27,HS\l4001 'h1.-171. II dn: Ckt!n !!l1U ~,,, n;' i'l'1i:lJ'lli 1 C0 .1D:3~387 70 20(JO C (; '-] ·.i0.00 17/15 50. 00 ;'7 fJ 9 :;(JO. 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Ctc,.\]) T rnllgc D/?s :Tl'::1 nsfcl' 1D:Ci e,>. >7/21 ;" ,'<1 I ·John Hancock Lif D""j:Var<l.n n u iV; (l) : 2'7049 07 1)111,, : ':(II .! \,(\ I)ebjit Co I D: [l30 5:3 H:~:~95 P prl .Jolm H;.mc(,,~k Lit' D" .,: V,l.;·'l nl1ll.i tv ID: 2 '70<!9 2 ~l .\n dn J \wlra Dchji t CO ID:930:'i319'2 'J5 Pp cl ·JIHH'H D 0 <; :(-' ~\\, )1'J<J. ll t" lD:0 11 0'!G'·1 f!36Sf'. [n dn :C k :lI) I lm\ ~ C Of ~/I i an1i J C o I D:G77~};3rJJ. U L 9 Pp, l Cicp. Cle uil Illi<lg'; Des :'i'I'i.li1'J i'er I D:Ci cc In dn : C l ~:1 l\ Image O f ~.'lialll i T Co 1D:1 6505 1G37 1 Ccd 7/ 1-17/1·[ '7j 11. 23.98 22.98 7 /15 51.79 'IiI:) 7/15 12.35 n .s:; 300 Of di l\mi 1 Co T l GSOGI G3?l C<: d D: Des: Usab xp ym t JD:27·.t H;0,3 00?36977 l!ldll:C) pnn i m:·' f, ~ Of C l'li,11l11 T G() lD ;:33S7'702000 C<:d 1111<1.'5 8 F LTlI' C; ll3 ]) with draw:,') /i'o m C hic 9577 Bcln ki ng Ct;, South M inllli :!-01)015,o,8 FL Co nfil'!ll:.ti;i Oll<" OG9627 J.? fi4 urlJ. 7.1 e : ll Che ckC nnl 0701 H Olls e Of India ·Mil kr..] e,'[i m )li 01000533 ' Mia mi Paddn g .r\. uth ori t.y C!lCc \;:C ur d Clte d -C,lrd House Of l1\ di a Ex xonmobil 07/1]f) #00026099:1 Purchase Che ckCar d l'arnrl ise B:n' ,J\]lel Grill Ch eck Cmd 0707 Pf Ch:;\ ngs tA2200 CheckCm'c! 0'/ 03 1l1o c k blls;",pJ' csS C !18C kC ~ll' d 1)702 0706 07f)() POS 0707 Check C}lrcl 0711 Clt8ckC:1J'rl 07l l C h",ckC;.lr d 071 2 Pub li;.:: Sup er !vi Chcc k Card 0712 Cvs 05243 05:~' L B Jl) dd)\ lS t l~1'fl:{p l' e S 8 Blo<:kt.> us tel'Q Xt)rcss Re d L,) bsi;cl' USOOO()7971 07/14 #0005 00829 P ll:ch ,'se j\/lill el's I liam i 1)1.01)00313 V O'l/V!· i'l0007 3f:W)7 Pu\" .h asG Cher:hCal'd 1)712 8Ill G k,~ l' B hq E x :-: ,)II l1\ohiI r OS 07iH ;;00 0101046 PllrCh'1SC Cll t;!r:li:Cal'd 0'71<1 ,Jo\Jn n v Roc ke ls #122 Ch cd<: Car d on ·l P:l 1'a disc Bal' AJ)d Gr ill C lw c k Cn.\'d 071 5 Mi:.l.li1 i P,u'kin g Allthol·i t.y 9299070 1219 :3220 929907020G 1. 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C·~d Ci co Cleun Image :Ces:Tl''lfe.j:' ID:Cice 5C5J.,s.'17J Ce d L, Image Of Mia mi I Co ID:I G Ci ce CIF)s n Im.age D efj:T;:-" nsfe ~ ' ID:Cice Indn :Clean InL>.g;~ Of Miami I Co ID :IG50516371 Ced ID: Cice Cice Clean [ma ge Des:Agenc;r IllCin:Clea n Imag e Of l\t1i .l.rn i 1 Co ID :165051G371 Ccd IRS Des: Usatax PYT!ri; ID:2.7415750062170S Ltdn:Clean Image Of Miami I Co ID:33877020GO Oed Overciraft Item Fee For Acti vi ty Of O G·24 Eie ctro nic Trarrsa ctio n O \]c l' c:L~ n ft Ite m J ee F ol' Activity Of 0\5-24 8 1e d:l'onic TrunsCl.r:tion OV'~l'dl'<l ft Item , ee For o\cti'Jity Of DS·24 Ele ctr oni c Transaction ()ver d~'aft Item l"ee For' Adi.vii:y Of 03-2'-1­ Che ck #00(11)020336 Che ck Order00075 Des: Fee ID:P025!36333 Indn:Clean Image Of lltli:-llru I Co ID:OOOOOOC0'75 Ppd .;u22E.,OD3~~ 227 80 £02.2S10C80C4:7G ? 2G23 7200t!H381S S'023720C H43815 L S02:37 2QC4H3 813 8023740021£'0023 85390G2<l:!J004559 953S0SZ"1COC45GO S539C 624() OOL~ 557 SGZ:JSI012S97157 (~35 7~G-9 1~ 1 1 ~OO5: 20. 58 19.7.5 405.00 24.59 3.00 2. 00 700,00 99.66 38.00 3,000.00 133.84 43.82 .3 0A·5 20. 54 Who le F oods MA OG(01 #000613528 Pmchase Che ekCnrd 0530 The SupeI' Shine 12425 S . Di xie O /01 ff000248478 \Vithdrwl U Chec kOal'd 0531 Kfc ~fD880002 03800021 C he~ k CW' d OG02 Miami Par king Attthority 12425 S. Dixie OG/Ol ~'(J 0 0 248478 iNitll dnvl Che ckCa rd 0602 Berman Rennei-t Vogel iVIA CheckCar d 060J. MjJ1er s Miami OlOC0538 Ohe ckCur cl 0531 Bice Bistro Cheel-e ai'd 0603 J onathan Meltz PA Cvs 0524.3 0524 013/05 #000517929 P Ul'ChaS0 ElGi:onmooil P OS 06/0S #COOI 09807 P u , c h as ~ Che ckCm:d 0603 I{yoji,) Offic e lVb:r 135 t)G/05 # 00055!=J.tS9 Pm'chase 9453051)10613 828 929905300547362 946306010243478 929905310302873 929006022 593229 94630601024.8478 929s{)6021232327 '1 29906010001666 929905310383475 9299060324433 50 94630605-0517929 · 946306060109807 9299060:31276333 5'4B30$050559439 ~. 2G!1·1~'02 07:39 91D2n2723 Bfl&T Lu.~ :t:.erton Nt: P 2/3 }- )o 1.'1 Th"E ClR.CUIT COUIn OP THE ELEVENTH JUDICtAL Cf.RcurriN AND fOR MIAMI·DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA FMCE D rrr R !lfRA' 89 I: P~n a!'l~ CASENO, lO· O 10920 rc 2B ooeilHusbsnd, I, MANDJRA !)DRA, j ENA FOR. PROD'llerr0H OF DOCUMENrS FROM NONF'AIrf'L YOU I S'r go CO MlrcllJdI t.t W w,llC, :l \ 91 C<JraI Wuy, SUllo $04, Ml.Ul.l.I, FlonCe. 33145, on No .::mOOr 9, 201 1, in 2:15 p.m.. 5.D.d with you nt tb:lt time ~nd 1)lacQ the ···-·--fOTIOl'lil1g.; blln.ldC'.s t;'C~I:d~ ~&tcd with Mandlm.o,,\ldta, Soelnl g~~--Y:"'·N-\Jm-b-·CI'--'-/)'\ ~· :- .~"""IJ,-?S15, what{ sho is the prinl.n}' u~\!I\1 bolder, joGJ.ll\!:co\l(\{ holder. or lUJtho~d :;igru>JOl'1 Cl1 the !I~l1l1f fr m the years 2COS·pre;eot. Thcsd1cmS wHl be. Inspected ~d may be oo~lcd at \hat time. You wnt IlOt ba,vc to luvc li\~ original it.s. /\c. (, O' :1 l'J 1- ti _. b .... 'S" You ay obey 1hls subpot'n~ by provIding ~6~bl~ copies oCthe items to b~ prodtlCcd ~ Ine party or siner uttorncy whc~ Ml'IlO QPpcan on this 1iU0f«na 00 or WOI'(; the schc-du!ed oOie Dfprodu tion:. You O'ICly conditloo thcl'(ef>JlrdiM of the COpiC3llpQ1\ pa.yraC1\t in ~<Icmoo of Ule CCSl ofpl'cparnnoD. Uyou m:lil or<lelivcr tM cop1~ ~o tho nrtol'lloywb.ose llAl11~ app¢m on thi subpoena bot9t'o tb~ <hlC indlC1led above, Y \l do not have \0 IlWCjr in p ~ on, C Y()U 'J bo In eon~mpt of court If you roll till (1) Apl'~nr as spc:-clJlcd; (.2) the r~rd5' stead of appcnr/Jl.g ClJ provr(lcd ~bIlvei I)l'~) obloet to Ibis ijUbpO~DD, Yau e only be exClUc<I by t!1¢ P~~1i weose IlAlT1C tq)ptll.."S on 'his 5\lOI=¢i;na end, uoto>s c;;(CIlScd. by tb \ ;pC1'l?on or (ho CoUl't, YOII ilicll \'(l:ifJoQd lI.S dL"Cctcx\, EXHIBuT A 2u'lHi'-02 07:40 91027227t3 » BBtT Lu,r,oartG() lie P 3/3 ClERK OF 'fHE CrRCU11' COURT (SEAl.) ThJs pm to I t th oI!ol<rt: [f ;--e\l rl'~ :" ? Q 3)'; HIM out b, t.,"'c court o)."fiUed in \'.'itU info,m£ltiQn YO~I have 0 taioed f~~)\1 fs<;>n with ndisnblii(y who 1l~cL\ al\j' accoll'\l'®\lut\cn il'l ol,.,r~r 10 psrtidpatlO (1\ th(~ \)r()c ~1ng. 'I tl :'!.l ~ ntittG\l, at no cost tI) {)ram (Ilddrw) • DopulYCltd< you, to tbe lltovision of certain t$Sisbl.llCO. P !c~c • <;"(nltflCI {It! Ispholl e) _ ,within 2 WOr 'ng d:lYs ofyollr I'i:Qeipt oftll!, 1ub!>oeoa. If you ~re hC:U10i!, or VO!cd Im.pP.ltM, cal! TOD 1·8 ()'9:iS.m I . IFY th~t t save noti~g to C cloer ~al y to thi~ Ilct:¢Ii of rny lntcnt 10 ~l:rvo ~ 'lay a p~oon who \$ not a pMty to this :\CHell dlrcctins ili!!! pe:so:'t to pr¢du~c dQcllmeot$ tIlitlS) v:ithm:t dtpOildor.. I Also cmfi that no obJaclion under Florida Ru.le of Civil prnc cdC \.35 t hag 'c~n r;~iv¢d by !he undo~ignoo within 10 4~y:l oi S eMCC of lbis notice, if" e~ was by hand dcUv~:'Y IYr c,[lF-'l'09nalo fuc2\rcilc tl'il.'l\-Im/~.s{ou., :!!lrt withb IS d,:ys ieG~io;.~, by mall. 9 '" '-lO"""T . - .- -­ lI.ITCIle.t.L &; WEST, L~c ArtQ:t',.lyl ~ PC'~tion:rlH~ Tctr.l ~~I( 'il<J!!~1i15 1101 ~W""w:"'5C>1 MiQml, f~ J;!4~ J1Iooc: O~ <-11· J) H F~,<:(~~~).¢m -, c. 1- - / , 0 "- I( I_ -- I L(~. , - --­ .... .... --------- - - ---' ; ' from :'v(l;un i-D;)dt! . Browurd or P:·~!m 2e::u~h COlinry, Florid.:! "r dies. --- ... -. - ~ ...-:: ­ GENERA~, I\FFIDA\fIT STA liNG FACTS ON lNFORMA nOf'{ Fl,GTU,o.L EVIDENC = hN D OC CURAI ,IC ES ;,,; ~': :,: .... STATE OF FLORIDA .. ~ .' " COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE PERSONALLY appeared before me, ,~-c-- r''--'' J '"",......" ---, \ '- irr<7 the undersi gn ed authority In and said COUh t\! and state, ' ,' " , ',, , , "',-;c~_h[ J ' " 1,.. . _ o havrng been o~ing tlrst dutv SWO rri bv L h,~~n d ers l gJ1ed No t-}(V Public, )Nh rlepos es and says: "1. :i: ,. . " ,iI,(fia llt is witn ess c d is informed in the area of such In fo , tn,ptlo'n pre;;E;ll tea -I,1'ereby': pre s-e lll$ tl SOlJnd lil . ..:,-­ ;- an Cll ysis 2nd On August 25 th ~ in go od fait h, states th e tollo\vil g : , 20 11 I wen t in to th e (GPO to be in te rv iew ed by Detect ive "!Ven t ze,l ab out th Shirley Martin ez . The Detective showed me a f,l ict ure of JOI1\€ 3S he ha d corne in t o fill out an application Fe~;Il_a n,de..z ;:li,d~ as ked \(.:, ha d ~e e-n for Bu siness Relation s a ~d:i!)t~'~\lie~:~dwith Dave, a pic ture of Gl ebys Grin an and asked if I saw her. I t old Payrol l Fral!d conducte.d t)"v h1'11 no , ,T,ne de~~ctiv~\ hen i!lformed ,~<, ' him, I Col d him tliat I had Det , \iIle ntz.::1also show ed m e rne tl13 t accordin g t o Jorge, ,.:."- Glebys Clnd Ms. Mariti nez that they d id work for ,C:.l~,~~: .t!J,! a ge, J.lnd th at Dave RucJri'l hired the m personally, I replied tha t Dave did not hire him lJecalise dLII'ing the Intervi el;i/ he feksu.spiciops 'lbo ut Jorge Fe rnande z and he walked away ~a\{lng " I ca nnot work far someone who canf"lot trust hi$ ~,~'pl~yeesl) . ;' :::.,;, ' ·.c'·". ",:",''. The detective said, how do YOIl know;. t'I~~t the'Ydid :~~; t. 'of ,'" '~'6t:,worJ~t: for Clean ' ~:,,~. ~~~:~- Image if Dave hired them? I told him that ail ,; report to me as; l , was ' t~ e oR~.ratio Fls ma nager and I handle all payroll time-sheets, None or the people .. ~" . .: ~ . ~ .... : ;~ ;'\{':. who cashed the checks or the peop le-" i l~ the :p,Lctures wo'rked fo r Cleall Image or had an application or signed in to payroll employees bave to " -~. ' ::' time-sheets. ....­ The detective asked " wr9~dge's :Rf~;01!,,_ 'lt\)ld\; lm that I turn in the payroll sheets to Shirley and she enters them on-line in the computer. The ollJy day S h'i'~~~y 'ca m,e ill to work early would be on the days she ente l'ed paYI'OII, and could have entered transac!JQ:n's and transmit p~'~·roll. be(Q,re I Dave would log 'i~_ ~fter I got tl~?.(e . t~' November, Dave told me to train 011 payroll with Shirley 50 I watched her enter never enter~!d it myself or had a Sign on ID until she left. Shirl ~/ ~118 :i~~tl ke t!le changes and transmit payroll. The detective said accordlllg to Shirley, I told him that Dave never did payroll and does not know how to' do, payroll. '~:!The detective lool<ed surprised and asked me, how tan the president of the company not how to do pay~~iI7(1 tcild him tllat's why he hiles someone to do the payroll. do the pavroll now ar1d Dave does IiOt do it. BeSides, Dave was hardly detective said what hlJppens when you are sick, In I also told him that I am the only Or1e to the office when Shirley used to do payroll. The I told him that I haVEn't been sick so far and it can be done from your home If that is the case ilnd I told him that you can see the IP Log where Sh irley did enter into pByrol1 several times from her house IP, because it wa~ not the offlLe JP . The detective gave a face like he did not want to believe me. I asked him, why would Dave write a check 10 an employee who did not work there and not benefit from it? The detective did not answer. ~Ir ilddi.tional space is needed refer LO attachment as Part II of Affidavit, ~./) GENERAL !~~F IDi~, V! l ST,ll,TING F ,~\CTS ON IN ':OR.IVIATIOI L FACTtJAL EVIDENCE AND OCC UR.4 JC ES Th e detective the n changed t he subject and tol d me t hat, did yo u kn o w Dave ha s a Ve( 6 5 peop le o n payroll with bad So ci al Security Nurnbers .:m d so m e of them are deceased? i rol d him tha t I d iscov er'e d t hat earlier when peop le ca lle d in saying tha l the ir lax reI urns ha d the wrong social security nu mbers on th em . I inf'orm ed Oave and we cont~ cted th e r ay ro ll company and found out that the numbers were tota lly off. Dave asl<ed me to correct them immediately. I later pulled all the current employees and found that even Dave's Social Security Number was ch anged and he did not know about it. I Wf:'1H irtto pdor p ilYI'1) 1I reg isters and fo uneJ th at they did have the correct social security numbers, but at so m pOint l'l1 <l ny numb ers were ch anged . H Ie lietectlve loo ked at me and said, tha t l1e w ill be inve stigati ng th ~ socia l securit y nu mber~ as it "va s a federal offence and thal if Da ve did chan ge t he num bers, tha t Ile ,,"Quid be fe dernlly prosecute ci. I asked him;·' will! woul d Dave chan ge th e ' 1 So i' l Scw ri !,! Numbe rs wh e n he il<l~ legallv ciigible em plOyees"! He sai d he do es llot.l~n ovJ g3'Je me the impression that he wanted to believe Shi rlE"l . 11' see n: ed ill his to ne an d 'N hy. Dave w ou ld do trlat, ,"n d I;;~y 1~J)gud-ee. as if,tbe detective w (!. s m ore ntCI'ested in tryin g 1'0 fi nd fiJult in Dave than the real reason wh'l Vi P. I'(o pohed t he cri m e of Ghost·Employee;. . " , . ­ .~ - - I , ' . .;. " hy thi! (1 etective, (e cillled.:·'s~ v eril l conv~rs 3tiqn s with S h i rk~lJ. One of tr e ..... lila uhe...comp lai oed,lhar s he .\;'!ant .quit b,2 CiWS~ n2\lE:'·.5,u.sfJ.ecte·dJJ.eLQf p.assmgjnrorma.tiQI) to his. I need t o add t ho t afte l' being intEi'\l iE' w ed • wife about wh at he was do ing. On anot hc r occa sion rig ht at ( he beca use Dave is going to have my m other im/ ol ved . arr e ~l:ed , sh e _ qu'it" she toid m~ th at I need to be carer'll for stealing··gis ·jr;-v¥.?lrY.., She aiso said tha t. I Il eeo to qu it and no t get .;.:~. . '. '. ':: , ::.~;;.: . I cl ea rly remember anot her conv ersation which did not make:sen~e " '::'~::\1'" she g~::...rtlLU.QJ!1 P ~!lY_ th ree m o_ ths Qefore the n I' time ': at ._ tiie--,time. On Janu arv 25,2011, Shirley tol d me that ' ;"; . .. ~ - -----. - - . ,..­ l;ds.s_o m e. ~ n d c~;e j~~~D.,_ I did not know w hy she wa s s<lying that, bu t _ _ ---_ ---_ -- she also added t ha t I S l10uld come a nd work fo r her .beca use· she vJas·a·n 'officer, and aft er the divo rce eithf'r ~h e would ge t ~ ." ' . :~', ',;, )', ..,':.:.... .,....-----_ .. ..­ .. the co m pany or his w ife M an d _~a would o:",n t h ~,,~~J:Y':~y. .~~!lE-a.y ~-g~ ~- t9. je.!.I :. She sa id " and trus t me, you do n't wa nt _ towor[< fo r hi. wrfe because she is a bjt.chl , . I dic not l' , .-.-.;". kllpw wha t ,_~:. ,~'I she was talking abou t the n, although I did get sca red I " st aye d with Clean Image because I . ~id ri6.r I ~ e ~.,'.w)Ve d.o;:.:~ny t h i ng unusuill. At the time I did not know th at Shirley opened own company and that she had : ~~o len·· a,~' that mo'ney. later we found emails belwc>en Sh irley, D2ve's wife, Det. Ramesh NyBerg and De·rective~:(tarlos BaiXpli, . W e. (l lso noted all payroll records prior to November 2010 are missing. In her November I slal1ed main ti'l.If\(n~· ~ i·I :' P.-~YI:OIl:i~c8 rd ~ · ~nd timesheets . .!,~~ -.~ : ... ;.~; -~"_:::~-i": ' "I<; Her personnel files and Daniel Castillo are also missing . t ~'!'::;~j;.~~ The dCly I learned thdt :S.h irley was ca ugh t,for bank fraud, she calle d me and told me that she was going to file a order on Dave . .I1.).e.'fol iJI-::,ing Angela file Mond~.v 8 0~l lce officers came to file a restraining order on Dave. Commis';j~ng p ri~r 'lQ ,th~ co~';"t charges. resl rainin~ Shirley was in contact with date and asked Dave for $5000 00 so she would drop the restraining order Clnd ))01 ? . ,~,-->"i: ~,,,".:i.',l" A ng~ la pleaded to Dave to give it to he r but Dave refused. She also told Ansela that the cops wanted to catth Dave violating the restra in ing~p rder a nd arrest him, but she refuse d to entrap him. ".'-'. ~ ~r: -· Affiant t\Jome :b'-'--"CI...>-.......r-.:p:~_-7I'-7--,P==--'-<.:,:........::--<...:::=-_ __ _ _ Affian t Signature: ,/ , v ~ SWORN to and subscd6ed before me, on this _ _ _ day of Date:_U._~I_q_h_\__ SeQ~,Nlbec &1 ~ j'lfadditional spa ce is needed refer to attachment as Part !I of AffidaVit, . 2011_. ( IYJc7k---­ , - - ,- GENERAl. AFFfO/\V1T STA TiN G f ACTS ON INF ORMATI ON, A ND OCCURANCES I F l~\CTUA L EV\DE ~,! CE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE PER SONALLY 2ppeare d be fore m e, the u nde rsi gned (luthon t y 'n <lna c;aicl co unt\' and state, (J2cqLlffrr~LO hCQ'"who having bee n being fi rs t cJut'! sworn by th e u.ndersig ned . d ep oses an d 5FJ YS· Affiant is In for med III the are;:) o f slich informa t ion p re s ~ nt ed hereby pre se nts _ . _ g oel fiJ ith , <;.tates t h lO foilo w in g: _ _ ~ .. _ _ _ _ __ l ot ary Pub lic, ~ ___ . .. _ _ _ _ A~ r ......_ I ....._ ...' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' (J sou nd an alvsis anel in . __.•_. __ _ .. ....,___ ~~~,"",. _ _=-=~=--:--'.'."::-;.;;; .==-:::·:_':'~_ .: cc==:-c·-;:·c·__ -,- _ _ - ___ ... -- -­ I 5[ Clrted vJo l"ki n(:l at Clea n Imag e in Octo ber and wa s trained 0 man age t he elll pfoV cE5 bV Da ve and to do pa'lroll bv Shirley Martinez. I spen t 2l lot of ti ll1e wi t h Sh irley and sh e w as very nice t o me. During th at time ..lJe had a cllent.3 t Lincoln LPC called Ne stor R<lrn ir el w ho kept c'2 i1 ing for Ine to come to his b ll ild ing fo r thi ngs t hat w ere not our responsibilitV. One day in November he email ed m e to con' ffiunicate with him direct IV an d na t to get Dave involved. I told Dave this and he told me to w rite Nestor a rep ly th at I had to notifv him of everything going on in the company . Nestor then stopped calling me. L<lter. Shirley would communicate directly with Nestor and take me to his bUildings. We kept getting complainls only from Sheila in the Inter-America Suite. I could not understand wl,y because as lhe operations person, I checked on that suite every day and everything was left perfect. One day after a complaint I visited the suite and the receptionist told me that Sheila had come earlier to ruffle a plant and then made a complaint The same thing also happened in S&K properties where Shirley would deal with Carla . For the next few weeks, Shirley would often ask me to go to lunch with Nester an d her. She also "-,,ked me if Nesto l· had <l cha nee to speak to me yet. ! asked her about what and she said never mind. to Nestor. From then on, mostly Nestor dealt wIth ShIrley. In January, we received a termInation letter from both S&K ann LPC for 5 properties without cause to be effective March 1, 2011. Dave tried to negotiate with both clients and told me that they would reconsider. On the last week of the termination date, Dave asked me to go check all the properties. As ( was going to check the properties, Shirley told me not to bother, because she knew they were not going to renew the contracts. I still checked them as Dave asked and the following Monday there was another company In place as Shirley said . By this time Dave had caught that Shirley was having the payroll delivered to her house and made lots of unauthorized Bank Charges. By the time I came to work I found Dut that Shirley was not coming back, Dave stopped the payroll from going to her house and delivered to the office . Dave also found a se ries of emalls between Shirley and Nestor from November forward about meeting and talking after "'Ii additional space is needed refer to attachment as Part II of Afiid;JVit. .. / ' :" " '] C~E l .ERP,t l... F':':ifJ,ti.VlT STA TING Fi.\CTS ON INFORMATION, FACTUAL EVtDENCE AND OCCUR A NCES When we received payroll and sorted the checks, I round check was issued to D<1r1ie l Cast illo, Sh irlev's husband , Daniel Costil lo's check ,-.vas not enclos ed in the package Bnd I brought this to Dave's atten t ion Da niel Castill o was not worl<i ng fo r us , 0'1 th e ledge r th31 C1 Dave r.hen h8Q me go through mo re of t he payroll ledger f rom Novem ber on and fou~'d ,t:nore peop le. 'Nho din Castill o, Michelle F,~~'n,andf22, and J :orge "HNi'\<Jndcz (1! 1 rr: ce ivmg cherks, bu t did not work fO I' LIS , Sin ce Novembe r, I nevel' saw the c ebk~ t;'t0~5e IJ edr)le eVE: r corne to t he office I fou nd alm ost 523,00000 of che cks iss ued 1:0 p eop le !N~'D dia not wor~ ' for us: Sin ce November , ! 'J.j,)S <'it th e office and ol1lv Shirle y l'v1artil~ el w as issued a log-on tor' r:<ly.- Day paV!'!JJL-@_c1_~V.gll_tllP.iAgtLl __ ___ '_ ~\/<1tched 1m do p<lyroll, 51'ii~eya l -'::;'iv~ el)t~retp"~~~~-il:,-r.;~r~w;'~;'" fd'id '~ oti~;' 'that sh e CR~l~~' i ,~ '~a;fi~;th; ;: ,~, e- · nnt \liork for n , ' __ ' __ -, on the rla y~ 'J, b'J t CNere iss ued che ck s, I found Maritzo she entered payroll. Dave asked me ro ch~ck the Bi3ni< statements t o see .,::- cashed ~dt't~e checks. Asl INent check by ch eck, I who ­ nOliced th2t most ofth0 chec ks issu ed to the employee,s, vq,e re changed and ca shed by a Jorge Fernand ' 2, the one issued to Jorge Hernandez, was sig ned bY ' J~j~e Fernnnde:z. and depOSited in the Si\me bank account, Coincidentally I recall meeting a Jorg~ Luis Fernan iiel(;who opened up my bank (lccoont at EV(>[l Wachovia, Januar~j'i3, 201i::JqJge Fer,nandez and Daniel Castillo opened lip a cleaning later we discovered that on 'tb"e. address on the website being the same as Shirley Maritl1ez. We called the number and Shirley picked up the phone, company called Global Outsourc'e.5olutlons 'with Before she quit she spoke to m'e.s,everaLt,iJT)es <lnd tried to tell me that Dave was going to have my mother arrested and tried to . convin~~ me':that Dave was dangerous and that he tried to kiss her and she was scaring . I .:~ me about Dave:"'Although I did 'n,o t se~ anything of that nature ha ppen, Shirley cried and was ver.I convincing " th()t Dave would have my moth~r arrested for stealing his necklace. My mother deans Dave's house, 'had a mental problem CIt and needed mental help. +~ dore me, on this ~di:lY of ~{\e. -t;))i!l~'~ STEFANIE MADSEN '% ~ Q ... ~ Commission II DD 984791 Expiras Ap!1126, 2014 ~ jl __... '~' e..Y'ti5cItl'h'V:'oy ~bvIn» eco.l.,'\:5-701' . ~I'{V~ ' yp we N~ My Commission Expires :_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~)f ' 20~, additional space IS needed refer to attachment as Part !I of Affidavit. She also ( / '. ~. . ,. .' j .'. -', . .' / /; 1. •• (' Ramesii I--! yberg <ra mesh.nj'berg@gma il.col1l > 03/04/2012 12:03 PM To gooc lman@flsd.lIsCOUI1S .gov ce bee Fwd: Vi sitalion. ,. Subpoena for Tda!. Federiil Case on Mond y 3 attach menls ,.----;c------ .---.- .- . - --­ -~ Suilpoena for Tlial Federal e sse Ma ter Acadil l11y .tif rnage001 ,yif.002 illlageOQ4 jpg,QO', Your .Honor, Please see Tbis mess age from Mr. Rucl r8, which has ,'I rtached the s lbpot'-l1il he had served at my work . I :un (ll so sending all th e lllatc ri aJ ~ wit h it courier 5(1 rhat you will get it emly iVfonclay mOi'mng. Thank YOll, Mandi ra Rudra ---_. ----- Forwarded message ---------­ From : M , n dira Ru dl"a <mandira.rucira@gm,a i1.eom> Dale: \"led, Feb 29, 201 2 at 4 :41 PM Subject: f wd : Vi~ ita ti o n .. .. Subpoena for Trial. Federal Case on Monday To: "ramesh,n:y:Q.~rg( ail. com" <ramesh.nyberg@,> ---------- Forwarded message --- ------­ From: "Dave Rudra" <Dave@genesismauagement.l1s> Dnk ' Feb 29, 2012 4:30 PM Subject: Visitation .... Subpoella for Trial. Federal Case on Monday To : "Mand ira Rudra" <rnanclira.>, < m>, "Stuart Abramson" <lawstu08@gmail .coru> Cc: "Spencer" <swest@lnilchellandwest.conl> , <Preferred proc e~ho t m a il . com> Due to an upcol1ling Federa l Case, 1 will be preoccupied tonig,ht, You may plc\l1 Clccordingly \-\lith the children, In (he future, I will establish that YOli may drop off the c.h il dren either at (l1)' work or ho me during visiUlrion . I will drop the ch ildren back to your hOllse. Thjs way (he burden on me is relieved as YOll have refused to le t any of my friends and help pick theln up when I <1m {. -n . I tI' I \ Dave Rudra = R2mesl1 Nyberg Q amest1,llybcrg@gmail,com> Saturday, MSI'ch 10, 2012 2:41 PM swesl@m itchell andwesLcom Re· Goodm an Emai ls from NyBerg . In Federal Case From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: ML Rudr(J, Y Oll may believe \vhafever you \-"ish. What is fact is that Y0 1l includ~d me in your lawsuit by putting my name on (he exhibit list , and trying to include my divorce ill your deiel1s.,. You drag people into your lega l problems , Fi nd tilen you complain about them '? Whomever r com municate with, is ent'i rdy' my business , so if you l1avc it compl"int, lodge it :·;omewhere else [mel don 't bother me nbout i1. On S(\[, i'v(ar 10, 20 12 at I :55 PM, <i , ~lvdi{) !'! e nes i: IH~·11 e m('n t.lI s> wrote: Hello ~ilr. NyBe rg, I wa s curious as to Goodm an yourself. co u rtroom before? Lawsuit is taking it Em ail. Please stop Thanks Dave e n~ail s (attached ) fo r Ma ndi ra and send in g t hem to Judge Was Judge Good man suppo se d t o 'N ei g ht til e fact th at y ou ma y have bee n his I know you use d to w rite Ma nd ira' s sc hoo! projects before, but int erfer ing in a Federal J bit to far . IVl a ndira is no t capa ble of writing suc h lett ers a nd you sent I:hem from your il1terferlng in ot her lawsuits moving forward. why you would be writ ing Dave Rudra "" From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ramesh Nyberg <ramesh.nyberg@g mail com" Wednesday, March 14, 20 12 8:17 prvl w.washington 22 1@gmai!.com; lawstu08; mil acleworker18@aof com, wg lasko@gcp rob Re: Em ails to Burnste in 1'm stlre he'll be intrigued to hear all abOln ir. On Wec\, Mar 14, 20 J 2 at 5:23 PM, <Dave1().!.l.cncsis nW)}3£! c: mcn t. u s> wrote: NyBerg, It was b ro ught to my attention that y ou are em aili ng Bu rn ste in update s of INhat you wan t hi m t o I<now. Dave GENERAL AFFIDAVIT STATING FACTS ON INFORMATION, FACTUAL EVIDENCE AND OCCURANCES STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE PERSONALLY appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and said c_ounty and state, CIr:::tque.JJYY~'\, deposes and l,c)YT L .who having been being first duty sworn by !he undersigned Notary Public, says: Affiant is witness and is informed in the area of such information presented~,hereby'presents a sound analysis and in good faith, states the following: :':", ': , .. --On August 25t~, 2011 I went in to the (GPO to be interviewed by Deteci:i~~ Wentzel about the Payroll Fraud conducted by ~----- --.--------- - --- -- --,-~--- -----.-- ---""-.- -~---- Shirley Martinez. The Detective showed me a picture of Jorge Fernandez.and ..asked'if I'had seen him. I told him that I had as he had come in to fill out an application for Business Relations and intervielNed with Dave, DeL Wentzel also showed me '" ,~."::_ ,I . l . a picture of Glebys Grinan and asked if I saw her. I told hirn no. ,The detective then informed me that according to Jorge, Glebys and Ms, Maritinez that they did work for CI~an Image 'and that Dave Rudra hired them personally. I replied that Dave did not hire him because during the intel\lie'~ he" f~lt-SLJ.S~iCiOus about Jorge Fernandez and he walked away saying "I ,_ cannot work for someone who ca nnot trust The detective said, how do I -I:.r hi_~_ ~mpI9yees". know. ~hat they "did not,~orldor Clean Image if Dave hired them? I told him that all YOLi employees have to report to me as ,I was-the operati~ns ~anager and I handle all payroll time-sheets. None of the people ­ who cashed the checks or the people in, ;, the pictures worked for Clean Image or had an application or signed in to payroll . -­ ~r time-sheets, -:-;... - .~.:..::.7':j:'(- •. . ,'-.' The detective asked who dde's .. '.- : ... payr~lI , I 't ;ldbim that I turn in the payroll sheets to Shirley and she enters them on-line in '., ··Iv.... the computer. The only day Shii-ley came in to work early would be on the days she entered payroll, and could have entered transac,~ions be'fore I got t h~re, i~ November, Dilve told me to train on payroll with Shirley so I watched her enter and transmit payroll, I never enter,ed it myself or had a sign on 10 until she left. The detective said according to Shirley, Dave would log'\~ after 5hirleyi ~n(f;";ake the changes and transmit payroll. I told him that Dave never did payroll and does not know how to do_ payroIL-: The detective looked surprised and asked me, how can the president of the company not know how to do pay~~"117- It~id him that's why he hires someone to do the payroll. I also told him that I am the only one to do the payroll now and Dave does not do it. Besides, Dave was hardly in the office when Shirley used to do payroll. The detective said what happens when you are sick. I told him that I haven't been sick so far and it can be done from your home if that is the case and I told him that you can see the IP log where Shirley did enter into payroll several times from her house IP, because it was not the office IP. The detective gave a face like he did not want to believe me. I asked him, why would Dave write a check to an employee who did not work there and not benefit from it? The detective did not answer. "If additional space is needed refer to attachment as Part II of Affidavit. GENERAL AFFIDAVIT STATING FACTS ON INFORMATION, FACTUAL EVIDENCE AND OCCURANCES The detective then changed the subject and told liie th at, did you know Dave has over 65 people on payroll with bad Social Security Numb~rs and some of them are deceased- I told him that I discovered that earlier when people called in saying that their tax returns had the wrong social security numbers on them. I informed Dave and we contacted the payroll company and found out that the numbers were totally off. Dave asked me to correct them immediately. I later pulled all the current employees and found that even Dave's Social Security Number was changed and he did not know about it. I went into prior payroll registers and found that they did have the correct social security numbers, but at some point many numbers were changed. The detective looked at me and said, (hat he will be investigating the social security numbers as it was a federal offence and that if Dave did change the numbers, that he would be federally prosecuted. I asked him," why would Dave change the Social Security Numbers when he has legally eligible employees? He said he does noUmow why Dave would do that, and gave me the impression that he wanted to believe Shirley. It seemed in his tone and body l<;lnguage, Cls if the detective was more int erested in trying to find fault in Dave than the real reason why we rep?rt~d the'crim~·ofGh9~t'E mpIOyees, I need to add that after being interviewed by the detective, I recalled several conversations with Shirley. One of the e.o n.versaHollS_was..tha t...sheLompJa in.ed. tha Lsbe_wa nled.Jo..!l.UjtbeC3..4S.e'._D.a\l.e~,~s.p_e.cled~:~.e L~ f .pass ing. info rro at iOJ). to_bis_ wife about what he was doing. On another occasion right at the time she quit,. she told me that I need to be careful because Dave is going to have my mother arrested for stealing his jeyvelry. , .She also said that I need to quit and not get involved. I clearly remember another conversation which did not make ..~~nse at the time. On January 25, 2011, Shirley told me that she gives this company three months before the feds come andcc/ose it down. I did not know why she was saying that, but she also added that I should come and work for her _ becaus~ -~he ;1;·a.s a~ ·officer, and _,­ after the divorce either she would get the company or his wife Mandira would own the_company whe,n Dave goes to jail. She said "and trust me, you don't want to work for his wife because she is a bitch>;. I did . t)ot k·now .what she was talking about then, although I did get scared I . . ', , < ~:,_, ,:' :1":- ' , stayed with Clean Image because I not see_Qave do a nythlng unusual. At the time I did not know that Shirley opened her own company and that she had ;.stol~i1-"~il · that money. . ~.' , ;'. later we found emails between Shirley, Dave's wife, Det. '" Ramesh NyBerg and Detective··.(:arlos Baixali. ·:We also noted all payroll records prior to November 2010 are missing. In November I started main1~l. n ing ·a"lI ; p~·Yr-oli ~~·c()rd~;nd : .-....:' -.\' ; ;..,..,.,~ ': ~~ ... ',. ~\ timesheets. Her personnel files and Daniel Castillo are also missing. . The day I learned that Shirley w,ts ca ught for bank fraud, she ca lied me and told me that she was gOing to file a restraining order on Dave. The 'following Monday B police officers came to file a restraining order on Dave. Shirley was in contact with Angela Commiss(ong prior to the cO.!.Jrt date and asked Dave for S5000.00 so she would drop the restraining order and not file charges. Ang~l~ pleaded to· Da 0~· to give it to her but Dave refused. She also told Angela that the cops wanted to catch Dave violating the re?training:?rder and arrest him, but she refused to entrap him. A Hi an t N am e :~t..l.-<~d....<~':;'=+--::a-1"--,L-=""""'-'----""-"-='------ Affiant Signature : - - - - - . ' ' ' - - - - - - . f L - - - - f - H - - - - - - , - - - - - - ­ Date:- - - - - - ­ SWORN to and subscr My Co m miss 10 n Ex pires :---14\--+-9-'<-_I\-'--~_b=_+)--=?bc.......=....L..\vj-'----_ _ NOTAR PUB C ~ If additiona I space is needed refer to attachment as Part II of Affidavit. NAME AFFIDAvIT AND SWORN STATEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MIAMI-OADE) I, the Declarant /. " / Identification FI Driver's License No: date ('t:.JG::. /r.,)C, \ ~., ) 1" 1/ •. , .2cn0/f« l./) q!lc' cw"./eD f / ,DOB I Il-/ L '/7.3 ~(gl(: 8. 7 , expiration ::; .- v, ,/ 2. " /S , do hereby certify, swear or affirm, and declare under penalty of I perjury that this is my legal name and that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge and that I can be asked to take a sworn deposition and or be asked to appear in Court to testify of same. Dave showed me the transcripts of the testimony that were given during the Leonard Screen Case, I was present in the courtroom sitting on [he side of defendant, Dave Ruclra and Clean Image's represenring lawyer Spencer West when Marissa Marino was asked on the stand whose house she was staying in nod she answered "Ram", Then she was askcd jf she meant detective Ramesl\ Nyberg and she ans\Vered "yes", It should be noted that the information contained in the transcripts is i.ncorrect. On page 10 Ihis instance referring to Ramesh Nyberg as Maresh , During the course of the tria! Spencer West, rhe lawyer for Clean Image was exhibiting behavior and actions that became increasingly questionable. When attempts to locate Marissa were unsuccessful. Mr. West suggested to the courts to have her arrested and brought in. by the US Marshals , Upon Judge Goodman's suggestion to subpoena Marissa Marino's mother and or brother in an effort to draw Ms. Marino to court. Mr, We!.i played a role as though he was using his skills as a Jawyer to work againstlhe defendant's defense, The night that the subpoena was served for the family member(s) of Marissa Marino, Dave showed me a text from Spencer West stating that Marissa Marino was served and called him to say that Leonard Screen did not work overtime, The following day in court Mr. West tried to convince Dave and me as (0 the reasons why we should get ahold of Marissa Marino and not have her to take the stand. He said we would lose the headway that we had made so far with the trial, that if we did call her to testify it would work against us and cause us to lose the trial. He said he spoke to Marissa Mnrino said she would show up with a lawyer and she would deny everything and plead the 5th. He further told us that Marissa said thaI she would say that she made a deal with Dave to pay him $7,000.00 nol to prosecute her for allegedly admitting her crimes. Mr. West said his legal position was to not lise her to testify in the case and his tone was very serious and direct. Mr West was vehement about not having Marissa Marino take the stand or we would lose the case. Dave was very upset at Mr. West and said, he would take his chances and put her on the stand anyway after he spent all that money trying to locate her. Personally I could not figure out how within 24 hours he completely changed his tone from being upbeat and supportive about having Marissa Marino testify in conversations he had with Dave the same night he received rhe: text that she would in fact come in voluntarily stand, to trying to say anything in his power [hat would convince LIS \0 take the from having Marissa Marino take the stand. When 1 saw what Mr. West was trying to do and how he was trying to prevent the trutb tram surfacing- I became so disgusted with him and I even told Mr. West a( that poinl "I am so disgusted with you right now." At another juncture in the trial we would be breaking for lunch and Dave went to the exhibits desk and was searching for a particular trial exhibit that he would use after the break in his cross examination. The document was nowhere to be found. When Dave asked Mr. West where was the described document Mr. West replied. "J've seen many documents during this trial I don't know which documem you're talking about Dave." Dave went on LO describe the document and M.r. West began to become irritated attesting that he didn't know anything abou( that document. During the lunch break Dave explained which document it was and we discussed the exact labeling of the exhibit, that being 7 of exhibit P3. Dave said to me "T bet that document will be there when we get back from !unch," I asked him why and he said, "you'll see it will be there when we retum." Sure enough, when we got back Spencer was the first one in the courtroom and greeted Dave and me, telling us that he came back early and found the document. This document specitkally referred to Leonard Screen being a Supervisor and. Team leader making him exempt Another aspect of the trial that baffled me in terms offoul play came when Mr. Remer, the plaintiff's lawyer, was cro,>s-examining Marissa Marino. Mr. Remer asked if Marissa Marino cut a deal with Dave Rudra and continued further (0 ask ifshe had paid him any money and how much. Now the only way Mr. Remer could have knowledge of any existing agreement that took place several years ago between Marissa Marino and Dave Rudra would be ifhe was tipped off by Mr. West who spoke with Marissa Marino just prior 10 coming to court. During the opening of the trial witness selecrion, Mr Remer listed Marissa as a witness but objected to using her and claimed to the judge he did nOl have her contact in/ormation . Dave paid the process server four times to skip trace her then serve her at the last hour. The proces<; server also took the stand on the second day of trial. / /' "\ I / _ ~ // (i:::.,~~.,Pnt-#:.A n/ /1 .I / ·Signa1.ure of Declarant v ...--/) / . .J C"' r1 r1 ' 'v.). n (J.: r ~'(j I,,· Name of Declarant fe'" .3 I" : .. J Date: ) '7 / ,) c· / "~ I r1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the foregoing instrument was, sworn to (or affirmed), subscribed and acknowledged before me this J~V1f1. ted Vt1V1 h-?Itt<Q(ev- '2 q day of March, 2012 b i ; , ' J who has produced -Rorida Dr IVel s LleeAse N ""lt~~, (~, f&iJ~S. L: s6'~,et 1/424135 identification and di~~~th~orid: Notary Public. .------·-- : ; :;..- ___~ ~ ~. ,.... NOTARY PUBLIC, St~e of Florida le~v~ C:;~CP~ Notary Printed Name My Commission Expires: Lb

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