Club Madonna Inc v. City of Miami Beach

Filing 190

ORDER Adopting 187 Magistrate Judge Jonathan Goodman's Report and Recommendations. Signed by Judge Federico A. Moreno on 11/3/2022. See attached document for full details. (er02)

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Case 1:16-cv-25378-FAM Document 190 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/03/2022 Page 1 of 2 UN ITED STA TES D ISTRICT C OU RT FOR TH E SOU TH ERN D ISTRICT OF FLORID A M iam iD ivision C ase N um ber:16-25378-C IV -M O 1kEN O CLUB M ADON NA,INC.d/b/a CLUB M AD ON NA , Plaintiff, VS. CITY OF M IA M IBEA CH , D efendant. O R DER A D O PTIN G M A G ISTR ATE JUD G E JON A TH A N G O O D M AN 'S REPO R T AN D R E CO M M EN D ATIO N S THE M ATTER was referred to the Honorable Jonéthan Goodm an, United States M agistrateJudge,foraReportandRecommendationonDefendant'sM otionforBillofCosts(D.E. 186),filedon Septem ber29.2022. TheM agistrateJudgefiled aReportandRecommendation (D.E.187)onOctober 12.2022. TheCourthasreviewedtheentirefileandrecord. TheCourt has m ade a de novo review ofthe M agistrate Judge's R epot't and Recöm m endation,and being otherw ise f'ully advised in the prem ises,itis A DJUD G ED that U nited States M agistrate Judge Jonathan Goodm an's Report and Recom m endation isA FFIR M ED and A D O PTED . A ccordingly,itis A DJUD G ED thatD efendant'sM otion forBillofCosts is G R AN TED . DONEANDORDEREDinChambersatMiami,Florida,this (%Y ofNovember2022. FED ERIC O . NO UN ITED ST S D ISTRICT JUD GE Case 1:16-cv-25378-FAM Document 190 Entered on FLSD Docket 11/03/2022 Page 2 of 2 Copies furnished to: U nited States M agistrate Judge Jonathan Goodm an CounselofRecord

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