Echevarria et al v. TRIVAGO GMBH et al

Filing 269

ORDER GRANTING 235 MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PUBLICLY FILE EXHIBITS and DENYING MOTION TO SEAL. Signed by Judge Federico A. Moreno on 8/28/2024. See attached document for full details. (mmd)

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UN ITED STA TES D ISTRICT C OU RT FOR TH E SOU TH EM D ISTRICT OF FLO RIDA M iam iD ivision C ase N um ber:19-22620-C 1V -M O REN O M A RIO ECHEVA RRJA , Plaintiff, V S. EX PED IA GR OU P,lN C .,H O TELS.C OM L.P.,H O TELS.COM GP,LLC,and ORBITZ, LLC, D efendants. O R DER G M N TIN G M O TIO N FO R LEAV E T O PUB LICLY FILE EX H IBIT S A ND DEN YIN G M O TIO N TO SEA L THIS CAU SE cam ebefore the Courtupon PlaintiffsM otion forLeave to Publicly File Exhibits and Unredacted Statem ent of Facts in suppol't of his Omnibus M otion for Partial SummaryJudgmentorintheAlternative,toFileUnderSeal(D.E.235),filed onJulv 31.2024. TH E CO URT has considered the m otion, the response, the pertinent portions of the record,and being otherwise fully advised in the prem ises,itis A DJUD G ED thatthe m otion is G RAN TED except as to custom er nam es and addresses, where Plaintiff agreed to use only a lastnam e and firstinitialonly in the relevantexhibits. Plaintiffseekstopublicly fileExhibits29-36,38-42,and 45,which werenam ed ashighly confidentialby the D efendants pursuant to the Stipulated Confidentiality O rder entered in this case on July 31,2020.W hen the paMies first agreed to the Stipulated Confidentiality Order in this case,D efendants'com petitol's w ere also nam ed in this case and the inform ation contained in the exhibits w as current.The D efendants'com petitol's have now been dism issed from this case and in the four years since the Stipulated Order w as entered,the D efendants stopped selling the subjecthotelson theil'websites.Plaintiffarguesthattheinformation contained in the exhibits date from 2016 to 2020 and go to the heattof his trafficking case and the D efendants' law ful traveldefense.The Coul'tretainsthe abili' ty throughoutproceedingsto m odify the confidentiality order,as appropriate,See Boca Raton Comm .H osp.Jnc.v.TenetH ealthcare Corp.,271 F.R .D . 530,537 (S.D.Fla.2010)(statingthata courtmay modify aprotectiveorderafterdetermining whetheranyjustification existsforliftingormodifyingtheorder). ftdonce a m atter is broughtbefore a courtforresolution,itis no longer solely the parties' case,butalso the public'scase.''Brown v.AdvantageEngk.,Il1c.,960 F.2d 1013,1016 (11th Cir.1992).ThereisaClgeneralpresumpticm thatcriminaland civilactionsshouldbeconducted publicly.''FFC v.AbbvieProds.,LLC,713F3d 54,62 (11thCir.zol3ltquotingChi.TribtmeCo. v.Bridgestone/Firestone,Inc.,263F.3d 1304,1311(11th Cir.2001)).M oreover,the olderthe inform ation is, the less appropriate it is to seal it.In re Akl/rfg Green M ountain Single Serve Co//p ':AntitrustLitig.,No.14-MD-2542 (VSB),2023 W L 196134,at*4 (S.D. N .Y.Jan.17, 2023). To overcom e the presum ption in favor of access, the Coul't m ust exam ine whether Defendantjhaveshown goodcause.Romero v.Drummond Co.,Inc.,480F.3d 1234,1246 (11th Cir.2007). Thisrequiresthe Courtto Itbalanceljthe asserted rightofaccessagainsttheother party'sinterestin keepingtheinformation contidential.''Id (quotingChi.Fr/bz/ncCo.,263F.3d at1309).(tW hethergoodcauseexistsisdecidedbythecharacterandnatureoftheinfonnationin question.''1d.(quoting Chi.Frjbz/nc,263 F.3d at1315).Courtsconsider,among otherfactors, w hether allow ing access w ould im pair courtfunctions or harm legitim ate privacy interests,the degreeofandlikelihoodofinjuly ifmadepublic,thereliabilityoftheinformation,whetherthere w illbe an opportunity to respond to the inform ation,w hether the inform ation concezms public ofticialsorpublicissues,and theavailability oflessonerousalternativeto sealing.Id The Coul't exam ines the exhibitsthem selves to determ ine w hether good cause is shown. N otably,the documents date from 2016-2020.Thisisa chartshowing the exhibitsthatPlaintiff seeksto file: Exhibit D escription 29 M arCaribe Contract 30 A ccorContract&A ddenduln 31 Cubanacan Contract 32 ReservationChal-tforlberostarM ojito 33 Reservation Chal'tforlberostarColonial 34 Reservation Chal-tforPullm an Cayo Coco 35 ReasonsforTravelforlberostarColonial 36 Reventle ChartofTrafficked Hotels 38 Pullm an Cayo Coco Reviews 39 M ojitoLandingPage 40 ReasonsforTravelMojito 41 ReasonsforTravelPullman Cayo Coco 42 M odule Em ail 45 A gentAssisted Presentation For exhibits 29-36 and 40-41, the D efendants seek to redact price and revenue inform ation.Theinform ation relatestotransactionsfrom 2017-2019.Atthetim e,theD efendanss published pricing inform ation on their w ebsites.For exhibits 29-31, D efendants also seek to DO redact com pensation inform ation. Defendants also seek to redact custom ers' names and addresses from exhibits 35,40,and 41.Exhibits 42 and 45 are internal em ails regarding the . certification m odule and an internal com m unication regarding agent-assisted bookings.Finally, Defendantsagree exhibits 38,39,and %2,which are deposition excerpts,can be filed publicly. Defendantsm akeno m ention ofexhibit45 in theirresponsem em orandum . The Defendants' m ain argument for finding good cause is that the inform ation D efendants seek to redact is com petitively sensitive and revealing that inform ation w ould put D efendants at a disadvantage w ith com petitors. They m ake this argum ent w ith respect to the exhibits 32,33,34,35,40,and 41.These docum ents,however,relate to transactions from 20172019. N ot only is this m aterial dated, but the pricing infolnnation w as available on the D efendants' websites atthe tim e.So itis hard to say now over fouryears later thatD efendants haveshown gbod causetoredactthesedocuments.Thepricing information isjusttoo old such thatitw ould putD efendants ata com petitive disadvantage now .Likew ise,the D efendants assert thatthe com pensation infonnation in exhibits29-31 iscom petitively sensitive and should be kept confidential. A gain, the inform ation is dated and the D efendants have not m ade a sufficient show ing of good cause astb why this com pensation inform ation should be keptconfidential.The Courtalso agrees w ith Plaintiffthatthe inform ation isrelevantto show the trafficking elem entof the H elm s-Burton cause of action. D efendants rely on Synchrony Bank v.Cabinets to Go,LL C,N o.1:21-CV -21828-K M M , 2022 W L 19300397,at*2 (S.D.Fla.Apr.13,2022)to arguethereisgood causeto keep the exhibits confidentialas financialrecords.In Synchrony Bank,how ever,the courtrecognized that the parties'aglyem ent centralto the breach of contract claim w as already partially disclosed on . ' the docket and given thatcontext,allow ed the Plaintiffto file a redacted version on the docket 4 and an unzedacted one tm der seal. H ere, how ever, the Plaintiff seeks to 5le the agreenAents betw een D efendants and third-party hotels to show the trafficking elem entofthe cause of action. The relevant provisions are not otherw ise disclosed so that the public retains access, and the D efendants have notshow n the dated inform ation is so sensitive thatthe Courtshould oven'ide the presum ption in favor of access. W ith re'spect to the only active contract, exhibit 30, D efendants argue itshould be kept confidential because it covers hotels a11 over the w orld not justhotelsinCuba.Therefore,revealing compensationtermswould allow competitorstousethe inform ation to im prove their tenns with sim ilarhotels,which w ould hnrm Expedia's com petitive position.A gain,the Coul-tis not convinced the nature of this inform ation rises to the level of good cause to overcom e the public'srightofaccess and interestin transparentproceedings. D efendants' reliance on CRubin, LLC v. Escoriaza, N o. 19-CV -22261, 2020 W L 2542629(S.D.Flé.M ay 19,2020)alsodoesnotperstladetheCourtthatgoodcauseisshown.In that case,the courtsealed exhibits containing trade secrets,attorney correspondence,technical infrastructure,business strategy,and other non-public proprietary inform ation.D èfendants have not show lt how the exhibits here correlate with w hat w as sealed in CRubin,w here the parties filedajointmotiontosealthedocuments. Finally,D efendants seek to redact custom er inform ation from exhibits 35, 40, and 41. The Federal Rules provide that publicly identifying inform ation needs to be redacted' . Gsan individual's social-security num ber,taxpayer-identification ntlm ber,or birth date,the nam e ofan individualknowntobeaminor,orafinancial-accountnumber.''Fed.R.Civ.P.5.2(a).Atlpost, the exhibitsEchevarria seeksto file contain som e nam es,which he claim s are necessary to prove thatD efendants did not com ply w ith their Oftice of Foreign A sset Controllicense.H e contends the inform ation show s thatD efendants failed to collecta reason for travelfrom evely traveler to 5 Cuba as required by the license. Echevania agreesthathe can redactthe exhibitto show only . thefirstinitialand lastname ofthe custom erand redactthefew addresseslisted.TheCourtfinds that this level of redaction w ould suffice to appease the concerns of the D efendants while allow ing the Plaintiffto challenge the law fultraveldefense. A ccordingly,w ith the exceptions ofcustom er nam es and addresses as setforth above,the Plaintiffm ay publicly tile exhibits29-36,38-42,and 45 and an unredacted Statem entofFacts. DONEANDORDEREDinChambersatMiami,Florida,this C ofAugust2024. FE ER ICO .M O 'N O U N ITED STA TES D ISTRICT JU D GE Copies furnished to: CounselofRecord 6

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