Moxie Pest Control Florida, LLC v. City of Port St. Lucie, Florida

Filing 45

ORDER ADOPTING REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION, CANCELLING HEARING AND SETTING DEADLINE TO FILE DISMISSAL: re 44 Report and Recommendations, Terminate Deadlines and Hearings ; Adopting 44 Report and Recommendations on 44 Report and Recommendations. Signed by Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks on 2/2/2024. See attached document for full details. (pc)

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IJM TED STATES DISTRICT CO IJRT SOUTH ERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CA SE NO.23-14250-CV-M IDDLEBROOKSN aynr d M OM E PEST CONTROL FLORIDA,LLC, Plnintifll CITY OF PORT ST.LUCIE, FLOY DA, Defendant. / O RDER ADOPTING REPORT AND RECOM M ENDATION . CANCELLO G IR AR ING NAND SETTING DEAPLINE TO FR E DISM ISSAL - THIS CAUSE com esbefore the Courton Uited States M agistrate Judge Shaniek M ills Maynard'sPaperlessReportand Recommendation (the tGRepolf'lentered on January 25, 2024. (DE 44).TheReportstatesthatthePartiescontactedJudgeM aynard'sChamberstoreporthaving jointlyagreeduponherpreviouslyissuedM ediator'sProposal.Therefore,theReportrecommends thnttheprelimine injunction hesring currently setbefore me on February 14, 2024,and al1 u sociated hearing deadlines,be canceled, and the parties be ins% cted to 5le the appropriate dism issaldoc'lm entsby W ednesday, February21,2024.ThePartiesdidnotfilewritt enobjections and the deadlineto do so hmsp% sed. Upon review ofthe Reportand therecord asa whole, Iv ee with the M agistrateJudge's proposed courseofaction and disposition ofthismatter. Accordingly,itisORDERED AND ADJUDGED that: (1)MagistateJudgeM illsM aynard'sPaperlessReportandRecommendation (DE 44)is AD O PTED . (2)ThePreliminaryInjtmctionHearing,scheduledforFebruary 14,2024,at1:30PM,is C AN CEL ED . (3)n ePartiesareinstructedto5leappropriatedismissaldocllmentsonorbyW ednesday, Februac 21,2024. SIGNED in ChambersatW estPalm Beach,Flodda,thisx - dayof b ,2024. Donald M .M iddlebrooks United StatesDisi ctJudge CC* M agistrate Judge She ek M illsM aynard CounselofRecord 2

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