AdvanceMe, Inc. v. Rapidpay, LLC et al
Attachment 10
EMERGENCY MOTION for emergency hearing for a protective order in connection with a subpoena that was served on third party John Konop and the scheduling of his deposition on February 8, 2007, a date that counsel for AdvanceMe is unable to attend, with Brief In Support by AdvanceMe, Inc. (Attachments: #
1 Brief #
2 Certificate of Service#
3 Affidavit of Ronald S. Lemieux#
4 Exhibit A#
5 Exhibit B#
6 Exhibit C#
7 Exhibit D#
8 Exhibit E#
9 Exhibit F#
10 Exhibit G#
11 Exhibit H#
12 Exhibit I#
13 Exhibit J#
14 Exhibit K#
15 Civil Cover Sheet)(rth)
Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC
Document 1-11
Filed 02/07/2007
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ClIII J ' lI t'71\\ . .Eil'CJ~Ia~ .l .l`I~ i. l .Ji~ IJ
TO ~~ F' ri ~a~~)~ ~w~~~~r 01P ~~ I cFrv A ~a~~ii S , 1 ~, , ~Nr: E :E,x3 N: IN
Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC
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1]acu rrie n t :20; 3 Fil eiJ 021(1F>1,Z 0 i7? .. .`ti ".
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i[P17vi.'UnTEwsmurgS D]s77UC' 7 ` +Go'[Tlt'I' MUIt THF, EASTERN I?] fS HUE; 7' Ip T°['1M A.S nua r ~arvi.~rtirq
AD'vA,rrCirMC,, INC. Iv. Awl", 61M
IZ VI )3 PAY', U~C;, BUSINESS 1 ;,kP r CjVL {,O RN'CfI LA;T ION, FIlkS'T maiS u ( .', rVIE,P:t :l IANT NCOl v EY" fJRER,FJlW,, JUL&C H FIN,ANCI . ASy LAX' , and
]UST MUN SA C 7 °, INC. d lh t . DeF n itus tr. e
C:AIU';S]L NO, 6 :105- C IV- 4;E4' LED
~r .
D'efe~ndr~~et '.
.~ ________ ~ _
------------- .D
e4arg} ti~ini of ` N"ille: na Sc,6 iu ~ u irm ,ai~ irE ;5 l u 1P1PEitrt of __ _Qe:fe:nda.o ts' Eak e; rgen c.2 N7:otfo :n bu C'uul ) e:j
GY:ii'lerri ; 5clwurnzmi , hereby doclare: I. 2 :. . ., 1. unn over the age c}f' 1 . 8 a m4 capable of tesrii y in; to th i, facts :forth: tse ;mi n . I 'Lira a licensed att+aI- ne;y irE the Sui te of 'Tams . Viii sim: & Ll k:im : 1L, L,.P. is Counsel of record Fo r First Fund L,L,C ;, M earh arit ;, Money Tree, lnc., Reach FinaricieJ, [,i.(` , and A,rnrriMerchanrt, 1LiL Cl .
C`Mfe ;n d aait s') In the above·s'ty 1ocf aotions. .C ami a partner in the: A.u stin,
'NWa s ~Dflic :e of `rin;son. & Eillk9 ns L .je . P . :anc[ serre; ats, counsel for DeleindEm.i:L 4. IL aver to the matters Set forth ki6m. .eiri' based upon personal knowledge an d '4orrnation ,.
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Case fi
Dco curra wif 203
Filed 0 Wi3 ; 5 i" 2007 F'ag e~ ,2 of 6
On Artuaor 12, 2007, Ih ;f.-tidlamts .wibPaeriaed do!h)) Kan.op`s deposition for Air. aXpl-es:11 ;V requested dute of Sunday, January 21, 2007 . (}n Frida;Y,, Ja1naiar}+ 19, MO 11 iys 19,f6re; Mr . Kmop's ; scheduled de;ositicon, hivwew,,m-Jgincl aft-r 1De1Fendftrit>''cPunsc .I had already Vra.vel:ed to Atlanta to ?ri attend r . K:onv;p's clep~ ;yi~~a~rr-·~''ltd»# :i1~'piflva :n~~t:A4t ;, Inc. ("Ple-intiff) filed aa moltion to q,umh his d .-position ori various ;rou r:dls, Including tbat Plaintiff Fad never ,Etgres;cl to a d.e;pos,ii;ic>n Dirt a Snrida;y . "hat urne da;Y> arid despite f'l11lrrti :lY"s; failure tO timely oitilfy Defemdwits of its imblilivy to attend Mr,
F:c>nop' ., deposition, D-,f'e,n&nt,§ agreed to postpo:ne his deposition until ai later date .
6 , Whev I cani,arlod Mr . KarEap on ffie e ;veniing of Januairy 19, 201T7 to infbirm
him o f t he postpamesnnuit of hi:s dc.FQsi t i'on,, 'fVfr. Konop inf'cxrrwkl me t hat t he only diky he was ami lablc ; during the month of February mras Fe ;bnaEiry F ., 2.007, 7'riemfore, on JwxuaV 22,, 2007 (tlhe d+3)+ 1Vlr, 1Konop's originally svbp7emwd date cf ;,azy 2 .1 ; ;t?,;, ;Qefeadwits' aoixnsel sent a lever to .. . y ,
Plaintiff's counsel informAn ; P1z i ntiiff's counsel o f their intent o wzrirnrrice M r. K ortcp's depasati an on FeNruary :3, 2007 .'. Attached hereto ws 3E,diibit A is u 'true and correct copy D1r,3 J i u miary 22, 2007 letter orn F'foydlWaD:er tc> ;N[iolmel Edelrran ii,0onning ; Plaiintifl's counsel of' the eesislne,dlu le;d date :for Mr . IG:Onap''s dlepo; ;#l:iori .
8. 1 'laiinti fl'> counsel (lid n ot: r-aspond iio I1e fendla ntS' l e'tter regarding thie resehieduloi depositions until after close of busin ess on Tuesday, January :3A, >0017---Aglh t : days after DESfmicla.nts' counsel sent the letter re sc:hodu l tng the
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y ..
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C ;aise Ciacurrtfsrit 203 Filed C01)',i12007 F'afle~ ;3 of 6
de,pm Rims . At that tirnn,, ]P1LaieitifPs WuMM3 in$ifti ihai ; Mr.' KoI3a ;I',s
deposition hse po:ctpm ed .. 9 . Attached hereto its Exhibit B i s a true and (*ma copy of a, January :A 2407 8 letter frum Michael Ed e l. m an to W i t'.lem Srrmurrnetn ;euic ! Joseph Grity insisting
Chat Mr . Kcmop's deposition again bye po ;3f jPO tk C d .
10 .
F'l ai n'tilf 's, i;c>1unsESl stated only that th c,-;( ",are um a'vfii :ka.ble to attend the Ko nolp
ckepo:sntion" and that they are iamvi li inq to move the; ;6} deposition of 3D(b)1 Reach 'Financial also set four February 8, 2007, 1Plaintiffs counsel provided n o other explanation as to) why nonelrs#'`ihP, fire attoraieys from thei r firm who have alypiumul In lfiEests actions i,s available l 0 attend Mr . Kornop's iicrbsiitian on Februa ry 8, 2;047, P la . i n#'ifF's cowmsel also stated that N[r . Konop lies
in focmd them teat hal i s available for d e po :>h i c>n DD Felyru m y 1.5 th o r Fei )ru ar y
:?~nd 11 . As Air, KoiIap hall already ullbrrnod counsel fix, p-0e ;ndai3ts tha1 h+,, Nvtks uIlaVai Ij1tibP any offer day during the month cof Feb;rtiary, upon receipt of Mr. Edel;rraan"s lvftr after in;y return to Austin ft-out a dfeposWon in Boston Date . Arodni . ;eda ;y ni;glit, January 3; 1, 2007, 1 rall~~c ! Mr. Konop the: triar,ni:ng of February l sit 1:o inquire as to his iiP& .llEl~)EI1Y~~ 1W deposition during thc rrimth of
Fc~t>ruvay . Mr. . :Ko:nop again iinlfarmexi me that February Sth is Clic. only day _ 'that Ihs :'.Is a.vaiilable, for dlep:;9don dExt3i3~;the month of Fcbmary . . t :t . iri response W P'1p, had' ag,akE ii0brrrked nns : that LID is una,rai,RabEe can E111113' ~of:her'd"tftitx Februauy, theit Ns deqm,,i1 .iorr was imirrfei,ing with Mr. I*Oxicrp's o1hm·, and thit Mr, Kmnp lNm annoyed that his tlepQ;si'tion is being repetdtmll ;y re;scheijtalod . He, also wlcd me that Kain'kiffhEvd mlled him on Monday, Saniuary 29 and had told him thai they would let him know that day fleis die;p()sitiori was going to be posiporm:dl: Because Plaintiff had failed o contact him again on Monday, January 29, on Tuesday, January 30 he, had ,rearrange :d his schedule and was only Rvailable an February 8 fbr the entire rrr,-oth of Felarvmy .
14 .
jks di e :S(1(b ;I(G,~ dopais'itiian cof FEf :acla Financial is also curroritlly (,ch1.Wtilixl for February E ., x:007; :De:fe nd mit> had offered n January 2'2axf to postpone the kDkLch F i Mncial cl opOSiU0as its o:~Ee[~ tt> make, P 1 a i nti9 ;f's counsel available for Mr.. Kanop's. deposition . ]7eirehdfFr :p,, offered to Inalk es Reach Financial l available fair deposition as early ,as Monday of'next week .
15 . O n FrWay aftemoc n, February 2, . ;Zoo?', I spoke to Plantiff's local Counsel, Otis C-arroll . NTr. Carroll and 11 spoke about Mr . Kono;i's eirid Reach F'inani :is1'.' ;3 d+apositians, azd he memorialized crux coVs,rsEaiOn in a . letter tha1 ; sunne WN-rnolan . A, true and correct copy cif Mr . Gam)I]'s February 2,, '.21}bT le;Uer'ta, me is attac'h+:El her" as Exhibit l ) ,. 1 6, 1 also spoke to Mr . K:anop one ;v,.t>ruary 2, 2007 to cletEsr;m,ine: whelfter there was any chance he would bi-, available on February 15th ar February 22nd, and hi:: agmin iiforrn,W rn :e Chat he would bi.- unavailable . Mr. Konop informed .~f
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Case 6; :I ) ; i--cv-()(} 2L;!q !.-L'IED-,1D I'~. Document 2D3
Filed 02, lt};il'2007
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me tf»rt 7?la initifi :'s aaunsel caniaii bim t bat morning and Na be told
Plaintiff's counse l that hi. was t117F 1v 'BEI abiiz- on any vtber date in Febxuamym 17 . Tben afieir the D1.` business o n Friday, Fe.b rqar y 2nd, Mr . (`,einra l) he ft a vo '.iceimvilii nnE;ss E Sg,e for moo s , t afing. __far t ie 1 :n ·5 t time-that ]'la i n 'ti ff' s '. n-boU SEs cpian seif was in s isting Cud e ither Roneld L,em itsunt or 1.ViEichaell Neiman attend Mr. K:an ola's dejptmition, arid that neither of tbern was avail a We on Felaxvajy Mi . 18, 1 feel aJha1 : DieFe ;ndmits have no chi ce .biut to file th& E',me;rgi ;rECy Mation to Conrpe :f iii order to ensure that Trefrr,da~nls am- able to take ; the clepa:>ition of this important th i nl party witness prior to tlhe close of d ' isc o ver;y on Much 2, 200' 7 . D ieft ndants' oFfe r to te:m hadiEle th e M, (1 7) (1i) dsax)sitictn of F:eeii
Financial rerrairis in orde r to make P' lasinl :ii`F's cAmmsell available: for Mr .
Knrnop's deposition .
19.. F'Iain1tiff`ail :l harieo a kavvyer a .tiending the deposition of another third party, C li ff Hfa rc lyvick, in Ettl amtxi on :Frbr unry 7, 2(N)'7 . Thore is no good reason imhy
hi e cannot stay on for tb e F . orioi p depas iti»» 'the rtexlt day i n Al 1EmEta . 20 . Aticlitii :niailly, discovery in Ihe,xt actions has been mrisisWritly delayed by Ylaintrff; which has ]aft Lfeferidanis vvitki ii east 14 de;piositiom> rE ;nn<<}Ang 0 be c ;on,iuried bdone. the close .oi';disruy,ery on Muc'h 2' ., 2007 (which .leaves cti 19 business clays) . If Mr . K .ona33's dLepo! ;>>tion is, again po<.,q)nnied,, !it will be very dif'ficuiit fir The parties to arrive at a . mutually agreeable schedule far
ail t he rernai n 'Lng cl c pbsil:3+>r is i n these a ot icmts . I declare under penalty of per°jlaiy that thi., foregoing i :G true and Gorro ;c;t to ttkc, best of my luiovvledl ;e% and information.
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Case 8 ; (}'W·CIC AMf_ DO C)l.
Document 2 ! D 3
Filled 021(}`i12 ,0iJ' T
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FROM Me 5% Q of EMU, 20(p,
~. .
Wiie~~ (3 . Sc .huuirnn2W~ ~~______ u
Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC
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^ C;3:,E ; 6 : C~v p-L v-004.,?4 . ·LEU-JGL
Document 2013 Red 4 ZIGML OO l' Page I of 2
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Document 1-11
Filed 02/07/2007
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Case 6 :0;i-cv -(}C1A. eA -I_L` ID-J C)[_
(D.ocunjent 20 :3 Had 012-0,5=07
Paige .? of :2
R. Rf[ryd lhlSll ke rr hsreYp s r 4 rVSle.woo an 71d JS12li4,2. lM1 33 F'O; 672 :. 289 AM 2
Jw1U8q 22,21007
Via E-mall
A/iiclza~~l x~letrn~~n
Of Counsel, Litigation peutmen1 : f'aul, Hushn ;;; ;, J»icfik:y & NVa]kar, L,LP Fivo :Pa]fl Alto Square Six fli Floor Palo Alto, Cel .ii .'omie 9430»2l'a5 Adv FU;ioelVlie, '[rec . ' v. ~~m~riNEe~ +~i i an'I 1G1f~w ~No , + 5 :06 ··cv-()E~Z) (]? , E~: 'i' ex .}
Dum Micha&
;Pl!eme; lv whn,scd that the ckepor'fims of CIT Ibirdwick : wtd!,frlm ]Go :uoli teat wens pavi,vusly ,scShalale+i for the 2ffla and 21 6t of Am-um-y-1 ' 007, respectively, hive bait 2 t'esrtiedulled t+,,) tlie'7th and Fs(h of F'ebi-uary, ZDD7, iespeclive ;l;y, The place nd time arthew dqcsniions arcs the same as +zously noticed, Due fo the schcivle oil the witnesses, tbese datv; are the best wailabllc tirnes with wtich W h 6ldl thwe depositions in it thnelly Mellrier . Asp);nizing t1mt the 30(b)(6) deposition of Reach Financial is currently sc-baJulai for the 8th of' 'FAiwry, 2D0'1, ;Reech :Fiinwnci ;al is willing to postpuie Ih .e taking of its +Jcfro4.ifiia-zi shou]d this present Et schedulifig Fmblem,
A . Floyd MW]c e;r
Joseph 1). Ormy Brian K . Buss Doug, M c13 'avules R 011161d ]L19611i eu X Otic C)Um 1 i
. . ~ . ..
Y hrsan i law" UP Allarmyn 01 INN
Austin 13eOhq DaAite [ iu1af Ii vrg Korg N w sby1 landnn Nl(murw Msw ' fa r1c Bhe,tph+ il Tuln,(o We sh irqjla n
wSa Va Fcn, mm, SAP ,cc. ,4u atln,17C7T,F* 3-'I668 T61 8T&:.842.8400 AN 6 11 2 .fwI2 . 84 11:! IWrrx i vdm.cOtR
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Case 6 :U::-cw,0i04 ;Z4-LEL~·JiUE. E]ocurnerTr 203
Filed 021f151;?UU+' Page 1 of <3
f w.NL"t I I -- f 33 1 1 1 1 B
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Filed 02/07/2007
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Case 6 :W5-ow--0G424- .LEU·JGL Document 2D3 Fiksdl 02/05120017 Page-2 of 3 R-110 Poll marimn,
FA P*I Ak Sri · sl~fi Hem, l~to,ht~, Cdr 64so6-71515 kde~tMlEtll EI5C E 820 1IBd a Ir 4alpll le & 5ff XD TE AR · snAY '.W1UIh89U n~t &uql
a~,gn;kr 1~ w,~e1 tip
A p e m,i BMf Np Brux iils Hanp Kong i,o nda~n to a Rnpelat Man
t~s :a} 3,~ t~-~~3~~a
jimuary- 30,200
n u cl~a~:led r~ tr~sn~a~a~lha ci~sg~~. ~c>ra
AN r 1'mK t i ranpc Co un' ry No IUhi
Flails ft c'"a Esn~ F~o~,waCo E~1pmSfint Mam 4brd -ray0
WIDe1Ta {7 . ShulvU][e.m ' r Esc . )r a ro n. & Plllcsn a, LLA i Austin,, ' Ce;xpAs '1 E3744 Rm. ]U4
lnraahF*aua, 0 :
..gdmweld s, liac e -. Reok ;ff"ay, L .L.Cf, ,et sr~ A ds wrurl dr, Jim t o .~f nre~2l~er i ~rxat; .PLC'
Des il Mr. S:hrxYt rmian and Mr., Grays This lecd=con,oezns deposition sabedulizig; and sodme diste ubiing recent rovdationi; ;re g, ;tdin .g dleFe n se: sxuni>el's ccnavict, rvitla fcrxmet .Ad-asmiae]Vl e amplekye s . m :Fi mi t, tie De fimdwa t a h we cm Ge aj ;RirI ailed ID mIXt and rifer IOTIe ·01s ,xI ,dt:FIosi d a ;n sdiedul'ing;, de:q ' Ate: nrm prior rriatbm3 for protective ov 3el on this very sazna topic, We are: w11s4vai lGble ; to attend the Kc>n:a}r d.eposstice omL tic awxU'fi ilp sel eexl.ulnd'dmie , of February E3 (and ure are ,not willing to ;tnon. the pa"'U'ms~ scheduled deposition o !' Reach Financial set B)t that date, wh ich was noiimd and a+:lied ulai much c a±Ner). We 1mve spoken to Ma, KAno;E~, ond he iti#'otxoto lie ; t hat lie ins iwaUab 1+ : Fcrr dj~posit icm on ury 7'liu ruda;r tlis mv;mlb, We; are wmilab1e to itttea d flit: c le,poiAtioss on Fe1>maly 22. . P le;mee c;on firrn dais date is a· r 1:rle fox the D e fen d+asim We di c> >znte th at the Defendants h sve rum ptq,ounde:d: a flurry Of WC1, 1tLOt]8d dlC[7 osi d nri nati,:e:, s a -ad subpoenas al11i o'uC c: C ufEmrialy ·wiih us an wntE.albili,ty. The pxrdea :aj.-c never going topt Chwougl i the tet t of d iis ~.c ~ve~ry ~vit~~ ~t~ is ty~p c ~ ~f." ce~~pr«a.Gh, tl iic s u fm;esit r;h a ic nc e pai-d e s e xchwip k +y Thursday it Hat of all te unistvagwit ni :ssc;s that they in tend to ~ :hqo a o* In c this cum, and faun pari R~W t : i .n a c ;onfezcuce call on Friday (opt Laxl y tl'zr iEoRm ing vre ;6k) w a go arrive a it : obai deposition scl: edu't e . New cun5nn this is. a eceptu t~k, Sa c c~r.~ d:, we hire; srer~r ~;etio~u~~ ~Zgs a~x>ut the Def:andg u~.t~~' ex p s~te ; contacts with ]vJi.,o,p and other faemcr A civancelA e erx~- Ic yees. It is our u,~e :sstauck~x~; that, 3nu ~xg the D+ sE'eaactaats' prior ni &tv-k^ar .ol'IviG. k:crr iap, ,1e Def %iclan·ts ' couxzeel dix m tlly n i c pimd a+ ; ita, t hl e content f rri erailigs be ta me,a Ms . 'K .ona > su ul patent counsel ;a " C x icerrm ig skUV :dl l
7>ttwum Zit. Kc Mop and A dfvaaiM M[e's io· ·baniac c:oun, ; el aII p A telat : rn,atte ;ti; ;arid athrt c, oa.fidC rl,da]l issv et .) , and that the alleged =1 e11R of tFsc,s+ . :mCCtir.kgs Or c PnlL[1UF1k- e . ti.ans was ci6cuss-o 3 by I+1 tx, ;K.on op with di e: ] De lEetidarvu' ooiasasel . It ins out
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Filed 02/07/2007
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Case fi : (}5 -r:v-I )(kt ~?~4-LIE DtiJ[) 1_ Document 203 Filed 01 2 J(),'i120t)7 I'lalJ l fW&ILIS ~ ~Oillelm (;:. ~~huwrnnt~n, 'Esc . luvomimfS jim:xtwq :,;cr, 21067
Page 2
Page z;
fixrthmu un.ders'tanaizt,; that die De f'azclanto enguged in ilis salme tactic vcith tewpr,-t to Isb . . Ar%tis w)i, yin d pie r1ap other vitmZUS . A, s ~yc»~ aaxu~it kn~~~+;, the clicitisig of ptiv& ge~i or ~c>r~'ide~xtiaJ iz3:fi>tr~~atian £a,+os~~ Fc~x~mear
~°,d~re.nG :~Ji~s esnplxsyres 3s a tr3ittaiit vii~l,~~,t~'c~i t~f t~~xc ~~~ipt~~~riate t:Y~~ia~l t~uleis, ]ndee;d, 1ze:tnMoI :LI; COurts MMund tfM c;oum~ ;~: 6ai~~e`g~~r.~u:d ~no~a~ar~s foL oK other IS eSJ pUa lCan ctions axing out of t3A5 type of ·mscozcluct, 'Me, 37ele :ndsmssi md their ,munscl a.Ke not pei-mitocl, under arty arc :un"tamG:e, to irnq+Art iniro, the content rf ;Pimnle3ve ebscuss3ocES bezvirem A,dvuice', .M:e an] its cotiu;otl . Nor ate the Defendants putziiltasdl to abuLhi rich nifamrntian to, aeiv'it Ea, st lbusks foj :1.'vrShu ciimoviny, We are shocked hal : si Illml of" your esLBa~*;~Jxla ~N; ir.L tMcla tzutM0lr0ltCt, and 'are are Mnaf'tiL1y cmuicfaEiaa ; our svailabk re~nec~~es sisst~c~a .t, :dL thamwith, Ill Ey"ht -of t1du 1 :Tii8G>I1 dLt7Ci ; and 3o'Pim die 17sImC[C1t7.s dqmsifioms oE.OvfmGllvie VMp[c+get ;s that are . s~pptcMelsia& irec gi minimum need your .Eum'a coitumitrzient l[~zt the TWe [11aa1118 'WiI 14Ot Ci1;g''ISE in 'lk conduct as the fixtum . ] :rlga,~ge; in any LIcthOr Tus631ftinj; DIE istry current rteullrmrialiatilycon3minwritingldwttheD'-#ejulants(a)Ivillnot+ or former Advstricelvie ramp'ic7~ee:s re4tisg to any p[f'V1Ie g+xl i]r c:Q nfi cliaEt il i Rf[>i Crtaa7 1 l Of A&wac ;eNlc, ~ Fa) will pant utffim in Hs case, in any way, shape, or f'o ;rxt~ amy info:trrurtion learned from dismssimnfi with Mr. KDnql> r M1 ' . AI1gj ]SmRI ., cm- any ofl'2t .t alit~esses coni,evang the content f' a,nT owmrnUnicaiiosrs or nimtungs bet en Achrwac :elv[e . m d iii or coqrc t9 1t B C I)t1f tB iJ, andi (;c;F w31 rent sc* any remaining c~ep,~F~itik>rts isl thAl case, Mi), informatim rnn the content iFINriyileln :d cliiicusainns between any A.dvath .ct]W e empkvym and cums6L In addition, as we art : rtil evaluating 6r, ,apjPropzya .w remedy f6r the ;DeFersd+irtts' pawt nature tn:issoziduct, :Et is impeam6ra: for us ;CoI5My trl3de rstal2El ilr; of the d lsiciasians shat the Defim .dants engaged in with thei ;¢ ~~i'CU~sse~s . To d& .rid, p3~ea~,e farararri to in and all no~tes, xn, .xniit~.~i~i3a. pr Dibm dcxutrien,ts wiYdcli . iii9e:uv ; or t;u.r~un~~rize tl~ecxnte~t oiE nc~ it~te~views b .e~re~:r~ die, Dcfpacia,ntsand Mr. Kcmop, ]vit . ANOW, ine,pp other current or fEi)rmEae,Advaerxe1Vle . employee 1U ; this i9 a snattra: of great uigempy'to Aiimnot-M ; plesa :6`~~Ya~~+e die c:occffimwAan:g Imcl »Eoxmkatiou requ'--stesd'l lnq later than We cannot mieizute die, irripoxtmn< :e of xeoeivi»& yiDur firm's c;osziFde;t~~ d~'is+1~;~u~s+s oll this issue bry'Tlussda ;t .
~. ..~- .
fox PA.iJ7:,·IU5'ClN(ia, JAN oPaICY & VWXER Z.IF' Nnd:E,cb CC' Hilary L . I'mstosi, Sq . ('vla,farsirsiltl I)ougkas R .Mc5,Nasye, .js ., F~.sq, {ina,furcjrasle,J L'RfilL,_,U$.,W if 55''af '.i4 1'r6 .j
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Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC
Document 1-11
Filed 02/07/2007
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E3oc .rm enl' .?trc 3
Filed Ob'05/200 7'
P age- 1 of ;;t
Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC
Document 1-11
Filed 02/07/2007
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C aw 8 :(}g;_c, u.004 ;Z4-l.~ :i3··JCrL
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Filed DWOE420017
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BII I BChlwlreran bw s huum ian 0i hdewocrcn T04 0,1 :1 .642.0603 FM 512 .230,34M
February l, 2007
Much:ael P7. f?ilelFn~a~i
Paul, Hastings, 3~Uu&JI:yr & NValkea·, L,LP Five 'P,a,io Alto Squaw Sixth Floor Palo A.1toXallilrornia. 943 IX-2 155 Ro ; Adwm ceil 9!e - Year A ccia ra tion vjr llft~ce»ad'"Ct a n d the Ko~nap ffqpN",ft, ;ort (rm, .Fe~Wiav~i R, 0117.
Dear Mr. F3clektnan ; I refer' 1[a your ]q-.ttc7 of Jatiusri 3,D,, ' 2C07. In t'hiis Iioter., :[ w-n dealing onlywith your iwxusubam of indsmmdam zmd the Konop derosiitiion on February 8 . Yolk ucc,:ttiation of vd,=ndoa :is implo,pmand unfwwidfedu 1 :F you ha,re, any s4;nablfflacm of l.e,O,finzcy -to, yowr moca~s*tiIgn, you need "to, : us the specific, f'ams, give irru:ne+J3.ately. T"h.e favts must include thet :>peei .fi.a discussion which you contend `vass bild %itia Iv1:r, .KoEaop, the spix ;3:6c, dfsoussior.LmhEC3t you (cormd was held with Mr. A.ntprizan:[, whic;h~ ispec~ific aneetixip you cxmtmd wort cliscussed, mid what, 'Pi-lvilESg ;ed iaFeorm,a'ffm was allegedly disr,:lo13eod .
[it iss our ;standami p7aac ;ti.ce ta rna&v it clear to tvi,ime ;sses Aiho may have privileged infarrnatiraru that we do not smk privileged in.fUrnnatiou and do not want 'Ef :182r1 to . diB(31~a :m any griAel;end infiormaEioii to ~u ;, . j71rthior, m ypu knmv, iP=;P'aplh 14 of the Protective CorJmwas ex, pes;:l,y cU°aftsd to prrateel: the parties qaiinslttmlverteni ci .Klnsum of' privileged nlonnaiicrii . 'f7ifxetor( ;, even if'Frnivitepki information had bem E3isala3exld to tys, which is rbal, tlhES mse;, I've wouki not toe: e;n.fitled to assert mraivcr armj wrouldl not be entitled tomAke may use of such informWon .,
:iinim-we received no privileged nfo,rnnation from any fmmitsr mlvana-ZAa employee, have mp Such imi:ortn al:i or1,wh :'ich vve, can use in this a;.FUsc,, and 1ve bve ; no ;rich iniPanna+don which amibl,: used in de;positioris in this cafe .
Ilitreun & Glk lnfc LL P Attorneys A LOW ., lkubl ln 94r1g np E3a Wa s Dtbd FiiMafSanq ffaustun London Moscow ~PAi wYorlt laRBnpte9l 1'ol yb 1IYWAngha n
2 1t D'I Vfa, Forl ur a . Stifl e 100 Aursrh, 7X 7E7467:O Tii1512.i i42 .ifa iJ6 Fnr 51R'.64 i!.86 12 wmnar. we hwa: am
Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC
Document 1-11
Filed 02/07/2007
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Fi l ed 0,21052007 Page :3 of 3
F sbcud nr 1 , s!an PaQe a
l: spoke to ;MIT. K:cmlop this Marrli, ni; ab~ ai)t :his cieposMon Wlkh is s dh,Au I 1 (kE fi x' F esbnja x ;y 8 . He told rn e theit: you led called h?i n1 on Monday m orru ng, January 29 and had: told: him that you worul d ail,08e him later that morning i :F his deposition ms going to be r'esc1edluled G) Wn 0thu-1' iiati-- S ince he bad no t heami fibin ;yOu om Monday or on '!Nae sby, it . wus his ma rustu di n g; that '.his dPp Dfilltll7ll would go forward on February $th as s(A te3ulled , therefore organized his personal end business aibin; :so that he would be available on He S February E for hi s d.qp osili cm, and is no t a?rs4i?l ab'{e m i 'thel other days. which ;mu. di .sctIss, A ., wifli 'lira He also told me that he was wwxpyod that his ilePa.s4tiIdIn which lied . been sohexliflexl fo:r ;aimidfay, ,1ainuEuy- 21, 2007 alt ]its ree~ue,st, id been postponed att the lust minute and had to'be moY.iedu:led . He says that lie- iss an ;indqacmidcnt third party md is riot willing to too pushed ~~+ou~n~i b;y an;sn~r~e~. '!Ck~e : ciepositio~~ i~ : iintE:rfering vritt~ ]hi.s other n~f~t~ter~~ s~xidl lzf : ava~ats tc3 ge~ : it lbchind him.
MY. X:on op tl ure4;o r , insists on p ing ah~mul , with B G ,dgjom'iti ou on 1F4*, rum y S , 20'7 m 1x ;hediale,3. So you will gave uo miake somm >nEa available, from your gcopto participate in th at deposition on ffi at d,a,r. Sinae die; ] [iaAw ick dej)oOl on is prnt; ee,i 9 ing at tlw~ same venue on February 7, the sum person ; aho ulel lK ; able to -fty over for The Kon op dle p,xcii;iim. The dti !zc ovan y delays in this case have forced ups i rrto, i 3 siltua tiEon where a inmnl m ;r of del x *ition , s n o ei i Ec~ l xs 1; ak iDii 'b i,fo 3ee tfa~e O1Eas+,' o, f ,fail li is Ixi N'aq~lZ~1 x 1viE W ;II :Z .. Sa vvc ali havo to m adjust our schedules tco m ake sure that the discovery ~ cFn tie ; cxin iplel.ed in ti me .
'Vapit y yo' 's. `f
Bil l Ia}ts :N nn an 01489 :201865
Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC
Document 1-11
Filed 02/07/2007
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Case 6 :05-cv-00424- LED .·JiD l. Document 2173 Filed O21G 5l;20U 7
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Case 1:07-cv-00342-JTC
Document 1-11
Filed 02/07/2007
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IDociaiTien t 203
F iled 021{l :"r1210+D'T
Pag e 2 ,aiF C V owM R +u V-
: rxm sMTH SUusrsw % a.'vn E sau Wing AMras ;nNDE NUM Kar alrACa 13c+x 740 SOME UM4iMAr NE M ' 1ry 7~3Rr i fB~{!!S ?, ;711 ~l'7E[.~'.I~ ~ 7I~iK~18 MAN
A'Tf()] O1Et7fS AT 1.A N
cVwaN b4 AworMr s, MOLD, ML I rfAJ~1QY' CAI~Gf7~1.
!MX pmt 3 eE-r071 FCIri'!19l-y
I)owLLD Gatcu, t mg .wm Is M!U:1r mHfduw j sel Fra n ,ga ~a s~8hmuas ~ . w~ · mmi owesa i .*.uO~a`"a~~"
n .,b Ai duW~
2, 20 D' r
~&uIIGUMBM~· 1 6nwn ' he iL+rplq 'Lar kVC of
. :q lWsxa Ct. Sc fustirmi an, ] Ajx#iny Terms, ;r87 4 6
K a Aa1a1 :
:Etv. Ad vc mwM'e v. R qA dPav, e 1 4' Adicnosl de v . , 4awedw-ch aw Dow BE: ,P~utl = to our f~ .k~~ho~ ni, ~arrr~~rsa l ~c~r~ of 1 ;bis irfi tc nuko n abv W ale third pity deproisiitiow schu iukl ,fir next i vixk ii A,t1Ea nia, ; [ ,mil er; Uud 1 h >zn y va a.3 Pallo'ws ; 1 . 'I"hr, dittEm iwk~c tc d eunm dawpief~in red ty f bme Ord jprt~r w itm:ss4%; ?.
. 3.
YD U no ~.`il atxl'd ow si dle c if't]~c os e dales ovim a i~ vot :~ : I~;o ; a~ul,
Yp l q are N Vl llI a,g l IJ 'fE*Ol 1fdU,lB A ~~ 0~1>)(t~ d le~~:'ii ~urr~ +Nhi~~h aai~~~~ts ~+iih t1 yES r~e~a~~~tl third ]Nirty d q ao sitia m srheduIa9 in At vacA n lo eux onm klate Ambeil ]MAWS . k
] fwrt gi sdirEg zG ix pP °Y of US le :tt er 'to, my fol[a ; w w nfirrntl'wit we; in alb worldr,;g o ffa f 'tlk sine v -dnrtU # 64 ]f wa girv, we slu K, lci bn dale to resolve thi s . I'll 'k truveling but biwe e&A Dtku vitl RiM to stray tE touch V ri'11 3 -roea F3e~t r~ ;g;~rd lg ,
'Ve?y' tttr#;V y~~7x~~,
l~r Cw L .,.. 1~~3 ' ~"81:3s D 1 ~
For t W I?lr 41~
CK .;nc CC Ihft"aRaceR emJ ~e MruO1V e Dniotniesl Edal 'nian
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