Jones v. Wackenhut % Google Inc.
COMPLAINT filed by Donald Jones; and Summon(s) issued. Consent form to proceed before U.S. Magistrate and pretrial instructions provided. ( Filing fee $ 350.00, receipt number 562585.) (Attachments: # 1 Summons # 2 Civil Cover Sheet)(epm) Please visit our website at to obtain Pretrial Instructions.
Case 1:07-cv-00567-CC-RGV
Document 1
Filed 03/12/2007
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IJ .NI I ' T' E=1D STATE.15 D1 :3'T~tIC:'r ~~C}IUFt'T . iNi o~rr HE_iR ri c}ii. a F ; i c; ir OF ISECIR c1,11 a
a rLA w TA nivi 15 ioiN I
D o n a 1d Jones
G1E'r.k . ~~ '~~ty CI~r ~r
F'If riint i #F
W; S .
^ ;W a c:lce n h u t % Gcro1:f 1 E' -I n c . _ --~
Col,leg[E~ PARK, GA 30349 __-----------___------ ------- ~---------- · ---__---~ -------2,. ' [ ) e' fE'I'1 d cIC1t (S ) CIc1 13'IE.!3 ( g) . l -- Inc . w a C : k e ri Yl jat 2i17d G b Ci tj-e~ --------------------------
~'llGiinresides resides alt
---45~_ il3~i~~~ ;;,ra Road #~5A r
.v .~, .
TITLE VII ("I" otiIPLA i nr T ------____~_---~----,----___---_~. .~----_______ .
1 10C) ~Cir. rle_ 75_ F' ] {'W ~i__#4 ~ 'q Lc,c:at i on of pri n cipa l office(s) o f the named de fein dant(s) ._ ---A; t. . t ~s n. t_~3 - G, ~ ~ 3 C i_ 3 3 9 a ~~ d~, ' ~21~~ L ------------· --------------------)SE~c 7 'urii, Cc~ .r · c>>~ . at. i. ca :n and Computer corporation Y ~ NZ01 ir e 4:yf dleden d an t (~~~) business '~_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
,q,p pr oxi ii-na 1:e s
50 0r or more and E3 iD 0 . number of i nidi vidl LN) ls , +emp ilnyed t), ~ defendant ( :s ; l or 'more ------------------------------------------- -------------------------- .
; . Note : Th i n is, a form c.0imp i'a int provided by the (:OUrt for pro se litigant who vvi ;ah to file an emjp l oylrie, n ir di scir im i r i .-I t:i on Iaw.suit. I t is; n ot intended to I bex used for other Idnds of cases .
Case 1:07-cv-00567-CC-RGV
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Filed 03/12/2007
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; 3 . This a cti oll is brou g ht p urs uan t to Title VII of the G I ' Jit Rifg h tsAct of 1964 for employment cii s c. ri mi inat i on . Jurisdiction i s ., pe ci fi c ; ~~fi y c o ri fe; rrei d oil the court by 4·2 U , a ,C . § 2 0 OUe .- .'i . Equitable ~ an cY other r elief are also brough t under 42
.11l . The acb,s c.o rn p I ,ai ne-1:1 of th is ,suit concern: H. D.
G. F~.
Failure to empkoy me' . TfN7nimatiorj of my employment, F a il u r e to promote, rrmIN,, ------------------------------------
5 . Plaiintiii`:
A. El .
presently employed by the defendant . not presently employed by the defendant . The clates of E. ~ , u , .___~~_.r--~~_- :Y 20,33 to -2&3(5- -_ - ----TfiE reasons plaintiffwas given for termination of e e 1"t1 pl 0y 1r1'1E.17 t 1 s/21C£' : (1) ---------- plaintiff was dischaqqed . (2) ____ ___ plaintiff was laild off . (3) _ pl aii ritilf left the j o b vo lu n+ta ri ly . x~---
Defeniclant(s) conduct is discriminatory with respect to this following :
FL ----=x---- my race E3 . _____ my reli g i on .
C} . ----------- rrv( national origin .
RI sex .
Case 1:07-cv-00567-CC-RGV
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Filed 03/12/2007
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"r ' . "fhe,, na rnie- (s ), ra ce , and t he p os i ti o n c7ir tittle : of they iincii v iiJ usil(s) who il i e:geA # y3, i iis c; r irn i nGitecf a ga in s t M e : d u ri ng they period Of My em p Ir f)I rriENIUMli t h the iiefE7irnd a ri t r ;Onip a ny is/are :
RaX: I a : 10fh i ts ! . . SEQC : Female Title : `Pay ra ll. 'Manalgex- . - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -
Al ` +- _Jlia 1j' . _ 'I~'L t _, E~~_RE ~ ~:r e g ; Et.]n t << 1; i V E! !o f Goo a cf t e _ 1 _
~M I' ., ]3 u 0_{a 1 E~]L _G ci d E rE y_RI~ c!e _ F3 :L a c }+_ Sex_ _N[ ai.L le _ Titl-- `. _~ e .
: i s cF ~_------- ,
[)e sc. r i b i-I thlk~ discriminatory actions or E.rmints yo u a re! complaining of in this I a w.s u i t . Give factual detail,, including names and d atia s concerning wha t
][ was em._ye~ by the . zic 'ke_rih ~u~' ~? plo d ~ ' w ~ ~~ .
h :i :'vi so r PZs .JP_3f1I]] .j:iar Turner i ~~]~ a . ri d: _ s he _ is _r ~r ------~~ --~i--e --- e_ r !l o n. ,. s ~~ ~~ y_ 1, - - f- r -
_ ~: i, ;at E ; d _t la ~... J'
_I~f' i :L e_ a charge _ o f_ciisc' r i m a.n a ti.o :n_ with_i;,'he_]i'E CF(=--Ciri JLEn e~ ~ S i,_,20CIfi_$]. :3'7,Ei ;? l was deduction from my payroll check . I call the payroll manager N[,, . Linda
D la m . i. n (j and she said M s . 7' u r neir order at h e deductionI call Ms, . "Tu. x n er' an dl . s 'h e__said that ~ the _~' E $4--- 97 was deduction frorn My payroll . check ------------------------------------------- -------------a g aiiz . () i 1 ~~ u : Ly '2 I,i ! (l 0 6 l4 r . , :[ was told b y N[ .> .T L Unn e r -th ei i~ G~ool gl e r e p :re s E > >nt a it iv E
on poist and . 7 .F: . . F' e'»ifca :L d a b s erv ec one sleep in a ----d - chair while ---------------------------------------------------(3) days . On ty lll y' 24,2006 1 file a a I n E3 1C1 d E! d
suspension ' IR e for three
charge ! t:) f (~J np 1. c rY M e M-t d :i .s c z- :i nn i ri a t i o n -vi it h the s" 'E CC .
Case 1:07-cv-00567-CC-RGV
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{fi r
_ l he alleged i Il ,1 w i gal ~ activity took; Iplt~~^~B W` _ cF (),o 9'1 _E:? IrIC . 1.01 A(12112
A u st:.e 1 3.,, GA 301.68
-----~- -- - I have filed a charge. With tli le . E-Equa f E mp1 o)eirm.- nit C) pip o rtu niity X C: oirrirni ;>s icf n neg c irdlii ng defend wit(s) . (I have aittac, fiE.d El copy o f my charge(s) filed Wi1 t h the IEq I u ',1 l l Ernpl oyirr u ,int Opportunity Commission, which a re i nco rp iora te d into this complaint . El .
ri ol :, file.d
cfi~~~·c~E ?.
I received a Notice of [Rig hit-tea- ;5uie: letter from t1he! Equal Employment t)pplcrtunity Commission on ! ! _2 0C)15 (date-) . ( I have, attached a cli)py of they NIo1.iciB of Right-ix)-,>iaie Which is, inc;oirporaltecJ into this complaint .) II have n o t rE.-c:E ; i v E: d a Notice of Right-to- .Sue! letter firmn this IEq LIE1 l 1 =ni j:)l o 7l irif : iiir C1 pp ortU n i#y Com n niism iari . . State what r ,eli e f you rite seeking from the Court. If you are, seeking a i n ornl award back pay or damage,-s), State! the amount ou are seeking . If you are
seeking injianctive~ rel$ef (an order tr)( flhel Couil) issued cIgairus1:1rhE, clf .bfe ;ridant(s) 51 J 1'11171'cll'li!E3 what should t f .' in t f1E' order .
,4. .
Case 1:07-cv-00567-CC-RGV
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Filed 03/12/2007
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_ X 17L3i i n i ; if f is asking the c; our~ t :
far- ]mar, iE! ta.ry a wa r dL -Coy- darltaijeE, --------------------------
the _ a~i21draL_o4:~L22-i;~QT~{1~~~L.~:
iT r,~ r~ ~L.450 ~_i D 0 CI . .0 0,
--._____ -- Det#e
MArc :lz 12,2007
. ..~
Signature of Ola in i t iiff
Ad d ress . P-0- 2 61
Rela Oak, GA 30272 --------------------
Telephone: _(678)
. rj .
Case 1:07-cv-00567-CC-RGV
EEOC Form 161 (2,6198)
U . 5 . E ,C)UmI_ E: hIIPI_OYMLlli +OIF' F 'C)wf iJlNll'ti' CCIn A l1AISSION
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Filed 03/12/2007
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To : Do nald Jones li IBoK 261
Red Gak., GA 30272
From : Atlanta . D istr i ct Office - 410 1131) Alabama St re elt, SM . Suit e 48 30 Atlanta, GA :30 :I03
oll: Ri,l-jFn7,s
pi5rsnn{s) aggr ieved wh c1 se raen tity is E] On behalf ------ `----------------CONFIL)E'n177 A i. 29 CR4 113LI1 .7L,P M - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -E :E:QC, Charge No . E :E'.OC Representative Teilephone No .
M a rlo Star l+; s -Seri Inve st igat o r
(404) 56241854,
7n +E E : 1=IJC I'S CLOSING ITS FILE iDhI THIS CHARGE- FOR THE FOLLOWING REASCM : ED The facts alleged in tPie c h arge fail to state a cla im under any of the st2ituie ;; enforced by the f-E=qC', .
L __J
Y o ur a! l e ga 'ricrns did riot involve a i disability as clefined by the Americans With Disabilities Act . The ; Rc!spoiticlen i: employs less tha n the required iiumk i er D f employees car is riot otherwisa covered by the statutes . Yo ur cha rgia wa s not timely filed with E EOC ; in other word s , you waited 100 long after the date(s) of the alleged discrimination to fil e your charge Ha vinci be en given 30 clays in which t o respond, you failed t o provide iM o rma t iori , failed: t o appear o r b e a vail ak ile f or interoies vrs l roni'e rences, or otherwise failed to coo pe rate t o the extent hat it was no t: po ssi lalle to resolve you r charge ee While reasonable effort s were made to locate you, w e +n+ernot a ble t o d o to o. Yowm3re g ive n 31) days to acc e pt a rna s oin',Ibde :s ett l e ment o ffer t hat affords ful l re li e f f or tie ha nn y ou a 1l eg ied . The EE-0C issues the following de te:nninal;ion : Based upon its, investigzition, the l=Eq(, is unable to conclude that Ute : ini`ormakioii obtained statutes establishes vialsitions of the statutes . This do es not certify that the respondent is ins c :ompliana . with the . No finding is made as to any other issues that might be construed as hav inc, ; been raised by this rharge . The E11=iaC has adopted the finding! ; of the sta te o r local fair employment practices agency that investigated this charc ;e . Cither (briei7ysha6°)
[ -K _I
w o 7ric ;r O F s +urr RIGHTS -
Title VI I , the Americans with Disabilities Act, and lo r the Age D i s c : riinin ; al: i O n in i= rn p I oyirne rit AcIt : -this will beg thE .' only ncrtlce O1' dismissal and of your right to sue t hat we wi l l send you . 'You may file ai lawsuit ;against the respondent(s) under federal I ;TN baSecl on this, charSie in federal car state court . 'Your lawsuit must be filed W I ' THIW ~~!) CIA'1( S , oif your recei pt of this notice ; or )(c)ur right to .,tie fMSe,cl Oil this c,hairge will be lost . time limit for tiling :>~ait basi.c~ an a state claim may be different .)
Equal Pay A+'4 : (EPA) : Eli ;suits must be filed in federal car state court within 21 years (2, pmr S 1`Cil' VV 1 11 'fu1 vioia'ti0n .;) Of the 3 r ~Reged EPA underpayment . T'his rrieGins that backpa y clue for g a my V i dlait lioris th at i » ,i: u r re l d rnore than .!^Xea Ls ft yea., l i .rl ib le . ~~ before your ifill e suit may not be +eol
On behalf ojthe C ;omrnlissi,on,,
I~A 0,4
1 3e r nice VJiII ia tns - Itli rnbr o Director cc : P a tric la 13 . M a rnno n
Director, EMOMA Programs 5. 1100 Circle WACKEENHUr Ni rkw ay x '· 47 0 Atlanta, GA 30339
----------------------(Date Mailed)
[If" C*
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