Selex Communications, Inc. v. Jajah, Inc.

Filing 1

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COMPLAINT with Jury Demand filed by Selex Communications, Inc.; and Summon(s) issued. Consent form to proceed before U.S. Magistrate and pretrial instructions provided. ( Filing fee $ 350.00 receipt number 563778.) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Certification# 4 Summons # 5 Civil Cover Sheet)(epm) Please visit our website at to obtain Pretrial Instructions.

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Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 1 of 11 (12) United States Patent Laster (54) METHOD A ND APPARATUS OF MINIMIZING INCURRFI) CHARGES BY THE REMOTE ORI[GINATION OF TELEPHONE CALLS (75) Inventor Maurice Scott Laster, Atlanta, GA (US) u sao63080701H] (io) Patent No . : US 6,308,070 B1 (45) Date of Patent : Oct . 23, 2001 5 559 ,8n2 9 1 1946 Bhagat e t al 5 ,659,6 01 8 ! 199 7 Chulog 5 ,794 ,981 3; 1998 Kennedy- III ca at 5,749,052 5,11998 Hidem el al 5 ,779 ,249 5.' 1998 Kennedy, [[I et al 5,787,357 7'1998 Yu et al 5 ,794 , 144 8/1 99A Come r 9 ; 19 98 ti 0 5 ,806,00 0 6,018,66 8 1 ;2000 5chmi dt 6,07 8,805 G R000 S c ott (73) Assignee Sele x Communications, LLC, Atlanta, GA (US) ( ' ) Notice S ubj e u to any disclaimer, t he te rm of this patent is e xt ende d or adjusted undef 35 L S C 154(b) by 0 days (21) Appl No 09,1244,715 (22) Filed Fe b . 4, 19 99 Related U S . Application Data 4 55/426 4 55/466 4 55 15 18 4 55!406 cited by ex ami ner Primary Examiner-VEVtau Chang Assistant F_xumwer-3ame5 K Moore (7 4) Attorney; Age u, or Firnt-Gardner G roff Mehrman & ]nupgic . PC (57) ABSTRACT (GO) ProvLaiooal application No 60/1110 H98, filed on Sip 23, 1998 (51) I nt . Cl.' H D3Q 7/20 455/ 445, 4551406 (52) U .S . CI. (58) Field of Searc h 4551435, 466, 855,414, 461, 575, 422, 432, 406, 405, 407, 408, 417 (56) References Cited U S PATENT DOCUME N75 5,2 1? 9 i 2 4:]Q43 S3reedeu et at A method and apparatus for placing a long dL.-,laoLe cal l usi ng a mobile te lephone with a da ta messaging device communicating via a se p arate data network (rather t h an t h e LaLI signaling network) to a Remote Telephone Call Origination (RTCO) p latform The mobile telephone analyzes each number d i aled to determine whether to Utilize the RTCO platform or to dial norma lly If RICO Ls utilized, the mobile telephone transmits a data message with instructions for setting up the call The RI CO platform then makes a call to [ he mobile phone and bodges ibis to a second c all m a de to the dialed party 21 Claims, 5 Drawing S heets Jy CAPTURES AIMED ap ; EVALUATE 32 TELEPHONE N UMB E R DIALED ~ PLACE CALL DIRECTLY TO TELEPHONY NETWORK VSE 23 RTCp P PLATFORM Z Y E9 MESSAGE TO DATA MESSAGJNG NET WORK PASS BA TA sa RELAY MESSAGE ~t FRO M 1A SG NETWO TA TO DA RK fYTCA PL/.1'FQRM %-ACE UL :S TO MOBIL E TELE PH ONE AND TO NUMBER DIALED 38 CONNECT CALL S T OGETHER 39 _~ 1 Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 2 of 11 U.S. Pat e nt apt . 23, 2001 Sheet 1 of 5 US 6,308,070 Bl 10 KEYPAD/ USER INTERFACE I 12 CONTROL MODULE 13 DATA MESSAGING DEVICE r i :~) TELEPHONY NETWORK ACCESS CIRCUIT ' _r-~- 14 i i i ~~ DATA ~ MESSAGE r i DATA TELEPHONY MESSAGING NETWORK NETWORK 16 DATA RTCO CALLS MESSAGE PLATFORM 17 18 FIG. 7 2 Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 3 of 11 U .S . Pa tent Oct. 23, 2001 Sheet 2 of 5 US 6 ,3 08 , 07 0 BI 37 F CAPTURE # DIALED 30 EVALUATE 32 TELEPHONE NUM BER DIALED 34 PLACE CALL DIRECTLY TO TELEPHONY NETWORK NO USE 33 RTCO PLATFORM 7 YES MESSAGE TO DATA MESSAGING NETWORK 37 PASS DATA 36 NETWORK TO RTCO PLATFORM 38 RELAY MESSAGE FROM DATA MSG PLACE CALLS TO MOBILE TELEPHONE AND TO NUMBER DIALED TOGETHER CONNECT CALLS FIG . 2 3 Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 4 of 11 U .S . Patent Oct . 23, 2001 Sheet 3 of 5 US 6,308,070 BI 32,33 DO HIGH YES LONG DISTANCE CHARGES APPLY 7 NO YES DO HIGH \ ROAMING CHARGES APPLY / 7 41 NO YES DO HIGH LOCAL CHARGES APPLY NO PLACE CALL 4 3 PLACE CALL USI N G RTCO PLAT FOR M 34 36-39 DIRECTLY FIG . 3 4 Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 5 of 11 U.S. Patent Oct . 23, 2001 Sheet 4 of 5 US 6,308,074 B1 RTCO PLATFORM ~f CALLS MOBILE TELEPHONE NO MOBILE PHONE RINGS FOR A TIME T1 74 DOES ~ MOBILE PHONE HAVE AUTOANSWER YES 72 DID USER ANSWER BEFORE YES \T1? 75 NO 77 RTCO PLATFORM TERMINATES MOBILE PHONE ANSWERS AUTOM . W/O AUDIBLE RINGING 73 RTCO PLATFORM CONNECTS FIRST CALL 76 78 RTCO PLATFORM PLACES SECOND CALL AND CONNECTS TO FIRST CALL FIG . 4A A 5 Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 6 of 11 U.S. Patent Oct . 23, 2001 S h ee t 5 of 5 US 6,308,070 Sl A NO CALLED ~ PARTY A N SWE R BE FORE T2 ~ YES 79 TERMINATES 81 CONVERSATION RICO PLATFORM 82 FIG . 48 83 CALLER OR CALL ED PARTY "HA N GS UP" 84 TERMINATES RTCO PLATFORM Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 7 of 11 US 6, 308 ,070 B1 METHOD AND APPARATUS O F MINIMIZING INCURRED CHARGES BY THE RFMOTE ORIGINATION OF 7 Ll. EPH(] NL C A LLS CROSS RFI-ERENCE TO RELAXED APPI . I C A7 'I ON The p rese n t non -p rov i siou aY patent application I% a continuation-in-pail of U 5 Provisional Application Se nal o 10 N o b0/100,898, fi l ed or, Sep 23, 1 998 BACKGROUND O F THE INVENTION I n bound vs outb o und te le ph o ne rates vary substantially from o ne market to another around the world Indeed, s o me 1 5 market s have extremely high outbound tel eph o ne rates i n co mp arison to inb o und r ates due to the loc al commumc aUO o companies having a monopoly In that marke t As a n examp le, outbound calls from India t o t he USAcan cost four limn s as much as Inboun d c alls from the USA t o India For 70 several years, s o -c a l le d callback' schemes have been offered as a means t o bypass t h e high o u t b ound tel ephone rates o f the various monop o l y tel eL ommumcai i on companies arou nd the world C allba ck services have the po tential of saving up to 50% or more on international long distance c al ls H o we ve r, kn own callback services have been d$c ul[ For a c u st omer to use This is so b eL ausc the cu stomer has had to dra t ext r a d igits , requiring m ore time a nd int roducing additional opportunities for error Beca use o f Ibis, callback services have met with only limited market success and even 30 th en only when outbound te lephone rates fro m the mon o p o ly lc. lcco mmumL al l on c. ompames ar c s o excessive as to justify th e extra effort by the customer to us e t he callback service Known callback services work by as ig n i ng ea ch c us- 3 5 s Co m e r a uniq ue phone number that terminates to an u~ tero atio na l callback platfo rm The international callback plai fo rn is a facility located in a country (for cx a~ple , in the United Sla te s inbound to t he Lusl o mer 's cou n try t hat h as substantial competition for outbound telephone rates and a,~ therefore ha s much l o wer lo ng distance r ates (often as mu ch as 80% lower than i n so me locales ) than t h e outbou n d rates in that country To use the xrv ~ce, t he customer c alls his unique n tcrn aliooal phone number end then hangs up This SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION rn lat fo r make an Fe iCL% the international callback V m to 45 Br i efly described, in a first preferred fm" t he p resent i nhou od ca ll 1 n the user ' s t eleph o ne The our then an s wer s invention comprises a method of placing a long Js t en~ yel l th e ph o ne and gets a new (se cond) d ial tone from the (o a l io nal call ba c k platform Using the sau~ nd dial l o ne, ofr o the r relatively high-cost cal l ) using a mobile t e lephorc i n ie rn t he t y pe having a da ta m essa ging device included thereto t he customer dials the p h o ne num be r of the destination party fu r communicating with a d a ta n e two rk and using a Remote that h L Wishes to reach The international callback platform so lelcphone fall Qngmau o o ( ·` RTC O ") platform t o avoid us e s ;ht n ew numbe r to call the desired n umb e r an d t hen h igh charges in o ne locale and t o Incur l o we r charges in a bridges the two calls together so th at the use r can talk to the dC Si ·e dp a second, alower-cost locale The Method comprises t he step-, rt y Effectively, n outbou nd call from the cus- of lomcr's country is replaced by two Lall5 an inbound call to the customer and an outbound call from e country with low ss outbound :a(es to the destination party In speed things up and 1n make the use of international callback easier, it has been known to WILL= speed dialing axles for the most commonly called TO international phone numbers for a customer Under ibis scheme, the customer ou can crate short speed dialing cases for his most eninmonly called mlernalioual phone numbers First, the customer could call the international callback platform and create a two digit speed dialing code assigned to a desired phone number For example, the castomer might assign the code n5 17" to his or her parents' phone number m a different Louoiry Once a callback session has been initiated (i e once (a) capturing a relat ively high - c.os i telephone number dialed by a use r of the mobile teleph o ne, (b) transmitting a data m essage to the d ata network using t he data message device, the d ata me ss age including th e d iale d tel eph o ne Du m ber and identifying the mobde t ele p hone number, (c) relaying the me ssage fro m the d ata network to the RTCO platfor m, (d) placing a first call fr o m the RI C O p l a tfor m t o th e mo bile telephone, and 2 t he international cal lback platform has dialed up the customer's telephone and the customer has a nswer ed) , the cus t o mer c an then enter the short speed dial cod e to direct the inle mal i onal callba c k pla t form t o call the ass ig ne d telephone numb e r The entry of the sho rt speed d i ali ng Lode directs the international callb ack platform t o call t h e particular num b er previously created flits technique can redu ce th e number of digits that the customer mu st ente r durin g the sec o nd st age o f dialing Howeve r, i t still requires t haat tthe customer make aa Conscious schoice eto ocalll the th t he customer make cnn sc io u c hoic t cal t he international callback platform and dial twice (once to call the international ca llback platform an d o nc e to call the number) Moreover, it requires t he customer to remember the speed dialing codes and i t I,, difficult to c reate , change, and de lete the speed di aling codes in t he in ternational callbac k platfor m In an other e ffort to improve the case of initiating o r usin g a callback sch e me , e ca llback p rovider i ns ta lls s ma ll local gateway platforms is various large c ities that it se rves alo n g wi th a l a rger international callback pl atform in th e low-cost long distance market (I e , t he U S) The c ust omer IN then ass i gned a uniq ue loc al telephone n umber that r ea ches the local gat e way platform To initiate a c allback, the customer malls the local telephone number and hapg s up The loc a l gateway platform then tend s a da ta message His a dat a netwo rk to the international callback platform which t h e n calls the customer's telephone number The cu s to mer then answers the te l ephone and rece ives a second dial t on e to allow bun to dial his desired party This method r ed uce s the number of digits t hat lhL c u sto mer must d i al m the first dialing st age because h e only has to dial a local number, rather than calling a n M(cmational number to initiate the callback session f low'cver, the u ser must still di al al l of sh e digi ts in t h e international telephone num b er h e desires to call This re present s on l y a marginal improvement o%er [he prior techniques What is nee d ed t hen i 5 a meth od and a pp ara tu s that all ows t h e cu s t o mer to ent r y t he c ost-savings an d be nefi ts o f a callba ck service without the difficult and lime - consuming effort needed to Initiate a callb ack session It is to the provision of s u ch a method and a pp a r atus that t he p re se n t in ventio n Is primarily directed (e) placing a seco nd cal l from the RTCO platform to the l o ng dis tance telephone number dialed in a manner t o Connect the first and secon d ga ll s t o ea ch ot he r Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 8 of 11 known callback schemes In the present invention, the c .amed out wi[houl requiring that [he user do anylhing mort than initially dial the lon g distance number (in some le l esubstantial ~asl sav~ugs is achieved by the use of a technique phones this migh t include also press ing a <senda key) or scheme referred to herein as Remote Telephone Call Also preterably, the w e ssage relaye d from the data net- 5 Origination (RICO) -flits differs from known callback services to that the user of RTCO doesn't need to make an work to the RICO p l atform includes she telephone number initial call to a callback plalturm Instead, she user simply of the telephone Also, the met hod preferably includes the step of maindials the destination party normally The user's telephone device communicates by a Data Messaging Device to an lormg a telephone number d ia led by t he user to determine ~f the telephone number dialed is a relatively high-cost num- to RTCO platform to originate the cast in a manner that is transparent to the user Thus, the user never his to first dial her I f the number dialed is a low-cost call, then Ire call is a callback platform and then call tics destination number placed directly without u sing the callback platform [t the number dialed vs a re latively high-cost telephone ca ll the call Thos i s much simpler, easier to use, and faster than known callback schemes is not pla ced directly but i nstead the cal l is made using the RICO platform as described above Normally, this criteria z 5 Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide a method and apparatus for a user to take advantage would be used to decide how to handle long distance calls and cell u lar roaming calls A]teraalively, in the case of local of differences in inbound v5 outbound telephone rates with tally the criteria could tiaLtude whither the cost of the local little it any additional effort call u greater than long distance calls so that local c a lls It is another object of the present invention to provide a could be placed indirectly using the RICO platform as o method and apparatus for a carrier to control who ogee long distinct telephone service even when a user is not in their described above On e skilled m she art can see how stns invention can be used to a llow a came to contro l the long network distance of [heir users while they arc roaming in a nother 11 is another object of the present invention to provide a networ k other than one Wmro[[nd by that carrier method end apparatus for RTCO which is last in execution I n another preferred form, the inv ention wmpnses a z s It is another object of the present invention to provide a mobile telephone for use with a telephony ne t work, for use method and apparatus for It ICO which can be transparent to with an K"fCQ platform, and for use with a dat a messaging the user of the telephone network configured to relay messages to the R ICO pl a tform It is yet a further object of the present invention to provide a method and apparatus for RTCO which requires Mule if The mobile telephone includes circuitry for connecting the mobile lolzphone to the telephony network and an internal 30 any additional effort or keypad strokes by the user of the data messaging capability for commum~aluig with the data telephone network A user interface is provided for initialing tele phone It is yet a further object of the present invention to provide calls (such as a keypad), such as for dialing t e lephone a method and mobile telephone apparatus for automa4cally num6ecs Control means are provided for monitoring th e placing calls using a RTCO platform telephone number dialed by the user a n d the control means ,s It is a further object of the present invention to provide a is responsive to t he dialing of a relatively qigh-cost number method and apparatus for RICO which is responsive to cost for transmitting a RTCO message from the data messaging Criteria !o minimize the cost of calls device to the data networ k i n initiate a RTCO call from the It is another object of the present invention to provide a RfCO platform method and apparatus for RICO which does not require the Pret ably, the control means is operative for monitoring a telephon o use of special dialing Codes e number dialed by the user to determine if the It is yet a further object of the present invention to provide telephone call Lc relative ly high-cost, such as wheth e r t he a method and apparatus for RTCO which is operative for number is a local number or is a long distance number If the minimizing or avoiding high long distance chdtges, high number dialed is a low-cost call, then the c a ll is placed roaming charges, and high local charges directly and if the number dialed is a relatively high-CoSt 45 These and other objects, features, and advantages of the call, the call u not placed direct ly, but instead use is made present invention will become more apparent upon reading of the RICO platform as described above the following specification m conjunction with the accomThis method and apparatus has some very distinct advanpanying drawing figures tages nuns the known prior art First, the invention allows the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE D RAWINGS user (customer) to take adv a ntage of differences between +o inbound a nd outbound calling rates Also, the user g ams the FIG 1 is a sc h e m a ti c, functional depict io n of a m obile telephone apparatus according to a preferred form o f the advantages of something like a callback scheme wi t hout invention an d sho wn m conjunction with a data m essag i ng e .er knowing 16a1 he u utilizing something like a callb a ck ne t work, a RTCO platform, and a telephony netwo rk scheme This makes the operation of the cus(-savi ng techaiyue wmplele l y tr a nsparent, without additional difficulty 55 PIG 2 is a flo w chart depicting how a contr o l module for the user, and is simple, fast, and automatic It also po rlian o f [he mo bd e telephone apparatus of FIG 1 operates implemcn~c a callback sc heme in a relatively short lime, to place galls directly or to pl ace call s indirectly u sin g the with the customer not knowing (hat any additional time has RTCO platform been required to employ a callback scheme (if indee d any FI G 3 i s a detailed flow cha rt of a port ion of the flow chart extra lime is required) Indeed, the total time to connect with o0 of FIG 2 the desired telephone number should be roughly comparable FIGS 4A and dB are ~n l le ctivc[y, a deta ile d flow ch art o f to the amount of time it lak~ .s to make the call directly P .fSO, a portion of the fl ow chart of FIG 2 the user is not required to punch additional buttons or to DETAILCD DESCRIP'l I O N OF TH f~ remember any special codes in order to lake advantage of the YR ~. k-ERRED EMBODIMEN IN callback scheme Thus, the customer is able to enjoy all [be et benefits (cost savings) of a callback sch eme without any of Referring now in detail to the drawing figures, wherein the drawbacks normally attendant thereto like referen ce n umerals represent like par ts throughout s ev- 3 Preferably, the step of transmitting a d ata message is US 6,308,070 BI "llie present invention has a distinct advantage over Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 9 of 11 US 6,308,070 BI The mobile telephone 10 grofcrahfy is programmed to eral views, 110 i schematically depicts a mobile telephone w eutom a ic aify ans er (without the user knowing that t6, it, apparatus 10 according to a preferred form of the invention taking place) the Incoming telephone call front the RTCO 'The mobile telephone apparatus 10 includes a keypad and user interface it in communication with a control module platform Existing known mobile telephones typically do Dot 12 Iba contral module 12 i n turn is to communication with 5 ans wer incoming cells automatically and therefore would likely require some hardware and,or software modifications a data mes,~agmg device 13 and telephony network circuitry to LncoC¢nratc this feature What the user of the mobile 14 Thus, the mobile telephone 10 i uclurles an internal data messaging device 13 for communicatwg with an external telephone perceives is that initially the user dials the telephone number desired (aaci ty Q ic8lty presses a c seaci > key), data messaging network 16 L&r wisc, the tele p hony artwork circuitry 14 ia4Iuded wilb in the, mobile telephone M is In and ultimately The call is placed to the number called operative fo r communicating with the telephony network 17 Whether this happens directly or indirectly using th e RTCO fiunbermure, the mobile telephone 14 is intended to be used platform preferably is entirely transparent and unseen by the in ta ajuac h ou with a $etno te jel ep ho ne -call QrIginaton user of the mobile telephone 10 ("RTLC1") platform 18 Referring now to FIG 3, one way of implementing the The internal data messaging device 13 is corifigured for t 5 process steps 32 and 33 can be considered in more detail As ,crsd i ag and optionally receiving data messages to and from shown in FIG 3, process steps 32,33 can involve a multitiered logic to evaluate whether it ts better To allow the the data messaging network 16 The data messaging network is configured to relay certain data messages to the RTCO number dialed to be duroctly placed or whether to employ the RICO platform la the mufti -t arred logic shown in HG 3, platform, as sh o wn The RICO platform 18 is configured to, .n response to certain data messages from the data me,sa.g · ~o the fist step i s to evaluate, as shown in process step 42 , w4 network, plate a call to the m u b tle telephone through the whether i Gt call involves high long distance .hafges It high telephony network and a lso to place another call to the long distance charges do app ly, then the ca l l is placed osing the RTCO platform, indicated generally at 36-39 number dialed by the mobile telephone The RTC0 platform Alternately, it the patl does not involve high long distance is also configured for connecting these calls together In general, mobile ielep}ui nt .c are already k n ow a of which ,4 charges, then next the ca ll is evaluated co see if high Carl roaming charges apply, as generally indicated in decision includo a keypad and user inttr f acc, a control module and a aiep 42 Again, J high cost roaming charges apply, then the J,sta messaging device One example of such is a Cr H 688 call is placed using the R7'4: {7 platform according to process model cellular ielcphnne including a built-in lwo rway steps 36 -34 Alternately, if high c=ost roaming charges are pager-like" func 1 wnat 1 ty called ' Short Messaging" and is not involved, [tern decision process step 43 deter unutas manufactured by Pn csicc+n However, such known prior whether high cost local charges a p ply to (his call (such as in mobile telephones ate no t configured and programmed to c Europe Where the calling party always pays for the call) If effect the FtTC() v:hGrne described tureen F6- example, The the answer to this is yrs, that high "t local charge 5 will control module 1.' fa rming part of the novel mobile tele2 d ,%.tUC , then If3C 6d u W(f be, placed (15117 g the RICO platform pBape 10 is operative for deciding, whether to complete a call t o a dialed numbe r davd it or whether to complete the LdIt 35 according to process steps -1b-34 Alternately, if high cost local charges are not involved, then the call is placed directly t o the dialed number indi rectly using the RTCO platform tv the telephony network using process step 34 to thz way, Thr% dcaaio n·makmg within the motto l module 12 i s carried out following the logic depicted generally in FIG 2 i f a call Involves high long distance cliarges, high roaming charges, or higb cost local charges, then it can be pl aced Pill 2 shows the operation of the control m odule 12 as it rel ates to utilizing a RTCO scheme to mmwsue costs cat ,p using the RICO platform {}n the usher hand, it it doe s not invol v e sorb high cost charges, then a can be placed directly operating the mob d e telephone 1 0 to this regard, Ibt control This cieciYo n making can be carried n ut in the context of module 12 executes a process indicated generally at 30 The took-up tables which are used to store togual values from process 30 includes in i n i tsa l step 31 of capturing a telrwhich a can be deduced whether the call involvr s high phn:se number dialed b v the user of the mobile telephone 10 'text, i n step 32 [he captuned telephone number is evaluated es tbar~+ts The table s 6o3vu is searched by the control saftwarc from t o determine if it would be be t ter to allow the telephone the top in the Uotlom and the first rutty that matches a used number to he dialed directly or to employ an RICO platform to dial the teleph o ne nuNber "is evaluation leads to a If them L5 no entry (su ch as for a lueawn area identify), then decision step 33 m which the decision is made to either use this indicate,,; that the entry is a "doo care" c .n[ry and the RICO platform or not If the RTCO platform is nod to he ;o therefore matches any location area identity The -` in the used, the n step 34 t s tamed out and the cal l u, p]aLtd directly :n itial dialed digits column indicates that any numbers will to the telephony network On the other hand, if the RICO match (a 'don't care" or "w d d card" cba t acier situaixaa) platform Ls to be used, then process step 36 i s carded out and The ability to make routing decisions based on the location a data message is passed from the data messaging dev ice 13 area identity u, an U ptkUt7d{ CC$(117t to the stauve-dntad table, IL) the data messaging network 16 the date message is+n- Sc a "+" denotes the international dialing code itt that particular tatns Iha telephone number being dialed and the identity of country such as I'M 1" when calling from the Un it ed States the mrbde telephone ( arrcl optionally additional triformilion or "{)D11" when calling from Australia It the mobile phone such as subscriber ID, cq ui pme i l number, security code, is located in a country whose network code. i% not in the table, then the RICO is not available for such a call and all network ea9r, tic . } Next, to process step 37 th4 data message is relayed from the data messaging network 16 to w such call, must he made in traditional (direct) manner The RTCd platform i8 Next, in process step 38 t h e RICO In the illustrative table, for network code 217 ("ccsuu( ry platform 18 places a flew 4a 1l to the mobile telephone and t "), any outgoing ca{U to do Imernau o na l number (as wdt then places a second call to the nuwbcr dialed by the mobilc cxted by the international dialing code) uses the RICO Fnr telephone io a manner i O connect the two phone rafts xo each network ids 222 ("co untry 2"), any o utgoing call that is ocher I'm- i; shown by way of example in process!,lep 39. es l ong distance within "country 2" tandicated by a "0" before whcnia the RTM platform IS connects the two telephone the number dialed} any igtetoa s innal call uses the RICO la calls together the above-hated example, for netwnrl; code 247 ("country Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 10 of 11 US 6,308,070 BI 7 3"), a l l outgoing c a ll s (whether loca l , long-distance, or international) from the location area identity 04 use the RICO For all other locat i on area identities in "country 3 ", on ly international calls use the RTCO < Laf' LOCA7ZON NETWORK COD E AREA IDEYITIY IM1'r l'L1L DL41.ID DIG f[S 217 icaunirv 1) 222 ~ c~untr~ ' i 247 jcon"I,s 1,1 ~ -- 10 ------_ CA" _ , Is As shown by the above discussion, one advantage of [he look-up table approach is that it can be custom tailored to a number of different cost scenarios, to carefully avoid high telephone charges This lookup table can be changed from lime to time using data messages transmitted to the mobile 2 0 telephone, such as shoo Messages to a GSM phone Hcfemng now to FIGS 4A and 413, in the process step 38 of FIG 2 can be considered in greater detail As shown in FIG 4A, the hilt part of process step 38 is step 71 m whi~ .h the RTCO platform places a call to the mobile telephone `S his s followed by decision 72 in which the process branches one way or another based on whether the mobile phone has an auto-answer capability if the mobile phone his an auto-answer capability, then the next step is step 73 in which the mobile phone auiomaucalJy answers the incoming 30 call immediately Alternately, if the mobile phone does not have an auto-answer capability, the mobile phone nags for a lime l 1 according to process step 74 If the user answers during the time TI (see decision branch 75), [hen the RTCO As those skilled in the art can further appreciate, RTC O platform connects the first call to the telephony circuitry 35 can be used by a programmable lan d line ph one su ch as a PC within the platform that Will be used for the second call to wit h so ftware having call control over a built-in landlunc the number dialed according to process step 76 Otherwise, telephone The call control software on th e PC can serve as the RTCO platform terminates the call setup process by the c o ntro l module ]be IN (In terne t Protocol) me ssaging disconnecting from the first call according to process step yn capability within the P C can serve as the d ata messaging 77 device on an IP n etwork (c g 33 6 Kbps d i a l - up t o the After process sled 76, the RICO platform places the Intern e t Wor ldwid e Web , a Wide Area Nclw vck WAN , e [ c , ) second call to [he number originally dialed by the user and c ,an serve d s a data m L stiabi ng network ceps the timer T2 according to process step 78 Next, As those skilled m the art can ready appreciate, the data according to decision step 79, if the called party answers within a time T2 the conversation between the user and the 45 messaging network can take many different form s, suc h ac an S57 signaling network , USSI} Network, GPRS ne lw e rl, , called party takes place according to process step 81 synchronous da t a ne t wor k , asyn c hron o us da ta netw o rk, Otherwise, the RTCO platform terminates the call setup UM I'S network . c1c process by d~sconoeclmg from the firs[ and second galls according in process clop 82 After the conversation li should be kep t i n mind that, while th e invention terminates, the user or called party "hangs up" (dix.ugnects 5a described herein is described to o perate automali c alJy a nd transparently , a mob ile tele ph o ne could be d ev ised t o Laoorfrom the call) according to process step 83 The RTCO platform then terminates the active call by disconnecting p o rele the present invention and L o Include or allow contro l b y th e user to this regard, the user co u ld turn th e use of t he both the first and second calls according to process step 84 RTCO service on or o ff T his could be done through a menu The method and apparatus of the present invention has ready application lo' dual-band" mobile phone provided by 5 5 opt ion , suc h a s is currently used to sel ect or de -sel ect many featu res and functions in cellular teleph o nes Al so, those PCS190D carriers In the U S to subscribers PCS1900 skilled in the art w i ll recognize that in addition to pla ci ng a earners use the G541 digital standard in the 1900 MHO single call using the RICO platform, the present invention spectrum In the U S , as versus the rest of the world which can be utilized to ini t iate co nference call-, and to al l ow uses GSM in the 900 MH, speurum "Dual-band" mobile phones work for both 900 and 1900 MH, and therefore can ac multiple calls t o be placed (and toggled there be t ween ) 6 It sh ould be unders too d [hat in the claims . the term be used in the U S and internationally Using the method "dia ]m g" o r to "d i al " a telephone number i s intended to and apparatus of the prLscnl Invention In C011junC11011 With such dual-band mobile phones, some or all mobileencompass dialing a nu mber without pressing an activation originated calls made by the U S subscriber while traveling k ey, s uch as the csend> k ey or di aUng a number an d pres sing wtemsh~ually can he connected using the Remote Telo- 6 5 an activation key, s uch as the cseo d> key phone Call Origination scheme with the less expensive U 5 While the Invention ha s been disclosed i n p refe rred outbound telephone rates forms, those skilled i n the a rt will recogni ze that many "identifying the mobile t elephone " i n the data message from the mobile phone can be done via special codes, a unique da t a address identifier, a par a me t er with rn the contents o f the data message, or o t her means These and o ther means are encompas sed by the t erm "identifying the mo bil e t ele p hone " in the clai ms The process o [ ' dial ing a telephone number" on a mobi l e phone can be done on some phones by d ial i ng a ph o ne number and press ing a cSSIYDs key ( o r s o me similar key ) wherea s in o ther phones the pressing of the <S$ND ~- key w no t requ ired Further, m ust mob ile ph ones a ll o w for the storage o f telephone numbers and associated na m es w h i ch may he retrieved from memory and dialed by pressing the <SEND> key These and other co mmonly kn o wn me a ns o f d ial i ng a te l epho ne number from a mo b ile phon e ar e eucompassed by the term "d ialing a telephon e number " m the claim s As those skilled t p the art can appreci at e, RTCO can be used b y a GSM mobile phone w i th t he MM c ard (a Subscriber Identity m odule) serving as the con t ro l mo dule an d a SIM To o llu~t Application cu mp m in g t he soft wa r e in th e control mod ul e The' Short Mrssagm g" capability m the GSM pho ne can serve as the data messagi n g s em ce and make use o f GS M short messagin g service a s a data messaging net wo rk As th ose skilled in t he a rt can also a pprec i a te, R"FCQ c an be used b y an IS - 41 mobile p h o ne spe ci a l programming m the mobile phone can ser v e as the softwa re for the co nt rol mod ule The IS-4 1 "call origination mess aging " or 15-41 " short messaging" capability in the mob i le ph o ne can serve as t he d ata messaging dev i ce a nd make use of the IS -41 s igoahng netwo rk as data messagi ng network 8 A.s those sk i lled in the art can apprec iate, the process of 10 r^ Case 1:07-cv-00813-TWT Document 1-2 Filed 04/12/2007 Page 11 of 11 9 10 modihcations, additions, and deletions can he made therein 10 A mobile telephone as claimed in claim 7wherem said without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention mobile telephone is adapted for Short Messaging US 6,308,070 BI as set forth in the following claims 11 A mobile telephone as flaimed in claim 7 wherein said claim means for monitoring is operative for moontonog a tclc1 A method of placing a long distance call using a mobtle s phone number dialed by the user to determine whether the telephone of the type having a data messaging device for telephone call should he placed directly or instead the call communicating with a data network and using an RfCV should be placed using the RTCO platform platform to avoid charges in one locale and to incur charges 12 A mobile telephone as claimed iu claim 7 wherein said in a second locale, the method comprising the steps of control means is operative for comparing the [elephant, e number dialed by the user with a look-up table to determine caplunng a telephone number dialed by a user nC the I if the telephone number dialed should be placed directly or mobile tclephene, should instead be placed using the RICO platform iransmitiing a data message from the mobile telephone to 13 A mobile telephone as claimed in claim 12 wherein the the data network using the data messaging device u[ the honk-up table within said control means is updated from time mobile telephone without requiring that the user dial 5 to time using data messages transmitted to the mobile 1 the telephone number of the RICO platform 31-elf, the telephone data message including the dialed telephone number 14 In a mobile telephone of the type for use with a placing a second call from the RTCO platform to the telephone call should he placed using an RICO platform, number dialed in a manner to connect the first and and further that the internal data messaging device is operasecond calls in each other ,s tine for communicating a message to a data messaging 2 A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the first call is network for relaying the message to the RFLO platform to automatically answered by the mobile telephone complete the call using the RTCO platform without requir3 A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein the message Ling that the user dial any additional numbers relayed from the data network to the RICO platform 15 Ilhe improvement of claim 14 wherein said control 30 means is operative to automatically answer a call from the includes the telephone number of the mobile telephone 4 A method as claimed m claim 1 wherein the mobile RTCO platform telephone uses Short Massaging for the data network 16 The improvement of claim 14 wherein said control S A method as claimed w claim 1 further comprising the means is operative for transmitting the RTCO message step of comparing the telephone number dialed by the user without requiring that the user do anything more than dial k 1 CO platform, 20 improvement therein comprising that control means are placing a first l from the RTCO platform In the mobile provided for monitoring the dialing of a telephone number telephone, and by a user of the mobile telephone, and for determining if and identifying the mobile telephone, telephony network and having an internal data messaging relaying the data message from the data network to the device and a keypad for dialing a telephone number, the with a look-up table to determine if the telephone number ?S the telephone number dialed should be placed directly or should instead be placed 17 The improvement of claim 14 wherein said mobile using the RICO platform telephone is adapted for Short Messaging 18 The improvement of claim 14 wherein said means for 6 A method as claimed in claim 5 wherein the look-up table is updated from time to time using data messages monitoring is operative for monitoring a telephone number transmitted to the mobile telephone air dialed by the user to determine whether the telephone call 7 A mobile telephone for use with a telephony network, should be placed directly or instead the call should be placed for use with a RTCO pla[Form, and for use with a data using the RICO platform Messaging network configured to relay messages to the 19 The improvement of claim 14 wherein said control RPC'O platform, card mobile telephone mmpnsmg means is operative for comparing the telephone number circuitry for connecting said mobile telephone to the Qs dialed by the user with a look-up table to determine d the telephony network, telephone number dialed should be played directly or should an internal data messaging device for communicating instead hehe improvement the claim platform ein the look-up g 20 T placed using of RTCO 19 wher with the data network, table within said control means is updated from time to time a user input interface for initiating telephone calls, includusing ng data messages transmitted to the mobile telephone 8 4 mobile telephone aS claimed in claim 7 wherein said message to an RTCO plaifnrm in complete the call using [he control means is operative to automatically answer a call bc RTCO platform without requiring that the user dial any from the RICO platform additional numbers, the control means being operative tor 9 A mobile telephone as claimed Gn claim 7 wherein said determining whether to place the call directly on to place the control mans is operative for transmitting the RTCO mss- call using the RICO based on the relative costs of each sego without reyuiriag that the user do anything more Than dial the telephone number ·++ mg for dialing telephone calls, and 21 In a mobile telephone of the type for use with a control means for monitonog a telephone number dialed telephony network and having internal data messaging by the user, for determining if a telephone call should device and a keypad for dialing a telephone number, the be placed using the RICO platform, and responsive to improvement therein composing that control means are the dialing of certain telephone numbers for transmit- S5 provided for monitoring the dialing of a telephone number ring a RTCO message from the mtemal data messaging by a user of the mobile telephone and further that the totems] device to the data network to initiate an RTCO call data messaging device IS Operative for communicating a from the RTCO platform message to a data messaging network fur relaying the 11

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