Toffoloni v. LFP Publishing Group, LLC

Filing 262

NOTICE Of Filing Notification that 253 , 255 , 252 , 251 and 254 Transcripts have been filed in District Court by LFP Publishing Group, LLC. (kac)

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ELEVENTH CIRCUIT TRANSCRIPT INFORMATION FORM PART L TRANSCRIPT ORDER INFORMAnON Appellant to complet. and fi" with tM District Court Cl.rk within J 0 days ofthe filing ofthe ,notice ofappeal in all CIU.S, including thase In which IMre wa.r no Moring orfor which transcript is ordered. no Short Case Style:_·L_'o_f_f_o_l_o_o_i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---l'vsO!..-L_F_'P_P_u_D_l"_':'o_~h_~_'...;;lg::.-..G_r_o_u.:...p_,_L_L_I..._'_ _ _ _ __ l District Court No.; 1; OS··cv-042.1-TWT Date Notice of Appeal Filed: July 13,20 llcourt of Appeals No.: 11-12922-0 (If AvaiIUIe) CHOOSE ONE: DNo hearing D No transcript is required for appealpwposes D All necessary,transeript(s) on file ' , aJ I AM ORDERINGA TRANSCRIPT OF THE FOLLOWING PROCEEDINGS: ': Check appropriate bor(es) and provide all information requested: F/~. ,.~<llIJqR NAMECS) JUDGElMAGlSTRAIE HEARING DATEeS) \ o Pre-Trial Proceedin~'-----,_---------------------TT"TI---'-~------­ tlTrial ~ 13 { I ~ . '!l~ MEmODOF PAYMENT: G. I CERTIFYnIATI HAVB CONfACTFD mE COURTREPOR1ER(S) AND HA VB MADE SATISFACTORY ARRANGEMENTS WITH TIm COURT REPORTER.(S) FOR PAYING TIm COST OF mE TRANSCRIPT. o CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACf. Attacbedfcr submission to District~ is my c:ompletedCJA Form 24 requesting auth.crizatiOO:' '. for gqvemmen.t payment oftranscripl [A transcript orb following procccdiRpwill be provided ONLY W= A l LY AUTHORlZHD in ·ltcmllon CJA Form 24: .' Voir Dinr, Opening and Closing StatcmcI'ItlIofProsecutiorr and ·Dcfcme; Prosecution 1Nt~~1'.'··· . <, l' J '.0 J,omon 1.0r · · . l C ,. ~n P bli \.,.' {' .' ~.S,".c. • .....m.. A"~ FFICE . '. Ordering~ Dacre....... . ; ; JJt:.i:enuallt ..... 1'.< .,1.1 BHHlg .l:'OU!J7 LL-.. JUL .2 0 dcKtoHUa .i...OH;';_ Ii Aldrici"e L1P e;. Name orrum: 303 f~Bch£rc~ $tr~~~, ~K. Suit~ SJOO StrectAdcIreaIP.O. Box: - - - . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - . - " " ' - ' -__rl"=~6::_~.......fW!Jf,_­ / CitylStatelZip Code: Atlanta. GA 30308 J certify /hptIhave filed tM origi1Ul1 (Yellow page) with tM District Court Clerk. sent the Pink and Green pages totM appropriate Court Repone:!:!. if ordering a transcript, and sent a photocopy 10 the ~ourt ofAppeau Clerk and to all parties. . DATE:...J\..\y \t,\o\\ PART SIGNED: :t:s::~ /V~ AttomCYfor.._,_J"'_"f_",,_n(_i;1_n_t_ _-,--_ C URTREPORTERA KNOWLEDGMENT Cout:t Reporter to complete aJ.dJiie Pink pogtti witlt /(J diiys 'orec~ipt.'; ThtiCoul1 Keporter sMIl send a photocopy to the Coun ofAppeauClerkand 10 all partiell, and retain the Green page to provide notification wMn transcriptfiled Date Transcript Order received:,____________ [J [J Satisfactory arrangements for paying the cost of the transcript were completed on:_·_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Satisfactory arrangements for paying the cost of the transcript have not been made. , N9. ofhearing days: DATE: Estimated 00. oftranscript pages: SIGNED: Estimated filing date:..:...____..,--_ __ Phone No. :_ _ _ _ _ _ __ NOTE: The transaipt is due to be med within· 30 days ofthe date satisfactory arrangements for paying the cost of the transcript were completed unless the Court Reporter obtains an extension oftime to file the transcript PART 1R NOTIFICATION THAT TRANSCRIPT HAS BEEN FILED IN DISTRICT COURT . Court Reporter to complete andfile Green page witlt tM District Court Clerk on date offiling transcript in District Court. The Court RePQner shall send a photocopy ofthe completed Green page 10 tM Court ofAppeau Clerk on the same dote. I I Thi.. lei tn l¥'rtiIV th..t t.... t-r!In.........t I..... hoo.o... .."'""...I,.t....4 !InA fi1....4 uritb tb_ Ai" ..... ,.• ..-n"rt nn fA ..t ...\· --, 7 II

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