Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights et al v. Deal et al

Filing 28

Application for Refund of Fees paid online through for receipt number 3334193. (Lapointe, Michelle)

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APPLICATION FOR REFUND OF FEES PAID ELECTRONICALLY THROUGH PAY.GOV Date of Request: 6/3/11 Case Number: Date of Fee Payment: 6/2/11 Receipt Number: 3334193 1:11-cv-1804-TWT Amount to be Refunded: 150 Reason for Request: This charge was made while a PHV application was being made, but that application was never completed and was never filed on the docket. . Supervisor’s Recommendation: Action Taken: _______ Approved _______ Denied _______ Referred to Judge for further action __________________________ DATE _______________________________________ JAMES N. HATTEN Clerk of Court 6DPXHO %URRNH )URP 6HQW 7R 6XEMHFW SD\JRYDGPLQ#PDLOGRFWZDLJRY 7KXUVGD\ -XQH    30 6DPXHO %URRNH 3D\*RY 3D\PHQW &RQILUPDWLRQ d,/^ /^ E hdKD d D^^ '͘ W> ^ K EKd ZW>z͘ zŽƵƌ ƚƌĂŶƐĂĐƚŝŽŶ ŚĂƐ ďĞĞŶ ƐƵĐĐĞƐƐĨƵůůLJ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚ͘ dƌĂŶƐĂĐƚŝŽŶ ^ƵŵŵĂƌLJ ƉƉůŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ EĂŵĞ͗ ' E D & WĂLJ͘ŐŽǀ dƌĂĐŬŝŶŐ /͗ Ϯϱϯ,ϯϲϳ ŐĞŶĐLJ dƌĂĐŬŝŶŐ /͗ ϭϭϯͲϯϯϯϰϭϵϯ dƌĂŶƐĂĐƚŝŽŶ dLJƉĞ͗ ^ĂůĞ dƌĂŶƐĂĐƚŝŽŶ ĂƚĞ͗ :ƵŶ Ϯ͕ ϮϬϭϭ ϱ͗ϯϬ͗ϯϵ WD ĐĐŽƵŶƚ ,ŽůĚĞƌ EĂŵĞ͗ ^Ăŵ ƌŽŽŬĞ dƌĂŶƐĂĐƚŝŽŶ ŵŽƵŶƚ͗ ΨϭϱϬ͘ϬϬ ŝůůŝŶŐ ĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗ ϰϬϬ tĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ ǀĞŶƵĞ ŝƚLJ͗ DŽŶƚŐŽŵĞƌLJ ^ƚĂƚĞͬWƌŽǀŝŶĐĞ͗ > ŝƉͬWŽƐƚĂů ŽĚĞ͗ ϯϲϭϬϰ ŽƵŶƚƌLJ͗ h^ ĂƌĚ dLJƉĞ͗ ŵĞƌŝĐĂŶdžƉƌĞƐƐ ĂƌĚ EƵŵďĞƌ͗ ΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎΎϭϴϯϱ 

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