Allen et al v. City of Grovetown et al

Filing 63

ORDER denying 36 Motion for Summary Judgment; denying as moot 59 Motion for Leave to File. This case will proceed to trial. Signed by Judge J. Randal Hall on 07/03/2013. (thb)

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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERNDISTRICT OF GEORGIA AUGUSTADIVISION * GLORIA J. ALLEN, as next friend of J.D.L., JR., M.A.M,, and Z.G.L., minor chifdren of the decedent, Jeremy D. Love, Sr., and GLORIA J. ALLEN, as of the EsLate of Administrarrix Jeremy D. Love, Sr, , Plalntiff, cv Lt0-022 v. MIKE FREEMAN, SCTqCANI, . i- r i . . r r . . ^ r ' ry, , a r-r n a i - h i s o f f i c i a l - q r ^rF.r ^er wirh rhe r-dt,d u-L |-y Grovetown Pofice Department' and H CHESTER OPKINS, Officer ' ^ - r fjr-r h i s o f f i c i a L y drru udPd - L -L Ly ^tF: -er with the Groverown PoLice Departmenc' Defendants. ORDER Present.Iy for this pendlng summary .;udgmenc. motlon is hereby before the (Doc. no. is Court 36. ) Defendants' motion Upon due consideration, DENIED. I . BJACKGROT'IID A. FactuaL This ("Love") Background case arises while Detent.ion Center Love from was the suicide detained (the "Jai1") . at nf t- ha Ta ram\7 r-i f \z D. Love, of Sr. , Grovet own 7. Lowe's On Aprll r: r^\rA'|- ^Lrh the because Love face. " (Id. Brown Love G]oria r:a^rdi caIIed and JaiT 2048, 28, Plaintiff moLher, Attest and 42. ) an their 10, argument shared 41 .) of Plbl ic and "kept 4:45 aL At her Harden Love for arrived in AlLen (*CDPS") getting p.m., his residence SaIety at in Iher] GDPS Officer the scene (Id. conducL. disorderly with Pfalntiff approxjmaLely cussing arrested at Dep. at GDPS Sergeant subsequently into Deparrment CroveLown was qot Allen, (Alfen r at J. Intake at and 42- 44; Doc. no. 42 aL 9, 12.) ar^1,n/l in c . 1 nw - qF-'raan Officer.' an.l 1 , (^D o c . "Iooked srrung noticed that As with the na-r r .qrJ: e w DefendanL Michaef r-l^asra- no. 42 aL 20, Iove was "extremely l-}'^ --i -h..] r nr Freeman ("Freeman"), Hcnl,i 36, " - v ^ -l " 'E y (Hopkins out./' ^ ihl- h -ru^urY r/ r-Lf h l r v f L ^ rlrserrzed' :1- 6O-61 I^17a nF€trn.lFn' Hnn i i r r u P ^L , , J n q nan m v.rL,. of Lhe custody urLYLq'Lut n v. Dep, /"H.rnkins"\ ns 40. ) -atcr_l a v f_ r i - q L L u u r at a -_ c l u -q 15-16.) agiLated a GDPS e When Love r^an GDPS came in, r rPnr s-a - " u r and Freeman also (Freeman and upset." \ of T,ove'< assisrance oI ini^ka Hnnkin< Freeman. filled (Doc. no. OuL an inLake 42 aL ]4-15; form Hopkins r Hop<irs joined cDPS on March 26, .008, approxjmately one monLh be.ore (Doc. no, 43 at 4. ) He was initially assigned to drspatch Love's suicide. and was reass'gned Lo Lhe Ja-I a fe., days before Lo,,o's su jc ide. { F- € e - r a n Dep. at B-9; Hopkins Dep. at B-10. ) Freeman had been liith GDPS since 1995 and !.ras responsible for (Doc. no, 43 aL 46; Hopkins Dep. aL 12, supervising and training llopkirrs. Love had been housed in the Jaif 23-24; Freeman Dep. at B-9, 20,) a few tires'n Ehe pasL, buL Froeman \.{as Jnaware ol any pasc suic'dal behavio"L by (a-.len Dep. aL J5; Freeman Dep. ar j2; Doc, Love ouring Lnose prio-r s-inLS. no. 42 at 3E.) Freeman Dep. at Dep. at 18, Honki rs i n r l , r - a 1e d of 2A; ,-) alcohof.- 42 no. at 1-4.) Under Hopkins f .akir"o mcdiaal ion To \ / t r w a e . - r - r F ^ l l v On the r'o be l.^'/A :nnaa-ad f h^f (Doc. 13.) 10, intake the afso form, inf lUenCe indicated that nsvr-hr atri.: .lisorder.3 form "Does Fnr : (rd. ) The inmate's 14.) To address to at After at fooked aa r - q -, ^ 6 I! .q a - - rr-!" J Iacr L intake that's "no, u:..l6h the the L?h^ m:.]a rha :rraer 42 at 40.) ini t.ially - question ninth rhus, (Hopkins Dep. ri sk. checked 'tYes, " Love ninth guestion tnice, and meant. " Love had beer drinking rhat want Hopkins After I don't H o p ki n s remarks, to read what not "f see afso Doc. no. Love was a sujcide form, said: (Hopkins Dep. at ndy l^ave been relayed /H^hkinc nah A lR I 20.) Lo HoF.kirs Daeni_^ -L- Hopkins indicated on the intake form that Love "looked strung out," oI oLher dtuqs or have a.y noL appear Lo be Lnder Ehe in'luence fact that Love oid ry, the (See " or mumb-Led somethi ng abouc a two 40.) 42 at intentlons. or Love then said adjacent 42 at (Doc. no. the Freeman apparenLly or thouqhts Hopkins, these he believed Doc. no. 'The h ! y\ / made t'Yes" box the at said, to asks: suicide?" Hopkins he had any suicidal Love 19-21; of (Hopkins Dep. at 2li pine box."a jndicacing intake risk anymore" and also be here checked the quesLjon, Lhis According 36.) on suqgest the behavior asked Love if id. question ninth ^F:l-^h^ v ^ rr ! A !. u i9 r t ^ wil\d'^-,:l /qa \ J r ra n^ t L -^. -. - A) at 1l: H -^ . - - ^ 1 L .i -n-_ - ) - ^' usP. at 15-16. ) 'oIn. indicaLed LnaL Love was r The "Arrest/Booking PoparL," a oilferenr "under docLor's care and/or takinq any medicacions" and list.ed "High stress (Doc. no. 42 aL 9, ) The arrest and Disorder" on the corresponding Iine. t^^Lih^ h^f been have deposition, disorder," cinnad hV \\ra-ai rha rrihd ^ffi.i:l " t id I (See Freoman. Free-an Dep, aL 13. ) oy f' led ouE -emerber Love's ary!hing abouL Freenar di d 1oE "h'g. -7--8), (See Freena.l Dep, aL 13, 15, o The Lerm "pine box" qenera--1, deroLes a collin. 3 (Eiser h,,l- m:r, AL nis stress Dep. aL 46,) 1- en h Honk. rs j f Love At his not initials I r r ' l r !r to no -r- lL-v. ) rru!L Ar-r-nrdi . -v rr or iv- . , Y r yourself?" \ the Hopk-ins for - A< then "if . night you do, r^r.c a .sf I'.Il- nnr nni about Freeman tofd r.6 you l- ^ to hrlrt "No." rar (Doc. no. .a^^r-r \/OU' fe lFreeman wanf r'O to be hurt now." himeclf :nd (IQ. at 12; placed formally 15.l was completed Meek to 36. ) f ?,/ want hA pane 42 EMS right Love was not 42 at a alonf F call n.1 r-h.t \//1rr qerui nn \/OrtrSFl 'tdo N4eek shift. :- - again, paperwork f ir:e. ,- r1- T '.'rn ( S e e D o c. n o . inrake F f . As a result, 36. ) cl^. c:i.l no \\a-a form from "Yes" intake the r.-a.rl' ha Doc. T,oVF r/.1r. \^rrnf .r l-h.ef ^f 41.) \\ lT.nrral ori afso askFri raqnnrdad r;npq r\ m I/rr"., Dep. at f racn^nr"{or"i 6 After racn,rnl- Freeman asked i . { a t c h ." on sulcide 6.nn he " put (Id. ) see - (Id.) t'Yes, check nexc to LL; T.\,6 42 at the aSked be here." at \ / . r | ] r S U '], Je Hopkins changed the Doc. no. want to "mumbfed somethinq and a-Lso said, T ^\7a out F'r66m^11 Dep. (Id. ) here." don't and and Love said, and ),vv' \ 11 whar he meant, just time there" be F-rccm:n htt-l- . j nva ^ , v. not I )/ mole 6pg and checked *No.-5 !u! (Freeman box. " /Tri c i rm i' f rL r want r - r . r F s fi o n Hopkins crossed by it, enmarrh:t I he that's what I meant; Lhar poinL, didn't raad T,ova was sure he 'tthat's I er at ia',azl 42 at 20, approximate.Iy Er-ah-r A0; and Hopkins check on Love because Love ' L- irrrLa for-1 .-f lF.i< u.nkinS,S testimony, ercepj: thai- Lhe check mark nexl to "|lo" has been scribbled out. (!99 ooc. no. 42 at 14.) ' l f L o v e r a o b e e n p l a c e d o r s u i c i d e ' ^ J a L c n ,h e w o u . I d h a v e b e e n p a c e d i n a cell away l-om ofher innafes; chec<ed on e\'ery Len o- 'i'Eeen m-nLles,' h's professionals mattress and sheets would have been taken a',ray; and medical (Freeman Dep. at IA, 16, 53, 64; !.rou1d ha./e been contacted to evafuate him. see also Doc. no, 40 aL 32, 34, & Ex. I aL 2It 44.) 'textremely was (Freenan DFn. al 60-61. The ,Jai7 2. four contains no. other three 43 at 2; jn CeIl 39 at 5; was six shower door four r - a n . e l ^ r , , ' I t . h c i - r - r nn f The shower door u e r 9i, nvh a d wra . v 1l\ 42 at south wall, inches there The frame of 30.) heighL in and (Id. frame. ui:s (Doc. no. 42 aL have since f i\/e been removed. (See Doc. no, and its 39 at Love, 'r 'rr:hcs Fi.rhl- The shower door 66.) about bar aL 25,29.) was sL-rong enough Lo hold feet. was (See Doc. nos. An aluminum support 29.) shower door (See Doc. waff. east Hopkins Dep. at Len The ceff bar :nd 63, the a wooden door' feeL, the support nnrrndc cell. 25-32.) 42 al with (Doc. no. wide. feet there. " holding men's Along the 28-29; 25, the 3.) 39 at Doc. no. 42 at A, (Doc. no. and a shower stall the Block bunk beds alonq of a toi.Let 3, back anything ) inmates. sets do "could Ce77 Love was placed with and agicated" who hc'r^th-. support bar Freeman Dep. at 3; 34-37. ) room is The GDPS dispatch waff three windows on the to observe 43-46, had Ceff (Freeman Dep, at norch waI1, which could including Doc. nos. 39 at covered up other on the A, ce1l, the 49-50; been years. of Block north focated wiLh (Freeman Dep. at the 1; cardboard 45-46, 43.) 2.) or of the There are p e r n L - L Ld i s p a L c h e r s (see id. shower staff. 43 at side H ^L'a\ra plywood 7 tha for 49-50; Robinson Dep. at at uri nriarrc over i4.) ren 3. Ewents During the 42 aL 20-2L.) Jaif the Dep. at nffi . narL c n n l z\ a ' ! rhc (Freeman qr-nc nni Dep. rt (Id. a (Doc. no. aL sheet 36, 41. ) 43; (Id. at 21; Er e eman and fed the 1nmales - judge, - *-^.atiOn 4 | T,6\/c Doc. no. PLVD i n d i r z i/d-ruru-a'fr ' ' -rru- 42 at who informed because of 26-21 .) F-r^arrAn !y 22.) t At him Lhac a probation rcl arzcrl this at 21 .) l-n I rnr-h Love was by bed 42 at nr nri A and observed that tied a a 48-hour to Love. information had at Freeman arrived rv inr-lrrdinn (Id. viofations. receive du / inmatcq a.m. about (See Doc. no. 2008, Meek. 7:30 at inmates unusual.7 Apri). 29, nc P . ^* u \ ^ r il - h Love would not or day, Freeman spoke with a.m., A- next /, ,p--^ y N trr n5 nk r ^ \ v Jyv hofd. Meek checked on the Hopkins arrlved about probation 11:15 Suieide 5:40 a.m. and refieved at p - the noc note anylhing did on the 28. ) hr6^Lr:c- to W shift, night once per hour bul at Leading Hnnler rs the around Fr-l Cal I i.snF.l- and was tying shower staff the shower door Hopkins didn't BIOCk support say anything bar.e to Love, ' the Lhree othe- i'rndEes al I observed Love nake sLaLemenLS and take ($p suqgested that Love was suicida.L Doc. which strongly certain actions none of Lhe i-r-nares JeporLed !.rha Ll,ey saw L However, no. 42 aL 32, 34, 51 ,) (Id. ) and heard to the Jaif staff. 8 Love did not eat breakfast. (Hopkins Dep, at 48. ) o f ,-i^o R'_"-: the bed a^ ^ "l sheet irn r. r 1f ,'t-Frv.ow lrv^s around hie the ^.:1-iav l^ ncrfornerl l^v .cnF:,.1 a.6.. cial'6r tfi cre--- cf the i^_ h^ s h o v . rre d o o r ci^-cna1-. 'ad . n^ u (Doc. suppor:t bar, Hnr!, tr]'d.r i.< ^,1 t-r no. ^- dc \ 42 Lis 4rr,na .lanrsiEion: t{^nl.'-c at 4I.) Saio: Like he had rhrev', Isicl "IE jusr looked l'ke he was hanging a dty cotiel up. j r o v e - t h e r e a n o L n e s h e e L w a s h a n q i n q o e r l e c c l y d o r . v . [ i k e h e L r a n L e dh i s o w n (Id. aE 44-45.) View-no Lhe facrs i'r rhe l.ight makeshifL shower curtain." the Court assumes Hopkins saw that Love had tied nost favorable to PLaintiff, noE merefy draped - the sl^eet on the shot{er door suppf!- bar. but at 44.) what he saw to reported Ereeman told wenL back to Lhe cell, and was back in his to Hopkins (Freeman Dep. ar sheeL. (Id. F r e e m a n ." 30; teI.I Hopkins Love 41; Hopkins Dep. take down the 44-45,) Hopkins to Dep. aL buL Love had already bunk, at caken the sheet down (Hopkins Dep, apparent-Iy sleeping.rr 46.) No further tying incident was not 42 at (Id.) 22; Freeman Dep. at 29.) at 44, 1 1 ..-.v) n LL / e ae. \ I r,,L6h ha h - ni ^l.ori rrn in recorded Honk,rs u.rt.| was taken. action . hc f ed the . Le caw (See Doc. no. log. i nrnrr ac f he f r:\/q jail . that The sheet- / ,r,]v^yh \l z l h c \ , nAD. at LoVe noc ea I 'u At Hopkins's Hopkins said he told Freeman that Love had deposltion. (fiopkins Dep. at 46.) And at one the sheet on the support bar. "thro\,nn" Freenar recalled that the sheet ltas mere.Iy dur'nq Freeman's deposir'on, Foi"rE (Freeman Dep. at 38.) However. "tucked under a n,attress" on the bunk bed, Ereeman and at other times in his deposit-ion, duringt Freemants GBI interview him that Love was "tying" Hopkins had lnforned the sheet "to recalLed that (!!: The court at 29; Doc. no. 42 aL 36. ) resolves this the bar." in favat of Plaintiff and assumes Freeman knew the sheet had inconsistency do',in, been "tied" orly to che oar on Free-na1sLated tnaL he EhoughL Hopk-ns ruas re'errj-g Love's ou-r(, as opposed Eo the snower door support ba.. {l-reeman Dep. ar 29ar 31,) Freeman apparenLly Lhorght chat Love lras me'ely J0; Doc. no,42 (Freenan Dep. at 29-34, Dac. tryrng to make a privacy tent on the bunk bed, He even recal-s Deing told by qortrkins InaL Love ruas "raki-rg a n o - 4 2 a L 3 ' 7- l (Freeman Dep, at 29, vrhich lrouLd not have been out of the ordinary. tent," However, Freeman cou.Id not recafL Hopk.ins saying that the sheet had 31-32.) (!!_a ar 38, 66. ) More inporrenL'y, tte"e is cvid.n.e beer ried La Lhe bunk. to the sho!,rer door support bar. that Freeman was toLd the sheet was tied related that at one time in the During Hopkins' s GBI lntervielr, "Hopkins prior Love had tied to 1unch, he observed that a bed sheet around morning, supporE ba.ddvjsed thdE he intarnea SerqednL tne sha,/er d'or [Hopkins' (Doc. no, 42 Freeman abaut this and was told to have Love remove the sheet." Freeman acknow.Ledged that Additionally, he was at 41 (emphasis added) . ) the shower aware that inmates could corunit suicide by tying a sheet to either door suppor L bar o- rhe brnk beds, and he would have considered iE ou! o'r'le (See Freeran Dep. aL o-oi nary if a sheor was tied dor{n to eiLher LocaEio-r, 32, 3't-38, 12.) to I Accordi'rg to Freeman and return dopkj ns, iE took under a minLte Lo -eporE the (Hopkins Dep. at 44t 46,) to the celL. 1 ir.roent (Id.) lunch.12 Love before ^i hL last time m 1. u ^ ! r " d - - ^ L c 't l 1 ? t . .L Jq h m Y.rt. Eraahr. coming from CelI Bfock A and found door. (Doc. no. 42 at 31 .) L irca- for bed sheet f tied from Several 1 r fl- a '-l T,rl\ra !vvL the whr 1c In shower door qhec- (ld. not breathing f i r a f i r r h fa r < defibril-1ator at 41.) 13 he- (Id. ProceduraL to]d to on the Freeman ) Love caIled bar and at neck. Brandon Thacker IOWered then the LOVe touch/ but The offlcers 37.) to his paramedics and an utifized attempt to revive tO was and efectronic (Id. Love. a hospita.L and pronounced dead ac 38. ) History l1 , nr:rrinhi Idren l'z Hopklns and an unsuccessful On Eebruary af (Id. CPR He was transpo.rted upon arrival. B. in (Id. Love was warm to nprformed beating firefighters, and had no pufse. 41.) nni<o Freeman that tofd support t.ra< r't-1- ground. h:naina inmates GDPS InvestigaLor 51. ) thc : and found Love hanging wjLh a ceII, the at two stal]. of f, 41, aL uu the horzd one inmate shower the other (Id. arrived. in entered assislancer (Id. ) observed The Suicide oP}i,! h > , . . 1h e n r a , - l Hopkins that (Id.) suicide. the 4. was the This 2014, and Freenan Plaintiff as that Gloria administrat.ix Love had not J. of eaten A1len, Love's breakfasi: on behalf estare or Lunch. (r d . ) t'An auLopsy .report conf .irmed EhaE Ehe cause (Doc. no. 42 at the manner of death was suicide. presence narijuana, cocaine, revealed the of lorazepam .in Love's body at the time of his death. oI oeaEh was hanging and A toxicology report 66. ) a-Lprazolam (Xanax), a-rd (Doc. no. 42 at 2t 69.) fi I a r'l l-ha .lai,nc a^mnl ^i nf. ao:irst whiCh )a1 O as ro m.\\ra.l Robinson, Croverown/ December 20, aIl the no. 2I .) Plaintiff's q rL-t ri r r - \^rerA n^rl- icct ncndino case 20!1, the as h^t i fv r-h6 a^,rrr- -hat r.lnrior che party was ^l:im l-\\r 20II , rr-' lvl \,' qL - A \ / r j qj called oen.Jinn In parties -n nrrnr fhc a.\rr11 :^.i Fcl- ^^L ^ r,rl ai-Fd F r^trn.') :n.j , l^>urnl, j.c P-Fi,'-itf /Doc, to amend flr^n-trrl Order, and to The required, <ar the (Doc. no, 27.) that purposes iho for the ^^_'ll_^ rr9 Ps'ruf reopen. dar,-ll th^ l-he 29.) the to 241 1. ?- for Plaintiff and motion reconsideration reopen be iha (Doc, a motion set file ^I Ir U - i l - ,L l l 4nr-v notice of also party eiLher l - , ^I rcaI iI l , h Ire of tAis had arguably no. 13 at 2.) Court 28, a CourL the October wishes Lo have the Court resume considering. " o Defendants 1Oa-l to On and dismissed motion CompLaint. which also for motion o:r-linn< 13. ) On March 21, deadfine a mot ion "should 1Doc. no. 23.) statistical a nl filed for or settlemenL r he Pfaintiff (Doc. no. resolution. the nn and Harden. f(-) mnfinn and On April 2010, for v'hcn- ..lnqFnr dispute cfosed motion y!'rq 1.) December 24, 2AIA Order. its Crl1\/etown Robinson, Groverown, amend the Court to reconsider r,t State i"Robinson"), irrdamanr granLed this (Doc. no. to i:1 and (Doc. no. Harden.l' and On December 30, a molion n:rl- yq! Court against recons ide rat ion. fifed rhe 2010, claims f n! r v r-il- \/ Robinson Harden ("Harden"). nofandrrtc federaf tho - Al Director/Chief Sergeant ChrisLopher ) Frnnl,inc FrFtrmF-- ("Grovetown"), VariouS aSSertS stared: rnay also -dS LO nr.Jer any tnat (ld.) sEated a secL-on On the report setting 26tf) as a moti t o rofion fL o V r F V P nI a n I U o L I Court :mend: t-akF to n,r- on May . . 1r - !h a r L r ! rnr.i qrru 15, no, nrnJn ri u Jr r < u I r n Sr'mmarrr . r er n! r 'rei n e Ysr u , en1-iIIed 5 6 /\e/) u rv . The 36. ) --" no, the Court filing -"=nded The 31. ) Plaintiff that wiShed or motion Of the i c as 'iudcJment as Fa.rfs are parties nf- :nnrnnrr ^n\/ a "ma-erial" need to tO ancl in matter fhev filed sununary numerous oonosif ion j-n 3 1- 6 2 . ) STA}iIDARD atF mal-erial iI have (See Doc. nos. , SI,MIIIARY WDGMENT i r u s Yn rm! er n rd r r r e J moved for Hopkins qnnn^rj- ir ovi'lanr-^ summary judgment. r rl Ji y u Ln r l - c s r s to Freeman and 2A12, II uu"u"u!]/ ^n reconslderation n,'-\- =\/ i that mot-ions,l' for the motion *^+i (Doc. ^^,lrt for f i l i rr construed +L^ order. -^fi€,,,h^ v (Doc. judgment. hriaf< -^+ Court /'r-anj- o/'l .^qd on her motion rufe rhose (Doc. scheduling c l, r i d r , . 1 q rn \ / ^r y rn a RuIe 2011, the l-hF reoDen filed proposed schedul ing deadlines, forth previous Court's the the on Lhe parties 2411 deadlj ne, on November L4, 30.) no. 28, october o"t v fact of and law." coufd 's no movanl Ls "there affect the Fed. the R. Civ. P. ouLcome of l5 Throughour P ainrill's lor on Freeman and Hopk'ns's rot'or b-'e'inq presenEs the various argumenLs regard'ng PlainLiII sJrnmary judqmenL, (!99 Doc. na. 54 at 23-25i liability of Defendants Grovetown anci Robinson. H o \ ' . t e v e r ,t h e c o u r t ' s Doc. no. 54, Ex. 1 at 6, 10. 15; Doc. no. 61 at 9-15. ) against Grovetown and afl the claims dlsmissed December 20, 2010 order did not compLy w-ith the Cour:t's May 3, 2011 Order Robinson, and P.Iaintiff motion for reconsideration the terminated a scheduLe to revive estabLishing and the prevlously These motions remain terminated. and motion to amend. on sununary To resurrect these claims remain dismissed. cLains dismlssed judqmenL LuoJld excuse Pfaintiff's noncompliance wiEhouE a showing of qood and a Iair opportuniry to address t1e cause ano dep.rive Delendants of ror'ce at su[unary iudgnent. merits of these clains 10 the suit Lobby, Liberty rhe view 5 14 , U. S. in -ii-.t- i^ne (en banc) party has r-arrv Corp. tc J --h"F - - r'l c.aee CLark, Adickes v. v. chnr^ri nn to the a.-n 41 5 94L Y.2d puncruarion and of -, an rhaL file, .n the there are entitfed to 2 non-movant has the ie fLprp -^ (11th 606-08 398 U.S. movant has no genuine judgment 11 its issues as a matter one non- --cve a Coats & and Celotex it initial of in of (explarnrng the opposition, met v. 1991) Before IIIZ, the f^ 1-44 (1970) Of burden of See Clark 31.1 (1985)) in F.3d ^"i.16h^a Cir. (1986) . burden efement the bulden the inltial for 323 3L7, AtlanLa, of 604, & Co., basis the essentiaf rh:' showing bearS case. 477 U.S. the the WhO r-irU non-movanL's response whether burden non-movant's Kress Catrett, is negating lv S.H. eva.Iuare the it non-moving Prop., Real 477 U.S. Catrett, movant may carry g2g E.2d Inc., showing must iab-Le inferences (internal on When the by 61 necess.r\/ consider 1993) . Cir. J-ri v. Eir-?^.rv:rv ro ways - two Corp. of the RA.]'^ justif iniLial the macerials h rr-lc'r 1-h'< +rr:t (l1th :1- co reference :r that 1991) Celotex ro f..rt Four Parcefs Cir. moving motion. m/1\ranf to Tenij-h V. Co. and musL draw "aIl U,S, (11th by Court, nranf favorabfe The Court v. ^mifta.i\ The 1115 most IndUs. Anderson (1986) . 248 v. favor. " I431 L428, of trIeC. law, 242, lighL Lhe (1985), 587 fitsl How in facts substantive 411 U.S. Inc., VAt c rchi-^ n^rt\7 qoverninq the under Court can musL f .Lrst burden of material facc and of Jones v. law. CiLy of Columbus, F.3d 124 curiam) A mere concLusory meet the burden is - the (11th 254 statement trial at 248, that Cir. (per 1,991 ) non-movant cannot the insufficient. Clark, movant carr.ies its 929 E.2d at 608. - If Lne if and only may non-movanr "demonstrat Iinql f h^ s["r'r^- ' nrer. lrr.lcs Ir!gUfuJUJ bears the 'ij-s burden -- rFqn.\'rqa iniLial there that j-ha nr e Y s^ f| , Y i n r - r r u o s a ra-er, evidence to 1116. fact, contains evidence or w.ithstand a I I orrod reneaf See Morris o-ha-w. v. rhF sc Lrr def Ross, h,' !y 663 F.2d F^^6r- Id. rri nn .\n r:nn'ai 1032, r D , r ' r^ 1.2 ^€ with .i vj I the on a record by the movant to on the The non-movant nl e:r] i nne in 1033-34 rac^^^^ evidence based 1117. ncd mot.ion at sufflcient triaf l-ha With FiczpaurLck, lgnored" at iCS -Fcn.^]nd show that at 'l ions n^n-m.t,,rrf n r n r z i . v u v. l Lle PLvv allcoal fact non-movant verdict evldence rcl l _rrz of l^y , p, aflirmative-Ly 'rrn|ct or motion i r:i cnr:rr l.rrrrdcn r:onclrrqorrr ino R:f l^pr verdict , Carfjed evidence either additionaf with arri rjcn F i a rrr i l- e movant be negated. " was "overfooked that d.irected a the directed soughc to non-movant must the forward "come a ] non-movant must tailor ^^^-r-r/arj- withstand Lhe the movant shows an absence of If material the wrrr nh I \^ facc on Lhe maLerjal 2 F.3d at trial, ^- vrrty issue When hrr f .^l A' a material movanL presents the sufficient trial at ncthnd lf indeed r--^-+ proof of burden. is burden, j udgment s ununa y r avoi d initial l-hF r-r'nnl ainL. (11t,h Cir. aIf idavits procedure l^'rr 56. 1981) . or AS In notice 'ho the of s ru "LnLm : r! vj r r u Ls orher I I g vrYdr orr en e n r r! r in 44.) ihF f-iIing n^w j nvolved. parties i r 1 - .. r Jq!u! rnr'l r.rl^^ nr-<t nnr nn - . . F f ^ - ^cA u ^€i-an 2d 9!EoLryl 624, -r-^ LllC in to violation nr r or.Llui s e s - a - c r ^ l r v uu consLituLiona I ei rher l u ! q: w .n right. strong of anrrorn Yvvr-rrr the Pr \/ i n^ "Y for d have iL '^ r r r in or Lhe l aw of I llL!rr5, a dif Amrrnalq.)n - that all judge a basis an for difficuft on '.,ho involving ficuf 469 mind, t and q'rnr' ""Hv. tr Courl the uors. Freeman and Hopkins were deliberately likelihood al lered In has Standard 42 U.S.c. Fr Cr-if f iLh opposicion well IUr With 2OA1 . ) Indifference a default. (per curiam) . cases as na4an-r:nr. c-Laims that in "are i sq req M^mh^rrrr_flrpttc " ^ ,1,--- --r 5 U U s L c t l l - - v Li \ / a Deliberate indifferent ar.\ _i^h staLed, difficu't crrmnathv €^- ^- or COnSideration. suicide .i i cnrta.l (W.D. Wis. Pl.aintiff suicide - \, nf ts of 1985) Cir. of affidavi requirements for aptly They are i nnc her DISCUSSION jail a loc< 626 ^ LU A. fool ^r^rr r h:nle LULII5 fike event unfortunate file materials rinc courl district one Plaintlff and informed to 825 (11th III. As riohl- notice the for :c p6j-inn rhe gave Court the and Lhe consequences of opposirion, The time prcl a^v n i r e d - , ! ! uu s y rtrlaq- 112 E.2d 822, saLjsfied. of summary judgment Therefore, y-__lgjryI_fS$, are Cferk for motion naLerials (Doc. no. the action, this the S 1983. r"nlation case oI l-l that Love would Section of a pretria.L an commit 1983 claims Underlvrnc detainee Iike \j- LF Lnrre. !vv9, r i'^rhlh Ancrrimen- unusua.L pun.ishment do 1092, Due Process cich "PretriaI nrFl \r and Fn.-orrnaqses -n riohr ho // c|inir]a a Tr'l "To /.rrr.\i,el- 1983, r . l .. n l a v e . J .l€.1 iheraf u!JPru),!v a d d a r " l) indif (quoting than m e r e n e g - L i g e n c e ," Iess than acrs or 825, 835 harm t.o a prisoner that f he risk." 'ai I Id. off ir-ial is at the (11 is to a Inr-lrrli^n a Thus. the of at taki nn sorelhind by more "something causing f - rf ' l !d ^r u! risk r harm Brennan, rF^ !,L\j of +^ r^- serious disregarding must prove know'er-loc nf (emphasis lLl5) recklessly plaintiff under officiaf Farmer v. substantlal srtb-ipr-t i ve T4 jail the purpose of \\rnrina ouLtrr9 equivalent "harl and suicide sarisfied result." Tnetar.l 836. to which inj uries, ' t F " r j -; r ' l c the very harm wiff indlfference defiberate 2008). right Lhe nr i cnnerrq Cook. 402 F.3d for 11994). Cir. inirr-iae the EO sLandard omissions knowledge that with 511 U.S. with or and show that indifference the have baSic conv.icted (11th prlsonerr s a ferenCe rleliberate Whrlc f^ l- ror'l\ must Id. own 1ife."' nmi Fourteenth the ri rrht 954 self-inflir'+-.1 for e 952, and 2005). rrccrf Lrr plaintiff 'Lhe of - P-yLrr_LdL i nn Monroe Cir. rhc i1l-ness Iiability establish section Cfause for r.rr.l1-F/-l--edfrom of Amendment guarantees 'r^--r LU I Sheriff (11th 1115 clctaineec other treatment medical ^*"^ Cook v. Thomas, 516 F.3d detainees receive r:al Eighth the that // his F.3d /-r'.Arant pFc necessities r:^hf apply. " " ltl he !rYL'L not 402 A'rFn.jmenj- hi tr ^-^ nrnh. nf a risk thar of harm" serious Farmer, unfess an excessive risk be aware of that a substantial risk draw the inference. " IS] ince issrte of 954; official saf ety,' official the inference the cannot be and disregards coufd must be drawn and he must also of 1,999) (quotations indifference srrhier-f i 1,'tr awareness fact material s evist ci rcumstantiaJ, Campbell v. awareness. " rnat knows of deliberate albeit evidence, contains conducL 516 F.3d at serj-ous harm exists, dafan,.l^n-rq nAnl'rrc by ") . finding a .14 l-ha a of prison or from which facts ri<k- risk Gish, officiaf the .inmate heafth to both .irrlrnr' that 837 ("lAl 511 U.S. at liable found "disregarded more than mere negligence, " constituted see afso (2) and 169 F.3d Sikes, and citations of fhe if anlrt of requires record subjective 1364 (11th (emphasis in omiLted) feleVant thu such 1353, a Cir. originaL) hrr -he S nreme Court: As stafe.l Whethar e nr'con official had rorrrr'site the knnwlerlrre of a subsrantial risk is a question of fact subject to in the usual ways, including demonscration inference from circumscantiaf and a faclIinder evidence, may prison official knew of a substantial concfude that a risk from the very fact that the risk was obvious. Farmer, id. at 511 U.S. 852 daci s i or lo must have 1d'That words. does (Bfackmun, I o.]:rr- rerne.iv a (internal aL 842 n-i risk known a tri er mean not qon so J., about 6f and .) . m: r, it he irfer musl Lr.wl do 15 held substantiaf it f^.f that r4rz so. omicted); see also ("Under concurring) of f ir-ia'q obvious citations tu e.l Pr-son the liable for that the Thus, La Court's failure officiafs " twl hile .h\':^r ollic-aIs c- in charged the ^rhpy r .j. E h r mere defendantr s di<n.qif fha ilfF- circumstantiaf and of denial the ev.idence, 1310 (S.D. 2d 1303, nrnrzi inc.Luding the j nference resulLing of 2001), de is srrffi obviousness of the not gjgnl facts risk, to support a finding City of Atniore, 168 F. v. Holfand AIa. awareness 'rrsf nlai'rt''f awareness." subjective subj ective of of supp 37 Fed. Appx 505 (11rh Lhe quesL-ion is whether a aff'd, Cir . 2002) . In the contexr was defendanr suicidal suicidal never v. /11j-h v. 1qg4). to stronq fikel official his to harm wifl rnighL of rletainee's a suicide " Cir. 2003) be de] ihe-a-elv has Cagle (quotation inrii ffe.enr to he must have had "knowledge a mere possibiliry than occur."' sholr Corrun'n, 10 F.3d prevenL to (l1th own life, ihood rather i.ldiflerence delibe-aEe 989 derainee's indifference. failure F.3d oi of self-infliction Cnty. deliberate 980, rhe knowledoe "Ahsenr constitute raking to Jefferson ILhe] Fo- a ia'l a deLainee's 'a Tittfe r-i r 334 Sutherland, a o ' n ii - t - d l of indifferent Lendencies, been hefd suicide, deliberately tendencj-es, -q?q 16?6 a jail of thar- Cook, Ehey 442 F.3d knew Lhe rhar the at 1115 Jnderlying lacLs -u !rr..Jr -ne tdc_j qdve rlse or nonexistent." Farmer, 511 U.S. at 844. was insubstantial "So, lrhife is not the ultimate inquiry, it obvlousness of the risk may serve as evidence that the officials actuaL.Ly knew of risk. " circumstanliaL the Co.Leman . Parkman, 349 F.3d 534, 538 (Bth Cir. 2003). v "fn other words. a district court shouLd never ask a jury whether a risk was obvious or whether the official shouLd have kno\'in, The court must ask !^rhether the officiaL knew. But a plaintiff need not secure officials' admissions to support a verdict. ^',r nal R:il-ay aUA.l a t:lhair rl:irIi'f ,,r<^, n.ll\,1 rna ri<k in .ar 'must have known' evidence." & n.8). thAr Id. \:.rr'>l-', knew' at 538 n.3 (cltinq L6 answer wich sulficienl Farmer/ 511 U.S. at 843 /^,r^f \ Ysv i-^ ..^16 !+rrY ??/ tr ^ P P V r l -! r rLnui' r r L J l - \ ' Jnn^ 'i-srr,-i.icnr f o of prisoners. " Tha at or S 1983 for \'-he "1 \ t r , r t h o r as tvYlrrs, hrrzo Cook, r'-mmi tti lL-I hf .L r l - 'a'- fL)Fin.r Hnllerd- rrrr sricicle 16q F. fhi s o c ] .^ l - , 1 iq h the a h:c 'l Cir. mean month oLd been Fmnr ro to considered nf of a this ic Lhat e f Or inmate r ' \r a.l or suicide r-^rr rqa arran rhraaro-on th:l- 'rnate n-otect dellberate from indifference. lorroTinn Grcacnn rhar prior t-hreats all of likelihood femnora- cannot I rr e.g. / rz See FowIer v. (11th - where iaif at and Karn, "' S!f Cir. id. the at On prior 1313 Chattooga Cnty., 2009) officiafs aLLempLS 1312-13. be shown if remote. 364-65 T1 Id. suicide. 363, incldent law 990)). case-Law); see afso, 307 Fed. Appx. ctens 1112 Iikefihood w.rq 168 F. Supp. 2d cannot be l-iabf e under r"a tc D O n S i b l ' " ,ari amount prior are ("IT]he 1116 n-nnnei-inn- I al,e 2.1, af strong af lennf (surveying two not ;r q]-ronc contra-y, thrFe- Ga., does t,. can Snnn E.2d 829, 835 (1lth inm:ro care who never had threatened rtr rar-l- lrr :n -hp " nrn,rir,]inrr suicide officiafs] thic norq-,r-ol l e n a r r l a L lU^ a / YL qrrir-rric. si^la.F zor) Holland, at a prisoner of / - cl o l ayr l u- ^ f wil- h 6-14-64,'l jail of and who had never flin qnr n-i rennrrni Ijait i a 954. 4A2 F.3d that m^r. f hnsc comrnit suicide. suicide ett-emrtfe.l srir:ide -ick 516 F.3d at to threats the nn fikelihood makes clear circuit I ilrr *[T]he ^riain:r11 in r ^ r iF h o r r r nirn,rm<l,annae see also 1311; I i:hi strong sufficiently attempts crri /-i dc imn.\se r,, ra+nh:cic Op6 3f lar Cish, nnl ?,-] (finding observed that inmate a sheet and concfuded he was a threat with -6m^^Fr'1 csner-ial "' since the evafuated M ^ m h / " \ r 1 r ^ l r A r -+ a A6,q two prjor f ^ /^ra^t- a a F. Supp. rtt- amnr Tha nri.\r . 9 9 6 !F - !v m/-\nl-hc l-hrF:l and been free Srrnn .r 13a? a- as .r r l r P L1 1 n 1 q u L a J r r a jv 67R : nanr I I rr Li qf nrrr a nf l.\rr raf l- that ramni , 996 suicide a\ - - ^ m.r. - - l ra _- r q j - . _ _ _v e a-p^p e a r e o g e n u r n e manipulaL ion or Thrrc r rrnvf! l, i.i o r n i n a er v + q^ l r n a r ^ r le d r r e (finding f amn/-)r: ^l l-h^ I days was sufficient Al a 1998) n.\f :l- iamr,\l- of ten had i-deation); suicidaf / ej- aj- i n.r rr essionals nrof no past Ala. L':e indicia of JUI/y, al G-atta\z (N.D. 1383 tL'/1 . mcd'r:a' found and )el rrrra<f :.h\ jtrrv ^r<t qrlnn where artempLs within 1368, i h inmate tr suicide lv hang himse-lf - was to nf pretense. GrefIey. suicide threats deliberate < nf take jndjf ference. "Lu ^--+,.-rl.,ht (N. D. Caf. (iail L?^\' have been in l-he conrext. of F.3d at suicidal, was 954-55 officer unfocked access to the and prisoner {although did thus surroundings officer nor know thaI did knew po]ice know that not loaded gun) . l8 of j ail the of 122 of suicide official prisoner's suicide in creates that car's 366 the c o r n r nL s u i c i d e . " i will clrh^ threats cambinatian feasibility the prisoner's the thaL the E 307 Fed. Appx. at Additionalfy, that and tendencies c1a Cnn^^F^ Fowler, e.9., n:ctl "aware suicidal- of inmate had used idfe knew that official likelihood Cifv 1985),' see afso, hi< must .r a strong Gish, detainee security detainee woufd the 516 was screen have rin:llrr- "n-i qnr risk substantial l,ahi'.fv from the to j_ _f _, whether the the 515 F.3d at nr^r'1f hr'\k,F\/cr at indifferent rer-kl if 844,' Ja j ler LhaL to to see this officiaf's safetv, indifference." Clr. preventative of ess defiberate di sraoarr'l nf the (clting h:q found at that Ithe An\/ I i nrr nrr q 1 rr 7994) few cases are principles. 19 be Eoley, who considered rrenrFna.rl-c that 984). See Gish, The Eleventh thaf feil constitutes City the offjcials intervals. Ar.firmFnT- Be.Icher v. A of case, co commiL suicide," 334 F.3d at "rcicr-j-crJ jail \'alI detaineel frequenc the cannot re'ro'l6 "..'J Cagle. nnn of tendencies lhev if necessari I y measures circumstances be used by lnmat e (11th 511 U.S. nre.sume free errsn we must look inmate , , - 1 €e found risk- .^^a...^,, of suicidal detainee 955 ^ -l 1400 raq inclj ='erenr foreseeably f-i rr-rrit risk generally has inmate's an observe wa threats, l -r - . 6 d e rr er rLrt i rnr ir n o ! I r t Y v! fhe Farmer. were del-iberatel-y particular the on . l e l i h c r a fL eLll vj s r could acts fn ), l"Becarrsc suicide adequacy E.Ievench Circuit know of at mav be of Cofeman, 349 F.3d at 538-39. l r l hi I e depends 989 ranr.r known risk." ^.. F- jrj known indifference safetv -^^^^-rhlrr averted. " Cofe's I ^ or knew actrr,rllv r s D t - , \ _ .r/rL r E ! . r r s a D U r r a ! f . Butfer's *lalrre- risk. ") health was not ?"4 Jailer who r^r t_h ^ . -y __E Cole was aware of or inmate harm ulLimacely i.arr lo. officiafs Ala., inn l.T deliberate 30 E.3d iflusLraLive of 1390, rhese E^Y avrm^lA irr recent deLainee's jailer observed detainee j on, televis implements sheets, i:i hang rather "unusual" shirt to T L F \l / r L's n v \ rve .el lto s hin him evrLzye r r r u { jait fjve rrrrL' i:i I a f o anrl rha iail id et of r^3d^rrd -. r r c d 5 u - . r , J J r- .L y coufd Cir. €ri r rn r r n L the 2005), I h^{LirdL suicide (3) deta.inee, used to ir-ials City did harm the o su.ic.ide where of be Snow v. in contrast, prevent the evi denced +-il )otL he : r.isk, not (2) were F.3d 30 chi -t- -o at mnve hi c a 1393. t"n at tO a 1393-94. del Lberate of cnrirled his r-her-1,a61 6n Id. lack a tying detainee sl-Fns inccl undervrear/ " inmates. suicidal- nf a aw:rr dtrl-A 989- of 20 424 F.3d Citronelle, Eleventh ^€.i-ial (1) did and held Circuit r ]u f l fi v lL ! q e r rto l -ror L .y u a did not remove items onesel,f, to orral jf j66l 1401,. (oc officials j-nnk 984, 989 & n.13. neck. his at f j-ha his at observed inltia-ad measures L26'7, L2'10 (1lth !o 1 .leal- wi-th --^--^-F-r'i--^ ^^11r/..l u9uIL,r cal a^-l minL:-ac. PreverruaLfvc In Id. and to l^:ro .a eorri nnecl f o irmr.-itr, suicide. offlciafs fixture light . nd j f fe-anr-e- from of detainee's the ih^t of stripped Id. f .\raqFF efastic instrument Belcher, as contents. 1-^ circuit closed such n.4, because he been the with via had "cefl ra.l 984 indifferenc suicide, " ranrri at F.3d minutes and pocket nnl- himself 334 fifteen detaj nee's \\u:< I ar woufd In every shoefaces, ^J1_:^t^1 \Jr! !u-Ld-L deliberately migrht assist that belt, 'l'ha on was not the and r threats, suicide However. rhe the -l^.l Jdrr r^.'t1 ^ (4) not tell increase from did the not 1262, a \/ jury F-r1^/..I Ld other i aif observation cef l- that place the ^^+ ^; -^^ i- drunk y, Similarl F in Mombourquette, ro,rcnnahle L,,s r-her-ks. 469 at F. ?d Srnn. l-hF hrrno herseIf onlv harl fact a ard nn-inrr // /cnnhpqr -iai l nn- l- hF n ! y !r i - vn r q'rr cr deta-Lnee on suicide ql^AFf q norJi r-al - ! c^l ^ r] ^\ -r-!^c : > b e 5 anrl Seek nrofessionals. With nf nr these thaL I iahil IegaI A t L F m, n r /- L J u t LL ui IUfLher at -LiabIe rr di qreo:rrltr.l __ r q which " from Id. harming should Sce i.l thF -Fi1 be /"Thc on.Ly when they r] do nffiqiSlg -J |JtdLc ,in an observation di feCr i nn 'rom the ceI.L, rake srrne-iri so:S Or 641 -49. principfes :nd nuf t. actlons detainee irrr Lo 6ar'li^r refrain the take wil-L some minor to cell surnmary judgment because chey puc her Id. r .'',l / \ ^ c L l l c . L E.- . a-a m . - . . ! -lll- l-\^r l r ,. rn rar-klessl rJp -l--'- T,r kewice- denied watch, ^r.'^\, tha lofi nrirrinel\\ i^ nol noL uSe m,atorraIs took nrcr-r'rda Mombourquette were also ^f nurse '\did could ra" a noL ho.Id officia-Ls < She che detainee rhc where attempLs did nurse rre-ru from riiri does suicide olricr-- s the in - nlnealrr u!vJrtj Conscirution anv that promise ind_if ferenCe The sheFl-s- J determined 645-46. ar ""j The nhccrrzed lenor.r f ar orcicr morF 'rForrFrl he.l 646. n.,rhi-'. trl watch or suicide ,-la1-Fr.aF' d ^ - : iq r re ue l L r r u e-Liciting jn )n ffh- u! harqelf hncni court r.lel iberate inrlrrdino he-selffl-he to distrrct recent a detainee's r^r-r*^- f-nr L LrrL ner the rinri r-nrrlrl ir'r'r a nurse who knew of Pr aus return or and observation. treatment rhit tank in I-lnnlz j ne fhc 2I ri<1. mind, ln ra o i n nf the Courr a 'L'_ S, U D i] e^cf t l vie. - Love's Suicide. now awafeness B. Application Arareness 7, Subjectiwe Whether awareness pr Lson a the of jury. heavily upon knowledge Lheir the of i -p e - i n n n r r 511 q .nr-ri subjective there is awareness of at U.S. a a risk. a whjle reSofve jury not Lherefore facts, to a of focused on this af the denial as long incfudinq finding of suicide. HoI-Land, 168 tr. Supp. 2d at 842; their Their 539. disposicive, support I j.kelihood subjeclive issrres evidence, the rely believe jtv Coleman, 349 F.3d at for Hopkins had no may creclihil c i -r c u m s t a n t i a . I strong they subjective fact of Freeman and that rhe requi site question 842. Cannot Risk the own assertions sufficient of is at awareness is obviousness had risk U.S, summary judgment phase. of the Suicide official suicide Earmer', of the subjecr-ive See Farmer, 1310. as 511 The Courc has evidence. - circumstantiaf F (See and DelenddnEs nave presenLed expert opin-ons. Both P.Iaintiff However, rhe Court has not found Lhese expert nos. 48, 52.) 35, Doc. ^hisinn< r. assessi nE^ qAA l..a Lhe rho r>r1-: El F\rcnrh M "^" m :h ^ , : : _ /: d' ,' , A r f a !] -: 1_: " vg" F.3d 553, 557-58 ^F i,i thA I c',i-i,.ia .uaf^da 2a )1' trwrart lr F Add-r -npq <l^n^.r.1 l6'q C tr oI ralav"'}l ^- h--r-,-l obvi ousness sui cide r-rir harra Srlhn )d risk rclF.l :l F.l 6AA to Lo the rol:r..a l.i task ailers, rind ^. fand, at courLS of o v h o . r_ _ _ Mrt^c ri tn d p p e dl , f_ _ _ _ 1 . T L O " r y , aef 'l?q n'c,r!lir':n -'' :t::::_____i_i__, (7rh Ci r . 2003); Cook. a02 F -3d a- I111 (allirning exc.lusion ^ !- . rr - . Y ecaLse opinions were roL beyond rhe undersLanding of - hF r J lA\, ^ar<^. ')1E-16 tll h 'rco .r'ri ond I ly, ^har:riqL nd vPs wh-.le !rrY iv) Ci' -qqql deLiberale F'ee*an tcr-ln:nn dillerence and n.^.4/l.,rae ^r 'lopkins's Fallan':r.ic ^ni^:^. 'r,, thit 'r. ]-1al^w conducL i^.1,'al v .. n dy r\r cilLaTf ^i- have eA1 cuicide v old!.ed <r:n.] criceria do ror supp-LdnLLhe corsri tuEiona-L inqJi!y. See BeIcher, 30 F,3d at naLionaf jail 1399 (sLaLing that stardards did noL aIIecL Lhe deliberaEe '-.1;ff^r6^^6 in^' i.\r'. F.iL':r.rc e.'1 F 2d at 121a.-1'1 r-iri.- -haL sLa-e proposition lor aws ano regular-ons. as wefl as -nret:nal d e p a - t m e " r Ep r o c e d - r r e s , d o n o t o r o a d e n _ j a i - o " ' c i d - s ' consti!ur:i onaI oucies). 22 of The circumsLances in jsolaLion of And r P rn s e fL_ / ur u likefihood of notion that concern suicide.") . r- r - ] a -he about i^it sattirc no. have a 36. ) been a are stronq 1310 herre reiecte.l Lhe sadness, of of anger, imminent medjcaLion have not af erted suicide. box," clear suicide by i^iriallrr r-hcr:ken "yeS,, -h:- Hnnki-s these risk. conments provided The comments afone, r-nnarra.'e The context ideaci on qhn'^rc out, at could I i kel i hood "pine direct suicidaf fnrm sr rono Love had any suicidal 42 at a 2d Supp. likelihood i . cct . hyv v ovPca! JLLL-r-9. made Lhese comments in whether indicaLe F. "strong strung Lhat Love was taking Love was a suic.ide that Ju-- ^ f68 viewed said: mumbled something some notice o nor st.rong fact urJv!us anul Hnnl'i .s When Love a -ri cr.\-r.taL , - PryLrrfoL!f! ErAcmrn the Likewise, . - indiCatOrS such as intoxication, reflect viofence do li;6:.rr r - Eleventh Lhe circumstances or and HehaViOral See Holland, suicide. . n . : l r r di n o l ' . C n r r - f< - in +h6.^ abnorma-L among detainees not 2008 inLake co show che requisite :^ir:-an u^L!urrlv+-t 28, l^lhiIe Love was inLoxicated, suicide. el.tremel., qrru April noL sufficienl are likelihood" Love's response to thoughts is cruciaf. Lhreat, Love, nexL or but Moreover. LO the rritiallrr suicide. 23 ninth l-t^,rArrAr LOVe question Hopkins's of (See Doc. intentions. The comments may not they the did facc orreetinn ;nnreciated suggest that on Love's -he some Hopkins intake risk of l,lhen Ereeman and doni to l'rei -o e'l e r'r-ida' 'an.l '\No.//18 cenerafly, h^l- .{i<n-<ilirTa i nmate had courts AAq have whether the h:-.n c inna lQaa \::_: :rri r:tccl creeTan of suicide. some risk and conments were not waS to check t'r'nrrl.l ,and ulu aware other obvious sufficientfy h e r s e - L f, dispuce remains risk the j-hc af Court And what f;cf niohr that hc661-156 frark nresanra.l show that serious trust a l c l u , -n \ / fL , hr i n o A J , y c.ircumstances to of Lhe srri r-: dr' " 1 -,ova lo\/e LhaL Nevertheless, the harm Alsn- \ or See which necessarily 4) rs to i n'^rs n' a- ideation in substantia] cannot "lggz anqurry. genuine feef f rnm caSeS tendency nan l4eek a9-LaLUu fhal s ] ] . r . r F s j -s Love's Lold (..In a essentially suicidaf _wareness a jailers " of 6aa denies sncr:r fir:allv \ ^ r a e e^y l - r o "m !o l r r L Lf v r! r denial rhaL inmate a- r.\\rA an<r.'-- were aware of Freeman acknowledgedr F rcc'ra'r lha .,.r:' uniformly rn'hcn -ha qe\/q channad demonstrated as a Love errl-r-ior-l-irzo a,rnn defendants e.rcn up, Honkirs rho al ready hel d foffowed an lnmate's af M^rl\^..r^,,6r-r-6 Hopkins rr' af concfudes of -^" Love's that intake Ereeman and Hopkins t' cases, courLS have IoLnd LhaL r-rnexplaineo -n Lvlo pri son suicide -eco-ds ja-l raiseo IacLLral quesLicns prec.uding oI summary alreracions j u o g - r e n L . S e e L i n d e r v , W a s h t e n a r ^C n L y . , 1 6 ? F e o . A o o x . 4 - 0 , 4 2 r ( o t h C i r . / aIia, LnaccoLnLed Ior chanoe 2 0 0 6 J ( r e v e r s ' n g s u m m a r y J d o m e n Eb e c a u s e , ' r r e r 'nc'oenL ja-I rFoorL "smackfed] of a cove. up" a1d was an oI oII-cial's .,.:r<L'ara.l /n at a^hh f:.r,,:l lqR/r trmes just Unlike before Linden - i16- conclude that {as PIajnLilf < L l r vn- a -u, r a L f1vi c . c.-.!i^raa- \/6 n,raet innl ! , r 1,: 1 : l: il a| l: m ^ h i -: n t /^anvi the suicide, and F.. Gug.Iie.Lmoni, the a..l Thara Fi-ar i< rr^nl, .< r-,^ chanqe in qF'l qi,^. r arlriF< in fha 2.)1 i:i 9)e I out). made to r,i-)\/ : Love's ..rc:ctarf intake T:-rr,:,. form TO altered the records after Love's su-icide no. 54, Lx. 1 ac ?0) nould be enLi-re.Iy hnL'arrar Ne_Lhe. Alae>.dar whora r{e:e scratched Freeman and Hopkins suggesrs, sea Doc. 1' ^-. \r i,,.1^ma.i ^f r-eenar ror tha Honl,,r< .hrhda rh:r .j i<-r.s-4 hie dt^., -t^- .hec< (See Doc. out, mark next to "No" on the ninth question has been scribbled probably should, be explored no. 42 at 14.) This factual issue coufci, and further at trial. 2A r.r, ^,.^-e r^r1., rrr-LL-La-Lry most, of of Ilkefihood of show awareness of circumstances these strong a suicide mere possibility a suicide. next On the -r-^-- - . - r - r c^ qur to . ? rh ar n w! sr six Hn ^k r r r v Pn t r i n s The shower door and feet To\/e 1-o affemnt srricide. qf ran.1t h6nc I i l,elihood a- -haf iha instrument T nnlzi of na .t t-hi na attempt, Hnnkr're ret u-1nLi nc nrcvi -.'' rrnad I rr aware that rr nrrq the In height the for sheet was tied down uhe jai 1 setring and is Sheer an that obvious committing arr-l suicide tl"at an suicide waS Love aborted whar j nt.ake, when and fai.r-minded attempt musC have HoIland, . . . l ir a . l - a Freeman a suicide Honki ns personnel to he had initiated r.isk. fe.'r-rA 25 s this have knowLedge that from words. T.\.a, rrpFman j-hcir favorable d^<l- ^/1rqide-ino LhaL 1312 ("LWlhere prison i nhf was temporarifv .i ,ri nd concl ude nhrrr nrrS inmaLe care inmate to sufficient nnnnlrrde rz an.l CelI. 'I other that one nr-.eaIrarl ^...^..1^ that Sheer In the reasonahl Love was a serious Supp. 2d at for albeit cou.Ld further cr Ff i r-i a^f a the that I red-dnwn in commit suicide. I n suic.ide lury event .r r-or- rl i lUrLrl z J r'i Lied suicide. Dl.ihfiff nran: changed informaLion rhis was clearly suici de, : had Love was .Located at bar The fact lnr-af i o- - sner-i fi r: JI/!et!te rhat which of circumstances and relayed support inches, ten the sFw bar suppon che shower door Ereeman. of '. uro"LoLruo!ry however, morninq, I rr lvas been 168 F. rocnnn<ihla inmaLe has attempted, j-. can 1-:La crcr-q JLgIJJLvv! amount to i-. or nroteCt delihrerate incllffr:ranr-r. t't lrlnnl- inrr some support. a facts determine risk of I h .^r^ re r . n r ' q \. /' - r y .r y tL l the sheet wFq makeshifr a^y n q ar r : L v r r l L yL . q- L---^ no. l-ha --r- 39 at - nhcar Hnnki in cannot the suicide he no. cases, e r - r.] the wirh inma1-F the LhaL "Lhe hiS OWn This of a Lhe wooden FurLher. anri WOU]d / q L Ua a \ U u]I]IgU!JJu!}. Lnere is no jssue of ro Of Ii're .rnna."ace^r\/ 25,29.J r^,,^ lJ(,vc 44-45. ) rLe -.t qLnweri --1-iral\r s ! v . n e !F at eorinned E]]Lf!Efy 42 at r- h .F r ! Wanted Ft fnr !,F!, wrry sufficienr explained I :l-a:drz f^ LU aWa1.eneSS L^--"-a- -rrrl- rin r_v i r! d . 9 r r yg Dep. r^r:q r- 1s that Hopkins r'l, ,rn l \/ r shaz"l n-irrar-rz other bar (Hopkins cf:ll Doc. T^va Court i^n crrhiogli r.LLL-Lc: -^.^^r^iar varl While che avnl:n^t Iaw. curtain." 5; 835)).1e were unaware of /rl-har nc'c of na-fA-j- chnl^rer 3, n/1 a matter ec1-ah- t" UnIike LI^n1in< as rakcq whr.h finding, shower door the hano, no ion ie and shower inni4en- clnor- to rrFFnAl risk sujcide at F.2d 1aw.2o l-hora sheet r r- l i s| ,n r n r . e r s r ! v v c o n Lr a r y Freeman and Hopkins that as a matter tied 89r DOC. Hopkins's E e F L p o r a lr e m o L e n e s s h e r e . er..r''ar d^.r s 'nn^?! vI JUDL Nol a-re Lhere facts sLggesLing LhaL nor-rs belore Love's acLual suicide. tnas noE genulne. Love had no hi story of Love's abo-Led s ,jc-de atIenpr feigned suicidal behaviors. t- lwo Iac-s do supporc Freenan ard Hopkins's argJmFnL EhaE they L^Jere .lot subjecEive.v aware oI a high risk oI suicide. F i r s E , F r e e n a n \ , n a su n a L r a r e sL-nLS aL Lhe CDoS jajl. oI any suic-dal behaviors by Love during his prior bar r'vhen Second, Love had removed the sheet from the shower Coor support H6nkins refrrrnF.l 1-o the ceLf fess than a minute after he observed the jncide-E, c a n h a - d l y b e d - i s p o s ic i v e o f t h e Whi e -e evanr, theso facts inquiry evidence that Freeman and subjective because (1) there is sufficient c.n- r^.c h -itv rfui-< 1,trr6 ^'--'-1,, ol _ove.s Suic-ide based on whar rhey observed at rhe inLake on Lhe p.rev-ous oay, and (2) Iove's L-e-do".rn for sulcidc, o- t.)e sceet car oe viewcd as obvious oreoararion t^A^>.-ca the incident, i-.r F^-1,;-c 1c rrf ;drrar-a Fr\r ^-f6. .-F^:t^t- cwnr rr>-j96 qf as discus.sed infra. o: course, ir -erains ope"r ro cree"an and Hopk-rs "lo prove rhar Lhey to inmate health or safety" at trial. were unallare even of an obvious risk knowledge from the of fact may infer Farm'er, 511 U.s. at 844. "That a trier Id. obvious, in other \..rords, dces not mean that it musl do so." 26 deposition *didn'l- .annFa- statement to "observed fo that e |uy|Jv! / 1 r t nn 11 rh^1.fh- I e ad-io.l\ J ie| or r ! fi \ l rn h r rL rhe ./ lL rh a r a , _ rs!E -- nan cninida ^ around the n^^ . ucP suicide that recal.led that H o p ki n s he took to under t.he mattress However, YuLrLfv i n n r halu f L o (Id. at I inhl- "if the an that's curtain attempr support him Freeman aff the underfying At bar. that Love tied the deposition, his had he L o v e \ , , , a s" m a k i n g 'trucked" upper bunk for privacy. would not a tent, " the sheet (See Freeman have been out of 31-32. ) recoflection Freeman's fi rn r aware that "Making a tent" 29-3I ,38.) the ordinary. d,racr- on the he obvious. mean thatr J-ove had mereIy which Dep. at Lold what explanation, aware of risk he was not shawer door me, not cj-aj-cd, r-:'.di.l1rr 42 Love's for he was tying to nO. Freeman does explanation Hopkins's made Love's the DOC. With ?, .f 1 . \ / rL of facts to shower door hp rod, he 44-45 that he was not sheer that around the )r- :ftarrnl the time and earlier when Freeman was asked contends that Freeman asserts his he refated Hopkins. essentially that which h\/ curtain" advanclng of -iFd shower / E l r- a a li n -L- d r r ue L \! Instead in Unflke and at sheet cnnf-arli "hanging" Indeed, aS somebody wafked in -- lrr a bed sheet \ incident. aurqr! r: !-f 'v f Y v f laf H.r.Linc /e omr.ara \::jj]E:j-: was merely sheet GBI i-nvestisator, "makeshift sheet-tvinq is Love had tied l u Lmy nuh : c i o " " J \ ad.vance the f iecl" he the /, l-.\r a J the thar testimony af Freeman's own GBI statement, ^fhar of this f:.1-a Hopkins notified 21 event F irqt i < >nnnrdi him that hi nhl rr n^ Love t'was a tyinq sheet bed (emphasis added) ) . Afthough wqJ c !v f{nnkinq rrvyr:r"r r -^ r F a F r r r .Ld4 r r Y !!!vt arrr\n^rt h: lunch. he <hr,we'r r'l:lnr - at baf /n^.- IHopkins] . 1Z .at F-rcFmAn ar:knowl er'lcrecl that he was aware that srrir-idc h\/ rvrr.: Lo eirher or a sheet the bunk beds. that Given I J n n l . ir nLc , c ' r .a^.-orrnl s lrvv^ racha-t -_,J ctll(l i vA _:^-r rlannc i I i 4ng €i ^_-- 5L9rlLIIUdrlL chat should ori ll ti v r h L - -ha rtr mLo u rtL L , c be LcILL chpat -i\/i and ua-L -.,^^r: by e -r' Dlainfiff- " i r" r lr v J , had Ereeman and Hopkins knew that Love door support bar . described shower As 28 Addi aS there Viewing a the informed ri r-gg+'+v'rof o n a l 1 J ,r I r coul-d commit supporu bar Freeman in ^rcdilril jury. a to 12.) 37-38, nr-r i ncidenC --r prior he inmates intelviews, ^-^ 9uE-Lru addressed farroraLrl GBI shows: around sheet - J lnconsistencies are there shower door shower door the (See Freeman Dep. at the that added\ \ClLlPlrdD-Lr find have Love remove the to ^ 5-L bed iS could interview advised and was told this there morning, the a bed, to GBI in he thought a jury which tied 36 IHopkins] that bunk was tied time at (Freeman Dep. aL 32, Honk inS'S one 42 chac would have been relates from Love had that qtlnr-,rl rz- "if T.nve'S bed sheet that observed '/ ch661- nn the Freeman about Sergeant } ^ , :r record cnar-r 'i ^:l r refated "Hopkins l-ha no . that ordinary." on the Freeman was told that the Doc. testified Ereeman's GBI statement evidence sufficient of (See co a bar, something was out someching rhat 12.) Ereeman later tying would have said bar . ' " 'the to i-v in are their numerous de1-e-rinations the r-a'r'l ''l tied f ound and a supra, facLS f in'l i-L:i- sheet a in j ury to the both the cou.Id reasonahlv .r l.rrr PrJr- at inrake. reasonably 'nr-i in^ lha denf 46q ^ ^ ^ r c-a^s e s T were oerendants i.rnrnncr the nave su rJ ssnLF ur : l - F . l J u v L f L:1- LF other nqf ri :< t.' ci- ..n/rl words, r-h to Ereeman and recent to rrlle whether q,,nrama 843 n.8; r,onkinn end Hnnkrn< Hankinq j-ha nf all irral,T onf m avnl:i if -^ ^^^-ih^^ pxist./' fo whan l-he would it ^s See nrrhl jgl6d th:t- A were tr v. tha : rpfrrqed na.l the Srrnn raAffeI. aware be Of of not irrrv f.\ 29 r:orr-rJ rrer'i frr showIs] that he U.S. at 843 Of riSk .'In n.B. re\.nard those AA\ thar slrongly infefenCeS ?r1 ar of F:rmor evidence ^-\nfirm Duckworth, tn-alirv in facts 511 does AGq McGiff ;rt were Suicide. attempts, underlying Constltution l-a of defendants a/rrrrl- verify ^r Hnnk ins harm.") rr crrqner-f ed the /'1r in.l.'rmFnt 'l'h,re ...'----- I ury r/1rrn.l suicide Love's f:ir-mindad ancl nol-r rha cou.Ld nr^ry-occ : /\\-r 6?R escape liability M-rnh-rrrnrraf " 1991)). Freeman ha :f jury a knew that Iikalihood ra-r'ewod- serious | ha refused 511 U. S. at Cir. of ^n.a< Of a!{ar r^rha- i-r:nspi16d in Freemar sfrono of Hopkins -ir-rlm<l- ?d nf view, this atte-^' rhat qrrrr'r^r\/ may *nor he merely fha Slnr\ F j de ^"^fe y ber-:rrse under SUiC a question tr,,rr- har official of a w ar e rlsk substantiaf a .'f L- | /_\ /-r-:nt ]aw SuiCidaf conclude A r , , ,r a F Mnyhn tr.rlFl- f a. - 1 1 ^ a- p^ p e r _ arr^ e \7 H u l J ^k ri r r rr nn l Freeman and waS ol v qrrhia.i- i\7a- \/ on thar l-nr-:lif r r ' l- r n a f was arnsc l u r Operaring conclude v i no r-nrrl -l --ove -'-' L ! Ly Love's shctrr-t t ha1- F-ee'ran in ! r r r lfre r r who play /,^i l- inn F-^ 944 F.2d 344, 351 (7th -he .ir.|mstances reaqnnahl \/ rrndarl r.'ina known infe.f f :.i-a that rega rding conf i -rm inferences c f r . n . r ' l r z c r rq n e r - f e d ro be of rhat a substantial of find that consLj tute F. 3d at Freernen nrderino T,nrre to f r.rr not nrinin:- Cir. ra: rrr:ra ennrhl a sheet T orre to rr to as 349 '/ I sheet nor resume 469 I r-F,'.- i6ri sheet. intention of shower the from the door the Freeman and have been ab.Ie to SimpIy suicide F. 2d Supp. qhan,r.i 32L Hopkins wa-it " The aLtempt. liabIe officials Mnmhnrrr/ruette/ down his h / o u fd hold shower door absolve to itself to r-ij- ir.r with the in the take cell Love does to when they at 646 F.3d do (emphas is onfy rn 616, 622 (7Lh 2003)) . had Love when Hopkins afready returned not contact dwdy medicaf to the down Lhe sheet. taken Freeman and Hopkins did taken. Ldr\E nntt l cl tr See Coleman, risk, the le'r Moreover/ did i trol ir"cl'f ferent to qince Honkrrs j h^ e,,l-\ i a/-f i, rrrr and remove suIficient Consritution -^ih r the felI returned rrnf ie IiehiIifrr rrnt il t.' lL-v o l v l rHv oJnr lr r, j r c c r y r r l-h^]. Honkins js urora rla tying Love was observed Thtr f^.1- bar they 538-39. After har- Lhat Risk srr"ir-ien*lv of d isreqard reckless crr i ni was response their l-lnnlzinc Love's of S1d'icide tbe Freeman and risk risk suicide t rue. 2. ReckTess Disregard A s s r r mn n i Love's or no not place mental health qhae* anrl orher : I Lace Love in 30 cell further action Love on suicide professionals,' ooLential H an and found that isofated was watchi did not instrumenLs of celf; did not increase observation their the why he had ried and not d id t r su - FL-rfo f Lor s - \, i A l fI y r - h imse I f h:-ncri FrcA'n^r the -. rar.l risk f Ake (reversing have grant of known observation a hospltaf); nof Cagfe, rle-'he-atelv decainee's assisc had "ce.Il nn-kot- -.niFnt s) ; ceff trying was to a Fcd attach rhrear administrative Lo LOVe and 989-90 hang al Lo not 'rinimlZe I2l0 may increase ceff could that rerurn (jai1 her to was official Lhe implements and fjve minutes, laf ler shoelaces, 1401 (jailer jailers where he incer ntreerrr'n.r and concluding placed was the might that beIL, 1393-94, detainee because he moved detainee stajrwell 31 were offtcial or sheets, the at television, 30 F.3d at himself, segregation of 764-65 a i,_\ observed circuit detainee's indi fference sheet he strj pped BeIcher. the of they E.3d did from because aII jail 984, cLosed been Annx a where detainee, and checked on him every ?n? F".),^,1or l.o'rrs - take 420 the isolate such as the suicide," log, c_Fnq Snow, remove items via -re risk suicide indifferent w.c -nt- .lel ilrerarelv bare Cf. 334 E.3d ar ni n 'f 65 f i ft-can :nd strong harm oneself, be used to j ai-L However, q/-\mF nra\/ani^t; surnmary judgment detalnee, of bar; the Lo 1iabllity. suicide. of support uv-un r r n l e L P q e reotti -ed n.1T avoid lFAet Love's of in "r -hi n were to aj- shower door Love as to sheer . Honkins actions question not incident the rruLrr-Lrrg wr l-h the and above-listed -aorrt record . l- 'L r u did down on the sheet even tLh re v) i - u. Love; of to a alia); n-r i s o n e r r thaL prisoner checked he in more f ronrronr L. I rr\ f J a _ -e - ' r e L iU " r_ in M^mh^, f:i rrrF combination r r / " r ,r a l - | a T- with LdJ|s her l.6q awdy qrrnn F to ^r 646-41 * ^, t r1 s ovL ) ive c r s \ u v JU eJ \rolrYsr faifure )d f ,m r rrvo " many other take Lhat summary judgment is appropriaLe.") Given that Love vTas seen preparing to had As nar!'=rq fhF Honk.ns's arrl ch66r failrtr^ l-^ .i_ei I Jurr nff in \.di nrn rr v i ci:l d she could use Lo hurt does Lake not person with , days earlier."" rrr Hnnkr su nq u|lcrryI h:d in €ar-f ,r> including the SheetS. tO "mosc relevant.r" €f -^t, ^ tu- jrc t^ { -D ^ -L ^ u bed sheets. mental health to any period Lo kill r r o u f rz y J urJ rro l . n n r ^ r lc . l r r c To find of FTeeman h t r i ^r -r iL Ptaf fL !r w mL ' ^r d q11ljp,--i risk waS aCCeSS using It rea.Lize of herself rhat time only a with a few 646. the the S 469 E. Supp. 2d at commit suicide to . suicide a],one for - [ e ft Love would risk. a r ^ rt a r r u*u she had tried which ,.17 tL qrA U :l a hersel [, be r ^r'6f I inaCtiOn f ir-ant :r.r:" n a p rlu - li n t i f f conmit Mombourquette found experL not should macerjals an sioni -:1za court Lhe district rL ra r h - rr..)qf rran measures, cannot conclude . /"r:i Lhat and that they self-harm. . . J1 r.esnJr, r . a c ur l u ! nal,a nf the -rar-?ihi they l- h:l- recklessfy woufd ,.Jet.a-mr n:f E raar, I il.alihnnd de]iberately Court Iit'z qj-r^n.r r were not r f nrru !i r t have i.rq and rhat disregarded indifferent to resolve :nd dfaW 21 For a more extensive version of the facts, see Fo!.iler v. chattooqa Cnty., Ga.. No, 4:07-cv-145, at *14 (N.D. Ga. Apr. 25, 2008). 22 The Mombcurquette court also found that removal of items that can be used to facilitate the removaL of sheets - is a suicide - and specifically -^mm^n j-rr ^,1^+i^6 .,hich has been noted in nrjmerous court decisions. see 169 F. supp. 2d aL 646; see/ e.q., colenan, 349 F.3d aL 53q (hoId;no EhaE j l r y c o u l d - e a s o n a o r y d o o L c e L h a L a p p e l l a n L s r e c k . L e s s - L yo i s . r e g a r d a d a k n o w r sric-de risk L.hen El^ey issued detainee a bed shoef and placed hirn in a ceII --., ^^,,1.1 ^^r 6rci li, ^l^.ca?r,a him\ 32 adverse to inferences LLrrs r.rr..r ^ SLCIgE. 'q ,-l.rin oenrlinel f. qrnn.\rfino failure and orral if :F.l is (11th (parties 432 defense was raised defense Fehfhaber v. fai.Lure it to in :ululro<<i nn raise tria-1 . it if iod in in bury - * r - l, . r r n e n t . eY J I lssues in answer, 11) Barker the pleadj ngs v. Goodrich, (althor.tgh sovereign F.2d s u r n mr y a analyze 281 Fed. Appx. 184, 190 fail-ure defendant's 102 not the Answer (doc. no. sunxnary judgment for issue the <rrrrarrz frr and Due Lo che CourL wiII Nicholson, answer, in 58, 62.) 36, the 20f1) Cir. was raised a.Iso irrelevant is 1983 Section address - alone t-he nor i.'r' may not Fehlhaber, (aLthough issue leL sumnary judgment); (6rh motion in resnlviro them after 428, 649 tr.3d - here, See Hofder v. and resurrecr Lo and s u n r m a r y ' ju d g m e n t for defense was raised 2008) Cir. n-.ceed motion Lhe issue in the irrelevant. EraF.rAn find Pfaintiff's (See Doc. nos, immunity.23 that The fact mrrsf rlo not nention immunilv YuattllEu na-s'rasirre- Hopkins's presenL to .-r_]1:tF1v at Innunity hr'cfs qualified l-'. which are prohibited of Issues 7. Qualified Freeman aff rtroy July di qnrrf ecl and v C. Miscellaneous of d ar.lnrra'ri- q Hnnkrne'c - Plaintiff waived assert the jssue); the (5th 84 81, to immuniLy Cir. 1983) was deemed abandoned by it judgment briefs). Without more, LhaL Freeman and Hopkins have ciLed cases imm,,ni See f \/ 23 of llnmunity is Qualified ind.ifference merits of Plaintiff's def iberate F e d . A p p x . 3 2 1, 3 3 5 ( 6 t h C i r . 2 0 0 5 ) 33 v. U.S. ^l rr.l c.Laim. Kafleur. I rr 168 distinct" from Cook v, Martin, Fed. the 148 (11th Appx. 322, cases referencing i ee'ra 321 -ha an.l nl-r'l i artcd raise l-n Cir. an : .,1 .f issue, riCt rzldrocc a defense it COUrt l-ho thar (while 20A6) did and defendant not In iccrral short, Freeman and Fonki rs nart }Ju! the lherrcel several present" "clearlv /-\nnoq in/-r Y Lhe cited \, \.,are L)' Court rrec the not wil-1 not .leclined CO raise. 2. State For Law Claias reasons, simifar F-aanan H.rnki -. :rrJ predicated "for , mofion the address ^^ lL_ hLa rr \Jrr of of 58, CurrenLly Defendants Rules. in Lhe qrrnnnrrina ne for i r9, r d r ^ ur r n e n L S Freeman and hriafc 1983 cfaim. nnlrr They do (See Doc, nos. aL aff. stare H^nLi motion . h6i _ _rrEr! J Jyr-v! section the :nu l However, -rd law claims and che Georgia F raam:n arrs of Five law cfaims shaff .a1 3. Violation Local staLute 2. ) :a:in<l. Freeman and Hopkins -a<ar'A.l e .-. .u, ] e uncontested, r-l:im< Count claims 13 at Pfaintiff's 36, f ,.\ | ri Iaw J u!_r9rL'srrL address rhe pending state nrnnacr'l againsL 169-92. ) n tl L oe rt - l i9 J n r - r s y e u rr nol 62.) q$ law trial. a Georgia stare for merits f ^ cfaims (Doc. no. day. " another Honkinsts pendinq the J uug'IsuL L_Ldr asserls (See Compl. acknowledged state hr^^a6.l upon vio.Lations Constitution. Pdr m.-c1- Complaint Plaintiff's Pfaintiff's Local of contend First, Pfaintiff's response g.round that PlaintifI that Rales Plaintiff has Defendants object to Defendants' has violaced viofated the to arguments set statement of facts Court, s forth in on the t.he page number fimirations 7.1 (a) . Loca-L RuIe by estabfished (Doc. Second, Defendancs objecr- Lhat. P-Laintif f (Id. 7.1(b) . certificate of 7,1(a) , nFcF.dFnis nv^ i ^ fr l I/ r respond to response >rn'rn^ ro rL hr a r g r-'-r afina the n.ana IJqYs r-c I imir:f tl^/1'din^ improperly D:n^ora Rule legaI 56.I, 20II of Ru.Le facts And as not Given motion Lhe onlv respond to to brief. for no. doc. that summary arguments 54), in the end-run l-he qrmmarv irclrrnarf v. Pandora Jew6 l r\? :ji-i1 Inc. lenal page +4 (S.D. Fla. aro rmcnts I imitation in for tlay 12, exhibiLs a sunrmary . response to arguments. whjch fo shalf of an inappropriate is WL 1807676, at the bur legal i r e- v,l a h l e v e nf cr hri 54-1. ) (see nafles 1995, :n^lrr<ir'\n lh^f brief) Plainciff's : n yn rl sl' r Jewelers :-:ilL circumvented judgment reply with iI n nJ q vI Rufe document Defendants' facts scaLement of LLC, No. 09-61490-CIv, 2n-'\ facts, extensive of inclusion Pfaintiff's Locaf of n.\ no. of t-qlan1-v-ci x itself is -Legal statement this response to in to S.D. Ga. Local rrliIizes statement n. 1 . ) inclusive surnmary j udgment for motion brief length, (See Doc. Plain-i'f Defendants' Pl-a.intif f 's l^.orrr-- bv LR 5.1." limitation. 1 1.) the in at cice does not response Lo Defendants' vee Defendants' i r.lcrrrFnf pages required service page this of 58 viofation in 62 at ssi on (26) Plaintiff's exceeds Doc. no. nernt n r t r v !o r y' Lwenty-s ix exceed record factual 4 n.2; at "Ahcanr to the or authoriti-es no. This allows the is a statement itself facts inappropriate t'separate, 35 of short. is saturated under Locaf and concise" statement Rule Local material of ^ na-r - Cj-ty of rr .lncq Lhe "purpose R^tq.n- evidence D'Antignac Doc. no. Hofdings, 2008) No. Mr, supporting al frustrated this Local support Ga. law" r.rhi4l ig Reno V. See *1 WL 23684A9, at (N.D. rul e and sLaL ing Lhat statements observes v. that is identify the materia-L facts. the to nor Plaintiff's Deere & Co., 201,2); Harris rr counsel, i. . n.r-l-n r _r-d L E l r -\, wrLlr ?,1 (b) 20II); Lo factual every record. It See also S.D. Defendants that Pfaintiff asserti-ons with citations Ga. Hegre v. statements assertion with L.R. . 7.1(b) failed 7, 1-L-L2, 15-16. ) 35 of h:rra fact, aff q f r prn i f ou . L r-onqi l \y / record. citation to supporting The to and briefs a ciLaEion the Beauty Ga. June 30, responsesf requires to Doc. no. resources. motions, has caSeS, Safly (S.D. 28 -'--nrmcnf dr!ur,turrL, -LE9d-L requires l:lO-cv-116, No. Doc. no. responses other Mr. FPL Food, LLC, No. 1:09-cv- Court and wasted its Rule authorities. v. 1:07-cv-161, Batson's inennrnnri.el- 54 at briefs. analogous (S.D. Ga. Feb. 7, 75 Inc., factual errrlrmant has s'nr lar- rz vi ol arerl rhpse T,ocaf Rules in 64 (S.D. Ga. May 4, to 2AI2 of "conclusions larr:l irrdnmarll 56.1 Rule further Court See. e.9., 166, q!rnmpr\/ See S.D. or -Lega-L rguments'/). a to make factual The alfows 1- Fyl- Fnqirre 10-cv-6114, Local admjss jb]e relevant Rule (discussing 20L2) of n6rni f ar No. Chicago, and response thereto. Local nr'\- roqarvo.l June 21, IlI. This 56.1-. l - i r r l - , ^ 6 rL - r^u i n lL r' rrr l facts C.'r-- support rqaa \\Jwr !.Y./ to legaI aorccs al I the wi r-l facLual n^^ Defendants' consider with the Court's and susLained, filings Plaintiff's only are objecrions to the extent See Bagwell v. Locaf Rules.'4 the that traF, rr]anrrinn mnrinn materiaf fact or responses requir€ments of LR 56.L") *5 No. 2:08-cv-191 , 2AI1 WL 1497831' at tn11\ of statements compfv with hFreh\/ nofifies and RuIes Local these ^ - ri .- r r r the narcnn:ll'r IrL For the reasons summary judgment for leave MOOT. This to fife case set (doc. no. ORDER ENTERED at h r . ifq J (N.D. Ga. "r] lqreaer'-l thereto further to any final that trrrr1-har Iedd comply do tha a^rrr1- violations sanctions lr r- r*J r r u v l r P i l a r r L of dgdinst F:Ir--^ r rtf I'v-. forth above, 36) n-anood is DENIED. (doc. brief l-^ AUqUSra, t- ri: motion Defendants' no. 59) is DENIED As l UeOrg r a, rnfs --' r(V STATES DISTR]CT .]UDGE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA 2a Disregarding these mat eri al s Lor sLmmary judgnenL. rhe rotion for motion Plaintj-ff's 2013 . of not CONCI"USION a sur-repfy wiff hrrl- that mdy , k i -nr a . , N - IV. kp Batson qfr i< qj-ri cases oLher :r w oq , r a l l s y. Mr. warns in rn they Peachtree Doors & Windows, Inc., A wiII Court

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