Dezauche v. Aircraft Manufacturing & Design, LLC et al

Filing 104

ORDER AND NOTICE OF PRETRIAL PROCEEDINGS, (Pretrial Order due by 1/29/2015, Final Pretrial Conference set for 2/5/2015 01:00 PM in Dublin - 2nd Floor Courtroom before Judge Dudley H. Bowen, Jury Selection set for 2/17/2015 09:00 AM in Dublin - 2nd Floor Courtroom before Judge Dudley H. Bowen, Jury Trial set for 2/17/2015 09:00 AM in Dublin - 2nd Floor Courtroom before Judge Dudley H. Bowen). Signed by Judge Dudley H. Bowen on 1/7/15. (cmr)

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,- :,'il;i,lil i, srArEs DrsrRrcr rN rHE uNrrED I "oo*, sourHERlI DrsrRrcr oF GEoRcrA "&sffi'f,rlltt;gytt DT'BLIN DIVISION -t : i : ,r l ;J;5 rrron,Sfuy'4_ DANIEL DEZAUCHE / ol=in1 iff cv 311-071 G E O R G EW . B R Y C E , J R . , . S O U T H E A S TL I G H T S P O R T AVIATION. LLC' FLY LIGHT S P O R T/ L L C , . E A S T M A N AVIATION. INC. ; and JOHN DOES (1-100) indlvidually and as members of Aircraft Ma:u=acturi ng 6 Design, LLC, Defendant s ORDER AND NOTICE OF PRETRIAI, A}ID TRIAT PROCEEDINGS TAKE NOTICE scheduled for that =1 v!c---of direct aanfaranro at tha a^rrrt Georcria. L,il sha.I] attend TAKE NOTICE that February Courthouse, 17. at 2015, Dublin. iurv at l At sefection 9:00 a.m.. Note at the therf. time of -li -- uv ^ u f - a -P P^l - ^ "e / ayP-uvs/ order. the pretrial Georqia. conference 1:00 p,m,, amendmentof the proposed pretrlal -[o-r each nartv for Dublin. charge and 2075, at 5, February Rowland Courthouse, pretrlaf a is Rov the v! Lead counsel conlerence. and trial at the the is scheduled .t. Rov Rowland time change from 10: 00 a. m. to IT IS -.^r to O R D E R E Dt h a t '^n^^ and 9:00 and jojnl file I order compfarnt any or i:ra precrial answer shall A parry/s may ^.)lrt. 'r^r i^^ {Le ":J. duratlon of par L:es oerson. Court c l ^ tv -- h L rr in other The Court in The n tr v J < a nE I orde_r prepared the date meeting, parE-cipating. -orraqan-a.i l--' comply the with ^^r1rSe and If I ,, any su c h , r | vr requirements order names of party n r . yaor !r r r y hereof in I the fitinry incfude 'n.rn. osa r L _ r r : r r r r L all ha the Lelephone counsel Lh_s case qh"rl in rn- Irom lho of determined shall o' shall comp-ly wiLh :.r-ary only Location and the to dismissal n,-. r fL v accord wirh sanctions will an herew_th. The be in rdi lure result or prer-rial order the order. comp.iance conversaL-Lons. The proposed pretrial I_", in this b,e I ile-l shaII to iniciate hereof l-.,.'L^ proposed F:v'^'5^1" of in on Januarv 29. 2015. Counsel for: the plaintiff requirements "r parties the Clerk proposed dLLached inscructjons. the for meet ano confer, the the proposed pretrial form of "rv with -"^tr.ia have Lhe responsibiliry the ro consolidaced . - n r . l : . a z . r^ . ^ ^ ^ c 6 ^ business counsel 'nslructed prepare -pdared lead .\hl a -ho or is nor idrta/-t r-^ same manner as counsel. All evidentiary responses thereto, pretrral conference objections and motions in which have not been resolved shaff be submitted in limine, prior wrlting at and to the least five (5) business -r,nf ara'trl Dl^r^c6d lirn r . r i- l ^ n r - l nrol rnr^n^a^.1 'ir---:l!:l-9-glL nnnenti,4rto^ fi prior days .i-r-F-..1 Jl/-l-]-l-!-aJ' ll-a r^rrr-l- a"r to r'al the schedufed o-derS WhiCh ,.'i l l '\aryiqqirn ha .f the pretriaL a-re :-r-onl-a..\ ' - -C o u f t . nOL f^r -z- ^4\ O R D E R E N T E R E Da r January, 2015. AugusLa, Ceorgra, Uhis /4 day of STAITDARD INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERS IN CONSOIIDATED PRETRIAI OF GEORGIA TIIE SOUTHERN DISTRICT [THIS DOCUMENT AIiID ASSOCIATED FORMS I'TAY BE FOT'I{D IIIrHfN THE COURT'S WEBSfTE AT www.qasd.uscoults.qov.l The proposed pretrial numbered subjects, shalf order seriaffv cover (NOTE: as below: following the IN PREPARTNG T H E P R O P O S E D P R E T R I A L O R D E R , R E P R O D U C EE A C H N U M B E R E D I T E M A S A PREFACE TO THE MATERIAL SUBM]TTED SETTING FORTH THE MATERIAL SUBMITTED IMMED]ATELY THEREAF'TER. DO NOT USE APPENDICES OR ATTACHMENTSEXCEPT WHERE SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE COURT OR CALLED FOR HEREIN) . Counsel are to discuss and agree on every possible stipulation. The stiplfations musr be red-rced ro 1. facrual qi r.rner'l .and r ^ r r iI i n r r ^ t ! ! ! l l Y , fif ed with the proposed consolidated pretrial order as ATTACHMENT StipuJ.ations can "A" hereto. witness testimony, tlial time, and expense. If a party spare feels the other side is in bad faith refusing to stipulate, they sha].l set forth stipulations" on ATTACHMENT "proposed Costs of proving what. at trial reall.y , cras never and what should have been stipulated, disputed may be taxed party the offeadilrg against and attorney. Thoae costs may preparation attorney incJ.ude witness fees and additional time costs. A s A . T I A C H M E N* 8 " T ?. rha n:/l i,.e r ho,z rhei- legal rhorr nhaa<o mi\/ wich hrrr dceira urh ir-h m:\, rh- l-^ .|l-.n j' .- irori 1 r -L q.raliI-cations{ar'{ clhmi fnr ^anAr>1 lbe tne proposed pretrial to rra ' -r LU P!vPvu to serve infnrmat rzni orrcq-, nns r rn di ra l^ 1 ,i ,! r nr r < v! and ary ian ioi crrhmit nrrrnn<o< dilocl-ianc nj-- rr as quesLions rhA nrrr- hara,rnrlar One ^h< r n _ r a L !rr n fi .n Y Lv n ua r . n other lf order, ^,a<l aLLachmenl ia< 1h61, OI ho patties, Srare the names oI all 3, r a and *B-2".1 B a s A T T A C H M E N T*S - 1 " separateLy r <o^ ir .rrr:l Ygurr!jr i frrinn r ha Iirms qr:r irrrrr a and attorneys f ha n:mo nf anrr and whether 1t is a stock or insurance company involved, mutual company. State the names of aLl counsel who are AL members of any firm invol ved on a conr-ingenL fee basis. rLh' a ! r nro, vrr irrr ^^l ri:, rnnforonno limi,< >nrl nn,,ncal r'larrilc af ha ranri rarj 1'n rJisrlos,. . ..- -- ---ce coveraqe. iner .,r^ulJ!/rr t . , a rcD i--^i r 4. Identify the is based this Court jurisdiction. m:r.' :nrr rnrl r:n .,hi -r. nrrael -r.4 inn< i r r r i q .- -J] J .r rLi . \ n i Ju' ral:linn l-^ .\F it e Llst any motions or other matters in the case which 5. Any motion not so enumerated shaLl be remain unresolved. deemed witndrawn by the movinq pany. 6. A 1I LocaL Rufes. di scovery The date :nd r q a vnJ aLc u lI l i e P f t i^n 1. ca^l i. a..v <n:ll whether -^qa/el :"a o'roc- 8. w! conclusion .-omnlel :'1l or j :nf P!dtirLtr €f r nf ion ^r-rSuanL of the ,arrr -r)llFCL Lo the discovery rlnLransCribed the parties the names of ^^mr\le-e .,'misin'rdar iot^ r-nrnr ^. -.t ho tne d a v . P s ! - +L^s u , A^ l^'o ----^r I h,5 State innc-l -n is of in and the above- !,vhetner there ^()n-roinder. /<\, \J/ crca PI,AI}ITIFF ( S ) SHOUI.D PAY PARTICUI.AR ATTENTION TO THIS PAR]AGRJAPH AT THE TRIAI,, . IT }TII,L BE USED BY TEE COT'RT IN DIRECTING TSE CASE A}TD INSTRUCTITiIG THE .TURY. NOTE: PIa-nriff (s) shal-L Iurnish a shortr succinct, Iactual ano narrative statement of the cause of action. statement should not be ar:gumentatlve and should not recite evidence. lThe ,. at. I I Court wil- . f^/-ar an.l s r.h require i-r .rrrF,cfior s need '.i tha: eacl, jurcr -.l.lro<< lr^r ^,,:li not | be ^-, a-^l -. lncluded. i.^c stanC and nanr ^i rra n6r<^n:l e The Court arn I ^ \rrsn ,.i I I r,^n^,rr I In no event 9. shafl the Outline statement of defendant be more than (s)' one oaqe case. DEEENDNiIT (S) SBOT'LD PAY PARTICUI,AR ATTENTION TO THIS PARJAGRJAPH. AT TEE TRIAIJ. IT WILL BE USED BY THE COURT IN DIRECTING TITE CASE A}ID INSTRUCTING THE JI'RY. NOTE: D ef e n d a n t (s) shall: (a) Furnish a shor L, succ-nc L/ Iacrual /.yFnarinarrative statement as to a1f rl,.fp'rqoq :f i,,^ s p e c i a f ) . T h i s s t a t e m e n t s n o u _ l d n n - r . ,a shouLd not recite evidence. In no event shaff page statement be more than one th) Tn rlaim al .,r I rhi :r-r inne inrrol r'"i-narrrr summarize the matrer, the main claim. rr inn : :r-l- ian using rarrnrora and and the :i riafanr"{:n]- rhe ourline and /q) ehnrr'lr'1 required as to 10. In aff cases in which violation of the United States Constltution or a federaf or state statute or regufation is C:r 1s9Yu, L,,e Ly Pd! , L e< ri ,n- c l . Y s r r . ' h ' k rr r-laim eh:ll ener-if ic:l1\7 e.r^r-a r h e c o n s t i L U Li o n a l p r o v i s i o n a n d / o r s L a L u r e a I l e g e d l y v i o a t e d facts on which such aflegerl vioLation and the speclfrc is -La L.:can Pur r:"',. .hafl ^r _ im rud,rL detail ,rnrl ror- Lhe ii a damano e urP P r/ r _ r J 5r nn -\ i nn .^l n- ic. :',thnr so rnl^l JvqY,rL i r rr 11. In tort cases, any party bearing a burden proof shall fist each and every act of negfigence intentional tort re-lied uDon. (a) sLaLuLesr violated. Under a separate heading, state a1t relevant rufes, regulaLions and ordinances affegedly also, recite any supporting authority. (b) List aLl monetarv relief (c) injuries of or items of souqht. damaqes claimed Tn al I cases involving or death, furnish a fufl : l I ara-l rhe inju*ies, I i rc avna^t and earnings, ^^ /- . alleged statement --^r.-^b income tax or permanenc as to the Le duraCi records non- on of or oLne-r records 12. in n: to prove earnings. qF:-l 1'l nrr'ina h:ei e cases or any othe.r action In contract r.anr.anh< nf tho ;nrr nf ff' ar qa .af r.\f ro^6-l :.f i-r"l:- na-l har v,r,9 aLLy i-n o. of rncrAf ^ -u . ' yl ^v Contract F ,.n\/ or Arinl the i.,ahl c sought and aqency, sLaLe Lhe (including I4. S t a t e \ , v h oh a s t h e b : r d e n o f p r o o f oc specj al i ssues) and who has af f i.rmarive defenses ary the .6-tr^ involved, r n n r a n v vi !A l r UPP! 13. nant-on1- nnon crrr,n.,rr L ! -s -LI the-re inrc i na +q nf rn,-l 15. lL-I h La L any n,-nrrina fnr qrrrh rri r-no<< rrr l i na J JL-r :q rn n_a t-/u! rol iazl j, nn hrr ie , - j. r\ / e * in cf a witness rha .\n.,.\e l-^ L qylrr!l/. "^a^^\/ no rrz -- r-.- i,--v. 1-^ both t ho I i si I i etor'1 . pfainriff wiLnesses hnurarrar (s) and whom cnl -uor in.j a^rrzt ha Ly ,.,i l1 tlJ_ll n:rl-v if : n,rrrtr dicrln<inn:n j-hA :rjrjroc< r.LeJ u !v lietinr-l:nd di ih^i- Lo eaCh Lhe Lrial and those whom each qell have WiLnesses intended to be used solely nnr ! as !r! o| qr r . o - l r - ! pl v ha whol-hor an raah1!r L p !y- a ! _ _ L u r r i ^ h disprLe r " r i 1 -h sFn:rFf qh;lI imno:cnmanf ir\/ paragraph, this s-orr l-l IILLL have p-resenL aL presenr at rhe rrial. Fnr .:r'r h.\r a rn rrman t c Under /e' .i6f a".l:.-rf i nn nqa r l - i a e y r aln<inrr Lhe damages or -f v! relief sLaLrLe and detail o f-"^a6l not addressed l'rtt-,'la.^ c^ L F- pa! nranorl rr r,--,,rravE rrnlo<< h^i he< : i mnc:r-hmanr -a -.1 ---1. - u, i r hhal r'! A L r"dy rJs Prsrq |.\ l-n. jr-ien' f ima n-i^l-a Lriaf to allow the srrl^n^ar^ | ha r , r :t 1 6 9 g Or ObLain his f Fqf in^n\/ . I' a \^LLneSS j S nOt j wl^Fn f l^e nrnnrr<a,-l IiSted j-ha.r.lrrri -: al n--lar .r^t is filed r.r: ng1 allow t.he addirion --^n -ar-<6 this s r" by any party. E X C E P Tf o r providenl-al or oLher Order. NOTE: <L/-r,,- I .\ l-L6 a.r.rj- h\' i^:. i On fOf amendmenL LO COUNSEI. }4f,'ST SUBMTT TO THE COURTROOM DEPUTY CI,ERK FOI'R COPIES OF TITE TYPED WIENESS I,IST PRIOR TO JI'RY SEIECTION. L6. AII documenrs and physical may be evi dence thar shal1 be exhibrted tende:red at the trial to and initlaled by pri-or nq parries to Lhe pretrial conlerence. opposi All evidence shaIL be marked bv the oarties Dr:ior to the Dretrial -^hfarah-a exhibit ^t.ti." list ^^A *- on a form suppl ied bv rhe Clerk. arrhmii If > i^;.f separate be submitted on the fists they shall exhibit are submitted, forms snnnl i ed Dunl.ications of exhibitS shoufd be avoided to practicable. Exhibit shou.Ld be subm.itted to the extent lists 1-h6 .^,,r1- a1- 1-ha ^.etria] The materiaf conference. thereln shafl be identified as follows: (a) subm.itted A fist as j oint of documents exhibits. physlcal and (b) lisLS are oeing hhere separare of documents and physical evidence to fist f h. h\r nznrr n-.. irlari in l^ 1s) i " /-.\,,nc6l .-n Far aq errnl- n! arch ^rnay ev.idence a submitted, be introduced F-hibitS sha-Ll shalL therefor be stated Objections and reasons \r-if i*.r :nr] l-e f i l-rl f :,/^ 111 n:..,q nr..'r rO the time the DrerrlaL conference. l L e m s n o c o b - ie c t e d t o w i l l admitted when tendered at trial. (c) fists Where separate and physica.l of documents ]ist n'z -l^o nznrri rlcfonrian1- nar'l r -^ Objections ,.-i irha f,.r are belng evidence to a:,^h nrher s q j ! when tendered at rJncrr-ron- cr- i rtl Arrr nnr h-l in Of be a submitted, introduced be avhibiLS Shall be n:rrrr reasons therefor F: ^A c: ve 5t davs .:or f e-anr-o :nrr s rr-h n! I n-atria- admitted hri /-.rrrncal and l-nnioq rs\ be r^,:rr\., shaff nri.r i y r v i be stated tO the time .-.h'^cled to will in Of be trial. nfLFr ahier-torj nhvsiral I z-r ar eVidenCe _LiSted 'nnq f c' r^rhir-h ol^,iar-r have been overrufedr may be received in evidence on offer pa-rly does isting by any oLher party, in the evenl Lhe f er it not actua.L.Ly of into evidence, '6 ) f^ rnm TLa avnenrl <qihi NOTE: litrr f ^rAnr-\i no 'init nf orlizlonna - - sha the ..,t he ru_IeS deened relat'n.r of ConSLf o Led rl-e aanav:llrz COUNSEI. MUST SI'E,MIT TO THE COI'RTROOM DEPUTY CLERK FOI'R COPIES OF TTTE TYPED BXIIIBIT I,IST PRIOR TO ,tllRY SELECTION. All exhibits shall the be cross-initialed by the attorneys for parties and properly tagged as requiled by the Local Rules of this District. This crossplocedure initialing shal1 be compLeted when on the preparatiort counsel meet to confer of the pretrial order. T1 . , l-ist i - 1 ^' f d.6A i| osc r | fL vn r" q nJr r whose h rf r D pages and lines deposition ^ |^J ^ n J i c v yv witnesses alL h^ rrloy testimony arah n: inr< af 1 -h a reference lorLh h,iLn specilic seL to and the basis obiected testimonv (a) eliminare to trial, Prior al-f extraneous, ---.1 rdP>e>, , deposition vaqalrra :ll ^hiocri^h< l ^n i- /et sh:l portion shall donn<il afso inn f I of i r- l-ro rhe to confer unnecessary l-af r^roan counse.L Counsel v v l \ ! ! i v r r v rjan/-\q counsel shall redundant, and "u- excerpts. qnor-i object ions bv AII to the therefor. ^ n - rrvn 'J-l./ r r r q deposition rha to be oIlered. narl- by rt\/ in Lhe arrempr to .rn l'ro l-a<iim^n\r offered. (b) i1- pracricable, conform shall, The parties questions and deposi L.ron exhjbit in Lrial numbers of trraf testimony to the exhibits. -o ld(-rr I L inr'lrr.iina rho *" rv ide a memorandum of Pr! DePo!aLsry as Lo any questions autho.rit-es rvi=l ,a Ly Pdr marit< nf of law l ikely nl:int iTf I / + e + l r u 4 r 10 /h^,rr<l to 1 ^ 24. settle. oI evidence, marrers asserced, Plaintiff(s)'counsel p.resenr plai ntiff i rv< \ ' \ / (s)f (hours ) to this A time that rr.,-.1 q^.rF n: nn<<ihi I-vJvivrr- rl- i aq conf er: with there l i 1L- r r ) offered offered rs aa 27. nrairi.l to tr:ial. State ^-/la- :nrr i rnl do not do 1-ho nfhor rrrii na r-^r,t^l- mai-for< nr'l i nnc tha not n-\e< ih i I i t-\, .,f SetLlemenL Nt^ r-^ssihi I if r, ..f .^ttlemenC. Tho counsel nracant has not t^-^ Defendant to sett le a! Lhe (days) (s)' (days ) has appears at dafancoe etc. Plaintiff It ro arise cl:im ran:rdi . wish to na which shou ld be covered by desi red oI rhe Court prior State 22. dem:nos sLryrl-l --\^- ior or not r n...:rn rnnrqed iq reasons for the r i F .v lv e v t ? esl c l n Y rv:ET L r l q v :l u c,rano--.inn l_i'r--,rt the whether l-- chart hrz rnrz lssues al\.' of i l^,ifrrrr-ar a^i-^ n q; !r r r r L Y rhe qrr-n J, liabitity od) -in.l and /-y i Where Lrial, r.:rr rr eh:ll <l-:ra such opposicion. in cases where either parry requests bifurcation 23. of issues or a special verdicL, submit a copy of Lhe proposed verdict a s P L A I N T I F E 'S A T T A C H M E N T C " a n d / o r DEFENDANT, S " A T T A C H M E N" C " h e r e t o . T Lead counsel are to discuss and agree nn n^l \Tarrti r rh <nor-irl -aa-had -+ c r.rr--- r= vor,-l icr w h rasrra h/ J < u s wr s vrrrcr y v - \J r< ;rh l.6 d9!serLrcrrL o -hc h,esi s fnr rnrr n!l ^ , i o r l - iL an< r^ I hL s c n e a i : lr q ! v Lr a rPcL rrL ra.rrrcel- Jn non-jury 24. f nrrnncad concLusions .aeqi a nnori nrre of l- ri: l r r . L '_ law zl:f r;_-r cases, the parries al f ar:r not frr o:r-h later than shall r-r f one each li le their dl ,r - e Jn e J Jn _ i r innq week pr:ior :nri to the a rronoqcd -.l t,lePvJuJ r -r - r r c o l qslrtLm m r; or !r. / J U y - nrct r/!u-rr ^L-rrroI-L ri^l L(' /-\rda. <h:l -:r _ - ,irn r I f u llrdI G l ha qinnaA J. jr-qJ n-arA^rrnh t/4-J)Lq}-tt, fof lows : IT IIEREBY ORDERED that IS the foregoing cobstituteE a PRETRIAJ, ORDER iu the above case(s), that it supelsedes the p].eadings which ar.e hereby amended to conforqr her:eto and that this PRETRIAI ORDER shau not be arnended exc€pt by ORDER OF THE COURT. T h1 s UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 10 h s rr 4J r

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