Filing 31

ORDER that the Post-Trial Order of September 24, 2013 for the Bankruptcy Court is affirmed; therefore, this case stands closed. Signed by Judge Dudley H. Bowen on 8/27/14. (cmr)

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ORIGINAL , : 'r r1l,_ L-j n r I - I I I U . i i ; i i l r i l C IC 0 U R h ,. 1.;:.,',flv. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COI'RT FOR THE Z8iqAfil DISTRICT OF GEORGIA SOUTHERN 2'i DUBLIN DIVISION Ea\qlFFp + ._Tp Debtor. Ra^k rrnt.v J. M IN RE: WILLIAM a1-\.^f Ncl -- a7 1 1 ci titi s 0 i t l s T0 FG A 1 1-?002-l nrnnaani . - - - - - - * - . . Jn r S t( WILMINGTONPLANTATION, LLC, AppeIIant, CIVIL vs. ACTION NO. cv 313-090 WILLIAM M. FOSTER,JR. , n--^l hPPE I ^^ r,LE c r ORDER Th i c hrnlzrrrnf r-rr :nnc: r-1.: im M 'lr E-^ct- ar hw iha /\\la?i lminntan/'\ i ^'r.l F rrr aL r^lrlq:.1.rj- r\n, J c Wilmingron's irr,-li ai r1 hereinafter Wilmington 1 ^-F rdllL lnr^rinr^r r'larm !+q!rr!/ l-hc of R.rnkrrrn.rr-rr j-..l^n vP)e' 1l al- r^rnqq merit.s qankrrrrrf rhp susLained the debtor's, vY-LtltLrrtgLUll the on /1rr which /\\Er'\el-Fr/'I A -)P - - r - ^ re l Fnl : r iqoq trial, Courc's Order following I^li l l irm I of .\/ : nrnnf FoSCer'S a^Urt -L!\- fnr crrmmarrr defenses COnClUded claim was barred on Lne bases of res judicata (See aJ c 1 t-, n !n! n a l ! ev u ! referred to Order as of the af rldllLdLllrtr, m.rj- i.\ne Sepcember 24, "Post-Triaf to that and 2413, Order". ) now seeks reversa.L of the Bankruptcy Cou.rt's order and remand with lnstruction to a]]ow .its c]aim, pF,3,2b subi ect to a determinatlon of damages. Order,' alternatively, affirmance below. Foster lhrough his based upon four This U.S.C. S Post-Trial ,I,'RISDICTION Cou-rt has 158 (a) rcrr'purinrr: h:n krtt.\-t-\/ [he bankruptcy court's C o u r t A F F I R M St h e jurisdicrion rf t q Rufes rJoniqinn 8001 rha erroneous. // bankruptcy unless, the in light definite made." findings of all and finn conviction f-.,rrrr IL Inc.), .-a-raqj- tha ha n k rrrnt r^v --a11Yf .li5 navo. 1228. f-^rrrr relzr Ltd. 443 8.3d161 Fwq In lcoo r e Y a lr re n,r<r In r ^ ^ 6 nP t UE A! L not be fnvestors Cir. Ithe court that Viffas, 2B seg. 1992). are noL clearlV the evidence, Westqate Vacation Pharmacy & Disc. of facr to Fed, R. Bankr. p. gO13; 951 F.2d 1223t 1228 (l1th court's et which t'shaff facr, of pursuant see afso C]ub Assocs. v. Consol . Capita.l Realty re Cfub Assocs.), on JulV 31, A}ID STA}IDARD OF REVIEW findjngs set aside unl-ess clearly seeks Order. Bankruptcy aat the defenses he had raised below, this appellate and of Foster argument in the matter 2A).4. Eor the reasons set forth I. cross-appeal, additional The Court held oral Bankruptcy Court's seeks affirmance is] a mistake v. (fn "The erroneous feft with has been Tabas (In re Int'f (l1th Cir. rronr-lrrqinn< Club Assocs., 2005). h)r vr In j-ha 951" F.2d at II. 1998, In Wilminoron Fh6 Georoi additionaf r-+l -ir^ which 45 units A a 265_unjL acres Hotel. of within od .in land intended r r ' r d c V c l . rvfvr_F .rc fr ! L the old hotel - L. h r / - \ n o r r \L J , t,!vuEr i 2 to nj f u and an in nine yet-to-be tha on nraawicr-inn Foster condomini would be focated I^-Af brri lclinos 19.846 rrrlcln r^rhir-h eyisforl: woufd be located 220 unlts micl-rise buitt F o st e r ' s prepared a DecLaration of Condominium for recordation attorney in - known as the Oglethorpe structure ^6('a- -h purchased Foster Islancl BACKGROI'NDI Chatham County. nranr.rl \/ $:.r^:F: raqarrra ^n:' The r he Declaration, ni rTo fOf however, l 't v.u \ , r irI / . rr r r^ r.1 ^ 9 I nrnnnecd fUCUreu descripLions pads. enrire As a conseguence, the submitted for to h-nPdu_ ho.^ L Or r d e Vv e {l u F n. n! o r t v! were no meres and bounds legal failed fhara che building 19.846 acre rract was to the condominium development. 1 I wiff recount the facts .relevant to resoLution of the matter in summary fashion. These facts are the same as those post-Trial Iound by rhe Bankruplcy Courr in its Order, see Equitab,le Life Assurance Soc/y v. Sublett (In re Subfett), 995 F.2d 1381, 1384 (1lth Cir. 1990) (sraring that. rhe distrlct court is not authorlzed to make independent factuaf findings), and are suppfemented where necessary by rhe factua.L sratemenrs 'r rhe conLai-e.i rorricr., fhia .^,,rl- h:rtieS, Joint hes determined Pretrial that the Sfafenent , facts found I Il rn r , n u vn bv the Bankruptcy Cou.rt are not cLearly erroneous but are supporred by the record and reinfo.rced by che starements of couniel au the oraf argumenL on July 31,, 2014. 2 The parties often refer to the conceptuaf focations or the footprints of Lhe nine additional buildinqs as ..pads.,, This - ct ^,,1^+ -he nf nrr-ch:q,--q +j+'^ (4urcL condominium -^+ian ("the Chatham County Sheffer this ^-rPdLtJ F^ Lw r,7i lmi^^i^h vrtrrrrrr9Lvlr rt h r r v, s n h r r ra rYr qrlr'Fri a^ Action") : D,rrahrco the :nzt nine e:l .\f rf The ' joint tract ' 19.846-acre seII to the broughr -\r usy!!+v! Title of the had contracted Fosrer lime, hotel they owned an undivided the "common areas" in rr^e Quiet condomin Lumowners claimed that interest Lhe ofd in E^eror of severaf in units rY rin J l q aq l r rcL rL when apparent became omission a At building Adraamanr /$Dqa//l Under uhe PSA, executed on August 16, 2444, Fosler agreed to sell .{-f -^l^^A for l-ra-at-n nanci u v I r J ! J L r r rc r \j 'inrr a Lwo hundred twenry fee f^ ^,r^hra6 ^ l.-l h^t-61\ / thA o*t-ire a !r v arn rl r r j v r l-ha lql real Exhibit 'A' r-nndnminirrm naaJ sires agreed co convey "good and afso and to in hrri the Lract Idinn n:dq A Property"' whether l'iifmington 19.846-acre ninp in of (220) expansion of WilmingLon unit case is in this parcel or described ninc simpl-e title dispure cr-tica-l nf Foster Planlacion marketable tract more particufarfy . estate Lot, certain that "Ia]11 intended (Iess and except the 'l'hc nrrrr-h,eqe nri r-e was $13.2 million. The Sheffer sa l e of fu r hu e r Sheffer q6ir l6mant- Quiet o r ov ove r t _ uv) . P ! yr Quiet TitIe A.!raarnanl- rrY!vcrrr!rre . Tltle Action hnr,rarra- r'vqv r "r ,r'rrF 2005 plaintiffs Action r^rhorchrz was an impediment to the fhe n I : i n r i f Fe FOSter and entered : c reed the into ro canr:el a -ha fJa'-l Foster li< that nan.l'3nS notiCe woul-d convey Alcn t\^r,.r f itle inqrrr:nno fifed .la\7al^hmArl- +L'-i ^ -nt \ u ! / execuLed a general nnlir-iac Lrara 2005, iccrrod Sheffer the tLi -r - lLof L t^ Acrion"), Also, intervene in filed Quiet Title againsr in P-lantation "Homeowners/ Association") i - t^li lmih^1'^h Action serrfemenL, arguing rhar wart:anties. the l-awsuit to protect . Two additionaf Owner/s The first Homeowner's Associati-on's quier Quiet TitIe Chatham t-ha building (the sought relief of of were Tn. Assor-irrio-. board i-iIed in lawsuits Court of the ofd hotel irs a ro rhe suir che Superior condominium owners' association the deed. TitLe Quiet idenr- ical Action. Wifmj ngton A " r 4 7ri - ' ^ ^ * ^ ^ !vurrLJ n r n h l a m cl . r j u anoLher condominium owner fifed whjch was virrually the Sheffer l-ha vau! warranty Iawsu-it againsL WifmingEon (rhe "Radinick tirle ^F and construction to honor repair Wilrnington moved to to r-r+l-\ a moLion to enforce Foster had failed inrerescs. l-ho owners and a -Ioan policy.' November plajntiffs r,f ^^^n Foster a n o w n e . r 's p o l i c y In :n halicrzi-- i.\rr uni-t On August 2, 2005, Wilmingron and Foscer c-Iosed on had been resolved. ^f the of i-- property. h^j-h ./rmnl interest ' --:rn L vrsrrLr +^ pqA lnr^r any f -l1re ' r f \ ! execute nA/^aee;ir(7 l-ha :l and directors. The date/ Wilmington's lender was Amsouth Bank. On the closing Amsouth Bank recorded a deed to secure debt, securj_tv daad :-rl :sei^nma-r- Of fease and renLS jn the Charham Co,rn.i, Superior Cou.rt. These documents evidenced a secured note in the amount of $9.2 milfion. -^^^-.r - - . - ^ t ^ 'F u Tl^p Srrne-i nr r c - 'w 'r-u t L J ,- r . "i -h.l r nn :t resofve I i-la i ^ alf l -l ^ a 1 n r . n e r f 1., tvrlu+y r l e J q r aa r aJr n r v vsu r:! Lv! ^n.l Cou1.1; , ur u ,f ly t t -ha \/- /' -^-A C o u n s e . Lf o r Af t ha rr.-rnoqa ^diz6 1^hn6^f ^r a homeowner Radinick -he rh^ nerd ino > a med tL rr-a r r- ^ r r r u q l h la i_aLiOn WaS CO "cl-oud on the aSSOCiated settlement SireS -he Lhe hearino. of record forr- j-nclude the ConClUSion the rhe nandrrnra^ .1f to issues rhe i^+^ narrr+ I]o b-Lock the on the site. ConSoIjdated Fha outstanding relief buildinqs 2h r - v vnuA -/-r ann.\rr.i-i inrrnlrzino ;^in+ -^l- r\re of the additional, construction mo-lr i'.i frrlurrr Dvu9, On nerfics announcement, stated: We have also worked up a proposed first amendment to the decl-aration that reffects that removaf of these nine pads from the a,rea in the clecfaration so as to effectuate thei-r being a reformation of the original declaracion an agreemenL [T]here's i c a1-'1i n:l-on -..any ! vrr !rLrf rr9 ue,rt "nn, er circumstances to submiL any of rhis properry that's defined in two of the terms of the declaration of ..-\\/an^nj- q l.\rrr j-hp\/ hr\)a cF\ran rraa r< f rnm 1 q LTrrl \r 20061 to do that, to bring that property in and to submit i-t to the declarat.ion for the terms of the covenanr and decfaration. It's my undersLandinq ,a q.\ F-.] ro ennl -gs ro the parties Lhar acrions, ri nhrq .hi e rrrrrqrre thc all of nendi -o the y!rrurrrY have relinquished rearr\/errz nf arrnrnorrt rheir q Faoe against the other, and we anLj cipaLe thar che parties wi-LI execute a globaI or murual re-Lease of any and al-l liability other than as agreed herero today. ' On September 20, memoriafizing I alnh:l f h:f the Counsel mr !/ ha r-\a-:'4i nd a "Consent Order" t.erms of for earl-laman]- 2006, .rf the Wilmington -t-t r^^,.^- sett.Iement a-Lso srared -^..l orr!.r a tr Ir , r runur r y was enteredf announcement. LhaL k vw ^ rnrn c r, iL was "a : rrr Lr Lr d n r y r h irn n r . : , che Consenc Order concained che following CritjcaIly, to refative . provisos tltfe: rof armarl ^r-cna-ri \zal \7 wouLd Fa The Declaration -q ann6\ hrr an Amended (taking on July effect Declaration which defined n i ne new hr i I cl'ro sices on nrnnarl ttt/ fr',r as $ar"lr"li l- inn:l the 19.846-acre tract IJ!vrI/LLLrv!!r frrrrrra riarra sa.-r)r j-v anSnrrf l^, s building . l nnm,:nt dceri n-I v enr-rrnh^rerl pads on the 19.846-acre the nine new and sitei to the nine new Wilmington acknowl-edgedholding title pads descrlbed in the Amended Declaration. buifdinq Th-c rhrn'rrrh rhe Cnneanf Ordcr : nr r Ir qr - abouL wheLher che sale o[ property was for the entire I lrr rrrc the Record" Tr. of raenl rrcd in or just F.\cl-ar'e f l^A na.- i ac ha,'l che nine building f :\r.r Argument on Jufy Oral a from Fosrer to Wi]mingLon 19.846-acre tract n:r{e d4 riI / c Ln! r r f v q 1(oo .Fnr 31,, 2414, aL 14t26 a. m. ) Moreover, the Consent Order contained a pr:ovision in Paragraph 12, which reads as foflows: that is the intent of al-l- parties this It a global- settlement of afl issues Order constitutes pendinq in each of the referenced cases. Tl-a -ha nF rt- i cs -a'arqa snpr-i c j 6-:1 1 \/ :n\.' nl:ins or a).r-Fn' nnien- :nd ov4]uclg f t.6fn ial r-l ai'nS between and relating to Mr. Fosrer [Wilmingconl pertaining to the homeowners expenditures associat'ion or rhe devefopment of Lhe property that ara rol before narf 1-he ortipf the Courr. f uanaa,.,narcr I is nf r-lai.nq t Additionally/ ^c-^-i:r :.Jei-qf j-il-lt i ^^ rt- :dr ral.e- jr<i. in. ^-finn which any claims M- is by Lhe rOStef and hOmeownefS dues for payments advanced are not part association l-h r s n f afl reement . thereto The Consent Order and the Amended Dec.Laration attached in were recorded nv: I v-of o r.^,lmanl- nrn v - oL9ur.tuIL rl a n ifll^ , r l a s9 fs deed book of the . T rrJr uu l rr o lnr f l : e nY s " { r ! or v c ?1 nr 2A1 A the nrininrl vcrqi66 The parties nl:l- lL-rh u Lf . ^ t,4uL : n P lrvr^-f r w i oy n mareq f v u^ i ^ rLiunr t e ^ l ^f rL_^ !a rr nr^n/-\qarr and courses maqnetic ninc F!vr/vv! -acla,'l rod nl,a- ^-f:-ha.l A-1 to produced an enfarged r . fr r l - l _ _ l vl rhe _1_+ +L' _^ LrrlvqY PraL/ 9frraf hrr'i ldin.rq distances.' :ra cleqr-ri anr Fr.ra.l /This '^l^ pads or the nine buildinq that which the Court can ascertain rdna marked as Exhibit L:re Amended Decfaration. : q r-lro 1' which is ^ !f v i d i na nreqi to the 2006 Consent Order, .rarcian During Chatham County. hcd nlal- hrr IS ' The "Consenl Order" present.ed for entry by the Superior for aII of the parties. CourL was an abundant opportunity Indeed, it appears that each of the -Litigant.s had bona fide conf .Licts. The levef of to resofve aIf existing intentions a fiv er r a Y :nr1 +^La r' -h. " Jr r c cmnl orzed or effort suggestion of deceit A nna l 1 i n /-l- I \/ .\klcp inl-enl- I hF nf p2--i no.1^l- aq nr^^acc The "Merits withheld. r\/pq Brief : here The Lamentable facts -hc f he cc do not hlll f-nr arise r he from aCUS Of hired to effectuate omissions of the professlonafs Foster's atlorney erred in First, that intent. + r ir I! !i rn Y r a ' q l-^ rhc ri 220 units on the additionaf Declararion upon its creation r-if rq fI a E a a , , 'n ro rrrryt Lvm y n c r : Ye't un a n r - :n.l nl ahl- i-^ dovcl nn fha in the 20-acre tract in I998. Second, the nci na €-i : r r-n - - -a " c y rn -I l ^^ to catch the error when the safe cfosed and the Third, aff of the Warranty Deed was recorded. attorneys involved with the Consofidated Litiqation a Consent Order capable to construct . faifed ns n r r i e re +ir rn o Y Ys+v rqarkel-ab-Le ensuring Foster commitments. title honored his in [J.i]6jnn-nn construction ar'd warranty ^n\/ of ^ ^ , . r l -L ^)nl ( I !(JUJ ^,.^,rc+ 1t ! 1\U9L,l5L 72.) Exhibit as Trial identified )UV Z^^ n - -L l^ | l E LlrdL r notified the confeffed and Wilmington ^ - - * rL f s c ^ have Par (Doc. an exact copy of the requesLed plar. are unable ro find No. 27.) t r a l lLa w fi n n t Y u l v ru hra , u rvf hired enrrrrj produced marketing rrnirc i..-l uniLs in rat-: fin:nr-inn oqr to arp ronroqan-ino C)r.ler- to be q to fo he pre-sale m:rker and fhe owner of nre-qc j Wil.mngLon building. itse-f Wi Imi n.rl.n constructed. the taci-litate a.rcnj- proposed first f--nqFnl buildings maLerials i no...l ra^l Lhe rhF design to architects of Lrrg! of l I sought nine the (Doc. No. 4, at 11.) Accordingly, despite the best efforts of to whom their intentions were the parties, the professionals tjme and aqajn. enLrusted failed, Moreover, u!9urLtELrL a close / r !T r \ i '1)\ F iv !^ r ^^ -^^ n^^ i.,fA.l arrq r he nrcqi submitted di nn irrdrrc at wi rh oral r_rr,arre of the nine separace property validity forth Exhibit A-2 to the in Amended doubts as Lo the rlesr:ri nf i.ns sef n^^r ---r the plat of review I c:rrce .\n UEI/J lL-rhua r r 'r lu^ " u l it n r s A-l Exhibic of the Courses and distances cannot necessarily A m e n d e dD e c l a r a t i o n . Of equal imporcance to the suffice -[or "metes and bounds." is the accurate verbaf or visual cfosure of a description denicl- io- of .1-s no.1i - n'nrrnr-l in 1 - l ^ rs c a s e Point A. See L36, 139 (1951) (finding a Cal lawav v. Armour, 208 ca. n t . ^ n F r t -\ / r ' l a q r - r n f i r r n i n S u f f i c i e n t i where there is nO def i-nite Dodd v. Madaris, 206 Ga. A97t 499 (f950) begrinning point),' /h^l.iin^ th:l- in : crril- fnr l:nri : nr^nFrl rz rJecnrinr inn uri l-h point sta.rting is unquestionab ly Loo "an unascertainable afford a basis indefinite to for any and uncertain idenrj fication of the property soughL to be recovered") ; G9!ld (finding a property v. Could/ 19A Ca. L32, 136 (I942) \\urorlznoqc ^ac-Fihri^n,c in raenar-r rn daf ininn l-ha haainnina point on locating fatal") . the boundaries Thus, the efforts to sett.Le their uftimate result of the parties' differences through the Consent order and AmendedDeclaration narr L:r,a hoen frrrq-r:-ad in the decision fnr 1/Ff an^j-hF- of the Bankruptcv Court. I.eaSOn nOC diSCUSSed li - r , , - L -t L !i . ra r r 9 ^ n r .,u i n:rjc lrauJ. nr.rnrlqF.l hrri I,l i nos IJ!vPv'!v T n iF !e!b r uua rr v s ! he Order. .if'arq fr IF.! ^ m.'-ion -hc :.r f h i rrq valjdiLy cleni ed motion the the SeL aside ASSOCiatiOn. of Consent the and -he Consent Order. rrnc^ t hc rz:I icli trz of Corrrt +l-^ Of contending thaL it Wilmingcon opposed the motion, Snnerior to unmeOWners' F^ctar. aLt.acked the harl relied an\/ CourL based upon repair che Superior f i 3 rv zr i rn Y r r, was cnani f F"^qrAr in 2006 Consent order .Ji qr)ul-es rltatFd however. 200F j rrr urJyuLsJ -^nc- t ^{l ri r rl L ith ^ -r ^ Y L v r r r r :h Y to set aside the The Consent Order. ^n v'L ' 1' 1 arrnrrel- breach of contract filed pq:rr rrk1- !ru P Ln lt . \ / u , r a nAfrtion filod: nnmnl:inl- of the I eoa I n p ra n r a d vhi uv-uu of titfe. '" a( Disrr'.:l 1-ha claims of Chanfar under Souuhern When ir fhe GForoiA- of claim in the amount of $21,138,884 c]aims rhic in Foster asserting relief for a prool lrlilmingL.on fifed tr^<t-ar n^r.,n and breach of the warranty c..)rrrl lv ^Ja c a - l r tr/ nr lo n i I s v v e Uv I ^ J il m i of Georgia against Middle Discrict E / . \ e fa r ?n]n rrqYuJL in the nrnnf u!vv- Dr st rr r-t nf MidoIe nf r-l:i- r i ! - a-f i F-^ f rry Cenroi ,r 16r?^,-l defenses, 1^ r^-^l"in^ v!19 r ^ Ii l m i n a r n n t c rrrrr'{rrrY rurr Court denied cross motions for and thereafter o nrnnf Ir!uv! nf clrih tL r ra -h E R r u ru ! arrh l^z! r rP ^ lL y ^\, summary judqment by the parties conducted a three-day trial of the matter on l v t I v v ! , q v r entered its Posr-TriaI Order denying 10 Wi Lmington's proof of ^r ^ i6 L _Lcr-lrrr. . -^< r ^ ri l m i h ^ l ^h yLvt' vv.i rL'Li c ->nna: . PPL l s h h a .q f ! e A.i Ac the nninf azi I/JrrrLev ^ r1 r r v L Consent 2006 iI , u u Y l.L.Urr r r A rLt - e t A d a -.r r ialCoa . t-ha 6 trnqi- or so. f iled : -'l n^rties' .'^r'rf Lve, ha At the sumnary the nf that intent lan|.arv infent- Ir'e!L4!v attorney n-n^cadi l/!ve! e awnl:i nar"l I hp Ehe detailed mediation the trial nrnrr r,-lc:ca fhe Bankruptcy the At the ?O11-\ inr:lrrde the during nn of 16- fo Moreover, Esq.u FosLer's a^rrrt- Bankruptcy the the Bankruptcy Court aptly i n . - r fu hi v ' c cfal-a O-da- C^r'rl lnpn_ was ambiguous and ascertain to :rr.l haci determined ConsenL Order Thomas Nash, FLe af r^r t u o,,n l z n , ^ lt-/^ L' u y u and righLful-Ly .'7^l of rnf .rv cnrrr- order, Nash was :r fu]crum the RL:r n !k Ir e' s-- n f !u r! q / y !urIJLvurrrY of in vuurr an.l aorrnqFl the a triaf rocna.f u is R^nk- of Post-Triaf testimony Pr i-ha \!-!-!. arridannc tt dr i! r L L t ri rnYr r r - a n ' q lm r Order, conducted therefore In its f-nrrri LEGAI, A}IATYSIS Order provision release nrrr !h y / .\ Post-Trial Court's t-hic l rIT. dr i-^ i ci in on aq folfows: My inLenc with regard co this and fol )owing four lawsuits and three days of mediation was to resolve -- -har coufd everv sinole marrewaD PsrrLrr i'9 have been pending or that was raised in any way -a^. u n y ! s v q -! r l fi - ra r-a-ved w- ithr. L cfaim rhi nrt r rJ e r n o u av! by c z { a \ rl a lP -r \L Lm r rn f uu!u u l rl ea L two nf the I imired vprv Mr E.\el-ar' T - t.-\ harr?5 vlJLr- r r ^ r .q r th^ihoFn hc r1 L s:v ^ - - ! ^ E ex.Fntions ir 1-.,\r a I I \r -ah^l tollu for E\/Fr\/land w€ 1--hat dealt :.r-.rrrnr^ homeowners' assoc.iation An.l .t And hina r-^mnI j common al<c ctal rr resolved. Foster testified that he had spent $2.4 million Additionafly, his obligations under the 2006 Consent of all in satisfaction issues order and would not have done so if he thouqht title t-t- of the Consent Order, Court examined the effect rvrsa L trr irn n rc g iLhr a r ! af rirla F F ^ k r ' -qn ef y in .\/ !urrJ!! rho n inc brrildino Cr.)r-rf noi ntpd or]l-: " Tn f he Wr r Ll ' tnr iYnv.r r t . ) 1 Yr J r e i :nr'l ^ r ^ n a .c - r u y / r y! uP t lt- .' rLv rLhr F ! r nnn..lnmi ni to was entitled the entlre r 'r .,^.n^- a n n v vm L vr < e a dJ v s L n rt n s r :c Consent Order the A_./ n rnu. l de' elJv.r ^€ uI n a -! t asi n !i r' n+ r a Y r L tn c h.hlzrrrnf -LL =:l lo^ shnrf nf befieved hrri that Foster it ns fa rhe a- -arq rha rcl caqc !r! a J v - n- n ri Y q^er r n.] nrnrriqion of che evidence,- A.r E ' u j - Er ' r ' ]+^ -crgcr>s j -h r . r r . r h cannot of and concluslons i t tad lil r v url , > f a r r n r! o o d uy esu I lu - -a -h L ih^ 200 6 reassert harf^rm:nna lJr!lvr rn rr.lan r:-rr t r, l ri l r Li .n r rt r- \ j m ln v fha L arr / ur nf ^r -i-^ of Settlement those ...lrrrqa parties. carroral .\f in claims n:da :nn l-ri-l rrri rf rn-r^h ..,rrr't d h < - -:u J caSe-from Finally, tocrifia.l lh-r r n rrlc q r- reavr_ ra r r J thiS the Consent Order resol,ved the titfe l.lin^ iOnal I^lilminoton anafysis r hi q l-nrrrr - or^r remained between the sLiI.L was ^raa LrrdL nf addit l ) nprj-:i and therefore dPPCd!r mamhar nino rarri Declaracion add sound and supporLed by l-ij-'a.1 .\t LO against a claim n- n - Y -rrn^j-^h tv^Y . r L t ( l ! , r g L v : tI- issues titl-e is nnrtn uulll-IduL, IJL il- ve;rs derzcl.rnment order's hr o a df i . L :r l-harain v, f hi rr^ I d-L-L amended As 19.846 acres." While the Post-Trial .- llm cannot now assert Plantation Idw qe\/en ni rzen ldilminofon- Lo nine buildi ng pads, and agreed to title was the WiLmington Pfantation aLLached to the 2006 Consent Order' named Lhe declarant j-n n:cls is, that the Ken Krafr, fhll- a r^li lrr-^F^r vYf arLrrr'guvrr issues as to the h>rza faa <imnla and be able to devefop the property. titfe ' Here, the Court adopts and incorporaLes hereln as irs own the concfusions of law expressed by the Bankruprcy Courc narrFrniro fo l-hc relaa<a nrnrzi cinn paoes 34-37 of the Post-Tri-al Order. L2 nf the ConSent Order at and :nv q r r . r , r a q rc . .r t-ha fn .]^ aF vL Ra:rh^L u r run f | J l -rP el dn :c .'rr wh'-f fv lvi f flrmLi fh .r yY L r l fhe L v,l .r r nrnfaceinn:l tLh raL . qrn. n JUYYraqiq UJ nq: !r F i o e y a r rLoJc, r v r ir r qJ L e,,l in1-^: a a l - ' I -l a m c n l - qnnFrr nr Cnrrr ^ n l' ' , ' vL t i^ rha release of ir L'hAt har l-,rri lrlira nrorriarrelrz againsL Foster. F^qfcr i-ha arrreed rnd ire 13 of fow' thaL nr..aqq it was that had it : in tiLIe nlah:l therefore does not now to the determ.ination r-l:imc r'laim. the counseJ-. entered inrzalvinn l-ifla cannot nou/ asse.rr and breach of warranty nronf to thiq dPP-Lr\,olrE r-h.F ale .irrelevant iFf resolve rnraan protestations rclo,asad its to parties rhe co larrerino rel mcdiAfinn fhc dr Court Tr n J<Ltve a td - . qu by nrric contract th-nrrrrh lhiq \ I -drrLr f r c- --- rq JJs, failed enrril-ablt Because of the re-Iease. it cLaims of breach af a.'arrqt ^..1 1? between Wilmington's it- la.'r^- r^rbereh\/ 'f h : r z e o o o d m a r k e t a L r le t i t l e ^f \'Shor]l,a aqkc: rhrorrr-rh :.rrapmanr claims appropriate. iI have represented qY{v!r'r!1r! nina lawvers) rrn.n lo -^ Court- are obligated h:ced 2006- - fheir rrde l,rlilmington, short, this 1-. \rJv\-, Bankruptcy Courc and the In nronl y!!v!vvv r Lrray neiLher However, r^rhpn uJ -LrrrD ' nrl ' r lI i r 9 : r e d trq v lor nartias arrn- t/lvlLrDr :ra crafted may have fai.Ied qrrnr: 5 Iamentable. a.\rrrt um Condomini d>JuLs LU n / - \ l -p /qFA of inartfully condoned the llc(- e>>d!y n -i L I ] r ^-l L - mtiL L t -L r r u L ( . ) U , w i lL -^ _ ^. r ^ J li m i ^ ^ i n n nar r l n r - r -r-m.c n- -r j . -- DF.:l a ration who, presumably, ConsenL Order and those .,^-r v e s L e o^ . l nr I l-he .r'fli wLn those tc draffed who drafted aLrLlv-! ^rrE^ c v a r j of title IV. Upon sustained the foregoing, Foster's Accordingly. the hereby AFFIRMED. objecLion Post-Trial CONCLUSION Bankrup::cy Court properly ro Wilmington's prooI oI claim. the Order of The Cl-erk is oRDER ENTERED at Augusra, Septembet 24, directed ceorgja, to CLOSE this tnit 27h 2413, rs -qese. day of August, 2014. UNITED STA I4 S DISTR]CT JUDGE

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