Bazemore v. Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC

Filing 28

ORDER denying 17 Motion to Compel. Signed by Judge Dudley H. Bowen on 5/11/15. (cmr)

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ORIGINAL IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA DUBI,IN DIVISION *H'ollffffigu CHRISTINA BAZEMORE, ON bEhAlf and al-l- oEhers of herself situated, similarly cv 314- l_l-s Dlrinr.iff JEFFERSON CAPITAL SYSTEMS, LLC, . De fendant ORDER LI-',C's (",fefferson (Doc. no. 17.) oral for Capital") the reasons forth set Christina putative consumer cfass violaEed the bankruptcy statule conduct of to limitations viol-ates the Systems, arbitraEion. compel of the parties' briefs and DENIED herein. INTRODUCTION Bazemore action recover Debt has filed a that,fefferson Capital proofs cl,aim in filing debts defense. Fair ("Bazemore") al]eging law by systematically cases to Capital 23, 2OL5, the motj-on is on February I. f motion Upon consideration argument held Plaj-ntif ,fef ferson is Defendant lhe Court Before which were of barred by a Bazemore aLLeges t.hat this Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA" , ) 15 U.S.C. enrichment. ,fef ferson are !o mandatory subject CapiLal 'l Nl^tr6ml.\ar crediE card, s?oo (przanAff by the Imagine Bazemore applied Mastercard, lltl 5-5 & Ex. B.) Bank of First B) which, to accordj-ng $148.03 to according the card in fl 4.) is Eo the statement first with charged caused Bazemore to payment became due.' of $20.00. ,fanuary 23, a exceed the (Id.) The next billing 2006, reflected a of fee disclosed card (id,, until Bazemore charqed weeks. (Id.) Thus, daEe of December 2l-, On December 22, 2005, Erle account $9.95 limiL The credit not a closing (Id.) 2005, Bazemore owed 9299.69. was three for card was issued a $150 enrollment Bazemore, the on-l-ine a credit bil-l- is mai-1ed to the card holder. the first account with The credi! (Id. Delaware. accounE was j-mmediat.ely charged ex. claims BACKGROT'ND 2005, a Ehat Bazemore's contends arbitratl-on. II. nn unjust S 1692 eE seq.,1 and constitutes maint.enance $300 limit Bazemore paid before fee her that first the minimum payment statement, with $125 in fees, a closing including date of a $35 ' EC-q Crawford v. LVNV Fundinq, LLC, 758 F.3d 1254 (11''h 20L4], (recognizing that. a debt collector who files a Cir. proof of cl-aim in bankruptcy court time-barred the FDCPA). ' Bazemore woul-d have one more single (Ryan Aff., Ex. B.) on February ]'5, 2006. charge of $98,94 (Id. ) fee. " "overlimit fees, monthly $80. Bazemore owed $1-,153.18 on the account' she had charged total-ing $314. states United for ..rqp r-o <:ollect pa)ment the Jefferson be a part.y on the debt canitalto ,Jef ferson corporation in card account. account provided that to (Ryan Aff., correspondence tT 7.) in days of According t,o as compucredit appl-icants applicatsion the executive provided manager, Mr. Gregory Ryan, "Atlanticus contractual- services llmagine Mastercardl credit Bank of Delawarel ." (Id. related card u 4.) for Mr. to the services card the to Bazemore. Atlanticus known formerly business ten 5, October contained ("CompuCredit" ) , sent. new credit within The was OcEober 5, effective provision further ), bankruplcy Ex. A; Am. Compl. flu l-9-20.) purportedly explains her Eo own the debt. and therefore claims ( "Atl.anticus" a "we]come Kit" cerlain card was t.ime-barred arbiLration an capital- corporacion credit Resp. in opp'n, AgreemenE Cardholder Claim 31 ,153.18 owed on Lhe credit (see Pl .'s 2o!2. of in the y U d.rr\-.o't a Proof filed date thus, Chapter 13 protection Court. Bankruptcy Capital Jefferson 2006; At t.hat time, on the card and had made payments oflLy i247.01- In 2013, Bazemore filed last By MaY 2aa7, (Id.) betsween $35 to typically incurred Bazemore Subsequently, the marketinq and on behalf Ryan attests of of the IFirst Lhac the Welcome Kit the folfowing Agreement, a Cardholder contained arbitration which contalns provision: (whether in controversy or dispute ?\ny claim, at any time arising or otherwise) tort, contract, !o your Account, any transferred from or relating (coll-eccively, Agreement or t.his bal-ances \ra'le ims,, ) t t rE'n o n v r v" l-he alanf inn nf .rrnrr .\r rrS, Will be pursuant to this arbitration by binding resolved Provision and the Code of Procedure Arbitratsion ("NAF Rules" ) of the National Arbit.ration Forum ( "NAF" ) in effec! If for when the Claim is fil-ed. any reason lhe NAF cannot, wil-f not or ceases to will admj.nistrator, we as arbj-tration serve -^r'l^-^11,, rra.Lfurrarry recogni z ed anothe r subs t i tute arbitration of procedure utilizing organizaEion . a similar code UPON SUCH ELECTION, NEITHER YOU NOR WE WILL HAVE IN COURT THE CI,AIM BEING THE RIGHT TO LITIGATE ARBITRATED, INCLUDING IN A JURY TRIAL, OR TO ENGAGE IN PRE_ARBITRATION DfSCOVERY EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE IN ADDITION, THE NAF RULES. RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER TO ANY CLAIM OF ANY CLASS OF CLAIMANTS RELATING EXCEPT AS SET FORTH SUBJECT TO THE ARBITRATION. BELOW, THE ARBITRATOR'S DECISION WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING, OTHER RIGHTS AVAILABLE TO YOU IN COURT MAY NOT BE AVAII,ABLE IN ARBITRATION. \\Claims'/ covered Arbitration by this The term is to be given Ehe broadest. possible Provision by way of example and meaning, and includes, (I) CIaims arising from t.he l-imita!ion, wiEhout for or issuance, use, terms, change j-n application of terms, closing or col-lection terms or addition nf lrr)tt7' A.'..atltnl- a\r l-hi s AarrFFmFnj- OI. promo!ions or oral or written advertisements, your Account, to including any statemenEs related information obtaj-ned by us from, Claims regarding ^r ral.\.1r1-a,'i hrr rrq l- n .rcdi l- ranrrrf i n.r e *gencles or or Cl-aims relaEed to the goods or insurance others, purchased under your Account; or other services (II) you parent and our CIaims between rn.ri.\ri t1' .\k'rl a/l who I Iy or corporations, af f i1j.ates, predecessors, successors, subsidiaries, independent 4 aLh L I l, f h 9 L ^-a ' a v 9e ag v I ^f , f i ^ara ,.1i rF.l- .]r.q 'ranra<1411f 6r ^f i .tte< from your Account or this Agreement; and arising (III) enforceability Claims regarding the validity, Provision or this or scope of tshis Arbitrat.ion hgreement . entire (.l.d,, EX, A,' On March 3L, 2OO8, pursuanL. to an al-Ieged Billsold al-1 of its Atlanticus Capital fefl within llU c-q pool that rFr claims that (Simon Aff. Bazemore's (Id.; .fef ferson Bazemore fiLed accounLs. card credit see also fl 7 . ) account weinrels \ After of to a poof and interest Capital-, to Defendant Jefferson of accounts ,Jef ferson title right, of Safe, this Court. on October Bazemore amended her compfaint. a discovery large number of compel enrichment and interest cl-ass participants. Defendant issue, arbitration Thereafter, jointly of Before the requested Bazemore's court coul-d Capital ,fef ferson as an al,l,eged assignee claims moved FDCPA and of alf right, unjusE titl-e, !o Bazemore's account. on ,fanuary 9, 2015, stayed pending resolution After 2014. The parties cfaim, but t.he case court, 13, of of t.welve months because of the potential-ly period address the discovery to in state tshis FDCPA lawsuit was removed to it.s st.a1e proof filed capital a brj-ef ing period, motion on February afl discovery in this matter was of the motion to compel arbitration. the Court heard oral 23, 2oI5. Thus, the parties argument on the have had ample address to opportsunity and it arbitration, ripe is the adjudication. for provides Provision Arbitration ("FAA" ) a1lows an aclion Act The Federal- Arbitralion agreement a written arbitraLion "under U.S.C. S 4. A district. P'ship, Ranch Ltd. for Terminix F.3d 432 1327. shal-l- to compel arbitration." court must compel arbitration agreement to do so, a vafid it that 9 U.S.C. SS 1-16. Act. be governed by the Federal- Arbitration is Eo compel motion APPLICABIJE LEGAIJ STANDARDS II. The subjecL of merits the Int'1 1331 if 9 there Palmer co. v. (11'" Cir. 2005); Chastain v. Robinson-Humphrev Co. , 957 F.2d 851, 854 (11'h Cir. :-992l' (citing to construe lcourts] all 9 U.S.c. doubEs in favor by Archur Anderson LLP v. Cir. rr j- Cradi 2009) Anlrrf 2OO7), abroqated 556 U.S. Carl-is]e, innq q64 Tn. ("The FAA creates a strong requires generously, Becker v. arbitration." F.3d 1292, l-305 (11rh Cir. pi a=rrl clauses arbitration of "Federal- policy SS 2 & 3.) tr 1d federal resolving Davis, on other srounds 524 (2009); 1t4 q l?q? policy 491 see 111rh in favor of arbitraEion."). "The arbj-traEion FAA is reflects a matter the of contract" agreements on an equal Center, W., Inc. v. fundamental ,fackson, with principle and "places ot,her contracts. 561- U.S. 63, 67 that arbitration " Rent-A- (2010). In principles F . 3 d 1 3 5 9 , 1 3 6 8 ( 1 1 - i hc i r . contract Law formation of is because it or not "'a Bear Stearns & 2008))) . Thus, a court pleadings for purposes of provision enforceabLe and covers of Bazemore. Jefferson App'x 782, of whether v. Advisors, Inc. '785-86 (11th cir. information resol-ving outside the the motion. ^- o . -JtarL - . a 1 c o n t e n d s ^I \ uc!!srD\Jrr in the Cardholder has not arbitration, proven to that Agreement is valid the FDCPA and uniusL Bazemore resists Capital an I,EGAI, ANAI..YSIS Defer'--- arbitration KeyBank Nat'l- 201-4) (describing capiEal can consider IIT. As stated. F. Undef of the minds on the agreement Maqnolia 272 Co,, the governs of the issue summary di"sposj-tion (quoting arbitrate"' the " summary- j udgment - 1ike" as has been a meeting there apply ar.e feviewed .fohnson v. L294 (l-l-th cir. arbitration compelling that :rhifrafiDn summary judgment. 754 F.3d. L290, Assoc., state courts . l-^ r'.lmncl mofions for standard order particular the contracts.") F iLn4,La l LI v . L tt 1 to of 428 deEermining whether a agreement arose between the parties, binding the (" [I]n 2005) and Aerospace Corp., See caley v. Gulfstream enforceability. state-1aw appfy format j-on, interpretation Lo contract reLating court.s agreements, arbitration construing be the the and enrichment. claims arguing assignee that of 1) the provision arbitration 2) she did provislon parties; to no longer sustain cannot particular grounds; fa11 outside not The Parties to again: 643, 648 (1986) . of Am., 475 U.s. Pac. Life i^i|-ifi^h ^mit- \ursgufvrr Benefits. Inc. Inc. v. compel v. them lamnh:ci Commc'ns Workers to Amalqamated Life does not. extend unless the right policy pursuant Ins. to tso which of the nonsignatory between Ehe ^dAaA\ efrfad Eo arbitrate, arbitration. ("As a general compel arbitration agreement c have not. agreed 2014) the of Co., 462 E.3d 384, 396 (5c" (M.D. Ga. Mar . 26, signed the Court The "sLrong federal Ins. r-a,.ll way, where the parties cannot on these is a matter Brown v. court Courts Provision parties." a and FDCPA claims Ehere is a val-i,d agreement Lo arbitrate another tshe does not appLy to the determination arbitration tnn6\ the FDCPA cl-aims. of whether 1ai v the provision, " [A] rbitration AT&T Technoloqies, " below, arbit.ration Eo the Arbitration A point. worth noting conEract her 3) is procedurally the scope of t.he arbitration of cerms; between because Bazemore's however, compel arbitratj.on A, favoring objection Bazemore's enforceable As expl-ained unconscionabl-e. its provision; provision and 4) the arbitration substantively enforce cannot arbitration the is agree not arbitration will and tsherefore Co., See FirsC 20]-4 WL 1255200 rule, 'the a party arbit,ration is expressly right that to has noc is sought provided for in agreement. / " the (quoting Greater Mut. N.Y. rns. Rankin, 298 A.D.2d 263, 263 (N.Y. App. Dj-v. 2002) t . parties to the Cardholder provision Agreement containing Delaware ("we" or sus") and its A, Aff., Ex. party Eo the its status provision "assigns. " (Id., claims :qq.icrncc if seeking to Bank of (Ryan Capital subject an original relies upon Indeed, the to arbitration to De1a\,Jare's "successors" Bank of Ex. A, at 4.) nr not to compel- arbitration. defines First of claims is Capital ,Jef ferson rather, contract; the arbitration successors and assigns. Jefferson as an assignee arbitration include 1.) at Here, the Bazemore, and the First are the cardholder, Co, v, and Jefferson Thus, if m;\/ rnforce the capital is arbitration provision.l As the party compef arbitration, ,Jef ferson t court refer ,fef ferson capital- would have this the provision to whether it is a parEy to the arbiErat.ion issue of (See Ryan pursuant to the delegation clause. arbitration arbit.rabLe cl-aims to include E.hose Aff., Ex. A (defining \\-ad.r/li ! EY 4! srrr: hd t-ha rr: l i di l- r.. ay1f.rr.,a:hi I i l.\/ .lr q.'.rnc .\f tt tha provis j.on) . ) A delegacion cfause is "an agreement arbitration issues the arbit.rat.ion concernlng to arbitrate threshol-d W., Inc. v. Jackson, 561 U.S. 63, agreement. " Rent-A-Center, 68-69 (2010) . Thus, "gateway" cl-aims have Co be resolved by :n ryt|i t-rit-^y h^r: /'.jrrrf i r.r fhA Far-a aF - "-1iA /la a^r \ r c rl c v d { - i ^ u r ( J l l . However, if .fef f erson Capital is not a parEy to the cfause, provj-sion, it is a afso not a party arbiEration to the j-n, and thus, it cannot cal-ldel-egation clause contained That is, the Court must address the for its enforcement. agreement between the parties, existence of an arbitration from to is different challenges the validity, which agreement is enforceabifty, and scope once the arbit.ration determined to exist. ^ ^P*l . r r - ir I Lc lct r^-^ to agreement just rL^ l . r , , . 1 - 7 : l p n. ) f as a party proving its and ils of the evidence, has under terms an Of the burden 1aw' state of See, ; Grant v. Houser, 459 Fed. App'x 310, 315 (5-h CiT. 201-2) e.g., centrv v. 1229 (S.D. Ga. Enters. -Ga,, Beverlv s.E.2d capital Inc., 7f4 Swanstrom v. 2 O O 9 li F. Supp. 2d 1225, We11s Fargo Bank, 754 786, 788 (Ga. Ct.. App. 2014). expfained As briefly asserts demonstrated it acquired The evidence assignment. brief that in lhe preceding in support certain of right., all accounE to include in Bazemore's its exiStence upon a contract relying existence the a preponderance by arbit.rate r/ll r v l \ r i r r lnJc r . : } v titLe the arbiuration provided its section/ by .fef ferson molion weaknesses in the 4 Lo Jefferson and interest provision Capital by with compel- arbitration chain. n However, any The init.ial evidence produced by ,Jef ferson Capital- to lhe cardholder Bank of Defaware assigned First show that Agreement tso it consistsed only of Mr. Ryan's averments thaE contractual services related to AEfanticus "provided certain card" to Fj.rst Bank of Delaware. Ehe marketing of the credit (Ryan Aff. Mr. Ryan did not explain f 4 (emphasis added) .) formerly compucredit, acquired all rights, At.fanticus, how from Frrst Bank in the credit card account t.itfe and interest to ,Ief ferson Capital . of Delaware in order to convey it contended that it had purchased a Jefferson capital Further, receiving from Atlanticus, thereby "aI1 "pool of accounts" (Simon in Bazemore's account. rights, t.itl-e and inEerest" Aff. fl 7. ) .lef ferson capital attached a single page "8i11 of Capital , evidencing a sal-e by ,fef ferson unsigned Sa]e," (Simon Aff., Ex. between compucredit and ,Jef ferson capital . lists accounEs on "Schedule A. ) The Bil-1 of Safe purportedly was no L," but Schedu]e 1 is not aLLached. Thus, lhere vtas among those accounts sold evidence that Bazemore's accounts 1 - \ r' ra^m^rrrrradi t- t-^ .Taf f a1.c.\i.l r-.ani 10 l- : l of failure proof submiEted with clr.t evidence through resolved been reply its evidence now finds by a preponderance that of the card account as owns Bazemore's credit thaE it the and the Court brief, has estabfished capital Jef ferson record has dsDr-9rlse. To and Delaware Atl-anticus, card Agreement 1-6, 2005. enLered (Def.'s provides Agreement inEo belween Rep]y Br., that, on calendar month, compucredit interest to any "Charged-off when First Bank of Delaware on May 22, 20a7, pursuant Ex. the in l-ast business all Accounts." (Id' "charged off" Card Agreement. Ryan Aff. of to on February The Affinity wou]d receive of to an Affinity the companies A.s) Bank inEerest t.he Court right, Card of each title and day S 2.]-6.) Bazemore's L.he account. was transferred to the Affinity 5-7 & n.4; refers Capital- First between predecessor a compucredit, ,fef ferson Link first the eslabl-ish Thus, account Lo Compucredit (Def .'s Reply Br. at Feb. 12, 2Ol-5, fl 6; Weinreis Aff. u q) s Bazemore complai-ns tshat the Affinity card Agreement is provides Capital a viable however, .Tefferson unexecuted,' public filing with the to the Agreement's link int.ernet SecuriEies Exchange Commission. (Def.'s Reply Br. at 7 n.4.) Capital- in Given the balance of evidence offered by.Tefferson Delaware against Bank of its l-ink to the First esLabl-ishing Bazemore's lack of any evidence that the necessary link does not exisE, the Court finds by a preponderance of the evidence card Agreement existed between First Bank of that t.he Affinity De l-avrare and CompuCredi t . 11 ^f , r q f f a : . < ' . t'Ln Ct /,La n i lr q L' a l vs account rn .Taf fF1.qnn I in a pool was included Agreement and a BiII (weinreis Aff. incl-udes the Cenifel f .r fl 8 & Exs. A & B.) a balance of digits four that and i-nterest. only ,fef ferson to the acquired that the there The Deleqation determined Having enforce of Delaware, challenges arbitration contsracted to arbitrate the to its with the must right., was a of titl-e the Cardholder Thus, provis j-on but arbitration val-id, enforceable Bank of Del-a\^rare. is to unenforceabl-e arisinq !2 may seek of out because in of First Bazemore's Bazemore argues Bank of Delaware claims Capital i-n t.he stead now turn enforcement. First an account provision. ,Jef ferson provision Court provision of sale cfause t.hat the arbit.ration its to include agreemenE belween Bazemore and First B. the Bill by a preponderance arbitration may enforce extent Sale of Bazemore's account. wi-th capital- the containing capital Asset 1 referencing to Bazemore's account, Jefferson Financial the Courts finds evidence, the evidence Agreement Bazemofe's (rd. , Ex. B. ) $1153.l-8. Upon this that sol-d by compucredit This time, schedule of ending in the same fast a ,J. Weinreis Sal-e, executed on March 3l-, 2008. of port.ion shows of accounts y\rrrqrranj- Cani f a l ,TFf fcrson of Ms. ,Jennifer the affidavit through Then, she t.he first her that to Bank other the never i-nstance credit card Bazemore points Here, account. that she had ever with the arbitration not ,Jef ferson fnst.ead, approximately ten Thus, Agreement. Cardholder saw much less Bazemore ever c .:r.rlrmant. assertion 7-8.) 1f thac unconsc ionabfe Threshold in the the on-line ("lAl bound by l-hi Capital in there c rF.r,^].d is the Bazemore application no was signed evidence nlncalrr :l provision the thats provision. irrnc f,.\ ha1. procedurally is fhis Reynolds. about dispute Inc., whether clause arbitration raises to decide."). its throughout .'ase contains SEates Supreme Court decided by the court. of Teamsters 561 U.S.287, Int'1Bhd. a court such as enforceabiLity t.ypically are gateway for by,fefferson to sent" on-line issues of arbitrability, a given arbitrabifity' "a form ot" read the arbi-tratsion ( 2 0 1 0 ) ; H o w s a mv . D e a n W i t t e r United of has . Rock Co. v. nrorri si on Agreement Capital Bazemore never arbitratj-on consc ionabi I ity, (2002) been her after days say that have "would (Ryan Aff. submitted. cranite Jefferson che content can only capitaf Agreement cardholder R.'6m^ral Also, as !o no evldence and what Bazemore may have agreed to at that. time. application and provision. is there the Cardhofder a copy of received any evidence submittsed out that 13 537 V.S. 79, 84 parties the a 'quest.ion of Ehe arbitration a defeoefi .)n clarrse that are However, as pressed arguments, has held 295 "parties ThF can agree \gateway/ to arbiLrate .lclc.raf ion to avoid a party Id.. must aE 72. provision (finding party by not the challenge as val-idity Uhe the and In re checkinq Account Id.; specifically parties validity, the provision. arbitration clause delegation provision delegation chal-l-enging agreed Bazemore it' before fal-l-s within courE cannot In resofve fact, haraf nf rnrr manf brief i.rr1 7 scope" ^f of challenge the the Bazemore's claim saw t.he the conscionability clause; issues.? these issues because she never the delegation Bazemore's t- noE Further, specifically.6 arbitrate or does and any argument respecting the agreement to enforceability not agree to arbitrate thaE she did u clause. must enforce such waived argument that case. this "regarding nariaar].r]rr cl-ause, court) . the district this 58-59. to court a MDL No. 2036, 674 F.3d 1252, 1256 (11th cir. was unconscionabl-e provision the to the arbitrator. Litiq. overdraft fails "gater^/ay" issues leave and enforceability In then aE Ehe del-egation partsy opposing II.S. of a delegatsion challenge cl-ause direc!Iy, delegation 2012) the If q6l the applicat.ion specifically through arbitrabi1ity" of Fpnf-A-Ccnj-Fr. clalrse- rn order questions therefore, See Rent-A-Center, and t-ha of oraf dolcart-inr argument are nlrrreo Bazemore's substancive uncons c ionabifity argument So, too, does Bazemore's assertion that meets the same fate. cl-aims. More cannot be compe]-led for time-barred arbitration provision Bazemore contends that the arbitration specifically. I4 561 (finding 72-73 aE U.S. defendant's challenge arguments did not specifically at the "entire where they were direcled mention defeqation) to arbitrability to constrained partj-es that if appeaLing Bazemore Lo an inconspicuous provision arbitration in contemporaneousl-y given itself in my view, r- 'Fhp fact, an is to bind comprehensive j-s that application not is, unconscionable. F'ncPA Cfaims challenge that the Court. finds controlling. fha buried) the credit. one remaining ^f Indeed, agreement is c^^ha judge of unconsc ionabi l ity unavailing. (in issues presiding Bazemore's to her with argumenE, Bazemore argues i-h6 clause and did not gateway the There upon agreement" delegated arbj"trator, the observe are arguments the del-egalion . the Although unconscionabiliLy :rhi l-rafi.n t.hat. her nrnrri qi Bazemore touches that In brief and oral FDCPA cl-aims are on lqaF pl /s outside PFsrr in against her on october 5, 2o!2, sir1. ceased t,o be enforceable years after card the dale of her l-ast pa)ment on the credit in t.he Eleventh Circuit, Bazemore argues that account. cannoE be compelled for arbitration " which arose requiring contract during time periods in which no effective (Pl-.'s Br. at. 11-12 was governing the parLies. " arbitration ( Klay v. Alf Defendants, 389 F.3d 1191, 1203 (l-1" Cir. this regard, however, Bazemore's argument in 2 0 0 4) . ) challenge to the arbitration an enforceability constitutes provision, which faf l-s wilhin the delegation clause and thus directed to and resoLved by an arbitrator, must be 15 opp'n, at notice to the ("The arbitration 12-13 nrnr.adrrre ,/\ \ However, cl-ause. "wholIy groundless" See Douq]as v. o u a l - c o m mI n c . of to Rather, [is] (the courts Circuit of the reasoning a gateway issue not that to arbitsraLion. 2 O A 4 )i 465 F.3d 1356 (Fed. Cir. 2006). admonished that require 460 the mere existence that Douql-as, 757 arguments Id. all claims F.3d thaL at the appropriate analysis 2014)). 462. Inc. The as follows: concLudes that the parties did not. If t.he court intend unmistakabfy to delegate and cfearly to an arbitrator, Ehe decisions arbit.rability general rule t.hat the "question of arbitrability for judiciaf determinat.ion" applies . is and the court should undertake a ful-1 arbitrability thac the issue inquiry in order to be "satisfied" to arbitration. If, however, involved is referable concl-udes t.hat. t.he parties Eo the the court and unmistakabl-y intend to agreement did clearly Lo an the power to decide arbitrability defegate then the courE should perform a second, arbitrator, L6 be tshe dispute ( Aqere Sys.. 560 F.3d 337, 340 (5th cir. explained has Circuit of (5'n Cir. 757 F.3d arbitratj-on. co., by the should noE. be subject covered by the agreement." Federal scope the Efeventh have hel-d that must be "plausible v. samsunq Elecs. arbitration an Eo persuaded is cl-ause does not gateway there that v. Nokia Corp., a defegation sent Court Regions Bank, These circuit as contention courts point) addressed this is the circuiE federal through might seem to fa11 witshin the delegation provision arbiLration two This vj-ndicatse [may] only she rights statutory federal her that Plain€iff does not provide provision to inquiry arbitrability more limited of assertion whether the groundless." detsermine is "wholly Quclsarn$_J-rrc* 465 F.3d at 1371 (quoted sources , if YU Fl-,a *inm=ral has nothing ae her can tel-l arbitrator in inquiry as nf free of InterDigital Commc'ns, LLC v. now to .fef ferson Bazemore any and of between her and First nrr.l /.^mm l-ha that her cl-aim agreement, federal- Id. court?" arbitrability a limiLed is "whofly Trade Comm'n, 718 F.3d Int'f f ha Court cfaim that Bazemore's the Court is obligated all to bind cl-aims herself that Del-aware.8 Bank of i n .\F l- ar:1- irrct- must. conduct Capital's inLended arbit.ration I irirr 2073)). FDCPAclaj-ms are arbitrable, whether to "int.end arbitration in question 4 at 453 (quoting Oual-comm, 66 F.3d 1356, and Id. Turning her a court groundl-ess." 1336 (Fed. Cir. l-r^t- instance to file wheEher a claim to ^rLri at agreemen! the plaintiff first the quesEion, this answering arbitration to do with whatsoever and she shoul-d now feel In an did cfause, 757 F'3d Douqfas, " the perEinent signed a defegation + r lr - r r ^ r rYd lL u ! vq r what must be arbitrated that amplified plaintiff lhe containing intent. Circuit The Fifth 464. is: the parties' a maEter of In . reasoned t.hat it CircuiE the law-that reflects "most accurately is the Fifth test, the QUelS.eI0E adopting omitted) rcanhi ncr musL first l7 fh i c forever might It secOnd conclude to inquire is ever to exist unreatistic .! | ari that .\f fhF Bazemore this Court ceded her especially payment, that to concfude and implausible no rational- finds she has. basi-s to f ederal- consumer protect.ion when her calculation, FDCPA cl-aims More specifically, concl-ude rights are that to arbitraLion, focused incurred delegation clause, and "rel-ating however, the wit.h it.s t'o" Bazemore's Court broadfy t.he terms use of account, must ba]ance court that to "arising favor federa] with The courE the bank but upon the conducE of a debt collector.e LhaE the FAA would have this the not. upon or non-pa)./rnent on a debt is mindful Bazemore read the from" arbitration; policy against to defegat.e the power to "c1ear1y and unmisEakably intendIed] Here, the court has to an arbitrator." decide arbitrabiliLy grave Bazemore',s acceplance of the relaLed !o concerns with its delegation cl-ause. The only provision arbit.ration that record evidence of her acceptance is the Ryan affidavit at.tests that Bazemore "would have been sent" "a form of" the Cardholder AgreemenE ten days after she applied for the credit ^rrrl -rr'- l i rra l q/ > : a a \ ! P\r^n rlier' Aff '.+- i t lll t lll ?-R ) .Taf farqnrr c^hif,al Agreement, nor has it cannot produce an executed Cardholder Bazemore was given at produced evidence of what information This leaves Bazemore wit.h the task the time of application. that she did no! receive the cardhol-der of proving a negative: is it only by a slight evidence, AgreemenL. Upon this preponderance that the Court concl-udes that. Bazemore agreed t.o Accepting that. she did, the court the delegation cl-ause. to determine moves Lo the next scep of the Oual-cemm test Capital's assert.ion of arbitrability for vrhether .Tefferson B a z e m o r e ' s F D C P Ac l a i m s i s " w h o I l v s r o u n d l - e s s . " i of pa)ment, calculat.ion, or nonIndeed, ques!ions palment on a debt woufd f ikel-y be subject to arbitrat.ion. In this case, there is no evidence that Bazemore ever contested or the accumu]at.ion of fees. the amount of Ehe claim Bazemore's case is not about the existence or amount. of any Capital soughE to debt but grounded in the methods Jefferson emr:Iov . 18 the strong principal purpose abusive unfair, can sign consumer away her right protectj-on to do so, intent is that Bazemore's not absent cl-ear such intent and within fa11 compel arbiEration Bazemore's of on a discovery this 548 ("[A] rbitration the lhe argument scope Thus, of this the Court FDCPA claims. coNcl,usroN ,fef ferson capital's motion to enforce (doc. no- 17) is DENIED. The parties arbitration courE under unmistakable in " ) . Accordingly, FDCPA cfaims upon the foregoing, Ehat a consumer not manifest Inc. t 475 U.S. at rv. to confer is a practices. federal agreement is whol1y groundless. arbitration will in from consumers collection to seek relief of contract a matter pro!ect Court cannot conclude laws see AT&T Technologies. to debt and deceptive anoEher way. this Stated is which of consumer advocacy 1aws, the in its federal- intserest plan are directed to incl-ude the timing for class '0 This concl-usion is buttressed by the fact lhat there or read t.he is scant evidence thaE Bazemore ever received agreement. and her last in involvement this arbitration First Bank of Delaware. was in 2006. accounts, and with any right. that Firsts Bank of Defaware or itss assignee Further, h:n f^ = .lebt prior ceased over two years Lo .raFFarcnnl a r'.a?1i t-..1 f r f. i I i r r Y r ! f nr . ' , . \ 1 - , . \F . \ . r f , v! P!vv! ru ra e hr .1^-1 c^ - L L r L . ! L l d!.^+ Irl'olL ^-.i r Dd.-L(r, rr^^ urrE: Court emphasizes the fact that an FDCPA claim is focused upon vis-i-vis a consumer, and not the conduct of a debt collector relationship between a lender and a borrower. the contractuaf Thrrs . l-he vi ol ati we conduct in this CaSe tsime-barred proofs of c1aim, arises filing at best, Bazemore's account tangentialfy. 19 i a dac,anl- i rrcl rr from or relates to if discovery, for motion case deadl,ines joint their r-hi rr-r' this submits motions. dispositive plan rla.rr< hcreof . The parlies for approval Thr narf.i es this to should to aLLow a twelve-month disinclined of discovery shall submit Court within know that discovery the period In the absence of agreements, each partsy shalf case. proposed a close such as expert. disclosures, discovery /?o\ ls court in of t14>ica1 as well, as any other certification, class and filing and Lhe submission of Plaintiff's appropriate,l' pLan discovery for Lhe Court's cons iderat ion , ORDER ENTERED c r . L r-tl-rv LrD Ld,, \JE!J!Y-Lcr, - t.his May, 201-5. Ll The CourE is aware that both parties represented to t.he ,Judge on January 9, 20]-5, that t.hey United States Magistrate discovery. did not desire to bifurcate The Court is simpfy nrnrridin.r positions t.ha narfies on that l-he onnorf point. 20 nifv tO reCOnSider t.heir

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