Ameris Bank v. Lexington Insurance Company

Filing 102

CLERK'S JUDGMENT that in accordance with the Court's Order dated 9/21/17 granting defendants motion for summary judgment, judgment is hereby entered in favor of Coastal Biofuels, Inc. The Clerk is directed to close the case. (wwp)

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AO 450 (GASRev 10/03) Jrdgmentio a CivilCase United StatesDistrict Court Southern District of Georgia Ameris Banlq as assigneeof the Federal Deposit Insutance Corporation, receiver ofDarby Bank and Trust Co. INA CryIL CASE JUDGMENT v. CV413-241 CASE NUMBER: Lexington InsuranceCompany CoastalBiofuels,Inc. Jury V€rdlcL This action came before the Court for a trial by jury. The issueshave been tried and the jury has rendered its verdict a Decisionby Court,This actioncamebeforethe Court. The issues havebeenconsidered a decisionhasbeen and rendered. IT IS ORDERED AND ADJT]DGED that in accordance with the Court's Order dated9/2lll7, grantingdefendant'smotion for sumrnary judgrnent, judgmentis entered favor of CoastalBiofuels,Inc. The Clerk is directedto closethe in case. 9/22/17

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