Atlantic Waste Services, Inc. v. Mack Trucks, Inc.

Filing 32

ORDER and Notice of Pretrial Proceedings, (Pretrial Order due by 7/21/2017). Signed by Judge William T. Moore, Jr on 6/21/17. (wwp)

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i::i " ' . 'i u.: ,, . i -:i:.I, IN THE LTNITED STATESDISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERNDISTRICT OFGEORGIA'nr1.ltj:: pii Z:?B Zr SAVANNAH DIVISION ATLANTIC WASTESERVICES, INC. ) CASENUMBER CV A1A "rl1 ) MACK TRUCKS,INC, AND NOTTCE OF ) ORDER PROCEEDINGS ) PRETRIAL IT IS ORDERED that lead counsel for the parties in the captionedcase are instructedto meet and confer, in person,and to prepareand file with the Clerk of this proposed prehial order.The proposed pretrialorder shall be Court a joint consolidated filed by the closeof business on Friday,July 21,2017 . Counselfor the plaintif(s) shall have the responsibilityto initiate complianceherewith.The form of the proposedpretrial order shall be in accord with the attachedinstructions. party's A failure to comply with the requirements of hereofmay result in dismissal the complaintor answer or in other sanctionsdeterminedappropriateby the Court. The Court will not pretrial order prepared acceptfor filing any proposed only from telephone conversations. pretrial order shall include a paragraph The proposed statingthe date and locationof the meeting,the durationof the meeting,and the namesof all counselor partiesparticipating. If any party in this caseis not represented counsel,such party shall be obligatedto by comply with the requirements hereofin the samemanneras counsel. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this casewill be scheduled the Clerk for a by pretrial conference.At the time of th$ pretrial conference,the Court will approve, l ll of disapprove,or direct amendment the proposedpretrial order. Lead counselfor each pafiy shall attendthe pretrialconference. thereto,which have All evidentiaryobjectionsand motionsin limine, and responses shall be submittedin writing at least not been resolvedprior to the pretrial conference Five(S) daysprior to the scheduled pretrial conference. (p1gpqDgdjgt{lD will not be pretrial order which axenot consolidated Proposed for of accepted filing without the wriften permission the Court. ORDER ENTERED at June Savannah Georgi4 this 2/{ day of 2017 DISTRICTruDGE STANDARDI}{STRUCTIONSF'OR CONSOLIDATEDPRETRIAL ORDERSIN THE SOUTHERNDISTRICT OF GEORGIA [THIS DOCUMENTAND ASSOCIATEDFORMSMAY BE FOUND WITHIN THE COURT'SWEBSITEAT www.gas.uscourts.sov.l pretrial numbered serially below: ordershallcover followingsubjects, the as Theproposed (NOTE:IN PREPARING PRETRIAL EACH TT{EPROPOSED ORDER. REPRODUCE NUMBERED ITEM AS A PREFACETO THE MATERIAL SUBMITTED SETTING FORTH THE OR DO NOT USE APPENDICES MATER]AL SUBM]T'TEDIMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER. BY AUTHORIZED THE COURTOR CALLED ATTACHMENTS EXCEPT WHERESPECIFICALLY FORHEREIN) l2l and l. Counselareto discuss agreeon everypossiblefactualstipulation.The proposed to stipulations mustbe reduced writing, signedandfiled with the consolidated pretrial order as ATTACHMENT "A" hereto.Stipulations can spare witness testimony, trial time, and expense.If a party feels the other side is in bad faith refusing to stipulate,they shall set forth "proposedstipulations"on ATTACHMENT "A'" Costs of proving what, at trial, was never really disputed and what should have been stipulated,may be taxed againstthe offendingparty and attorney.Thosecostsmay includewitnessfeesand additionalattorneypreparationtime costs. prehial order,the partiesmay, but As ATTACHMENT "8" to the proposed 2. which they desirethe Court to propoundto jurors are not requiredto, submit questions concerning their legal qualifications to serve and any other questions they wish to voir dire propounded informationpurposes. the partieschoose submitgeneral for If jointly asone attachment separately or questions hereunder, they may submitthe questions asATTACHMENTS"B-l' and"B-2".' Statethe namesof all parties,firms and attomeysto be usedin qualiSing the 3. jury. Statethe name of any insurancecompanyinvolved, and whether it is a stock or of who aremembers any firm involved of mutualcompany.Statethe names all counsel counsel may be requiredto disclose fee on a contingent basis.At the pretrial conference, policy limits and detailsof any insurance coverage. 4. Identi$,,thebasisuponwhich thejurisdiction of this Court is basedandany questions to relating itsjurisdiction. Any 5. List any motionsor other mattersin the casewhich remain unresolved. party. shallbe deemed withdrawnby the moving motion not so enumerated pursuantto the Local Rules.The dateof the All discoveryis to be completed 6. completionof any untranscribed and conclusion the discoveryprocess the expected of deposition shallbe stated. case(s)are 7. State whether the names of the parties in the above-captioned completeandcorrectandwhetherthereis any questionof misjoinderor non-joinder. I information(name,address, spouse's The Cout will requirethat eachjuror standandgive personalbackground employment, rteednot be included.The Court will propoundquestions conceminglegal qualifications. employment, etc.)and suchquestions l3l 8. ff(s)' case. Outlineof plainti NOTE: SHOULD PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO PLAINTTFF(S) THIS PARAGRAPH.AT THE TRIAL, IT WILL BE USED BY THE COURT IN DIR.ECTINGTHE CASEAND INSTRUCTING THE JURY. factualandnarrativestatement ofthe Plaintiff(s) shallfurnish a short,succinct, cause of action. This statementshould not be argumentativeand should not recite In evidence. no eventshallthe statement morethan onepage. be 9. case. Outlineofdefendant(s)' NOTE: DEFENDANT(S) SHOULD PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THIS PARAGRAPH. AT THE TRIAL, IT WILL BE USED BY THE COURT IN DIRECTING THE CASE A}{D INSTRUCTING THE JURY. Defendant(s) shall: (a) Furnish a short, succinct. factual and narrative statementas to all and defenses(general and special).This statementshould not be argumentative be shouldnot reciteevidence. no eventshallthe statement morethan onepage. In (b) In ali actions involving a counterclaim,cross-claimo third-party or should summarize matter,using the outline requiredas to the action, defendant(s) the main claim. 10. In all cases whichviolationofthe UnitedStates in Constitution a federal or or statestatuteor regulationis alleged,the parfy making such claim shall specificallystate the constitutionalprovision and/or statuteallegedly violated and the specific facts on which such allegedviolation is based.The party shall detail the damageor relief sought pursuant suchclaim andrecitesupporting to authority. 11. In tort cases, parry bearinga burdenofproofshall list eachand every any actof negligence intentionaltort reliedupon. or (a)Undera separate stateall relevantstatutes, heading, rules,regulations and ordinances allegedlyviolated.Also, reciteany supporting authority. t4l (b) List all itemsof damages claimedor non-monetary relief sought. (c) In all cases injuriesor death,furnish involving allegedpermanent as a full statement to the age,alleggdlife expectancy and/orprobabledurationof the injuries,andearnings, to incometax records otherrecords proveearnings. or 10 12. In contractcases any otheractionnot addressed paragraphs or 11, or in ofcontract any party havinga burdenofproofshall outlinethe particularallegedbreach ofaction, enumerate applicable involved,and or the basisof any othercause any statute or supporting authority. detailthe damages reliefsoughtandreciteappropriate 13. Ifthere is any disputeasto agency, ofthe partieswith statethe contentions respecl agency. to 14. Statewho hasthe burdenofproof(including any affirmativedefenses or who hasthe openingandclosingarguments thejury. to specialissues) and 15. Underthis paragraph, both plaintiff(s) anddefendant(s) shouldseparately list the witnesses at whom eachwill havepresent the trial andthosewhom eachmay have present the lrial. Witnesses intended be usedsolely for impeachment to shallbe listed; at however,if a party hasa genuine reason not listing anddisclosingan impeachment for witness,suchparfy may address Court exparte andseeka ruling asto whether the that disclosure may be properlywithheld.A representation a par'lywill havea witness present party unless may be relied on by the opposing noticeto the contraryis given in suffrcient time prior to trial to allow the opposingparty to subpoena witness ot obtain the pretrialorderis filed, the his testimony. a witnessis not listedwhenthe proposed If Court will not allow the additionof a witnessby any party,EXCEPT for providentialor othergood cause shownto the Court by application amendment this Order. for to NOTE: COUNSEL MUST SUBMIT TO THE COURTROOM DEPUTY CLERK THREE COPIES OF THE TYPED WITNESS LIST AT THE PRETRIAL CONFERENCE. 16. All documents and physical evidence at that may be tendered the hial shall be exhibited to and initialed by opposingparties prior to the pretrial conference. All evidence shall be markedby the partiesprior to the pretrial conference, the partiesare and encouraged submit a .ioint exhibit list on a form suppliedb).,the Clerk. If separate to exhibit lists are submifted, they shallbe submifted the forms supplied. on Duplications of exhibitsshouldbe avoidedto the extentpraclicable. Exhibit lists shouldbe submitted pretrialconference. materialthereinshallbe identifiedas follows: to the Court at the The t5l (a) A list of documents physicalevidence and submitted joint exhibits. as (b) Wheresepa.rate are being submitted, list of documents physical and a lists plaintiff(s). Copies of such exhibits shall be evidenceto be introducedby the providedto counselfor eachotherparty. thereforshall be statedin writing and be filed five (5) days Objectionsand reasons prior to the time of the pretrial conference. Items not objectedto will be admitted at whentendered trial. (c) Whereseparate a and lists arebeing submitted, list of documents physical of such exhibits shall be Copies evidenceto be introducedby the defendant(s). providedto counsel eachotherparty. for thereforshall be statedin writing and be filed five (5) days Objectionsand reasons prior to the time of the pretrial conference. Items not objectedto will be admitted at whentendered hial. (d) Any documentor other physical evidencelisted by any pady and not objected to, or to which objections have been overruled, may be received in evidence offer by any otherparty, in the eventthe listing parfy doesnot actually on offer it into evidence. (e) The foregoing shall not be deemedor construed expandor limit the to generally. rulesrelatingto the admissibilityof evidence NOTE: COUNSEL MUST SUBMIT TO THE COURTROOM DEPUTY CLERK THREE COPIES OF THE TYPIED WITNESS LIST AT THD PRETRIAL CONFERDNCE. All exhibits shall be crossinitialed by the attorneysfor the parties and properly tagged as required by the Local Rules of this District. This cross-initialing procedureshall be completedwhen counselmeet to confer on the preparationof the pretrial order. 17. List all witnesses whosetestimonyby depositionwill or may be offered by each party and the specific depositionpagesand lines to be offered. All objectionsby t6l partiesto any portionsof the deposition(s) shall be set forth with specific opposing therefor. to reference theporfionofthe testimony to objected andthebasis (a)Prior to trial, counselshall confer to eliminateall extraneous, redundant, counsel in the deposition matter, lapses,and colloquy between and unnecessary testimony to Counsel shall alsoattemptto resolveall objections deposition excerpts. to be offered. (b) The parties shall, if practicable, conform depositionexhibit numbersin of and trial questions testimonyto the numbers trial exhibits. provide a memorandum authoritiesas to any of 18. Each party shall separately questionsof law likely to arise at the trial, including the merits of plaintiff(s)' claim, asserted, mattersofevidence,etc. defenses 19. Plaintiff(s)'counselestimates counselestimates case;defendant(s)' 20. Plaintif(s) Defendant(s) (days)(hours)to present plaintiff(s)' (days)(hours)to present defense. the hasnot offeredto settle. hasnot offeredto settle. has has It appears this time that thereis at of _ A goodpossibility settlement. possibility settlement. of _ Some _ No possibilityof settlement. The parties settlement, do do not wish to confer with the Court regarding which shouldbe covered pretrial order,including 21. Stateany othermatters by rulings desired the Court prior to trial. of ofliability anddamages 22. Statewhetheror not the issues shouldbe tried (bifurcated) separately andgive any othersuggestion toward shortening trial. Where the is opposed any party,suchparty shallstatethe reasons suchopposition. bifurcation by for whereeitherparty requests 23. In cases bifurcationofissuesor a special verdict,submita copy of the proposed verdict asPLAINTIFF'S ATTACHMENT "C" andlorDEFENDANT'S ATTACIMENT "C" hereto. and Lead counselareto discuss agreeon suchspecialverdictwherepossible. is Whereagreement not reached, statethe basisfor any objections the specialveldict request. to t71 24. In non-jury cases, partiesshall eachfile their proposedfindings offact, the summary of depositions,and conclusionsof law not later than one week prior to the assigned trial date. pretrial ordershall be signedby counselfor eachparty and 25. The final proposed as shall containa final paragraph, follows: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the foregoing constitutesa PRETRIAL that it supersedes pleadingswhich are the ORDER in the abovecase(s), hereby amendedto conform hereto and that this PRETRIAL ORDER exceptby ORDER OF THE COURT. shall not be amended This of, 20 day DISTRICT JUDGE UNITED STATES t8l

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