Khalidi, LLC v. The Paper Tigers, Inc.

Filing 4

ORDER directing the Defendant to file within 14 days from the date of this order an amended notice of removal. (Compliance due by 12/5/2017.) Signed by Judge William T. Moore, Jr on 11/21/17. (wwp)

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IN THE IJNITED STAIES DISTRICT COURT EOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA SAVA}TNAH DIVISION R A M S E Y H A L I D I, L L C , a G e o r g i a K i 1 1 r . r L r m 1 L e o rl 1. a^o^r. _ r Ll y. , T I -.1 !^,. /-^ LUmpany, Plaintiff, c A S E N O . C v4 7 1 - 2 3 4 V. T H E P A P E RT I G E R S , I N C , a n TlI innic U. S. DISTBICT COUFT South6rnDlstrlctot Ga, Filsd in Otfice a^r^^r.ii.\n Defendant ll ,, _ ll l2r roll ORDER Before 1. ) However, notice of rl'versil- v The bears lha l . \ F j -w e e r partv invokino S 1332; LOB2 of Bonner v. Citv (en banc), 1981) lL a v insufficient i6c Removaf. contained to estabflsh a^-^F.]in^lr/ days removal that AlAn-^r-ar dcci ' this Court's adequacely pLeading Ray v. (5ch ci tizenship t.In n-e.F/ianj- of alfegations fout'teen of Notice in (Doc. the complete ra.^..1rht from l-ists the the date jS of thls citizenship of s members. 8.2C, 1081, diversity Defendant's ^.rf within file Lhe burden of 28 U.S.C. ^rr^- are an amended notice Pfaintiff' ts!!vr is jurisdictional the removal DIRECTED to order Court the Bird Cir. r upon ("The Lhe l , r r i c-r. l-i .n , - - l O n .J- c o m p - L e L ed i v e r s i t y . Son Asset Ig15) is r.{irr-rcirrr Rea-Iizatj-on Co., burden parEy of invoking See 519 pleading federal of Pric ha{d , 66L 8.2d L206, 1-209 (11rh cir. Circu it the El th adopted as bind ing si_6n5 6f thle f o r m e r F i f t h C i r c u i t handed down 1987. l l l l l l irrrrsrlict n.arl- \/ ion. a lsn -irrriqdiar anllinn Grcanq 1020, F.3d the MHp h^s srrff citizenships no member of delendants r L }r Tr of r above, /-^q6- is lhe of in of the ir ^-rr i^- noti6e of LLC. the the rhis r e m o v a - Lw i t n i n members SLate StaLe of fou rteen of wiLh is to is Lheir CO insufficient days from the date for comp]ete 1082. include a list cjtizenships, of states that under pri nc;pa-1 place 1 ql 3.) esLablish file ion thaL and exisrinq its (Doc. Ramsey Court J iabi IiLy allegat merel y organized wiLh 31 4 , na+ hOCL estdblishing DInECTED to Plaintiff r' IjmiLed general notice ofl Ceorgia." Ls noL sufficienl Defendant the al The Georgja r nrnnar removal does not members, along a l-ist Ray, 519 F.2d at PAILIEJ. tl^F tLo citizen bu rden lS I ; members of Georgia / \ \ --r!.!' / \ \ un.l-linnc ^d Furrhermore,' the a of The E-leventh Circuit a.l..lreeci a Georgia Corporarjon Accordingly, afI a-Il t-h6 L:urrpdrry S^u 2004). Lhat ,its members are citizens. COmCaSt i n E^r ' / l irr-h - ll il - " - -i -y c ri L - i z c -r s' D ri rn P u jr 4 l h r Ramsey Khalidi, "Plajncifi business rL rtl'E p ih^ individual laws r,.-i - pvnl LLC is hU t r r a a n J o PLainti if the Cir. car ry ro 1- is h Lhe V, of an ' which any of (11th j //\ n r l 1v . !\ 4 v I i m i l a -r -" -i jn Id_ aL IA22. company." rrirrorcif : L.P. hee- ir-icnrlv .\f rerrrer] - rhal nrnnerlrr F 4 inn 102I-22 AnnFa's a'lane hrrrr]o*] eve-ry staLe of ciLizen is c..lir:t ion irrri f ha |''a:-s rlir;oreitrr nf an,^l i' af As discussed compLece diversiry. an amended notice of Khaf j-di this order LLC and of Iisting their ni + -i z a n All ch i ne other deadlines in this case wiff remain rrnr-hrnnari so oRDERED "nr"rZ/!'o^ .' ^f l\r^r/6ml^' av 1n1'l W I L L ] A M T . M O O RT J R . E U N I T E D S T A T E SD I S T R ] C T C O U R T SOUTHERN ISTRICT OF GEORGIA D ' The Courl wil I not accept Ar.\r a^^r,.- n.rr l r nc -11^-^+.1 6f removal that ny racfuaI r a-L egar ron ni anoma: I contained in an ear]ier fi ) ing , or o f f e r s o n - ly : amendment. Defendant's amend d notice e of remova.l should be a qi anc]-el nnc f'1i^.r tharind nendenfI rr r-nnra irs the f actua.l all prr^ i- i^h< :l l n _ -q _ _A ..' o _q ; _ l r y co estabfish diversity between the i n--rn^r.atoa h\/ 3

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