State of Hawaii v. Trump

Filing 131

MOTION for Pro Hac Vice of Michael Baker Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-1841996.Thomas Benedict appearing for Amicus Parties Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, Reverend Curtis W. Hart, Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, Rabbi Joy Levitt, Rabbi Joel Mosbacher, The Sikh Coalition, Reverend Timothy Tutt (Benedict, Thomas)

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Illb f)IIlA f Itcv. Q2 JI-7) Mutton to Appear Pru I luc Vicc UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT f'or the District cif I-Iawsiii State of Nawaii, et al. Case Nn. 1:17-cv-00050 Pta;,urlr v. Donald Trump, et al. /.~eJcrrdarrt MOTION TO APPEAR PRO IIAC VlC~ {Attach Dcclaratioi~ of Caunscl in su~porl of motion. $300.00 assessment required to be paid through Name of Attarncy: Michael I3akcr Firm Namc: Covington &Burling, LLP Ti~7t~ Address: One City Center, E3S0 Tenth Street. NW Washington, D.G. 20001-~19fi5 Aitor►~cy CM/ECF mb~~ker Z{, Primary email ~ddress: Finn Telephone: 2(:l2-CG2-6f)(1(1 Party Represented: Amici Curiae Interfaith Coalition NamclAc3dress of Local Counsel 't'hc~mas 13encd;ct G~~odsill, Anderson, Quinn & Stifel First Hawaiian Center,99913ishop Street, Suite 16000, Honolulu, NI 96813 Tirm Fax: 2t)2-~62-6291 to LR R3.I(e)of the Local Rules o!'Practice for il~e United Slates District Court liar Q~e District of I lntivaii, the undersi~tied applies for zn order permitting the above-n~uned attorney io appear and participate as ec~unscl pro hoc vice fi r the above-named party in all matters in t1~e above-captioned case ar proceeding. This request is bascci an the declaration ~~f the aUomey seeking to appear pro hoc vice. 3/r ~ ~ ~~ 7 Datccl: 1~~/~~~ Signature' Michael Baker (Print narnc if original signature) *If this motinn is being signed Uy loud counsel on behalf of the applicant, the sibnature constitutes consent tc~ the designation us ;►ssc>ciate cawisel; otherwise such consent shill be filed separately. lllf)007A (Rcv.02 /111 [)cclar;itinn of Counsel UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ror tn~ District of[-Iawaii State of I~iawaii, ct al. Case No. 1:17-ev-00050 Plninri%/' Donald Trump,ct al. Ur%ndrutt llGCLAIiA'T1UN OF COUNSEL (Attach Io Mution to Appear I'rci Hnc Vice.) Name of Declarant: ~ Michael Baker I am not a resident of the District of 1~Iawaii, am not rebularly employed in the District of Hawaii, and am not rebularly en~;zbed in business, professional or law-related activities in the District of Hawaii, and that: 1. The city end state of my residence and office address is: Washington, D.C. 2.[have Ueen admitted to ~~ractice in the falic~wing courts an the dates Hated: W~ishington D.C. Court c~C Appeals: January 9,2017; Supreme Court of Virginia: December 3, 2014; U.S. Court cif Appc:uls Third Circuit: July 18, 2Qlti, 3. I cam in hood standin}; iUIC~ Cllbi~)~C lQ (1filCIiCC 111 ltl@ fIIIJOW111~T C011l'lS ~CIlCIilC~lill Illy SIaIf' "All of the courts identified in parabraph 2"): All of the courts identified in paragraph Z. 4. 1 (a)am not currently involved in disciplin~iry proce~:dings before any state bar, federal bar, or any equivalent; (b) hive nut in the pt~st 10 years been suspended, disbarred, or utherwise subject to other disciplinary procecdinb before any state bar, federal bar, or its equivllcnl;(c) have not been denied admission pro hoc vice by any court car abency in the past 1 Q years; find (d) have not been the subject of a criminal investigation know to the attorney or a criminal prosecution or conviction in any court in the fast ten (10) years. True. 5. If I atn concurrently making or ly~ve made within the preceding year a motion to ~p}~eur pro hoc vice iii u case or proceeding in the District of I-lawaii, the title and nurnUer ofeach matter is stated below, tobether with the date of the motion and whether the motion was granted. 6. I desibnate the fallowing to serve as associate caunscl who is a member in goad standinb of the bar of the United States District Court for the District of I1lwaii and maintains an o['fiicc in this district, with the address, telephone anal fax numbers, and e-mail address noted: Thomas 13cncdict GOODSII_1_, ANDCRSON,QUINN d~ STIFEL First I-tawaiian Ccntcr,999 Bishop Slroct, Suite 1fi00 f-Ionolulu, E[1 9ti~313 T:(ROS)547-5600 F:(8(18)547-588Q ~: thcnedict 7. CM/CCF: Fi/iab► dnrrrurents electr~~nicullJ~/Receiving e-m~ri! notiftc~ttion. Full participation. I am requestinb a waiver of the required CM/ECF trUining. 1 am a rcbistered user of CM/ECF in the 1'ollowin~ Bankruptcy and/or District Court(s): O Full Computer Training {Cf3T) D 1 andparticipation.available onII~sedUSDC District of completed. I have completed Cf3T modules 2 currently the Hawaii websitc ~t: ~v~v~v.hid.uscourts.~ov a. b. c. J. I will abide by all orders, rules, and iuiministrtUive procedures governing the use ol'my login and pzissword and the eieclronic filing of documents in the CNUGCF system of the United Stfites District Cc~url fur the District of il¢nvaii. Use of my LM/GCF Uscr Icigin and pnsswurd constiiules my signature c>n 1n electronically tiled dacu~nent for .ill piirpascs and sfiali have the some force and effect eis if 1 had al'lixed my signature on a paper copy oi'tlic document being tiled (full ptirticiP~ftion registrants nnly}, 1 may .iutliorize one ur rnore employees ur uf~ce slafl' members to use my login find password 1'ur the electronic filing of a dacumenL }Ic~wevcr, such use constitutes my signtUure on tt~e clectremically fled document. 1 will not knowingly permit use of my login and password by unynnc nt~! so authnrized, t shell take steps to prevent such iuiaulhorired use, and 1 shall be fully responsible fur sill use of the login and pF~sswurd whether nuthorizcd car unsiuthorirad. 11'uuUinrirutino to use :i lo6in and passworJ is withdrawn lag,. when a staff mcmticr Ic,~vcs cmplciymcnt) or if unauthorized use cif a~ login food pt~ssword is suspected, 1 shrill select and activate a new password I'or use in t1~e CMJLCF system. I also shall immediately notify the court upon learning of any unaulltori•rcd use. I undcrstancf that failure ~o cbnngc the paisswc~rd and nutil'y the court may result iii sunrtions (full purticipatic~~i rcgistriints only). 'Phis registraition constitutes any waiver of service of a ra~per copy of ~i notice and ti rcyucst in writing that, instead of ncriice by mail, ncriice ne sent to me by electronic transmission through Q~e court's CM/GCP system. This also cc~nstitutcs my consent in writing lG~ accept service of documents by e-mail through the CM/fiCF~ system. I wit! maintfiin an active c-ms►il account fur entice and srrvicc by cleclronic ir~insmission, tmd will keep such e-mail riccounl inl'ormulion current in my CMICCF Uscr account. I dect~rc under penalty of perjury tl~rat the foregoing is true end correct.(Attach any additional pages if any further explanition is needed) Dated: ` ~~ / ° 1 ~ d ' Signature CONSENT OF LOCAL CUUN5~L (Local counsel nu~y sign below if'conscnt is not rccc~rdcd clsc~vhcrc.) E Dated: ~ ~lI'Y.~1 11. ~.D17 _ ~`~ Signature [N TI-~C UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF HAWAII Case. No. 1:17-cv-00050 Suite of Hawaii, ct al. ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE AS TO Plaintiff, Michael Baker vs. Donald Trump,et nl. Defenda»t. ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE The Court GRANTS the Mohan of Michael Baker Appear Pro Hac Vice. Name of'Attorncy: Michael Baker Firm Name: Covington sc. Burling, LLP Firm Address: One City Ccntcr,85U Tenth Street, NW Washington, D.C. 2(}Qtll-4~)(i5 Attorney CM/CCF Primary email address: mbaker Firm Telephone: 202-b62-6UOU Party Represented Amid Curiae Interfaith Co~~lition IT IS SO ORDERED. DATED: Honolulu, Hawaii, to

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