State of Hawaii v. Trump

Filing 177

MOTION for Pro Hac Vice of Seth D. Fiur Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-1843212.Claire Wong Black appearing for Amicus New York University (Black, Claire)

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HID 0074 lRev. 02 /14) Motion to Aþþear Pro Hac Vice UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Hawaii STATE OF HAWAI.I and ISMAIL ELSHIKH ) ) ) Case No I : I 7-cv-00050-DKW-KSC ) ) Plaintiff ) DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity as President of the United States, et al. Defendant ) ) ) ) MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE (Attach Declaration of Counsel in support of motion. $300.00 assessment required to be paid through Name of Attorney: Seth D. Fiur, Esq Firm Name Proskauer Rose LLP Firm Address Eleven Times Square New York, New York 10036 Attorney CM/ECF Primary email address Firm Telephone 212-969-3000 Party Represented: New York University (as amicus curiae) Name/Address ofLocal Counsel Claire Wong Black, Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing 1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1800 Firm Fax: 2t2-969-2900 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Pursuant to LR 83 . 1 (e) of the Local Rules of Practice for the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii, the un<lersigned applies for an order permitting the above-named attomey to appear and participate as counsel pro hac vice for the above-named party in all matters in the abovc-captioned case or proceeding. This request is based on the declaration of the attomey seeking to appear pro hac vice. March 14,2017 Datcd *If this motion is being signed by local counsel Claire Wong Black Signature* (Print namc if original signature) on behalf of the applicant, the signature constitutes consent to the counsel; other-wise such consent shall be hled separately. designation as associate Llll) 007À (l{cv ,02 /14) Declaration of Counscl IJxtrnn Srnrns Dlsrrucr CoURT for the Distri<;t o1'Hawaìi STATE OI" I-IAWAI'I ancl ISMAIL ELSI{lKl-I, ) ) Plaintilf ) ) ) l/. IIONALD J.lltUMP, in liis offrcial capacity as Case No 1: I 7-cv-O0050 DI(W-KSC ) Presidcnt of thc United States, ct al. ) ) Defendant ) DINCLARÀTIOI\{ OF- COUNSEL (Attach to Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vìco') Name of Declarant: Seth D, I'-íur, Esq t¡e Distr.icl of l-Iawaii, am not regularly ernployed in lhe l)istrict of [fawaii, and am not regularly busincss, professional or law-relatecl activities in the District of llawaii, and that: I aur not a resiclent ofì engagecl i¡ 1,'I'he city and statc of my resiclctrce arrd office address is: New York, New Yolk 10036 (Ofhce) North Caldwell, Nerv Jersey 07006 (Residence) 2. I havc bcen admittecl to practice in the followiug cclurts on the datcs noted: of Appeals for the New york (7116/lÐ;U.S. District Cou¡t lbr thç Southern District olNew Yorl<(2l17lI5); U.S, Court 'ltiird Circuit (7 / 121 | 6) 3. I anl i* g'o¿ standing ancl eligiblc fo practice in the f'crllowing courts (declarant may state "All of thc courts identified in ¡raragraPh 2"): Alt of thc courts identifìed in paraglaph 2. a. I (a) am lot cur.rcrrtly involved in ctisciplinary proceeclings belìore any state bar, fecleral bar, oL any ccluivalcnt; in the pasf l0 years been suspenclcr.l, clisbarred, or otherwisc subject to other disciplinary procecding (b) havc 'ot by any court ot' before any state þar, i'ecleral bar, or its equivalent; (c) havc uot been denied admission pro hac vicc (d) havc notbeen the subjcct of a criminal investigationkrlow lo the attomcy or a agcncy inthe past 10 ycars; ancl nrosccrrlion or convleliotl in atty court in tlie past ten (10) yeals' ",1i,.,-,inal If I anl concurrently rnaking ol havc nrade within the preceding ycar a motion to appear pro hac vicc in a case ol' luoceediug in thc Distlicf of Hawaii, ths title ancl nlulbet' of eacli mattcr is stated below, logcther with firc date of the motion ancl whether thc motion was glanted. 5 I designatc the following to serve ns associate couusel who is a mcmbcr in good standing of the bar of thc Unitecl States District Court for the District ol'FIawaii ancl maintains an ofl-tcc in this district, with 6 the acldress, telephone alld fax nutnbcrs, and e-mail acldless noted: Clairc Wong Blaok, Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing 1001 tlishop Street, Sttite 1800 llonolulu, Hawai'i 9681 3 Tcl: (808) 524-1800 Fax: (808) s24'4591 Email ; cblack@ahfì,com 7 ' CM/ECF: FÌlíng clocttments elactronÍcallJ'/Receiving e-mttÌl notijicutiotl' par.ticipation. I anr requcsting a waivcr of the requircd CM/ECF training I am a rcgistcled user of CM/llClì in the fbllowing Bankruptcy and/or District Court(s): Southern District of Nerv York !'ull participation. Cornputcr Based 'lr'aining (CB'l') completecl. I itave completed CIIT'lnodules I and 2 currently available on the USDC District of Ilawaii wcbsitc at: www, b. d. I will abide by all or{crs, rules, ancl administraiive procedures govcrning thc usc of my login and password and thc elect¡onic filing of documents in thc CM/ECF system of tbe Unitecl Statcs District Court for the District of Ilawaii. Use of rny CM/ECF User login and password constitutes my signature on an electlonioally filed document lbr all purposes an¡t shall have the same tbrce and effect as if I had affixed my signaturc on â papor copy ofthe clocr¡rnent being fìled (full participation registrants only), I may authorize one or more employees or office staff members to tìsc rny login and password fbr the electronic filing of a rlocurncut, I-lowever, such use constitutes my signature on the elcctrotlically fìled document. I will not knowingly permit usc of rny login and passrvord by nnyone not so aurhorized, I shall take stcps to proverìt such unauthorized use, and I shall be lilly rosponsible for all use of the Iogin ancl passworcl whethcr authorized or unauthorized. If authorization to usc a login and password is withdrawn (0.9., when a staff rncmSer leaves omployment) or if unautho¡izecl use of a login and password is suspected, I shall selsct ancl activare a new passworcì fbr use in ths CM/ECF systern. I also shall imnrcdiatcly notily the court upon lcar¡ing ofany unauthorizetl use. I undcrstand that failure to change the password and notify the court tnay rcsult in s¿rnctions (full participation registrants only). This registration constitutes my waivcr of service of a paper copy of a noticc and a request in writing that, insteacl of noticc by rnail, notice be scnt to me by clectronic transmission through the court's CM/ECF system 'Ihis also constifutcs lny consent in writing to sccept scrvicc of doouments by c-nrail through thc CM/ECF system. I will maintain an active e-mail accor¡nt for noticc and se¡vice lry clccfrouic lransmission, ancl will keep such e-mail account information current in my CM/ECF User account. I declare under pcnalty of perj ury that the foregoing Ís t.ruc ând correct. any additionai pages ilanY furthcr explanation is necdcd) 13,2017 Datecl: March Signature co-rysnNr o¡'LaÇAL souN (Local counsel may sign below ifconsent is lìot recorded elsewherc,) Datecl Signature IN TT-IE UNITAD STATES DISTRICT COURT F,OII TI"IE DI STIìICT .OF. S'IATH OIì I-IAWAI'I and ISMAIL EI-SHIKI-I, Plaintiff, ) ) ) ) ) VS I{AV/AIt Case. No. l:17-cv-00050 DI(W-KSC OI{DNR GRANTING MOTION TO APPI]AR PRO I-IAC VICE AS TO Seth D, Iriur, Esq, ) DONALD J,'IRLJMP, in his ofïcial ca¡racity as Prssident of the Unitecl States, ct al. ) ) ) Defenclant. ) ) ORDER GIì.ANTING MO'TION TO APPAAR PRO H,,\C VICE The Court GRAÌ{TS the Motion o¡ Seth D' Fiur, Esq Appear Pro FIac Vice. Nanre ol'Àttot'ney Seth D, Fiur, Iìsq Film Name Proskauer Rose LLP Finl Address Eleven'l'inres Scluare Nerv York, Ncw York 1003(r Attolney CM/llCF I'r'imary email address SFiur@prosicauer,com Iì'irrn Tclephone (212) e69-3000 Party Represented New Yolk Univcrsity ( as amicus curiac) IT IS SO ORDERED. DATE,D: Honolulu, I-Iawaii, to

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