State of Hawaii v. Trump

Filing 180

MOTION for Pro Hac Vice of Terrance J. Nolan Filing fee $ 300, receipt number 0975-1843220.Claire Wong Black appearing for Amicus New York University (Black, Claire)

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HID 0074 (Rev. 02 /14) Motion to AÞÞear Pro Hac Vice UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Hawaii STATE OF HAWAI.I and ISMAIL ELSHIKH ) ) ) Case No. 1:1 7-cv-00050-DKV/-KSC ) ) Plainti/f DONALD J. TRUMP, in his official capacity President of the United States, et al. as De.[endant ) ) ) ) ) MOTION TO APPE,AR. PRO IIAC VICE (Attach Declaration of Counsel in support of motion. $300.00 assessment required to be paid through Name of Attorney: Terrance J. Nolan Firm Name New York University Firm Address 70 Washington Square South - 1168 New York, New York 10012 Attorney CM/ECF Primary email address terrance.nolan@nyu. edu Firm Telephone (2r2) ee8-22s7 Party Represented: New York University (as amicus curiae) Name/Address ofLocal Counsel Claire Wong Black, Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing 1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1800 Firm Fax: (2r2) ees-3048 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Pursuant to LR 83.1(e) of the Local Rules of Practice for the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii, the undersigned applies for an order perrnitting the above-named attomey to appear and participate as counsel pro hac vice for the above-named party in all matters in the above-captioned case or proceeding. This request is based on the declaration ofthe attomey seeking to appear pro hac vice. March 14,2017 Claire Wong Black Signature* Dated: *Ifthis motion is being (Print name if original signature) behalfofthe applicant, the signature constitutcs consent to the otherwise such conscnt shall be ñled separately. designation as associate counsel; signed by local counsel on HID 0074 (Rev.02 /14) Declara¡ion ofCounsel IJurren Slarns Dtsrmcr CoURT fbr the District of Hawaii STATE OF HAWAI'I and ISMAIL ELSHIKH, ) ) PlaintiJf ) Case No. 1:17-cv-00050 DKV/-KSC ) ) J. TRLA4P, in his official capacity as President of the United States, et al. DONALD Defendant ) ) ) ) DECLARTi.TION CIF COLIh'SEL (Attach to Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice.) Name of Declarant: Tenance J. Nolan I am not a resident of the District of Hawaii, am not regularly employed in the District of Hawaii, and arn not regularly engaged ìn business, professional or law-related activities in the Distríct of Hawaii, and that: l. The city ancl state of nìy residence and office address is New York, New York 10012 (Office) Lynbrook, New York 1 1563 (Residence) 2. I have been admittecl to practice in the lbllolving courts on the dates noted: New York (1975); U.S. Dist¡ict Court ibl the Eastern Þistrict of Nerv York (1975); U.S. Dísh'ict Court for the Southem f)isrricr of New York (1975); U.S. Couú of Appeals for The Second Circuit (1975); U.S. Supreme Court (1980) 3. I am in good standing and eligible to practice in the following courts (declarant tnay state identified in paragraph 2"): "All of the courts All of the courts ideuti{iedinparagraph? a. I (a) am not currerrtly involved in disciplinary proceedings before any state bar, federal bar, or any equivalent; (b) have not in the pâst 10 years been suspended, disbarre<i, or otherwise subject to other disciplinary proceeding or before aly state bar, federal baL, or its equivalent; (c) have not been denied admission pro hac vice by any court know to the attorney or a agency in the past 10 years; and (d) have not been the subject of a criminal investigation crirninal prosecution or conviction in any court in the past ten (10) years. 5 If I arn concurrently mairing or have made within the preceding year a motion to appear pro hac vice in a case or proceecling ir the District of Hawaii, the title and nunrber of each matter is stated below, together with the date of the motion and whcther the motion was grantcd. ó. I clesignate fhe following to serve as associate counsel who is a inember in good standing ofthe bar of the United States Ðistrict Court for the District of Haw¿ii and maintains an office in this district, with the adclress, telephone and fax nurnbet's, and c-mail address noted: Claire Wong Black, Alston Flunt Floyd & Ing 1001 Bishop Street, Suitc 1800 Honolulu, Flawai'Ì 968 I 3 Tel: (808) 524-1800 Fax: (808) 524^4s91 Email: cblack@ahfi . corn ,.| CM/ECF : Fì.Ii ng dt¡ c u m ents e le ct r o n i c al ly/Re c e Í vÍ ng e-m aÌ l n o t íJi c atí o n. Full participation. I am requesting a waiver of the required CM/ECF training. I anr a registered user of CM/ECF in the following Banknqrtcy and/or District Court(s): Full parricipation. Corn¡ruter Based Training (CBT) completed. I have completed CBT modules I ancl2 cunently available on thc USDC District of Hawaii wcbsite at: rvrvw, û, I will abide by all orders, nrles, aucl the b d and administralive procednres governing the use o1'my login and password electronic filing of docunrents in the CM/ECF system of the United States District Court for'the Distrir:t oi H¿q,aii. Use olmy CM/ECF Uscr login and password constilutes rny signature on an electronicalty filed document for all purposr:s ancl shall have the sarne force arrcl effect as if I had aÍïixed my signaturc on a paper copy of the docrLmenl being tìled (full participation registrants olly). I nray authorize onç er nrore enrployees or offìce staff members to usc rny login and password for the çlectronic fìling of a document, Hor.vever, Suoh use conslitutes nry signature on the electronicaltyfíled docurnent. I rvill nof knowingly permil use of my login anti password by anyone uot so authorized, I shall take steps to preve¡Ìt such. ir¡rautho¡ized use, and I shall be fully respons*ible for all use of the login and password whether arrthorized or'unùuthorizecl. if authoriz¡tion to use a login and passivord is withdrarvn (e.g., rvhen a staff nenrber leaves ernployment) or if unauthorjzed use of a login and password :is suspected, 1 shall select and activate a new passwortl for use in the CIvJIECF system. I also shall imrnediately notify the cou¡t upon iearning of any unanihc¡rized use, I understanrl that f'ailurc to change the password and uotify the cor.trt may result in sanctions (full participation regislrants only). This registr:atioli con$titut€s rny rvaiver of service of a paper copy of'a notice and â request in rvriting that, instead of nolice by rnail, notice be sent to me by electronic tra¡rsmission thlorLgh the court's CM/ECF system. This also constifutes my colrsi.'nt in writing to ¿lccept service of docuffents by e-nrail through the CMÆCF system. I will rnainlaiu an active ç-uraíl account for notice ancl set'vice by electronic transmission, and will keep such e-nrail accourrt infornration currenl in rny ÇM/ECF- User account. I decla¡'e und€r penalty of perjury fhat the foregoing is true end correct. (Attach any aclditionai firther explanation is needed) Daterl: March 13,2017 CONSENT' OF LOCAL COUNSEL (Local counsel nray sign below ifconserÌt is nof. recorcled elsewhere.) Dated Signature pages if any IN THE LINITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR'I'HE DISTRICT OF HAVIAII l'{o. 1:17-cv-00050 DKW-KSC ) Case. Plaintiff, ) ) ) ORDER GRANTING MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE AS TO VS ) ) STATE OF IìAWAI'I and ISMAIL ËLSHIKI{, TRUMP. in his official capacity President of the United States, et al. DONALD J, Terrærcc J. Nolan ) as ) ) Def'endant. ) ) ORDER GRANTII.{G MOTION TO APPEAR PRO HAC VICE The court GRAbITS the Motion o¡ Ten'ance J. Nolan Appear Pro Hac Vice Narne of Attomey: Terrance J. Nolan FinnName: New York University Fim Address: 70 Washington Square South -1168 New York, Ncw York 10012 Attorney CM/ECF Prirnary email address: terrance.nolan@nyu, Finn Telephorie: (2r2) 998-22s7 Party Replesented New York University (as amicus curiae) IT IS SO ORDERED. DATBD: Honolulu, Harvaii, edr-r to

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