Cacciaguidi v. Reinke et al
MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER denying 36 Motion to Compel; granting 36 Motion for Extension of Time to Amend ; denying 13 Motion for Order to Show Cause. Plaintiff shall have until 10/8/2010 to file her second amended complaint. No further extensions of time to amend the complaint shall be allowed. Signed by Judge Ronald E Bush. (caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by cjm)
Cacciaguidi v. Reinke et al
Doc. 39
G R E T C H E N ANN CACCIAGUIDI, C a s e No. 4:09-CV-343-REB Plaintiff, v. B R E N T REINKE, OLIVIA CRAVEN, B R U C E WELLS-MOORE, JODI G R U E N D L E R , DONALD EASTEPPE, a n d JOHN DOES 1-50, individually and in th e ir official capacities, Defendants. M E M O R A N D U M DECISION AND ORDER
IN T R O D U C T IO N B e f o re the Court is Plaintiff's Motion (Dkt. 13) for Order to Show Cause for P re lim in a ry Injunction and Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). The motion for TRO a n d attached affidavit of Plaintiff were filed on December 30, 2009. Since that time, the C o u rt has issued an Initial Review Order and conducted two Triage Conferences, and P la in tif f has been appointed stand-by counsel. Also before the Court is Plaintiff's Motion to Compel Discovery and for Enlargement of Time (Dkt. 36), filed July 21, 2010, to w h ic h Defendants responded on August 12, 2010.
DISCUSSION 1. M o tio n for TRO and Preliminary Injunction A Rule 65 preliminary injunction may be granted if the moving party demonstrates th e following elements: (1) that the moving party will suffer irreparable injury if the relief is denied; (2) that the moving party will probably prevail on the merits; (3) that the b a la n c e of potential harm favors the moving party; and (4) that the public interest favors g ra n tin g relief. Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., U.S. , 129 S.Ct. 3 6 5 , 374 (2008); Cassim v. Bowen, 824 F.2d 791, 795 (9th Cir. 1987). In deciding w h e th e r to issue a preliminary injunction, the court "is not bound to decide doubtful and d if f ic u lt questions of law or disputed questions of fact." Internat'l. Molders' and Allied W o r k e r s ' Local Union No. 164 v. Nelson, 799 F.2d 547, 551 (9th Cir. 1986) (citing Dymo In d u s trie s , Inc. v. Tapeprinter, Inc., 326 F.2d 141, 143 (9th Cir. 1964)). "Because a preliminary injunction is an extraordinary remedy, the movant's right to relief must be clear and unequivocal." Dominion Video Satellite v. Echostar Satellite C o r p ., 269 F.3d 1149, 1154 (10th Cir. 2001); see also Stanley v. Univ. of Southern C a lifo rn ia , 13 F.3d 1313 (9th Cir. 1994) (relief must be denied unless the facts and law c le a rly favor the moving party); Enterprise Int'l, Inc. v. Corporacion Estatal Petrolera E c u a to r ia n a , 762 F.2d 464, 472 (5th Cir. 1985) (because a preliminary injunction is an e x tra o rd in a ry remedy, it should not to be granted routinely, but only when the plaintiff, by a clear showing, carries its burden of persuasion on each of the required elements).
In her motion here, Plaintiff appears to seek termination of the Therapeutic C o m m u n ity Program at the South Boise Women's Correctional Center. (Dkt. 13-1 at 7.) Plaintiff argues that the public interest favors granting relief in this case. (Motion, Dkt. 1 3 at 5-6.) However, Plaintiff does not address the other three factors identified above, f o r establishing that a preliminary injunction is warranted. T h e content of Plaintiff's motion tracks the allegations in her Complaint (Dkt. 3) a n d First Amended Complaint (Dkt. 10). Although the Court, in its Initial Review Order (D k t. 14), determined that Plaintiff has stated colorable claims of First and Fourteenth A m e n d m e n t violations, such finding is insufficient to support a preliminary injunction. Notably absent in Plaintiff's motion, is a demonstration that Plaintiff would suffer irre p a ra b le injury if a preliminary injunction is not granted here. In fact, Plaintiff asserts th a t she is no longer in the Therapeutic Community Program at this time. (". . . I am in th is prison system, right next to the TC Program." Dkt. 13 at 4.) Because Plaintiff must s h o w all four elements in support of a motion for preliminary injunction, and having f a ile d to establish irreparable injury, the Court will deny the motion at this time. Plaintiff w ill be permitted to re-raise the motion after she files a Second Amended Complaint, if a n y. 2. M o tio n to Compel and for Enlargement of Time In her motion, Plaintiff requests an order compelling Defendants to provide her w ith copies of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Title 18 of the United States
Code, the "Model Penal Codes for money crimes, fraud and conspiracy," and the Federal R u le s of Evidence. (Dkt. 36 at 8.) The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure address motions to compel disclosure or discovery. Fed. R. Civ. P. 37. However, as noted by Defendants, P la in tif f here appears to be making an "access to courts" request for which the IDOC has e s ta b lis h e d procedures. (Standard Operating Procedure, Dkt. 37-1.) Plaintiff has not a s s e rte d that she has attempted and been denied a request following these IDOC p ro c e d u re s . There is no basis for the Court to grant Plaintiff's motion to compel, th e re f o re her request will be denied. It also appears, from Plaintiff's motion, that Plaintiff has misconstrued the Court's In itia l Review Order. Plaintiff indicates, in light of the Court's prior order, an intent to ra ise new claims using legal materials now sought from Defendants. The Ninth Circuit h a s expressed "that a pro se litigant bringing a civil rights suit must have an opportunity to amend the complaint to overcome deficiencies . . .." Armstrong v. Rushing, 352 F.2d 8 3 6 , 837 (9th Cir. 1965). The Court here clarifies that leave to amend was granted in o rd e r for Plaintiff to marshal more facts, and thus make more specific allegations to o v e rc o m e factual deficiencies in her existing claims. To this end, Plaintiff is directed to focus her attention on asserting more specific f a c tu a l allegations concerning her existing claims, rather than on developing new legal th e o rie s . Plaintiff's request for enlargement of time shall be granted; Plaintiff shall have u n til October 8, 2010 to file the second amended complaint. However, given the need for
forward movement in the case, and given that she has already been granted two e x te n s io n s, Plaintiff is warned that no further extensions shall be granted. ORDER I T IS ORDERED THAT: 1. P la in tif f 's Motion (Dkt. 13) for Order to Show Cause for Preliminary In ju n c tio n and Temporary Restraining Order is DENIED without prejudice. 2. 3. P la in tif f 's Motion to Compel (Dkt. 36) is DENIED. P la in tif f 's Request for Enlargement of Time (Dkt. 36) is GRANTED. Plaintiff shall have until October 8, 2010 to file her second amended c o m p la in t. 4. N o further extensions of time to amend the complaint shall be allowed. D A T E D : September 9, 2010
Honorable Ronald E. Bush U . S. Magistrate Judge
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